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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jun 1924, p. 4

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Published every at the office, Gar ham, Oritario. b; and PrOprietor. PAGE FOUR and Proorietor. mailed to any addre the rate of $2.00 per six months, 50 c: months. To any add: ed States of America $1.25 for six montt three months. Fore rates on application Member Canadian paper-s Assocmtlon. MUNICIPAL OFFICERS FORM ASSOCIATION Met At. Owe;SOund on Thursday of hi Last. “reek and Elected Officers. 'l‘iw Hi'o-y County Municipal Offi- cers" -\.~‘~'mré:itim1 is tin.- uil'icial name m’ a now; ux-gurxization which sprung into Min; in Uwcn Sound Thursday moi-him: uf inst. wow-k. It is composâ€" ed nt‘ tho- wharks. txw-asurcrs, auditors, and assuwms of the: various town- ships in thv Cunnty nf Grew, and the inaugural n'lm_?till:.: was hvld at the! Chum-i1 Uhamhvi' at. ”wen Sound. 'l‘hv iolua has hwn working in the minds of sum» uf thv ntl‘icials fur quito- a hing: whilv. but it romaine-oi ‘fni' .‘II'. .Inhn R. Philp. tx'o-asm'cr Hf tho- 'l‘uwmhip i‘f Egrvmont. to send nut thv nutirvs and call tiwm tn- gmhmz “"11in the mew-ting Opened at H aft-lock in the? nun-hing thew worn Ho-ai'ly thirty purse-ht. and after an infurmal discussion it. was dt'Pid- vd in mmpivto- thv organizatinn. W. J. Bo-Ilun1y,.ilhiwk ut‘ Artemesia 21ml Flo’siwt'tnn. was vnivd to the vhmx'. and H. H. Alho-ry, film-k of St. ‘(inm-nt. and Marina}. was appointed .“‘(’l“'iil!'_\' fur tiu- mm'tinr. A numhm' vxpi'vssmj tho'mselycs as. DURHAM CHRONICLE iwinf.’ heartily in fawn“ nt‘ artinn 01' this kind. itIHi it might be stated that tm- nhio-rt is the ho_-t.terment ot' the rnnoiitinns uf the tmx‘nship nti'it'ials gem-rally. hnth as regards business and pleasure. 'l‘tu- session in the morning was a regular get-atriumintml mm. and the nft'iriais intrmiurmi themselves to Hit'i! nther. It was suggested by one at the clerks .that “lie of the matters which might iH' taknn tip was that Hf ro-t-ngnitinn by tho- t‘u)\'ernment. as far :is the gutting of :1 standard wago- was ("'lit'o‘l'nf‘d. uniformity in! their WUI'k. etc. They are also look- in: at tiw social side ”1' the matter. and fowl that by getting better ac~ quaintmi with each cher they will We tu-tter enabled to umtertake the marrying nut (if their duties. A com- mittm' was appointed to nnminutv nfl'it-vrs and the meeting adjourned until the internment. At ttu- at‘ternnon session), the memâ€" iwrs 0f the .\s;~:i‘_wiati0n were adâ€" dressed by “amen Me'l‘uvish. He «:xprvssmi his pleasure at being there and said that he thought the officers \u-i-t- mining in the right direction. it, would he in the interest of every- «me? that. thn clerks. treasurers. au- uhtnx'S. and zis§esss.i1's get tog'ther and o-Xchangc -""â€"“¥“‘- \n. invitation -1]- (lllll V .\\ I uan (- “as t xto-ndml the .