West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 14 Aug 1924, p. 8

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muctaclw portraying the might. 3d "ran-(1.117 of the British EDP!" the a m tzsvuwnt devices whwnsixv; mar» ambitious than "tag t'rw pivturosque. the castle IMP 0f ('anada and other lands. n to thw inzvmxity of man. BITIUXS IN ONE. Marching On WE. WE CAN SUPPLY laced Railroad Rates. N G. KENT. Managing DirectQt. .111 thL‘ NIEUL’Ct Lt the LOWEST COST. pomts O 9 O .’ 0 O 9 . '.-.QF*.‘OV .45 ~ugo'»-OD'O“' H. T. W'!‘* a a o ‘ o ‘ ‘ A O 8 ‘ it Thursday, August 2 , N1: 'fl'RNING Best Shoes National Exhibition Toronto SEPT- 6 ma} ho-Ip )011 at the Office}: 3511? \v :tn much when YOu 'ho 121W; ‘ at hump. I Tfle Prices. nani tn wt your picture \Iumtoba. Sasâ€" rod and East. “tin and west ma point on wear Illingwood. hereof in Quality Goods BBS. JAMIESON 8: JAMIBSON 4~ m o.» 1nd residence a short dist- 3;_;-.- was: of the Hahn House on I.:u:.;-:~n Street, Lower Town, Dur- 1". 9L. HEM-e hours 2 t0 :3 p.m., 7 t0 - ;,.:n. except Sundays). J. L. SMITH, M. B., M. C. P. S. 0. mm; and residence. corner of 21mm.»- and Lambton Streets. oppo- nlol Post ()mce. Olfice hours: - u H 3.111.. 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. -‘.<::;..ia_\'.~: and Thursday afternoons E’Xt'f' â€"â€"â€" DR. BURT. Lam Assistant Royal London Up- maimic Hospital. England. and to Gnldwn Square Throat and Nose Hos- mm. chialist: Eye, Ear. Throat and Susp. Office: 13 Frost Street, van Smmd. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLWRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. 'I‘ho- Scionce that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 614 23 tf DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST ()tl'im. over .I. J. Hunter‘s store, Durham. Ontario. J. F. GRANT, D. D. S., L. D. S. llmmr Graduate l'ndversity 0f Tor- .»ntn. Graduate Royal College Dental Surgwns of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office, over D. C. TLM‘H'S Jewellery Store. Mr Inc van 0 mug-u..- Licensml Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- s‘t‘jna‘nie terms. Dates of sales made at The Chronicle Office or with him- <91? ALBfoacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. Mmlvmto lvl'ms. Arran fur 531%. as to dates. 010.. II “13H!“ at The} Chl'OniL'lt‘ (”Til 'tzzlm. 'l‘m'ms 0n applicatit 5) si 0>5 .1. I‘. 1. Durham. - DR. A. M. BELL Uz‘f’ir.» un Lambton Street (the late .. Nation’s Hfl'iceL. Office hours. 2.. .3 p.11)... 7 to 9 p.m., except. Sunâ€" Advertisements under this heading,_1 cent a word each insertion «LASH WITH- ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order if paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 3 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word -) -- xx-zzl be made each insertion. minimum charge 35 cents. 1t: avx‘cs to sweet 1 N \W‘I‘. me‘Pd and ‘ cumvutmn. For i1 lu Watson's Dairy. ”Mario. H_,__,___________.__’ Xi ill'l‘ll PART LOTS 7 AND S. CON. 1’. l‘lureniimt. containing 66 acres; 55 m-i'vs elem-ell. balance hardwood wish: in good state of cultivation; .‘z'umr- burn 44:60. stone basement. win-releslables; drilled well and :wniwni tank at. barn. Also Lots 6 :m..l 7. (inn. 3;. S.D.R.. Glenelg. cnn- laining 110 acres; 100 acres cleared the premises are a brick house con- taining: seven rooms. with gOOd frame woodshed attached; drilled xx“. at (luor: never failin" springs on gins farm.‘ making a choice stock 1373!“. This _pr0perty Will be sold [‘Inut n0“, ldLHl. lune ruv --_, "1:!” to quick iculars apply ('9- D fifvchaser. For par- at Watson‘s Dairy. «no: 0‘2 H‘ 111115 11mm uv 1:.1‘. .Dm ham. Ont Thursday, August u, 192‘ \V. .