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Durham Chronicle (1867), 17 Jul 1924, p. 8

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-UVWâ€" â€"â€"â€" returned home last week after spending a short holiday with Miss M. A. McLean of the village. We hope the Hon. Dr. Jamieson can induce the Department of High- ways sufficiently in the Priceville and Conn Highway for certainly the district south of us 15 very poorly served on the north and south roads, and they have a real kick. They are weeks late every spring getting out with their cars on account of the extremely heavy roads. and after all “31%.“; F'orgl is spending a few days w.1th frlends on the third concessnon north of the Durham Road in Gl_en_elg. _ Communion services were held in the Prehyterian churches here and at Swinton Park on Sunday. A large attendance was registered. The Rev. A. Sutherlano'l is a busy man these days in the aggregation. ' The Mothmiist (-hnrvh annual gardPn party was a wal success in new way. A splvndid programme and a real lunch. The at.tmnlanve was wall abow the awrage and generally speaking thv wholv was go‘Od. I”. I l ' 1" Miss Gretté NTch§l is holidaying on thggravpl Load. tips week: 1' Our girls I‘E'PPile a pair of svwrn trimmings last mwk in hasvball from the Domnch girls and also Durham Road girls. A reverse is not always had mediciiw as W» hope it will tend in Show that a lll‘fi'at is always po§sible.__ "Betlpr luqk no‘xl limp." HEEL. P‘I‘Ook is expected home from the hospital this week. much better in health we hope. 'v- Mr. \ngus “( \ u at is busx pun mg; in a largé cistern in the rear of thé hotel. which “ill add considerably to the cum enience of tho house. “Mi-{Ai‘chambault of Toronto is visiting with Mrs. Buckham in our Village. _ â€"- a . A ‘ | AA‘- v‘vvâ€" â€"â€" ___ _-â€" "311. F. G. Pinkelton has mm ed to hi5 propelg} on quham stregt. | ‘ ' Miss Flnra ane leman is hump from tho‘ City fur a whilf‘ and will probably rnmain during 1101' sister‘s absence. Mr. Finley MrPhail mammal up for a short. holiday from tlw vity :uul wtmnml Monday zwm‘mlpaniml in his daughtm \liss Dvlia and Miss Marjorie" McLQal). This wank the Prvshytwrian Sun- day schom is holding its annual picnic in the school grounds and another good day is assured tho young folks in sports and eats. Mr. and Mrs. AIPX. McDonald M th.‘ \ illagw are both rather unm-II at. prc-svnt but. \w lwliowo are slnadily improving. \\'.- hupo- fur their mm- plvh- I'N'nu‘x'y \‘o'l'y snnn, AA|:‘_ - .\HUHIM' vall'th of July over. tlw \x'vatlwr was MN}! for most. of tho- day and in snmv wntrvs gmml thx'nnglmut. but in Hlll‘ ltwality. it. was nu fit clay fur an urangvman as we had tlw lu-ax‘ivs! rain nf the spawn from six u'vlm-k onward. Many 01' 0111‘ fnlk Spo'nt. tho‘ tiny in UxVo-n Smmci. Durham and Slwlblu'm-. “"0 lwlio-Vo' [hr gum! roads gang “'3." off fur Um day. Pncevflle. (Our own correspondent.) 