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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Jun 1924, p. 5

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ms of BMation Ended 8y “FMives” 'he Wendertfimit Medicine eat delivered at the Mill '1! Every â€"\fternoon ht or '03)} Bread’ ‘ »ed and VVaxed IN PRIE! GOWAN st Quality. and our Prices right for Cash S DEIKCI‘V Thursday, June 26, 1924. i3; B'IILLS .SON’S ID BREAD mono-4". memo-cuppa» v e vsho suffers with miserable g: 10 is tortured with Head- : i sho is unable to get any (VIP: 0U: Of 111.8; Will be .i in this letter of Mrs. vie Wolfe of East Ship 3 {idin Day olied Oats {ICE-4k Durham. Ont. 0111' 3 says, “For years?! .fferer from Constipa- iuies and I was miser- '. Nothingin the way vmerl to help me. ruitâ€"a-tives” and the lid; and after takiqg I'was complete}? .v feel like a new Sealed Papen Ont $2.50, trial 5ize 256. from Fruits-fives .\l Ill _\l .\lt' {V .l‘ h .l\\ HI ll ought. .lange .\l \V‘ s’ Sn h “'0 ll 11110.1 .ltttfil' S {rant- (‘01P- :am-t, W m X2111 WI) VIS- II " \‘Lu- M {Hui M Rocky Saugeen (Qur own correspondent.) - Mr. Elmer Webber spent Sunday "W! his_ sister, Mrs. John Caswell. Mrs. Lamb, accompanied by her son and daughter, spent a day re- cently with MP. Bert Ritchie and Family. I M 1-; and Mrs. AICrutchley spent a day rocnntly with their daughter in Mcaford. M1. and N118. Albeit LiVingstone 9111 iii. an exening recentl} with MI. and 3115.}:1mes Lamencé. “liic- monthly meeting of the \V. M. S. \\ill be held at, the home of MIS. .luhn \11hechn1eGlenroadin.A Spmtiul 1:1‘1lleetion is to be taken 10 pay fni' the bale. Jr. and Mrs. Albert Middleton and Wm children of town. pent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Neil McLean. 'l‘m-x-or is to be an open air concert. ho-M nu Mr. Lauchie McLean's lawn on Mnnday M'cning. June 30. The program is to be given by the Cam~ e-run chih‘irmx and the whole pro- rmuis are to be giwn to the Durham le Cruss Mvmnl‘izll Hospital. Ad- missiun 27w. 'l‘lm VIA). picnic was held last Friday and it was quite a success. megnml speakms were present and a 3mm] met) ram \\ as giwn. "Um- mm cvwrospondmth ’umdwm'k mmmmces Thursday. 311.211“! 31152.1th )lch'rin' spent a an [ow ntlv in ”\va Sound. Ml. and M'S.1).L(i”l u! tuwn Spout Monday m cning at the home Of M 1'. am! Mrs. 8. Patterson. Mnssrs. Waltcr Nirhol and Wm. G. Lawrvm'v haw. hmi their houses 1'0- shinglmi I‘O‘L'L‘HUY. :7 2:; :5. «5:53 .,_w35ou. 1:2: .9 :5. 574. 22,7 2:: Z? 9:; 2:1. ._‘. $232.15. :7 2:; 25.1. C. Evalmo: 25:" i 2:. E55 2. :E 523$ _._.»:...:T. .5? 2:; 37.. $9 z. 5.95:5. ./.:. c 32.? «3: co :2; #1393... .::.< .‘r E 2:. :51. rain... €533. 152.: ..2:...:ém. ma.p._.v..-.5c 38¢ 2:; :21” : mcc: SB... BGREMONT COUNCIL Comm-ii mot June: '23. mvmbm's an wow-Ht: I'nilmto‘s minplmi. 'l‘hv mec reportml: John 110%. grading and gmwlling. day's labor. $27.82: .\. vakins. l'vp. t'lll‘s'vl'f. $13.- 97»: R. Sim. I'vp. cuh‘nz'i. $1. Rvpm't w‘.‘.V‘.(‘u‘1ux" 1:11.101 wporlui: \\'ilson. «I!"l:..";in;_" I'ozul, $1.)