-\ssociat_i0n by the \\ 31m n In :lt'hnd :1. 50551011 01‘ the County Cuuucll. 'J'hc- I'o'port, 0f the vommittec {ID- phmtml in numinate‘: nt't'iccr's and re- pul't. nn any other matters that they :hnught :uix'isablc. was presented by \1.'. John Taylor of Hanover. Its. 'urcvptzmm: was movml by MP. Taylor and swunclocl by CHI. Burke. Thorn- imry. It was paSSml by the associa- tiun. 'Hh- cnx‘mmttw romox'tml as ‘nllows : ivllamy 'Freasurc Smmo l. IEUX. IKE-"l'vnl‘HH IN“ “>111“, 131 ux r Humiitnn. ‘Inilinmvmnl 'l‘ownship; \\’si|iiam Hzmwiun. Holland '.l'0\\'n- ship: \V. .l. {in-hi». Hlmwlg Town- ship; Milton L. Ball, Hanover. 3. lie-munmumivd that. tho- mvmbm's ”'1' Exm-u: m M ulinxxw-«l Hwir Iwcvs- ~m-v wxxu-th'vs whnu atimuiing spe- ~ary "XIWW rial I'Ilo-t'illll-‘t zmgi t_'na ”1111117.;- '.'IIU" L.‘ 1.1-ommmw1111mi that H1110 be 11 TN: 1lo-11t. :1 \ icv-I‘ 11151110111. :1 Secre- 111\â€"'I11~:1.~'111o_.-1- :11111 11.11 kxvcutiw 1.01111111va 1-1 11x11. 1" 1 alihungh At timo-s 131 ltku tu l-zlvk apart. My Radiu. my Radio. Each word a sin-wk. vat-h song ‘a bIBI‘O. But still I tune and tun» in Vainâ€" I listen in untn the end. and there You screoch again "B" battm'ies and nmpliphone, O tuning coil that, makes me cross, I wish that I could emu-04mm static France has won a. great nctory 'in the reparations question. And now if France only wins the rep- arations. â€"-Brockville Recorder. Exe'cutih Thursday, June 26, 19213. groan, But. you r‘e_a loss. sweetheart. in {Pct .\HN‘I hS, 50 - cedts 0 any address )1“ America six months. i tbs. Foreign «mum‘no rmnnt total 10 lo” (Ia mmo no‘ a ANOTHER ROSARY :T‘ t ‘ "'“l s... \\ th thee h llh‘lltiv Pr-‘hé‘l't address It. with joy and bliss, Mun!“ 'l'd; l”. “HUM. INCH Weekly l‘u\\‘n._~'llip that tho m-xt Him: [W 11011! MT “1' Uciobr Ell Ufl'ivm's of to join HIP E that “w mvmhrr- niizu- pm' mvmlwr. y ‘qum-il he mum- nt. tmx'am varrying 6' .\~'.~‘O\'i:ltinn. ! that. Um I‘lxm-u- 1‘21” :1 {wk 01' by- that Hw l‘lxvru- 1H :1 a'mlv Hf hy- stupn of the work was tvmlm‘ed the mncil fur Hm use ich thv mMings :11vn1l“nz‘t's of £110 mitml to 1133'? a .-:1 \leilv Visiting .inunty building uistnr)‘ 01' Grey l) 7.....34321; .1: :75? :51... .3; ,._.cfi.:u.:.:.: :z:::; ‘32:: 2.51:“ 534:: 55 éengé for subscrlptxon IC 19:1. 5.. .â€". ,.:IT~....1.._;2:. . 1......wcrzér .._.».E..... 02...: ‘gr‘egt Victory News mm‘t- in UN" 1'. and g' hum 0111' FLYER BEATS SUNJN ;RACE ACROSS CONTINENT Lieut. Maughan Completes New York To San Francisco Trip Between Daylight and Dusk. 110111. Russell L. Maugham. army Hvu'. suwcssfulh completed his dmlight to dusk flight from New \mk tn San Flancisco \xhen he landed at (111551“ Field at 9. ’18 p.111. H11 an inn! in San hamciscu at 9. 