'l‘hP farmvrs say this is rval :mw- ing “‘93th and \w hopv that, it. is m as many wm-o doubtful of hay rmps fnr this ym’u'. We congratulate Vliss Da\ idson on Hw sucmss of 'nm‘ Entxanw pupils. lxxohv \uotP twm thv public schnul how and nlmvn \u-w succvsstul, six iakmg lumors and James Calder ‘tanding higlwst, of those who wmtn :rt. Enlstein and thus winning; the. medal. Miss Glenistet ul "Imontn is \isit- ing at the home of VII. and Mrs. Thos. '[)ip_gwall._ - 'l‘lw fnur patrnns of Hu- Egrvmont Crvamm-y Commuy svnding tho higlwsl numbvr of pounds nf mum-â€" fat bptwoon Juno‘ 30 and July 12 arv: “To-sley Halliday 126.56 pounds, Pvtm' McQuenn 19’22 pounds, Norburn Horsbux-gh. 1-13.63 pounds, David Brm'v. 98.71 pounds. Miss Nuttiv Trump of Buffalo is immo- fur a whit». . Miss .‘lzu‘iv O‘Connell of Buffalo is émnw fur :1 rest for a few weeks. Mr. William Rt'iil of Fluslwi'tun szmnt :: rm- clays i'mw-ntly in thi- \ ill-g.- with fl'iPI'litS. in ti» swmi-t’inals Ult' \\'i_'stm'n Funtlszli Assm-iation. Holstein and .‘Jiiztrfun tl'lcti .cunclusiuns on Sat- m-:°oli\ uwning 01' last \u-vk in .\lil\i ; .nn. tlu- sun» standing- ’- in laxox ul’ Mihmton. The return match will lm played here this 'l‘hursday vvi-ning. Unr boys expm-t t0 rendm- a gout! account of tlmm~ selves. 31: SSW. W. A. Xhhs and Jack M: Knnziv spent the \\ m-k-und m Halt :md KitcthPr. Mr. and Mrs. \\'. H. Saddler and Mrs. S. Saddler 01' Wial'ton are spending a fmv days with Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Rife. .‘lr. R. .l. Arnill wont to Hamilton on Saturday owning returning Sunday bringing: his sistm', Mrs. Allan. and niecv, Miss Allan. with him. BORNâ€"0n T hursola}: July 10, tn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .lnhnwn. a “on. Rev. L. E. West. and Clarence Fenâ€" tou returm-d Monda} from Port Elgin summer school. (Our own correspondent.) Master Walter Middlebrook who has been spending his \acation xx ith M1. and 3115. “illiam Nelson left on \k'ednesday f or his heme in T orunto. Mr. John Fmion and son and Miss Lena 'i‘uttlc of Naples. New York were the guests recently of Mr. and Mrs. (licorgo- FPntm: of this Village. Miss Pearl Irvin left Monday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. 1). Main at Stratford.‘ Mastm' Frank {kid 91' T pronto is ho-x'o- for ins vacation w_1th 1115 grand- mw!!n-r. Mrs. Ho-m-y Bald. 7-2:. Clintnn Ricv'x'eturned recently in .fgwnfl the summer on the farm ::~'~‘L~'ling his fathvr. 0n the twelfth of July the orange- men of L. O. L. 2:596 met in their lodge room about. 9 a. m. After the culinary business had been con- due ted they formed up and marched thwugh the \ illage alter “hich the\ p: peewaled t.) Dmham. PAGE EIGHT Mr. and 3115. \\'. R. Ja(1{..\liss\ d lam and Mrs Jamvs .\'¢ lsnn mntor- ml 1:» ()mm Snuml on Monulax and funk in the lwuxtivs at tho Scenic (lit). MI'. 'l‘humm Flynn and 1111111.:1111-1’. I..ilian 111'1'1‘11'011111.a11i\111l at Mr. .I. II. Robson s 1111 “nanosdm for a \is- ii. H11 11-t111ns this “wk but Mis> Lilian is 11-1naining. 1111 5111111- tinw. 4111 Sunday. Mr. Flynn and Mr. Bob- S1111 [unether \xith Durham kindrvd. n11.11111'1-1I mm 111 Kimauiinv t1) \isit at RU. I'. H. Fair. M 1-. and Mrs. Douglas (Zurx‘ur of tho Qumn 41in arrivm! an Saturday to holiday amnng x-o-lulix'vs and old fl'iPndS. Nliss. Jonnie (Zamk returned t9 Tor- Hntn on Saturday after spending a happy fortnight at the old home. the) are paying their share {or road buil ling. We hope the) get. their road. The Bell Telephone Company is busy installing the new line to Serve the South line of Artemesia. 