[Of the transgressox' is .ilow. Ask any police- , July 17, 1924. nest Manitoba per bag [PLEMENTS a cream- not need other al- Wish. Itham, Ont. |d Nepo‘hset b? cvcry scrt .ways On Hand '13 '14 d rpenc ha Smite!) \E‘t‘ rin Shingles. lour. 24 1b 85c red Amuhere in Town Provision 8mm lour $3.75 I $2.00 2;? $1.00 $1.35 ‘71"; 900. chinist Etc. Saws Gummed. W E’S in effect on . Rowe (lonfectioner (rials RD 13 avatars, 811 .\l vtle Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonabte rates. J. A. M. ROBB. B. A.. Principal. The School is thoroughly equipped in take up the following: courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2“. Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a I’ni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. The School has a_creditable record in the past whuch 1t hopes to main- tain in the future. Information as‘to Courses may be abtamed from the Prmcmal. Intending pupils should prepare to enter: at beginnmg of _term. :I'V, .I. .\. I’I'I‘SIIHI was at. Kimbvr- Ivy IIII Monday III'I‘iI-iIIting at. “I" ItIIIIII'nI â€I â€w IEIII' Mrs. Harris. who \\:I~' :III I‘SII‘I‘HN‘I‘ UIII Illf‘nleI‘ III‘ UII‘ I‘ZIIIIISI I'HIIIIII II III-Iv. TIII‘ I'unIII'aI I'IIIII; IIIIII I~ III MI’IIkIIilII‘ I-yI-mIIIIII' .\II.<. \II .\'. MIMIIIICII spent tho gzIsI \xIIk \\IIII .\II.~' Martin Tooter rrI M II I-\ IllI'. .‘II'S. Jumps IthaI'II has [‘I‘IIII‘nPI'I IIHIIII‘ IIIII‘I sIII'IIIIIII:.'a\ V'I‘al \\iIh I'I‘l- I I\I‘\' :II I.IIIII{.~'III\\II IIIIII SIaV'IIPI. _\II. II. IinII\'. Z‘lII‘IHIII‘IalliI‘II In MOS- «IgInIIIsI: IIHIIIIIIaII. .\ ..I F81‘I‘I‘“.l‘. MI'hHIIElIII IIIIII .I. BI'IIIrII, n'IOIUI‘I‘II 'II'HIII SIII-III'IIIIIIII' and visited at \\'I:II'- III'II .\II"I';I\ IsII‘s, {IIIII CIIIII'II‘S and Al- ;mrI SIwwz’II'I‘s lasI \VI‘I'k. MIN. IZIIrlI'II~.~' .\II°'I'II\'i.~‘II and child- I'I'II. \\'IIII \\'I'I'I‘ Visiting III‘I'I‘, haVI‘ I'I‘- IIII'III'II III â€II'II' IIIImI- :II Oshawa. .\II \‘IIIWI‘III .\II'l‘:I\'i.~_‘II 10“ MM \I-I-II III IIIkI‘ :I IIIIsiIiIIII in the III' I .\zIIIIIII:II Hunk. DI‘IIIIII. .\II'. and .\II.~'. I. I}. KIII'StI‘I“. \VIIII xx I‘I'I‘ :II'I'IImIIrIIIiI‘II by IIIL'II’ SI'II FI'I'II :IIIII \\‘II'I- III' I’I'IL‘I‘VIHI‘. IIIIVI' I'I‘IIII‘III‘II 2"HIII :I \'I'I'}' IIIIjIjIyaIIIII mI'IIIII‘iIIg II'IP and Visit \\'IHI I'I‘IIIII\'I_‘S :II I'Zlm'IIlaIIII :IIIII IIIIIII‘IIIHIIIIIis. .\lI'. JaI'k Kars- MM. and .\II'. aIIII Mrs. F. Damp. fur- IIII‘I‘ I'I'sIIIIIIIIs‘ III‘I'I‘. “VP at. HII‘ laIII‘I' HIV and IIIIVI‘ IIIIIIII \‘L‘I'y SIII'UI‘ISSI'III .\li-‘sws 1.15111 and Ruin 31'1‘ '21111111 1111 11111 hnlidms 110m 11:111111‘. flask†\\l111'11 thm taught H111 past '1-:11- :11111 1111111w11 1119 in the “1151. M12 Ruin-1'1 11111111111301) (11‘ “311111511 .!;1\\'. $3.41.. 1111'! 1111' 111111111 11191 \\'1111k :131111' 11511111: his 1'11111111' and 51511113. '1111'11 :11111 1'11l:1ti\'11s 111 Osprey. 311's. .\. 12111-11111 {1111! 51311113 .\Iiss 1.111131 “11.2111. 111' l)1111‘1‘1it. 1111111111111 \111' last “111111 :1111! are 115111113: 0111 111111115 11111'11 :11111 at K111111111'l11y. 1131111111 \\'. Irwin and RM'. \V. H. #1111111 111111 51111 111' Durham. 31110111- :»:1111111! 113' 11111 111111111".< son-in-law. .1111 43112111111. .\11'. 111111 .\Ir's. 1(11111'11115'. 