uilding Featuring 1 Achievements in Cash Prizes ‘nh HT. Now in effect on Show, Pure Food 'Show ’TR ACTIONS CHINE SHOP can ES SHOWS ; front of the GRAND STAND tern Fa 11‘ Read the ClaSSified Ads. on Page I: Will Pay yOu. \\ \\ Stu-lburm St rat ford. Stnwbï¬ï¬l Canada Paislé'y . . . Paime'rswn Port Elma Ruckwmui 13th, 1 924 Country Meet FAR??? lMPLEMENTS .epamng Thursday. August 14, 1924 DURHAM HIGH SCHO0L . gym»): has a crmlitable record ; :1~? which it hnpes to main- ;': lffw future. war-"m i< an attractive and heal- f in! and 20m! accommodation .;1.::;:xx(h¢i at, reasonable rates. 5. .\. NI. HUBB. B. A.. Principal. ;. ,m' w umlsux, Chairman. Srhwnl is thoroughly equipped . m. rm. fullnwinp: courses: Junior Matriculation. I'lnfz‘mrw' t0 .Vnrmal School. 1 nn-miwx' Hf the Stafl‘ is a Uni- ~ ï¬r'nmmh? and experienced \\'. l), .l.\c‘.I\'>‘n.\'. So‘l'l'P .Im: pupils should prepare to ' iwrmning of term. mntwn as t“ Courses may be ‘3 frmn HIP Principal. ll limtwn will prove at ........-’ . .1 .......... Sept. 30 Oct. 1 ,. _\ tmxml \ug. 23. SPpt 26 ......... Sépt. ’9 and 30 .Sopt. 23am24 Machinist Etc. Tunis Sharpened ........ Sept. 23 and 24 Saws Gummed. ll D 3H tlvatnrs. h “NONE After an engine has seen reason- ably long service, so that the pistons do not fit-as closely in the cylinders as they did at first, it is advisable to use a heavier grade of oil in ul‘dvl' to take up a little of the clear- anew. As a rule the oiling of valve stems is not advisable.for the reason that the heat of the metal and the close adjustment of the stem and guide cause the oil to become gummy and to eventually hinder the movement uf the valve. MOTORS _ l'nless an accelerator has a check- 11 g deuce ur a stationary rest for the ball of the foot, the driver will invariably give the engine more gas than it needs. The same result is produced by operating the hand throttle control recklessly. Out of the Mud'Bole! \ Sett in: the. emergency brake helps lH get. a car out. of the mud. This acts as a pt)\\’f‘l'flll drag on the. wheels which. balanced against the full power of the engine. causes them to pull mightily. but. so slowly that. they «lo nut. spin. and therefore are less inrlinml tn slip. Battery Joints Snlitui- (-«inipi'isml Hf load and tin rmmnt, kw nsvd in making: joints. for Hip re-asnn that. thv juints 30 made \Vt“ L’t'l'l'mlt‘. and the! tin. which is an umlvsii-zihlv impurity in a (-011. \\ill tlissnlvv and pmwtl'ult‘ the l‘io‘nlt'llts‘ by way of tho le'ti'nlytP. Dangers of a Rickety Car Nwwr tulm'ato' a i'ivkvty var. A tum-w whom! may cnnw nt‘t‘ just. about. thv timv it. is nwvssai'y tn ('I‘USS a minimum. 'l‘hw alltnnlflhiit‘ may col- lzipsv \x'hilu ti'ax‘olling an a nan-0w i-«md abutting :1 pl'm’ipit't‘. 'l‘lw car may t'ltll wilt! down a stomp hill if tiu- brakvs fll't‘ not. t'um-timiing Inwuu‘l'lS. [1' Han stnmgv hattm'y is chargml :u. lmmv. watch it cal'o'fully in regard to unduv hvating. If HIP battnry :o-ts hut. discmmwt. it from tho vhzu'ging unit. as it. is tlwn bring chargvd hm rapidly. RNIUCP _thP Tlh- [n'o'swnm‘ of from curlmn in nil can lw duh-Mm! by what is known as the MHNPI' teést. .-\ dl‘np of oil is put cm 3 (~10le whit» blotter. If the xh'np disamwars mvrnight and .1003 MM lv'leo‘ a dark ('nlnl'c‘cl stain. it. indicatc‘s tn :1 vm'tain o’lvgx'o‘o that thvrv ks littlo- t'x'm- vz’u'hun in the" oil. If. hnmwm'. a stain is 10ft. it. indi- charging: ratv. If the charger has a “le vhzn-ging rat». writ» t0 the mmmfacturvr and find out how to I‘WHIW‘ this 1‘81â€. mite-s that then-n is a cvrtain amount ut’ frm‘ varhnn in tin» nil. which in all pruhahility will 1w o'lvpositod in the wmlmstinn chamber. lmaky tulws haw a damaging .~i‘r.-.-t nn tirvs. le slaw leak. «luv to wruus ruhlwr nl' imiwrfort. tube runstrurtinn. is raspnnsiblr for niilliuns nl‘ ._lnllar.~“ worth of damage tn iii-vs annually. In lllt‘ majority .u' rasvs. tlw air lvaks out. so slnwly that it is hardly nntirml by tlu‘ inninrist. 'l‘hu tit-v gradually sinks minlvr its ltlllll in a, pnilit. far beneath tli» pressure specified by U10 manu- ANDTHEIR CARE Thursday, August 1‘, 1m Cylinder Oil Consistency One Leaky Tubes Damage Tires Watch the Charge A Test for Carbon Valve Efficiency THE FAMILY NEXT DOOR To Save “Gas†{acturem and the inevitable result is an exaggerated flexing of the casing. which leads to the weakening of the fabric, tread separation, ply separation and premature tire fail- UN}. A zigzagging wheel is remedied by having the axle set firmly and the bushings snugly adjusted. When a battery is permitted 'to rest at intervals, it is capable of greater discharge. A painter’s brush that is thick and sort is superiOr to mste for remov- mg dust from the engme. Test the bumper by standing it against the gamge wall and letting the car push. Wrap the bumper in a blanket so as not to scratch the metal. Castile soap and water should be used when cleaning the body of the car. Mud should not be rubbed 011‘, but washed by a moderate flow of water. Because the car is driven at the right side of the road, where the wheels come into contact with ruts, dirt and curbing, tires on the right wheels wear faster than those on the left. The waste of gasoline can be pre- vented by stopping the engine when the car is left standing. Many dol- lars‘ worth of fuel is burned up unnecessarily when a car is not in motion. A motorist should‘ scrape his feet when stepping into the car from the garage floor. An oily shoe is a source or danger when it presses on the brake pedal. It may slip off. A book has just been published by John Murray in England under the title: “Cancer. How it is Caused, Hmy It. Can Be Prevented.