West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Aug 1924, p. 7

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4.1 I s.“ a." day *â€" DR. BURT. Law Assistant Royal London Up- thaimic Hnspital. England. and to (anldm Square Throat and Nose Hos- pml, Spucialist: Eye. Ear. Throat and Susp. Office: 13 Frost Street, (NW: Snund. u. “A!” uâ€".â€"â€"â€" _â€"â€"- .â€" U __W Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. 'I-‘he- Scimce that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 61423tf DR. W. C. PICKERING, DENTIST «mu-v, owr J. J. Hunter’s store, lmrtmm. (,mtario. â€"___â€"_ SHI'W“_'HS 0f Ontaf'ifiba Defitistry in 21“ its branches. ()thce, over D. C. TtM'n's Jewellery Store. Ml X( - MIDDLBBRO’, SPBRBMAN 8: MIDDLBBRO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Suwc_-55(n's to A. B. Currey. Mr. «.1. (1. .\Iui«llvkn'u‘ is permanently luvzatwd at Durham OtIice. Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- twi- ut‘ tht" tirm will be in Durham on 't‘uvstiuy of cacti week. Appointments may tn- made with the Clerk in the nth“). DAN. McLEAN Liccnsml Auctioneer for County of Gi'vy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- «mia‘nle- Ivt‘ms. Dates of sales made at Tho Chronicle Office or with him- “‘11.. J. L. SMITH, M. B., M. C. P. S. O. (:5: um and residence. corner of .1; :.~.< and Lambton Streets. oppo- HM Post ()n'ice. Olfice hpurs: n Advertisements under this heading} cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. :3 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1%. cents a word ~ mil he made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. BBS. JAMIESON 8: JAMIBSON .. mu.- 11nd residence a short dist- “(L41 of the Hahn House on u..»t~u Street, Lower Town, Dur- r:.. HITu-e hours 2 to :3 p.m., 7 t0 .,.'1;. except Sundays}. J. 2‘. GRANT, D. D. s., L. n. s. HHHHI' Graduate I'niversity 0f Tor- m». Graduate Royal Collegg Dental \V Thursday , August 1‘, 1m until PART LOTS 7 AND S. CON. 3. iixz'emnnt. containing 66 acres: 55 ‘i‘v‘S cleared. balance hardwood wish: in good state of cultivation: am.- burn -i-ixfio. stone basement. net-me stables: drilled well and ‘I‘i‘n’iit tank at barn. Also Lots 6 'ti 7. (ion. 3;. S.D.R.. Gieneig. con- iitzngz 110 acres: 100 acres cleared mi in good state of cultivation: on :e premises are a brick house con- itnxng seven rooms. with 3:0th tame woodshed attached: drilled at. at door; never failing springs on xts farm. making a choice stock arm. This property will be sold m to quick purchaser. For par- :cuiarsappiy at Watson‘s Dairy. Lil. 5.. nrham. Out. 1025 23tf So live that you never need to ml; the editor to leave out. the story. .1 Y .1! \\' '....m i30u.»4pm.,7to9p..m izu .~ and Thursday afternoons \V FARMS FOR SALE \l DR. A. M. BELL w un Lamhton Street (the late 1110er Hfl'icm. Office hours. gum" 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- 143mm! Directorv. All Our Graduates h hm) BESSIE McGILLImAY Lia’nsad ~fluctz'0neer nix.- b---~t~. plami in date and still there are calls for more. (20‘ .X'OIII‘ ('0111‘5 ‘\O\\. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write. call or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSIIIBSS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest nlt. Classified Advertisements COMING EVENTS Dental Directorv Lagal ‘Dz’ractorv. I‘M THE SOI'TH-I-ZAST GREY 1.1.1121 Rally in Markdalo agri- :z'uunds and armorios on SS. :n'tvz'nnnn :md ovoning. and»? thn lvadorship 01‘ 312‘. Iain-v.2. n:‘ U. .