Deï¬nitions change. In \the old days he was called a lost sheep. Now he is called a conservative. the morning instead 02‘ at night. A scmhisticated ago is one that. calls it ignorance instead of inno- cence. Sympathy for the under dOg isn‘t so much good sportsmapship as the memory of hurts received from-some upper dog. About. the only «inference is that the upper ciass people are tired in the morning instead of at. nicht- If 5’39 k!!0\\'5 Uh} histnz‘y of a]! {he movie stars. she is a wizard with 3 mm openm'. to 1‘9?!) it. late! fl‘lfllo'is ht. panting at Th» 30:]; nuixcato‘ mt-mln swat a mum-stand Hw stx'an â€0 fcn'f a L‘c‘ltl!;Yh' n he thinks a \x'nman In: self if she) has brains The \Vidnw's mite' is mOnvy shv has 10“ 3f ath'im‘ 02' 2:9‘1‘ t't‘ivnch It is raw tn kw thin '12113‘ shvcked by a corset ad “WM! :2 wnmrm \\‘."§fn< m L‘ (“'0 IV Somnhow mnthors urn not too synmnthetic tn agitatinns against rhild Eabm- in the home. And sum» of us still wonder how vw stm'k un til" vax'th ho"f()l‘o‘ tho law of gravity was passmi. Am if yvu taik plain svnse. few twin-stand tho- dranuv tnnmw. The little paper has a full staff. :‘L‘insisting: nt' volitor-ln-ehief, edit- «rs. sporting: mlitor. wireless editor. suclety mlllul'. ï¬nancial editor, and business manager. Apart from the fact. that Mr. McIntosh is down as one of the editors. the names of the others will ll“ of no local interest. Brief skits on many of the passen- :i'l'r: are interesting: only to those who know them. Jai‘k Hunter of Kim-ai-ilinv is tlw most. frequent tisli- i'emler; Hoorgo- Mitchell of Hanover attrilmto-s his natty ammarani-e to the lax'isli use nt‘ furniture pi‘ilisli;‘ nut tigliting Bill McDonald of Ches- fo-y is one of the real boys. “'4' l'N'o-iwwl :1 Cup)‘ Ul- "Tllc Mclita Surprisv†u fer-w «lays 83. It was hush-cl «in imarcl ship by Mr. C. R. Mclntnsli. t‘olltlll‘ of The NHI‘th Bat- th‘l'm'cl flask. .\'o-\\'s. and formerly ‘Dl'lr)Ol'llLN'll. 111 an acmmpanying Enttvi' Mr. Mrlnlush lrlls Us it is tlw “ï¬rst, all-ilaiiaila newspaper ever :iriiih-«l zit. sea.“ Four hundred c0p- io-s “wro- run â€11'. Mr. Mrlntush. writing nu board ship mulvr tlzuv 01' June: 19. says : "Had a splendid trip across the Atlantic. 'l'ho' lights of Scilly 15-- 5311415 nil’ British coast were first ~ughtml late: last night, and wcri- a- wvlromo- sight. Next week will he wont, m â€w battleï¬elds and in Paris." ï¬sts n!‘ ohxtv small «L's \li o~;.';.-s' mu<t I \Vasmn: :intx c-ggs v {hum Hist made as thuz'v was 1111 21it1'1'11ativ1: but to Obey the 111w. 'Hu' 11111101131115 a1'1:,1‘11 a quandary 11s tn H11- best 1:0111'51' t1) F1111's‘111- 11111! 1111111015 are sure be- :':m.~‘1' 1111111' 1-335 mu~1 be gxaded. ’l‘ho- 111w wads in part: "Excry 131151» 111 1111112111111 111 1"'"5 that is 11x1111s111! oiisplznvd 1'11 11l'f1'1'1'd for >311. m 11m 111-11511“ 51-111113111'11011161' 111;: 1'13L'.~' 11111'1'1 111 [1111 runsumcr in :1 1111111111111111- 11 m1111111'1'. shall b1' n1a1'1;1-11.!,11bcllcd tagged 01' accom- ;1z11111'1i 111 11111~1111111111> !1.