“; Inlm ;\OISL.m Wk" “(wort atiupted. ' I " | 9;): P. adnpto‘ d. (Lumr. (:ruat. rcporlml: .lulm Nolâ€" snn. wintrr work. $8.20. grading. Olc. $6.55: A. Mun-ham. gravollin". day’s labor. $3m502 l). Brurv. grawl. $2.48: I). lirrlo-s $5.84; J. lmwis. brushing. {-3.31}: R. .Utkvn. grawlliug. day‘s. lalmr. $21.33. gravel. $ll.lU: l). Bruro aprning gl'llVo‘l pit, $9: {1. Schrnk. trading anal gravclllug. day's labnr. $23.85: ll. Xo‘lsnn. gravrl. $7.60: l‘rrs $3. Rv‘purt. mluptml. tlumr. Mark X‘rpnl‘lml : .lamvs Kerr. grm'vlling, $5.40; ll. Nelson. gravel. $7.60: 'l‘. .\itrlxison. dragging road. $8.10: .I. )Irlx'rnziv, $3.50: Brn. \vals wintvr work. $173.10: 1.. Allan. bonus \Vll't‘ l'rnrv. $10.30. ROUGH. atl'up'gml. ilomr. Ferguson reported : J. Hun- tel', dragging road. $10.35: B. \Vatson. ‘ winter work. Stir" ploughing road: $1.80: “”111. Fairbairn, dragging rnatH $.80: .lntm Mrl'klchern. $5.310. F005] $1.20. Report. :ulonteil. t‘mmr. Ferguson also repwteil that he hiitl examined the Drury bridge. also the portion of land at bend of the riwr where in the year 1920 the Migineer rert.‘-nin1enilml the cutting "t' a new channel in oriler to give. the water :1 straight course for the liriilge. The west :iliutment of thet liriilge is so badly \x'ashml out that there is great. danger of it being completely undermined with another spring t'res’uet. The west. hunk of the riVer is so badly washed out that the digging of :1 channel as I't‘t'flln- inenitesl would he of no use. The money spent in digging the channel would bring better results by tilting the washout. with large boulders up tn the :ihutnient unit for some ilist- mire out: in my humble opinion this shoulil he ulone: also examined eul- \'ert :i shnrt ilistnure east of the hriulge. lt newts considerable re- pairing. Would recommend that these matters he attendeigl to by the tlouneil us soon as possible. Also made provision to have culvert on 20th Sittereml between Cons. 3 and :3 t’iJVi‘l't‘t'l. “ “ n \ Callierwklack That Comr. Ferguâ€" son's I'tPPOI't- 1‘0 Drury bridge be ad- nptmi and 1w z-vco‘i‘n' $3 for his ser- \‘ it't‘$.â€"{:3r1'i(’d. -J- The following changes were made in the Assessment Roll : John Garden tenant. lot 16. .‘-l:iin St“ liast. Hol- stein: .lames Brooks. tenant. part. lot is con. 2.: Henry Cowan. owner, lots east t of '22. '3 of '22. and 3 of :32. Don. t: S. Moore and George McMillan. joint tenants lots '3 Nil, 3 of :31, Com. 1. west .39. tion. '3: Thomas Johnston. Hwuer. part lot. 17. (2011317: John Leitl . business assessment. part let ti. Main street east. Holstein: \\'. .l. \\'hlace. owner. lots 10. 11. Con. 7. I ital.lerâ€"Fergusonâ€"That the Court ut‘ Revision now close and the assess- ment roll as now revised be. tinaily passet:l.â€"4‘.arried. Hrerit-â€".\tack.â€"-That Erwin Rotib Em paid $27.05 in full of acc~unt re collection of‘ taxesâ€"Carried. F.irgusonâ€"Calderâ€"Jl‘hat the path- masters be requested to sign their names on their respective rolls beâ€" fore returning them to the Clerk.â€" Nari-ital. l“erguson-Gritatâ€"in reference to ‘91-» request signed by the teachers of 55. .