-\. C. I’:Wv;:x-amme ---------- hnndnlk Band in l l It. ‘Duix dalk.‘ Ban. \dmis <i0n 100. PROPERTY FOR SALE A GOOD T “'0 STOREY BRICK dxxorlling, cvntrallv located in tcmn. All mudvrn equipments, large gal- dem, garb go stable etc. Apply to Mrs. J. (E. Hultun. FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building iots 011 George street, North of Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 tf FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply \V. J. Young, Durham. Unt. 515 tt' 2.5:.“ .1../2.“ 7.3â€"2:me 13$ pinkâ€"pm. 2:. _. 12.23:.183. .1.â€"Cc. 7.3. w. .1.."..3. .557 r.’ 7.23. .3 ... :23? 3:1...5. S. ...._...1.::v:v. .5 312.35: 7.1.. g: 3:: 22.14 .... 3/4.: ix ”LIVER 'I‘YPEWRI’I‘ER. PRAC- tically nmx‘. at a barga'm.-â€" Apply at The Chronic!» Ufficc. \VI‘IS'I‘ERN FEED OATS AT 55c. PER bushel at. the Rob Roy Mills. 4 3 tf BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It's good. Try it. 1 10 If RHUM l-ZRS \\'.v\ N'l‘EDâ€"H [(iH svhnnl girls may sumu'w gnml mums hy applying vzu'ly tn Mrs. I. Hutton. l-Ilgin stI-omt. snuth nt‘ public s‘chool. PEERLESS (,"£;\S(')LI.\'I'Z. T HE HIGH- gx'ade gas _\\'ith the “pep” and 101 g mileagv. Sold only at. Smlth Bros‘ AAA 1“ Gal 213:0. ma' mug. TORNADO. AUTOMO- bilo insurance and guarantee bonds. etc.. apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 tf 'â€"_., MEN'S 'I‘AII.ORI;\'G.â€"GEN'I'S SUITS hand tailored. I am prepared to make your suit and guarantee first- elass workmanship. My prices are right. Leave your orders with DM. Saunders. Gent‘s Furnisher, Durham. â€"-\\’. J. Henninr'. Tailor. 117tf "L11 ).\II.\'(§ .\( ‘r.\l.\'. I’RL )FESSL )R Katz. nutml vyv specialist nf Listmwl. tn tvst «us at tlw Hahn Hons». \\‘-.dm-scla\ \ugust ’0.192~i. \V-ili xvlivw nun-sight trnublv in merv L‘asv. It \uu aw din}. pain in tho tvmplvs. m haw hvadatlw. Lnnsult l’rnt'nssnx Katy. whiln in MM). as :lthc‘ trmnhivs :u'v t'x'o'quvntly ansml h." “.V" h‘uublv. l’x‘nl'e-ssm' Ii. Katz. (E, H," 1 [ML WHEAT \\’A.\"I‘1£D. Ami Qr'.-\.\j'1_‘njy WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- iclo .lnb Plant is well equipped for turning out. the finest work on shortf order. t Highest prico. People's 31111331623. GRAIN \\'.-\.\"l‘ED.â€"â€"B.-\RLEY. BUCK- whoat. Poms. Oats and Mixed Grain wanted. Highest prices. paidâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited, Durham. 112t1’ NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham ICED. Live Stock As- sociation “in ship stock from Dur- ham on "Iucsdaxs Shippels axe re (mostml t \ :iw thxne da\ 5‘ notice. Clifford Howell, Manager. Phone 9'2 1‘ 11. Durham R. R. 1. .111.\1.\' \\‘.-\.\' 1111 â€"B \RLEV. Bl (311-2 \\.h(dt.l)n\1‘. \\.111131l.111}.:_hesl prices. Rm Mills li111ilcd,Duiha111. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham I'.F.H. Lixe Stock As - s1‘1‘ial1011 will ship stock l‘:r11m D111‘-1 31 e1 ham 1111 lues1laxs. Shippeis 1‘11zu1‘stn1l to six» thrm * 1ia\ s‘ notice: Clifford Howell, Manager Phone 921‘ ll PROPERTY FOR SALE The Goorge \Vhitmure property near McGowau‘s mill: rough-cast house: stable. hen-house. half acre of land: drilled well. cistern: fruit trees. \V'ill sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. _â€" . NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ill lllr‘ Illililc‘l' 111' ill" 1‘5lat1‘ 1111' Janet [11:11s11111111u lulu 111‘ 1h» Town 1-11 hurli‘mi. 111. the County 111' 1%1‘113 \\.l1i11\\'. 