-ttors “1th ‘ho 1121111» 111' H111 Mass :1111! grade of 1-2;.“ 11111111111011 â€1111111. >11111- â€I†:11111111111111-111, tin-1'19 are fun musics 111st1'z1ol 111’ 1'11111'. The first. 1.:1'111’11' 1'11118151“ 111' 12111115 11111! X11. I. while the second grade c011- hf‘)’ haw hm Two Listowcl pruducc merchants. 'l'. G. .-\111l111~'1’111 and William Finley 11l1:-:11l11ol guiltx 111:1'111'1: Magistrate .Hamllt11z1.l11__~1au.-'1- (hm had failed in mad" tiw 11;,23' ll1o1v \\ PU: buyi L. Hue (â€halgvs' \11-119 laid against. Mr. A111l111snz1 and six 113111151 MI'. FlIlIOV 1'1} (1r1x1-111m111l 111411-1101 Mnrl‘ison. H111 lzm 1"112111d1111.’ H111 grading of 112g»- 111-111 11111. 1111111 in I111\ 01 last yr :11 and \\ 11‘ :1n11'111 1l1-d Pally in May 11! Hus 3'11111'. ll 51-11115 that dealers and 111111'1'l11111ts ll11'1_111;_.'l111ut the cmln-l try \1'111-1111'211'11111l. but disregarded flu- “111111112. .\l'1’.1'1' H11: ('(mVict-iuns, 1111- l.i.~11m1-l 1111'1'1'l1a11ts met to disc-11.“- H111 5111111111111 and decided tlu-z'v was 1111 ultvx'natlvc but to obev Published every Thursday morning at the oflice, Gararraxa Street, Dur- ham, Ontario. by W. Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chronicle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year. 81.00 for six months, 50 cents for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America. $2.50 per year, $1.2: for six months. 65 cents for three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Assomation. Irm h ir PAGE FOUR POINTED PARAGRAPHS BUR-HAM CHRONICLE at him THE MBLITA SURPRISE how 3011 i .iaol hulk (ms hi 'allowance. LAW TO BE BNFORCBD m talk plain scnse. few tho- «11mm» tungno‘. :nmt‘nn n!:!-timm~ unless \Vnman has unsuxml hor- Thursday, July 3, 1924 \\‘ msba 2 hr has thawm lighting: vhauc» 1‘ is one who 1 HZ! :1 “THPS tn her band knows she :- some-thing. tv is the- insm "ft at'tvr taking: WINK. 'thiu if Hm Sig n as tho) sight 0 II} (‘iu‘ku'cttt‘ 1101110? no! hullers when . f ‘ If tin-mm. pastor of Amos church, “lim'm’ “5mm“ Dromore. umler an areh nt‘ eve"- iome. groans. beautifully deeorateil with still wonder how roses amt peonies. the beauty (if "arth before the whiet‘i was further enhaneeit with H a large white wedding bell. while the 1'3â€â€â€˜l' urtistie arrangiment of beautiful house tlowers lent additional beauty mm. tnngui‘, tn tllt‘ wedding arch. The hour set @14ng unless for the havm’ eVo-nt was live u‘eloek. " , ‘ _ v .\t the appointed hour the groom “1‘“ ““"““'l l“ " took his place. and immediately af- ts’. {er the bride entered the [Htt'lttt' 011 is the insurance the arm of her father. who gave her after mm“: the away. The bride was handsomely 1‘ ‘ garment in radio hhie silk canton " erepe trimmed with silver beads, and lt‘ill'l'lfll a bouquetot bridal roses, s the eight ut‘ the t rarnations ancl maidenhair fern. 