\l a s'llu l“! l\ .m‘é: zit D111 ham Ofl’ice. So liw that you nex er need to ask the editor to leaxe out the story. _______________________, AH". Tn THE SOI'TH-EAS’F GREY mm \mm Rally in Markdalo agri- uzmarul ux-uunds and armnrios on '-"'-'~ '38. :‘n‘tvrnnnn :md PVPIIiHS-I- V L‘-\o w?“ 1111.10}. tht‘ 1(‘3‘k‘l'fi‘hip "if .‘ll‘. v ‘ \‘IL- L. \luu'lut'wn of (i. A. C. Prnm'nmmo ,‘fi‘â€"... .7 MIDDLBBRO’. SPBRBMAN 8: MIDDLBB'RO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. SH(‘(‘Q,‘$501'S to A. B. Currey. (I. (L. Mum-10hr“: "1‘s permanently te FA RMS FOR SALE Medical Directorv. All Our Graduates haw bm‘n placed tn date. and still there are calls for more. net your lOUISe M)“. If you do not get it you pay for it any“ ay in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Licensed fluctioneer Enter any day. Write. call or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford and Mount Forest “ 'l‘vrms on zu’yplicatitm. Ad- R. R. 1. Durham. '3 14 6mpd dill Man ;ed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. mute tvt'ms. Arrangements iws. as to dates. PM?" may be at Thu Chrcmicln ()fl'icc. Dur- Classified Advertisements COMING EVENTS Dental Directorv Lagal ‘Dz’rectorv. DAN. McLBQN Dumhlk Band .\~1missi(m 101. 1’.GREM()NT. CONâ€" 85 acres under (‘9 hardwood bush: moi: on the prem- R. -.i Durl'lzim} 10 2:3 ‘33 U etc. A mem- 10 ~25 23'tr PROPERTY FOR SALE A GOOD TWO STOREY BRICK (.lwclling. centrally located in tuwn. All modvrn equipments, large gar- den. garage. stable". (etc. Apply to Mrs. J. (i. Hutton. FOR SAJJ’..â€".â€"\ NUMBER OF GOOD building ibis on George street, North of Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 if FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham. ()nt. 515 tf m 23/: 5.52: LIECFEL :Cw LVC... 7:. _. :2. 2:51.23 .1....5. ./.:. w. ..L.w..x.. .157. :.4 7.22 3 f. 724:5. 3:123. S _......1...:m:v. c: :7 3.3:: 7.3.. 59:: 3:: ’42.: i S”? KN OLIVER TYPEWRITER. PRAC- tically mew. at a b:u'gain.-â€"â€" Apply at The Chronicle ()fficc. WESTERN FEED OATS AT 55c. PER bushel at the Rob Roy Mills. 4 3 ti BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. 1 10 tf schnnl girls may svcurv gum! moms by applying; «nu-1y tn Mrs. l. Hutton. I‘llmn strw't. south nf public school. R0031 ICR S \\' .\ N 'I' F. lLâ€"H [(i H plantings GASOLINE. THE HIGH- grade gas _\\'ith the “pop" and long mileage). Sold only at Smith BI‘OS‘ hf‘l‘ll‘ Garage. FOR FIRE TORNADO. AUTOMO- bile insurame and guarantee bonds etc" apply to Lucas Henrv, Dur- ham. 612 tf MEN‘S TAILORING.â€"â€"GENTS SUITS hand tailored. I am prepared to make your suit and guarantee first- class workmanship. My prices are right. Leave your orders with DM. Saunders. Gent‘s F urnisher, Durham. â€"W. J. Henning, Tailor. 117 U "COMING AGAIN. I’RUFESS(’)R Kzltz. noted vyv specialist of Listmwl. tn tc'st. eaves at thv Hahn Housv. “him-May. August 20. 192-1. \V-ili n-livw oyv-sight trouble in overy vasv. It' yuu are dizzy. pain in tho tvmplvs. m- haw lwac'Jachv. consult l’rnfvssm' K317. \\‘hilP in lmvn. :Is‘ uhnw trnuhivs aw t'l'vquwntly (-unsvd M‘ “.W' tl'Hublo'. l’rnl'e-ssm' Ii. Katz. 4;, n.“ . 1 pd. \\'HI'Z:\'I‘ \VAN’I’ED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3 1’5 ‘23t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- ivlo .Iub Plant is well equipped for turning out. the finest work on short. GRAIN WAN'I‘ED.â€"â€"BARLEY. BUCK- whoat. Po‘as. Oats and Mixed Grain wanted. Highest prices paidâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited, Durham. 