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Durham Chronicle (1867), 21 Aug 1924, p. 8

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:7 2:; 57.. :2: :..C::.:E 2:; 7.2: 1.7.1. 3. :E.:._:._.: 1.2:. 2 $......r 2:: :7 2:; .17.. r. 32.2.: 2:; 2:2. 3.7.27 Mrs. Xvi] .\lvl.van and son .‘litt'ht‘ll spvnt. a wwk with how fathm‘. Mr. John Mitchell and otlwr friends war Hamilton. The l". I". \\'. H, 1113M their last 111111111111: at 11111 111111111 111' Mrs. .l. W. .‘l1'cht111io. Tin-1'13 was :1 splvnotid attendant-11, and 11 wry 1,111j113'abl11 tune s11o-11t. The 1111xt meeting will b.- l1el1t :11 H111 lmmc of Miss Agnvs McPhail. ;\I. P. the 5110111111 Friday in $1111t11111t1o112 Bliss 11-01111 Lawson left {111' '1‘111‘111110 last wwk :1t't111' spmniing H1» past. ’fnw \\'1‘1‘ks ilt hume. T1111 “11115111111; 111:11'111111-s {11‘1‘ busy 113411111. .\lt'.R11t111tt )lmllm i< htlS\ :1t H111 south 1111.1 111' this 111111 211111 M12 11111112111 \115511- is 1111.“ 310111111 Hutton Hill. «Inngratuiatinns aw very much in ”Mo-r In a nuner uf mu“ young stllolo-uts attunding high school :It Flf‘sht'rlnll. Doris .\ll°l.van passing un Night, suhjo-vts. Alvx. )lvlman. six. and several otlwrs making: a wry L'nml showing. The late hay crops are being hurried in now. The very catchy weather has been responsible for many poor hay crops in this locality as much of the hay was soaked several times. The sympathy of the community goes out tn the bereaved ones of the Reid family in the death of the late James Reid. a resident of the Old Durham Road. Artemo-sia for many years. The deceased was in ad- vanced years. was a highly respected gentleman by all who knew him. The funeral took place from his son \Villium‘s residence to McNeill's cemetery south of the Village. _ nit-Ming: at tho home- nf Mrs. J). \h'Km'hniv. Sr. 'l'hm-v was a gum! attendzmrv. ARM 3 short. down! imml sericv a quilt was quilted which had [won kindly dnnatml by Mrs. Mva-hnic fur thv annual missiun balm Anothvr IIIIlImko-ol fur o-wnt. is tiw marriagw (If our «If l’I'iI'I-Villv's hnys hu\'..~' IDI'. Nvil H. MCKIIIIIHII of ’Inmntn tuumlnlnntc‘rgixl.1):.Hnlly MI IchImiI k. alsn :I graduato- in mmli- I'Inv. \\'I- Mr unablv tn gin: any III-tails at this timo- but Xvi! Immin- I} has “In \II\ III-st, “islms 0! this mmmunih \\‘v IInolesIaml that hp is guing tn 1 immins tom 3 \xhilo‘. but xx. hngw t.:h It Hm \IIIIIIg ('HUDIP \\ill \I~it us in thv III-:II futmw and per mit us In :Iw Hum tho- glad hand. Most of the fall wheat. has been garnered in and the barley harvest. is now on. but oats are coming on Slowly owing to the wet. c001 wegmer. We hear a number com- Mr. and Mrs. . George Cowie of Allandale visited the latter‘s sister. V.“‘ ‘_r Miss \laIJOIw McLean gin 1mm quont0.' “F“- .l ~v... vâ€"_‘v- Mr. anal Mrs. J. L. McDonald xvturncd in Ottawa the early part of the week after a short. Visit, \Vlth part-ntsfierg. ‘- r: | A A_.4-.‘ Mm .\I \.1\Ic(j0nke\ entertained a party 01 Detroit relatiws mm the '\vvk-end. 'l'hvrr is a rmmmr lo “I“ orl'l'm't lllal. tln‘ gnud roads gang om thn big lull is lwing lo'l. nut. Wu are- not sum- as to the truth 0f the story. but. [In clnubt mow will In: hmu'd almut. ll wry soon. \lrs. Saulhfr and tho,- Missos Small- mun are gum um um community Im- u. while agam. \\0‘ 81'“ 501'” t” hear Hf Mrs. M. Ham“! In in; sick and lmpe she “ill sum: be around again. Miss I‘Sthm' 31110311 is ~11." 1: 11:11.“ CUllplt‘ 01 \\ coks with {1 11111118 m Toronto and Hamilton. t‘ll' J. .I. “115011 01' I11\'01'm:1.\'. §a~ku spt‘llt. a fmv days with frivnds at tlu- Rovky I'm-NIH}: )1 1'. William H. \i'étsbn en'té'rtained a. party of relatives from New 3.011; state over Sunday: Pl'ivvvillc sui’ibuli girls” team \‘isito-ol Swinton Park last \w-ck and pilml up a N-spectable lead which puts them wvll ahead in thv svaSnn'S games. (£0 afm' tvhvm. girls. “Gum! {uvk tn yum." .47 2:; :7». BE: 727.3323 3. ..:2:.:v.::. 22... 47:37:. 2:: .27.. as.» 27.. .ré: 4.4.7:. 2:, 3.1. 