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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jul 1924, p. 4

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Published every Thursday morning at the office, Garatraxa Street, Dur- ham, Ontario. by W. Irwin, Editor and Proprietor. The Chronicle is mailed to any address in Canada at the rate of $2.00 per year, 81.00 for six months. 50 cents for three months. To any address in the Unit- ed States of America. $2.50 per year, $1.25 for six months. 65 cents for three months. Foreign subscription rates on application. Member Canadian Weekly News- papers Association. PAGE FDUR \V‘o- kncm tho-16* am proplc who scum 11w 1111-11 01' spuntmwuus com- 111181,.11111'1116'11 unh 1110a 1< that file 11111511111 nnh hum a match or 1mm 11311111111: and it, is usvlpss to talk atmut 1'11-1- 1-1rs11lting: when 1111111111 Hf thvsv vlo-mvnts arcs pumpnt. \\,. [II'IIPMI that ”I“ 1180 III has: fmks :InaI slings an- in szIt ("sâ€" IIIIIISHIIII I'm “H's [If spontanoous HI'IfJIII. \ll LIIIIIS put iIItII ”Iv Inn“ with twin n! sling. shIIIIlIl [In wuth Ion! at nnw 5h us In 1165011 ”In with 1 '1 {'1‘ 111' slings 5111111111 [111 >1'11tt11'1-11 11: 11111'1' 511 11s in 11551111 ”111 111111111'1' 1’1'11111 i11'11t111:.:. iiwrviiodx 11:15 51-1111 1"1'1111s H1111 \1'111'11“111'11-f11111:- 1'11" {111111 11\'1-1'l11111ti11:.:. 11111! 11111- 51111111-111 \ liso-Iuss 1'111 1.11111! H1111 11111111111111111111111~ 111' 151111 at H1111'i;.:l1t tim1~ 1111.111) is no doubt 11 fire 11011111 ‘111111 1111'111'1111! 111111 H1111 building: 111111 1'111111 1115 11111111! i11111g|11~1111 11115111311111 lik1- 11111111 111111-1' buildings 1'1'11111 “some unknoxxn origin \uâ€"-.--- 7 In \\ et 011 catchy \\ 11111111311 the 131111111111 1111111n111s a11\i1111.~' 111111 111 spite 111 111s 11111111 11111:.1m11111 mm \i11l11 10 11111 11n111tati1m 111 [1111 his 1101» in 111111111 11 i~' 111:111\ 1'11. 1.1011 50 1111115111! 5111111111 1111 «11111111 10 minim-17.11 11111 111111.111 110111 11\'1111111atin1.1. Betâ€" 11111 111511 11:“111 111 11111 111111 1111‘0111'11 11.151111111111111 11\ 11111 “111. 111111 11111111y \\'11:11111111 1111111 10.411 the “hole crop and 11111 1111111 111151111115. through fire 1111311111111: 1'111'1m i1 being,1101151)11 1.00 $11111. 11:111 111' 11111 111111111118 mav still 1111 5111111111111 11111 1111.1 “181311 11111_1..<\\111 1:1k11 >11L‘111 111 1!111\\‘1;1111inf.'.3111111111: 11:111 '1111 11111111 \\'1111 11111511 who 11111 11m i:.1111111:1111 1111 1111-1 5111111111111 111 11111i11\'11 111111111 is <111111 :1 1111111.: as 511011111111111115 1'1111111115111111. .\ 1111111111111 111' 1'11:11'~' 111.10 \\'11 saw an 1: \anlM lw impmsiMn tn sot. fire to such :1 placv by “Minm'y mmms. ynt \\ n saw 2h» whn‘m building consumer! :x'm‘mt mum um :\ hot summor day \x‘ho-n nuluuly had 1mm m‘m' to givo it a st'n't. Spontammus mmhustinn \x'as thn nnly themry by which tlw fir-v «'mllnl in- :mw‘mntmi for. Thom" is no cinnht about tlw o‘xistonm‘ of Spommmms mx’nhust ion and nnly Hw ignorant. fail tn hwliM‘v in it. Thu latw hay Maps and tho catchy wvathm- mmsv us to lnnk inrwzu'd t0 mystm'inus fire-s' in Hm course 01' a fvw wwwks. LN. t'al‘mm‘s 1W careful to sm- iimt tlwir «Pups {ll't‘ housed in 5:0.wa conditiun. 'l'lmsn \Vlm lmw- lwlivf that, fire starts l'rum suvh niystvrious origin :15 sptmlanwms l'nmhllsliun. and that, sponluno-uus ('nmlmstinn will i'Psult frnm m-l m- clamp material will be lawful in s'm'inf: that ”w (’I'ODS 211‘“ in lit. ('Hluiiliun lwl'm'o) living; 321111012 MI in. irv-hn “10' Us mrl' it m't'vss SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION At this swason of the year. and un- dor [11'0“.