West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jun 1924, p. 3

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June 26. 1924. bots Sharpened IPLEMENTS esilve kht‘ {T OBBDIBNCE 0P Iszing. . â€" Try it. N ....o..o..o..o..o..o..o..o._ M w M m y CIALS ...r + m + . Always On Hand 33; $1.60 achinist Etc. efiect 90c. Saws Gummed. trham, Ont. (it 21f. $1.50 $2.00 g. Paroid 8529 609 H If. fl If ‘vâ€"u ""'v~‘-- \\'ith rpsxmct to the McNulh b1 uigc cm the tmxn line of Artemesla and P1 oton the County Solicitor xx as n} Hu- Opinion that the counh does 1 0t haw) tn build a 110“ b! itlge unless :32. Railxxay and Municipal Board demands it. ' .\ numjwr of accounts were re- 17'o'x_nn}cnd¢~gl_ for payment. 1ng bridges if necessary. Bo-t'orv the report; was adopted {.mw W. W. Smith, Chairman or .tu- Finance Committee, warned the nUH’I' chairmen of committees that tiny stmuloi keep within their approriatinus. He noticed by their l'i'ln'l't that Hwy had already spent ttu- greater part. of the mongy allow- .»d tho-m, and yet they were asking far more bridges. }:.-I_I\II \liller. theI Chairman. stated that the hiidges of the count3 must. he made safe for traffic, and it lIII‘IIthIs went down they must be rebuilt, even if they did not have the money. It. was better in his ”pinion tn stop road construction than to neglect. the bridges. The report was adovted. CI Iunty Roads heme \V. L. TainIII 01’ Osprey presented two reports from the ILIIIIIIt3' ltIIaIls committee. The first I-lIIusII related to the steps which had been taken with IIIIIIIIIIIJ in having the II-IIIIt t'IIIIm \Valkertun tII Singhamp-l tIIII taken I'IVIII' as a [Il"0\incial HiI'h-l wII3 instead of a IIIunt3I Provincial HIghwa3 but that as they had not 3IIt met the Minister IIl HiIIhW'a3s the} had IIHHIill" t0 I'IepIIIt. IlIII Ilounty EIII'iIII-III had been :tHIll iIIstIIuetiIIns to advertise the I’I-IIItIIIIs for three bridges in the tIIwIIslIip 0t XIIIInIIIIItIy and fIIII the IIIIttiIIg down (It the Glen in GlIIIIelg 'l'tIIIsII tenders were awarded, the bridges tII loseph SII hiIIklIIr I'It' Mildâ€" may. and the hill cutting: to JIIhn IiIItt‘IIII I3 IIt \\" est MIiIriIIton. 'l‘he. IIIIIIItIaI-t tIIII the two bridges in St. \iIIIIIIIIt. was let tn 1) l. \VI‘IhIIr lx'IIIIlII IIIIlI 3‘. the eIIIIIIty to supply all stIIIII and II-IImIItIt tIII' all lIIiIl;.._'IIs at the nearest. II'ailway statiIIn. 'l'hv rnmrzu't fur tlw Spraying nf Ihv Mo‘ut'nl'd road frnm thv mu! nf tho- suburban :m-a tn Bayvivw was 16". t,“ lhv {imminnus Spraying and Huntrm'ting UL. Hf 'l‘ol'nnto. I'm- S”3L3H. 'l'hv sm'nnc] I‘Ppnl'l, dvult l’lltil'f‘l)‘ with a (”111' MY inspN-tinn mmlo- by Hw vnnnnithm nwr tho rnmls in \zu'inus parts Hf tlw wmnty Mn Juno '1. 'l‘ho-V met, in Hanm-vr and (00k GREY COUNTY COUNCIL Thu {Drum-i! spvnt :1 busy day on Friday. lwlcling b0”! murning :unl uttvrnmm svssinns. hut. thm'v “’01'6‘ nut nmny disvussinns. tlw husim-ss iwinr.‘ mnslly 0f :1 rnntim‘ ("hzlrm'tmx So-Vo-I'al ('Hmm‘iHo-n t'vpnrts wvrt' row-whoa! and {MUMML and ivy-laws \\'o'l'o- puss-mi in mmpliunvn with sumo- nl' Hn- rlzmws wvntuinml in tlw I'w[vnl't~‘. 'l'lu-ro- \wx'v by-lzm's rc-s- ww'iill: tho- o-quulizml :xssvssnwnt fur I 1. Tho-y mot. in Hannvm' an fun days tn nlzlkv HIP trip. Many A0001) nts Passed 11111 \1:11'. :11111 31111111111' fixing: 11111 tax 11111- :11 8 milk 1111 1111- 1111111112411; ‘1'11 :1'1111'111 [11111111515 111111 31/; 101‘ 1-11111113' 1'11:111.~'. '1‘111' 1'11111'1‘1111111 1111111111111-1' 11'11111‘1 1111111111111 1111 1111;11:1xm11111 01 a num~ 1111 1.11 :111'11111115. 11111 1111151.- 111 11111 121111111;\\'111111 111111 11111-11111 1'111111‘1giato 111.