\'o. 3. and presented to the Coun- cil by the chairman of the school ‘roarti. that this matter be laid over for further consideration until next meeting of Council. The Board of trustees are requested to be present to confer with the Council in the mat tenâ€"Carried. _- A _ ‘ _‘ ‘ ‘|.\.\ \-“-- c» ‘vv Caldér- Fergusonâ€"That the Gaunt} Ticasurer be instruoted t» 91359 110m his book: the taxes appearing against lot 19. Con. 13. amounting to \»6 $3 .â€"Carried. -\'\'-\"s V“. - «._';x'oatâ€"â€".\lackâ€"-That the following accounts he paid : W. B. Rife. freight nu mad drag._$-i.83: E. E. Penwarden. $1.36: Canada Ingot. Iron Co, Armco 1ron culvert, $42.90; the Reev‘e, de- Thursday, June 26, 1924. Darkies’ Corners 111;: path 101133531 half max 5 salarv. $177). pustngv and tulcphonc‘. $16.01; 'l‘u'asurc-r. half ynar's salary. $75. postagt‘. 36.8."); mvmlwrs Hf Council. ath‘ndam'v at muoting t0 date. $15; B. (iibsun. use" of whom. 32,â€"411111'1’i94'l. liwrin: path rolls $8 postage and t4 l4'plmnv. etc .. 83...".3:421441k.4lcli_\'erâ€" (inuncil mljmn'xwd tn meet. Monday July Hut 1%) o'clock am. for gvn- Mal lmsmvss. MAIL SERVICE PROM WEST NOT INTERRUPTBD BY STRIKE \‘fv mm plc'asvd tn mfknnwlmlgn rmnittanw frnm Mr. Guy L._\\"il- linms of 'l‘isdalv. Sask" and are fur- thm' plvusml to [warn that. the wrath- vr thvx'o is $0 tim‘ and ('I‘UPS so 30011. There has hovn mnsidvrablv rain in that. Invality and this is one of the grmt. nssvntials fur :1 gum! map in NW \\'v>‘t. His lvttvr was datml at, 'l‘isdzliv on thv 18th 01' Junv. burn thn "l'isdalv [mstmark 0f samv date. and I'vachml Durham .lunn 21 um tl'w night. train. This. in lhv face of a. postal Sil'ike‘. is vxcvllvnt .‘sm-Vico and shnws that 5mm of 11:0 mail at. lvast is moving with liltie- “1' 1m intm‘mptigu}. Toront't'a' Appears Chief Storm Centre for Canada, With Most Postmen On Strike. This is quitv a contrast. with a 10!- tm' mailmi us from Suhombm'm 33 miles from 'l‘nrmitn. nn Jniw l7. and did nut. l't'ilt'll Durham until Satur- day night. the 215i. inst. 'l‘m 1mm was the 1' hief storm 1‘1'1111'19 and “11' So homhm'- " l1rtt1'1' Poached thew about the time the strike 111m- 111111111111 11111! “11‘ 10111 1' 11mm HIP \\ 13% ahuut. H111 timo' 11115111055 was par- hally 1'1'sum1'11. ‘ (our own correspondent.) The: visit of Dundalk Band nn \Vwim‘sday owning last wowk {malé tlw from concert. giwn was a twat? for all who lward the fine musical; aggregation Illulm' the able leaderm' ship 01',le .Im Park. At tlw closn’ a row; nt‘ the- Iadivs in town snx'wm I'o't'x't‘shmo‘nts tn tho- Visitnrs at HIM hnmv ”1' Mr. and Mrs. \V'. .\. Arm-f S? rung. I i M1. A. E. Tlmxiv n B. A.. as sistzmt soc-“wimv nt‘ Manolo Lignv MiSs‘im}. qubm spnko in thn Baptist (“1111' n mw wvvning last “06k. Principal (Ian-roll gave a milk tcsi- mg ole.‘x1wxlst1'ati011 at. \‘audolmn' m“. Friday owning 13% and at. me'r- sham un Saturday. Mr m! Mrs. \\'. )Iilim‘. accompan- in! 1») MI. and 3115. Gordon Izon'f. and 1110”). 1' and MI. and 111's. .. .