West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 3 Jul 1924, p. 6

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w! xi To-ilm it is the cna<t Eskimos that, are killing the last musk 0:: on the mainland of N01“) America. It \\ as one of the coast Eskimo clans of that region that recently murdered the two “bite explorers. Mr. Hairv V. Radford of New York and \lr. Street 0: Canada. Fur iii-:irly fifty years the killing of 'liv musk “X has lH‘t‘ll [trowel-«ling cm :i oll'lv'l'nltlloul smile. .\llct what is tln- must striking result up to» olutw‘.’ it :~ HHlllltt‘.’ less than the i'nmplvtw -'lisztitl'o‘umnl'c'. nI‘ thiiu'tiun. Hl' the Hurrun Hl'ntllhl slim-ins all the way :‘z'um tlzv- lnngztiiclv nt' l’nint Hnrrnm. -\l:i.~'l\::. tn :ihniit ll'tlf-Jltttclc‘ Mt“. \\'hlt'll t’ltm‘ttlS the tinzicl ut' tltiwste'rtlelcl Into-t. 'l'liis‘ :li‘c‘u ut' extm'nimatinn is prerisely tit'tuvn lllllltll't‘tl mlii-s .0113: from o-:i~'t tn west? \Ve kimw that the musk nx hunts nnre lth‘tl as t'arl xvi-st as the ii’io-riolian nt' l’nint Har- rim'. Alaska. ln'i'altse Mr. Charles Du Hrnwi-r. whn lives at that puint, re-l t't‘llll}° sent me >1 'me musk nx skulls.; horns and hair to prnw it. t A Tale of Extermination. The tale of (‘Xlt'l'llllllalinll during the past seventy-tiw years has been wrought. by tho- i-nast. l-Iskimu and Indian tribes. with help from white men through the tratt‘ic in skins. It rarely has happened in our own time that savages have exterminated their own wild-animal food supply. The Indians chiefly concernei‘l. east of the Mackenzie River. are the Dog- Rib and Yellow-Knife tribes; and they have virtually finished their work. [DI‘GNDr think wild in HM cliv.’ ll' ( hip. shut ,i Hf Hr Hitstl'l ”li' t‘l avtnal must “mutt ”KPH 0 Anal n :1'\’ v ~ttutthh't' tn shuutoh-i' in tho- Httti‘t'lv rim-tr. and with all ”It‘ i'atw-s and MHHIL’ stm'k insiihn I'Iwn tn hungry “ntws with timi- a-ph-nty that vii-vh- nt' :h-aitt)‘ ctnwn- oh'nppin: hni'ns is impi'vgnahlo‘. .\ null may tvavv his mar" row a inn-I mo-nt. tn rush unt thirty yards Hr so in an i-tt'ni't tn punt-tun- a wait. hull ho- ttt'Vo't' is hn'mt tun t'ai'. Bark he" :nvs tn the- t'it'i'h‘. harks intn his! . plat-w. and plays ”in ganw tn tho- o-nit. nhtain .\'n\\'. althnngh that plan is o-xm-mt- mm f meg wise“ in oh-t'o'nso- against wnlvws. .lngs, with man as tho- wno-n'iy it is fatal. It (’Hlltt'tt nivans thv o-asy shunting down «if t'X‘tlttl'; tlw t‘llttt‘o‘ hvi'ot! Is it nut tom hail? [ii'o'sso'i 'l‘tn- musk nx nnty dimly t‘t'aliZPS tho wm'su. ,tnaoh‘invss of man. and, must Ht' all. \\'i~ It ho- has nut yvt it‘flt'llt‘tt that tho- lis- kinin and thw lintian nnw haw- otvaal- ty i‘vpo-ating i'ith's instvait nt' UM- tillth‘ 7t t’ashinno-ot sprai's. \\'ho~n a man is musk ., sixtitmt in ttw nt't'ing. o-itho-i' at nnf‘ \\'4- ha milo- 01‘ at Htl'w'. thv twint shnnht anilngii t'llsh H”. at in]. spinal in ”In Hmmstti‘ Wm... ('21 titt't‘t'tiHH and I'll“ t‘ni' atmiit fivo, my: in inito-s. I wish i vunht gim- Hx'ihns “-1.31”; :i tip un that point. ”it...” \i .