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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1924, p. 4

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l ()n the m‘ézc-r k:u:a.i_ ;.zA..L...-n.,n “f HRHVV "3' 3"”{1} iii'ili~'l!'io*,~' {rum i'Hi't'iL'i‘. ("'Inl'“ti:i"l§ iii'o'Sr'I'Vug 1...;- tiw farmer his izwmu Illul‘knf and. though the oivmnv: fur farm M’u- oiucts may iw Hz". M m.- “Wig-hf; 1118?th the farmo‘z'. men in the face 02' low prices. has his hump market intact and sn long as the manuâ€" facturing and other industries cut the ('«mntry are kept active. should not suffer tn the same extent as he would if they were In vanish, Under present, conditions. at least. it does not. appear that the l’nited States farmer is any better. if as well off as 'his brother in Canada. He. too. is complaining of low prices for his products and high prices for what he has to buy. Free trade, or 3'?“ iliit‘ll}g~-lz: .- the drmanoi few 3 km all UN“ bf'ttO'I' HM} ritio-s has [I 59011”. int. if tilt-ions oiu not .~' me fill'lllofi's' m pricw fur mam: arm'pt. lmx' prim they will latkc .‘o'ncm‘nin: \Va) En-lpin: meswl' “ill “mi by I'M-SHIP :n a N' which tho-y hum- suppwtvrs. Hm; (lhrmlit 0n the" « prm- ..; mam-1' \V prob)“ ch country 1‘. market 2': oillCt". [3. normal at pricvs mu light {UM Published every Thursday morning at the ofl'ice, Garatraxa Street, Dur- ham, Ontario, by W. Irwin. Editor and Proprietor. The Chronicle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year. 81.00 for six months, 50 pcents for three months. To an} address in the Unit- ed States of America. $2.50 per year. $1.25 for six months. 65 cents for three months. Foreign subscript10n rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Associahon. ‘.Ill£h ullCtS. lm tiontn a n among: tho- Vldmi they ‘22I'mo-2' 222 22-2-2 mm'v mom-y 202' ms 2'2'2’2325. 'l'ho'y >8}. (2122'). that tho- Sam!- 022222g2'2-ss that \‘UKPS high tariff 21222222 \2'211222g'ly 2,-222'222gh finds in- >22122'l221 32' ”Mo-2 tinns to 222222ctin" i'm's 2222 2222? 222 2222' 2222 up H222 [21°22 2-5 221 222122 pr'mlm IS. H H!» 2222221222' must 1w 22225222221 \xith 12:2w2222295 thev "Whiw |22n2t22\\222"2\'1222'222201i0} that REHUM 'Nl‘h'v HIP MIH' Hi “hat he .22s 222 2222\'. \22222 22 2222~2222< 22 much != \'\2-2' 2'22I2~ 2»? 222'222‘2'2222222. H22\\ 2222 2222- t':22"‘n‘222.~‘ will b0 22122222222 In HmsH 222'2222222-2223' Inmains -0 it“ MN [1. ”'22 \ “"021”! “Ht pay 222-2222 22222-2 2222222 222 2222222 21' in the 2 222' 22222222- .-2222212222222.~' l22-2'22 222' 23152::- tiirmo-r is still a. long way from real prosperity. His exiiei'iences have :ziimle him siispiciiius of the way in which um ecniiuniii' policies wui'k. Si'vmv Hf thi- men who have great lllflllt‘llt‘i‘ im-i' agrii'ultur‘al opinion “5'“ sugar-sting that the farmer revise :is \ii-ws nii the wisdnm of the ‘ :"0l“t‘ll\0‘ system. "'l‘hi-ii- iii-giin‘ieiit is that protection il9'lll.‘ ilio- i‘iiiiiiiit'ai-turei- in get. hiin ; views and ill" \\'ni'kmzui to get high zigm. lilll that it does nut help the ’zii‘mo-i- tn 2“: mm“ mum-y for his -:'up.