3'1 1). In. June 23._ x v vâ€"â€"â€"- As soon as the plane landed news- paper men broke through potion “1105 holding back a huge crowd lining the: field and greeted the t'lyoi'. A few seconds later the mammoth throng of SpetftatOl‘S. (fllt‘t_?l'illg and shouting. and while automobile) eii'mb‘ shi'iekod in a hcdlam of noise. surged over the landing hold and surrounded the plane. , l' -"â€"â€""v Lieut. Maugham took off from Mitchell Field. New York, at 4 o‘- clock Monday murning (Eastern time" in his third and finally suc- ressl’ul attempt. to fly from New York to San Francisco between «lawn and dusk; The first streaks Hl’ «lawn were just reddening the cast. wl‘wn the. big Curtiss [fursuit mano- IM! the) “PM. .'.I . 7‘ ~ 'I‘lw High: ml; made) in :1 27?)- lmx'sv-pn\\'vr 12-0yli1uhn‘ Curtiss pursuit Mann. .Fx'um Mitchell Field. N. Y.. to (Irissvy Field. at. San Fran- visw- is 2.67“ Inilvs. hut. Uw schmlule‘ u!‘ flight. mumuu! nut called for r: sligiltéy lung-1' distance). DURHAM TEAM LOSES AT HOME AND ABROAD 11111'1111111's senior 1111131111 11111111 111111 with 11 1'1’1111111' 111111 1l1'1'1_11'11 last, Thur:- 11115' 111'11'1'11111111 when Nonstadt put. them 1111\V11 11111 1111111'11' by a score 111' 31.1111 ."1 \s‘ the $1111'11t111111'1_.'1lit01'Hf this 1. .;. \V as 11111 111 town that 1111V 111- 11111 11 -1 s1-1'111'1~ the line-up 111111 s0n11' 111‘ the 11111V11's 1111' 1111111131. [11111111111 1151111 1-111'111: pitchers 1l111'- i112 1111- first 111111V'1'1 11p 1111 the mound 111111“ 1111,: 1'lt‘\1‘11 runs 111 two innin".~‘. 1111:11'1.1111111';111 11.1.1s 11s that the Neu- s1111lt. players at 11111.1..time were going 11111111111 1'11 1' bases so fast that theV 111111 11.1 mm the 11the1'VVaV awhile to, “11 11VV1111l 1111n1s1'lVes.1 In 11111 exhibition game at Mark- 1111111' on 3111111111} the score \\ as :21â€" 18 in 1'11V111' 1:11' Markdale. The score s1111111ls n1111'1 like. a basketball or 1"111 k11t_1n1e or the secret signal of a 111111111111 sqne 11. but we ate assured it \\1l~ 11 111111 honest- to-goodneSs " baseball game. The reason giV en for .\1a1111l11le win is that they had more wind than the local nine. who tell down on the home stretch. It 1s hoped that the score will be larger when the return match is played here so that the crowd VVill get more for its money. Local Baseball Outfit Off to Bad Start for 1924 Season. About the only may to 3.5511 1-re an early spring is to buy two more etfl us of coal. Questionâ€"What. stands on one leg and carries its heart. on it‘s head? Answerâ€"A cabbage. w. i .39; ' N“ 7M!!! a: '.. l! n!“ W‘LY wom‘r You use GIVE UP 4AM STUFF AND COME gm ME NOW . '1»: SK“. \~l‘\"; \ 5 \ x from A quiet wedding was solitrmnized' yestercflay at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Pedlar here at. 12 o'clock noon when their eldest daughter.: Leila Mildred. was united in marâ€" riage to Mr. James Ronald Giles. son of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Giles of this place. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E. Peters. pastor of the Methodist church, and t0uk place in the drawing room under an arch of tlnwers and evergreens. At the hour set. for the ceremony. to the air of Lohengrin‘s Bridal Chorus. played by Mrs. Cele. sister of the groom. the bride entered the drawing room on the arm of her father. who gave her in marriage. The young couple were unattenc‘led. Little Miss Eve Cole. 01' London. carrying a basket of pink sweet was was a charming . flower-girl. The bride was hamlsnmoly gnwuml in a weddix g dress 0f gray silk crepe, and her travelling: suit. was of navy blue tl'imtinc with hat, tn match. The groom's gift to tho bride was a string nf pvarls and to tlw flower- girl a [war] ln'acclcl. ANN“ the). cm‘vlnc'uly all sat dnwn [O a sumptm‘ms wedding diuuvr. tlw table fm' which was lwalrltifully «lvcu urulml with tlnxx'm's. \\'o_-d«_iin;; bells and strnamvrs. ‘ 311181111 \lls.(iilnslvlt11!1 the 3.1:) 1111113111: 111 Natinnul 1111 :1 5111111 110110}â€" 111111111 tn L1)11111111 3111131123121 111119. 11111! 1111 tlwir 11111111 I11 Dmham will tulip up residence in their 11011111 011 81111111 stn‘vt. Ruth 3112211ch 3115. Uihx‘ haw? bmn popular luv-sidvnts 01 the tmxn for a numlm- 0f )‘mu's. and this was attest- ml tn by Hw many lwauLil'ul \\'¢_~dding ln'ose-nis I'vcniwid. The Chronicle finns m Wishing; Umm a lung and nappy nmrru-d Ilfv. NOBLEâ€"RBAY On \\'mhwsday M'vnin". the 18m ll):‘~i.. HIP marriagv 01' (Loci! ‘Lm'no Noll) o"). sun Of “1‘. .liiisomi Noble and Mvm hone Rom: daughtvr of Mr. livmv Roav “’9 s (1111} solmnnizcd zit Um \hrthmiist paismiag._'c b} HOV John 1. Wins. The bride was bo- vomingly gowncd in white crepe, and was acmunpanimi by M 1's. Jumps McRonaid. sister 01' UN}. groom. as matron of honor. while the gmnm was supported by Mr. Jamvs Mv- Ronald. During: tliv signing: of the} i'cgistm'. )liinilolssnhn‘s wedding maicli and tho bridal mazch fiom 1 oh: ngi'in \W' i: plawd. 'Iliv liaan (Mimic \Viil take up thui 1‘ insidioncu onthe gmoms laim in Beutinck fl'mVnship. Tim Cill‘fllli(‘1(3 wishvs lem a \'t‘l')’ happy \Vi‘uiiimi lifn. CRISP GOMMENT We smmoso P1 Osident Conlic_'go m (asionallx looks back longinglx to the quiet. humdxum ciaxs “hen the Huston policemen “our on strike.â€" Columhus. Ohio. State Journal. "15 Dancing a Sport?” asks a news- paper. Somv of our crowded hall- 1‘00ms could cortainly do with a x-¢:'foree.â€"â€"’Phe Humorist (Londnni. Dawes has‘discoverml that, Ger- many has it. All that remains is tn discover a way for France to get it. -â€"-(_§reel_ey Tribum-Republjcan. One~kind of hero is the man 01‘ woman who is able to smile after sitting through an amateur theat- Tical performance.â€"Sarnia Obser- ver. ‘ Canadians smile when tho. Prim-c of Wales takes a header. It is so much more dignified to dive (in nugh the windshieldâ€"Kingston Whig. I A college president says "feath today knows more than age, and it’s probably been that way ever since vouth and age first met.â€"Buffalo Courier. