West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1924, p. 6

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NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby giwn to thp pub- lie that I will not be l‘t.‘spt.msibtv for any debt or debts contracted by my son, Mom- Mountain. after tlm first. appearance of this notice in The Durham Chronicle on Thursday. July 17. 1924. . ~ (SgdL PETER MOI'N’I‘AIN. l.ul'tln;~1':.' and Harris gralpln-«l tlw small lim- as it l'vll and at a signal began cll'a.\\'im..' it. in. .\ltat'hml [0 tho slxnl‘v vml was a lwavim' 1'01)". lml tho- twu nwn had a hat-«I limo- hanling it acmss llw swift. (-m-I'o-nt. 'l‘lmugll llmso un slmrv lwlpml all lhvy wmlol. It. tnnk l\\‘n lwurs tn go‘t th rupv uw-l'. 'l‘lwn thus» an slmrn cat'l'iml lhn mul up nn tnp nl‘ llw pnwm' lmusv :mol muolv it. swurv. As tho‘ \Vurk pmgn-ssm! night mmv m1. and big so‘amhlights \wx'v brmlght. intn play. PM a timc- tlw roscuvrs kvpt at tlwir task. but aI'Im' a \VhiEu Hwy rvluctantly {gt-mu: Lina: tho-:z- ~51" z'ts must «'Msu until .1 y- [if-rid. 7173pd (l‘il "It lllc‘ St'nl‘. lul'llw f.’ and H' I'- [‘lS \Kt'fl‘ .s‘o'o‘ll 9” llt‘ IlH‘Xll i“ 13“". ii rest \\.':'i'o' puss-aisle t'nr men almui"? u stranolml smw that at. any minute might be picked up an a rising tlnml anol tunihleol ever the brink nt' .\'i- agara. It was a night Hf awt‘ul sus- pense. nut 0|)le l'nl' the pimr l'ellnws om the senw and the men engaged in their resrue but t'ni‘the thnusands of men. wnmen and children whn hao‘l lingered en the scene. Daylight on the morning at August 7 saw everyone alert. The srnw still lay where it hail run aground. though it might mnve at any mo- ment. Qlllt'kly all the lines were eleareol. and alter a little delay the hreeehes lmey was sent out tn the rastawzrfi's. Lnt'tberg helpecl his companion into the buny. and hefere lung he landed safe on the roof of the power hense. Again the buoy was sent out. over‘ he rapids: when it. reached the seew Leftberg climb- ed into it. Only a few minutes were required to land him on the met. and then a great cheer went. up t‘rnm the watching crowds. Whom Capt. No'lsnu and his mvn :u'rix'ml Hwy quickly wt. up lhv lil'v- linv cannnu nu tlw Shul'o‘ vast. Hf Hw pnww lmusv. Thv captain siglm-ol it and lire-oi. H'gh nut HVI'O' tho- IiH‘I Hw pmjm'tilo- hurtlml. l! madv :I I'nmm'kahlo- flight and llwn se'ttlml dil'o-I'ily HVt‘l' HIP smw. It was about tlmw U'clnck whom thv smw hl‘nko' wh'it'lz at, a quartvr pas? fum' Capf. lewn and a squad of mvn startmi l'nr Niagara Falls in a b'g army motm- truvk. 'l‘hey oarriml with {hum Hm life-Jim- mmnrm and Minor num-ssax'y apparatus. The! quvstinn that agitatml M'm'y mind was who-thew Hn- lit‘l't'c‘ rurt‘wnt wnuM lit'k thv svnw away lwfm-v the MINI cnulal kw savml'.’ It was a raw iwtwwn tho- rivrr and thv I'vsclwrs. 'l‘iu- minds ui’ ihv \\':lil’hi‘i‘< on shuro‘. says thv writmx Wurki'il Iikn lightning. 'l‘ln-y quickly :ivciilml un 21 linv and u bi'mwiws tinny 'as n. nwthml nt‘ rvsrnv. Tim iiuast (:nanl Statiun :1! ”iv nmntli nr thv Niagara Rim-i: iii’tomn inihu m- m distant. was innnmiinlc-ly mile-J nn Hui ti‘io‘phnm'. and Kiwi. .\. ll'. Noilsnn and his (_'l‘(‘\\' \w-rv uskml tn vnniv in Hip l'i‘SL‘UP. 32$. 7/... ”:2? .1... 2:. :1. 4.... v.23. .27.. 32. ”.23....” 2. 3.5:. 12:22.4 :: 2:. 33:7 3. 2:. 23.1.59. 3.2 .I... v... 13...... .232. 5:... 1...; z 5.17. 2. _: 2... v3.1; 41.... 22:22:... E... 37:3... 7.. 73.73.... E... ._.:,:..v. 2. 2:32.! .95.. 2...... ...:z._:v...._ 3.1. 