'The wires are now strung to the south line 50 service will soon be complete. Traverston. .- (Our own correspondent.) July is speeding by and the days aw growmg shorter. During the past. week two 01' three Ilneks of sheep haVe been sadly wor- ried by dogs and several have been killed outright. There'll be some canines less if caught. Mrs. J. .l'. Pvurt had a big crowd at lu-r rosy lmmn on Thursday after- 111i10110flast week to the 1'? 'ular mnnthly mm tin? of the: \\'~ omen s In- siituto». 311s. \\ . J. Green“ and hmught in a good roport nf Um District mmting. Mrs. John Laugh- lin lam! a bright papcr, Miss Jvnniv 111ml; saw :1 sww-t instrumental sv- h Minn. Mrs. Poart. servml' luurhonn .21 ”in rluso- uf a busy svssinn. flyiifiifififi Mr. l’i'nspor Porter is assisting MP. Moses Donnolly. Miss Rena I. Livingston, who has been teaching at Mattawa for the past. year, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Livingston. Mutant! Mrs. .-;\lymbr Baker of H8110\0 “we \lSltUls lust “80k with hm patents, MI and Mrs. John Bea}. 5.... $1.2 xx. :75: F... 232.71...mrm_u 2.31:7 5.1.5.; 2.35:4 «2:. _:m lawn: £71.. ._c_:._’.<c:u. ...: Miss louvre Brigham {)1' Hanovm‘ Spent a 11'“ davs “1th 1101- 00115111, Mis§ ()r_a_ Li\ inustou. E benezer. Ujur nuiilxuwesuondeutJ Havgiu is in lull swing in our but“? at c‘pwsmit. Miss \vha me smut a dav with 12m sister. 3113.600! Nnblc at Mulock. .Mi’.-.3. May is buicliing a stable on ins farm near t.he_curncr and Intends to buml a house 111 the near future. (Our own correspondent.) _ L. 0.~L. 1136 spent the Glorious Twelfth in Owen Sound, and most of the Lodge motored up, it being so fine a day, which made motoring a pleasure. There was a large procession and lots of music by good bands. There also were a good many autos. We noticed one between Chatsworth and the city parked on a rail fence with two Wheels broken. “7e wonder if he was using squirrel whiskey and trying to run on the t-Op rail? 27.. I. ~31: :H. 35.: @252 mm 4725mm 2:: :2. 1,142.. Sam. $543.; $.m?..:. :3. 7,... Aimâ€"5.2:. 325 8: .Ti. E... ...J.:..m m 1.4.: S :5 35:2,? Mr. RJ. McNaully and “what spent Lin» \\'t‘(‘k-(‘Ild in thv Queen City. I'Murniug Saturday owning by mntnr. Mrs. 1’. Philips went a 113“ davs in the citv but 1H1‘t11111mi home on man} night. Piper McDonald of Toronto spent the week-end at Mr. George Haws and took in the celebration at, Owen Sound, also strengthening the Swin- ton Park Band. Mr. Bert Martin and Mrs. George Martin, Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson and family. and Mr. R. Kinnell, spent the wwk-cnd at 0an Sound Visiting I'UlilliVnS. Mr. Harry Young Hf Hramptun Was lmmn for 3 [PW days. SWinton Park. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Mr. \Vilfred Eadie and friend, Mr. Tax 101 fxom Toronto spent the week- end with the foxmm s gia1‘1(i111-,other 3118.11. H.Bzmks. Mrs. Ambrose Haley and children from Owen Sound are _spendin" their YYYYYY Mr. 31nd Mrs. Nicholas Melosh spgnt $111}qu with M1; P.