~'f‘llt climatic conditions, it is not-vssary that the: farmnrs should o'xvnrisv a mum. than ordinary care in garnering ttwir crops. It is known to :11! that. I'm a number of firms. '1;.'1vat many hai‘ns have gone up in smnko- ahout this svason. Fiom the (-zu-‘utul and vxhziustiw inwsâ€" tigation mado- as to causes it, has hornn shown that manv Were! the result of spontaneous combustion rausml by .~to1in;: the mops in the mows hvt’nrf‘ tho} “ff“: ploperl} vurml nr ch'imi out. (Imps. such as hay. ai'o- vut..gn_wn and the stalks vontain nunsturv and 1f pressed tightly 111 a mow 111 an uncured mmhtmn arv hahlo to heat and uftvn to tako fll't'. run Sc‘t't i m1 “’11-" DURHAM CHRONICLE Through a slapâ€"11;» 1h» .13th of the Presbyterian garden was given last week 3.4 ?0 he‘ hOL‘. wn August. 1-1 but at. tlw last. mimno the committee found that it. would be impossible to 1101621 it on this date and movod‘it on tn Friday. August 15 m! Mr. Rohprt Lawson‘s 12mg. Thq committee call- ‘A LA-u- AL- and tnvi: “lei? dt‘l poor. 15‘ a _;‘g3\\3"lx -‘ II-"U' “" “"““““‘ ‘ " Pd up The‘ Chronicle to have the date changed last Thursday morning but. as wp 1nd already cone to press we could not. acconlnmizlte them. Rverybfld.“ is requested this week to bear in mind the correct date, Friday, A1180“ 15- PRESBYTERIAN GARDEN PARTY GAVE W'RONG DATE LAST WEEK in! manv n rm.“ bank a 1t tl‘n- 1110:): numiwr n!‘ yvmx' 13:0 “‘0“ saw am hmxw. full nt‘ iv» and pavkml in Usual way in sawâ€"«inst. Morp- ' it was lmilt on a wharf and ssiMo- t.» ;. \\'ll“l¢‘ 121k» of wakm‘. .mm kw imnmsiMn tn St‘t. fil't‘ to TIMES ARE NOT HARD Thursday, July 31, 1924. is; but that Nays with tions. and with no L'x'wss :mnm: tho ht of hard timns is sieved of. In many smut, might. be:- ato‘z' 3:00.] if divorâ€" umo1<. This is the ' craze. and tho 1H 1111111913“; 5 12‘ “1011(‘3' I! 1:11p :‘n'x T00 mnm' in cars at. can't. pa} L135: like the Iii)! 131‘ :‘culah REV. MRI) PREACHED ' FAREWELL SERMON Now 111113' 1111s 1'al11’111 3°:"111 1.11 {1 111133' 11111.1 111‘ 1:1111i11' 33'11111'11 111133’ associm 1111115 33111 1.111 111111111111, 111;133' 111711101- 1111111111s [11'11181111 11111n1.<11l3'11s 111111 33111111. 31111 :11'11 11115113 11.111 {1.21111 in 11111511 311111 11111111111'3 33111 1111 1111.11'15111111 11111'11 113' 11111 11111 31111112. \\11 33i.~11 3'1111 113'111'3' s111~1111>1s :11111 11111411111189 £11111 111111111511): 111'113' 111111 31111 111111 3111111 13111113 111113 1111 :11‘11111111111113‘ 11111551111 3311111111111 311111.111 \s 21 1"1111111111111'2111111 11'11111 11115 5111111113 3311 ask 31111 11'1 av- (11111 this 3:111 and 110110. it may 1111 151111 331111 1111111911111 31111 1'111111111'1 {11111 311111111111 31111 1.11 3111111 1113113 1‘1'1 (1111b 1111'11, Pf’pular Mulock Pastor Leaves Shortly for New Field Near Van]:- lo-ek HilI.â€" Mrs. Aird Presented With Electric Iron. T he Rev. Mr. Aird gave. his. fare- wrrll mpssacvs on Sunday. Jul} 20 in the .‘stulock Baptist church to largn appi-m.-iati\.; congre ations. In the morning: his text “as Acts :20. 32 and in tin.- uw-ning Joshua :34, 1). Heb!‘w\\‘.< 13. 17. He said that it was his husinwss to watch for our souls hvctmsu iiv wnuid haw to give an account of his labors hC‘l'P befm'v ttu- Judgmvnt swat of Christ. He o-xpli's‘s‘m! HH‘ SiXIL'G‘Ié} 01091?!) that II \wnlc! iw gham .\ith jov and not in :1 iv‘ 1W that “Hum '00 unprnfitable. In rvto-xiim: in his ~iimo~~m he \\ ishmi him i-\'t*'\ SUCU‘SS :lml lmpmi that vwrx mumhni' 0! tiw (-nngivâ€" Satin” \uiulil (untinuv in thvii (U- Hpm'aiinn and uchiew the Met pus- sihlv IPSUHS. Mi. wmgo Patterson mmmpanim bv Mrs. W. H. Patterson of Pricmillo SPPM thf‘ “Wk-0nd at tho hump nf‘ Mr. \V illiam Fulton 1111 ”'111111S11:1\.J111\ 17.3111111311111'111' 111111.11111114‘H\111\\as held 31 11111111111111 1113115: .