r tom Y ea :eadaches. '. Julv 0) . 1924 )on â€mu. .1 w hen AC 01st 3 .\ otre on him \‘ l N's na n O W “org M h P [V .md of M PROMOTION RESULTS DURHAM AND DISTRICT PUBLIC SCHOOLS u ‘..~ia~ Willis. Hui-chm Fulkingliam. :‘.iol Marshall. KPlllh'lll \\""ilson, win linizmmz Mn .\l(l\'a\ Orville much-is. Ninth :1 (10111101. Sadie lines, Lowmaznl Mcl'hvmb. Hazel Mc- un. ’:i\'mnnil Mrllii'i'. Harold “'il- Ham lhau. Numiau )lcllxaitli, “'iiw .\l¢ Kn lmiv. (.nnigo: ' Hahn ., UliU' Hitlcllt'lnll wqual’ . Hulnw. Bert. LaW- -r 21:11 livan. Hughie McLean. 7 '32:.» Primer to “B†Class Primer ~ â€"â€"-_\l;u'}' Firth. NOE-man Edith Miles. \elma “ 'l'l’ 9“ H'w'vi'gc PreW. Kathleen MC- .hmmie Storrey. Robert ~. ‘ . I‘wi'mhy McDonald. Jimmy .j '\ 1113'. Delbert Moore. Loui$_e '_ Mabel Pinkerton, Eddie I“ Jm-k Lloyd. Esther Bourne, ' ' "7 Amie}: Alex. \Vells. ' \ \ bur-1110' Pivkvring. Hurdnn 311'- 1-. 'l'hvinm Bvll. 121111111111: Mitchell. 1:11'1‘ “1'1“;111111111. 1211‘“ BMW“. (11.111111. "I'IMDH. 1'11‘1113 “111111.111 Man Muf- :1111! \1111111\ l‘u-H 11111.13} .105111 .1-1111111° \11111 [1311111311.11111111311 Hav, .1111 1'I1\\111. 11.1111 11111111111110. .\01°- 1 Hwkvr. 511111 11111511. Rubv 1111111 111111 Frank Hmulchilcl (equal), -~;. 4:1'21h:1111. Min-1'1. Nicholson. «@111 .\l1-1.1-:111. X1111 13111-111111. Ila ..11. 12111111111111 “11111111" 111111 Oral Jun-1's 1-1111z11 X1111111111 \11 1111\1'11 l.:1\\'111111-11 \\ 1111111111'11 11111131 11121<1111t|1 111111 \111111 Hind (1.,1q1 \‘I 1:111111131111111. 12x11] B11ck11 11’ and .i;.- .\i1H.-1- 111111111 Anna Ritchie. 91111511 Muss 111111 121:11'11 '1'1'1'13'1101' :z1z1i. Xthnn Clark. E15111 L111]- -I1;1111 111111 A1121 Hulmos 111111131). «111- â€1111:1115. Bowman Jamie,- \\':1lI::1-1- 'l'hmupsnn. 113111311 .1. .\l:11‘}' '1'111111’1. (5111011 Howl'kvl'. - ~ 1.1 |.11\\1‘. Jilll “1'11011‘1‘3011, Fran- \31111II111, )lyrtlv “'319011. Jpan 1151111. 1211111 hymn - 3 Willis. Mamiv Storx'r-y. Nvlson , _ (â€\in NUDIP. .lnv Watson. g Mylo-s. .lavk Schutz. Norman «I. 'I‘mi-iy Ellintt. 9mm Flnyd .2 ‘EN‘ “(Illfll . ix 'ZLV \,. "."ll \ nu Donald Knight. Gen- Munch-[s lmlclnn lilant. An- mu ln ll .lnan Grant and Elsiv Mal l ' ‘qual . Lulu Mills. Ber- \\'l:ltmn1'v. Knlsn )lt'llawloy. l~‘:lll{ingham. Hlmm Lloyd. ';.:1 .\ll;m. Lnuisn Jamie-sun. â€If- \ll-lwmlal. Frank thclm‘. Ammo - uml Bill Firth mqualj , Alma , .