~‘. 'l‘hi-V xii}. low. that. the same- °luii:_"i'o-.~'~ that \im-s high tariff -.'itim \\lllil‘i:."l\' eiic’viigrh finds in- -':u'n"1vx.~" It'livt hills failed to pass. :1 lue onl} thing: that tho- Huwr‘nmnnt Has elulw in impmur Um lalmms wtuaimn \\ :1" flour in the President \hvu ho- zaisoul HH- twu iff nu “11ml and. aim». the l nitml Matvs does Ht, haw in impmt “heat but does still limo- tn sell a CHllSlllf‘Iable quantity ni’ it. in tlior Liwxpool iuzix'kvt. tho- l’rwsiolrnt‘s act. has had ..n gi'wut sue-w»; in raising the price. w:' who-at nu llio- l’aIm. “It i.~ gwoilizips t1uv. as “0 Com- ~‘Iamh Hibl ll! tlu- nu“ Spapt'l’s, that. *hv ::iiluio- nl 1201121 055 tn act “ill 3.va alflll>v s.» mmh torso-ntment in m. \\ . ~t as might lw vxpccted. since t-‘u- siluatinu ml “in lui'rmus is gradually mun-Ming. and the p105- ;un't. fnl' lwllo'l' \Vllt’at [ll'llft‘s this tall. “wing; in a Pt'llllt‘fifll crop out- innk o-\'t'l'}'\\'lio'l'6.‘. is good. But the FARMERS AND PROTECTION l'niler the above heading. the July 1‘! issue of The Youth}? Companion, published :it Huston. Massachusetts. deals with the farmers“ problem as Seen l'rnm an American viewpoint. Judging train the talk in this coun- try. both from the platform and on the street. there are some peonle n he o-xitlently believe that. the Canadian farmer is the only one Htfferlrlg from the olecline of prices in farm prwluee. As The Companion is an independent journal with an international reputation for sane and clever editurials. the article published below should have a great lté‘a] ”1' weight with Canadian agriculturists. The Companion says: savs: "C(mgross refused to pass any of the bills that. wcrv drawn Pspecially tn l'PllPV" the» difficulties of the Western farmer; principally, it appears. hmrausv it tlnubtecl that the bills would work out well. “Whether .t. was justil’iml in its doubt is for the prvsmn h"5ll_l‘_‘ tllo' ¢_]l_l(.'5ll”ll. \Vhat has lmppcnml is that the lunch 1 ’:"2H' fl! \‘x'ht'l'o' atmut. : $011M I‘mnu'o ms tn buy. “\Vt'l‘ l'HIO‘ Hf “BMW {in t {.10 UN! In H. H [W 5m 11. muh auto-Mi DURHAM CHRONICLE i’AGE mun ('I'f'uw Thursday, July 17, 1924. s mus mamn'a Nuns hvrv ul' «3150.- ~‘Hc'h us to bring: and satisfactory ~1'1w'- nf l'zu'm pro- -I‘.< haw nu objec- gx-o-u nf prospt‘rity pnplllatiflll. pluâ€" 'nspo-I': inchol thm Hugh tn kmm that run n\\n Mops will if Hw wurkman in v-nty of mnnc-y tu ztxx'irllltux'al cun- mfdllh‘ Ullpl")\'¢). if 5: sh” pay high :n-mrml f-'¢HNI1>‘ and farm pl'ndlh'o. inns thought. ul Inc-ans of l’w:h:ip~'~ tluv my: ti. {mitt l\ \w pnlny. 0i i}' how-n strong mly indirwt. unh'y. has a m pnih‘y. that [n (in. world‘s wn farm pm- ivmanol is ab- .:ht. Hwn high thv .io-mand is immmal. thvn raw “'0 ‘ more? a an align- .i 1w nvw ll! “\\'111311 such an institution as 11113 1'11'111111\ lai1' 5111V1V135 from age 111 213,113 and 511113a115 from 1'11111111'3 111 1'13111111} 1115 13Vi1-l131111y because .11. 111131315 a 111311111113 human 11131311. 111 11113 1'111'1111_31"5 11113 of steady \V111'k 11.1111 1'1_111111:11':111V13 isolation it 111'11Vi1l1'5 1113\V5. 