1l11"1‘l.~1‘1l. X1qic. is h1xnh\ ~;H\o in Sv‘t’iln’l it» Hi lllt‘ “Unfit“ Durham. RR 1.1 , washing with hot water and lye and f then whitewashed. The hog lots and .pastures previously occupied by in- ;teCted pigs should be ploughed up .and seeded down. gOOd ' and a lot of small fruits. 62611“ The first thing is to remove all of the healthy looking pigs from among Hats and Ml-V‘d (111111111 the aflected ones, and place them in 11a1d.â€"R_1:b; new clean quarters, some distance 11 ~tr ! from those previously occupied. The hog yards and pens should be placed ion clean high ground, with good drainage. They should be cleaned out regularly, and bedded with good clean straw. The hog wallows should be constructed of concrete and kept c.1ean The hOg pens previously oc- cupied by infected pigs should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by Low lying places collecting stagnant water should be drained. As soon as the young pigs are weaned they should be removed from the sows and kept separate from all mature pigs in order to prevent them from becoming infected from these adult pigs which harbor the parasites. These suggestions, while comparatively simple, are neverthe- less effective in overcoming this trou- blesome parasitic condition of pigs. -â€"- l‘lll;‘ll3m'Dr. C. D. McGilvray, Ont. V'et. Col- V; liege, Guelph. In the matter of the estate ot" Jauet lluusmm‘vt'. late of the Town of hill'h’lnl. in the tluunty Hf Grey. \\'iilo\\‘. ilet'caseol. I Notice is hereby given. pursuant! t0 Section 36 Of lht‘ Trustees AM.’ ll. 8. H. 191-3. Chapter 121. that all creditors and others haying: claims! or demands against the estate of the' saiol Janet Dunsmcm'. who died on or about the 26th day of July. A. D. 1921. at the Town of Durham. in thei County of Grey. are required on or} Ihet‘nre the 30th day fif‘ August. .»\. D.i ‘ltl'li. to» send by post. prepaid. or! .leliyei- to the solicitors fur the] lixm'utors of the last \\'ill and! Testament of the said dece:lseil.i their Christian names. and surnames. 1 addresses and c'lescriptions. the fulll _;ia:'ticulars in writin: Hf theirl lclaims. a statement of their accounts. ‘ Iand the nature of the security. it any. held by them. And take notice that after such East-mentioned date the said execu- tors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. haying regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice. and that the said executors will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been received by it at the time of such distribution. Hiddlehro', Spereman 8: Iiddlehro’ Solicitors for the said Executors. Dated at Durham the 14th day of August. A. D. 1924. . 814 3. l Advertise On This Page. It Pays. ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE 8 ’ ‘ 1+3 pd. 626 tf [00K FOR [UNBWOBMS An Annoying Disease Too Com- mon Among Pigs Nature and Development of the A11- ment â€" Treatment â€" Preventive Measuresâ€"Autumn Cutting of Al- (Contributed by Ontario Department Agriculture. Toronto.) Nature and De€elopment of It is commonly known as lung- worm disease, due to the presence of small thread-nice worms in the air tubes of the lungs setting up pneu- monia. The worm causing this dis- ease is named the “Metastrongylus apri,” and is also known as the “Strongylus paradoxus.” These worms locate in the air' tubes of the lungs, where they deposit their ova or eggs in great numbers. The ova as well as the embryos or young