\ McD0113111211\\111c11 M15 {1111\2 \1111 \\a~ [11115111111111 \11111 2111 11111131111: 111111. Mam 11x111111ssi11ns 111' reg. r111 “1,1111 \oiccd at 11111 loss of such a wmtln n111mb131 31111 P111~11111n1 11111 f1'1ll11\\in;: 3111111155 111 111111111- (iatinn 1111‘ 1h11 “111k a1c11m1111s111111 :1n11- 1111,.«z111izati1111 “as 1‘11ad: -â€" \\ 11 an- grateful that you haw. 11111111 the instrument used bV God to urganizv this 5111'ii1tV'.\1111 haw 11111111 111 11111! 1111t 211111111" 115 111j011'1111 in 11111' i11Vs 111111 stpathiznd VVith 111111 111mf111t1'11 man} afflictions and 5111' 1'11VV' s. 111111 sim' 11 chmin" amnng 11$ tin-1'0. has nut, boon a movement 1'1‘11' H111 111111111 uplift. 111‘ this 1'1’111‘1111111111V' but. has 111-1111 11111111911 by V1111 21111:! 311'. .\il':i. Signed cm hon: .-\i«l.~~â€";\h°.<. Willi William Lunney. During the years which you havo \\'nrkml with us as Prvsidmt, you haw nndoar'ed yfmrsnlf to us all proving: to us what. an ardent. and ('ho'm'l'ul Christian \VOI'kPI‘ youmw‘. “Mr. ziml Mrs. \Vatsnn and family motored from Toronto last wise}; and \isited mam friends how 3115. .‘.~! Bumn and 541115.”! 11am! \ie xandvz i-Murm-cl with tiwm. Dran- Mrs .»\irc'!:-- \VP nxcomlingly regret that. the tie that. hound us to- gth' as workws in thv Lucilios‘ Aid is about to ho SPVN'NI. Z... 2:; 27.. :25. 25:5. 3. DE... :23. 1.2: 759:5. 2:: yrs 9:; .17.. 5......» 1.3.1:. Miss Lizzin Mm'luaig of Tim Cliil' \\':l~'~ llin gin-st. Of Mr. and Mrs. Finlay Sli'linaig. Mr. and Mrs. John Phillips. .\Ii.<~ Fllll'l‘lll’t‘. Mastvi' Curtis. {mil Mite. Rube-rt. Rnllnn and family molorml from Sax-11in Mn Sunday in Visit. Mrs. Phillips~ mullim‘ and sister. Mrs. F. and Miss .\l:ii{\' Kli'liallnm. On Monâ€" ilny Hwy wont north in Owen Sound. Lion’s Bowl and ntlim‘ pnits. )h‘s. .\lt'. Redford of Durham i< Visiting hnr sistm‘. Mrs. \Villiam Ad- lnm. “'0 mm pleased to SW 1101' Making: sn \wll after 1101‘ I‘Nmt ill- Ht F““”\\°il]2‘ is :1 list. Shmx'ing: days on which half-holic’iays al'n observed in towns nf thie Vicinity. \erw :1 dat” is :iwn it. inolivatns the time when the half-holiday season ends: Allenfox'd. Wminosday. Harri». \\'minv.~w!:1.\'. (MUSE. Ht'ussnls. 'I'hm'sdm Brawhl'irlgo. l‘hm‘sdav. So‘lit. ISL Bolton. 'l'lnusda} .\'n\ is‘. (Zhnslo‘y. \\'Mne'srla,\‘. film-maze. Thuulax Oct. lst. 0.];11'1 vim”: \VmizwsdaV. 1mm: .11. I‘llnz".~‘d:1,\. Erin. “Winosday. Sept. ist. l~‘c"1'3.'u<. \\'.uinvs«"a:1y. Oct. Ist. Fle'slwrhn‘r. 'l‘hm‘sday. $0M. 15m. firm-onhm'st. Thursday. August. 1. Hanm'm', \\’m.1wsday. Huntsvillo‘. Ihursday. NOV. lst. Kitk'hk‘nl‘i'. \\ mint-slay. Kim'mulixw. Thursday. Oct. ist. HALF-HOLIDAYS IN The List of Days on Which W'eekly Half-Holiday is Observed. An affected Young man who wa.~ dining nut felt called on to correct his hostms “hen bya aslip of the tongue she ordered the servant to remove the “fool". meaning the fowl. "I presume.” said the young man. "you mean the fowl. madam.“ "‘Very xx ell.” responded the hostess xx ho xx as rather annoyed. ‘take away the fowl and let the fool remain.” Pm'f I‘lxin. Thursday. Rin' ex. Thmsdav Oct. ist. Slmllmrw I‘hm‘s day. Oct. lst. mnthamptnn. 'I‘hursday. Tix-ermn. Thursday. Oct. fist. Tonswater, Monday. Thomlmry. Wednesday. \Valkerton. Thursday. Sept. lst. Wingham. Wednesday. “‘iarton. Wednesday. 7:15:24. 455,125.22 .024. . 2â€". 21.21.; //..,;:.2m..~:.2.. zflfiwk. H .2. 7.7 ._ v2.7.1. 21:...1...E.2.. .2223. 3:. 22- . m2? .1 5917.37,. //.;.._:.2.1Qm.2.. $2.3. um» .23. :1. 22 332.19.»? 7.122 3931:;2111. 22-3.:1w;m.2. Ian.» :22 z: ../....::;. 22- 2:27:33 3:3..315. 22.....3...£m.2.. .2....2. » 7:52. magi. 22......r.....£m.2.. 1.5..32n. 22....3...11.mm.2.. OZ. Hm". I ’ A rl. M N _ ANYTHING TO OBLIGB A FOOL 'nml on behalf of the Ladies’ ADJOINING TOWNS 21111 Fulton. 