111511'ucti1111, {111111513m13ut an11 5111'1z1l1ility. :11111 111113113113 11 15 a 13011â€" 1-111111111111 111‘ 1111111 1111.3 111211 511011111 1113 1113111 :11111 13111'11111'111'1311. 111 [1111.11113 \Vli131 131- 5:11 111a11V ut 0111' 501:1:11 11151111115: originated. 1'11111111'V lair: '1‘11'13 1311311 11101'13 1.0n11n1111 1112111 in 1.1113 1'11111311 31:11135. in Russia {110110 111131'13 :11'13‘1'11111'13 than 51x11_31311 thous- 111111. '1‘1113 annual 1:111' :11 Nijni-NOV- :41'11011 la5t5 1"111111J111y 28 11) 81311113111- 11131' . 111111 in 11111'111: 11 11111135 n101'1'than 111113 1111111111111 1110115111111 1113011113 attenu it. 11131'13 1".111111113 m131't5 Asia to 13x- 11121111113 ['11 1111111' 15‘. \\ ,1h 111_'\'_1‘l “11‘ $129 111 51111::111111 111 11113 11111-5 111 L111'111113. illo'V :11'1- 1113111 1111'1111'111115115111 11'a1111 1'11111131' 1111111 :15 13111111113titix13 1.32111111- iii-3:115. 111 51.111311411151111; 11151111315~ 111131 :11'1- 121211“ 5:1115 1"1111131' than 1'2111‘ 113 51111V.5 ' 1 511:1llV 1111'). are 1113111 111 an 11111311 1113111. 111 \\ h11'h 111) 11:31.3 is 1 111:: 121311 1111' 11111111551011. 1":11'111131'5 51311 1111311' 111'1111111'13 :11111 buy 1‘1’1131'1'1'1a11d1513. ls thvro- not mm“ mm! sound 50.1150- 31) Hm l'nlluwnm t'mm 'l'hv Youth's tinnwrumm‘f: ~ 'l'lu- apparr-nt llvclinv in intvrosl in llu- runntry fair is :I matter of 2m» impnrlanrv. Duringr tlw past lvn \r'als‘ tlu- rllangml rnnllitiom flu-011;. lwul lhv \xnrltl haw nut fox- :nltvn mun this institutinn. and 101' :1 limo. tlu- may» for amusomvnt ancl vxvitvn‘wnl in n grrval many casvs has :lotrm-lm'l from the real Object ul' thv rnunlry show tn such an vxtvnl that. tu-(lay many formerly worth \xhilnl fall l'uirs are little morv than glaring: :mal Iwisy midways. hursv tacos. balloon asrvnsions and tho‘ llkl‘. ~u My: u uull bauxc. 1CD V , - _. .. lb he between home teams. If there is tn be music. give the local singers or players a Chance to be heard. It tom! is tn be sold. let. it be home conkmt. If the exhibits are strictly 01' things that nature. in -tl3atw_reg_ipn _ L 011 oven freer trade under present, mnditinns would not impmw tho condition of nithmz and. possibly. might. work a lot nf mlditinnal hard- ships. yields best a'ifl‘fnbâ€"siabundan "wttlicfile country fairs will be mqre Instruc- tive and better worth whlle than the mammoth city carnivals.” unly ni't'o- 'actioms“ :zx-yvyurs 'ink and «mm» as THE COUNTRY FAIR ?2%2v1 â€" Now NEVER mmo WHAT YOUR 4 PAPA mu SAY ABOUT . \1- WE'RE 593' ‘ ~- eom' camPtuG TAB YEAR! _‘_U Live hugs .......... -. . . . _- $.00 \Vflxeat ................ 1.08 @D 1.10 17313 ........................ 40 Q2 45 Barley ...................... 60 @ 6:3 Buckwheat ................ 75 @ 85 Peas .................... 1.00 @ 1.10 Hay...‘ ................ 10.00 @ 12.00 Butter ..................... .23 Eggs ....................... .21 HI I 1101‘ .......... u ........... . ‘27) Hides ...................... 0:3 Sheepskins ................. 1.50 571.. ~31}... 9.35 2. C226: 8:. :7. 