13' 81110111111111; :.::1\'1.1 115 :1 11111asa111 A meeting hf about sixty rate- pax ers of the school sections in Ar- tvm. mesia winuhnloi 111 the Red School. No. 3, on W edimsday exening last \x‘o-wk to 11031 repni'ts and discuss schonl mattm‘s. Mr. Richard Allen. secretary Uf Ai'temesia Rural SChOOl 'j'rustoeus .\.~z~'uciat10n. presided and Lunci afwlu-s'svs with intvi'esting wits m; 1.. ;_1\ cu bv Messrs. Albeit <13--p11.ns 111-1111;» \\ bite. Thomas M11111p~ and HPIIIV (“vibett 11910,;- :11.» in Hw Untax 10 Teachers (1011- Minn 111 loxpnto. Miss Stpphens. .\li°. anti MI'S. '\\'. Russ lirivv I'o-nlm? ifirii' llHllll‘ a? Ho~u1':.:o*lH\\'n and cum)“ Ezuim in l'l'éldv‘ in Mrs. Hanlvy‘s "~'~"l6l¢‘ll('0' \ai-alml last wee-k by Mrs. >3 l‘liillips. \\'lll) moved to Mr. Boyd ilinniiimn's i'o-sio'lo.'iii'o'. 3 Mr. W, MUHK'P has had the oxtvrim' his I'o-siilvm'c anal UH: slum (wou- g-iml by .‘Oll'. Findlay painted annw mil Mr. W. Paton is having his .-“'.~‘lil0‘llw' I'nlialllll‘ll. It. was miii-l lll'l‘L' 011 the twvlftli saw for NH? liig motor tral’l'ic iiil'uiluli tn ullio-I' points. The L. U. L. aiicl many i-ilizvns attonl‘lml tlw t‘ulvlll'illl'lll at ()wvii Sound and ,iiliwi-s \wnt to Maxwell and Dur- lzani. Sail ll0'\\‘.~' has liven i'coived how 01' iwi'vnxvi’uviil tn Rm; anal 311's. 1’. G. l-Vm‘le-i'. ut' Pulaski, Indiana, by the ixiilimo-l_\' “ml Hl' lllo‘ii' little nt‘phvw \xliu was struck by an aulomnbili) and instantly killml. :1 :11'11131'. and daughter of delegate >111plncns, also spoke well and inter- 1st111:_'ly 1111 schuol matter; The wm-uqscs worn interspersed with 31ltfa>lllg 1'1'a1ilings by Mr. Georgo .\2{111.~'. ' 'l‘l11-Rock Mills Baptist church -111'111-11 party last 'wcck was a :111111'V1n'.’ 51113311955, the procumls 113111;: 13\1-1' 1:31;:l1t\ -f1\11 1.1011315. T1111 111::1- 1.1'ow:l was pleasinglv 011113'1- 1111111111 “1th a 111111 promammo Ol 11111.~r1_' 11} local talent and D11111lalk 1"1119. '11113 314111111151 Sumlm school l11111‘ l.~-~l1l 1111111' 2111111111] 11111111: at 111.11' 5 -1-11\1- 1):1'il1111'~'1lt1\ ut'yt1111111’111 last 211111 H11- 11'11213 11"01111 had {111 1311jm- lo DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL JOHN MflRRISON. Chairman. Ul_'thl:â€"'. V '. and Mr ' hnxnv a I, (Our own correspondent.) Thursday, July 17, 1924. THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR Mr 1:. P. H llamx of "_lnu_.)11tn had {I shut th nlidax at his homv hmv last \H wk and mntnxml 3115.12â€! Bvllamv tn (nu-n Sound to \i>it new husband. t'mpluyml them Mastm' .lnlm Muvllor left on Friday for 'l‘nx'onto and his home- ut Mont- Mair. arm- a holiday with his aunt, Mrs. J. .\. Jamieson, here. 3Li~.~._ 8112111101'1'1113011131 111_1a1"[‘(11‘- 1111111. is 111111111 “11h 11111'11'13111115 1"01 UM1 h:1lid"l}5. Mthcrtl' 'l‘histlvlmvailv and fami- l.\‘ of 'l‘m-Qntn. aw on their annual holiday \yltl} hwy pat'vnts horn. Mr. Eric I')«f>\\'ling of Allistnn, I‘P- tm'ning from a trip If» Lion's Hum] mmin a wm-kwncl Visit. With his unvlv. Mr. F. I’imlm- hm'v. a... .H. ._. _,....:~::.4 22.1. .33.. :63 32.5 .I....::; 2:: :7. 35:3. 3.2, 1:553 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurston andl babe. and Miss Dell Thurston, made] a work-0nd visit. tn Aylmm‘ and Mitchell. Mrs. (Evox'gr- \\'hitc, who was mu :1 Visit. hem). I'uturnmgl to her mum at Aylmvr with them. - I‘Qu. 3115511131115 1’1111101' 1.13111 11' 11111115 in â€1011111111 :1 $111111 \isit last “wk. .