'I'hei lynnn: eunple were unattemlml. Mrs. . “ l\‘ietor Adams. sister of the â€room. “W "' ‘ â€n" M“! I ['lll}o'ti the \Vt‘tttilllg inareh. c 't‘hv eo-reninny and congratulations Imer. about. thirty-ï¬ve guests sat “p... m... \wn‘t gdown to a sumptuous wedding din- “ thawed it Dunner, Where the usual toasts were ‘ :propnseot anil respnndeit to. alter l\\'lllt'lt a soeial evening was spent. no who can re-l Mr. and )1 rs. Hooper left the same 0 t m.» was ilelii-rlit- é "WV-WE? {0" “'"ll‘ “â€1119 “n the 20th plain sense. tow in if illt‘ sight of he itwsn't minit __.--.._- 1;: ehaziee. 0m *s :! man them trv I†10W ht‘llh. son 01' Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith of Holstein. The wedding ceremony took place at four- o'clock. and was performed by the Rev. G. S. Scott of Holstein. At thehour appointed, the bride. .\ pretty home wedding was sol- cmnizml un Monday. June 30. at the i-esi«_ience of the bride‘s parents in Proton Township. near Hopeville." when Miss Mae McEachnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arch. McEachnie, was united in marriage to Mr. Win- low Keith. son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keith of Holstein- {ermi is a m'nsm'rtms farmer. and “hour the mugi'atuiatious and best wislws of th.- bride‘s many Durham t'z'ivmis fullnw [hi-m. thv i‘u‘idv wear- ing a trawling suit of sand, with in}: and shuns in match. The esteem 01' the bride is best at- tvstmi to by the many and beautiful wedding gifts received, that of the groom being: a pearl necklace. while thc gift of her faihm' was 9 tivn HOOKERâ€"ADAMS .\ pretty wedding: was seltmmizeo! yesterda._\' afternoon at tiw n‘cluek at the home M" the bride‘s parents. Bruee street. when Aggie Lena Adams, only daughter nt' Mr. and M 1-3. .l. C. Adams, Durham, was united in marriage with William Hz'eexm'ond Humiwl‘. sun ut‘ Mr. and Mrs. Abram Hnnpc't' Hf (Ht‘ltt‘lf-I. The t’t‘l't‘nlUIlN was vertex-111ml by the Rev. W. .l- ___- e -i v ,,_-._ ..x.-v. u. 14. 1 (1C1 P. ' The bride was attired in a gown ol‘ ,eoeoa shade silk crepe, embroidered 1with steel beads. wearing a hat, to match. and carried a bouquet of '-’Dlielia roses and lilies-t.'l'-the-\'al- ley. Immediately following the e¢.>i-eiiioiiy. the young couple left. on the afternoon train for Niagara Falls and Buffalo. where they will spend their honeymoon. and later will re- Sltlt‘ at. Eugenia Falls. where Mr. Belfry is now employed with the Hydro Electric Power Commission. BBLPBYâ€"II‘AYLOR 'Hu- Ale-[111111151 parsonagv. Durham was the» scum.» 111' a quiet mummg 1:111 $211111'1la\'_..|1111v :8 at (“0- thix'tx “111111 Emilx 111110. «law'htm .11 MI. and Mrs. L. Ta} 101‘ \ictmia Har- 11111. was united in maniagc to .\1'11im Earl Belfry. sun of M1: and Mrs. Sherman Belfry. Victoria Harbor. The ceremony was [ï¬rmed by the Rev. J. E. Pvtcx's KEITHâ€"MCEACHNIB HYMENEAL per- can you remember when old timers were shocked at corset ad- \‘ertxsements. Temptation is no disgrace. Satan never bothers to tempt those who belong to him. ' A girl doesn‘t necessarily object to a young man‘s mustache because she sets her face agamst' 1t. . Perhaps it's these early birds .wakening up the roosters that start MY DOG Lutlo'ila C. I’OOIH. I know 110 has more ' heart than brainsâ€"- ' 'i'hat ho‘s not. \‘01'}‘ wise: But h» wnuloi give) his life for Incâ€"â€" I sm- it in his owns. 1 haw nu human t'I‘ivnti would «to As much as that for me. You say ha is a imthur, care. Xo‘o‘oilnss «prvnsvâ€"that he) Lenin-s hail-s around and muddy; inn-ks f l'pfln HIP polishmi “001'. 