311's BASEBALL TEAMS LOST TWO GAMES LAST WEEK Both Junior and Senior Teams De- feated Last Week. The junior baseball team went dmvn to Dra) ton last Thursday af- ternoon in a Central League fixture and xx ere defeated by the D133 ton team 17-12. At the game here two weeks ago the home team won by the same score. The playâ€"off is orâ€" rte-10d for this afternoon at Palmer- ston. At Hanowr on Saturday afternoon the senit‘u's were also defeated 13-3 in a Central League game with the Hanover nine. Mr. Bloxxn \\ .15 on (lutv from .3 in the morning to 9 in the afternoon and- reported 95 motor \eliicles includ- ing 10 trucks and 2’ horse- drawn vehicles. - 0n \\'ifi3dnosday al‘tm-noon of this work the Hanover and Durham son- ior teams met. on the agricultural grounds here. when Hanowr won 1": to 7. Thu principal cause of tloi'oat was the same as in the two previous gamesâ€"piwr playing on the part of tho locals. who were not in shape and who put, up a wry inferior game. The win )‘t'rstorday giws, the district to Hanover. 'l‘lm taking at thv traffic census On H19 qulph to ()wml Sound Prmiu~ (rial Highway cormmmcm yesterday max-nil g. in charge of MOS-51's. J. A. Brown and 'l‘hnmas Mofl'at. Mr. Mnfi‘at, was in charge from :3 o’clock until 10 o'clock at, night and I‘DpOl'tOd “163 touring cars, '12 trucks and 333 l'lOI‘SO-dl'a\\'n vehicles. "l‘l1i.< :1l't11111111111. tl111 \11;.1lica11 Sun- 1!:11 sclmnl [1i111i1' is M11111: l111l1l and all H111 \111111gst111811l"'l1111itx 11l111111li {1111 11111111 k11\111l 1111 MP? 11111 all: 1i1. ll1is \112111tl11'1 picnic is lining hold in H1111~1111~ l’a1k ()\\1111 8011111l.a111l H111 \11u11g.rst1111s l11‘1si1'l11s 1111j11v111g an 1111-1311111 pi111i11. \\ill haw 2138-1111111 1111111111 t1 111. \\ l1i1_l1 11111l111111t the} \\ ill all 1111.1111'. Luck of practice and poor support for the 1.;itchers: 15 reported to us as Um cause of «,ivaat. STARTED TRAFFIC CENSUS YESTERDAY MORNING The (tonsus takixg was to have (ammoncml last week. but was «'10â€" layml for some 10880.11 It will con- tinuo 101‘ one full work. The annual Proshytm‘izln picnir is 319:» twin: 1101:! this afternonn in Lvâ€" \'im~‘s gnu? \Vost. Hf town. when? the kidclivs 01' that. ('(HHII’PQEIUOH will no «inuht. mnjny mesulws to their lwal't's ('ontont. ()slmmo- Stvphvn's. a littlv lad lwtwin ”mm and four years of 2134). son nt' .Inhn Stoplwns. who rosidos lwtwown Kilsnh and Tam. is at. Hm ()wvn Snuncl ('icnnml and Marina) Hnspiml with both fewt svvmwl as thv m-sult. Hf having [won vaught. by Hm hlmlv of :1 num‘ing mavhimr on his {Hilton’s farm slwl'tly ai‘tvl‘ nine 0'0ka anmy morning: of last, \ka. CHILD PLAYING IN HAY HAS BOTH LEGS SEVERED Thu litth- hhl was with an older in'uthvr. and lhv twn wont out into the hay l'iwlcl to play tngop‘thma and in snmv unuccmmtable manner the vhihl \Vanolmwi away h'nm the other hay and gut. intn Hw stamhng hay. 'l‘hv d1’i\'¢;-1' of tho Intim'iug machim shcl not Sm," him until hv heard him 50: mm. It \\ as hm Iltn then. as both thf h 1!] 1w ‘11 cut UH clmnlx If)“ low the ankle. Driver of Mowing Machine Unaware 3of Little Lad’s Danger Until Too Late. First. aid was 1'011«-lcx'¢;u,l and the aI‘tnx-ivstimi.;’1ml. as quickly as possible. tlm vhild was hrtmght. tn the" lwspital. wlwro his ('011:.liti011 in thv at‘tmmwm was consioiiemd wry svl'ious. * thice is "ix'cn pursuant to Section 56 of the 'l‘rustees‘ Act. RSI). 191-1. Chapter 121. that all creditors and uthers liming claims or demands against the estate of the said Isabella Jane Blair. \th .lied on or about the txrenLv-eighth «lay nf May, -\.D..19‘2-i. at. the Tewnship of Glene _. are re- quirml «m m- heforc the 21st «lay of August. 