~'1’111111'.~' 1111 1111111111 111' [11111118 110111 111'11} 1111111111 \\111'11h1-l1111111111111s111'11 111111'11s :1 1111:1111'1111 51:111' m11111 111 1111' 1111:1111 111 1.11111'11111111 1111' 1111-511 111111'113' 1s 1'111'\\':11'111'11. '1‘111- 1'111111111111'1' 1011K 1111 :11'111111 \\'i111 1‘1'5111'1'1 111 11111 1mm.- 111111111 111' H. \\'. M1'Dr1nal1'1. 111' .\l1_'In- plain! 111' H. \V. .\l1_'l’)nnal1‘L 11f M1411- 1\1'1~, a 11' 11st1'1- 111' S. 8. N11. 2. ()51'11'1'y. r-L'1'u1iinL' H11~ prupm' 111'1'1'1'11'11111111'1' 111 1111- 11mins 111’ II1.~‘[11‘('t”l' [)1'. H. S. Huff 11!’ East. 11'1'3' th1- 1'11mmitt1'1‘ Min: 111' H11- opinion that Hw 1'011111' i1 11:11! 111» antlumit} to 11111! \\ith 1111- 111115111111. llw 11"[1111t.\\11;~' mlnptml. 'l‘ho- 111111111} Pmpmt} 1'11mmitt1'1' 1'1-1'111111111'11111'11 that tho' 111'1'1‘11111ts. whirh \\'1'1'11 quit" nun11'1'1ms. [11- paid. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2' Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. hififoihation athu Courses may be abtamed from the Prmcmal. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning of_term. Durham is an attractixe and heal- th} mum and gomi accommodation can be obtained at reasenabie rates. J. A. M. ROBB B. .\.. Principal. w'fiié- 'Sbhohilf has acrediiable record in_the past thch 1t hopes to mam- tam in the future. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL (Continued from page 1) JOHN MflRRISON. Chairman. ', June THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR that there'quest of the County Court} Clerk for a typewriter deskfor hisl office be granted; that no action be} taken with respect to the suggestion of Fire Chief McArthur regarding certain improvements to the County Gaol; that certain repairs be made to the roof of the Children’s Shelter; that a special committee composed of Messrs. Smith. Calder and Breese he empowered to dispose of the prOperty on the east hill purchased for a Children‘s Shelter: that the request. of A. H. Jackson for a salary of 87.3 per year for the caretaking or the South Grey Registry office be granted: and that the use of the court house be granted to the Ail- \'isor_\' Board of the Public High- ways Department of Ontario for July 10. when they prc.)pose to [1014 a sitting: in Uwen Sound. The Printing committee recom- nn-ndml the payment of a large numiwr of accounts. all 01' which \W’l'e ()I'Ik‘l'ffd paid. The \\'arden's (Summittee present ed a report dealing with the clauses which were mentioned in the ses- sinnal address Hf W‘ardeu Mc'l‘avish. The report comrurred in the remarks 02' the Warden on deaths in the. families nf two members of the owned. and 3150 included the fol- lowing clauses, which will he of interestâ€"- \V‘u haw noted with some concern! the PVOl' increasing expen1‘liturv in tho (lvpartmcnts which are not with- in 1111- cnntl‘ol of the County Council and 1hr necessity uf providing funds in takn cairn 11f the overdraft already i111rurr1-1l. W1- 1lo not, however. cun- cur in the suggestion for further «l1’1h1‘ntur1- issuv or increased erV'. hi1! rntlu-r tlw poli1V rvrnmmendml hV Vuur “immittrv at the January scssinn. VVhi1l1 VVaS tn prOVidv for 1‘S51‘lllllll 3.1141111 ['31 0x11011595 and 1‘f’li- 1:11.111 niai1111-11ai1c11- 11f r11a1ls. and only 111110111911 VV'ith constructmn as “'1’ are :1hl1' in pay “'1- agirv that g11rut 11111111111 should h1- 1~x1~rrisml bV all 11111m1ill1~1a~f in all cxuvndituu-s this V'Nll‘. “1* wish tu‘vxm'css our apprecia- liun l'm- Hm prompt and efficient wnrk nl’ Hw ”won Snund Firv Bri- gaolc- win» [In clnubt prvwntml a