worms are then expelled from the air passages with the secretions and dis- charges from the nostrils, while some ‘are coughed up and expelled from [the month during spells of coughing. '“V mvuvu â€"â€"â€"â€" or else swallowed and expelled with the feces. This accounts for a wide- spread contamination of the floors of the pens and the ground in the lots and yards containing affected pigs. Small pools of water are also liable to become contaminated. In these different places the larvae develop, and from time to time become more or less a menace. Infection usually takes place with feed and water in hog pastures, lots and pens which have become contaminated by affect- ed pigs. In turn the parasites invade the air passages of the infected pigs. and there reach sexual maturity set- ting up the disease in the lungs. Once .SL'L As a result the disease gradually be- comes more or less permanently es- tablished on certain premises. Stag- nant pools of water, moist poorly drained yards, and dirty pens, favor :the development of the infection. E Young sucking pigs may also become ‘ :infected from the udder of the sow i through contamination of its surface. :Young pigs, a few months old, are ;the most easily infected, and suffer :the worst until after they are four 3 months old. : Treatment. . Badly infected and well developed icases do not respond to treatment, ? owing to the fact that the worms are I located in the small air tubes of the ’ lungs and dificult to get at. Slightly ;infected cases, if removed to clean ‘.quarters and kept from becoming j more heavily infested, seem to grad- iually recover. Treatment of the af- ’ fected animals with drugs is not sat- } isfactory unless the drugs are in- ijected into the trachea or windpipe {by means of a hypodermic syringe. IThe intra-tracheal injections as a Erule require to be done carefully by ,a veterinary surgeon. The drugs re- ! commended as being most useful are lLugol’s solution, combined with tur- ! pentine and olive oil. As a rule pre- fiventive measures are successful in | overcoming the disease and prevent- iing its recurrence. ' I Preventive Measures. a place becomes contaminated with these parasites, the infection re- mains dangerous for along time, be- cause the affected animals keep on furnishing fresh infectious material. In the Field Husbandry depart- ment of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege alfalfa has been under test for twenty-six consecutive years. In each of twenty-four years the alfalfa gave three cuttings per annum. In 1907 two cuttings, and in 1896 four cut- tings were produced in the one sea- son. The spring of 1896 opened up very early and that of 1907 very late. The third cuttings were made on Sep- tember 17th in the average of the twenty-four years.‘ It is important to cut alfalfa before the 20th of Sep- tember so as to enable the crop to make a good grOWth before the ap- proach of winter. So says Dr. C. A. Zavitz of the Ontario Agricultural College. Harness and Belting. It is important to note that any leather improperly used, or neglect- ed. will deteriorate rapidly. For ex- ample, belts for driving machinery often become impaired, it not useâ€" less, in a very few years whether on straight drives or not, but when they are kept clean and oiled they will last ten to thirty years. Apply the grease lightly to driving harness and more liberally to work harness. The grease or oil should be rubbed thoroughly into the leather while it .s 5.11; damp t‘rom washing. Autumn Outing of Alfalfa. Harness and Belting. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE of The following extract of a letter was received from the Co- operation and Markets branch. Department of Agriculture. '.l‘oronto. Bacon is a: fairly fi1m market. 'lhe highest mice for Canadian bacon “as 97 shilling, s a cut. when \xe \Viote a month ago. Canadian bacon \\ as as follows; leanest 86 to 97 shillings a cwt. of 1-12 pounds; heavy sides ‘2 to 97; and light. sides 84 to 92. Llanadian cured American is not quoted this’ week.\\l‘1il1s leanest -.>\n1eri(-an sides are 72 to 18 shillings. .Best Irish is as high as 11's11111mgs la rwt. and host. Danish HO. shillings. It is rathoi' intorvsting to obsvi'vel that the present. prices for Irish and Danish bacon ai'o two or three shil- lings :1 ('wt. lower than the prices ruling «luring tho t-«iii'i-osmnuling period of last year. while Canadian is two to four shillings highvi' all round than was the case a. year a ago. This sooms to indicato that. tho position of Canadian bacon is improving in this markot. al- though thorn are those. of us who think that. tho man-gin bt‘lVVPt‘ll tho prices of Canadian and those of Danish and Irish ai-o still wiilm‘ than thoy ought, to ho. V"' n' "“0"" " "'"' This would, indicatn that tho' grading of hugs is having its offvct 11111111 improving the quality of Canadian bacon which in turn results in mm'v demand with thv 8111;1qu1111111, llighm- 111‘ic1‘15. Destroying Groundhogs ()1111 1111‘ tho. Wurst nuisanvvs which‘ is 11111‘1'111111111-1111 during haying and harvesting 1‘11'11'1'ati0115 211211 tho 1111- mm'ous groundhog holes i'uund in 11111 i'i1111is. This post is 1121~tily 111.151.1'0yml hv1111161121si11'pi111h11 111111,: 4111111. 51111111 1211111111 hiâ€"snlphidv 211111 211111 1111111111;: it. '111 21121:“ lhi1J\\ this snakvd 121;: i1111J thn i1111~~111\\s 11mm- i111; lhv [111111 \xith :1 stone. 111' 1-2110: “)1th 111111 10351111111111)! is all 1112111 11111211552111 i11 1121011 1111111. ’I‘lw l'umvs of thv ('arhun hi-Slllâ€" NIH“ is lwavivr than air. muss»- qunntly will svttlv to tho holtum uf H10 lmlv «lvslmying Hu- animals. (lm'hnn bisulphidv can he plll'ch'asml in any drug: SUH'P. It. is \‘t'I'}' chuap hvncn van bu used by (wary farmer troubled with gw’mndhogs. Results of Egg Circle Work Bvln“ al‘o articles taken 110111 the» li:1:11,‘i1~1111 lmllvtin publishml in the 15:1,: 1‘ iwlv 1110111111112 111 Piincv Edvard Island. 'l‘hny Show 111511119 “hich aw highh glatifvgin and “hit I1 (2111 hp dublicatod in ()ntaIio i1 furnims \\ill 311-1. 11111111111 this svhvmv. wlum>:9::am:_:;;; r/w: ~::~m_;cIm/. z;«:;:; _;;s mauvâ€" .ywzv:::;-:u ~;::m_ ngzzxa ;;:_L; ;:w w: mum; ;: m“;rr:r~ zrzrrr 11.116 1917 11118 1111‘.) 1112” 11121 1923 vao-ipts ut' vggs fur Um night \wuks o-miim; FNM'URI')’ 22‘; are ulmnst. .lnuhlu Hw I'wvivms during Hw samv lwriml last war. To be c-xact. m-wipts urn ninvty [“31- cent gl‘vuto'l' In H!“ dill" n1v11th..r1wd. ' Price's 01' uggs have» hvvn higher sincv January 1. 192': than East year. 'I‘hn :nx'm‘agv priw advanced for thras January l M February '23 this war was 423 cunts. 01‘ a difference nf six ('vnts [WP «lnzun. g- I; .. vv W'ANT ACT BNFORCBD 'I'hu (im'lph Hurtivultm‘al Suciety is gvttinf; intn mmmnmcatinn with ”Him hurticultm'al sw'iwtios in an M‘t‘ni-t. tn obtain tl‘wir cn-Upcratiun in asking; tho provincial guwmmvnt to take) mvans tn haw thc- Noxious \\"m'nl Act. strictly OilfHI‘(‘(‘(,i. not only in tho citios. but. also in the? country. WARNING TO BERRY PICKBRS BERRY PICKERS TRESPASSING ON Lats 63 and 64. C‘T’IH’CSSiOH 3. E G. R. Glenelg will be prosocutod according: to law.