\'n\\'. is ”It‘l't‘ anynni- \th hnhtsfimsk. that in t'o‘vt'minj.’ his cto-t'i'nsin “Wit- ; mm- iii-omt' rim-tn thw musk nx chws imtt vast (‘ P i'anz . V .. |t'flt't| at think amt i‘o-asnn? l tlitt't‘ “”L Um‘Hn that witot aniinai that atti'nnrts tn tin-t “ SW, in thv t'ai' nni'th innst withvi' think '1 E ._.._.::.__1. t. ._.._._::._: .2... 1:: 1.2:. :5... 2.: .. 3.25:... a 1.5.3.. ....:: z 9.23%: .72.? (22:3: 27.2.57... 7...: .: ..: 12..."; .22.: -z.._u.:::_ HII- IIItI-HIgI-III I- III' HII- IIIII<k 0X I.~ I'I\ Imus :IIII'HIH It» and III‘II'I HM“. H IIIII- ”Ht llll’} kIIIm IiII~ IIIIIIgI-IIIIIS IIIIIIMI'II-I' III' “lit”. and It IIIII-s IIIII know that wwry wiJIl :IIIIIIIIII IIIIt IIIIIII~I' III'IItI-I'IIIIII shIIIIlIi My I'I-IIIII thn EII'O‘SI'IH I- Hf Ina”. FIII ”lHllS-Illldls IIr M‘HI‘ HII- musk I>\ hI-IIl~ haw IM‘PD IIII-sI-HIIIg tlII-iI (ilh's’v I'IIIm Hm "Hunk" and its "mus! imth \x'lmlh imaginznx Hu- intvlligo-nu- uf H1 m hum ado-cm: lb" and ohuw‘ nut. l'ulz')‘ knmv ti vhal'm'h'l' nl' man- and l ‘QIII (”III III \"I'I\ IIIIIL'..~‘II21I,‘_'III.III‘WII IIIIII Iikv III-III III “II‘ linIIIII\ ak. II IIII.‘ :I IIIII w >IIIIII IIIIII snIIIII IhIII HIP ~IIIIIIIII so: I In» IIIIII-ss. IIs Suppl) III .--“.- ....-u n‘ll“l'. ll. rhaHo-ngm um- ko-vn admiration) Imâ€" mmso- it is zlhlo- tn liu- mu! tlu'ix'v in 3h“ lio-I'c'o'i'y-c'nlol :U't'tit' l'PKiHIlS. M‘o'n In» tn tho- t'm'HIo-st nm'th fur hnnfml animals. Hn- must nurthvrly [mint Hf 431'ow-lllumi. It has hnl'ns likv Um \x'iM mum hnfl'aln uf Afriva. vamp- hko- lmnfs. and its filo-sh lunks and rush-s liko- hm‘f. It has nvxt its bmly a dump mm! ”1' sun. chum, \wmlly hair. and thrnugh this gmws :1 rain I For a hundrwl years or more thv prop!“ «if tho. l'nito‘d States amt Uzinacla haw hwn nnjoying the [ionssrssion of HH‘PP arc-at wilal ani- ma. Vat'tt‘llvs. all strictly limitml to North Amvrira. 'l‘hvy arv tlw white.- mmmtain gnat. tho- mung-burnout aanlUIH' amt thc» .musk 0x. 50 far as rnntinuzmrn is runnernmt. wv have t'vlt nu unvasinvss about tlw guat. \\'o- haw lh’t’n wnrryini; harol ahnut1 tlw antwlniw. anal nnw ttw musk nx has lwrumo- a smirro- ul' anxio'ty. l’rnt'. Hviiry Fairtiwlcl Uslmrn has lN't‘ll wurning us in strung; turn»? ahnut ”tho. "I"! «if NW 836.,“ Of mam- mals": amt :i yvar agu last January wlwn zui Ulisvrvm' from tliu far north “lwiily olo-rlarrol his ho-liorf "that tn- ulay nut. mnrv than one hunclrml musk nxo-n ri-main' aliw nn thi- mainland ul' .\'nrth Amo'rica." it gave his hvw'vrs a in“. Ho- said that, tlw l-Zskimn trilws nf tlw llul‘lllt'astt'l'll o-otgo- nt' tho- Umailian Barri-n Hrnumls haw lJt't’ll liho-ruily suppliml by tho llll' truth-rs with mmlo-rn high-pnwul' ritlv's. amt that :is :1 rpm]! tho‘ slaughtwr nt' musk nxvn has almnst o-xto-I'minatml tlio- llt‘l'tlS nt' tlw Hal'- ro-n tirmmots. t 1 ’V This is “w ro-giilar thing ttt-t'tty ; :eml quitw in lino- with ”w tro-atnwnt l nt' wilol lil'o- o-w-rywlwri- wlsv in wilil ; ri-ginns. 'l'ho- wiso- thin: l‘nr Amwr- t irmi )‘litlm.’ [ii-Upli- tn tin is [H lii'minlt- t :irquuintml nnw with llw musk n.\‘ l whilv it is pussihlv tn linol u t'o-w nut- . v wt» tlw stutl'ml-zuiima.’ rnllo-rtiuns ut' ' ll niir nmsvums ul’ natural histnry. ll" Ul' all strango- animals «it .Viii'llilsi .\mvriv:i. thv musk fix is mw at tho-[ ttllo'vt‘t‘si‘ "lt'l must into-rusting. l’irstft nl' all. it is :i triio- i'nimvrting link‘V lwlwt-o-n wilol t‘alllt' :mol slim-p. ll 1 ll o-lmllwnuw nur ko-o'n :ulmiratinn lm-tl miliso- it is :‘ihlv tn “VP Ifllttl thrivv in l H â€" -vv'v- PAGE 3!) By WILLIAM T. HORNADAY, Author of American Natural History i W 11. THE VANISHING MUSK OX 2 'lha- Int» hr 4‘ llnrml...‘ um..;“ _- 8 HM last (’haptvr of Um Mr 01' the musk 0x mm in tin» making? a Let us hm}; nwr thv ground and Juggon 1'1'111'1111111. F111'H11111e-21111IS 11f H11- n111~'k 11\' hunk 1111111 Down 1111,: ”11-11'1'11h1's hum the ' “"1le 11:11ks 1»! H11- 11111H1 In 1-.\11-Ho-111 mililm'v 51111112.]. \\11l\11.~' H11'1'11t1'11 :1 I11'1'1i it ill 111'1115 :1 1"1111111111: 1'11'1'11-. with 11” h11!.'.~' 11111! 1'11\\'~' 5111111111,:- : E7. :.:.:.1. :7... 2:. 25.3: :.. 5.33.. 3.1:? E... :1. 2...]... 757.1. 2:; Fix : 37. :..z. :1. :27. ml} pix .IEI‘K. HIP [Hutchâ€"40211 Parks Ht“ thth utwtphia and \\ ashingtnn haw I‘I’lt’tl :1 put! ”I HIhns that \\'I'I'P taken “II that m'vasinn. It sowms tn tw a tent that thv gIo-at HIwnhIIIIl in. I up i< th'StiilHt‘ «It hunt and t'-nI thc- nIII.~'_k u.\ i.~ \ iI tuattf'. tltlttlhilttttahh‘. It is in thv I'-nII;.:t and ht “ké‘tl I'HIIIItI \ at tho Inigo of tho H I' HIP \\ hI‘II' thv' mums and mor- RHH‘ 111““! th" .‘"(l. that \H‘nbltlfinkn o “ 8 ”I Whillo'l's. who .‘hvir whaling :zlsk. Tim 7. III l‘.‘ \\'w lImI- Inolzu III ”H‘ 7. mluuic a! Pmk iiw lustv \u-II- I-IIIIg'It thmn in “In: 19'” In a II$"IH_\ I)! Q “hulo'ls. whn hmk tinw - ”nu uuuu> tlt‘V- r'lo'lup. Who-n l’vai‘y maatv his lung: 1 slmt ,iunrnvy um-i' thv gin-at im‘ rap nt’ (it't‘t‘tllflllti tn tho- G‘Xtt't‘mv nnrth- uustvrly jumping-off place there at ”in Mill nt' his uutwarot hikv and :n'tnally within half a mile of the . must nun-thm'ly [mint nt'Jand in thv lwth hr t‘nunat a small hand nt' musk IHXO‘H nt' this spo't'ivs amt killmt one. Amt mighty glad tun wvx'v ”lt' hun- Igi-y wxplm'm-s thus t'm'tnnsatvty t4» nhtain sown-at pnnncts nt' (tulivnus uwat t'm' tho-msvlvvs and thvii' slmt ctng's. 'l‘tw musk nx nt'to-n has thus t‘ttllil'ihllit‘ti tn tho- calisv nt' ai'rtiv o-x'plni'atiun anal savmt many a haml- pro-ssml O‘XIDIHH'I' . l‘mm rit'lll'\'}' 01' “ms“. \Vc- knnw that halfway ti”\\'ll thn vast wast nt' th'm-nlaml. ai'nunul Franz .lnsvt' l-‘iui'tt. Whit'll is in Int- itnatv 7“ «io‘gl'vt'S. thv \\'hltt‘-ft't)tltt‘¢i l musk nx still vxists in fair nnmhm's. . \\'..» haw tmtay lll tlw .\¢'\\' Yurk ' '/a...l.t..~;....l 11”-»! n‘ ' ‘ - -.. .uv :- Iul". Lo-t. its twgin with thv t'm'thvst tth'Ht nt' (hitms and swing \\'v.~'t\'.';u'it. iltt ttu- t'irst plm-o- tw it knmvn that :tht't'i‘ Ill’t‘ t\\'H \\'¢'H-Ilvl°inml spo‘t‘ivs. ""ht‘ spvt'ivs Hf lbw t'nl‘Hti'st nt't‘Hl is (filHt‘ti tlw “tutti-fruition! unit its Latin namv is t) " ‘ . . It is min-km! by a i'nnspit'umis clult whito- timid zu't'nss its fmmhvfld. whirl: is pnrtivu.‘:li°il_\' iwtii'o-ahli- in ”w t‘tthvs lwl'nl‘v Hto'tt' tlnl'tfs claw- o'luti. \Vht-n “nnvv nmii l-.'. ' ,... v'.