†The author is J. Ellis Barker. and there is an intrmgluction by Sir W. Ar- huthnot Lane. Bart., Consulting Surgeon at Guy’s Hospital. The work seems to hethoroughgoing and as authoritative as a book may be on such a theme. From its title it will be seen that. Mr. Barker lays the great stress of his emphasis upon prevention. Cancer is due to chronic blood poisoning he believes. And that, blood poisoning may' be caused in many waysâ€"through the inertia of a sedentary life. the con- sumption of stale canned and other prepared foods that have lost, their vitamines, and the use of flavorings, extracts. etc.. made. from coal tar. Mr. Barker is especially emphatic in his condemnation of anything pre- pared from coal tar. as many drugs, dyes, perfumes. flavorings. etc., to-day are. He is very sure. also. that constipation is a very frequent cause of chronic blood poisoning. The best preventative for cancer is the normal. natural life. with exer- cise and wholesome fresh food. The taking of overâ€"hot. food or drink .is held to be dangerous. The bleachâ€" ing of foodstuffs is condemned as destructive of vitamines and is likely to introduce irritating pois- nns. The book throughout stresses the need of an intelligent and per- sistent campaign against. a scourge that. already has reached tragic proportions and is unciltmhtedly on the increase. That’s All. Two men were walking along tho hoach at Sunmsido “hen one of them aiciilvntallv stumbled against a childs pail. "My dear frivnd." exclaimed the other. “I cannnt tell you how much I lnmvnt. your sad death." "\Wlat Nor do you moanâ€"my .lnath'?" “You haw just kicked the bucket." replimllhn first, with a laugh. “On ttw cuntt‘at'y." said tltb othnr. “I just turnout :1 little pail." CAUSES OF CANCER will give you more miles for each dollar of costâ€"prove itâ€"test them with any other tire and Sold by SMITH BROS. Durham’s Leading Tire ShOp ACCESSORIES - Made by Ames Holden today who would strive, with “a dominant idea in mind to cement the Eastern an Western factions. or the country into one great Dominion in mind as well as government. Mr. MacIntosh said he had no doubts for the future, however, and while he felt that everything would eventually be for the best, he felt his note of warning was justiï¬ed. He cited further Canada’s soâ€"called National Anthem, “God Save the King.†This, to him. was not our National Anthem. We had none. “God Save the King†was our Imâ€" perial Anthem, and he strongly advocated the adoption of a National one by which we would have one of 0111' very 0“â€11. Referring to Antwerp, Belgium, situated sixty miles up the Scheldt river, a mere creek. the speaker said it showed what could be done by a united people.. By dredging, the port of Antwerp had risen from a position of no importance to one occupying the same class as Liver- pool, London, Marseilles and New York. Shipping from all over the world could be seen at that port. The inference was drawn merely to show the possibilities of Canada with its magnificent rivers and waterways, and what might be accomplished. ' ' T0 EUROPE AND BACK In speaking of the world war as it affected Belgium, Mr. MacIntosh paid a glowing tribute to Cardinal Mercier and King Albert of Belgium, two outstanding men who had un- doubtedly more to do with the organizing of the Belgian fighting machine and morale of the Belgians than any other two men in that heroic country. The. caption “They Shall Not Pass“ by King Albert was one of the strongest factors in keeping Belgium in the fight for freedom. Canada needed :1 Cardinal Mercier and a King Albert. at the present moment, to unite the factions inhthe country. The speaker referredto his visit to Brussels. and to the field of Waterloo, just a short distance outside. His visit to Liege was vividly described. but to him the visit to V'my Ridge was the crown- ing feature of all. Here he felt he was walking on consecrated ground, sacred to the. memory of Canada. and the valorious Canadian troops who took part in that heroic battle. While the party visited some of the historic battlegrounds-athere was not time to visit allâ€"but. everywhere Bakery Provision Store Goods Delivered Anywhere In Town Pastry Flour, 24 1b $1. Baker