â€"â€" Jamns McGirr. 2 pd. In the matter of the estate (if 153- bella Jane Blair late of the Townâ€" ship of Glenelg. in the County of W3 \Hdou. deceased. Notice is given pursuant. to Section :36 of the Trustees‘ Aet. 11.3.0. 19”. Chapter 121. that. all creditors and ethers having claims or demands against the estate of the said Isabella Jane Blair. who died on or about the txx'enty-eighth day of May, A1). 1924. at. the T<‘i\\'nship of Glenelg. are re- quired on Or before the 21st day of .-\i_ir_rust.‘19'2-i. to send by post pre- paid. 01‘ deliver to the Solicitor for the Administrator of the Estate of the said deceased their Christian names. surnames. addresses and des- criptions. the full particulars in writing. of their claims. a statement of their accounts. and the nature of the security. if any. held by them. ‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS And take notice that after such last-mentioned date the said Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons 0: whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of such distribution. ' ivy. I” “w- v--- July. AD. 192â€"5. liddlebro', Spereman 8: dedlehro’ Solicitors to the Administrator. Canadian Bacon Abroad. Facts and Figures 812. 59.3 du_7.cn egg; 93¢.-.»va 8253.001 " 892.86: " 8.31.363 NBMIO 818.329 " " 780.393 “ " “THE SPANISH DANGER" Premior . Paramount Production Coming to Veteran’s Star Theatre Tomorrow and Sandy Nights. Maritana, the beautiful Spanish gypsy dancer, rides with her follow- ing of gypsies along a roadway in Spain. searching for the home of Don Cesar de Bazan, a prodigal Spaniard whose spendthrift habits have driven him to the brink of ruin. After making inquiries re- garding the locality in which Don Cesar lives, Maritana and her band arrive at the latter’s place where at the time Don Cesar is banquetiig his boon companions. Don Cesar is attracted by Maritâ€" ana’s beautv and \11h11n she suggests that she 1131111 his t',01't11n11 ho con- sents. Looking at the am, Marit- zlna 111'111‘li1'ts cmist‘ortnno for tho nobleman, including a masked mai 1'ia1111 at which all laugh. 51111111111111 Maritana oxclaims that D1111 Cesar “ill cross suomls with somnono she refuses to name and 1lisa1111111'11s in th11 tl11'ong.l)on 1111sa1' tossvs coins among th11 1__1\'11si11s a111l 11i\'11s h111' a 11in Sha1 111d “M1 3, 1'1'115s. a Mart and a 1111\\ 11 \xith tho. 111111111'k that l111 \\ill fight for those itl1i1111s. As the gypsips 111a\'1_1. Juan. ' """ L'W- ”H w---- u‘u'r m V a gypsy boy, steals his purse and bolioving Maritana tn bu guilty uf tlm theft. Dun (Josal‘ is greatly dis- lurbml m hm- apparent «*iislunmsty. ' Wlwn Mnritana loarns 0f Juan‘s llwi’t. 5110 attacks him savagvly with a knifu. and after being severely cut, f11111111s luan to giw 11111- D011 13115211» 111111S11.\\’l‘1il1_1 Maritzuia is S11a111hi11;.11111 D1111 (21151111 t11 111t111n i|111 511111111 111111511, “111 1111111115 111 1111M- 1115 111111111 his 1111118“ and 111mm11, 11.\'1111ytl1i11g 111' \1111111 tin-111111111111. 111111 (Ivsar vsvalws just. as th'v whore :u'i'ivu to m'rvst him. Muvfiing Maritzma. hv accusvs new of theft. She" disulays lwl' mmnc! rvcviwd in fighting for tlw pursv. and whvn hv hvgs l’wl' fm'gix'vnms. $110 is about in spurn him wlwn Hm pursuing when (“war in sight. Dun Cesar n'wunts hvhiml thv girl and Hwy rich.