38:5: .55. E. $2.3: 2:157 gazmuz. E... 4Z3E 2:5. wig? :5. .._. ._. $47.3? :53. $.26 :24... m Mr. S. D. Uioft. Canadian Vationzil Rail“ av agent. is holidzning for a mnpln oi \wcks \xith Old frienc‘sl at Acton. Sti'attnid, and ulsmxlicih. Mr. HOPHCP Elvidge is station agent in his abswnwr. I)1...I 1' (want and tamilv 1911 [w mutm wsthday 101' 1010mm. \\ 11010 1111-} \\ill \1511 101' a few (13ny \xith .\h s. Grant's s‘istvr, Mrs. L'nderwnml. at Sun-rhumugh Beach. While in ”10'“th Dr. Grunt will attend Ma- 5mm (Hand Ludgv, now in sossinn thwl’o'. Mrs. J. S. l);-}jsgzi.lc and son 'Of Hamilton aw \‘151t1ng 311'. and Mrs. IN-tm' Gagntm. M1. J. A. RmHand. manager of Um Rom! Bank is at present 011 11011- day. his plau- here being taken 1)) Mr. S. 31111. amountaut. Mia‘s Fi'ttvs, Manon uf the 112101] lmspital 4:111:15 vuim in" a month .5 imliniax and is at prom 11t \isiting a hinthvi' 111 thv Status.D111ing her nbwnci- Miss )Iclxinnun is 111 charge SOCIAL AND PERSONAL 3112111111 311's. Harold Gloin 111‘ Bisn1ax'1k..\l1'<.l1'z1 Yake 211111 5011 111' 11;.1'1..'11111111. an11 311.111111 M1" 1111111111 Phillips 211111 8011 111' St. Gltharinus. \\ 11111 141111515 UVPI‘ SundaV 01' Mr. and M15 1.\\.K11lso} 211111 lamih. 311's. (1111111 31111 )11'5.\ak19 are 1_laught01's. 111111 )11'5.1’11111111.< a niece 111 )11'. 111111 MIS.K1‘18L‘_. Moss'rs. J. A. Rowland. K. D. Mc- Clmkiiu and 1):..1. F Giant aw in attvndancv at Masnnic (wand Lodge in [010nm this. week. Miss Mary Mcchlmiv. Mrs. \\'il- liam )Igtlx'ackon and Mr. Clinton l"‘awt.< nf Preston motored to town nu tho» 12th and Visited Mr. and Mrs. D. McKechnie, th'c f<-n'n1¢31’s parents; and nthm' t‘I'imuls. :7 M5; .57.. .3. $2,513.. 3. ._. 2457.. 2: :53 €2.21? mt.::.._:fi o. :5. 95¢ 23.: a? a}. .x. :. 32.....23r DURHAM MARKET THE DURHAM CHRONICLE “Oh Yes, We Have No Bananas Gent’s Furnisher OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO In fact we have everything a man desires. Come in and let us show our fine range of Hats, Caps, Shirts, Ties Collars and Socks GENT’S FURNISHINGS Why Is It? But we have an up-to-date line of Corrected July 17,1924 ............... $800 .......... 1.08@1.10 .............. 40 @ 45 ............... 60 @ 65 D. M. SAUNDERS MEN’S FURNISHINGS including : Mr. and Mrs. Alfrc-w‘l McClucklin have rutm'ncd to Toronto after sx‘muling thruc wen-ks: at the Bucky calm». 3112111111 )11'5.R.H.I‘011uuc. 51.111 \\'ill11111111 21111.1 11111111C\\',\V‘1'Hiam 1211551115. 111' .-\.\t1111 $111111 11111 \111ek11n11 \\ 1111 11111111111111.111131'. M1». 1:. 56111111112. 3115.1 B1-ck111' 1J1111rht111' Ruhv. )11s. 1. 1’11-1111'111111<1111<laIIa1111Jack 01 Hafiowr spent 3 10111118 01‘ (1355 I151.\\111-1{ \\1111 3112211111 Mrs. Grant, y1111211111121 111111 1111111111'11111115 in 11mm. Mr. Wilfred Bén "1.1""'foifiifiIâ€"j ' i; holidaying with Mr. George A. Turnâ€" buill of South Bontinck. 3111.171111111'5' 11111111111 111 Hammer. 11111111111111 H111 0111111111 demonstration 1111111 on Saturday and remained 0\1'1' Sundax and Mundav as tho guest of 111'1' 111'11111111'. 