\'. Richarisun. atcnmpanimi by \115. W. 'l'rimblo). took advantage m 111» hfilf holiday here last. week to Visit in Uwvn Smmd. Rm: Mr. Prnston, Bliss Jennie Roy and Mr. George“ lim‘cx'nt'l attended the Ramist convontion at. Owen 511. last. \\'I‘¢"k Tho Laciio‘ ' \iel 0: Max“ 931 Facs- Int tmian chum 11 held a munamx gmciom pmh at the home of Mr. Jae \\ Inter. 3rd line. on hidzn exeuing: last. A number {tum hen- attended and Mrs. McCalIum. Mrs. Blackburn. Queen Helena and Queen Mary were escorted through the Canadian Pacific Pavilion at Wembley by Lord Stevenson, with whom they are seen leaving the building. The policemen are members of the Canadian " - -~,. detachment from various parts of Canada. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE ~ Oils Chevrolet Sales and Service A. NOBLE, Prop. GUARANTEED REPAIRING (3reases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Headquarters for Flesherton â€"-Da\'i«l Alian. Clerk. Gas and Miss Agnes Hondovson aSsistml «1n the". prugr'am. which was giwn nutsido but. had to be curtailm! on account. u? rain. Tim gate recvipts \\‘O'X'(‘ UVQ'I' $110. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuart \vm-o on 2-1 n1¢1>t0ring trip last. \wuk \‘isiiinfl‘ !<:°:z:-e-hri«ign. Burks Falls and ”Hum gum-ow 11p nnrth. \ir. mu! Mrs. P. H. Karshult. and mu Fwd and wife. Hf I-‘riccyillv. left, nu Mcmday (m a nmtoring trip tn visit. relatives in (ZlmwslandamIat imlianalmlis. “in; Stuart and Miss Dunham of flw High srhml staff haw gmm M ”wiz' humvs :2: Guelph and ’l‘omnto ‘n sgmnd mu ludidays. M a mvctim: of the Public school Mimi lust. wcvk nut. 01‘ a large 'num- iu'l‘ nl' mvpiitmtiuns. Mrs. 11. .l. Hofll'd- my 01' this Mac-e. \th has a. gc'u‘n) T‘m-nnl as a. tuavhma was chosen fur primary tvachcr next. term in place vi Miss llnynnllls. rusignml 01) ac- munt, nl' ill health. Miss Reynolds [vim-1H lo,lm- home at. Benton. 11155 Mifi’lilian. Mrs. (J. H. Cairns. 311-5. 1’. D. Cairns. and Miss Joan (L111- imsmi 111211111 3 \isiL to '1'0101110 last \\ wk 1111111111111; in the lat_'atv1' ‘ car. Mi» P11501113. Mitclmll 1:'1t".1n1(111tH is \isiiing hm‘ hrothm. Mr. (111111 gu- .‘\li:1°l11)ll. and wife. Mrs. Thomas Strain of Poxcupirw is Visiting 1101' sister. Mrs. .-.\ Ja- mivsun. .\i 1‘s. \\'.J.§. Inlnuan of Toronto is \ieitiug hm' sistvrs, Mrs. .Iuscpll mun-an and Miss Nicholson. Miss Km Jnhnslun uf lmwialk is Visiting at the home of her uncle. Mr. L... ms... :3; ._A::.B~_.u.o: 85 ms: ..::_._.=.< 2. 52:... Z? 2.: .574... 9.0mm by? E. 5% 29%.. .47... 38.3: 315% i 3;: 2. 7.2.1. 3 4.95:8. L}. $.52; a. m..:;.._.m:: BE 74: , 3.7. i. v7.3.1... .52. 1.7%.. 8.... 