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE GILESâ€"PEDLAR HYMENEAW': Aha 66m 34m ME Ankh ‘ LARGE CROWD ATTENDED I. 0. 0. F. SERVICE Annual Decoration Day Service of Local Oddfeflows' Lodge Observed At Durham Cemetery Sunday Af- ternoonâ€"An Ideal Day. The Oddfellows 01' Grey Image 0h- scrx'ed Sunday afternoon as decora- tinn day. when about fifty of the local} bi'vthren, with five visitors {rum Palmerston Lmlge and one from \\'alkcrton ass«,.-1nhicd for the cere- mcmy. The brethren met. in the lodge room and preceeded in cars in the cemeâ€" tery, where the service was sol- emnly wnducled and Iiural decora- tions placed on the graves Of the (10- ceased brethren. The ceremony consisted of the singing of several familiar and armroin'iate hymns, 1n \\'l_ii_cli all jnined heartily. The 1.1}_11‘1‘1i11g prayer was made by Bro. ‘LRL‘V, W. H. Smith, who also read the scripture selection. An allle memm ial address \\ as deli\e1e(l ln Rex. James 'laxlm‘. pastor of the Baptist el1u1el1, “he is also a mem- bu 01 the 1"_1zzte1"lit\'. It \\ as an able achluw‘s. \\ ell «lelhezed, and enjoyecl bx all 111e_se11_t. 'Brn. 'I'I.‘ 1.). McClrvckliu delivprcd thv ()thlfelUnVs‘. address WM} .1118 1151131 oxcvllvncc 111 style aml_dt.r11\'(31"y. . (‘-.â€" 'J‘h1-1 1111-111 111111.11», 11151111111111 in 1875. 11:1 1.5 111m 11111'1111-111 11111111111113 who died in 1.1111111 sta1111111g'an11 “111.1511 remains :1111 111111 1m 11V 10 a“ 1111 1111) last call. 11111 11V1111 in death 111m are 1101 101'- 140111111. 111' 11111 eighh n111111111111s 11111\ 111111111 1’111V 11111 1111511111115 111 D11111a111 111111 \11' 11111}: and it. was 111 5111}' gratifying 111 111111 111111 nearly all \V11111 111 21111-1111121111'0 :11. 1,1111 SCI'Viue. IL is "18111\111'_'211$H to know that 1110 \\U1‘k of 11111 131-..1111111111'V CompanV is 2111111' 1.11 11111111 1.13 11111 11111211113 and 11V011 11111 Visitors 1101111 011 Sunday n1a1111 faV111'al1111 1.111111111111115 1111 the beautiful way in which it is kept. Live 110:8 .............. “Meat ............... Oats ................... Barley ................ Buckwheat ........... DURHAM MARKET Veteran Star Theatre FRIDAY-- SATURDAY T\\'(,) SHO\’\'S :8 and 9.15 PM HOPE HAMPTON ‘Lawful Larceny A PARAMOUNT PICTURE June 27 -28 Corrected June 26, 1924, Messrs. Erben bCDUIZ, muyu McClocklin of Toronto, and Mr. Davidge of AVeston. motored up last week and the two former are visiting their parental homes here. Miss Kathleen Firth is home from attending Normal School in Toronto. Mr. Ernest McGirr, of the Gait Collegiate staff, is Visiting his mother. Mrs. Thomas McGirr, and Mr. Ern Collegiate mother, D other r813 Mr. Walter Boyce is home mom Hamilton on holiday . Mrs. A. E. Kearney returned Monâ€" day to Brampton after visiting her father. Ye Editor, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McClockl-in. Mrs. E. D. McCIocklin. and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. McClockiin. all of T oronio are at. their summer hume at. the Rocky. ' Dr. 51ml Mrs. Smith. and Rev. and Mrs. Smith, attendml meeting 01' Preslwimw at Fordwich on Tuesday. m. mm M r9. (lani'iibcll DaViS and Eli‘s. ' a. MI 3. A. R00k\. Mii‘amf MES“. 