\iun[HP. nnr .Vcii'ih Ami-rival! Inch ins :liHlH' now-r wnuhl have vxtvrminnlmi Hu- nlillinns nt' .\mvri- run hisnns wiih thvix' nwn wvzumnR and fur thril' nwn plli'pusvs. H was ”in «lo-wily whih- man whn dial it. and the- Indians. hvipml with “10“?“- :n'nis ni’ Hu- whih- mzin. 'l'n-day with 1hr liskimns ul' thv .\'ni'th shunting: dnwn thv musk-UV hvi-ds with [wan- til'nHy finishml, lung-mngv high- [m\\'f'l‘ I'vpi'aiing i'il'h's it is high iimo‘ i'ui' suinu Inn- in find nnt hnw many musk ”KPH i-o-i‘nnin. whm'u thny are and what is like-iv in in- ihi'il' t‘nfn I’ur vxamplv. nur Inch ms ulnnv l o‘xtvl'mnmlml Hu- int tlw nm-ols nt' tlw natiws con- stitutmt tln- nnv I'mm-lmlt- in tho- law that now is bring ntilizml by thr- llskimus nurth Hf tilwstowtivld Inle-t in vxtvrminating tlw muskâ€"ox. The law gaw tln-m tlw right to kill "whvn tlmy am actually in nm-tl of Itlu- nwat nl’ snrh musk ax tn [)I’P- ’wnt starvatiun." 'l'llvy ax'o- gt'c’)ssly abusing this privilvgv. and thy-r0- l'nr'o- giving it tn tlu'm was mistakvn gvnm-usity. \Vt- haw lung vuntvnd- lvol that tlw alL’vgo-cl "starvatinn" of nati‘w tl'iln's ran lw {th‘l’tt'Il without.| thv vxto-rminatinn ul' tlw \‘t‘tlllalllv‘ .\\'ilat animals tn whit'hvthvy lcmk l'nI' 'fnml: but it takvs a snpvt'hnman Pf- l'nrt tn makv gm'vrnnN-nts hollow! it 'tllt‘ art npnn it. So far as writ-tom [mounts tlw lit‘v llistnt'iu's wry t't-w \x‘ilct ani haw lwvn vxtvrminatmt by savage trilws using tln-ir nwn xvi-apnns. For tlwllsatuts all yours tlw hasam-v lwâ€" twvnn tlu- ('l'lltlt‘ wvaprms nt' savagm. 11v and tln- natural inn-vaso- 01' Wild! animals was t‘k’l'vllnnllv ....... ,_. I'M'Pal nl‘ \\’lltl animals, mal sm't'ws 6WD!" MEN'S £\' BUYS' SUMMER UNDER‘VEAR. MEN'S AND BOYS" FINE SHIRTS M EN'S AND BOYS' STRA\\" HATS MEN'S AND BOYS BATHING SUITS MEN'S WORK TROUSERS MEN'S KHAKI TROUSERS MEN'S F INE TROUSERS MEN'S SOX ALL KINDS SPECIAL PRICES In The Following Lines This Week ;---u|| ‘Jllr UUIIU- During: tho- last thn-n years of his Iifo". Dr. vaitt put furth his utmost o-ITm'ls tn saw tho musk oxml 0f Innrtho-I'n Canada {rum vxtinction by {thnsn wlm \vzlntvd tlwir Skins fur :Hw fur tradv. His Pfi'm'ts wc-I‘v Pn- til'vly succo'ssl‘ul so far as tht‘ enact- mo-nt nf prohibitiw Jaws was cun- m~rnml; hut tn stnp all killing by thu Eskimos was impussiblv. Tho kill- ing: ut' Um musk nx for markptablv nl' Mo-h'iHv. Hanks and Victm-ia Is- lands warn n-ansfnrmml mtn musk, 0x prusvrw-sf ' - _.--- -’. ‘1'.'|'l"ll 11C\?ILL ‘)I iflanada has pubjshml m [us new monk. the Consvz-vation 0f the “'ild Lifv of mnaala. this startling state- nwnt: "Tho romaining herds, of 'HlUSk ”X 81'6” nU\V ['Q’Stl'il‘tflll fn fhn “mu. . HIP eralmng herds, of musk 0x am" now restricts"! to the rr-giun botwmn Chestm'flelo‘i Inlet and Bucks Riv-1°." This area is approx- imats-ly um- hunch-ml miles by threP hundrmi. and Hm total numbm' of smwix‘urs thm'v N‘cvntly has been r-stimatml at "lvss than 01w hundâ€" 'Cl‘ll .. 'l‘hv lat» Dr. t “P'â€" ~ m-ttuml invrvaso- n1 wild as vxcvllvntl} pr-o-svnml. L. _7 .. D. M. SAUNDERS “AV iko'h tn 1w Iht'il lzlfl‘. 'gin “M: ”w taxthvst. .