311'. [111111 Lynn and iamily. Shu “as 1111'11mpani111tl by 111311 1111111 1,:1'111111- 1111111 511101, Miss I)111'11th_\ \\a}k1'1'11f I1111111t1'1. 311‘. and .\I1-.<. .\. A. Catton and 11111132111111 lifl'iv. 111' ’l‘1.'_.)1011t1;1 1110 811011111111; :1 11m 11:1\< \isiting HM I)111_.1an1 11111] 311111111 1501-11 at 111011.115. Miés Ln‘t‘tiv Dean returned to Tor- t‘mfn. aftvl' sl’wndln" 1110 \\'(}0k- end \\ ith lm' pawnts and nthm' I'nlatiws. War agn 101' ”In first time in littv throw vval's. Thvv iMend to return :1? “w «'1ch (11‘th “m k. Min and Mrs. William Gaines 0f Glenn Hunter . “WEST ME WATER TOWER” F RIDAY- - SATURDAY Veteran Star Theatre T\\7() SHO\VS :8 and 9.15 P.M Durham. Ontario June 18-19 ENGAGED BY HIGH SCHOOL BOARD .Mi'ss Jean Baird of .tuwn has been v131t1ng \wth fmends 1n Holstem for a few days, Mrs. J. A. Thomas and daughters, Ada and Doris, of Nurth Bay. motor- wi have last week and are guests of Mrs. Thomas’ sister, Mrs. L. W. Limin, for three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. E. Burgess of Bolla- Villu \‘lSthd the forum‘s aunt. Mrs. John Graham. hora, on Saturday. . Misws Blanche? Murdnck ' fund ()Ian'o Rum" are Vls'lting with frnn'his at Bellewlle. Mr. and Mrs. Aliwri Hemockiin are slwndmg thmr vac-«Hun at. the: 11th ky _c_amp. Mr. J. J. Wilson of Invermay, Sask. is home to spend a month or so with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wil- son, at the home of Mr. William E. Bourne. It is eighteen years since Mr. Wilson was here and his visit with his parents and sisters is one of pleasure. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ritchie and famin of Toronto spent the 12th with their uncle and aunt, Mr: and Mrs. '1‘. C. Ritchie. M112 and M15. .1. A. Graham and 311.111111 MIS.J. M.B111‘gess attended Hu- I._.(H).l‘.110001a11011c*«_ia§ sonices at. Southampton on Sunday. TM} Miss-es \lt; 1.111011 of St. 'l‘hnmqs, at ' guests of Miss Maw Edge tins week. Miss Maxgamt )chnnnoll (It '101‘ unto has. been nngagml 113' the High School Bowl 11010 1‘01 mixt 3'0211 to take thv placo 01 Miss \hboft.10- Signed. Mrs. A. Smith and two daughtm-s. Missus Grace and Edith. are Visiting tlm I'mmwr's pastnts. MI'. and Mrs. Adam “MP. in town. Mr. Alfred Bailey and 5011 Clifton. 01‘ Allan Park, spent an afternoon of this neck with his mother Mrs. Thomas Bailey, in town. Mrs. Elizabeth Gollyer, Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Lally Collyer, Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew" Mueller of Covington, Kentucky. the latter four on a motoring trip through Western Ontario, were in town Tuesday and gave us a pleasant call. They motored from Chicago and, joined by Mrs. Collyer at Guelph, spent a couple of days with relatives, the Eva and Lawrence families here and in Bentinck, The party returned to Guelph on Wednesday and Mr. and Mrs. Mueller and Mr. and Mrs. (Jollyer continued on by way of Niagara Falls and Buffalo to their homes at Covington and Chicago. 