\l1'. and Mrs. Frank VunDusvn Hf Turnntn. \‘Isuwgl mw- tlw work-0nd \ch tlw l'nI'nuws momma call last week while on a motor out.- ing to this place and Eugenia. We were very pleased to renew acquain- tance with Rev. Smith, who preach- ed here a number of years ago and called an us. - MI. Josoph Axmstrong uf 'lownto Spent the) \H t k-Lml “ith his tamil} ht m 7:17. :75. Zinc: 47.32. :92. 2. 7.74 22.x 4:: :3. 5:1... .57 ._. 5.. text... .3: :E... Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stillwell and two childivn ut \".etona N. .L motowd hi H on "lhumlax last to \isit \ SUINwlls n10th¢_*1°..\lIS.RO\'. and al: iiiglitvis. Mis. Stillxxell and child- i-o-n will i-vmain fox the summm. Mrs. 'l'. S. SDI'UUIU of Markdale Illalll‘ a Visit hero on Friday lust. calling on sumo of her old friends \VllU \wro- pluasml to see her almnst l-m-m'o_~m~cl from injuries sustained in a. warm automubilc accident. Mrs. H. .l. ('ioldsboruugh and little sun nl‘ lmquois Falls. an: on :1 Visit llt‘l'f‘ with UN? formnl’s pawnls. MI‘. and Mrs. (lmwgv Mitchell. Miss \mIIIia “right has said IIIIII IIIIIIIII III 'IIIIIIIIIIII aIIII “ho “as (III a \IsiI IIIIIIII IIIII IIII Saturdav f01' Do- IIIIIII. and III IIIakII aII exIIIIIIlIId \isit with IIIIII sistIII' . Mrs. (DII.I Strain. at. LIIIIIuI Falls. Montana. Miss Wright IIaII nIaIIIIlI'I. IIIIIIIIIIs I'IIInI 'l‘IIIImIIII IIIIIIIIIHIIII IasI. \xIIIIk l"'(‘[lI‘\\IIlg the IIISCI'IIIIIHIIS IIII IIIII IIIIIgII mIIIIIumIIIIt, III IhII \\IIi:_IIII IamIIx III UH) IIIImII~ [I I'} IIIPI‘II. Mr. Ruhm't. Dmvn was in Tornnto «m husnwss last \w-ck and brought hunw a new car on I’l’lday. Mr. George Thompson of Chesley is \isiting his brothel at Portlaw, and \\ as joined last week bx his son liiarn of Detroit, on his annual holi- l a) .-II!-I- t. : AEII: c240 . 3-â€... -1..- 3. ï¬ 2.27:3 252:5? .2"... .515: 2:. a...:3.u. 2.12:3. Em». Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Pedlar of De- troit. are on a month's visit with the ft)1"l:nf_'l_"s parents and other relatlves. Master I\ an Henderson of Toronto is hnlidaMnf: at the home of his uncl» Mr. Joseph Blackburn. Mr. Fred Bellamy, assistant. post- master at, Collingnvood. is holidaying here: this wenk with his father and othnl‘ i'eiatiws. Miss Flurvncv Linswell, assistant supm'intnndcnt in Baby‘s Hdspital. No-wm'k. X. J.. is «m thrw wccks‘ ram! ion with hvr pawnts and sisters new. ..l{ U. Moads, dl'u'misl is 11mm), 114nt Ipumtuml ten davs holidzns. )lis. Hamiltnn of Laurel is \ isiting her daughter Mrs \\.Llair011. A numhor 111' willing hands. a tarklv 11111! a substantial railing mmrding a (langvruus mnhankment Hi “111 zimiirnarh of tho nurth 01111 of tl11- lax-gr bridge 1111 Marsh street. (Ilarkshurg. aw-I'tml a St‘I'lUllS auto- mohili‘ accident 1111 Monday vvonin". when four men from Collingwoml 111 an UH'llfllld 'ar awnml byMr. \‘s'm. tiisl111p.th1* 1l1iwr ()l “hiLh al- tmnptvd tn hack 1_“1H Hillmest 1l1i\o \xhirh l11) l1a1l m 1111\ntl} mistaken for “111 main road and in so doing,r lust 1_'1_)11tI'Hl 111‘ the car. which started rlmx‘n H111 bank. 1.1813011110111011 the irnn railing mm the post, knocking th1- [inst out of positiun and for some minutes 1011 the car and its 1.111011- pants in rather a doubtful position. Hnwvvnr n11 Shrinus damagv was «tune in tho 1‘211' 111111 t'uur thankful mun worn still alive in 1'1~.