\Mw}' Mrlman and fall“! mlgual. Cecil Hind. Gerald :uul Slvwat't Griff J‘QU‘HW liz'ul'l. lilal'ko‘ LlHytl. Fl'c'illa ‘~‘. .\ll.l'ml lh‘e‘l'. He‘ll Fll'lll. "l \\' Class Jr. * :1E~;m'tnn. anz'gn Ashlvy and "rnttlnvaitv and Fl‘am-vs Hay . KHz-mu Falkingham. 1211.110 \1xn'2m’o‘t. SibhaM. 'l‘nm (131.1- ‘. duldin ï¬lasur equal . Ar- \ msnn. \Vultvl' Nuavvs. B93510 ~~-r;. 1111113111 Rounllwad. Percy 1. 1: m .\1rl)nnalc.1 and Agno‘s ..111:11.Ro*1u (haham. Vet- -1 '"1’11 1 and 1’ Wux Monb'om- Willi. 13ml Ulilhlml. Halon \’u aux-wt Channel‘s. George ' 1: Hum- Hum)» and “‘11“? * «11ml hour '1‘ [hull-“111* .11: m1 “mu 0 V-mwu 1 101- 4:1:‘w! Stvrn'}; Jack Innis. (£00. wmnv. Mum lx'rvss. Esther ~. Ehmhl Hlvnhnlmv. Alex. wH. h'vnv Elliott. Arlhm' MP- -::t. lsniwl Ho-ndvrson and Rpm . mum! . Altio' Nirhulls. Mac :HM .luvk Laudm- vqual‘. Wil- \hoMlvtnn and Janet. Watson I . [~12th .lumivsnn and .laspm' \muui \vqual. Velma Noble. Willis. Mamiv Storm-y. Swison .\I w l man 3;, Smpson. Irvine Stormy, , .\,.;,\.~. Elsi» Kearney. Beat- _\,,g..-. tliiffom Moon, Janie _ ILHPII Marshall. Claire \mz'y (Blasvr. Eunice Moon. ‘:‘-':t_.:vn1v'x\. Ellen Hay Maud . ,\n: ma hagnon. Buy Mat- Whn Injustmomr. Erit? Clark. \lv.\ulifl'w. Donald Smith. ~ L. imwn. “Purge Falrum‘r. Thursday, July 3, 1924 _\l 1‘. to Sr. Pr. (At Easter). Sr. III. to Jr. IV. Jr. III. to Sr. III. Sr. 11. to Jr. 111 Jr. II. to Sr. 11. Sr. Pr. tn Jr. 1. Sr. I. to Jr. II. dual 511$“ K. u'h. M and )lnnn 1 Hum 111! Fro n; l\' lit‘ta ~ mm- 01' merit.) IV to Sr. IV. Ht Mt \\ Hanks Rm hi0 Llara w livll 'qual. Leah \lv Km hniv and ann Cr :1“ tnnl \ ollett. Wilfrmi Mnntgnmvl'y. In L m W h i I mow and :un o‘qual". )largnrvt. v \‘iirs. .lnhn m'm‘n- 1. Mary l’ickm‘ing. .1 Alix 'I‘nbin ,uqual) :1 McDonald. Nathan â€M 'l‘rafl‘mwi (\Pmlal: . w and amnion Mc- lacks Ritthie‘. Clara ’ Bull 'qual. Leah ‘A" Class Jr. (11'3- Junior Room. To Sr. “1â€"4). .W’est (H), H Pin- dvr. E. Bilton, C. Smith, R. Ait.1§en,,S. McKenzie. Tu Jr. “1â€"1;. Irvin (H), D. H555 (H). L. McKenzin. Isabel Leith, S. Nit-Call, Inez Leith. To Sr. III.-â€"D. O'Connell 1H), G. \V‘est. (H;_. M. McPhaddPn (H): B. Christi?) (H), B. Arnill {H,-, C. Tyn- dall. H. Smith, J. Lewis, (J. Johnson, C. Ax'nill, J. Mowbray, Y. Allan, I. McCall. .-\\'P1‘a{,'L‘ :lttvmiam’e. 30.7. â€"â€"J. E. Duvidmm. 'l‘eacher. Juuiur Room : Sr. ll. tn .1 1'. [ILâ€"M. Mowbray. 1. Sim. J. Hvancy, .\l. Irvin. M. \Vood- yaycl. _I\_l. Fidlm‘. ..:.. :HHWIIZMHHHc .CHWEH i, . ’4. “5:1..HHHHHHE H... CvacHH. .5. 