23.2: n21. C: a: :.......:.....: :. .29....72. Emu. 2.2:. 1.1:? 7.57.. :7. 22:... 2:; 2:... 4...“... . _ 2... :72... i. 2:. .1212 2.2.2; 3.5.. 2:. 3:7,. .33.... 1.2:: .i 2.. 2... E. 23â€"... 7:. 2.2:. 3:2: 2:..4 .4242... 9:; 2...: $5.23.; 2:. :27... 1...? 2.: 2.42:; 23.7.: z: 2:. 25:7.” Through the courtesy of the Domi- nion Government twenty-five om- cers and two hundred and twenty men of the British Service Squadron on tour were given a trip from Van- couver through the Rocky Mountains as far as Calgary by special Canadian Pacific train, returning by way of Edmonton. The men were selected from the Flag Ship_ EMS. Hood, H.M.S. Repufse aid H.M.S. Adel; 0N NIAGARA’S BRINK .37 i. 2:. 23.1.12... TE <.. .327: 51:. 1:71: 5.12.. mail; $4.... ./_E...:.\.._::. 2.... Visiting Sailors Ton. Canadiati Rockies "(m tlw sérm'n yoil arr vntirvly (‘lm‘wndmlt upon t'alcml expn'rssu‘m and body gvshculatu‘m tn gnt. your Hlvnn Huntm; whn has had his n\\‘n t-Xpm'ionw and bumps in land- ing a phm- in staminm and wimsn ham knucks haw giwn an addml auilmrity tn what. he says and aim-s as tlw hmm nl' "\Vo-st m‘ the" \\'lev1‘ 'l‘mwr." a Pun-amount. picturu dun at tho \‘vtvrans‘ Stax' thvatrv Friday and Saturday nf this \wnk. says that ;_;hnth1ay acting is muw difficult than stag» WHI'k. as it rc'quil'c-s a mum vxactiug twchniquer. GLENN HUNTER DISCUSSBS ART \‘s'iiiirzm Hath-sky ul' Hwi-n Smmoi. iiia'mtmi guilty in pulin- L'Hlll't 4m #:131inin mnriiing to having 'i.-:_-:iily lHli'i'hiismi liquor and was t'inmt $11)” and i'nsts- by Magistrato (li'i‘usm'. Lii'nnss' hispm'tm' Bi‘ckctt 11mt t’l'HViIit‘iat titylsiilblt‘ JUIH‘S paid a visit tn thi~ t_.:u|v.<ky humi- nu Friday M'rning in a soar Ch {'m' liqant‘ amt it twiiii‘it llul’ :1 tillh‘ as “VHFâ€"Iii .‘tio'it' \isit. wnmhi hr tilliii ms. I mâ€" :liiV hn\\'i\'ti it was untiimt that Hui: . was a [H'CUliai littlv pane-i in ttw ”HM ut thi' «lining 100m. and who-n this was i'aisml no lvss than a «£02m [whim of gin wm'v t'nunii vnq'uuvmt tho‘i'uin. .\ further smrch rpm-aim! aiwttwr pnnvi. and this )‘ii-Iclml 1?; hoth nt' thv snnw quality «if bimzv. Tho} Oi't'iwrs i'nnfisitatod thv stimulants and the-n t'nlhgm'i-i} Hi:- laying Hf tlu- chargv. iiaalnsky mtmittmt having: purchasmi “11‘ gin. but did not know thv mmv nt' thi- man from whom it was [ilil't'tltlt-‘Wi. stating that {I strangi‘r appr'nm hm! him and MN? finding: nut that his :mmi- was {Inch-sky. Ht‘t'vi'mi tn suit him thv iiquur. it was an e-xlwn- sin» buy. Famous Paramount Star, Here To- morrow and Saturday Nights in “West of the Water Tower,” Talks of Stage Work. V 1 3:523 LUNDRED AND COSTS IS FINE FOR B. O. T. A. 'IYIV, laide. All through the mountains the train was given most enthusiastic re- ceptions from people lining the sta- tions wherever it stopped and shout- ing their greetings from the smaller ones as it passed. During a stop of two hours at Revelstoke the entire crowd was taken to the top of Mount Revelstoke in automobiles. At Field it seemed impossible to get the train : away. so anxious were the people to1 $1 1.00 per Case heap flowers and congratulations on the men. Banfl’ citizens met them with automobiles and showed them around at night on arrival and again in the morning when they visited the bathing pools. The reception at Calgary was equal to that accorded the visiting sailors all along the line, and all day they were entertained at receptions and banquets, closing the day with a ball at the Palliser Hotel "It is‘nut onuugh tn b0 uaturaLas SH m'my pox-sons scwm to think. As a nmttrr_ of fartwlhn appearancv m' “Acting, likv music. pmtt'y. paint- in:.: and sculpture. dvmands vxpres- sinn. select inn. and a «ml-min amnunt m m \a; gvrntinn. If a playm' amwax's natural «m the storm). you may safvâ€" Iy assumn that. 114- has workml ham! to acquirv this dvsix'vd imprusshm." Sumo ng' Hu- l'nitmi State‘s sprin- lnrs aw hnginning t9 womlnr why an\'hty'~oly c-wr vailml the British slnw. --P(‘tm'bm'0‘ lixaminmx mvsmnv across." Mr. Huntm' says. Hiltlll'ilhit‘b‘s nu the. M-l'bbn (fan nvwr 3w amuu'ml by at-tual nalumhwss (m tin-‘1‘):n'ypf tho pm'fm'nwr. Silver ‘ ; Black Foxes PRICEVILLE FOX C0,,umned PRICEVILLE, our. Priceville. Ont. at $100. Par Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. Ten years ex- perience breeding. Stock from P.E.I. Priceville Fox Co Write for further particulars to A limited number of shares for sale in THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Limited '9 Throughout the trip the miles were as busy photographing as being photo phed. All of them have trave d far and viewed the scenery of many lands, but they are unam- mous in the opinion that the beauty ofi‘the Rockiesâ€"Banfl National Park, Albert Canyon and so on, is superior and more grand by far than anything else they have seen. ~ 8‘ _ for the oficers and a smoker at the argpury (or thefgnen.’ STOLE COATS AT DANCE the past six years, Miss J. K. MpArâ€" tpur, R.N., has tendered her reelgnae- Mon _to the Board of Trustees. The hospltal has advanced greatly dur- ixig‘lié‘r term of office. We Pay Cash for Produce and Sell for Cash Only Right off the Ice. Milk 10c. qt. VOLLETT’S CASH STORE Get Your Fresh Milk and Cream from Us SMOKED MEAT of all kinds Dry Goods and GroCeries FRESH FRUIT for SATURDAY We have installed a Refrigerator and are prepared to cater to your wants = Call and Séé T hem' 'A suécessor Bring sealers with you. Cream 15¢. 1/2pt., 30c. pt. has not yet. been oppomted. Miss McArthur has reSIgned on aceonm of poor health, feellng that she Was in need of a complete rest after Six vears’ strenuous work. ' n61: yet, been guppojnted. Thursday. July 17. 1924. H3! DRS. JLIIBSON 8: JAMIBSON Oflice and residence a short dist- ance east of the Hahn House «m Lambton Street, Lower Tuwn. Dur- ham. Ofl'ice hours :3 to I) p.m.. 7 tn 8 pm. (except Sundays . Oll'icc and residence, cm'nm' nf Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Past Office. Office hours : 9,t011 a.m.. 1.30 in 4 pm" 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays and Thursday utternoum excepted) . day. Off ice on Lambton Stx'm't \tho latv Dr. Hutton‘s ufl‘ice). ()flicv hours. 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., (chvpt Sun- DR. BURT. Late Assistant Royal London Up- thalmic Hospital. England. and to Golden Square Throat and anv Hos. pital. Specialist: liyn. Ear. Throat and Nose. Office: 13 Frost Street. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham Ontario. The Science that adds 1% 10 to man and) ears to life. Consultation flew in Durham Tuesday 5, '1‘ humi :3 : aim. Saturdays 6 1' , 23 t.’ Owen Sound. _â€"â€"â€"â€"_ LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mom- ber of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments m_a_y be made with the Clerk in the J. 1'. unu‘x', U. U. 9., u. u. 0. Honor Graduate l7n.i\'9rsity nf 'l‘ur- unto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry m all its branches. Office, over I). (_.. Town’s Jewellery Store. DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST Ofl'ice, over J. 6: 1. Hunter 5 ~14»! 