M'I'inus [ms to the county; also to (‘nlnmvncl Hlv (Znunty l’rnpvl‘ty cum- mittm- fur lumping cnunty pmpm'ty \wll pmrnctml by insurance. .. ._ Iv. Ynui' Himmlitco :HP 4)! tho Opin- inn that Min 4' a144 of the :434-414144p44n4i- 4-uts should kw at l44ast partially [u'nx'idml far by “14- H4n'4-l'nni4'm. :uul fawn th44 suggustiuu that W44 jniu \\ ill: Min 1' counting in m44mnm~ i'izilizing “444 gnu-inmnnl tn 1'44stm'4' Hu- usual giant. Wv ammm' uf thv propnsmt sys- tmn nt' I’Imintmmncv «m vounty amt suburban roads wtwn t‘fftt'iutttl}' c-nvrgo-ticalty ('at'l'imt nut. hut art'- snm'y tn say thm'v aw many mm- ptaints nt' ttw appat'o-nt. lack of energy in this work. Wu wish t'urthvr tn snggvst that tho maintt'n- ant-w ”1' twavily trawttout wintwr t'mttk hr twttm' ltwtimt al'tc'l' and mum twins m'vw-nto-ct, whit'h van ht- \‘wt‘y (‘ht'aply ohm“ it' hmkwt at'tm' m'nmptty. \\'v will await with mat-h ittit‘l't-St thvsw mm! rc-pnt'ts. [wl'haps IllHl't' [iilt'tit'tttill't}' that ut' thv Suh- m'han tlnmmissinn. palities for the moulding of the! plastic mind of the youth of thisi tair county and instilling there a‘ keener appreciation of the wonder- ful potentialities of their own native land, just awaiting their youthful energy to develop. If we can do this we may prevent in a very great measure the very regrettable exodus of our country’s greatest hope. The Missing $450.00 Reeve Calder last January, at the elections here insinuated that Reeve Curry had allowed the County Coun- cil to get away with $050 of the town's money through some alle ed manipulation of~the County conn ct- ing link money. At the meeting last week. Mr. Calder took the matter up with the County Council, dem- anding that they pay this munici- pality what was owing them. County Treasurer John Parker brought to the council all of the cor- respondence in connection with the matter and fully explained to Reeve Calder wherein he had been misled into thinking that the County had no right to keep back this amount. There were statements presented showing the details of the expendi- tures, and Mr. Parker informed Reeve Calder that while the origi- nal cheque which had gone to Dur- ham had been returned at first, after the whole matter had been explained to ex-Reeve Currie it had been ac- cepted and cashed and he had the Voucher. Rem-'0 ('larldm- was not altogether satisfied with this explanation, and intimated that he might seek further information. u-uuv------vvâ€"vâ€" The Durham Reeve also wanted some explanation with respect to two payments of $500 each last year to the Owen Sound General and Marine Hospital and Mr. Parker again came to the rescue and stated that several years ago the county. had ag'eetl to pay the hospital $500 toward the installation of an x-ray equipment in the hospital after the sum of $1,500 halt heeu procured from other sources. Last year the hospital authorities had asked for the money. and before issuing the rheoue halt assured himself that this condition hail been complied with. Hospitals Get Grants Reeve John '1‘. Miller of Euphra- sia township. is opposed to the eounty making._.r grants to any of the. ithree hospitals in the county. the (Men Sound General and Marine and those at Hanover and Durham. lle Hilltit' this very clear at 'I‘hurs-t afternoon‘s session of the County tlouneil, hut. in his eiu’leayors to seeure a yea and may vote on the question he failed. although he. Was exei‘wliugly anxious to haw eyery man at. the council hoartl re- ('Ul‘ti his vote. "I want the rate- payers of this county to know just where every Heme amt Deputy z{eeye stands on the question of these grants." suiit lit-eye Miller. The question ot' the grants eame het'ore the eouneil when the report of the l’iltant'e committee was pre- Selltt'ii. \\'hieh l‘t‘t'HHIYllt‘lltit‘ti that. each of these institulitms t'et'eiVe $300. “hen the report rame up t'or eoiishh-I'atiou he asked that the eouneil go into roilin’iitlee ot' the .f‘ ‘4 . ’5. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE whole, and his request was granted the report being taken up clause by clause. When Clause 4, which pro- vided for these grants, was reached Reeve Miller objected, and moved that the clause be struck out. There was a discussion on it but a majority of the council voted in favor of its being passed. and it was carried. The balance of the report was also passed. and then it was ready for adoption. ‘ Here was where the fun started, and before it was over Mr. Miller had to admit defeat. He asked for the yeas and nays on the adOption of the report, but another member of the council arose just as the vote was about to be taken, in tact the Clerk had already called out two names, and stated that while he was opposed to the hospital grants, he did not want to vote against the rest of the report. and submitted an amendment providing for the strik- ing out of that clause in the report. This brought out something else when Reeve Lembke informed the council that at the meeting of! the Finance committee some of the: members favored cutting the hospi- tal grants down to $1,000, giving $300 to the Owen Sound Genenai and Marine Hospital and $350 each to the others, and Reeve W. L. Taylor introduced an amendment to the amendment to this effect. There was a long discussion. not on the merits or demerits of the grants in quesâ€" tion, as this was never mentioned, but on the legality of the amend- ments offered. Warden Mc'l.‘avish promptly deâ€" clared the last amendment out of order, and the Reeve and Deputy Reeves began to look up their rules of council, and the result was tlnat various opinions were expressed pro and con. Finally the Warden ruled the first amemlment out of order, and the council was asked to vote on the original motion to adOpt the report. Mr. Miller still insisted on getting his yea and nay vote on the clause to which he was Opposed. but some one told him that he could get it after the report. was adopted as a whole, and the vote was taken, and the report adopted. It then dawned 0n Home Miller that he had been euchred out of his chance to get lhe members recorded but took the matter good naturedly. threatening, however, that he would introduce a notice of motion for reCOIISiclol‘atiOn lat the Friday morning session. NEW ORGAN DEDICATED IN MT. FOREST CHURCH St. Pauls (.lhIIIch Ingan VVIIs dOâ€"‘ dit°aiml at tho mIIIIIiIIg SIIIVICI' last SIIIIII‘IIV mIIIIIiIIg hy \I-II \Ichdmuton RI'IIISUII. l). 1).. I'IMUH' III ”III (‘ IIIIIIIII III ”I". ASII'IIsiIIII. Hamilton. VVhII alSII III'IIIIIflIIgIl a IIIIauLifIII SI‘I‘mOn. (III SIIIIII'IIV IIVIIIIiIII: tho. III'IIIIIrhIII' VV'IIs [{I‘V . CIIIIIIII SWWI], H. A PCCUII' III“ S: (‘IIII‘II‘IIIW I‘IIIIIIth. IIIIIIIIIh. ISIIlh SI'IVII‘I'S \VI‘I‘I‘, laI'gIIl attended. lhl‘ (.‘HHNHIHIS tIIIIIlIIIl IllIII'I‘ than $100. VVhiI'h VViH hII giVIIn III the (INâ€""11“ I'IInII. AHI‘!‘ ”I“ IIVIIIIiIIg SI‘I\i('I‘ A. H LVI- III 'I‘III‘IIIIIII, who [I]: MN! :11 IIIIIII SI‘I‘\I(’ vs szVII :1 SIIOH III‘gzIII II-I ital. Read the Classified Ads. on Page It. will pay you. . a M15 tf ” We are pleased to see Mrs. A. W. Lauder around again, apparently as well as ever she was. Mr: W. A.