~'11n11- tlwir ,innrnvy inane-ward. At the Entrance exams. Principal Holland‘s (:13: s of nine in U111 Public school 1111111 1111111113 goud silo“ 1113‘. all passing but one, and three with 11011â€" ors. T1111 successful 1.11103 were : Murray Inkstcr, Mari-1m Stuart. Cora McFadden. .l11an Stuart. H11l1111 Hoaid. .111an11tte (181111111, )lil1i11-11l F1~"'111is. and li11111111tl1 B11tts. \t H111 R1111 School. Miss Ferris, teacher, James Allen, l'l\'11r1'-it Blackburn and Graham l11ar1i all passed. Somv nl' stv fmying mansions m the: skivs put; \'L'I'}' small Instal- ments nu tlw (-ollm'hun plate. M rs. eGorge Mitchell entertained a number of ladies in town on Monday afternoon at. a trousseau tea in honor of her (laughter. Miss Lulu Mitchell. 'lmide clcct, who was also given a. shower by her numerous friends at the home of Mrs. Mark Wilson. on 'l‘uesday afternoon, when presented with a. pair of beautiful silver candle sticks. Mr. and Mrs. James Aikenhead and children of Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hickling. Mr. W. Carroll was home from Toronto over the week-end with his familv. Mr. '1'.B. Perigo and two bOys, of Toronto. were visitors with the. for- mor‘s sister. Mrs. Albert. Stewart. on 3199918)}- _ Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lehman and Mrs. Jake Williams. of Toronto were vis- item at \V’urdon McTavish's the be- ginning HI tho week and were ac- (umpaniml home by Mrs. Mc'l‘avish for a. visit. 4:57 9: I: 1.1.7 .5158 .5: magi, 175$ 1:: 2:51. :35 E .1_ In 53.7. .._.1.1m..: 141:2 Autnmobile Removed from Danger- nus Position by Helpers. Mr. J. K. S. Mitchell, barrister, of Chicago, with his wife and babe arâ€" rived- on Saturday for a visit at the parental home and to attend the wedding of his sister this week. Miss Nelson of 2.10110 Road, formerâ€" ly teacher here. visit-ed over the meek-9nd with Mrs. Gilchrist and Miss Marx Paton. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton made a \\ nek- mu] \isit to Mount Forest and left thcix hm boys to \isit gland- IxmtheL Rev. H. II. Eaton will be absent the m-xt two S1111«_lays on Summer School work. Mr. W. Brooks of Sholburne \lvill suvly in his pulpits next Sun- L M. Mr. Rog. qugi has. gone t6 Toronto tmtake a posltlon. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Holland are vis- itipg igl‘oxjontp this week. _ [)1'. and Mrs. Murray. .\I vs. Jnsoph Blackburn. Miss Agnes Hwncim'sm, and Miss 'l'lwlma Wilson made a vis- it in Owen Sound on Monday. . Miss. Luella. (ix-aingcr IS \‘lSltlng ln-I' cousm. Miller. RESCUED FOUR MOTORISTS THE DURHAM CHRONICLE 0f (.h'L‘l‘InOI'P, Mrs. \V. H. THE CHRISTIAN PULPIT (From Our Dumb Animals) Why might not the ministry in our churches be expected oftener to refer to, our relation to the animal world? ‘Cruelty is cruelty, whether shown toward man or beast. And there is a vast amount of cruelty that is the result of ignorance and thoughtlessness. Many a preacher doubtless says. “If I preach the gospel. I am most quickly striking at the roots of all evil.