West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 7 Aug 1924, p. 5

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3143333339 Fruit Treatment 33 33 3e is rm of “Fruit a-tives” Olled YOU CAN 6H RH] ; 0F DYSPEPSM ‘ tality. and our | right for Cash 'livered at the M cli F0 Thursday. August 7. 1924. Durham, 0m axerv --o «oâ€" - o--¢~O«o--O«-O«O«O~~W :9: rid of the pain; the .:;.~:;:;;.‘°ortable feeling; “l6 . . ,-_ 3, headaches and cant}. ‘ ;‘.-.’r-umpzmy this trouble. ' l'r- -;L:mentâ€"which is the . 45-“,- of apples, oranges, -- : .wombined with tonic: - r'--I are Dyspepsia. \ i;-.g:.v:s. Everett,0nt., » -v-r:*r«uzble<1foryears -. flu-r “J! Kidney I’V‘ . us impossfine I tunk “Fruitoa- \ their wonderful -- {ht-SP. ailments 3 mum again”. HOUI‘ ealed I we UTTERFLY 2:3 50sz mxssus I tug of proof that ‘rnic Treatmentâ€" 4 54;!(1 by :1” dealers 3' _\.'-nt DOStpaid by :‘-.i, Ottawa, Ont. R [TY Mil] 1pc Nsihle (’i’l'. H! mm: i1: \nmrica ."\l “USMC?- ~' thinking nimut God ”I thvy did LY. This is Mr Christ- Mung 50 k I‘luspr “H a m 10c "HI lung: that H'Hfld on ’10“: m up. \c'o'pl’ic'of‘L :x'o'ut paci- <1 vammt, ‘Zhristian- HI' inspir- hvw-I‘uge. :isf. Sutt. o'X‘u'I'i- 4' DUNN“- Huh-n and Humming “ 'HNP form «ivyiso-d to KO‘V 'H 'VIO'S t0 the must i the thar HHK Elna- man turn. 'Fhat and h Fashion experts still are discussing the many unusual and novel creations that were shown at the recent Fashion Promenade in London arranged by Princess Galitzine and the Baroness De Stoeckl. Photo- graphs of the many charming exhibits have just reached this country. Amongst them was the one reproduced above. It depicts one of the many gowns which created quite a stir amongst the visitors to the nmmenade. It is a black and white crepe de chine creation on which EM beads were employed as embroidery down the sids. And attached, was th unusual flare skirt of exquisite rich laceâ€"which you see the model gracefully holding. Quite attractive, don’t you think? ' T011"? 0f \xhich he: starry 5k} II'IOkJflg . 5:33., the I‘ho 31:11:}: irltf‘l't‘éllll‘é Lu,“ "1 '11." 'm \pxa. Gluef of these are . k... ‘ \\ H Shown At British Style Show ul)‘ THE SAMOAN ISLANDS H H Q ..v¢-~ “‘ a“ ay, August 7. Szimnun or the Navigator [5- mu‘niier nine besides, some islets. the three chief islands Sunni. l'uolu and Tutuila. wh-miir in m-igin. with rural reefs protecting their \\'muierfl.illy fertile and z with an abundant rainfall. ileum-1y (fthiN'li with Vege- to. His- tnps of their higi‘mst ‘0 lo- Hm climate is moiét and 2! ie vquablv and tompcrml by "7N5. July is the": coolest mnnth «w-mkwrtl1¢-\\':1{‘mvst. but. M‘vn Winiu'l'. tiw {ch-I'Hgv {wnygwmâ€" unly 80 «tumors in H1» shade. Sunmun group was t‘liscr)\'c!'<r:.'. .' by u Dutchman called ROS- . x: 1768 NW French «:XMUI‘UP :m'iilo- numml thc-mll‘xc Navi- l~lanoi§ from the skill employ- tiu- natiws in svamanship. x-mu- nn visitml thv i5- flunk [21hr 1111 visited and civsuihmi them. Hu- missinnarios u Hiimu 1| 1)} ILULOanIl 1111113.. Disputes arose Britain. ¢_;(:1'mauy I'itain. Germ: IIIU’.