1 '.\Htl that his vagm' paws have leftl Um: scrati'hos on the door. i “‘0â€. what ï¬t" thatâ€? I care far more; For this truv frinmi of mine | Than for the varnish on the door ' Or for the fioor's bright shine. My 4031‘ protector. gentle. kind, With him I know not. fear, Ans! when he gazes in my eyes With his brown eyes so clear. Hogad on my knee. and milv “ram His Spitâ€"‘5] ofuï¬tail, k I know full well I have \\'hoso love will neve ~._~ _ ..--. ....._- v14: AJLuulL- â€fully oleeoratml with white [monies and smiwhalls, and the many beau- til'ul gifts were a tribute to the pop- ;ularity and worth of the bride. ‘ Mr. and M rs. Keith left. on a motor trip to Butl‘alo and other points, the. bride travelling in a going-away gown of sand canton crepe and wrap and hat. to match. On their return they will commence home-making en the groom's farm near Holstein. Guests from a distance in attend- ance at the wedding included Mr. anal Mr<. Brunkaril. the latter thei xi-oovm‘s sister. and Mr. and Mrs.l James Keith. all of Drayton; Mr. and Mrs. John \V. Manary. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown and Miss Mary l-li-uwn, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry. and Mrs. Hamilton Allen. the latter! an aunt. of the bride, all from Dun-t ilf‘lll. ' The ceremony over and {elicita- tions extcndm. the guests, to the number of about eighty, sat down to a sunu'ituous wedding dinner, at. which the usual toasts were pl'OpOS- ml. that. in the bride being given by Dl'. Sneuth, to which Rev. Ur. S. Scott, on behalf of the groom, very iii- tingly implied. ’I‘lw dining-I’ann was wry beauti- lroses and maidenhair l'ern, entered [the parlor on the arm of her father. who gave hei- away, and took her gplaee ‘heside the groom under an {arch of evergreens, decorated with ;.l;wanese Wisteria and foxtails, white wmlding bells, and white doves !being also artistically used. Miss Annie Keith, sister of the groom. dressed in sand canton crepe, and carrying a bouquet of pink carnaâ€" tions and maidenhair fern, was the. bridesmaid. while Mr. Nelson Mc-i Eachnie, brother of the bride, was groomsman. Mrs. Alvin McEachnil- played the wedding march, and durâ€" ing the signing of the register. Mrs. E. E. Hockridge sang “Because" very sweetly. who 104,:le charming in her wedding gown uf nmixw gmn‘gcttc trimmed with lace, and “waving the custom- ary bridal veil, caught, up with orang . blossoms, and carrying a bun- quot of white qarnaiions and bridal Virtuous By Contrast! r knee. and gaily wags THE DURHAM CHRONICLE have one. friend new}? fall. vm'y lwaurt i- Sheepskins Read the Classiï¬ed Ads. on It will pay yOu. Hf‘l‘P “US H“ dim} I] Bt‘m'ul h 1UP HI) H“ h“ How He the Hf Ho! ciI'HW} his C 13p. 15011 H'ggius new:- \\'0uM be. passed, H0 hraggml his car‘s nndurance, He passed Six cars with backward glanceâ€"â€" His wife has his insurance. "I'll hug the wind» mad," \Villie said "I’ll give 110 im'h of room." Now Willie’s lying calm and dead, Amid the flowers†perfume. "That. Iivensc is from another state, 1'†keep the wad.