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Durham Chronicle (1867), 31 Jul 1924, p. 7

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BLOWN OFF E); DYEAMITE BXPLODED E PRESERVING LE. 14 pt. 89C. iona] Exhibition filler ursday. July 31, 1924. IS ”VII LT THESE PRICES h‘mul Huh-s 11 Sale 'onto SEPT. 6 :zznrv ambitious than irturvsquv. th“ Itistic anudu and 0thPr lands. ting On ” Mic-9+4. or! r L SCISSORS 1‘50 HAY FORKS v v v v V V V V -.- C. O. C. .OA.‘..“‘ L A A n A A A Munuuinz DirectOt‘ t.‘ Durham 3.1m: the1 might, 10‘ British Empire :. do‘k'inS Hand Severely In on on Saturday 19 uh >05 Ads 'nan runtmct was by HIP Con. «in its access Mismvss was l'immas Metal M'm'hcally Zimmn Hf thm [I l\ on Page 7. MP. and "5' north s and a Who'n 3 PW PI" hand liarx'istvx-s. Solicitors. etc. A mem- bvr nf Hm firm will bed!) Durham 0n Tuesday of much wwk. Appointments may be mmln with the. Clerk in the ufl'i'cc. vansml Auctioneer for County 01' um; Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- wnzlhh‘ tm'ms. Dates of sales made at l'tw Chronicle ()lTice or with him- MIDDLBBRO’, SPBREMAN MIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Sim-msm‘s to A. B. Currey. Mr. i1. i2. Middlvbrn‘ is permanently lmfiitwl at Durham OlTicc. ALEX. MacDONALD 1,;censed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Mmiwulc- terms. .-\1'1'ar11.rvxnonts ‘ :- wimp as tn dutos. PIC“ may be rs: :1! 'l'hv (lhmnit'lv ()n'icv. Dur- nv- 'l'vx'ms 0n 11.;‘pli"'11t4i0n. Ad- l.I. ..“~ H. H. 1. Durham. '3 1-16)!de J. F. GRANT, D. D. S., L. D. S. HHHHI (Er'aduatel nixersity of Tor- mm» (immune Royal College Dental .s‘myzc-wns of ()ntaxio. Dentistly in m m hxanv.hes ()flice owr l). C. I'-v\\‘n'>‘ Jewellery Stow... DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST HITH‘U, 0va J. J. Hunter‘s store, Durham. ()ntario. c1.iropractors,Durham, Ontario. lhw <cu ncc that. adds life to Vears mm y 1115 to life. Consultation free. in him ham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Runways. 61423“ DR. BURT. 1,33,. .\~z~r-tant Royal London Op- ;gwgy‘g. Hnspital, England. and to ”map-z: #:1131111? Throat, and Nose HOS- W’ ; syncialist: Eye, Ear. Throat 3“,; 3m“, «Nice: 13 Frost Street. Hum“ Snuml. C. G. AND BESSIE MOGIL‘LIVR‘AY .ay If H Enter any day. Write. call :‘ phnne for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest ‘w‘ twen placed to date and <32; thexe are calls for more. \nut‘ (OUI‘SB NOW J you not get it you pay for it ": . xxay in smaller earnings Czthi lost opportunities. m Our Graduates 5.14. SMITH, M. B., M. c. P. S. O. - and residence. corner of ' u and Lambton Streets. oppo- ; I'm: ”trite. Office hours : -. ::.m.. 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. m ~ and Thursday afternoons 2,185. JAMIBSON 8: JAMIESON up! residence a short dist- . nf the Hahn House on . Slt'm't. Lower Town, Dur- sz’mu hhlll'a‘ 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to .‘\;t'0‘;?t SUDUZIYSL FARMS FOR SALE Hl Lz’mzsed a‘lmz‘z’oneer 7. CNN. '31. EGREMON'I‘. CON- »; lmi arm‘s; 85 acres under a: mu. balance hardwood bush: mmi to srlwol; on the promâ€" :1 frame barn 42x65 ft. with mumlation: concrete stables; 1v barn 30x50 with stone. base- it”: pvn 20x30; twelve-room lh‘llSc‘. furnace hoatod. also vanished: drilled well C1050 uzm‘. with windmill: concrete t;.nk.<: 30 acres seeded to hay: :'.