‘ and. aft}! annnnwnt. a 1m- Nuns and 1., 1900 at Ll}- cam Us“ the (wxatu isltt 0f \mdima, “hum. tlw 11331in5 Nu: Inactically as Hwy did 111.1011; the \yhitc mun (fame. _ _ \. “Ill Savaii. H111 largest island 01 the 111-1111;». -’10 11111115 1011,1111 20 broad. has U111 ('1 111-11 111 2111 111‘: [11111813 \(11- 1311(1-â€"4\\l1ich not man} \cars mm “as 11111-15111} 11111111, but is 111m :1 shnw 111111111 1'111' “115111115. is f‘niplc‘iyvd in IDI'0\"UIO n with publicity matvr'ial, to suit the purpose of the UH'PI‘. militician, actor. pivtuw- i-nmpan)’. or Wh omplhym- may be. In t. ce-ntx‘us papers r10 longer fur "scurips", but are prn‘ thvii' m-ws by central Individuality has been «11 '1 ('ifiéfif Hugh . labor newsprint 3f of morbid news. "feature” artich solid news 50 courage in ‘00 nals. ___4 PRESS LOSING INFLUENCE 5%.? “fifiifléfia bialCS. \‘ II I‘VJ 55.“:pv- . b‘wn bfivught by 1ndn'1duala sole concern is dividends. the public what they want" an the excuse for the columns 'bid news. comics and shaliow 78” articlps that have replaced news stdries and editprial re in too many modern Jour- difficulty h on Page 7- Onlx a to“ years back. and the “bite cgret of southern lake and sea- Show “as goingr rapidlx the \V") of Um ibis and flamingu â€"â€"thc sad \\ ay tn extinction. (L. B. Ellis in Our Dumb Animals) 'l'hn pink curlow, often called the l'flSt’LliP spoonhill of Florida, was like-\Visn travelling the same dark trail. 'l‘l‘ieso beautiful crraturos, Ullt'l‘ so marwlously abundant in the roast country of the sunny penin- sula. worn rarely seen except per- hgips in an unt‘roquonted spot. Riril lovers had not been able,l own by thnii- utmost efforts, to ni-oh-ct those species, distinguished by hvauty. grace, and innocence, from tho «instruction to which man’s arm-«l has ilo‘omod them. until finally :ox‘vrnnwnt was moved to pass a l'LlW making the plumes unmarket- lellt‘, it is :i pl«_-asuro to note that, with ”in ri-e-at impetus given of late to ”It! Audubon work in general, and to tho turd-sanctuary movement in partirulizir. the-re romv stnmlily morn I‘tlt‘()l_ll'uglll:: imports Ht inrrnaso among most of our SHHSSIUN and plumu hit-«ls. _.:_n-_-:n... ...... ”Hg Hf [Hluuu lluun. 'l'hv most, satisfying rvsults Hf vnnsm'valimx aw manifust. in Hm Imports from the humorous bird sanctmu'ius in I’lnr‘itl'a. a state: which holds lhn long load in this humane wurk. huth for the number and vxtvht, Hf its pmtvctml aim-as. 'l‘hm'u an: ah'c-mly sixty-nhw nl'ficially Hawk’- him-cl sanctuaries in Um mninsuhl. mad ahuul. as many more that, am hwally svt. ushlv as inviulutv. many ‘ ' ‘ °" ‘ ‘ -,. l... ._...... I‘lll' QQOIII‘ 1‘ 'Wll‘ 5"! Ir OOOOOO ui' “Mich \xuill IMM' he {:1 anlml stain mut_0( tinn. l I. ll... -l':lll‘LI'l'.“.‘l' 'Il‘f.‘ [H'Hli'kluinh 'l‘lw rvsults of Hm \x'idusm'mul zvnl ni' Hm lwuplc ul’ I‘luridu for the pz'ulm'tiun 01’ their [balm-rm! nuigh- Ems-s :U'v lwginnil‘lg tr shnw in :1 â€"--- ‘ r;‘-- ZJHI.