112M order. The Durham I'.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation \\i11 ship stock from Dur- ham on 'lucsda\s. Shippexs are I‘vqunsted tn L‘i\f‘ three davs notice. Clifford Howell Manager. Phone 92 r 11. Durham, RR. 1. The George \Vhitmore property. near McGowan’s mill: rough-cast house: stable. hen-house. half acre of land: drilled well. cistern: good fruit trees. and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. 626 ti In thv mattm' of tho ostato of Jaxwt Dunsmc’vm‘. latv of tho Town 01' Durham. in thv 0an n!’ Grey. \VMOW. clowvasml. Notit‘n is h111‘11by gi\'111‘.. pursuant to Section 716 of H111 T111511111s‘ \ct. R. S. (1. 191-1. Chaptm‘l 1'21 that all creditors and others haxing 11111111.- 111‘ dt‘mzmds against. “11“ (‘Staté‘ Of “111 said .lz1111‘t. 13111151111101: 5\\'h1'1 111ml 1111 111‘ about H11“ 26th day 111‘ July. A. D. 19.". at tho T11“ 11 of Durham. in 1110 Cmmt} nt (11‘1‘\.ax‘11 1‘1‘q11i1‘1111 1111 (11‘ 1111111111 11111 311th 11:1} 01‘A11gust.-.\ D. 19°31. t1» svnd b} [iosL 111‘1111aicl.01~ dwliwl- tn tho solicitors 1'111‘ thn l‘ZX1‘1‘11t111‘s 111' 11111 last \\'ill and Tnstamvnt 11f tho‘ said dé‘t'f‘flsnd. their Phristi 111 1131111‘5. anal s11111am11s. adah‘nssvs 111111 1l1~1‘1111t11111~t111‘ 11111 1131H‘t1111la1s 111 \u‘itilg 11f ti111i1‘ 1 laims. a >tat11m11nt of 1111111‘ account> {11111 thn 11211111‘1- (11 the security. it any. 1111111 by them. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ’ And take notice that after such last-menth’vnml date the said execu- tni's will proceed to diStl‘thtt‘ the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have notice. and that the said executors will not. be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have, been received by it at the time of such distribution. MiddlebrO’, Spereman 8: Middlebro' Solicitors for the. said Executors. Dated at Durham the 14th day of August. A. D. 1924. « 814 3. Advertise On This Page. It Pays. ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS PROPERTY FOR SALE NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR SALE 8 14 .2 pd. 626 tf [00K FOR lUNGWORMS An Annoying Disease Too Com- mon Among Pigs Natnre and Development of the Ail- ment â€" Treatment â€" Preventive Measuresâ€"Autumn Cutting of Al- taliaâ€"â€"Harness and Belting. (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture. Toronto.) Nature and De€elopment of It is commonly known as lung- worm disease, due to the presence of small thread-lilte worms in the air tubes of the lungs setting up pneu- monia. The worm causing this dis- ease is named the “Metastrongylus apri,” and is also known as the “Strongylus paradoxus.“ These worms locate in the air' tubes of the lungs, where they deposit their mm or eggs in great numbers. The ova as well as the embryos or young worms are then expelled from the air passages with the secretions and dis- charges from the nostrils, while some are coughed up and expelled from the mouth during spells of coughing, “v mvuvu _â€"--_9 w‘ _ or else swallowed and expelled with the feces. This accounts for a wide- spread contamination of the floors of the pens and the ground in the lots and yards containing affected pigs. Small pools of water are also liable to become contaminated. In these different places the larvae develop, and from time, to time become more or less a menace. Infection usually takes place with feed and water in hog pastures, lots and pens which have become contaminated by affect- ed pigs. In turn the parasites invade the air passages of the infected pigs, and there reach sexual maturity set- ting up the disease in the lungs. Once I _m_2LL --â€"° w, vâ€"' .