47.2- :7. E. a? ’4. ._. m..:;2.m...:.u.. 3113.133. Paul of Eu'mnia is \isitim. '111 1- «iau'rhtui'. Mrs. Richard Bentham \liss }Izai'ib Paton is holida§i11g with her mother, at. Owen Sound. ..:;'. Hum-y Fellow has returned .1’111'11 Duti'uit. whm'c he was emphy- 1_-:i 1111- 91111111 time. Mr. C. E. Jennet of 6111311111 is ~11 :1 \\ \. J. Hmuio-l'sm‘. Durham McFadden’s Drug Store THE. DURHAM CHRONICLE DRUGGISTS and BOOKSELLERS short. holiday with friends here. Mr. C. J. Bellarm was home from dOwen Sound with the family, Sun- ay Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross visited the latter’s old home at Chatsworth on Saterday. . Mrzanq Mrs. H. Down visited the Iatters SISLOI‘ at Thornburv on Sat- urday- d M12W..T. Beliamxâ€" \iilage clerk, and 21159 toxsnship clerk Dyer furt)’ wars. is recoixing congratulatium from his friends here upon the T101101- uf being elected P1 esident of Grey Counh \11111icipa11’31ficcrs \ssucia- ti0n,ne\\'1v organized at 0\\ on Sound last when At a meeting of the Masonic Lodge 011 Monday m ening it, was decided to hold a lodge picnic at \V’asaga Beach 1111 Julw 3. B0111. -â€"011 Sal11r11a3.J1111o 21.10. 3111'. and .‘ll‘T. Albert Blackbfim '1lh linv. a claugl‘lter. The Salvation Army 13111111. (Ll-won Smmd. paid a Visit. here 011 Sunday 1‘01'1’1110011 and rendmwl :1 \‘01‘3’ line program in the park. There was :1 ia1gm 111-1111'11 of about. 600 from the 3111.11.11 anal. enunlry and all enjoyed the music. tngellm‘ with the vocal 'l‘HREEâ€"ROOMICD HOI'SE FOR SALE \\ itll good ('(‘11312\\t‘5t 0nd Lam‘ntun shoot. “ith "00:1 acre) gnmndz will, SP” cheap to quit' k 1:113:2'1. Am: 13' in DaVid Mcfial‘l'vll. 11H! UARE'J‘AKER \\L\.‘\"’l‘l§D.â€"â€"APPLICA- {inns fur tho positim‘l 01' carvtakvr 01' Durham High Sclmul will ho 1'0- Pviwd by thv 1m<10rsignmi up 10 1'2 u‘clm'k nmm un .hmu 30.1iowvst. or any tomlor nut nmw‘ssm il\-' :10. (rv1)tm,l.â€"-â€"J.l‘. (ix-ant, Svcwtzuw l 'I‘HF. MONTHLY MEETING OF THE \\'.1’1n_11:111's Institute wile111 111-1111 at, 11111 111111111 111' Mrs. John 3'11-(10w1111 1111 ”‘l11111.<1111\' 11"“11111111j111..'_11l\ '3. P11111115: \\111 1111 giwn 111 Mrs. '1‘1111111115 MC- (1111- 1111 111011131111 D11\.< 111 11111. 111.511- 111111." 111111 by Miss \‘111111i0 Blyth 011 “H11\\ 111 I\1111\\ (10011 M11111iialâ€"W'001. (‘11_111111. 1.1111111 111111 Silk. Miss Knight \\ill 1:111- 11 11111111111511'11‘111111 1111 ‘1"111k- 1111; 11 8111111111‘11." 111111 11111 111 1111 1111â€" 5\\'111‘111l 113' “51111113111111; 111 1.111911 .11. livery lady 11111111111113. DR. .\h:¢'.'.);\m, EYI‘ZSIUH'I‘ SPECIAL- isl.\\ill be at \l("‘lazl:ivn's Ding." Slum" \\ '0‘!stde Julx 2. all day and owning Malw ammiutmmfi ('al‘ly. I P()R5 ‘XLPL. â€"â€"P‘ 0111') «1'0! PPI. MUDP'ZL 192.3. In vxcoliont condition; will sell or vxchange for late model timingâ€"“2.1. Atkinson, Durham. 2p A GARDEN PARTY I'NDER THE ausllicos of Burns‘ Church, Racky Sang-own. will be held at, Lac-hie Mc- Iman's on Monday. June 30: proceet’l for w-livl' fund for nurses and mat- ron Hf Durham Hm: Cross Hospital: Cameron childrm will sumlly pru- gram wmmmnrzng S 1pm.: refresh- moms: .»\«lmi.~:si(m 25c" Rocky Sau- mf-Qy Sunday sclmnl childrvn from 1 PEIIRI IISS (i \-S()I INIC. THE HIGH- 'glado‘ "as “ith H10 ‘1)01)‘ and long miloagv. SUM unlx at Smith 810.4 (1318."0'6 2611 PROF. K \TZ 'J‘HF D0("I'()R 0F UP- tics 01 I isttmol. \xill test (’VPS at tin Hahn Houso \\-’m_inosda\, Juh 2. I: \011 are twublcd \xith 'dizzinos.~. ilé'2'1118.