7.1%.? H. :_H,1. >me..:. .3. 0.9.5. ' Jr. 11. to Sr. ILâ€"W. Biltun {H;, Muwiu'ay, N. Johnson. ;\.~â€"~.>,\. Bmm’n (H. . F. Mather H R. FiIJIPl'. I. Christie). 1'1. Gndd. C. Bullm', V. Lr-ith, \\'. Lewis, B. Smith. Average attondance. 38. Sr. 1. t0 Jr. IL-«B. Mathew {HH G Stvwnsou, A. Lvith. Sr. Pr. Itu .h. [..~--l Ritv (H. H. Smith 1H, 1 \\ vst, H V. Ellis, F. Uachl and L.'l‘}_x_1o__lall 'y-qual, ‘sz Pr.â€"-â€"M. Jutkmfn. Holler, McKenziv, M. Jnhnson. Edge Hill. Sr. lll. tn Jr. l\'.â€"â€"-I)0rolhy Rubin- sun 760?, [mm Bell 736-2. Grace Pay- lHl' 73%, Blanche: McKrrlmic 72%. Dan Firth 65'). Dan Ritrlxic 64%.. Mac Bull 62’}, Myrtle Glcnrross 58%. Jr. Ill. tn Sr. [ILâ€"lrrno' McKerh- Hi» 64%, Mary Scllorucrmnn 61’}. .li'. [L In Sr. ll.â€"â€".\l\'a Hrwnwoml. Ulivu Allvn. Advlinc McNally. Sr. I. to .lr. ll.â€"â€"Iszllwl l’irtll. Mary Axum-son. Ruby Staples. .llm Hall. ha I. to Sr. l.â€"-â€"l)a\'wy Allen. Viola Ncwly, Daisy Sll'o‘ot. . l’r. t0 Jr. l.-v~~-.\l:.u‘;.'z.1rnt Firth, \\'il- lie lencruss, U‘Jl'dl'll L3l'm_éll\\'¢_n,ul. No. 12, Egremont. Jr. I\'. m Sr. l\'.â€"~ll'\\'in Mat.- thvws, .lvssiv lluupcl‘. i’varl ‘s\'atsun. Norman \\'21t..~'¢ m. Hamlci Jim-[.35. 81'. III. to Jr. l\'.~Julm Hoopm'. Jr. 111. to Sr. 1H. ~J‘lm't‘1uw- Putter- sun, Ethel Lawrence. Wallace Adams Lulila Daly. Mam Andrews, Martha Lawrence. Sr. II. In Jr. lll.â€"â€".\Ium'is Matthews. Cal-man \Vilsnn, John Mutthmvs, ungl§1§ Ngï¬son. _ Jr. II.â€"â€"Clm‘a Watson. \Vï¬llic Pat- terson, Mary Daly, Llarman Har- gmm have Duly, Clarence Nelson, (iw'rgc) Wilson. I.â€"â€"Lewis \Volls. Annie Hooper. Lawsun Andrews. Sr. Pr.â€"-Fanny Hargx‘aw. L103“ Brown. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Chevrolet Oils (_Ҥ!'.\R.~\.\'TI‘IED REPAIRING (3reases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Sales and Service .. NOBLE, Prop. Headquarters for J. Floyd, Teacher. Gas Jr. Px .â€"{roldie Nelson. Verdun W atson, .A'nn ie Andrexs Jean Brown Annie \V atson. J1. IV. to Sr. I\'.â€"Lena Schafer. 81'. III. to J1. IV .â€"Tom Melosh, “altel Schafe1.COIin Bax. Sr. II. to JP. III .â€"F1anc-is Melosh. I. to I1. II.â€"F1eda Schafer. I’ximex l1) I.â€"Emma Scl1afm.R1~ta Melush. Tom Bell. Jr. 111. tu Sr. III.â€"Jvau Clarke 66%, Margaqeï¬. McLean 55’. E, urn-inner Law- Jr} Pr. A.-â€"-Wallace Matthews and R313: Adrgms 1,599};an --- _ I\'.-â€"-\}Iistnr Lmvrcncc, Beatrice Cix'asby. 8?. III. to SP. IV’.â€"â€"Catheri1w Mc- Loran. 