1923:. to send by post pre- paid. 01‘ deliver to the Solicitor for the Administratur of the Estate of the said deceased their Christian names. surnames. aq‘li'lresses and des- criptions. the full particulars in writing. of thc'r claims. a statement of their accounts. and the nature of the security. if any, held by them. 'Tl'lo1 huth‘st day 01' UH.1 3'1‘31' so far I111 allv “as T111151an Of this “13111: 11111111 th11 thermometer 11111141111111 87 in ”111 511111111 lh11 1111xt hottest 11311 was \\l111n it I11:__'ist1111_11l 83 1111141111133 (1111] two 1111118 31‘1‘ {it'd 101'51901111111 17111sitim1..l11n11 21 and lulx 1. With all of August to 11.011111. it is 11111111 than likoly that. the mercury will go higher than 87. but. W11 VOIL- 1111111 tn say it. will nut get. much <111ti‘i111- than it was Tuesday. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In thn matter 01' the vstate of Isa- lela Jane Blair. lat» of the Town- ship (21’ (41011013. in tho County of (Jt'vy, \V'MOW. c‘itN'O‘aSPI]. TUESDAY OF THIS WEEK HOTTEST DAY THIS YEAR H- n... .. -v...-. u- u: u.‘ lut'lll. And take notice that after such last-menlicmmi date the said Admin- istt‘ator will proceed to distribUte the assets of the deceased among: the. parties entitled thereto. having re~ garrl only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived hv him at the time of such distribution. Dated at Durham this Blst day of July. AD. 1924. Middlebro', Spereman 8: Middlebro’ Solicitors to the Administrator. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE A DAY OF PICNICS SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs W. J. Walker and three children of Moosejaw, Saskat- chewan have been visiting her brother-in-law. Mr. John McLean ,in town and. her' father-in-law, Mr. Edward Boy at Holstein. They arrived here the twelfth of July and expect to return in the course of a week or two. Mr. Walker is a. son of the late ,William Walker former- lv 0: Holstein but latterly of 'Mooseâ€" t jaw where he died three years ago. Mr. William Harris of Kimberley visited with Mr. and Mrs. John McGowan on Friday last. Dr. Ernest. Lee'son. of Chicago, has been visiting a couple. of weeks with his mother and sister in Mt. Forest. his brother. Dr. Leeson at V'arney and other relatives in the vicinity We. had :3 pleasant call from him and his fish-r, bliss Mildred Leeso‘n of Mt. Ftli'i‘Si on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. McDonald and two (4111de of_'1‘0r0nto are spendmg a \‘wok with~his przrvntS. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald. prpvr' town. 311'. McDonald is engaged in Mason 8; Rich piano factory. Ho motored horn from Toronto on Friday after-'2" noon. --- -‘ . o 1 Mrs. Margaret Murdock, who spent the past year in Buffalo. New York, giving hygienic treatments has been Spending:r the. past. three weeks with her son here. She will return short- ly to resume her practice. She claims 10 have been eminently successful and carries a number of testimonials from patients she has treated. r1ig ht 111 \isit his 11111111111121nâ€"law. M1. H111mi11 I’u1-_,1111It of .Gl1111cl" 111111111 MIS. 810111.111 it has been Visit-- in" 1111 H111 past c01111_111 qt m011L.l1s Ll‘."'l I Mr. lamvs‘ B¢iml«;len of Beutinqk is s;«-1.din:._' 1 f0“ uavs “nth hlS mece, V1159 Law 11 Mchcnziv -4 fl 311's. lid. Smith of 'l‘t’rmnto left for lmme Friday after spending a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. ThOS. \\7lall:zl,:+.' of Normanby. ' Miss Elizabeth Murdock has accepâ€" tes the position of teacher in the Washaga village school at a salary of $1200. _ _ - s I I MInhlirnost Bhwtlgott. 01' 'l‘immons, New ()ntm'w. arrived hmjc Satuyday 311'. and Mrs. ".1 Armstrong. 01‘ '_l‘01‘0nt.