“ said Rich. Thu oar in passing mwrved too late,; I’ur evidence sm- tho din-h- I “The Lone F RIDAY-- S ATURDAY June 4-5 Bill Tm pin snow 0d \t. cawfu! folk: Ho h: tsn t. ~11m-1 m] Sincv his axle) luuke. Hutu Hus “hat 5 left m Hmnx Glenn: Matt h in "as tankâ€"â€" lp “wit Hen. Veteran Star Theatre me \\ illic Smiddcr; Hv lost (“11:101. 'I‘\\-'O SHOW’S :8 and 9.15 RM .-\t_ sixty milvs DURHAM MARKET Horn Hos Hm body nt' Jim Luke, ’l‘l'vad snftl)’ all who pass; H0 Umus'ht his foot \\'1ISUII the brake But it. was on flu: gas. n-ulh this stunu Iius \V'illiam Raims. n11 the hill. 11» had no chains. xv Iivs the bmly of William Jay. dim! mamtmnmg ms rxght of way â€swmagkmm TOM MIX <Iunflunï¬ng'luuw} nnv \Vinianl Iï¬akcâ€"â€" -nnw!tho va,LnM.had no brake‘ H i :1: SATTE 93:51.0 A (c) wNNET- 820m; . AUTO-MANIA Corrected July 3,1924_. emams nt' PPI‘inIfl Sap cm' mil: a 3111 m 1115 c tho ditch: Mrs. Neilâ€"‘oMcCannolond MP: and Mrs. J. Mox‘mson are Vlsxtmg frlends 111 Toronto thls week MP. Thmnns Henderson and two children. Isobel and Jimmie, leave this al‘ternon for a trip to Scotland. 'l‘hey sail from Montreal tO-mormw and will be absent until about the mi‘qme 9f _Soptember. Miss Jessie Reid 01' Ltwas Henry’s Office, is taking a couple of weeks" vacation in Turnnto and other Idacos. Mr. and Mrs. Gem'gn .lucksch are smnding a few days with i‘i‘élaiix'os at. (irand Rapids, Mich. They motor- ml 0V0? in their new Ford smian. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. «jushniv and family. 01' 'l‘iin'ontn. are} swinding a mimic 01' weeks with friends and volatiws here. as “'01! as Ccylun. ’aisipy. Mount. Forest. and OHIO? Maxims. Mrs. Cuslmio is a. sister Hf Mrs. Neil McKoclmio. in 1mm. and «if Mrs. Alex. Rutherford. Buntinck. They are making the trip by motor and feel a freedom to {:0 and come as they er. MI“. and Mr: Danes. Miss Jean Henrv. and Mr. Edgal Brow). the lattm a son or Mr. and 3st) Thomas Brmxn OI tmm are on a motoring trip flom Laudmxille. Flurida. and e~xpec.t.,ec_l t0 ranch Dmham this mqtjmng. u..- .MI'S. J. A. Rnhh is Visiting; at h1_n_gston for a few days. M r. and Mrs. J. W. Manary of Torâ€" onto are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown thls week. Missj‘Catharine Clogliorn pf Mos- 11010 and Miss Catharine .-\ewst.ead of Mooroï¬eld are spendi g .1 xx oak \isiting their cousins, the Derby families. in Du1h-am and Bentinck. Mr. \\ illiam D. Denis and two ChiMICn. Munay and Jean, and the Misses Ida and Kathleen Daxis. all of Tmonto, motored 111 ) «in Saturday and spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis, Glpgielgn I M1. and Ms. S R. Plebblc and I'umilx uf lldertm1.