‘ Haley. -v-u ---- M1. and 1\Ii1s.James Banks accom‘ panied bv Mr. Ellis and daughter 110m P1111011 enjoyed a few gda ys fishing in Glemoadin district. “'11 are :51111 to SH- 311‘. James Walsh ablv to mow around again alter his long illness. Glenroadin. (Our own correspondent.) MI. and Mxms John McKechnie spent mw da\ last week in Owen Sound. Mrstilliamv Campbell and son Charles were in Toronto the first of the week. Mr. Harry Haug has completed his new silo and also entertained a good- 13' number of the sports to an even- ing of dancing. Wolbt-ck was well reprom-nted at the Dornoch garcglml party at St. Paul's chuuh, and \w. helium; are guing hack tn vniuv tho‘msehcs on Mondav evening of this week. Paint. seems to have found its W11) in!” this. lmalilv, as Mr. John W’alsh has painted his 110“ sleigh 211111 is haul attm the “'53 011. The Gold- .ls‘mith brothvrs also painted up a itt (1. On Monday evening of last week, ~voung and old turned out to welcome our new bride and groom into our midst, and contributed quite a numâ€" ber of useful giftsto them. After- wards the evening was spent in i_la_n_cin_g and 53rd playing. and the supposed meeting held' be- foreone o'clock at Stewart’s school happened to be late that day, which was proven out on July 11 at the same place. I firmly believe that it is my business to attend the said meetings._ .A.. .â€" As to the twelfth, I surely did go out, and I am proud that I am an Orang eman. Isaid proud, yes, more than proud, to know that my obliga- tion is “Lov,e Truth and Liberty,” and I want to be on the square with God and man. I also love to pay my honest debts. W ell it happens that it was a dry t“ elfth and took quite a number of our citizens out to Du1 ham {and Owen Sound. Mr. James .IohnsOn has got the basement walls built for his barn and on Friday took down the old Tom Fleming barn. built about 52 ve ears ago \xhich is being used in the new structure. The Orangemen and their follow- (:13 were well satisfied with the treatment thev received in Durham on_ the glorious twelfth. Our trustees are hax mg the 501100] interior paintemd also the woodwork on the outside. ‘ Our annix m‘sary sen ice on SundaV is sure to be a success. All. who knew the ReV. A. A. B100 durmg the (7 orner Concerns (Our own correspondent.) Haying is not yet well under way and thecmp is somewhat under the axgg'agq. ' Misses IS‘abollo and Mary McQuar- iii.- and thuix h1othe1 Peter spent a «113) recently with the McLean I)famiâ€" V Miss Sadie Lawrence is.spendi'ng .a_coupl_e of. weeks’ hohday mth frwnds 111 Toronto. The \‘oung pmmiu of this line are intending to hold a garden party (-11 Ml. Jamvs Lawwnce’s lawn on July 31. Mrs. Dan McArtlmr’s many friends hupe to iwar of her health being much impruwril as. she underwent. an Operation in the Durham hospital last. Saturday. - Miss. Fsthm- McIoan ha§ accepted Dromow schuul. 'Miss Irmw Lawson is home with hm' parents now and her many friends are pleased to see her so mgph ilnprqmd in health. (Our own' corresfiondent.) The monthly meeting of the U. F. W. 0. met at the home of Mrs. Neil McLean. There was a good atten- dance. An excellent paper was read which - Mrs. Dan McArthur had written. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. W. McKechnie near town. _Miss Reba Vess'ie visited with her Slster, Mrs. W... Clarke. Mrs. John Vtessie is visiting her da_u_ghte_1'_' a_t Clifiqn Spring. 