-~' to swm‘t clover: this farm ,; :‘vm'ml and in a good state. of “nu. For information apply Mum‘s Dairy. R.R. 3;. Durham. [02:3 '23 if '- E~1LEY MAN INJURED \YHILE OUT FISHING l'.\lt'l‘ LOTS 7 AND S. CON. mnnt. rontaining 66 acres: in") wiuzirml. balance hardwood :2 good state of cultivation: MM: lixSO. stone basement. 'slilblt‘s; drilled well and tank at barn. A150 Lnts 6 Wm. ~i. S.D.R.. Glene g. enn- no acres: 100 acres cleared .mml state of cultivation: on lltlfit‘s‘ are a brick house con- s-wvn rooms. with good \\"IHlSlli‘il attached; drilled ': never failing springs on making: a choice stock .xis property will be sold " Quit-k purchaser. For parâ€" -:i;r;il_\' at \Vatson‘s Dairy. l‘irzrliam. Ont. 102:3 ‘23 tf 1“ 'll\ ,.. 2r V A 0 viadlcal Directorv. Dental Directorv Legal rDz'rea'orv Thursday, July 31, 1924. DR. A. M. BELL . 2'. anbton Street (the late 'nn's Hfl'ice). Office hours. m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- LUCAS 8: HENRY DAN. MCLBAN Ev gum; mm' a fence he nulml in sum» brush and Ellilt‘. Dr. Turnbull was HM I'vlimwl his suffer- :M just returned from Sanatorium, when- he .1 months. f: :1.» 5:: a .:m:....mmn w 57:: 3: 273:?» 3. .3. zz..i:...1.;.../ 3. T7.» 7 17 31111 CATTLE STRAYED Strawd tn the mnmises of the 11ndc1sigmm'i.Lut 60. 0011.3. 11h. R.. (£1011 lg. some dms 320. a number of (a tle. Ounnr mm haw, samo bx proxing property and paying expen- svs. â€"â€" Robert Lindsa} Mrs. N. McIntyre wishes to thank those of the citizens nf town and vicinity who did such good work during the fire last Sunday evening in pro‘octing her property from Notico is hnroby given to the pub- lie that I “in not be) responsible for am dnbt or debts contracted b} mv son Mmr Mountain. after the first 31111131111110 uf this notice in The Durham Chronicln on Thursdm July 17. 192-1. PROPERTY FOR SALE The George \Vhilmore property. near McGowan's mill: mulch-cast house: stump. hon-house. half acre of land: drilled well. cistern: goml fruit. trons. and a lot of small fruits. Will svll cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. . 626tf 'I‘HI'Z .-\l’).\.\l [HMER'I‘SHN PROPER- ty nn (im°zlt'r:1xa stx'owt. Fm' furthnr pax'tivulm's apply tn mes Clark. Durham. 7-17â€"6pd. The Durham I'.F.O. Live Stock AS- seciation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. Clifiord Howell, Manager. Phone 92 r 11. Durham. RR. 1. GRAIN \\'.\.\"I‘ED.-â€"B;\RLHY. BI'CK- whvat. Pugs. Oats and Mixeyl Grain wanted. Highest prices paidâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited. Durham. 11‘2” 'I‘HE ICINHC HILL SI’NIuY SCHUHL gzunlvn party will bn lwld at. Ritvhiv's schnul huusv. 'l’lml'sduy awning. August. 7: bum-hull lu'hvm'n twn nutsidv trams; lunvh svrx'ml. Admission 2?» and if) «'wms. 7. 21. 2. .â€"..._ ._..v ... ._... Emmâ€" m 2:7. $295; :52; 7.3.3: ..:._r_u/J.. L9 773.. .Qm_,_r/.<.// 942;? WORK \\'.;\.\"l‘l-‘.D.â€"THE CHRON- iclcr Jul) Plant is well equipped for turning out the Ilnost work on short Ul'tlt‘l'. tf MEN‘S TAILORING.~â€"{.‘}E;\"I"S SI‘I'I‘S hand tailored. I am prepared to make your suit. ancl guarantee first- class workmzmship. My pricos are right. Imavv yuul‘ ort‘iwrs with DM. Saumlvrs. Hunt's I’urnishcr, Durham. -â€"~\\'. .I. Honuing. Tailor. 1 17 if BRICK HOL'SE UN GARAFRAXA strum. \\'al01‘\\'“1'k5 in house. V4 3011‘ land with gum! spring. centrally lut'alml. \V‘illiam l-‘allaisv. H. R. :2. I’I‘K’PViHQ'. AN OLIVER TYPEWRI'I‘ER. PRAC- tically new. at a hm-gain.