__~-_ 3. place becomes contaminated with these parasites, the infection re- mains dangerous for along time, be- cause the affected animals keep on furnishing fresh infectious material. As a result the disease gradually be- comes more or less permanently es- tablished on certain premises. Stag- nant pools of water, moist poorly drained yards, and dirty pens, favor the development of the infection. Young sucking pigs may also become infected from the udder of the sow through contamination of its surface. Young pigs, a few months old, are the most easily infected, and suffer the worst until after they are four months old. Treatment. Badly infected and well deve10ped cases do not respond to treatment, owing to the fact that the worms are located in the small air tubes of the lungs and difficult to get at. Slightly infected cases, if removed to clean quarters and kept from becoming more heavily infested, seem to grad- ually recover. Treatment of the af- fected animals with drugs is not sat- isfactory unless the drugs are in- jected into the trachea or windpipe by means of a hypodermic syringe. The intra-tracheal injections as a rule require to be done carefully by a veterinary surgeon. The drugs re- commended as being most useful are Lugol’s solution, combined with tur- pentine and olive oil. As a rule pre- ventive measures are successful in overcoming the disease and prevent- :ing its recurrence. 1 Preventive Measures. The first thing is to remove all of the healthy looking pigs from among the affected ones, and place them in new clean quarters, some distance from those previously occupied. The hog yards and pens should be placed on clean high ground, with good drainage. They should be cleaned out regularly, and bedded with good clean straw. The hog wallows should be constructed of concrete and kept clean. The hog pens previously oc- cupied by infected pigs should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected by washing with hot water and lye and ‘ then whitewashed. The hog lots and ipastures previously occupied by in- '.tected pigs should be ploughed up iand seeded down Low lying places .collecting stagnant water should be drained. As soon as the young pigs lare weaned they should be removed 3 from the sows and kept separate from all mature pigs in order to prevent ithem from becoming infected from ithese adult pigs which harbor the 'parasites. These suggestions, while comparatively simple, are neverthe- less effective in overcoming this trou- blesome parasitic condition of pigs. â€" ‘ Dr. C. D. McGilvray, Ont. Vet. Col- lege, Guelph. Autumn Cutting of Alfalfa. In the Field Husbandry depart- ment of the Ontario Agricultural Col- lege alfalfa has been under test for twenty-six consecutive years. In each of twenty-four years the alfalfa gave three cuttings per annum. In 1907 two cuttings, and in 1896 four cut- tings were produced in the one sea- son. The spring of 1896 opened up very early and that of 1907 very late. The third cuttings were made on Sep- tember 17th in the average of the twenty-four years. It is important to cut alfalfa before the 20th of Sep- tember so as to enable the crop to make a good growth before the ap- proach of winter. So says Dr. C. A. Zavitz of the Ontario Agricultural College. It is important to note that any leather improperly used, or neglect- ed, will deteriorate rapidly. For ex- ample, belts for driving machinery often become impaired, if not use- less, in a very few years whether on straight drives or not, but when they are kept clean and oiled they will last ten to thirty years. Apply the grease lightly to driving harness and more liberally to work harness. The grease or oil should be rubbed thoroughly into the leather while it Ls still damp {tom washing. Harness and Belting. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE The f0110\\i11g extract 111' a letter was received from the (20â€" Operation and Mmkets branch. Department of Agriculture. Toronto. "Bacon is a: fairly firm market. The highest] mice for Canadian bacon was 97 shillings 3 MW. when \\11 “110111 a month ago. Canadian bacon \\ as as l'olluws;â€" leanest 86 lo 97 shillings a cwi. of 11:3 pounds: heavy sides 8'3 to 97; and light. sides 84 to 92. C;111a1lia11 cured American is not quoted this week, while leanest .\n11111 ican sides 211111 73 1111 78 shillings. ,Best. Irish is as high as 114 shillings la 11M. and best. Danish 110. shillings. It. is rather interesting to 0b541rvet that the present prices for Irish and Danish barnn are two 011 thr414'1 shil- lings a rwt. l4_1\\'411' than the prices 1uling, during the 41411141s1p41nding1 p411i414t 41t last \‘.4131" while Canadian is No to four shillings. hi1'h41r all ruund than \\ as the vase a. year a 8.‘_"(). lhis seems to indicatr that the 1141siti41n (11 Canadian bacnn is imprming in this mz'11k4‘1t.al- thouuh them we thnsc 41t'11s \\ I141 think that the margin botxwvn “141 prices of (ja11a4wlian and 1110541 of Danish 111141 I1 1511 31141 still \1141411' than tl141_ ought tn 1111. This would, indicate that. tho' grading of hogs is l'ia'ix'ing its effect upon imm'oving the quality of Canadian bacon which in turn results in mom demand with tho subsoquont highvr micos. Destroying Groundhogs (hm of [he \vm'st nuisancvs which‘ is musmmtui-mi during haying and lmi'x'oslihg (nwralions aw. tho nu- merous g'011n(_lh0g halos i‘nund in the Holds. This post is. easily dost.1‘oyi_ui by purci133ing~in ihv «h-ug S‘tOI‘P. somv ('ai'hun hi-sulphidv and after pouring it. 011 a rag throw this snakod l" g itno tho. hurrmvs unwr- ‘ing tlw hnlu with :1 stone ()1’ P311“. About. mw ioaspm‘mhil is all that. is nvcossm‘y in vach huh“. ’l‘hv l'nmvs 01' thv ('ai'hun hi-sul- “hill“ is hvavim' than air. mnsn- fluently will sottln to tho lmltnm (if lln‘ hnlo «lusti'nying thv animals. (kn-bun biSllthllit‘ can he pnrchaswl in any drug; slow. It, is wry chimp hvnco ('an ho used by (wary t'ai'mm‘ tronhlml with grimndhogs. Results of Egg Circle Work Bvlnw are articles takvn from tlw I’m: Circle: hullotin publishml by the 11:43: tlii'clv nwmhvrs ut' Princv l‘:4i\\°al‘(l Island. They show i'vsnlta which aw highly gratifying: and \\'lllt'lt can he, dimlicattéd in Ontario it' t'urmm's will gi-t. hvhind this Si‘hi‘mh. Ywarly rwoipts nl' nggs of HM- Princv Edward Island (_;l.l-()1'l("l'all\'t l'lggs and Poultry Associatitm haw lu-vn as follows: â€"-- 1916 1917 HMS 1919 1924! 1921 1921’ 1923”, vaipls nt' vgg‘s fur the flight \kas nncling' lfl'hx'um'y ‘22:} are :llmnst. :ltmhlv the? I'c-vivpts during Hu- snmv [mt-ind last. your. To be «'xzu‘t. I'H'Pipts urn ninvty per cent :ll‘vutvl' lo Hu' dalv nn-ntionml._ ' Price‘s nl' vggs haw hemn higher sincv January l. 192/: than last, year. 'l‘hn :l\'(‘I‘Z;._.'(_‘ [al‘icv atham‘Ud for vxtl'as January .l to Fvln'mzry 23 this ynm‘ was 43 cunts. or a difference of six C(‘nts [HFI' tlmcvn. W‘.ANT ACT ENFORCED 'I'hv (iuvlph Hm'tivultural SUCiCty is gotling into a-nmnmmcatiim with nthm- lmrticuitural swivtivs in an vi't'm't. to obtain tlwii- COâ€"OPCI'QUHII in asking tho provincial gi’wornmvnt. to tako mnans In haw. tho Noxious \Wmd Act, strictly mfm‘m‘d. not only in Hm cit ics. but also in the) country. WARNING T0 BERRY PICKBRS BERRY PICKERS TRESPASSING ON Lots 63 and 64. Concession 3. E. G. R. Glenolg will be prosecuted according to la\\'.