4 Mr. M. Kénfiey spent a’few days in Mrs. F. Vickers and three children are spending a couple of weeks until her mother, Mrs. R. H. Banks. Rocky Sangeen , _ " iifififfi' .! For Sale by S. MacBeth and T. M. McFadden. Mr. Wil'l McGirr spent tlw last couple of weeks with his brotllwt'. Jim, at De_t1_‘oit._ __ A number from this palt oxnm t. 1;, attend the Women s Institutv picnj.: in Holstein punk ¢._m Thursdax Mrs. McPherson. Tornntd is \i<:1â€" ing her sisters, M1‘S.McCa1111vl. 2111.; MISS McLean. Miss Olive Weir,(310\elund,()hj. \‘Jsited with friends in this 110mm- borhood recentl). Miss May Whitmore spent. last, week W1th her brothers and Sistuz' Darkles’ Corners (Our own correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lindsay “5‘ West Superior, W is., are visit imL.r Mr. and Mrs. RobertLindsay. The W M. of the Pxesbxtmian chuxch held theix last meeting at, the home of M15. John Mum; which “as lag‘gclyath‘nhed. ' Mr. and Mrs. Albert_ G. Keller. Var- ney, Spent Sunday wnh her parent. Mr. and Mrs. S. Patterson. in town. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Watson of town spent a day the first of the \\'wk with Mr. and Mrs. S. Patter-gm, Bornâ€"«On .Jfily' 15 t0 Mr. and 311-; Herbert Atkm’son, a son. yefit‘s' of ‘bti’ildifig {he churph will wish to meet and'hear mm again and those who haye not had tho, p_leas_1_1_re‘shou.ld ava11_ themsglyes 01,. it. The garden party 9n Mondav flight will be good, as It IS receiving great attentxon. St. Paul’s church on Sunday and Mr. Thomas Tuckm-‘s lawn on Mondagrlmght will‘likolv fin‘d large crowdA . ‘ ‘ Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most people feel better from the first dose. Your druggist will refund your money if a $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous sam lo for 4c in stamps. Templetons, ’30- ronto. Rn RAZ-MAH HAY FEVER Summer Asthma v i; wmxfl‘a 9m bl ¢ The milkmau‘s : gather at. the i'iwx' Holstei11.â€"(111:11 l’t'lloh'l'l Emu Gibson and Bl\1hl‘.llal\o$. 'Hw-rx Bye and 11((‘195'2 M “211111 «1:15? MCKenzie. SoinL\\I1111-:111_1i M11” Referee, D. \. \Ivlmdllun SM ford HHISU‘HI t’nuthnli 1mm: 1 «w; I'OUHH ill HIM!’ (“HUM m 11:0 mmliate “UFA. \VIH'H thwx' «: Milwflon 1-H un HHNMT' -, last. Thursday ¢~\vni:1'.:. \~ {gm had [)l'té\'i"ll~ll}' won 111-- gram" 2â€"1 HHS He's up 1hr IV" 3.110”le Stll'ivs Hf -,::uw-.~. d9“ death “Killl’v \\IH Im‘u played. Gibson M'M'mi if!" ‘ goal in UN? 1351 tcn 1111mm» on a penalty kick. The lino-up : Mil\'el‘tfln.â€"4£nal. Slwnw-z': Meyer and Smith: huH' b:_i«'k~. son. Peppals and UMN'I'HZ 1‘” Whitney, Orr, Bastwmh-un'. l- and Watson. Mr. \V‘allacv says luv ll:z~ hum; Svaral \x'arnings In all'l\o-:'.~'. lllll from 110W «m he would ln- l'nl'l‘ml lu lakv lvgal avliml il' liw nmsmu'v l‘ nul. lcmkml al'lvr. Lust. \W‘Pk 11“ Man I'l'l‘l‘lVI'll :1 lo‘l- (01' from llw Dvpm'lmvnl wquc-slm: him to vhm-k llp un all mungus and sew lllal vmployws and nllu-xx “[NWâ€" aling nmlnl' Volliclvs \Vllllnlll Hu- chessax‘y px-ofossiunal vlmull'vur‘s “ch50 wow, warned ln prurm'v lllv nowssary paw-rs al um'o'. Drum-s ul‘ mmmm'cial vollil'lt-s. hm. mml “8V0 (‘hallfl‘OUl’S “('01le ul' .‘ll'l‘ liable tn line. This ruling affects all llww \x'lm drivo‘ deliw’ry trucks nl' an} knul. This ruling amwls all ”now \\ lm driw' dolix'vry trucks ”1' an} Mini. gzlzago d?fl1]il(‘)}'00.