â€" Apply at. Thu (lel'OlliCIt‘ ()t'ficv. glad» gas “ith the} "pop“ and 1011;: mileagv Sum HUI} at. Smith Bros‘ Um am. 6 26 M PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR S;\Ll'2.â€"â€".-\ NUMBER OF GOOD building lots 011 George street, North of Skating Rink. Durham, Apply to D. Hopkins. _ 221 U alts uxlj ppel 10“11 at a bargaul. Apbly to R. J. Matthems, Durham Ont. 3 2O Mpd FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, ()nt. 515 tt‘ WESTERN FEED OATS .-'l $56. PER bushel at the Rob Roy Mills. 4 3 tf I’I'II'IRLI'ISS GASOLINE. THE HIGH- FUR FIRE. TORNADO. AUTOMO- bile insmnm o and gumnntoe bonds etc" applv to 1m is C\ Henry Dur- ham. 612tf A (mm) TWU Sl'UREY BRICK churning. ce'ntraliy [mated in WWII. AH mmm'n vquipnwnts, large gar- civn, gal'dgt'. stablv. MC. Apply to Mrs. J. (i. Hultnn. A QI'ANTI'I‘Y OF GREEN HARD- \wmi timbm‘. two and a half miles must 01' Durham on the county road. Apply to H. \V. Hunt. BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 10 tf l-".1\l{<.\ll-â€"HlI.-\\\.Bl10lll{\ Pl} R- ('111'11111 0““. (\w your. old. Has 211ml limbs, l'inv 11111103131110 and will make. :1 Valllilllll' 1101'51'. Also. tun ~;p1i11:.r1'1' 1",11\\s 41111) l'ixc the HUN 1' so'wn \1 :11» at 11;.f1'.::001_lmilkâ€" M“ and mmim: in $111111. â€"-â€"l{. 'l‘. l‘:tl\\lll'll>'. Maulululé'. ll. ll. mu $.-\1_,_1a._'rHE LATIMER 13309 FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC COMING EVENTS MISCELLANEOUS ‘ NOTICE TO FARMERS CARD OP THANKS (114d: PETER mozzvrmx. FOR SALE The requirements for high egg pro- duction are clean, dry, comfortable houses, that are ‘free from direct draughts over the birds, and that are well lighted. The feeding consists of a variety of grains, green feed, ani- mal feed, grit and shell, which is clean, sweet and wholesome, and is given to the birds regularly. and in such quantities that they have all they want to eat before going to roost at night; that the supply of drinking material is clean and abundant; that the attendant is regular in his or her work, and is interested in the same; that the birds are bred from good laying ancestors, and that they are hatched at the proper season and well reared, and are free from disease. Distribution of Eggs. A study of the distribution of the egg production is interesting and im- portant from the point of the annual returns from the birds. Egg prices rise and tall with the seasons, and usually the greatest profit is made where producing eggs at a season or seasons of the year when prices are high. Pullets are the chief source of egg supply. As stated previously, they require usually from six to seven months in which to mature. It is. therefore, possible to regulate their production in the fall months at least to some extent by regulating the time they will hatch in the spring. Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph. HENS AND E66 lAYING The experience of the Ontario Agricultural College Poultry depart- ment has been that a hen will not lay it not in good condition. She should be healthy, free from any disease, and show plenty of vigor and activity. The first pullets to lay in the fall have been the early maturing ones. The pullets that have developed slow- ly in body and feather haw been just as slow in starting to lay. The re- sults of liberal feeding and general good care have always been reflected in the pullet flock and a full egg basket during the period of early winter high prices. High Egg Production. A Meiange About the Handling of Bar'nyard Poultry (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Can you tell which hens are laying without the use of trap nests? This is easy to determine if one will go to the trouble of handling each bird suspected of being a loafer. When a hen commences to lay, conditions in the organs concerned in reproduction are quite different from conditidns observed during the period of idle- ness. When the ovary is dormant and no eggs are /being produced the distance between the pelvic bones is small. The vent is dry, small, puck- ered, and, in yellow fleshed chickens, has a band of yellow pigment around the inside. When laying commences the pelvic bones become pliable and spread apart to permit the passage of the egg. The vent becomes large and moist and the ring of yellow pig- ment disappears. A visit to the poul- try house on an early winter evening and a half hour spent in going over the hens will be profitable. Conditions Necessary for Production. More Poultry Pointers. Crows are likely to steal the eggs from the late turkey nests if the nests are made at some distance from the buildings. How to Tell the Layersâ€"Conditions Be sure that the you g growing chicks are well fed to promote growth and that they are given liberal range where there is abundance of green feed and also animal feed in the form of insects, worms, etc. Cold. damp, poorly lighted and ventilated poultry quarters favor the spread of such diseases as roup. Such contagious disease as these are dim- cult and sometimes impossible to con- trol unless given attention in the early stages. Wherever preventive measures fail. separate sick birds from the flock as soon as there is evidence of disease. and then obtain expert advice to effect a cure. If the chickens must be confined on account of bad weather, provide a good straw litter to which their grain feed may be scattered. This will give them exercise and keep them inter- ested and healthy. When chickens that have been accustomed to free range are closely confined this fre- quently checks their development for the time being unless they are made contented in their new quarters. Pro- vide green feed for them also. Indian Runner ducks seem to have. gone out of fashion, which is a pity. as they are excellent layers, and stand at the head as table fowls. They are easily raised, do not make the disagreeable noises that other ducks do, and eat less than any other breed bred ducks. They thrive on coarse feed and can be raised cheaply and safely, as a duck hatched usual!) means one raised to maturity. It is poor economy to keep more cockerels than will be needed for next year’s breeding operations. If they are sold as soon as they are of broiler or fryer size a loss will be stopped and the pullets will do better with- out them. doors. The beams and shiding; all parts that A clean. disinfected stall is the surest preventive of joint ill in colts. “'hen We Plant a. Tree. What do we plant when we plant the tree? We plant the houses for you and me. We plant the rafters, the shingles, We plant the house when we plant ’ the tree. the floors. We plant the studding, the laths, the Necessary for Productionâ€"High Egg-Yielding â€" Distribution at Eggsâ€"More Poultry Points_. THE DURHAM, CHRONICLE v’OTERS’ LISTS 1923. PART III. iunicipality of Glenelg, Co. of Grey Notice is hereby given that I have emptied with Section 10 of the Vot- 'I‘S. Lists Act and that. I have posted '11» in my otI‘ice at Lnt 40, (Inn. 3. 