â€"~ James MCGiI'I‘. 2 pd. In the matter of the estate of Isa- bella Jane Blair. late of the Town- ship 01” Glenelg. in the County of Grey. Widow. deceased. Notice is given pursuant. to Section 56 of the Trustees‘ Act. 11.3.0. 1915. Chapter 121. that. all creditors and Others having claims or demands against the estate of the said Isabella Jane Blair. vvhn died on or about the. twenty-eighth day of May. AD. 19:24. at the T¢‘i\vnship 0f (i’ilenelg. are re- quired on or before the 21st. day of .»\ur_rust."19‘24. to send by post pre- paid. nr deliver to the Solicitor for the Administratm‘ of the. Estate of the said deceased their Christian names. surnames, addresses and des- criptions. the full particulars in writing. of their claims. a statement of their accounts. and the nature of the security. if any. held by them. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS And take notice that after such last-mentioned date the said Admin- istrator will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice. and that the said Administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part there- of to any person or persons of whose claim notice shall not have been re- ceived by him at the time of such distribution. ' A A A ‘ ‘ .VUI auuv.v--- July, AD. 1924. Middlebro', Spereman 8: Hiddlehro’ Solicitors to the Administrator. Canadian Bacon Abroad. Facts and Figures . 9 f1 0 . 000 85. 00-1 892. 86'. 81' 1.363 9031” b 333.339 780.593 812 dc m 11 eggs “THE SPANISH DANGER" Pmmier Paramount Production Coming to Veteran’s Star Theatre Tamorrow and Saturday Nights. Maritana, the beautiful Spanish gypsy dancer, rides with her followâ€" ing of gypsies along a roadway in Spain. searching for the home of Don Cesar de Bazan, a prodigal Spaniard whose spendthrift habits have driven him to the brink of ruin. After making inquiries re.- garding the locality in which Don Cesar lives, Maritana and her band arrive at the latter's place where at the time Don Cesar is banqueting his boon companions. Don Cesar is attracted by Maritâ€" ana‘s beauty and when she suggests that she road his fortune, he run- sents. Looking at the cars, Marit- ana prodirfi misfortune for the nobleman. including a masked marriage, at which all laugh. Suddenly Maritana exclaims that; Don Cesar will cross swords with! someone she refuses to. name and dis-appoars in the throng. Don (lvsar tossos coins among the gypsios and giwrs hor a pin shaped with a cross. a hrarl and a crown. with tho. rrmark that'hr will fight. fur these :lhings. As the gypsios loaw. Juan. a gypsy bob" steals his purse and bt‘llt‘Vlllg Maritana to be guilty of the theft. Don Cesar is greatly dis- turhwl ul hor apparent dislwnesty. -ug- ' When Mairitana loarns of Juan‘s tlmft. ShP attacks him savagely with a knife. and after being severely cut. furros Juan to gixo her Don (Jusar's pursr. While Maritzma is searching: for Don Cesar tn return the SiOil'll Dursr‘. tho lattor‘s credit-I (H'S riitvr his hunsv and rpmovn m-‘orytliing «if value thvrvfrnm. Dun (lrsar vsraiws just. as th'v [mlirre ill'i'iYP. to arrvst him. Meeting; Maritzma. h“ accum‘is hvr 01' theft. Sill‘ dishiays imr wound rncoiwd in fighting for tho pursv. rand \\'h(‘|l ho hogs hvr i‘urgiVmwss. sho is about. “to spurn him whvn the pursuing malice aprar in sight. Don Omar munnts behind the girl and thwy 1'i(i(__' away. Lutur. thn hm svparatv. Iwith thn 11mlnrstcmding"ihal. Hwy arr in miwt in Madrid tho next, day. King Philip IV’. whu is jmhms «it1 his quvmi. (“UHSUHS with Lvlasqur-s about. painting." his portrait. SM'vi'ai CM]1'H(‘I'S plan to hike advantage of thv :imiai'unt indiscrotimis of tho iiiivuii. 