~' or uthvi's \th drive motor w-hiclvs {cw hit-.- “1' Man drin- utlu'l' pmqilu‘s vars Mn .m highway fur testing or «mic-i- [olll'o passes. Sinvv (Homing Hn this lu-al Hus :‘ummm'. Mr. Wallacv has lwvu wry dvcvnt, in tho [wrl'ux'nunm- nt‘ hu- dulil‘s and it. is 10 hr hulwd Hw wiltâ€" he? “ill help him Hut in lumping 1h.- 'higluxa} satv fm mum. \s [w saw 11 is nnl hi< hm: In- is Iwu- mu l'wh m mlfm‘m' it. and “mum lukv tn cl}. .5” with as liHlv fl'ivhuu :h gmsflhlv. Defeated Milverton Thursdax Em :- ing 1:0 in W. F. A. League Game HOLSTEIN WON GAME AGNES MACPHAIL, M. P. C CAUSED SENSATION IN HOUSE OF COMONS P VOL. 57.â€"NO. 2979 Asked That. Entire $400,000 in Ml’txtia Estimates Be Removed. FM'PSL ”It'l'o' \\'¢‘I'4' IIH fifty-four mulur \‘vhiclvr 11w, higlnx‘ay with with light. H!“ with unv Inna .md wow 3 lmsitix'v mm “C. Grey. 111111111! that H11- 111-111 1 31111111111 in H111 111111111111 1151111111111 013-1\111i11;:131101113111111. 111 11111 11:1s1 bx 11111111111111 31111111111.\HI1.111;|1 1! 11111111111 \\a~' 1111111311111 011 :1 513111111 \1111' 73 111 33, its mmm' [11‘1‘1'11111311 mmCluumg m (.Hmlnnns night an inwasshmmi. :1le 1 the dvmilitarizatinn m‘ 1h.- school (-ux'g‘ivnlmn in Canada lecphail. I‘I'ug‘rvssiug Sn Garage OwnerS, Too. Must Live Up To Requiremetns of Mutor Velm- cles Act. in a smnnolvnt hnus. cunt'lu-t of «mininn. 11 year 111 warmth and Mr. R. M. \\'all:â€"u'v, thv l’rmim-ml HI'I'ivvl‘ in «'llzn'go- Hf mutur mm‘n- nu ihv highway frum Hun-hm tn o‘mw: Sound. has infnrnn'd Us Hm! wmw unv is going to xvi. mm Irmxhlv m lhc wry m-ar fullm- l'ur nufr:u'tr«u:- 01' lhv Mntnr Ve-Ilh'lus Art. vspm'mH} in thv maHvr ”1' tail- :md humiâ€" lights. (m Saturday night last. In- ‘said. hvtwvvn Durham and Mann! Miss Macplmil‘ spnkv “it1 livmics Hr hysh-rics. hasm: remarks lax-gt-ly mum an am'um u nmvspalwr M“ an limpil'v t Nation in 'l'nmntu this snmmvr “'0 We'll! «wursvas in kill 1’ sianism." said Miss Mm-plmll dim'ussing this item. "and likv s pox. \w caught it." Miss Mm llvl'oit‘s Hl' runnu'ks 13:- U nvwspapv bmtiun in 'l Hux' Mun \wuld haw gune- unln ("I In “In slew!“ Hmlsn hm] HH’ llllt‘l‘ lwvn still‘mi In “w u [w intvnllminns n1 thv mvmlu-r AUTO LIGHTING LAW TO BE ENFORCED Hzmts, L. H. Mario-ll \Vvll it. was how t'itizvns “pinit‘m. ‘l‘hc'n van) h'lcl H"! (mm T. (Q “(+5le l’l'ng‘l _ imH. (anlv nut shut”; l\ H Ihv cadvt mmvnu-nt. «Ifilicizml by Rum-1'1. J :I'vssiw Mich-r. who «I: militan' Naming “m :Ivah-st mils H! Alw «I: n. WHUM 1011'! 'Iilllv shwk Ill .mvnts. sm-h as slw had :nl .mciists‘ 1'01 .n‘n-l Russ: uncludin: in n vamp 0! mmv. taught 01' MINIMUM. llnsln'pasm Warmth and lnttm'm-s 5512i AND TIED UP ROUND :0 says In- hzls is ings In «h'ch-rs. he would lw le'W' Hon if Hw nuisum TH 1...::3:...P..:r...~ E. _:._; .3 1:23. 1.: 2:223; a: .217. z: : 3:. .:.._.:£.. .5. n. Canada Hm! Hui had Muss Mavpha ly in >ll| II. In” :‘t Furkc 7! dm'lar. “‘1' a“- ”31‘ SSH IVHIH )H' nu wstumxs f: u'\\' Hm Shall \\' UIHIIH M \\ ithnm m: lu-r \n In! h HI I'll Ill II Hui Hm ”h ”I H0 IN \.1 \\'1: x1 KN PR IHH M nos ('ha Hal $1": «lriv h\' F. Mt Bel DR “ll ”Iv \\ Me M d \\ \\' I “‘3 tl u w} Ill In K a‘ .\ I ll .\l md NM

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