1V11. and M15. Ben Coutts and fami- 13 of Ebenezer spent Sunday \vlth M1. and Mrs. Mark Merw3n. Rarkhill spent the weekend with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Davis of Glenelg Mr. and Mrs. Bert Brant and little daughter, Jean are spending a couple of weeks with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dayls of Glenelg and 'other friends in the vicinity. Phone 8, Night or Day. THE PEOPLE’S MILLS 3 Every Day Is Bargain Day Sovereign Flour Eclipse Flour White, Lily Pastry Flour Bran Bran Shorts Feed Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats . Mixed Chop Mixed Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Calf Meal Pig Meal and Poultry F ecds AT N11 busmoss is 111‘115111-1'1‘1115 to gixe voung husbands all the 1112 raises that, thoii \\i\1»s think tho-j dosnm 11 â€"â€"-Mil\\ aukoo .11111111111. Back in thv «lays Wham pal-kin: $112100 was un trnublv to find it. aim was easier to find a fvlinw wins wasn‘t hrukuâ€"L‘incinnati Enquirer. So far. the honor of digging the first new potatoes of the season in this Vicinity goes to Dr. Jamieson. who (mjnyed a moss of them last 'J‘mesday. Others may have had them, but so far we haw: not. heard 01' it. Atkinsonâ€"In Glmwig, «m Tuwsda}; July 15, to Mr. and Mrs. erl» Atkm- son. a sun. Barber.â€"In N01 manln un .Iuh 14! to Mr. and MI'S. qu'mH 15311101.:1 daughter (Islay Isabnlf. NEW POTATOES LAST TUESDAY MAJOR GEO. WALKER Major George Walker, now a familiar figure in Chatham, Ontario, is one of the men who went through the terrible Indian Mutinyv As he says: “I am a veteran of the Crimean War and the Indian Mutiny, serving under Lord Roberts. Fierce hand-toâ€"hand fighting and continual exposure left me a great sufferer from Rheumatism, so much so that my legs swelled up, making it im- possible for me to walk. Myobowels were so constipated that I was in terri- ble shape until I began to use ‘Fruit-a- tives.’ They relieved me both of the Rheumatism and the Constipation- Today, I enjoy perfect healthâ€"no more. Rheumatism or Constipation.” , ‘_AA_-_‘ ‘___2A.L“ I ‘- cember lst, 1923 (eleven years after), M ajor Walker says: “ ‘Fruit-a-tives' are keeping me in the best of health and I shall never be without them." “Fruitoa-tives aim the fan‘mas Fruit Treatment â€"- intensified fruit juices combine-:1 with tonicsâ€"«that make you mail and Keep vou no“. 2% 22nd SOC- at all dcaicrs or from Fruit- 3-tixes, Limited, Ottaua, Ont. ,7 Crimean Veteran Praises “ Fruit-tam ” Thursday, July 17, 1924. Durham, Ont. BORN Miss Blanche Buyer is siwnchn; several weeks with Hamiltmi fl'iulhis. MI'. Clarence M('(;il'l' {it't'iilluetnthj by the Misses Elsie and Elli-ii Hcflt‘w and Esther Petty mnhmn! tn ring-2 Elgin 011 Friday of last \\.-.»i.\ :r .: I‘opm‘t a good timv. (Our «Wm correspond-om.) Mr. Smith and daughtm- Barbara 'Of Hmwood spent over Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. homas Troy 8. '1 ho olewnth amm: nl mm. .1 the Bontinck and H mm. x m; the ”Marin lie-“mum l-Lm; Council was hull w ”w \ Bapiist ('lllll‘vlL \\'.~.11..-‘.§;,}_ , Th0 Opening vxvl‘visw \\4'I't‘ : by “UV. .‘ll'. .