6992. l'vn UP 51'†Sr. II. to Jr. III.â€"-;\Iyrtln MrLcan (min: 430}, Sr. I.â€"â€"(;lareucc Ritchie. Hurbiv M iiim'. ' JI’. I.â€"â€".‘~lui'ivl Brown. thna Clark. (lhvstm' )lillm'. ' N'. Pl'-â€"';\l'(’iliP Mrlmzln. JI‘. PI'.â€"â€".Juiinuy \‘(rssicn liwvn iii!- chin. Fifty pori' cvnt. i'vquii‘ed to pass. -â€"_.’\laig\' Lamb. 'i‘caciwi‘. Sr. III. to .lr. I\'.â€"~II. L'urdt 819}, A. ML‘I’hail (36%, M. Proudly 669'}, A. I-lckhamlt .3722, K. McKinnun 63%. Jr. III. to Sr. Ill.â€"â€".\. Mcl'lachom 8192, F. )lcPhail 78%. M. )lcEaehorn 69%, A. Pruudl)‘ 68%, M. EClihal'dL Total 500, “owns 37?), Pass 250. 51'. I“. in .Ir. [Yrâ€"Jessi» Grunt. 401. Home gljashy 333, “'ilfrm! Urashy 297. "_ «2 W‘\-“. I.II I77 <1 III. ---D0u"las (ha17t 3;»). S1. 11. 111 J1. HIMâ€"1% McInty'w 7:27. B. Mt'l‘Iilthl‘H 70". (-1. .\chi11111111 70'»). .l. .l. Erldmrclt. 1189}. Jr. II.â€"-â€".\'l. McPhaii. A. 311'11211111101'11, A. M’cKinnun. A. M. McIntyre, A. M. .‘11‘1-1'2211-11111'11. 12. 1’1'1111111y. .112 1.~â€"-F. )iclizlcheru. L1. 3111an W. P11111141}: E. Eckhamit. 1’111111-1â€"11. K. )11Ki11111:.111 Pass ~11111u’111g 1cquiw> 511’,H01‘.- "15 4?), I .l 10.11. lll.l'â€"t\11l\111i1:111t38’1. I 111 11111111. 1’11111151111 ’119. lutal ’.'1U P11111111 111 First. kiu111_111sw-\’111111:1 Blylh 238. Mar- 21V. to <12 IVsâ€"41. ECkhal't" 40 If. I‘.J.\1(I‘.m|w1n 69’s} , A. Mchinnun .)2" l‘. \\ o's‘l h '9’) I, .) I. No. 1, Egremont and Normanby. No. 10, Glenelg and Bgremont. No. 2, Bentinck and Glenelg. An Easy Way to Get Rid of Corns Durham â€"La\‘ina A.‘ Mox‘tley, 'I‘cacher. mislay H. Macuuaig. 'l‘vachmz McFadden’s Drug Store Canadian Teachers’ Federation Com elation at Vi toria, B. C., Aug. 12- 16 ATURE never intended that we should be afflicted with corns, but when we abuse our feet Nature enters aprotest. Corns are the result of friction caused by ill-ï¬tting shoes and run-down heels. and these condi- tions should be corrected. Friction in the shoes can be materially lessened by dusting in Nyal Eas’em--â€"an antiseptic soothing powder which pre\ents “binding between stockings and shoes. Eas’ em keeps the feet cool and comfortable and sooths irrita- tion. but when corns are present they must be gotten rid of. For this purpose Nyal Corn Remover is ideal. A few applications deaden the pain. and after four or ï¬ve days soak the feet in warm water when the corn can be lifted out completely. \\"hy suffer? Latona School. Nyal Corn Remover and Eas’em are sold for twenty-ï¬ve cents each. DRUGGISTS and BOOKSELLERS Siltftjc’ssul'ï¬ {u MacFARLANE C0. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE -M. Daviï¬, Teacher. j01ie K911 21:2, DorOthv Bugle 210 Elg in Blyth 191. Passâ€"Norman Grant 156, Tillie B1}ans 150. i “A..- (L__ n-1,)---A1l _-AԤA Sr. 111. to Jr. INKâ€"Dorothy Arnctt. Louise Jacques, Mary Hopkins, Or- val ankins, Roy Hargravo, Kenneth Dunsmoor. Billie and Dorothy Cald“ ell “ere absent, from examinations on account of illness, but are recommended on their year‘s work: N. ‘X ‘ ’N I No. 9, Glenelg. Jr. 1V. to SP. I\'.â€"Reggic McFadâ€" den. Annie Arnett. Jr. III. to Sr. III.â€"-â€"May Collinson, Grace Hopkins. Bertha McNaIly. Sr. 11. t(_) .11'. III.â€"â€"._|Uh11 McDonald. Irene (20111115011 (rec.,., E1glwa1nl Law- pence {run}, ' __ __ _ -- Jr. II. h.» Sr. II.â€"-â€".\Iargarc_t. Duns- moor, Rudcmck Dunsmom', (11211-01100 Haygr‘avo. '- .- ‘ ‘ l _. J17. I. to S1. 1,â€"El'c'nlcilic Amett, (3131-51 Jacques. Susm (ï¬rtwrxnvond, Dons L:‘1\.\'1-onco. _ 81:. PI'. 10,11; I.â€"â€"Da\'ic .-\lj0v. Lilian (30113115011, _<)hw Dunsmour, Clarvncr- Alckally, Gordan L§1'e,*_p1'1_\\'m::c_l. Py. BQ t9 Sr. Majâ€"Ruby Lawrence, All“). 31cmâ€: .\1vl\'lllc Harrmfvn. â€"â€"-1“lm'cncc ixerr, 'l‘uacln'r. hauling, “Viting, Sl'wlling. Arithâ€" nmtic, Art. “mgrapl‘ly. Language and (301111“,wsiti0n. Total 500. Pass. in); Honors, 375. ~ 51211. tqu'. [ILâ€"Otto M11 309. Lilairv 3101-1019. 291. S12 I.â€"18tars given fur their daily \xo1l\~\la1ks 2111' 1111111 Faster tn June 3..“ allacv )lalshull 3.5-2.1!115910 Mawhall 33'1.Hm\a1c:i Mauhall 2'12 1 [gin Pettv :3 ’._8 Jr. 1%. w 81'. I\".â€"-Flm'om‘0 Mar- shall 256. Jr. 111. to Sr. llI.â€"â€"-;\lal.»cl Sharp 385, Molx'illo “111.5011 3:315. Myrtle Marsh- all 346. Jan 1\ Smallmzm 3'28. \\'illmrt. Pcth 311 lidgal Mmicu 241 grocg. \lvhillo Peth 193 (100.). .11'. I.â€"-«Susic 3111151111111 7.106, 11‘1'110 1’111\ F.)00":111mm\ \\ atsun 139 P1.â€"â€"\\ 11111111 31115111111 117. .11. 1’1'.-â€"1\11111'11y 31111111: 1’18. CARD OF THANKS 3112211111 311's. .I. W. Li 'awi'm-d 111‘ R11gina.'11sk'11t1'i111\\'2111.1-111si1'11 to thank the 1"1i11111is i11l)111hal11:-1111i\'i_ cinih 1111 tl111ki111i111rss alumni and svmpatliy 11x1111155111i in 1111111 1'111'1111! b111'11ax1111111ni 021115111! 1W U111 111111111 Oi tl111i1 111111;.iit,111'..\1i.