- away. lmtmz tlw (Wu snpamto, \Vith llw undvx'smnding'Hmt U’u-y aw in muvt in Madrid tlw _m'.\'t «lay. King Philip l‘V'. whu is ,imlmis Hf his quvvn. mnsults with Lvlasquvs about. painting: his portrait. SM'M‘aI (‘fllll'iim's plan to talk“ advantage of tlw zippai'vnt iiiiiiscrvtimis of {hit i‘iiivvn. 'I‘hv (mm-n gnus riding with hvi' litllv sun and whvn thc- prince‘s puny runs away. Maritana saws him and i'vcviws a lwautii'ul SHII'f i'i'um hiri' majvsty who tells her that, if sho nm-ils hvlp. in Si'llii it. hark in hvr. .-\ pi'nclamatimi is issuod iiW‘l'N‘ng (ivath tn anymw who fighis. a «hip! during: carniVal day. .Im'itan‘i, \th saws Lazar'ilh). anj arnmurm’s buy from sumo guaMs- man. is hvrsvlt‘ I'nughly tI-vtltml. Dun C«_~>:aI' 1-05le5 1101' ul'tvp slaying the captain of tho guard. f0!" which nia'uhcn hv is svnta-m'mj to «loath. 13114121213. to saw Dnn (lr‘sal'. snnds thc- scarf m thn queen. who in turn uhtains a pardon fur Don (Zc-sar. frum tlw King. Dun Ralushr. a Innx'vrful (‘mlx'ticxx inducm Maritana 111111 111111 111-5111' 111 111' ma1'1'11.'1.1 1'11 111-1.:1'1111'1. 1111 111111111111: 111 1111111 D1111 1L11s111' 511111 1111111111111111'ly 111'11'1' 1111: 11111111111: 111111 111111-11 )1111'11111111 11111.1 1111- King's 11311ds.1.11'/.a1'11111 1111-11115 111 this 111111 51111511111109 11".11'111 1111111115 1111 111111111< 111 1111' 141115111 11111 1"111111,r 511111111 11"hi11 1.111111 1'5111' s 1111:11 11311-1 111.1111 111 1115 11X1-1111111111'1s is 1111111111." 111111311. ‘1'11111- 1111- kings 1111\11111'1's 111'1' 1111111'." 111111151111 1111' \1'111'111111'11. 1. /.:'11111111"1\1\1'.~' 1.11111 121151113 \\'1111 I 111W ‘, 11'“ {.11} 1:12111. \'\'1H‘11 1:11 -11‘1\1'm1'11 1111111'111' t11 1.:1'1 111111 1115'111' ~f 11111133 1111 1111111127 111< 11s1.r'11111'.111111 2:11'111-11 :1.~' 11 111111111. ;.'111~.~' 111 $11111'111 111' 3111111111111. 1311111111: 11111' with 1111' 11111:. 111- 1'1111111'11:.'1'.~' .1111' 1811,1'3' 111 112111 111111 1111 \' truss .~'\\'1_11'11.~'.j11;~'1 11s 11111 (111111111 1111111111'51111 1.1111 51111112 3111111111115 (11111-11 \11t<':1\11< 11111 11:1\. >1'1'111:.' 11111 (1111'1'11. $1111 sinks 111 1'1111 knows 111-51111' D1111 11'531 111'1'111'1: 11111 111111;. 111111 11111 12111111' 11111ss'1-s 11111111 115' 1111' q111'1'11. a(:'11in"1['1111111_'d 11}' 11112 "raftySullusto.1111111'11111'1111s 1.111111. 111 tl'111 11111.111131'011111 111 1111.1. palm 1» 11111 1km: 9111'1'111111111111 by his (_'11111'.t 1'11nf131"s \1'13'111111 111111 11111-5 11111111 D1111 12119111- 31111 his happy 111'1111'. ELDERSLIE MAN’ PATENTS AN IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE M11. Alvx. T. liclVVax-(ls. turmvi'ly of Eltlm‘slion and 1111VV in l111t1‘0it. has taken out a patent in: an «11111'ct1ic washing n1 uhme in; the I nited States and Canada. The mr1chanism nt thv ma1hin11 is onti111lV diffmont to anV othex mak11.a11«l is 10111111111111 VVith gas humor VVhich sits 11114111- 1111ath the tub and km-ps ”111 VVatui heated while the washing is being done. There is a secnnd bottom in the tub VVhi(h lifts thc1 rlnthps 11p to tlw top of the VVatM to facilitatu «haaning Lot‘oi (1 putting them thrnngh thv “111112111. 1! 