11G. ‘I.. on the 16th day of July. 1924. the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality for members of. the Legislative Assembly only. be- ing I’m-t III. of the Voters’ List for 19:34 and that such list remains there for insgection. - And I hereby call upon all \oters o examine said list and to take im- mediate proceedings to haxe any er- rors or omissions corrected accord- lg to law. Dated July 22 1924. HECTOR H. McDONALD, Clerk. Twp. of Glenelg, _ n.1, Durham. farm «11' lmuis Marlin. (lznx‘x'ick tmvn- ship. l-‘x'inhy and fnund twu harvvls nt' mash. allvgml tn haw lwvn fur tlu- ['lll'lms‘ ut' manufm'hlring l‘iqum'. 'mn-im! in thc- \x'mu'lshwl. 'l‘lw mash is said by Ulc- nfficvrs tn haw MW“ in a high shun uf fm‘muntatiml. Thvrv wwm- about. fifty gallnns. \\'hi!v officmae worn swam-hing: Um hnusv. Martin. who was wurkin: in :1 “PM. fled. _ ' Snmv timw 3ng Martin paid throw hunchw-d and furtyâ€"l'nm' dullm‘s at Luvknnw. t'nlluwing thv svizuro at. his farm Hf a quantity Hf marsh and liquor. A _ If a mrutxal might risk a SW’gestâ€" inn. :1 fitting laid? to 11mm ate fur me-usmm. 01' the L'mtcd State.» wuuld be Helen Marin Dawes.â€" Toronto 'l‘o.'lcg1'an1. ' (lull hens are cutting down the profits of Grey county poultrymvn. Why not. cull and by keeping fewer hens get more eggs. This has hoon douv. It, can be again. Sheep Dipping Tanks During the last. two \weks fiw permanvnt. évmvnt Slump dipping tanks wom- built in (irvy (-Hunty. Mr. \V. J. Howard. Dominiun Duparl- mvnt. nl' Agl'icultm'v. sumrvisod Um (mmstnlction. All the mrcvssary forms an- suppliml “'00 of 1411112? by HM) Shem!) I_)i\'isi0n. ()ttawa. 'l'hvsv can 1w svvurml by writing to The? Dupax'tnwm. ul‘ Agrivultuw, Mark- «ialv. 111111113: H111 \\'1111k 1111111111." July 111. \\'11 1111.11 11111 1'111111\\'i111: 111511115. That 11111 111' 11 1111111 111' 1111111 hugs 11111}' 7116 111' 211.71 1111111'11111 \\'11.1'11 51111111 111111 111311 \\‘111'1111111'k 11111111111 This is 718.131111' 1'11111 \\'11i1'11 15111111.:1'11111 11 11111'1111111111'. 11' 1'111'111111'5 fully 111111111's1111111 111111. 11111 11111111 51111111111 11111.: is 11111111: 111'11- 11111'1'11 1111111111 111 11111. 1’11111111 Stub-s 111111 111111 11. is 111111 1'11111111'y “1111111 111m1111111111111111111;11.211114.1'11'11111111‘11 \_\1111|11 1111i1'k|\ 1111 111111111. .\111'.11111111- 11111 1"111'11111' \\iH 1\111'1111111111'11 1111111 11< 1111111111\ 115 11111.'\111111'111111 111111111113 \11111 11111i1'11111111111111111111 111111 \\11\ 11111 1111111 111 11111111 113' 111111'11 >k1111il 111'1'1'1111111 111111 1111111111: [11'1‘111111'1' ’181'1111 H111: \\'11i1111 is in 1111n1111111 111 Britain. (Hamwvr Pnsf l'mxmvial (lunstahlvs I’vllcm' and \\'ln!«~.~'idws. uf \\'m;:ham. ranch-d Hm \\' LARGE QUANTITY OF MASH DICOVERBD IN CARRICK Next “001; in (110V countv thmo “ill be a lingo number oi flocks culled. Quite a number of appli- cants “ill be trained for this work. Wihv not Groy county faimcrs in this schvmo. ’ Tutu! gain in t1" nut 301 puunds. m- tlw total \wight \xhvn unloadoa 2373‘) pounds. The price ranged from f iftoon to twentV-fiw cmts pm pound um ordin" to tho qualitx M the hinis disposed of. The total selling Value “:13 35511321110 expenses for feed. commission. duty. exchange. unluading. etc“ was $1905.85 which loft thv sum of $3605.87 10 be. diVidod anymg the mmsignox‘s. '1. -\. Bonscmn P01y1lt1‘ Promoter “0.8111111 Unta1io. shi; 1 110d 5655 cull 