«i», Mr. Rixon Rafter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ramon ni‘ Arthur were \\'m_~kâ€"em_1 Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. \V. .\. Mcfiuwan. Mr. and 311's. Archie Sinclair and daughtur 01' Lloylon and Mrs. Peter Nun-Ms. of I)ummvr, Saskatchmvan yaw us a. hriut’ (fall Monday. The laulivs 1mm" May and Beatrice. Hales» were 01d pupils of 0111's in Flesher- ton. and we are confident the moot.- ing was a mutual delight. lim'hand Mrs W. A.‘ Matl'wws of Shallow Lakv spam. over ghc‘wcck- cm! with his ln'othcl‘ 3991 Slsgtel' {19130. 311'. and Mrs. Anson Lloyd and MI‘. Frank Mclh'aith motored to Toronto Saturday and returned Monday nnn'ning. "Miss M31111“ \iiIs of Toronto is spondhan coup-10111 \\ oaks \xith 1101‘ [111101115 ,.\_l1'_._211111___;\11's. Goo rge YiiIS; Mr. .J. W. Firth 01' 'I‘Ol‘onto is spending: Ins Vacatum \thll 1"clat1ws, 1n Glonv :4. "Ali‘ss Man and Mastm Be: t, \V 01511 M Hm liltmi a1 0 Spending a could ‘ 0f \x'ocks with tlmil' uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. .\’.'.-\lunlock and fum- MP. and Mrs. Charles Ranmge. Mr. l‘vtm- Eimnagc and Miss Alien Ranuzgn spent. over the weekâ€"cud with thnil' «laughivr and SiSH‘r, Mrs. Nit-Knight in Wvllaml County. Dr. Hun nf \\"ost.¢.vn was :1 Visitor mm- the; \\‘m,.-k-mul with his mother Miss. Marjorie Mact'arlaxw of Hank Mon. 15. - \‘lSlt-mg hwy aunt. Mrs. 'l'hnmas (_41'«.~vn\\'mu:l. Rm: .1. W. and Mrs. GI‘(‘(}II\\"HJ¢l and Sun Perry and Miss Jimmie Storm. :’ I'i'im‘icl ni' Mrs. <‘ii'nmnvoml‘s (if Buy (lily. )1i:i'lii;_."aii ai-v Spending a few \viwks‘ imiidays with his parents. Mr. and M 1‘s. Thomas (ii'i‘rmnvoud. iivl‘s' ’l‘hv Misses Janvt. and Katin Kerr left 'l‘m-sday afternoon 1‘01- 'l'ox'ontn to Visit. friends thorn. and are now on a trip to the. thousand Islands and Mcmtrnal. i|,\‘ Mrs. l'nicumo of \Vinnipeg. and Miss Cutluglim) Strutimrs of Brandon. Manitoba. are visiting Miss Eleanor Krcss. Miss Iva Saunders is visiting her unvlo and aunt. MI". and Mrs. Am~ msv Pagan. m Hamllton. Miss Isobel Black of St. Marys is DURHAM MARKET Veteran Star Theatre FRIDAY-- SATURDAY ’ August 1-2 Jacqueline Logan --lUâ€"_f Flaming Barriers T\\"O SHOWS :8 and 9.15 PM Corrected July 31, 1924. ............... $9.00 1.50 Miss Allie Blackburn of Mimico is visiting her mother here dumng the vacation. visiting her gnasndparents, Mr- Mrs. Edward Burnett. Dr. Alfred W'helan of Kansas City, Missquri, is visiting his mother, Mrs. T. R.-Whelan. \ Mr. Frank McKay of Windsor is spending a few days with his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. George yc‘KaX. _ UIJUQQ AVJAO V'snu ----v- -7 Mr. ,Harry Burnett of Detroit is visiting his parents and other relaâ€" tives. . Mr. Ambrose Fagan returned to his home in Hamilton after a few days’ visit with his parents and sisters. He was accompanied home by Mrs. Pagan and daughters. W'in- nifred and Jean, who visited friends and relatives in town for the past couple ‘of weeks. I I! in n‘Al‘Ai~‘n“ “U A'l'-'O.v; \.v- Mrs: John: McAuIifl'e of Detroit is spcnqmg a few days with friends and MYSTERY’UNSOLVED YET or MISSING FOREMAN K’Jlll Miss Ma‘mlo Riddoll Of Rochestwer N.Y.. \isitt‘d 1191‘ b12211lh111 Mr. Hugh P1111111)“. \\ 1111111011 f01 21 f1)“ \xeoks and 011 1101‘ I‘ctmn home spent 11x11? Tuesday \xith MI‘9. ..I M. Bux‘woss. 1 PL nu-“ DI'. ahgi 'Mrs. Pickering loff Tues- day to v151t Mr. and Mrs. F. Fraham at thtreal.fl -.,.4. .-'r\ . .‘ 3- A-uv --\~w ~uvvâ€"â€"__ E. Van Hatten of New Toronto? From the time Mr. Van Hatten called at the Hotel Cecil between 9 and 10 p. m. Monday. April 21, to enquire for two telephone comrades. until the present, there is not. the slight- est clue as to his whereabouts. Fore- man Van Hatten has been with the Company fifteen years. He is thirty- six years old, well-known and pOpu- lar. with not an enemy in the world. his comrades say; had no bat-t habits. and was quiet. in manner“ He was more than six feet. in stature and weighed two hundred and thirty llt'_')UIl(.