‘P'l 'ill'y I’llaih‘his‘ lung \‘allnys and mor- 1. that \o‘gvltltlnn '. C. Uprd‘un‘ Hewitt of :; 124:2..." $..../..4.. 22;. 7.. 2 7:34: 2:: .21....29... 1.2....1. .. ..2_.:_...L :24: .m 4:34:22; 2:21.712. lush «- alws that 11 flu- summvr u! ul .\'n1\\11:.:i:111 1111111111"! 1111111 gutnnmlish that 14- lump-huh" in thv bring utilizvd by thr- Ht‘ lllwsto'u-livld Inlvt : the" musk-0x. Tho 'v lung umtvnd- ‘slam fi":ltinn of an'h-d without pf Hu- \aluahlv Durham. Ontario Th» l'nrmm- Canadian '_ic,-\'m'111nmnf was km~nly zlliw to NW lu-x‘ils of tho, sihmtinn. I say "pupils" lw'ausv no slatvsman ur gum] ClllZ'Vl «fan pus- sil)l_\' lw imlill'o'm‘nt l” [ho fate} HI' :1 spc-vio-s m valuahlv and SH vxtrvmnly intvrvsling as thv musk UK. It is un- thinknhlv. In lSHG \vlwn {'13 Cana- dian «lc‘msm'mlicm (.jumn’nission was framing Hu- nww Nnrthwmt (iamo Art. I hail :1 gultlvn uplnn‘tunify U) cliSt'llss HH‘ Ilo't‘nls nl’ [lu' musk ux Will! ”10' Inf“ “1'. ll. (.lnl'cltbn .'l¢‘\\’it,l. llw spc'("l{ll advisvr nl' tlw Cmnmisâ€" sicm. l knum‘ that. tlnr utmost pm- tm'! inn tlwn [n'Hvurablo was put, mlu the» [WW gum“ act and enactm'l min law in 1917. -’l‘ln- Art pmhilnits Puliv‘ly Um killing Hf thv nuisk ux for its Slim; it. pmhihits all killing by while men vxcvpl llllIlPl' Hmw'nmt‘nt. 1100115.}. and own tlwn only two <"‘1:S 0r k. ~\l howls may l‘w takvn umlnr v: 1’“ li- m‘nsv. Banl-ll'lc' vxplm'vrs may kill musk nxvn I'HI' fund. but not For their skins. Victurizi. Banks and Mnivillo Islands \W‘I't‘ ('Hnstitnhul mud.- (\Y-l 'l'ho- answur tn Hm musk ox ques- linn rc-sts nun-tout]: with l)cmn'u'k and ninv-tvnths with Canada. \\'0 HI' lhn l'nitml State-s am- nut 91' ii. ht- rausv \\'4- mm nut. mu» \vihl musk nx i.“ ”w nnrth lands. .\11 (ms brings us squnm‘ly up In tlw quvstio‘m 01' Hm prnsvn'atiun m' o'xtinc'tinn Hf tlw twn musk nx 51w- t'ivs nt' .Vnrth Allluriva. Hm Arctic islands and Urwnlnud. Preservation Dr .\H this brings Us Hm thstinn 01' Hm o~._\‘tim'tinn Hf tlw t\\ _ ..... ”.u u lll!‘ [ll'ligl'l'fi'fi “I 'll::- a-xto-rmimticm' vastwami. Fur c'xramplv. it rvaclu-cl thv latitudv 01' Illalw Bathurst. almut. 1902. It passml .Hn- vhain Hl' iakvs nm-th of (irvat ,Slaw. Lakc- almut mm. .\'«m' it is up If” H!“ hvml of llllc'stl‘l'l'ic'lcl lllh'l. within HII'PI‘ humh'm! milvs nl' HIMâ€" mn {a}: Hvlwo-vn that. riw-r-likv inlvt- nn thv snuth ancl Havk's RiW-‘l' nn Hw nnrlh Hw East musk ox hvrds nt' H1.- .\'nrth Axum-wan mainland am- making tho-iv last. stand. H is In M I'o-arml that Hu- \\'lmlv nf tlwm warm shut dcm'n by Hip Kim: William‘ Land I'Iskimns in l£);’.')'~hvl'nrv thv Canadian (:nwrnnu-nt mum i'm'cihly intvm-nv tn [DI'Q'W‘IH it. qu ’l‘hv o'xto‘rminatinn Hf (imund musk nx bvg: - From that. fearsome northerly . point the white-fronted musk 0x I‘ ranges southward through Ellesmere l Land and Melville Island. and I know - not. just how many more of thoSe great arctic islands, before it meets i the other species. I am unable to ' draw a boundary line between the ' two. At. all events it. seems to be true that wherever the northern ' SDecies leaves off the southern species begins: and the two once