\isited with Mr. J. S. Mthaith and family the be- ginninf' iof‘ H10, \3 eelg . Master Jack Harvey of Kitchener xs.\'lsitmg for a. couple 01'_ weeks \wth MP. and Mrs. W. A. McGowan. ‘41-!†~v-Q Cumâ€"v -v'wâ€"--_ M1'. and Mrs. W. T. 9031*? 0, M15. Jas. McLellan. Miss \da Poaice of Bra: 11f01d and MI. W axren Nelson of Hamilton, motmed fiom B1antf01d Saturday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McLelIan. - IILKILI I at.) 1.11.). bpluLpu “v ..... v- . DI‘. T. R. Heath “110 has been \isiting his sister, Mrs. J. C. Henderâ€" son has returned to Tomnto. At the close of the school term, the pupils of S. S. No. 9. Glenelg,‘ presented their teacher. Miss Floâ€" rence Kerr'with 3 Fountain Pen as a remembrance of their work together during the past year. It was a gift mgalrapQI-eciated by their teaehur. Miss 'Janette W. Kerr returned from her school near Clifford, to her‘ home at Varney, last week. ,She. has been engaged as teacher for another year. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL We used to send our boy to Schcm! and get a scholar back; but, new when we send him to school we gm 3 mzarter-back.-Edm0nt.on Journal. A hick town is a Marv whvru . erybody is suspicious of tlw ma» who won‘t join four or ï¬w things. Baltimore Morning Sun. A free country is one. in \x'izivh 3" can tell millionaires frnm clvrks . Saturday night.-â€"â€"-Ne\\' Havvn Rem tm'. Sarcasm is 3 \‘01‘3’ pour sulvstitn for argument. vvvvv guest at hm'cnusin. 3115.0. Emmi-.- MPS. J. .Olvlli‘w 01 'lmnntu \,~ itmi MI' and Mrs. C. Ramagw ihv Ii: Hf the “oak. Miss H0101) Christin uf PM! If}: toaclml' at NH. 14 Buntlniilv >11. mnr Monday â€11“ guest 0! MI :1 MI'S.J.1\I._Bu1_';_'OSS. I_.'1"pp('â€'ern. 25¢. and 500. a boxâ€"~at dFi‘Um“ or smut by Frmt-a-tives Linda-,1 Ottawa, Ont. “Fruit-'a-tiws†is the juicvs or apples oranges, ï¬gs and plum“ intensiï¬ed and combined with 1mm ~ -~and I'mms a complete fxuit imp. mont for Stomach, Liver, Kidnm and Skin Troubles. ' “For three years, I was troulvdm with bad Headaches, Nervous In}- pepsin and Liver Troubles. Thad. I began taking “Fruit-a-tivesâ€, \y.†soon my .condition improvpd, anf? thanks to these wonderfu! fruit tub. lets I am once more entirely wvHâ€. HONORB VALIQUE'I‘TE The wondexs of the famous Fruit Txeatment are only rexeuled “'qu youreadaletterlike this, “hich com. ‘ from Madame \‘aliquette 1133 \' Dame St. \\. ., Montxcgl. ’ otre Saved From Years of Headaches. Thursday, July 3, 1924 H momma RESULTS DURHAM AND DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Martina Simpsw. I: ~. ;;... Ernest Neaves, 1515i" [\F'Hm rice Miles, Chum»; \I Traynbr, Ellvn \M: 91:11 Rowe, Mary <:l:a~~;-_ g; ; Mabel Montgunhyy ggj ,1 Kelsey, N01111:! H'1;! my ‘-;‘ ‘ thews, JUhn h!122~:g,.,.:..' .. Helen MPAHHHM, 3..:.‘ _ Thomas 1.. 1m ,, ,_;, ‘7. Elsiv \\'i1|i<. (whim: ! :tlom -imm. BaVid Marsha“. lx'vmwth \\ Hwn. Basic} 'l‘ininnm'. .lwm Nh-lm)’. HM Ah Saundvrs. Huydun (Zannnr. 