1111115 110111 the flocks of that county to \‘1m \oxk and Buffalo. All told (hm-11 were 23,138 pounds of fowl lamlml at Woodstock. The following arr 111v rosnlts:â€" Numbox 111 culls 51111111111110111111‘115. Total \\c"l1t M1011 loaded 23438 1101111115. Last Julv the farmers of Oxford Countv through their Agricultural i'ppiowntatno G. R. Green. and Mr. Problems of the Farm Contributed by Grey County Department of Agriculture Sale of Cull Hens in Oxford \3 11i111111 11111 11111 sc11111111 113' 1331111111 Morgan, “Flaming11:11111i111's“ is packmi 331111 thrills. 11 is 11111 sl111‘3 ' 111' an i113111111111. Patrick 13131111111 33 I111 1110111.! 21.1.1113 his faclnl‘v to 1:111 1111111113' to carry 011 his 11x111111im11111s 1111 :1 fast motor 11111111-1111113 331111 I1 1111 is [11111- f11111111g. H11 and his 11:111ght1111. .111111131 311:1.1111111 :11111 11111 11111311111331 in 111111- I111i1igr11. 331111 I111li11311 in 11111 1'1i111-1111111 k. 33' ith 111111 1131111111i1111~â€".I11s1111h I’i11 111111.11. 11111 11i11h.11s1 man in 11111 1111111111111i13'. 111113111» h11l1Is 11111 1111111s 33hi1 I1 :1111 111111 :11_1:1111s1.1h111':111'111113 B3 1h1-i11 :1111 h11|1111111s 1111.1111 1111ss11ssi1111 111'1h11 1:111111113'.1h11 111111 11111111: 111111 .I1111113' I‘11‘111s1111' 1 11111111 ”111 [1111111131 111' 1111111â€" 111;; 13131111111. h11 s11111is 111 11111 1 i13 f111~ :111 11111011111113 1131111121 111 111111111 1'11133'11 :11111 s11111111i111111111 Ih11 I':11111113'. ‘:1n1 11311.11)” 1i11h 111111 i11111. is “1111111131 (111131111 1111111111111111111113 I13 his 1:11h1111. 331111 h11|111s1 (11:11 s1111111 331111l3 33111 111111111 :1 man 111 him. l’ickvns (‘Xlilililfs in Hmiun “hat is “anti-ii hut. unlniluiiuii-h 1m “I" plan. miimi mails PHIHIIHH: 1w falling in low \xiiii .li-in 21nd bonds :1” his (‘lli‘lgil'h‘ lummis iiiiimlui inp.r ”I" HIP-illu'k in ”In Main (NUS. 1 ii kvns fight» him at. “wry turn and HH‘ miisi. thrilling: i‘nmJni-l'vial strug- .210, onsuvs \\'ili('i| has lwvn swim in mHliun iiivturvs far 21 lung: limv. In llw (‘Ulll‘h‘l' «if ilii- zivtiim. ilii- iii-riiiiw I‘livs zu'i'nss 2i burning." invest, in an :ii-riipimw 21nd iii'iw-s thi- “PU-il‘lld‘k ilii'nug‘ii ihv I'Hl'vsl with burning: H'N‘S i'i‘usliinu iwiiinil lll'l'. .::.1. -97, 1:: 2.5.5.: 1.9.3:; 1.2:; 1?. 7...: :2: 7:15:51. .z: .3 .5: .5 :â€" Eam E ...r.._.._._.:f 1:25;..7 chci-al of the scenes for “l'*‘Iznning: Bai'i‘ici‘s“ wci'c fihncd on the banks of thc Stanislaus I'i\c1- \xlmic. sonic scwnty wars 3:. o. mic hnnih-cd min- 015 handed tugithci to pi‘uhct the iights of scum] I ‘hinamcn who had been drivcn (it't' thcic claim hy thi'cc gaunt. long-haired mcn from Arkan‘ SaS “Flaminfi' Bai'i'ici's" i‘ctains a stxong 1111\01' ut’ the old «law of thc \xcst. although it. is a mOdcin SUyII‘ “ith a. gripping. fast maxing plot. "Ihc Iitth- hmn Ht Binhiidgc. ““010 most at thc action takcs pIacc is a battle) ground an which thc. thinga s of \cstci-clm and the things 0! tn-iiay Struggle for thc mastccv. 'l‘hc. fon- tiiiciI playccs “ho appcar in this [Iictlll‘t‘ arc. Jacqnclinc Logan. An- tonio Moreno and Waltci‘ Hici's. 12131111.." 111s1113 :1 1121113 111111111 11111 11:13.~ 11111. 3321< 111111111 1111 1111- >111|1s 111’ 11111 11331111 S11111111 (”11111111115 8111111111' :11 113'111111111111-s 111 1111 ‘2'1111111113' 111;:111. 311's..\11111-1'.1111~111:1111111.:11111 11111' 11ssis1:1111. \3'1~11» $111111; in 111p 11111111111 111' 1111' S111-1111'.