'Cam’pbeg! Davis and thrm: children 01' Lethb ulge. Alberâ€" A ta. al'l'iwd here. Friday last by mutm- and are VISItmg Mrs. flaws mother, Mrs. “William Ritchie and uthvr l't!iiltl\'05 and fmomls 111 Durham and Vlcmlty. -‘ nl‘ Unlafnin Lilll'lldul auu v lbllllx‘ Miss Keith. principal of Holstein School, and Miss B: Davidson, also «if Hulslvin. \‘isitvd with Miss Florence Kerr at Yummy over the \\'(_‘Ck-Clld. Messrs. I). Mcmmwn 'cuxu Dun, Bruce McKinnon and James Rutland all 01‘ THI'Qnto were \x‘cekem‘l guests at. Um McC‘hâ€"rcklin camp. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (jt'n‘bolt of 'l‘m'mltn Visited with MI‘. and Mrs. John Schutz and family over Sunday. Mr. 301111 Lynd and suns. and Mr. W“ Lavello. 0f SI. Marys are holi- daying at, their camp at, the Rocky Sangm-n. Miss Dorothy Allan, and friend, Miss Nuttal. of '.l.‘(;)rt;int0, who have hoon Visiting: tho t‘ormor's grand- pzmmts, Mr. and Mrs. ’Jl'homas Allan, roturnod to thoir homos in the city on Saturday. Master Norman Falkingham 0f town spout Saturday in ("Honolg T p. with his friend, Master John Mac- Donald. .‘__ . A 1 4---- l‘l\.\'lli|1| 1-1Llltttnx... Mr. A. A. ‘Cattun and son George. Hf Toronto, spent owr the \\'0t)li-(‘ll(l with their son and lflll‘OUlUl', Mr. Ralph Cation. They moturod up Fri- day and i'i’éturnml Sunday afternoon. Miss Laura McKenzie. and Mrs. W. R. McGowan and two children l1'{l\'(3 [his \VCOk-Clltl 011 a motor trip in Bufl'aln. whom lhoy will Visit. MP. Arch. McKmizin. and his «laughter. Mrs. Banlmlzl. Mr. Mcszin is 3 l_i1‘0tlmir__nl' Miss LVchonzio and father 01' Mrs. Mvflnwan. They will make tho trip in Mr. McKi-I'iziv’s car. which is coming; up f mm Buffalo for them. v .-â€"â€"â€"- Miss Nora Barr has been re-cngag- ed in Vammy school. .MI'. Erhon Schultz. will have charge. of the Hutton Hill school and Miss Firth of the. school at Rocky Sauggqn. .. Mr. Thunms hiaéon of” Merlin, is r, Mrs. '. relatives. Walter L Bran Shorts Feed Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats ' Mixed Chop Mixed Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Calf Meal Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds 0”3_11r Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our 33‘F10ur Is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. ' , The Pe0ple’s Mill Erben Schutz, ‘Llovd D. Meliinngm and son, A] .-‘ I JOHN MCGOWAN home son George. from Visiting; his sister. M 1's. A. Boggs. Mrs. Dan. (I. MdCDOHZlId. accomâ€" panied by her danghtm- Mamarvt. sant a few days in 0mm Snumi Vis- iting friends, and also taking: in the Baptist convention hvld in that. citV Mrs. Ted Mills and twn chilthwm ui' Toronto are lmlidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John. Lloyd. A . Years of constipation Ended By “FELL-glues” . Miss G. Miller 01' 'Vl‘omnm is Visitâ€" mg WIHI M r. and Mrs. John Lloyd. .mkfl. ../,..A.A..H 1. HS ..H: .HHHHHHHawia. 