‘ (.111 pup-nu...”â€" - gratifying way. liwn rmulwzucifly nhsvrvant. pursnns am heard m (-umnu-nt. un Um grunt. invrvasv. in 'n'u'u' :lml hmlgv. 01' ”H“ gm'gmnls mxwlinals and Izmagvrs. llw mnln- dimxs I'I'1«)("l{illg-l)iMs :md thrush kimnu-n.thulwltm-clh1m-hirdmwax- wings. and “Hum-s nl' HwiI' kind. lint. nnly just mm; l'rum :mHu-ntio -‘n'.11'(rvs. ('nrm-s 1,le gum! nvws that Hz» \x'hilv ugl’t't has slmwn u dofinutv il:m'«-:1.~'v in “w lust, l't-w smsons. This must. rudu’xiw-«l Hf Flm'idu's \vatM' Mnis. snmvtinws known as Hw .\:m-riv:m c-grvt, :mcl bnyuncl puma- \mztum'. tlu- IlX‘iSUHfl‘aL 0f Hun hvmn fannily. haul lwvn pmnnuncvd prac- livully vxt.iru:tr«f1'0m thu cmvl mmlgvs nf Hw plump-111mtcrsrâ€"xx'l’wn llu- pit-{Minus of hiHl-lmw's um! swivntisls unitmi. finally ln'mlght. Hu- m-ntm'tiw- law‘s vwavtrrwnl. Many thought it Hum too Into tn saw: the species. I2“! if i: nn\\' 1). lumpy fact that. THE RETURN OF EGRET mint" it, is now a. happy fact that, tin-(<0 I'm-n himls arc- again sm-nsmul with inrrvasing froqumu-y, alum: Hw shnrvs and in Hm «1mm P\'M°;:I'Mtn :‘I'Hlt-s nl' I’lnl'itla. 'l‘hr» little snnwy 1mm”. knnwn badly as Hu- ('l'imp. Is _mmer spm'il‘h' 0mm practically oxtmct. but 11n\\' rv-appvm'ilm 1n (mustgmtly m- rz-w::~‘ix|;: numhvr's. adding: Ms. tnm'h nl' shww IM't-lim‘ss'und ljfo- in tlu. sw'niv lwuuty ni' Hm pn-turt-smn- gmninsnlu.. I I ll. -_.....‘ -.I-;'llll' “r |" |Illl~‘IlI‘-. in! mnhuhly ”i“ "105': “”7"”! "r ”w wtmminfl Si"»"'i"-" is U’“ “NW” ~zxmnnhill. nr curlvw. «mm: vxtrvrm'l.“ mum-mus in Hwy- I'Pgi”“-"~ “W“ uppm'o-ntly «Mint-t, and mm‘ again “Upkmg. in grvuf pink (IIMMS. ‘” Hu- rwstimr f:l.~'llwsi~‘t'.~' ‘50 *tl'ilH-WHH." Izmmlmi by HM: l'nih-«l SHU'S “7“"?!- "US. v A'l'--l "IL". 'l'h«~ i'vs'punso- of [in-si- immlii'nl \\'|n;_'ml ('l'i'uilll‘vs in protoviion its HI“ ('lvai't-st indication of what, may in. Home to prosorw many of our otiwr wild frivnds. now row-«ling: inâ€" to oblivion boforn Hm. Vanniml mum'h Hf vivilizz‘itihn. Hvrv in Flnrit‘ta wc- :‘u't‘ turning: yet t'nl' ttu- x'vtm'n of ttu- grunt. whitn Hus and that marwttnusty (:ntnm’ut We Pay Cash for Produce and Sell for Cash Only VOLLETT’S CASH STORE WM. J. VOLLETT We have a good line of Overalls at Reasonable Priceso THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS Fresh Meat, Milk, and Cream Ginrrham, wide, per yard. Gingham, narrow, per yard Curtaining, per yard Raisins, seedless, 2 lbs. for 25c Raisins, seeded, _2 lbs for . 2650 Dates, fresh, 2 lbs. for/f . 250 Large bottle Tiger Catchup 300 3 boxes Cornflakes for . ‘. 33c Special in Dry Goods Special in Groceries ' $156 PHONE 70 and picturesque creature, the flam- ingo both once amazingly numerous in the peninsula, but new with no survivors in evidence except. in the deepest fastnesseg of the outlying islahd. A student of the habits of insects, bi1ds.and animals 011cc stated that mam at them had ‘"tnadqs . H11 in- get 1101151}; made out a list of the things that the) did. He 1111011111311 thgt: nu H - \r-Iw ‘. Bows are goonwtricians. The! 00115 arP constructed sn that. with the least. mmntity 0f matvrial Hwy have the largvst. spaces and least. possible loss 01' gum. I‘ I. The [11010 is a mvtvornlugisi. Eels :u-c electricians. The nautilus is a navigatm'; he raises and lowers his sails, casts and weighs anchor, and per_l'_qrm$ Nil-101' Iiaqtical acts. . 