\\111-11 11111 11111111113“ 113 111' :1 31111111,: 1111111 33:15 111~11111. "1111-3 11111112111. 1.11111. 11. 3315 :1 1111113 1111 1111-. $111-111 11111. “111111 1111‘ 111M 11111111111 11111111-1- 111111 111111~1~ insis- 111111, 111113 3311111. 11111. 111 11131191123111. 11111 baby was 13111;: 111 :1 $111.11! 11115- 111-1, 1'1111111-11 in :1 11111;: 111'1_-.<.< 311111 11111 Lustily Crying Infant W;ished on the Grey County Children’s Shelter. TEN DAYS’ OLD BABY Filmed in 80mm, (331., one of the oldest and most historic of the Cali- fornia gold towns. George Melfords Paramount production “Flaming Barriers,“ \\ inch comes to the Star Theatre next F11dav and Satu1day nights of this week has 1‘01 its back- g1ound a country in \\ h1ch much of the \xestcm states romantic story was de\ elopcd. \When the Foreign Minors Tax Law of 1850. which forced foreigners to pay thirty dollars a month for the right of mining in California, was passed. the principal Opposition to it was manifested by Mexicans loratmi in and around Sonora. “FLAMING BARRIERS" SCENES FILMED ON HISTORIC LOCATION Romantic Story Screened on Banks Stanislaus River in California. LEFT ON DOORSTBP (uslnmai'x hahv Ilnthvs but the ('lnllws \H‘lt‘ HI meI' qualih though 0108!). 'l hm t‘ “as a lmttlv of milk (If just. ”lt‘ rig-ht. ll‘lll]‘lt‘l'ililll‘t‘ fur the vhihl in thc- huskvt with it. a fart. that. \w‘mhl svom tII shuw that. it. had “PM" thm'v ”My :1 l'vw IIIiIIIItIIs. Ho- Shim; this iht‘l't‘ was a. ”at. lmttln while lIzId t-IIIItaiIII-Ii whiskvy. What with warm wutm' In WW“ “I“ child (on'Il'I’IItulIlv il' itshuulcl nut. iII- t'uIiIIIl immmtiatvl}. 'l‘hv lmhy was takvn 'iIItII the huusc- :IIIIl tlw [lllllt't' vallml. .\ ItthI' “as :llSH l'allml in as tlm hahy swmml tn haw :I SM’I‘ IIIIIIIth. As all ”I“ (flIildI'I'II :lt lllt‘ SIIvltvI‘ worn in hml and thnsv iII I-hm'gv \wrn in thv hack purl. Hf tln' lmusv Ill! «Inv. as far as it is known. saw thu vhilit iwing brought. tn thI- IlmII' and SH l':II‘ tlm paI'I‘IIts hm'v lltll “04‘“ h :Il'ml. 'I‘IIII pnlim- tll't‘ iII\v.~‘ti;.':IliII:_' tht- mattm'. Yuu can :IM inst Hu- snmv fuvlin: that a philantlnupist «jnims i1 wu till :1 I'3;:;:Ni hm \\ith ivv (mum. every woman should know. L dia E. Pinkham'a Private Text- Boo upon “ Ailments Peculiar to (Wo- men ”will be senttgou free 11%:an Write for it to e Lydia ‘ ' ham Medicine 00., Cobourg Ontario. This book contains valuable information that If you are sufi‘ering from the torture: of a displacement, irregularitiee, back- fiche, headaches, nervousness. or a pain m the side, you should lose no time in trymg Lydia E. Pinkhuu's Vegetable Compound. . River Desert, Que:â€"“ I used to have a severe pain m my side. I would be un- able to walk fast and could not stand for any length of time to do myironing or washing, but I would have to lie down to get relief from the pain. I had this or about two years, then a friend told me to try Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compoqu as she had had Fooc results. I certainly got good resu ts from it, too as the last time I had a sore side was ’last May and I have at had (glance: 11am alsoJ lad o: vm nursmg or my a y, an I thin (ft is your medicine that helped me in this wa ."â€"Mrs. L. V. BUDGE, River Desert, eboc. Tells How Lydia EPinklnm’e Vegetable Compound Restored Her Health MBS.BIJDGE ~ ‘80 WEAK flfllllfl HARBLY STAND PAGE SEVEN

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