'I‘lw quiwn gaps riding: with how litllv sun and whvn thv pi'incu‘s puny runs away. Maritana saws him and l‘i'L‘i‘in‘S a iwautii'ul sczii'i' i'i-nm hm' majvsty who tells her that, if Shf‘ mwis holp. in svnii it. hack in hm'. .-\ [ii'i‘iclamatimi is issuod ih'cl'm‘ing di'ath tn anymw who fights a :luvi during carnival day. Aariians. who saw-s liazai‘illn. an .‘KC‘I 1L(lll.lg \‘ll‘.'1(lV‘ 1. I4 1354‘; u 111'11111111'1111's 1111} 1111111 sumo 3111ar1is- 1111111. is 11111 s11lt 111111311113 t111111t1111. 111.111 (11s111' 11.1s11111s 111‘1' 11111111 slaving the (1111111111 of 111113.1111111 fm'\1.hich (1111111011. 1111 is S1111t1'1111'111110111111111. 11.1 11111111. 111 s11\11 D1111 1 115111' sends 1111-. s(':'111 111 11111 (111111111. \\ 1111 111 turn 1111t11111s 11 11:11'dm1 11111 Don (‘.11sar 1111111 11111 K111312D1111 S11111s111.11 1111\1111'f111 1".011111111‘. 11111u01-s 3111111111111 111.111 D1111 1111s111 111 1111 m1111'11111 1111 111-1.:(11111. 111.1 111'111111113' 111 MW D1111 1L11s111' shut. 111111111111111.1111' 111'11-1' 1111: 111111111131 111111 111111'11 31111111111111 111111 11111 K11131s hands. 1.11111111111 111111115 1111 this 11111. ~11h~11111111~ 1111-111 111111111s 1111' 111111111 s 111 11111131111s11111111 1'11'11131 1s11111111 \1'111111 111111 1_,111s111"s 1111111 111111- 1111111. in his 11X1-1'111.11111111's is 111111113 111111011. \‘1'111111 11111 111113's 1111\‘11111'11s, 111111 11111111..“ 1'1111111s111l 115' Mill'ii'dll'd.1 1.-.17.111'1|111 1111\1s 1.11111 1211s111', \\'1111 111:” in 1.". i‘ ‘1' 1.11‘ 131'2111. \"1111'1‘. “21 31111\'111111111 11111111111 tn 1:111. 111111 1.111s111"s 111111}: 1111 111111111s his 11s1'111111. 111111 3111111111 11s 11 111111111. 31111s 111 s111’11'1-h 111‘ 3111111111111. 1"111111113' 11111' \\'1111 11111 1111131. 1111 1"11111I11113'11s 1111111111113 111 1131111 111111 111111 (wuss s\\'111'11s.111st. 11s 11111111111111 11111111211's 1111 11111. s1'111111. .\l111'11.111111s quick wit saws 11111 11:11 3111111131 11111 (111111111. sh1» sinks 111 111.11“ 1(111‘11s 11111s11111 D1111 (1151111 1111111111, 11111 111113. 111111 1111.1 111111.111 11111ss11s them 11s 11111 (111111111. 111111.11n1pa11111d 111' 1111-. 1'1'111'1},'S111111s111.1111111'1111ch11s 11111111. 111 th1_1 11111011111'011111 (11' 1111.1 [11113011, 11111 1111131 s11111'n1111111111 in his (11111111. confers “1.1111111 111111 111111s 11111111 D1111 1.21:1s111' 111111 his happy 111111111. ELDE‘RSLIE MAN" PATENTS AN IMPROVED WASHING MACHINE 3111. -\111\. T. ll1l\\ai1l.~‘. 11.11.11m1111\ 111‘ l1._11l1.111s1i11.an1l nmx in 1111.11111i1..has taken out :1 [111111111 11111 an 111111111i11 “1151111131 machine for 11111 I nit11d 81111118 and Canada. T1111 mochanism 111 11111 machine is 11111111111\ 11iff111111111 111 anx “they make.an11 is 10111111in111l \\ ith gas burner \\ 1111111 sits 111111111- 1111a1h the tub and 11111115 11111. “311111 1111311111 xx 111111 th11 “115111111; is being done. There is a second bottom in 11111 tub \\ hich lifts 11111 1111111113 1111 11.1 11111. 