‘tl'tt. Itiifi'tny' ”3' chut'vh. vamx'ts nt' :twgvuz-tn followmt. at'tm' “tun-II Mus Boycv I'vmtmwt :n tn-zmttt'ut “Building." t'nl' litc-x‘me' Mrs. Masml. “mum-1' :n splmzctict [uuwl‘ nu "tlunzntéun in 'l't'uinill‘r." shuwin; t \\tt:tt 2} ||n\\' tn start :1 class. Mrs. t Harmwr t'uttcm'ml with a <twl't Mrs. Mzwvn. Hil‘ SDINMM l‘ill'VI' nu ' in 'l'l'ainil ,.: shmx'in 2} Imw in start :1 cl liaIH'Vo U "'HI" “I0 L. Hannwr fullcm‘ml with :! ~‘hnr! 2:11 urging: the' rural svlmuis 1.. MM an ”'10 (I. (4. l. 'I‘. \\'m'k. Mr. .lnlm 'l‘aylur. rmllH)‘ M‘t'h'THI'} Hanm'vr. ('«mdur‘iml a \o-r_\ hvlgm ROUIM 'l‘ahlv rum'c'rt‘nrw :imlal' with tlw diffurvnt clvlmrtmvu: Lunrh was svrwd at Hw rlnw M H aftprmmn sewsiun. Thv I‘VPllim: svsslm; \\‘.L~ Hl'w‘llc “’ith 3.1)I‘VUHHHHI SG‘X'VU‘I‘ hui l._\ \1 John Taylor. 'I‘wu \‘vry :umrnprm solos \wrv giwn by .\-h-' .\:m. Boyd and Miss Elsi“ Huy't‘. Mrs. D. Chiltirk. «In-lvgznu- x.« :2 MR'S. I). Chiltivk. clvlvgmu provincial mnwnhnn th ford (N'tnln-r :{!I_r~.,\‘u\'«~mh.-l brought. a wry hum-“1m; ROY. BN'L'N'. Hannwx' :zu. dress un "Lifv Svrxim-‘fi was ““110 Him: is mum: to consm-ralv himsvll' um” f Our's mils! lw :i “Him: According: as \w- :m- inlhfi Master's \x'urk. \\ I“ H.- ..|..-x to groatvr Ilsvl'ulnvn; \:-.- our hast? A Cnnsmwntmn s this adm-uss {mi Campbcl l . This inIm-wstm: u VPHHUH was lol'nlluh singing: 'Hllust H.- Binds" ‘ilhl Hu' lu-H Prvsidvm. Mr. 11} Hammer. Th“ HITiW'IN Ma“ Of «inw‘trhnvms 1m. fulluws 2 Pl'vsiclvnt. (Ih:H‘I«-~ \' \‘PI': \'i('t‘-I’I'«‘~’iclt‘1?1. .\ FL”. 3!. I‘llmwtmd: Sum-n or. Mary Mvtlnllnm. H Assistant. .lulm 'l‘ux in! DOM. Sm’ts. Alt‘xalhh'l'. I-llnm (Buys . (134!“ (Girls . Flux-u Mr wnml: Adult. Elmwnmi: Hum ElnlWHmi: 'I'o-m'll ElnlWHmi: 'l'o-m'lx p.1'fillh‘l'. Hunm I). (linitlivk. H.H.: 81100. 'l'lmnnusnn vmml: 1‘:\2ill;.'¢'ll~'l i‘wll. Iih‘mx'mui. RIPS. MP1)“ m'vumpzmimi and Missvs I all ul' Humilt .Juhu lex'w! Miss Iflx SDVI'I‘a} W with Mr. Minniw \Ic htjhlidaym: alivvs hum Hmn'iius (‘Xh‘mlwl Bl'vmzm H 0mm inn! i HIM? 14*3!‘ hnnm'. “1.3m son. AIM tmn Hf I‘M :UOS'IS “1' MI“. mu Hafitit' 1’0‘t'4‘l]H_\'. “'0 wow Mvusm from Mr. haw Mu tho Missvs lex'ay. d-ay «m-ning :Hsn ray and sun. ““21! hurriml val! Sutmu Mr. Hughiv Mr]. and Miss l‘lvn. Mm Visitmi lhc- I.i\'in;:~‘1 familivs hvl'e'. Mum Hastiv and naniml by I):n.~'_\' FIRM familivs hvrv. Mummy, Miss (ivrtiv “Him“: was lllv :1”st ”1‘ Mr. 'H! McCuai: last \Vm-k. Mrs. . â€" whu has I fl'ionds m \‘iSiHl ;.' at \Villiam l Rm: S. S. Hall Svorntmv Hf _\ T01‘0I11n;:n. '1 SOI‘mnn in tho \1 on Sunday . x.- “11‘2"“. :lmm-nf Miss lis a holiday I‘Ils‘iv Buy: farowull Baptist ('h‘ at. H :1. m. I A mnrl thmwh H tn thv H' -HamiHu Our Sale Continues 0110 trip your IW‘k' The BC thw 89. 1 Opposit'? for the Whole man Oust and below c» article in our store Lato‘st, Slxlo‘ at. any prim in $9.00 in ('1 Thursday, July 17, 1924. \\ h l-Zlmxx‘ . ”I“ IN .mmvx‘ HIc-r I" H Mulock whole m 011th ”'1' win a! I, H G rand .H , All mns‘ \Vm‘H! i'! an me m um "ill m M M n: \1 ln' \\'I \\ H .\1 H H ll .\1 M H H M .\I \\ “11¢ V \n Ia \l \\ 1M! H H ll INHHH 1 ml a! M H

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