(h(_'.pain$ in the temples. (\m: *ilv hack Hi the neck. (all (m Pint. Katz for advice. as abm e tiuubiw. are) oftvn caused by oyvstrain. Prof. Katz can relieve men when othm's fail. Espmial attention paid in children‘s excsHâ€"E Katz 1M ‘ CLASSIFIED ADS. (Too Late for Classification.) a substantial chocolate overcoat. You'll have to eat one to learn how 'good they areâ€"and at many to learn that Ontario Twio car loads of coal \xere receix- 9d last week by M1. G. Mitchell and Dr. Murray to supply the High 5111001 for next “inter and also then oxxn liOmCS. numbers and the earnest gospel ex- hortations gix en. A collection of $44 was given. Mr. W. J. Henderson here received the sad news by telegram on Tues- day morning that his nephew. Mr. James Henderson, son of Mr. Joseph Henderson of Maxwell, was killed at Mbose Jaw. Sask., by falling from an electric light pole on which he. was workii g. The bereavement for the father is \'ery- sad. having lost his only other son in April last. Mr. and Mrs. Harris of Oshawa. former residents here, are Visiling Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Wellnn. -'l‘0 pmwent the hairline cracks that hot hovm'ag‘s are up: to make own in the expensive 0.11935 01- doliâ€" C‘HC china it. shoufii be lcmpm-od. This. is done by placing the china in a pan of mild water and letting it. gi'ac'lulli)‘ cumu in a boil. tlwn lvav- in;: it in the watm' until it. is (-01.1. Afh‘r all it. is shamvi'ul in cumivmn a gmuch. Puutmg 15 his way n!‘ havmg a good txmo. Silks, regular $-25 pcr yard for $2.00 Sateen. reg. 35c. for 30¢ (}inghams.wide. yard 32c Prints, per yard . . 25C I Ginghams. narrow, yd 27c We Pay Cash for Produce and Sell for Cash'Only VOLLETT’S CASH STORE WM. J. VOLLETT Highest Grade Mangel and Turnip Seed THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS Mens‘ and BoyS‘ Straw Hats Without a Flaw. Specials in Dry Goods FRESH MEATS EVERY WEEK HH'TAL ”RANGE _l"!il\'()li 'I‘li.\, 1h 70c MINT” 'HCA. I’lifi. LH. ........ 690 Hi'LK “LARK. 'I‘I‘IX, I’I'IR. LB. .. 65c (lAMl‘II. IM'I'I‘IS. Milt PACKE'I‘ 10¢. BYLK ILâ€"Yi‘lih‘. 2 LBS. FUR . . . . 250 Grocery Specials PHONE 70 ~)") A New York traffic officer won a $40000 home in a popularity contest. He is now considering whether to “stop" or “g“. ~-Brock\illo Recorder. '1 here am mam nnn “no think that their praving on Sundax fur- giws them tor arming on their follow mnn tho 1' wt 01 the week.â€"~ Kingston Standard. Andrews.â€"In Emu-mom. on June 25. to Mr. and M 1‘s. \\ osloy Andrews, 3 son. Eraithwaite.â€"-h‘. Rum mm. on June 23. 1921. In Mr. and Mrs. Dovlo . . >1. ‘ Brmthwaxio. a sun. Koepp.--En DurE am Hospital. an Eunn 21.10 Mr and \h‘T. John Room», I)”: xmch. a sun. Nelson-11) E‘ngmum. (m Jqu 18 En ME‘.1]EEEI Mrs.\\illiam\'vlsnn mm SHEER. \ MARRIED '1‘-‘-'.cAnuIt.\'â€"â€"â€"Hueston. -â€" M. Saska- tnrw. Sash. .!11111- 1'3. 1921?. Mrs. Mur- .:11M ‘rl1111s!1111.h1.l1~lm Edmund M1- \111111\ 5.0110er '1 homas MC \1111ltv <1! l)111h:1m.()11t.,lmH1ufH1‘0(‘k.Sask. BORN PAGE I?!“

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