'J‘hv lwuwr is an architect, builder? and wand-cutter; he cuts down trees and vrccts houses and dams. \\ lmlu hihes 01 him is an: music- itlIlS. 'l‘l'u: marmnt is a civil engineer; he not. nnly builds Imusos. but mm- struuts aqucducts and drains to koop them My. Ill as we have it, is due to the fact that. 'a Mnngnlian 3% the M011 fmm watching harm-ts makn their nests out. of a pulp which Uu-y gut from woods and straw --and other Vugv- tution. Iii-V... man J - Wasps n'uum'l'aulum pupmi am! it, 15 sand that. llm mwnhnn of paper. (jatm'pillars make. silk threads, and hero again ”I“ irwunlurs (if silk gut Limir first. ideas (if manufacturim: silk fabrics. Ants are arcliitrrts and military gmmisvs. 'l‘hry rmnhiri thrir affairs «'n the rn-nprrziliw ur suriaiisl in plan. and may lw. rugarcimi as statrsnwn. W mum W The squirt-ml is a fvl'rynwn.; will: a chip ”1' :1 MW“ of bark fur a bum, and his tail for a. sail lm ('rnssvs Hm slruam. Squirrvls :Irv wry gum! pmvich-rs. [Mn-mg tlw sum‘nm- Hwy put. up :1 lump. stm'v of nuls l'm' fund In lm usml during: the mum \x'lwu (hay urn lmusml Up by Hm mm \W‘uUH'l'. Mice. nnil winners and HlllM' unini- :ils inlsu «in Hull. and ii is Sillll. if llw winlm? [n'nws ln he :i lung. sew-w- Hiw. lln-ii' slnl‘v nl’ fund is larger than if it. is slim'l. and mild. \\'lini':1n lull linw llue nninmls knnw in :nlvnnw- what. llm winlvr will lw‘.’ Man «luvs nHl. have such l'in'elinnwli-ilw'. l.)0gs, wnlw-s, line-rs. pnnllw'rs. :n'v meal, hunters. and “Hon when they have mum meal, than llu-y (-zin rm all. a meal they will dig a hole in the gi'minil. nul. llw nwul in il, lln-n cover it will: dirt, and leaves. Much has lmvn written by invn trying: in (explain llii: dil'l’M'i-ni'o between animal instinct, and “”1le 1158.5“ HI. (lc-mw' ('o-rminly. but it, 'I‘hvrc- is a determine at what stops and I'uusnn l A difl'e-x't-mtu in Is hard {,0 pumt. mstmvt, urgms. 'l‘lw t'utlmx'iiii; stury is told «it tt‘m late Dr. Lander-kin, (if Hzinovui°:--â€"- “In ”I". snmking room «if tine llousv ut‘ tlnmnwns. hi! tutti :i iii-«am. that lw hail mm night, in the pi'oscxici: (if the late Sir John )lzmtmiultt. Hr ili'mimt. that. liv timt «timl. kiim'kvd at “It! with, and St. I’i‘ti-I' :lSkWi him what he wantml. "l \\’Zttti. ‘infi' suit; limttm' Lamb-viii“. “t‘m iii-ml.“ "Writ." staid St. l’wtui', ymi must first. take: this tui'w- pimw nt' i-tizilk. t‘limh timsv Inn: ~'t.:lii°.~:. :imt whim ynu i'vaifli llll' l"[l yuu will firm] a room with a lax-:0 lilaisklmaml «m \Vliii-li vuu must, first write all your Sins.” Sn hi: «liil as ll“ was MM. and hogan climbing aml \x'lwn half way llll lw iiivl, Sir .luliii cunning clrm'n. “Hi-ll“? saiil Lamlm'kin. "What am- _\'Hll :J‘Hill'; ilmx‘n fur"? 