roamed over all the huge arctic islands that lie between Greenland; and the mainland of North America. The southern species is known as the Barren Ground musk ox (Ovibos moschatus . Once it inhabited the arctic coast and the hinterland of the North American mainland all the way from the northern finger of Hudson Bay westward to the long- itude of Point. Barrow, i'n_)rt.l1\\'estern Alaska. That is a strech of eighteen hundred mileS! North of it lie. the "lands" and islands of the great arctic maze: they are so numerous ‘ that to recite their names would be hopelessly confusing. in winter many of the islands are connectmt by ice. lt is safe to say that in times, before the modern rifle began its deadly work ot' harvesting mllsk- ' ”X hides. before the killing by ‘ exploring parties and by sportsmen 4 for "sport." eVeI'y large island ot’ 4 that vast region was inhabited by the musk ox. past Grant Land. When Lieutenant. afterward General A. W. Greely established his party of polar obaer- vers and explorers 'at an abiding place that he named Fort Conger. on Lady Franklin Bay. he found a musk-ox herd within eaSy reach. In 1902 Commander Peary sent to us a calf that his party had captured alive at Fort (Itmger in the summer of that year. grows 11W. The Range of the Husk Ox and musk 0x and caribou can . fund. but, not fnr'thoir :zl. Banks and Mnivillo (-nnstltutml musk 0x uarlivs and by spm‘tsmvh ‘ I‘\'o'l'}' lal'gv i5:fllld Hf “gum was lnh'abltvrl 133' ”10 :. Barrow, mwthwestern is a stroch of oightepn 9! NW“: at" it He the islands of H10 great IQ- â€"- \“ lmm' Hm plum-11355 0t" I. Home”) rvaitt. 0f tlw Cmnmis- thv utnmst pm- ablo was put, min and enactm'l min Extincrion? m THE DURHAM CHRONICLE So far as killing by white men '18 concerned all Canadian-owned IstliSK ox territoryâ€"that IS, everything outside Greenlandâ€"now lS tlgnlly bottled up. But. alas! there_is one awful hole in the law encxrcnng tare musk ox. and it may prove. fatal. it 3 is the right to kill the animals ac- n corded to natives who are “in need a of the meat to prevent starvation : I. and .what is easier or more natural 5 than for an Eskimo fox-trapper to 1 claim and pretend and even to swear r that he is "starving” whenever and wherever he gets a chance to klll musk oxen! ! Every Eskimo always "needs the meat!" And so the high- power-automatic Eskimos can by subterfuge and pretense evade the spirit as “Plu‘ as the letter of the Northwest Game Act as it. now stands and exterminate the musk; oxen everywhere UllLSlth. Greenland. At present I do not know “hethei/ I‘47'0i ‘4 ‘J ’1 ‘0 V \U‘VWUJ l or not Denmark now prevents the l killing of musk oxen by white men . for their skins. At this moment the Canadian Gov- ernment is n'iving serious consider- ation to the possibilities in the do- mestication of the musk oxâ€"which means inducing herds to settle down in large protected or l'eneec‘l areas and multiply. The task is perplex- ll g and ditl'icult. because up to this date the musk ox never has bred in captivity. Our own experiences with this animal in captivity have been squeezed dry in our efforts to give