11111 111 11111 “131111111 facilitatv 1112111111113: 1111111111 111111ingt1111m 1111111111; 11111 \\ 11111111111 11 is (laim111l 111111111 is nothing lik11 this m11111in11 in 11111 market. and 11111 1111111111 3111111111- 11115 at \\ashingt11n 5121111 that it is 1111111111111 111 all 111.111.1115 i11\"11nt111l. It. doesn't. Count as a. surv (“NWT-Til 110 when a. lmchelor Is asked his oplmon Hf a new baby. PHOTOPLAY TELLS STORY OF INTEREST Weak and Nervous. Made Well by Lydia E. Pinkhun’s Vegetable Compound weak and runâ€"down nervous condition'. always find fromlthe time Igot up until Iwenttobed. Sleepdidnotreat me atall..Myeilter recommended Lydia E. Pmkham’a Vegetable Com- pound to me and others told me about 11:. but it was from m sister’s advice that I took it. It ' not take 1 until I, felt stronger, headaches le t gne and r_ny apnetite _came‘ hack to me. WOMANSIJFFEBEII Fflfl MONTHS â€"â€"â€"â€" "'J *F"' """ I am a farmer’s wife and have many things to do outside the house such as milkm , lookin after the poultry, and other e ores. I eartily recommend the Vegetable Comgound to all who have the same trouble I for it is a fine medi- cine for women.”-â€" LOUIS F. ELSAS- SER, Hillcrest Farm. Webbwood, Ont. Another Nervous Won-n Finds Relief Port Huron, Mi ’ -“I suffered for two ears with lnmy side, and if I wor ed very much I was nervous and just as tired' in the momizfias when I went to bed. I was sleepy the day and didn’t feel like doing snythin , and was so nervous I would bite my get nails. One of my friends told me about Lydia E. Pinkhsm’s Vegetable Com- pound, and it hel me so much that I soon felt fine. ”â€" mCEARLEs BEELER, 501 -14th St., Port Huron, Mich. - Women who sufi'er from an feminine ailment should try Lydn E. Elihu? '0 Vegetable Compound. 0 FATTBNING TURKEYS Fattoning turkvys. says a vircular‘ issm-d by tlw Dtiminiun lixporimm'i- tal Fax-ms. is a wry simplu Upt‘l'atlnll which incrmlsvs tlw Value Of the birds. as it inm'vasvs tht‘ll' weight. and il'miu'm'os tlw quality of tlw flash. 'l‘urkwys that. hath- lwvn \\'l‘” M! may iw l'attvnml at al‘mut. six m‘ sown mHnths old. who” vulil \vnathm- starts in. :l littlv lwt'm'v Thanks- gi\'in;.'l')a.\'1‘nr instamre'. ROSiI'lt‘i. llll'll' l'llll at. first. ailVisvs tho ("ll”- ('tllal‘. so that. thvy may get usvd gradually tn liw in a small yaml “1' in a small housv. hut, la 'g‘u mumgh to pvl'mit tlwm t0 taki- a. littlv 0x0?- Cisc. It. should m-VW lw t'm'wrttvn that turkeys ‘arv H1“ a raving nature! and that (‘lnsv huusiug «luvs not. :amw- with tlwm. | I 1":1_tt1111i11;: 1311115 :11111111. six 111111115. 11111'111g1l111 1".i151 11'1111 11 is 51111113111111 1.11 1.11111 :1 12111111 11111111115011 111' grain ':1111.~:l1. 11111 11111 1111111 11111' 100 thin: as muf'h 1'1 11 11s11111x 111111 11111 11111\ 11111111411 1111' 111111 n11' :11 8111111111 1111 [)I'â€"1‘ 111111111 :11 111111 1111111. (1315.1131'1111 and 1111111111131 111111 11111111'111 large pruâ€" 11111111111 111 11111 1'1111111115111011 01 this 1':1111111 1‘11111111d 111119111111 p01atn11s. mixed with milk. will 1111111 111 [11111111111111 \1'111111 1111511. 'l‘urkcys 1111\ 111511 1111 1211111111111 “1111 good :.'1"1111 1118111111111111 1\\iC1' a day and 3 ‘111111‘1 ;:1:1111 :11 111111.11 .\lix 111111 11111 111:1911 '11 111111- 111111 1.11'111111. 211111 111- “211's 111-1‘11 1111511 “311111 1111111111 1111' HMS. '111\\1111l.~‘ 1111' 111111 111 11111 1111- 11111111; 1111'111d. 111111311 1.11' scraps of 1‘-;11k1'1i 111031. 111-11' 1111 1111111111 111 1111.: 111111111. W_ebbvgood, Qnt. â€"“ I was in {Axel-y Malv tux ko-v <. adds thv ( ir 'ulax‘. .10 nut mum sn c-asi'} as tvmalvs. nm is 1199 mf‘at SH tvndm‘. but HIM 1wâ€" wmv l;"11gt‘l'. (.14 Jnlmv» 11‘ 2|” stagvs is mw g'x‘vat. «insidm'atum in kmming‘ turkvys. 137i RE Xiii's This Week’s List of PAGE SEVEN

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