Confectioner The Finest Manitoba per bag (Continued from page i) E. A. Rowe ROWE’S THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Flour $3.75 Wilt. c. w. n. A. they went the party had more and more reason to feel proud of Britishers and the part they layed. Referring to his visit ’to - ondon and Paris, Mr. MacIntosh said there was a most marked difference. In Paris the traffic seems to have no system, but taxi drivers, without doubt the best in the world. whisk you here and there, with a minimum of accident. In London, however, the whole traffic is run by system, and it was remakable how easily and efficiently this city of nearly eight millions, almost as many people as in the whole of the Domin- ion of Canada, handled its traï¬â€˜ic problems. When at Weymouth, the party were shown over the New Forest, started in the reign of William I, in 1066, and also were privileged to view the Atlantic Fleet of the British Navy, when they were to have been dined on the flagship, the Queen Elizabeth. Unfortunately, although the commander had every- thing in readiness for the entertain- ment. the sea was too rough to board this Queen or the Seas, and the review had to be made from the small boats provided. Later, how- ever, in the North Sea, the party were entertained and given the freedom of the Revenge, another of Br_itains fighting _machi_nes. During the visit to England and Wales, the newspapermen visited mlany historieal points, including Stratford-on Avon, where the for- mer home of William Shakespeare, no_\y__a national shrine, _vyas_s_eer_1. _ While in Scotland, Mr. MacIntosh visited at Edinburgh, and Stirling, as well as Ayr, the home of Robert Burns. where a most interesting timewas spent. _ Referring to the British Empire Exhibition at Wembley, the speaker said the publicity gained would mlore than pay the cost of Canada’s exhibit there. The Canadian exhibit was the best of all and was the talk of 'all who saw it. Already this ex- hibit. admitted by Australians as superior to theirs. was having its effect. and from now On it was alto- gether likely that prospective immi- LOOK THE}! OVER Get the habit of looikng over our Small Classiï¬ed Ads. on pa e 7. There may be money in it. mall Ads. too late for classiï¬cation will be found on page 5. It you have any- thing to sell a Small Ad. may bring you a buyer. If you want to buy anything, let the public know about it in The Chronicle. An outlay of a few cents may save you a lot of trouble and make you a lot of dot; Vlars. RBOUT- 7 .A fond father had been watching hlS little daughter grow up until at last there came a time when a bashful youth knocked timidly at the door and asked if Miss Smith was at home. A little later the young couple drifted out of the home and went to the picture show, where, gerlï¬aps, they .held hands in the ar '. grants in large numbers would come to Gannon 1n preference to going to Austraha and other portions of the Empxre. . .The next evening the father pushed dis chair back from the supper table and said: “Daughter, I noticed young Jones called like a regular fellow last night. It is hard to realize that my little girl has reached that important stage in life. But it is all right. It has to be, and I’d rather Jimmy would come here like a man and ask for you than to meet you down town at the soda fountain. But listen, little girl. Man comes in several colors- white, red, black. brown and tan, and when business is dull he often feels blue. He snores, prays, plays, fights, votes, cries, laughs,, eats, smokes and cusses and sometimes he MEN! Get Your Share of these MEN’S WORK SHIRTS .. 99c MEN’S SPORT SHIRTS .3139 MEN’S STRAW HATS 25c This is just a partial list of the many Bargains we have to offer you. Drop in and be convinced that we sell the Best Goods for the Least Money. Gent’s Furnisher TAKE YOUR PICK MEN’S OVERALLS including all the Famous Brands “Peabody’sâ€, “Leather quleâ€, “Brotherhood†and “Bull Dog" D. M. SAUNDERS BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST Figuratively Speaking--Yes! cheats a little. Now, daughter you will soon have to take our 0 oice of color and take your c ces with a character of this animal we call ' Sap will keep a tree alive, bu; it takes many saps to keep a political party functioning nicely. Some children remgin unspoiled and some children visnt their doting grandparents every day. man; but remember, dear: 7 the obi} one worth while having will be found amongst those who come right, into your home Ato get you.“ MEN’S FINE STRAW HATS 65¢ MEN’S BATHING SUITS . . 98c MEN’S FINE SOX, 5 [hit $1.00 Schultz's Pump 8: Tile Co. TILE ALWAYS ON HAND Sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 2‘ in. CRIB“ BRICK FOR SALE Agents for Rontrew Gram Sopuators PUMPS PUMP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and all work Guaranted. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL Durham. Ontario SATrï¬RF‘ELD - (5, Macro em .