the Canadian Government. all the facts we have that. may prove either helpful or suggestive. .First and last we have had fourâ€" teen musk oxen in the New York Zoological Park. ' Barren-(jrounder from near (‘ Bzithurst" one white-fronted musk ox from Fort (longer, one from Mel- ville lsland. six from Ellesmere Land: and to-«lay we have live from eastern Greenland. ’l'he herd of six from Ellesmere Land, presented to us in 1910 hv Mr. Paul J. ltainey. gave an UXCOllL‘lll ae- rount of itself. Some o . f lhem achiev- “ll 21 lollL'l‘YllV in ..n..i:..:.-_ . . reserves f‘an_d as centres for their natural dxstrlbutlon to other parts. captivity lwypml The temperament of musk oxen always is nervous, and when they are under compulsion their temper is vicious and dangerous. They perâ€" sistently refuse to be patted or handled; and many adult animals are of savage disposition. Their horns meet in a broad base over the top of the skull, drop far down, then sharply curve upward for Several (Continued on page 7.) ' rather be excused from combmg a gerd of full-grown ammale! . On Mr. Paul' Rainey’s shlp _I dined on musk-ox steak. It was qulte hke beef, and there was neither musky odor nor musky taste. If your hOpe is to see your boy a success in the world, securing independence and comfortâ€"the vision of so many, yet the attainment of so fewâ€"adopt a r sav- ings plan for him now, and teach him in his tender. years. the value of saving some- thing out of every dollar. 0 one starting out in life ever expects to fail. Youth is always hopeful, but hOpe alone cannot bring success. TOTAL ASSETS OVER $519,000,000. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA YOUR MT and THAT WAY LIES HIS SUCCESS. :34?! E Get the habit of looikng - . Small Classified Ads. on ' , There may be money in it. bmall Ads. too late for classificationwm be found on page 5. If you have any thing to sell a Small Ad. mav bri ' you a. buyer. If you want in bgé anythmg, let the public know abou'g it in The Chronlcle. An outlav llf a few cents may save you a lot. of Itrouble and make you a lot. of (M ars. .. All 010 umer's DOLIOH of [11.03] {or dinner was to lot out his two holes. Annold Lim’er’g no_ti_0n of Thursday. July 3. 1924 LOOK THEM ovna Office ance Lamb ham. 8 pm. 835 and residem-v :: sin. t of the Hahn 1H: ton Street, mem 1'..\\,-_ Office hours 3 3‘, 3 ,l u- . (except. Summ}. . .. . in u. U""â€"! "" '-"1 -'-- v. Oflice and X'l‘Sillt’IH‘lfl W countess and Lamhtnn sz'm SiitAe (31(1 l’tISf ()IIW.'«~. tizf:«' 940113.111.1.3u1n.',;.,;,1“ , (Sundays and qunxday w éxcepted 011‘in un Lulnhtnn Sh Br. Hmtnn‘s «un'im- , t 2 t0 2') 1~.m.. 7 in 9 p.m.. D‘R. BURT. '. I Late Assistant R0311} l.m‘1.l(m (”xâ€"'2- thalmlc, Hnspiml. England. and mi! Golden Squaw 'l'hx-uat and anv Hflsfi- pital. Sl'wciahst. : liyv. iim'. 'l'lmmt { i and N080. ()fl‘icv: 125 Frost Stun-if Owen Sound. C. G. AND BESSIE MCGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The Science that acids lx‘h- tn \ and years to life. CHIHHHM wz; 't In Durham'1‘11«:sd:1.\'s.'l'lmz‘_~.i;:j.« ' -)' o Saturdays. .. 