}S, with little fat. \‘an is too husky a smcimen for a. thug to tackle in any ordinary way. He. hail been recently paid and it is just possible that he might. have been carrying two hundred and fifty dollars when he dropped out. of sight. Mr. Van Hatten stands Very erect. were a navy blue suit. an Odd- fellow's ring. and a returned man's button. The initial's ”._.l Mel." are engraved on the outside of his gold watch. He has a slighteror‘ok in one of his little fingers. probably from the. result of a fracture. His mother and one ln'other live in \V‘alkerton. but. he did not go home. He has anotl‘ier brother in Port Arthur. There is thought that he went there. The Company is unable to suggest The July copy of‘The Blue Bell." the official organ of the Bell Teleâ€" phone Company printed at Montreal, contained the following item'regard- ing the strange disappearance of Charles Van Hatten of Wtalkerton; â€"â€"“What has becomeflof Foyeman‘ Cf: {Native/Vs in town. Van Batten of Walkerton Gone Since April 21. Every Day Is Bargain Day THE PEOPLE’S MILLS i The People’s Mill Our Feeds are of the Best Quality, and our Flour is Guaranteed. Prices right for Cash Highest Price Paid for Wheat delivered at the Mill Goods Delivered in Town Every Afternoon Phone 8, Night or Day. Sovereign Flour a Eclipse Flour White Lily Pastry Flour Wheat. Cereal and Rolled Oats Bran Shorts Feed’Flour Oat Chop Crimped Oats Mixed Chop Migced Grain for Poultry Food Blatchford’s Calf Meal ‘ Pig Meal and Poultry Feeds AT any reason for Van Hath-11‘s mu appearance, and juins with hz~ frim'u'is in hoping: that, the pllhliv \\: ; assist in clearing up~the mystery. ANGLICAN GARDEN PARTY WILL BE HELD NEXT WEEK Colling\\'00d is lomnix’n: Up as a s. port. 011 Saturday a vamn of 1mm; Bvst. was «r-lmuwi tin-mum H CUSIOHIS (m Imam] t'hv “Launvh RH for a fm'vign purl. 'l‘hv ('asvs m; brought, hnrv by truck in (-llal'w a Police. Officer and transhimmi the, vessel in1mwlizntva mm mm. The Vessel had her [mam-1's WM}: :1; at once «Mal-«3d. probably {my m: unknown. Arrangonmnts haw lwun wmplw ml for hauling: llw Anglimn gaunt-w party on Friday Honing: of “HF.“ week 011 MP. A. (Jrulchlny’s l:x\\:_ nmtln nl' tmm \n nulslm- <1». 1k will he hero and the usual lmulll :1 program \\ill lw an [Inn gmunl . D111‘llilfllClllZlWlh band \\ ill lw m :l'- tvnrlancv. Fourteen years ago, Mr. amcs S. Delgaty, of Gilbert Plains], Mam, was a nervous wreck. His system was shattered by Nervous Prostration, and he was reduced in weight from 170 to 115 pounds. He wrote on May 15th, 1917, “Every medicine I tried proved useless until a friend induced me to take ‘F ruitâ€"a-tives.’ I began to mend at once. After using this fruit medicine for three months, I was back to normal. I have never had such good health as I have enjoyed the past six years. We are never without a box of ‘Fruit- a-tives' in the house.” Writing again on September 27th, 1923, Mr. Delgaty says, “I stand bx my letter to you in 1917â€"1 still recommend ‘Fruit-a-tives'.” “Fruit-a-tives" is a complete fruit treatmentâ€"beiqg made of the juices of fresh ripe fruxts and tonics. 25c. and 50¢. a boxâ€"6 for $2.50-- at druggists. or sent «postpaid by Fruit- a-tives Limlted, Ottawa. COLLINGWOOD A BOOZE PORT Health Restored by ' l'he Fruit Treatment] Thtirsday, July 31, 1924. Durham, Ont. \Vhen anything: Mann“..- or contaminmmi, u... ..;.\ ceduro i510 vlvan H. 'Hw . act, is Simplo mumgh \\ 1....1 . happens in [w :1 m.