~'s \1\i1111 1,13“- 11ml. \\h1) 1111111 at. Regina, and \\ [11151.1 1'1111121i11s “11111 11111311111 Sunday last in Durham 1'11n111t111'y. -â€"«-\nnic~l£. 'I'hmrll, 'l‘cachm'} No. 1, Normanby. â€".\’. S. Barr,"l‘eacher. Ontario Jim Brown‘s a stiff, I‘d. like to punch his nose. I met him yesterday on the street, All dressed Up .in a brand new suit of clothes. 1 So to Christen them. I suggested he ought to treat. "Sure! thats all right. I would if I had the time, But I must be on my way and do some work. I'm as busy as a guy that works 11.101111 in a mine And busin11ss is a thing a man can‘t. sliii'k. But seeing: you are an 0111 and Valued freind I'll tell you “here 81111 how to get <0m11 skew. You 1;" out 11111111 until 1111.1 road it. . 11011115. 1111111 L11:1\'11l \\'11st to 11 ighwa t.'\\11111\-111111111. '1‘11111 to _'\ our 1113111 climb the D11\1l‘s H111. '1‘11111 211 south {11111 \011 11 111: on 11111 11i\'_1_1.1‘ 1‘20111. 113:1 dinning that youll (some to [1111' 011.1 11111 n1ill.1 (5111 in 11111 gate 211111 you‘ll be looking; at, my :111111111. ; Now 11011111 tomorrow 11111111111115 and, come for 5111111! 1 Becausct it‘s 11111111 I giw whiskey} ' {1101.10111' 2 \\ 1111.\\1t‘l111n a {.111\ sns 0111111211111 11111? 51111111 skm- 1 .-\ man s :1 suck1111 if 1111. 111111 snl go. \ I l'ollmwd 11151111111ctions 111 :1 rl. . 111.11 in 111) 11111l<1_1ls l 11:11! 1111s 111‘1 111.111.1111. You 1111\1111 lino“ “11:1! happens in a block. 8011111 111111111 111111111. ol'l'1111 you. for KEEPING A DATE Burnettâ€"In Durham Hosmtal. on 'I‘lmrsduy, June 26. to Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Burnett. a sun. went 1. I went away down by the country school, And there chalked on the fence in letters two feet high I learned that I wasâ€"April Fool. coin. a crock. L p hill, down dale a1 ound and round IH'RHAM JHS'I‘RIUI‘ L.U.L. WILL :inde svx'x'ivo in a body in the Mnâ€" Hmdist. chum'h on Sunday o\'enin;:. July 6. Band in atlvnduncv. AH ln'wiinmn l'c‘quvslml to attend. Mom- Ium's will mnnt at lodge mum at. (3.30 1;.111.--â€"-\\'m. Erwin. UM. t Adlam.â€"In loving mvmm'y of \\'1H:0 Adlam. who dwd July 31. 1920. â€"-~'J’lxy \\'111 he Juno. Chronicle Want Ads. Readers would do well to look over our Small Want and other Ads. on page 7. There are many things in them that you might want- to buy, and if you have any- thing to sell they can do that too. (Too Late for Classiï¬cation.) CLASSIFIED ADS. IN MBMORIAM BORN Falhm' 11nd Mather. PAGE FIVE m