1 . -. DR. W. C. PICK Office owv .1, Durham ()max-z n Honor Graduatu I ‘mx . onto, Graduatv Rm. :1; ('1‘ Surg‘cmls m‘ ()nzzzvdn, at! its 7131'am'hus, TO‘VH‘S JC\\’(311¢'1'§ Barristers. Solit'itm's. Mr. .\ Hum:- her of the firm will 1w m Durham uh Tuesday Of ouch \Vwk. .-\mmmhno-xxt.~ may be made \HHI Uu' ‘Zio'z'i; H: Hu- oflice. MIDDLEBRO'. SPEREMAN 8: MIDDLEBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors. Etc. Succesmrs tn .:\. Ii. tlm'roy. Mt. C. (It. RIi‘i‘ilt‘lII‘m. ;. 3,... \- located at Durham ('Iln'u, :ull.‘ Advertisements under this ‘wmim; , ' CASH WITH ORDER; Six (’01}$3.(-v‘:ifl\ . of four. Tglephone calls H'vutmj . Saturday mght of week minim-“4' V . 25 cents. On an charge «.;-.i..;._ Q, q. ‘ ' willbemade each msvz-Imu m ,_ f DAN. MCLEAN Licensed Auctinnvm‘ in? Hunzzh Grey. Satisfactinn ',.'\‘.a'.'m:hw:i. 1*. so’nabLe terms. Imus u: ~31» m at The Chronicle (HTM‘ n1- mm 1: Self. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey Moderate tvx‘ms‘. .\I'1‘:1:u:vmv::‘=~ for sales. as to dam. m2. mm 1.. made at The (lllx'nmvlo- Hfl'n-ca h. ham. Terms Mn uppwvutmu. \.i .u 4 l":“:“ dress R. R.1.l‘hn'hznn. - z LOT 7, CON. ‘31. l-IHRICMH mining 100 news: 3?. 1w" cultivation. balanw {mum ponvenicnt 10 schvul; ~13 1585 are a framv lnzlx'li L'V stone foundatinnz ('qu'rv‘. also hay ham 30x30 mm m ~ ment; hog pvn ‘JHXW: 1\\ brick hnusm fut-mum 1:- frame woodshmi: «irillmi to house. with \x'iwim". Water tanks: 30 amw sw: 10 acres to SWUM vimv‘q: 18 well fencod and it; :1 :u cultivation. 1701' i1:‘:'w"1112 to \Vatson's hairy. 11.11. ‘ Many a man \th mm- mm the e‘arth. ('an't \ ' \ small garden Sch'cssini ._ Ontario. "v---__ 22, Egremum. «'nxxiziit. '. -.' acres cloarmi. mint bush; in good stat.- frame barn mm. .e..:~. concrete stahlvs; drain; cement tank a: 1mm: . and 7. C011. 4. SILK. H taming 110 acres: ‘1‘“ :r and in good state “1‘ the premises mm :1 1mm Mining SOVPH z'mmr. frame woodshml 111:3“ WQII at dOOI‘: 110er 3'13". ‘ “11$ farm. maknu :1 " NORTH mm m1} 7 right. tO‘dii'iok‘ >‘i131’t'hzz tlculars apply no, \\' R-R- 4, Durham. (531‘ The Genrgv \\"!: near McGowan‘s house; 51411.1“, hm: 0f land: drillmi \\- fruit trees. and :1 1 will sell (‘lwaw ‘w 1y to Mrs. .Mm Sr The Durham 121-1: b, 1‘ ~ sociation W111 ship ~ ~ ham on Tuesdau requeSth t0 LIV“ 1‘ n I Clifiord Baum}: Phone 92 r H. \ The undm'simmi their manv I}1’1;.1|1H"‘\ them. in fighting 111w '- barn when 1111* 1111\ _' burning 01111111121111» ‘1 It. and Mrs Tho» 19d \':1;';'1 Medical Dirmorz'. SMITH, M. 3., M. c FARMS FOR SALE Tumsp‘n JAMIESON Thursday, July 3, 192‘ Licensed fludzbnm Classified Advertise Dental Dz‘rectorr Cc. PICKBRING, DENTiST DR. A. M. BELL Legal “Direc'l'orv LUCAS HENRY ’ PROPERTY F0 P. III. “. This prop“ 1‘ lnMun Sh'm‘t HID late Ufl'icvg ("Tit‘t‘ Imul's 10 9 p.111” vxcvpt Sun- ionem‘ for Omnty H! on guarantmrd. Roa- Datcs of salffg mmh . ()lTiN' “Hubs ; pm“ 7 109 p.m. SdaY ”((011101)“: 4 HT Hmfim RIC)“ LV'I HI 0V imam! 0T SALE I'\' p0 0 n My PROI’E RT «mt I"! m :nn nu! \I \\ H m \VHI Hifih \\ 'Ul II Ill \\ A RTIC \IN MISC \l \l \LI ll M K -\'l‘ \\ F ()1 \ll \\ \\

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