†Why, then, dwell upon the sins of pride, avarice, jealousy. self-indulgence. and other failures of men to measure up to a noble standard? An occasional ser- mon upon the theme would not. only benefit but. delight an audience. Its very novelty would make it welcome. We think the real reason of the pulpit’s silence in this respect is a failure to take the whole thing seriously. Man‘s relation to aniâ€" mals is held to be too trivial a matter. we fear, to be brought into the pulpit. , Well. it has been brought into the Bible often ehough. Get the habit of looikng over our Small Classiï¬ed Ads. on page 7. There may be money in it. Small Ads. too late for classiï¬cation wild be found on page 5. If you have any- thing to sell a Small Ad. may bring you a buyer. If you want to buy anything, let the public know about it in The Chronicle. An outlay of a few cents may save you a lot - of trouble and make you a lot of dolâ€" lars. bf LOOK THEM OVER DUNLOP BALLOON TIRES BUNLDP TIRE 8: RUBBER (50005 00., LIMITED N 9W Ready ( ‘ T h 8 933710;? T ..-rail ’ ’ HEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES: 870 Queen St. East, TORONTO. HAMILTON BRANCH: 18-24 Park Street South. LONDON BRANCH: 571 Richmond Street. OTTAWA BRANCH: Dunlap Building, 306-312 Sparks St. " "The Dunlop Trail" is the "newâ€"idea" touring book, which rep- resents the ï¬rst attempt to lay Ontario before the holiday-seeker in such a way that he can motor over the Province systematically. In order to keep the circulation of "The DunIOp Trail" in the prOper channel a nominal price of ï¬fty cents'has been put on it. Any Garage or Tire Dealer in Ontario will take your order for "The Dunlop Trail" or you can procure it direct from this Com- pany at any of the Ontario Ofï¬ces mentioned below. In “The Dunlop Trail" you find every River and Lake trip in Ontario that has a schedule; also special Train trips; combination Auto, Boat and Train trips; the ï¬rst complete list ever published of places in Ontario where Summer Hotels are located; every Golf Club and Camp Site in the Province, and real information, where you want it, about steamer and ferry services for taking autos aboard. Not a ref rence page from cover to coverâ€"~in other words, you get the whole story of a district when you are at the two pages covering that particular district. No advertising of any kind in “The Dunlap Trail.†All. maps and illustrations specially drawn; all material specially compiled. Tnink of this feature: All your mileage ï¬gured out for you over the entire Provinceâ€"the ï¬rst time this has been at- tempted in the history of motoring. The whole story of Ontario is told in sequenceâ€"Ontario from Winnipeg to Cochrane, to Winc‘isor, to Montrealâ€"yet the book only comprises forty pages, and is pocket size. Dunlopâ€" Tire Makers to Canada for Thirty Years. Summer Resorfs of ngario in a Nutshell for the Motorist. Less Air, Mdre Comfort I 72 a joint account “ My Wife ' Handles the Money †For t/ze c/zz'ldren, too Tï¬e wzï¬ deposits Durham Branch - j’. A. Rowland, Manager “ She can do it better than I. Each pay day she always deâ€" posits our savings ï¬rst. We never buy anything unless we have the cash to pay for it and each year our savings are growing. " A Joint Account in the name of husband and wife allows the wife to deposit or Withdraw money during her husband’s absence or when he cannot get to the bank during business hours. A Savings Account for the children will teach them the value of keeping their money, thus helping them to form the habit of saving. In Reel Life It’s Diï¬erent! 20