8min Holmes; lmummi Mmlumh. Haw! .\lv- Lean. RHNmHnd Mvtin'r. Hun-um \\'i|- son. Harry Ryan. Nurmnn Mullmith Carriv kawlmiâ€. unmisw H21!!! and Oli\"'.\1i4l«Hc'1HH wqual . DOFâ€â€|\ I,“ :\"I'i|]‘..", Hum Crac, Hwinm Hull. Ilm'nlino- M00“? 31‘“! MM. H. 111cm Hm“ Harrismx. :‘vrmu Hm; _Mz. \1 fat, and .\llcih'\' l'n! : um: Falcnnm \«iu ‘ hummm. Hw- \V‘illio I'J'WHI. Lill": .n(' 'M t H man Bwkm'. Sun Him. Hulmo and Frank “magma. Alex. Graham. Album .\ Violet Elvin-an. Nut I122: Allan. I‘llixalwth HHHHI‘: Chalmm‘s mum .\~;n::u and I;a\\lo'IH‘ w \\ '333 u; .3 .- \\ ilma Smith :Hm \ z. t..:- E: Beryl Jalkin: hum. F.) 3'2! L. Eddie )lillrl' o'qlmi . \.'.i‘; Gertrudv Glass m": (equal. .\'v\\lun MINT.“ i1 ingham and Min Hm.“ Dorothy hum." 1:22 '.'.-.x!:;:: San, \Vzlll: :( I“ l‘zl'dr.‘ ‘ -: Bdil‘d. .‘11H\ 'i."iv.31. (xfl‘w Nelson lmw Jun 5!.» . (‘iS SthaM. .\l_\ H. \\;1‘~w Collinsun. (lum In»: Margm'w! Sr .:;1 Mchclnnv. .an ix Stylvs. HumM «sham C81d\\¢.']l. II‘MH' lflunf' Chmvnt. ls‘HiH‘l Hu-rmï¬ W’illis ’mlnul . _\;;'..‘ aMilesand.'~:|m1 Lands-z fl’f‘d Middlvtnn :nzr: (equal, ISMH'I .l:;II;."‘ (h'een\\'«_n u I “(11ml . Ruby “"‘Hlis. .\1 1m .~ Hunt. Orvillo .\~to Mi Jahn Stylus. .I:.. ‘ » Dean. 'J‘MM) Him: Kearns quual . Helen Yumm. llum» ex'iex'o Smnulwxw. Hm: nie Canl'pliwll. .luzu; MI': Gnodchild 'vqum . In nice \Vllllmul'u‘. lx’v. Elsie l‘lllkinulmln. Norma Allan. l.HHl~-- val MCDHImM. Fruit}. Walkm' aml 1m} l-‘m’t; W'ilson. Abbe-3 \ll‘lu Erwin {equal . 'me; Falconer and Slum :13" Donald CPU“. lllzl"r\~ Lawrencv. AIM-mi In Allan Mclwan. ElSi!‘ Pinko'rtnzs.‘ May Braitlmnnw fequaf. Nnrnnil‘ Hunt. Margarm S well and Huhhu n thur \Vmsnn. \\"=Z Atkinson. «llii‘l'wzui Greemx'nud. km \1. \V‘alkor vqlml . I dun MchmM :m. cry {oqnal . llu; Clark. Margin-N Glass and R:1_\‘nv-z' Neaves Twyla} . n Pinkerton. Ila/«‘1 \ linson. AI’UHII' KHMI. Elï¬ie Huntvx' lemi _\ Llly Long. Mum \ Ritchie and HIII‘HI‘I Shirley Molnh'rv Girr (equal , «Hm; Jack and Susiv l‘. Grifl'. Gmn‘gv lex' 31 Vollett 'vqual. ' Jack Gagnun. \V Nora Baird. If‘uiw: Clara Falkinglzmn Watson. (Him-n.- \‘ Passâ€"Jack mm... -_ SOD. ROSSWe-H \i u Greenwood. (Ilzv'u ii; . - Pickering. Iris “11:1“. 1 . ’ June Premomcr: Jr. Pr. t0 Sr. Pr. (1:; Passï¬Betty Hm-†McComh, Elizalu-th .\ "B" Class Jr. Pr. L0 ' Honorsâ€"HM "H; Mclntvre 1 3.4.. M001‘e.R0<.~ \\ ilw Honors-AV m I a 1 1'1- Trafl‘ord. Jvan Punk" I ' fence, Velma'lh-am. 21m. "0" Class Primer to â€B' Honorsâ€"M a r\ Greenwood mmf H :\.\'amos HODOI‘S-Rt'ta IE:!;. paSSâ€"Georgc l’x'vw, i\ adden Jimmiu Shi'- Obie. borothy mm... cAuliï¬'e, Delbux'l \‘lw Passâ€"410011;.) Huh}. Thursday, July 3, 1924 Jr. Pr. to Sr. Pr. (:1: Sr. III. to Jr. IV 105 in urdvr n!‘ Hh-z'zi Jr. W. to Sr. IV, Jr. 111. to Sr er Mabel l’m‘m-“t -_ JaCR LlOVhi 1‘9! '1 l? Ashlm \l. \ \\. ;- Sr. 1! Jr. II. to 81‘. II Sr. 1. to Jr. II Sr. Pr. t.- M $2.1m. :1' I,ii;‘.‘. \l . \] ."‘.“' III 1. Ma: “(;11:11 1K! ll ii('(' Kl!“ Ha). Ma ll¢'\‘ qua] \1 M M ll .\l H H M \\' \\ .\l \\ lex' Ch Oils Holstein ()1 \l Sal l\ HI l\ Mary \1