‘.Ahdei;$bn of Crawfode is in poor health and advertises ms farm for sale. On account of Miss Bonsell’s re- tirement from the position of book- keeper with the Durham Manufac- turing Company, Mr. Norman Mc- Intosh of the teaching staff here, and a graduate of Chatham Business College, has accepted the vacant poâ€" sition and entered his duties on Tuesday nlorning:___ ‘ Aboui 170 lpftv'l‘hursday morning on the excursmn to the Model Farm. We regret. to learn of the SOI‘iOUS illness of Mr. H. E. lem‘linning. od- itm' and pi'Opriotnr of Tim Swan River Star. He was principal of tho. Markdale Public school and subso- quontly proprietor 0f The Dundalk Herald before lmrating in ihv West. “’0. are pleasml to announce tho marriage of Mr. Robert Burnett and Miss Susie Brigham of Allan Park. The knot is being tied 10-day (W ’ed- nvsday), by Rev. Horace Bray 0“ Hanover in tho prcsnncc of only im- mediate volativvs. W‘n are plmlsml tn lvarn that Mr. F. (I. Kollv son 01 Hmlu 1° Kvllv, has snout-0d a puisitinn in tho Bank 01‘ 'lomnto. In a champiunship lam-nssv match Tuesday botwnon ()wvn Snuml and Durham, the score stmnl 8-5 in favor of Durham. i’.)n the 22nd inst. in Detroit, Mich Miss Amy Reynolds was unitod in marriage to Mr. Robert I“. Larkin u! Jackson, Mich. The bride was tho. . Ye Editor and daugl'ntcr Rita worn 1n _tho__Hm;._sc 9f Refugglast. lj‘riglgy: TWENTY YEARS AGO +WM¢+++++++++4~+W++WW + + + + + + + + THE PALM CREAMERY COMPANY PALNHHM?“UN,O®HX ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++é+$+ +++++++ +401”?++++++i°++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ From The Chronicle Pile of June 30, 1904. ATTENTION 0F We are in the market every day in the year for I_\Io. 1 Churnim,r Cream. We have an unlimited market for Palm Brand (.Zrear'nery Butter, and must have good cream to make it. On and after june 151:, we will grade all cream received at our plant. No. I cream must test 25 per cent. or better. and be of a good, clean flavour, and not too sour. If you produce such cream send it to a Creamery where it will be paid for on a quality basis. If you think this is the right way to buy cream give us a trial. We supply either 5 or 8 gallon cans, and pay cash for every can received. WRITE FOR YOUR CANS 'l‘O-DAY. Ir; “ 5%} 53. 2 Sfifiiflflflo " 0 mutt-emu -7 CREAM SHIPPERS second daughter of Mr. J. C. Reynolds of Glenelg. ' After spending many years on the McIntyre corner, the firm of J. J. Hunter will be settled on the oppo- site corner before this issue is in the hands of our readers. Born.â€"â€"In Bentinck, Thursday, June 23. 1904, to Mr. and Mrs. George Turnbull, a son. Born.â€"â€"In Durham. on Wednesday, June 29, to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Cam- eron. a son. Tho. mombors ‘and adherents of the Methodist church have said good-bye to Rev. and Mrs. Smith who labored hero. and at Zion for the past four years. On Sunday morning last. he prmched to the Independent Or- der of Foresters. On Monday even- ing he attended a union meeting or the Iloagurs and on 'l‘uosday night he was presented with a handsomn gold watch, and on tho same mrning :1 silver ('ako basket was presented to Mrs. Smith. Bornâ€"In Durham. Thursday: Juno. 23. to Mr. and Mrs. Lmerson Kmnee, a son. Read the Classified Ads. on Page 7. It will pay you. tf Water! Water! Water! [1.11. No. 4. Durham. Plume 98-12 What Is Good Health Worth? W'hy take a chance and 1150 “MM that is polluted and unfit for domestic use. when Pure Wan-r mm ho. had by having a well drilled. W0 -handlc Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Reason Enough Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT :35 A 3??!

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