2:2: m2? HHHmHHo; .H.:_ :HHB mHHHHH {Hy E :53 Ho :zuArHo? 7:3,. ._ m...r,...HF I’ll, Dr. Arthur Gun of “'05th was in. town over Tuesday .mg‘ht. \‘lSltm'.’ his nwthcr and iothor r«__-l_:_u,1\'es. M 13 Joseph W 3151111 01 E514111€21sk will accept thanks £111 vomitt: 111cc 11:: SUDSOI 11111011 -\ n (“I Anyone who sufl’ers with miserable health; who is tortured with Head- aches; and who is unable to get any real pleasure out of life; will be interested in this letter of Mrs. Martha de Wolfe of East Ship Harbor, _N §. _ fl , ____ ll“-.. --AAMT .33. 5.: a k...â€" ...mzoS_o.7.. 2cm 1;? 52 EASE? a .2 552 :52»: L .632: . t. :595 :EFSK. .mp7 Ill II|\I.I:\JI5) . M13: Man 1 Ialdcr 1111111: 1101110. 111'da\ aft1-1' Spending 3 01111110 \\ (1111‘s \xith 1111111115 111 ”10111111t0. nut ”U1 ’ 5‘ Mrs. de Wolfe says, “For years I was a dreadful sufferer from Constipa- tion and Headaches and I was miser- able in every way. Nothing in the way of medicine seemed to help me. Then I tried “ Fruit-a-tives ” and the effect was splendid; and after taking only one box, I was completely relieved and now feel like a new person”. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At dealers or‘ from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. Mrs. L. Miller (nee Jewel Mchm}. and two daughters, ViSilOd the for-- moris parents, M 1‘. and M rs. S. i‘. Mchme for the past. wcnk or so. an 1ch Monday for their hunlc at BI'axzf- ford. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knochtel. Mr. ax ‘3 Miss Cosons, visited the lat.tm‘~. hrnthor at, Listowcl the first of UN week. Canada's climate has Variety .. lvast. \Vhilo ()ntai‘in 11mph} (tun-.- 11.13111 of too much "dill. (1mm. ht. ‘ British Columbia is causing dange - 0110 fornst fires. â€"-â€"Pot¢31b01‘0 Exam - i n 01' The Wonderful “Fruit“MeQicing Thursday, June 26, 1924. Durham, Ont. I v l .5 (Our nwnfi corresfiondent. ) “1'. Elmer \\ 11111101 111111 Sundax with his sistm, Mrs. Jullm Lam 111 Mrs. Lamb, 'lccnmpaniui In 3011 and danglitcr 51mm. :1 «Em ocntlx “ith Mr. Hc‘it, Rihhii: family. Miniand M re. A. (Zl.'llt_(?11l«-}' spun! day rocvntvly \Vltll Hwn' dunghto-x- leafovd. Mr. and Mrs. Allwrt two childrvn nf 1mm with Mr. and Mrs. N.- Mr. and Mrf. All” spent an vwmng rm- and Mrs. .‘szzmvs Lam The monthly mrwtin S. will I!“ hnhi at. tin- John lex‘m'hniv. u‘i Special ('nllm-iiun i~ in pay fur Hm lmhé. Thor" is In I hold cm 311'. L: on \lundnv m [01"031'8111 is in own (hilcizvn 000415314. In 1.. Rm! Urn.“ Mr: missinn 3n“. Thvl ' .l."-’> picnéc Priday :ml ii \\':'.~' Many gnml spa-3k" and a gumi m'ugl‘m _. .12? 2:" £3. . an??? trim 1...? 7:: :2 : 12.5.: p.51 17. 