1s ci1imwl there is nothing like this leClllllP in the market. and tho p.13t1nt anthm iâ€" tios at. \\ ashingtnn stat“ that it is tlifi'ei-rnt to all others i11\"r1r1t1_1«l. .It. doesn't count. as a. 5mm enough 110. when a bachelor 1s asked his Opinion “1' a nmx' baby. iiiâ€"diam“ mLs STORY or INTEREST Week and Nervous. Mode Well by Lydia. E. Pinkhun’l Vegetable Compound weak and run-down nervous oondition', alwnys tired fromtbe time Igot up until Iwenttobed. Sleepdidnotrest me .at all. . My sister recommended Lydia E. Pmkhum’e Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about It. but it was from m sister’s advice that I took it. It not teke lon until I, felt stronger, headaches le t me and my appetite came back to me. I am a farmer's wife end have many things to do outside the house such as milkm , looking after the poultry, and other c ores. I eertily noommend the Vegetable Comgound to all who have the some trouble I for it is a fine medi- cine for women.”â€" LOUIS F. ELSAB- SER, Hillcrest Farm. Webbwood, Ont. Another Nervous Women Find: Relief WOMANSUFFEREII FDR MflNTHS Port Huron, Mi ° â€"“I suffered for two ears with inmy side, and if I wor ed very much I was nervous and justastired in thomornin aswhen I went to bed. I was sleepy the day and didn’t feel like doing anythin , and was so nervous I would bite my get nails. One of my friends told me about Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Com- pound, and it hel me so much that I soon felt fine.”â€" 1303‘an BEELEB, 601-14th St., Port Huron, Mich. - Women who suffer from an feminine gjlmeng gho_uld try Iiydit E. hunk Véiétable Compobdl FATTBNING TURKBYS Fatloning turkvys. says a. (-irculat' issnvd by Hm huminicm l‘lxpm-imon- ml Farms. is a wry simplv upc-I'atinn which invm-asvs “In Value, of UM: birds. as H inkusvs lhvil’ \Vvight. and imprm'ns tlw quality of tlw flvsh. 'l‘nrkvys that. h-zn'v lwvn \Vul! Ml may iu- faith-new! at almut. six nx' svx'vn mHntlns nld. whvn (WM \w‘utlwr starts in. :1 littlv lwl'urv Thanks- giving; hay fur instam'v. Rustl‘ivt thuir run at. first. mh'isvs tlw cir- cular. >10 that. Hwy may get usml graduaHy In liw in a small yard «»1' in :1 small huusv. but. larg'c- unnugh in pvrmit tlwm to Mk» :1 Iilllv vxvr- (rise. It. should nun-1° in. i‘ul':."nttvll that Im'kvys aw Hf :x mving namru and that vlusc- lmusing dnvs nut, ugh-v with ”arm. l-‘uttvning takvs :xlmul, six wm-ks. During thv first. fuur. it is sufficivnt tn givv a I'ulinzl ('(anmsvd Hf gram Webbvgood, Qntâ€"“ I was in {fiery m: 15!]. nut tun Hm-k nm‘ too 'thin; as mnvh w! it as llwx likv. hm nnlx mnugh In!“ nw- mo :1] shcmld 1w pm 11:11'111l at. 111111 li1'1111. 11:11.5. barley and 11111111111211 111m 1'11'1111'i11 1:11-1:11 [11'11- i11111i1111 in tli11 (“‘nUIHSlilOH of this i':1li111'. l‘11(1l{11d mashml polatm-s mixed with milk. will help 111 1.11.11i111'11a. \Vl1il1' l'l11sl1. 'l‘1_11'k1.',\‘>' 1111\ also 1111 l'nltunvd \Villi good grain 1lisli'ii111l111l lVVicv a day and a lilll11 1:1:1i11 al 11111111. Mix with “111 IlliNil :1. lilllu 1'11111 ;.11':1V11l. 111111 21lâ€" \Vuxs k111'11 11'11sl1 \Vralv l111l'111'11 ”111 birds. 'l1i\\:11'1l.~' ”11' mm M H111 fal- l1'11i11;.' 11111i11d. gnaw 111 swaps 0f 1"-111k1'1i 1110211. 111-1y l11' :11l1l1'1l l11 H11: ‘ ration. Main tm km. ~i. :ulds llw « irv Him. .10 Hut min-n su «asiflx as 1vmalvs. law is tlw mvat SH 10nd”. 1m! HH'} 1w- wmv largo-1' . (Elumlinwss a! HH stagvs is 0114- gx'vat, civsidvratum in kmming lurkvys. BARGAINS This Week’s List of PAGE SEVEN

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