'Hli." saiil Sir .lnlm. " l'm :riiiiz: «ln‘xii l'Hi' nim'i- chalk.” Gagnon.â€"â€"In lmx'hum lini-iwmi. On Saturday, August, 2, Ln M". and Mrs. “pm-me Hummn, :1 dzmglm-i'. Mantaâ€"In Huntimtk. rm Snmlay. August. 15. to Mr. and MW. \Wllinm Mzmtu, a daughter. ANIMALS‘ TRADES RAN OUT or CHALK 33c. 24 8c. BORN i: 1 1,0141 nf U] n. with]! fun] :1 (Brampton Conservator) Ontario and Quebec are the only proVincos in provinces in Canada in which divorce courts are not estab- lished. Thosc,_asking separation and right to marry again mug; hrmg thoir case before Parliament. Tho. growth in tho nurnhor of such cases is not encouraging to those. who dosire the protection and proscr- \'ation of tho. marriago tio. Moro divorces were granted by tho Domin- ion Parliament to porsons in tho. provinco of Ontario and Qnohor «luring tio past session than ovar hot‘oro. ()no lmmlrod and thirty-ono divoroo bills horamo, law «luring tho 192/: sossion. whirh was an incl-oaso of M ovor 192.3. 'l‘horo has hoon a inarkorl inrrohso in (livorros {Il‘illllt'tl hy l’arliamont sinro 1918. whoa thorc woro, only 12. In 191!) thoro woro .19. in 1920 thoro woro ill aunt in 1921 lhoro woro 1111. In 1921’. tho l‘ig'uros iilromioil to 90. but last, your thoro ‘woro 117 am! this .\'i‘!ll' 131. A1. tho oponing ol' ’arliamont 1-12. potitions‘ woro hot‘oro tho Sonato ronnnittoo on «livoroo. ()1' lhoso only illil rai‘no to trial. Hno hill.wa.~' “talkocl out," in tho. Honso of (loi‘nnwns and ono wan lost, on division in lho privalo hills ("ommittoo of tho Lowor llonso. Alroacly oinht. aplirations for (llVHl‘t'i' ha\'o hoon l’t‘t't'th'tl amt will ho «loalt with at. tho noxt. sossion. In all. Bil?) «livot‘oos \w'l‘t‘ :J'I'anloil by tho provincial oom'ls aml hy l’arlian'iom last. yoar. which was a lowor l'iunro of tho two [ll't't‘t‘tlllllr yoars. whon 5-18 and Fifi-1 ('liVorm-s woro grantoll, ++++++++++++++++++++.23“.++++++++++++++++ DIVORCES IN CANADA F OR S. \LEâ€"THOROUGHBRED Dl' R- ham calf two months old. Apply Mlsfi . .Mwin Elgin SL. Duxham. Blil'lllY-l’lulx'lNG ()N THE PROPER- ly of UN mldm'signvd is slrlclly pl‘uhibiu‘d and any lwrsuns l'uund doing so ale' this notice will be pl'osmrulml.â€"-\\'illinm Mltml“. llmll» luck. If thv incroasnd ntuxunq'.w diVurvvs nxtlus luunwnvvs nf<)nunflu and ()uvth can hv takvn as an qurugn fur Canada. HIP 1”!le fur 1924': will in: lurgvr Hnun cvvr before. HAY FEVER For Sale by S. MacBeth and '1'. McFadden. Will spoil your summer and make your company distressing to your friends unless you get relief. Get a box of RAZ-MAH today. Most people feel better from the first do“. Your druggist will refund your money ifa $1 box does not bring relief. Ab- solutely harmless. Generous cam 10 for 4c in stamps. Templetons, o- ronto. RAZ - MAil’I Summer Asthma (Too Late for mutilation.) CLASSIFIED ADS.

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