2:“ :2 i gasetmei Mvssrs. \Va! Lawxwm'v lam shinglml I'm'vl Mr slwn Mrs. Mr. and Sunday at payyms. .‘xl‘x 7 July 4. ('11l1H'h and lime $4.7)”: lalml'. ‘ mum in 3'81““: $23.87): $25.33: R. Nc'ls‘nlh ;-'I'1l\‘ 3535. ”Hum”! iloil'iilml. «'Ajnnr. Mac-k xw-lwrtwi grm'vllinx. $5.40; R. .V {7.60: '1‘. .\il<'hi.~'un. :1 $8.10; .I. MvKt-nziv, $3.?) wintm' \\'U!‘k. $11.3“: I. wire I'vnm'. $10.40. Ru (.lnmr. Fwyusun rem. tor, dragging: wad. $10. wimm' wm-k. 8012. M $1.80; Wm. l’aix'hairn, $1.81”): .luhn leizu-Izwn $1.20. RI'IHJN adupiml (lnmr. I’vl'gusnn aim 4 lmnu' i l mmloe pr :30! I! SM! (°1‘b\'01‘mi. Calderâ€"«Mack~-Tlm1 sun‘s mmm't. 1'0 Dun-y (mind and hr l-N'o‘i‘w \'i('1‘S.-â€"-4;81'I’iI'd. 1. \Vvst W. Um. nwnvr. gun-1 lu LoiHI. lmsnnws N. Main six-«wt \Vhlavv, ”\VIH'I‘. . Caldvr- Hum 01' RPViSiHH nmx‘ mvnt rull as H‘ passed.-â€"1‘.m'riv ~«(31‘H:H- Muck. 1; S.)icldn'1‘ Jnmt. lwnnuts he. 1111141357071 111 2111 001101114111 01 1:1.\«-.~’ l‘4*!"..‘:u~‘4111â€"~-4 141111'1 “11181018 lw 1011111151.. 11311105 011 ”11-11 Imp for-o rvtm'nin: 11111111 Carl-ML . I’Pl‘gusnn- 4mm: tho. rc-quvst signmt i SHS N0. 3. {HM pt‘wsfl oil by thv «hail-m: bnal'd. that this mm for t'm'tlwr «'unstttw meeting: ”1' (ltmnmt trustws :n-o l‘mlnws to confer with ttn: mat,t.or.â€"â€"41m’riud. Caldm'-Fv-r;msmI Tl‘imt 2m ~. 1. Treasurer 1w Hash'nunui 1w - ~- from his [H'Wks HH- 1:\'«'~ Tif‘j-“l'f 2.: against lot 19.11011. 17». immmzi 7: -. $36.83.â€"â€"Carriod. Groatâ€"Mackâ€"Jl‘hut Hu- 11.1%». .' accounts he paid : \K‘. i:. itit'w. in :‘n; 0n road drag. $11.83: 15. ll. l’wxm swim. $1.36; Canada Ingot Iron Alon Armcn ‘-- ‘A . - U, W‘lluuu ‘-T_V ‘â€" wx _ -V irOn culvert, $42.90; the Ru: Thursday, June 26, 1924. ()m‘ mu and MP5. 11 day last \\ '. Hal'l'isnn. and Mrs. ‘2. :«wl‘ rvm:‘mmvncimi 1h 10W chamwl in qur 1 ‘ a straight ('mn'sw “o. The \wst uhntmv' ‘0 is su badly \mshm . is grout. dangvx' ..;' lowly undc-rminml \\ u: g: fl'vshvt. Thu \‘ws‘ five-1' is SH homily “ash“ ligg'ing: M u. chumu-I ‘ [mi would 1w ”1’ n" w '3' spam! in digging ”I d luring; leh-I' I‘t'.~HH.~ vaslmut. with 11:7.”- In 0 abutmvm :msl E'ur - nut: in my lmmhlw u; M 1w dam-2 :iisn vxun a slwrt «iistmun: was :0. H HI‘PciS t'wnshh 11:. \leM x-vmmn - math-1‘s 1w nttvndmi W“ as SHHH as [N‘ssl 2 erVisinn in hzm' . Sidurnaci hc'tum'n (In: Rocky Saugeen Darkies’ Corners BGREMONT COUN CIL in" $7). '40; 1" '.l‘ .W hisun \h K: nziv 3‘. “wk. 51““ ‘ncv. SUM”. HI Wm In". “3 .Iamvs I #5" k vumm .armvd. llownn: mmtly "N‘ UH the h mid t SSH} m4 H! UM 'erfiusnnâ€" «That _I h glgnml h_\ [d prvscn‘ chairman this mm ll l M: will INS H‘ XI it \\ l \\'H v. .72. .. :.. .me _ ...: 2.». ._ 5:51.? 2. {fa/L.â€" h . 3.3: 2:33 2 w... â€" fins. i :55. 1.25.. 2:: ’12. 7:. “'21 S ahutm .\I Mimllq H UK )\\’3 am \\ Swisun ch'a-.. mm H )mi 011 HI Ill M! \V I \\ 1'»! H W .11 eeVe, deâ€" MI and 1101‘ 1V and! K

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