“ H glass. or om-‘s 51“.... H;- pOf-al ‘” takv 21” “1' H:,. '1 0110‘s. body and swim“. hauling m mum. 1.. . Sirablo Sllhsmnmw ;‘ .; wellcalculzytmi1mm”, Yet my thing is .wég. deed. ”I“ l‘l.';ll"!(':ll,la.-\ Yet tho Him: 1* my: deed. its [Wm-twain , been (‘Siahlifllml :'\'u many animals. Tin- nflt. suffc'l'vd. :mai 1'1 - arily I'vmovod h-n» :. the circulation as -_-.., "washing" of Hu- :. plishod by mmm~ mechanical alum: .12 Dr. John J. Alwl. " pharmacologist University and “1* :1. laboratories of ”I" therv. They lunc- :; . the “artificial ka selectivo action is 1:: the normal Rhine-3. Its practical :wplw'u‘ remedial agvnt :mm .‘zf tion from Hu- 1.14....1 substam-o as HIV IIIiHo'I‘u bichloridv nf mwx-mngx; It. is not. I'lWHI‘Ih'Ii Hm! 1' his COâ€"Wnl‘kvx's haw hm artificial kichn-y m 11w .~r saw human lH'o- «w 1.. x condition 01' lmmzm wt: was thil' llllinmh- why-v: Eumpoan \\:n- wt .-\.-; \2 Thoy hm! 115m! 1!. lw\\..-\ \x’oighing up in MM} ,~ ton yvm's :12” HI“) \w ("Unsh'm'linu u Inn-h :- handling 18 hmiy \\v.:‘: t _' “\K‘llit'll. HI. t'HHE'wg Y!."J2" in 801‘. Thu \\ 0nd in Hais \ h0\\'c-\'M'. tho- ankins I'm'v S(‘i(‘llli.~‘ls '\\o' Alwl's im‘vni puismlill: by and fur uthc- pmwsM HIP « i'mlld 1H be lost. Sm".- Hxv mmv C(H'I'I'Wl H1" (‘H't'l CVQI'X *MIHHHW} that. ”I“ “HUN ‘tl thv {H'h‘l'lv'~. \\h capillzn'ws. Hum the \‘vins‘. \\i|.vh the Inc-:n'l. 'I'!H~ Qan' l'iFU in ”I“! kidm-y. \\'|mt. than "0 tap a 1:11' hlUOd 1H HH\\' ‘. rmmptm‘lv. \\ ho-I with. and 1me moans “1' u Im- 3180 1mm 1mm»... anm‘h. and H» oxxu-rinn-nh-z-~ . pl‘nvmhll'v \x'm ? than if mu many dulimm- ~ 1.3kf'll HHH t'HI:~ stamw. SHIHO‘HH! mm ”34' [blm'o' « and SH maintu l M tlw 31mm} . was 0353‘; swim: dotm'mino-«i H1: prmwrly ;.x'~;2 well takn Hn' ;. I’JIOOd: indvmi. ' “normal salilzw - 1y injch-d in!H \vlm haw snt't'vz rhasros. Snlniinn go 1.- .gnf. . , place the tempva 1 ARTIFICIAL KIDNEYS T0 CLEANSE BLOOD 111215118511 1115 :1 111‘. 11111 11111111111! «:1 011101 8111‘1'1‘11 1‘ 11111~ cylinder 0111- 1:111 1113011111 “1111 1111 1 which 1.~ 111511'1111 111311135111111111:11.111 1111‘ 111111111 111 151111 This is 1,1111 1‘1'1'1'1\ {13111141111111 .~'_\'<11-111 1,110 (1X11. 811111 11 that 1111111. 111' 111111 801‘th 111111 11111 \1 b10011 1‘111111S 1111 1 aim-11111111111 1~ 1- 31311111311“ 1111111111 ney. 1hf‘ sys111n1 11 With salt 80111111111. through 111111111111~ 5011111011 111111311 111' 1 enters 11111 \‘11111. system of 1111..-~ filled with 111111111 31111111111 111' 1111111 follows- 11181 :1 111111 015311801111111111<i bod} r11 11111~1111j1 mom. S” far. SH {Ionâ€"ML ii: cleansing 1h - hlmni diffllsihlw ('uinfifihzvzm‘ f 9f tubt-s' Is mmlv wa‘ : " 12in: snhstmn-u «:1 - 'rhf‘fi't' “Hun; Ic;1\.- '1 quality of lot-3n: i tain solids, :m";.,;;_r minnral pmym‘ ;;,., stations which if i- .i-~ : I‘id OT. and stw pun '- tubes of H10 artifivinl n the [3100!] is (‘ir‘rulatézx - The apparatus mnyi‘m:~ outer glass cm'vrim: :uui t‘w of tubes 3 Soluiinn um. i , SOhdS may pass. \\‘i|vI:t'o'1’.--\ ' collected, measmw}. \w- 43.- analysed at win. Thu sun-- 310w expression in m.- procedure is that tho" wit :- been “dialized out." mt tho-w- other difficulties that had 2. considered. Well might SUPPOSO other substances m the New Yul-k 'I‘H The explanat im wins. \Vhivh finally hvarl. This \wllâ€" ‘1'isvtn HI" MN! H" 10V What would 1M tap a lawn mm- d in ”cm mtu >11 Marl“. “in-Iv it u 1. and 141mm x? in HS Hf a law. WM 119"!) hilopo‘ci‘.’ ‘3 12.41.31“! Hm ls".\31~ Will Eliminate Poisum Thursday, July 31, 192a HIVMH m: by HHH' . Saline Solution L' wed “Dializing” Impl‘ {\t A Simple Idea \\ 0 Osvmw :1" I‘m-ruin: ' $910") H} 1'. ”Ct: it Is‘ «m or (.‘aIHHIlH. UH“ \‘vm in 'S “I" lowly. i‘ “quid callod thw : 'cinm I“ 1“. ll H ll H \\ \\ ll M ll ll \\ \l ll‘ U N h

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