0 Durham, Ontario. efiibe. â€"â€"â€"â€",, DAN. McLEAN Licensed Auctioneer for County «it Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales mmiu at The Chronicle Office or with him- Mr. C. C. Middlnhm 19w located at Durham Office. self. Aizx. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey ”VJ. I, vuowo â€" mining 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation, balance hardwnnd hush: convenient to schnol; on the memâ€" ises are a frame barn é2x63 ft. mm stone foundation: concrete stables: also hay barn 30x50 with stnno base- ment; hag pen. 20x40: twelveâ€"romn NORTH PART LOTS 7 AM) 8. (JUN. 22 Egremont. containing 66 acros; 3.7, acres cleared. balance lmmiwuod bush; in good state of cultivation: frame barn 44x50. stone hascnu-nt. concrete stables; drilled won and cement tank at barn. Also Lats 43 and 7, Con. 1:, S.D.R.. Glcnch. cunâ€" taining 110 acres; 100 acres clcarmi and in [590d state of cultivatizm; nn 7 L_:.]. L, Moderate terms. Arl'angvmvnts for sales, as to dates. 0.10.. may 1w made at The Chronicle Omen, hur- ham. Terms on application. Ad- dress R. R. 1. Durham. 2 M 6mm 10 auu lu guuu cuuu, v. M. .____ the premises are a brick house mm- taining seven rooms, with 3mm! frame woodshed attached: «inllwl wel‘l at door; never failing: sprmw‘ nn this farm. making: a ChUH'P stuck farm. This pmperly will lm mld right to quick purchaser. I-‘m' par-- ticulars apply at Watsnnk llzm-y. RR. 4, Durham. Ont. 102.12%: ff Kitchen Ram-v. “Hi: hu1 \\ tachment; 11ml ml Stmv an: Quebec Hcatvl'. 11111:“: Unwin- small; Stow Pipws: Huh} ( Baby Sulky: Baby Noah: 1"»: sinettc; Scrocn Dow; \\'u~f \W‘ingcr. These articlvs may kw w. George McKl‘clmiv's‘. nu . - I I stroo‘f. Dm‘h am J. _L. sun-n, 11.3., M. c. p. s. o. Advertisements under this heading. 1 1 CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive mm of four. Telephone calls treated as cash w Saturday night of week ordered. M im’mur 25 cents. On all charge orders a Straight c will be made each Insertion. mim‘nmm ch: MIDDLEBRO’, SPEREHAN 8: MIDDLBB‘RO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. C. C. Middjnhm: is pPI‘nlanvnHy FARMS FOR SALE All Our Graduates ‘ \ have been placed l0 dull“ :llz. still there are calls for mum. Get your course NOW. If ym: do not get it you pay for ll anyway in smaller oarmml" and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write. wall or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest Thursdu, July 17, 192‘. Licensed cflucfioncer 7, CON. 21. EGBEMUN'I‘. CUN- Medical Directorv. FOR SALE PRIVATELY Dental Director» Legal ‘Dz‘rectorv Classified Adve DR. A. M. BELL 1‘, 1311.10; (PUP IH'C HWHv Pipes; Balm (.mxia": Baby Slvm‘h: Bah} l :1~' 3n DOUI‘; \Vashcx' :m and n at M 1‘ 1O minim! arr" pd fur quil (iax'x'vlll l-‘( DH l-‘(m S. buildm of Skat, 1). HOW. PRO mu NU Am 1\ (mt. FOR a {ramp Lamlm (01‘. ba' o‘U'. A um. ASHES} \\' i ll mil nu“ a ll H'nllgh} hurhati 1‘7 DR S. m 0‘X('( ply tn. 31M m Rwy Ml" WEST bushel BRIT] Smith I"! M 1 mm at M M : irr GRAI N whvat. want on; Rov M H EA \'\1 ('lwt't ml \\' H E A' m )RK “'10 J , turn infi order. mmd 1i \\'i” 111 two $11 utlu'l‘ S M's‘ a1 lidwax‘c H H N! PW DI". ~â€"~< 1. mm; “UV“ (‘- “him di7.7.\' 1 PI'ZICRI. L'l'adv milc-ag Garage bilv in: 01v. .. a; ham H ighost W 9R _. .3‘ - wtzsxm .EuE 5 www? n 3:2: 9 Use; mam: [mm Ill HIP h"! quvntl} mnw ( Spm'iaj plv's 0‘1 \.\.\l\' I‘H ham TOG! T! i! to “G Trua) olls‘ FOR F01 rCifit .m m.

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