2. :3 2130. McWilliams. (Our own correspmident.Tz And still it rains. Mr. George ankins investml in a new seven foot Frost and Wood binder from your town agent. Mr. Burnett. This is Mr. Honkins’ second binder of this make. which gives gOOd evidence of its superior- - 75.. user 2.935.: 7.12: a :3. 2:: dumpzrzwgs 342:? 57... 4.2%. .\l 1'. and Mrs. Dum'an Clark and son Jzu-k nt‘ Um-n Sound accompanied by Mrs. and Miss O'Neill. Spent. the first. M the week at Mr. Hugh )Io'lgcan‘s. ity. Mrs. .lz‘unvs Mat-Donald, MP. and \1 rs. Hugh MacDonald and son Kwnnvth spvnl an owning last. week a? Mr. .\. B. Mucdonah‘l's. Prircville. Having and tall “Molt ai'v finished for another war and snmp have cnmmencmi cutting oats this week. .\ll. Dan McDonald of Hamilton \i‘itni at Mr. Dnmfan McQuzu'I‘ie's an“ 011“ last “8815.. His. 1. “111:5 and familV of Sea- f'nrth :nv \isiting at her brothers, “1'. .-\lo\' Hetcher. (Our own correspondent.) Mrs. Duncan Mrfiilliway of Pais- lo-y. with son Arrhic and daughter. Mrs. L. .\. Johnston. and littlv son 01' Lon-\illv. Untax'in. Visitml with Mrs. Smith and familv the first of the WN‘k. Mrs. (Hark and Miss Annie Lilark wturnvd tn Paislvy with them. Dr. and Mrs. \Vhitsitt and two suns are Visiting at Mr. and Mrs. D. Lamb's. Rocky Saugeen (Our own correspondent.) Thv W. .\l. 8. MM their last. PAGE EIGHT (Our own correspondent.) Aberdeen. )1: ~'. \\ hitmgx 9 recently. 3105913. 311' and Dunglas BUHCI‘ Vis- itml {ho-Er aunt in Hayfield nvor the week-cm]. ' "Mr. and Mrs. “31mm Booth and children of 'I‘ownto \isited the Eckhardt familipsreceptbj. 'l'wn rinks 0f Harriston bnwlnrs rumo- nwr to thslviu and played a ('Ollplo- nf frivnolly games with the locals. Each sidv \\‘Im a game. but Um lm'uls \w-ro- 22 Mints 11;) cm the totals. 'l‘lw t‘ullcrwin: is the scar? : Harx'istnn Holstein thtgomm-y H Mchnzic- 18 Whitmnn- H ‘ Fonton~ "7 'l'h4‘;n1ps«_m ll Fouton 9 Prim-hard H ' McKonzié- 11 Mrs. Juhnstnn. mu- Lottiv Amos. and sun and «laughtvr. nl' Chatham, rullml nn :1 NW old ac«_1u:lintzuu-cs on Friday last. .\i iss [Ma liobm'ts is home to spend iiu- romainiior 0f hvr vacatiun. Rm; (3. S. Si'ntt. Spam, :1 day I'D- m-ntly in \anland visiting his son. Foreman Nichol and his gang of mm and teams are) again at mark an tlw comm good roads. Thev are 11'0“ at \\ 01k 011 the hill “est of the Bob RH}. Mrs. J. B. Grnavos returned home nn 'l'uvsclay. 'l‘hs: mumhors ol' the Methodist and Prushytnrian choirs. Mnunt Forvst. th their annual picnic in the H01- stwin park._ Mutnr tmnists I'10m Niagaia Falls «ampml in the [)‘dlk Sunday night and aw high in theil waisos OI Ihe amrcmimmIatiun received. T he} 53} also that. our memorial monument is. «111:1 of Ihv Iinvst they have seen 111 tho-iv ti'ax'ols. “TB. Ril‘o- and family I'E‘turnedpn Friday after Spondmg their vacanon m I’m-on. Rev. Dr. Siafl'oi'd of the Metropol- itzm (-hm'ch. Toronto. addressed a nwcting ol' thv \Vomvn‘s Missionary Sm‘ivi)’ in the )lvthmlist. church, his nololrvss living on a biological sketch ul’ thu iii'v Hf Robm'l Moffat, the not- ml South Arrivan missionary. 'l'ho- (inmmunity tin-Iv hold tlwir picnic in Um park last Friday after- nmm. The) ('11in fvaturn- was the softball match betwwn Hnlstvin and Sun”: Bond. Suuth Bc-ml won by a sco‘t‘t? 0f ‘19 to 15. .r 551:. 2.31. $.27. $6: 132.55.. a: i. 2:. .33.. i. 7:: .5; .57.. 7:3: 9.: ~54? :.: 3.22.4 3.21:? 2:...: 2.1.4 $2... 2.31.... r. 9 LEE... )lo-ssi-s. Nurmau and Albert Mr- linnulol. alsn )lissns Margm‘vt and .lzmwl. Mcllnnalll. Visilml l'vcmltly with Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘homas )lilligz’m ill. Huttmi Hill. Mr. and Mrs. William Jnlmston and family «if Cliatllam \‘isitml “ll‘ l'tu'nwr's ln'ntlwi'. Mr. H. Johnslnn. {u‘mx- nwn cnx-t‘csanquxt.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Frml Smith I'vturncol lust \vm-l; tn thvir homn at Tullis. Szlsk. Mrs. i’e‘hn‘ MPHVI'iclP. Hf Rapid oiity. 31:111.. has lwvn Visiting with im- hrnthvr. Mr. R. ankins. and ”WW frivnols. Miss Freda Lawrmnco uf Durham \‘isih-«l her little friend, Miss Isla Sim. z-wcntly. Alwst's. Aho-x'oh‘in and Lamont com- mum-ml thrvshing om‘mtions. the Bl'nwn Bros. iwing their first. jab. a Visit with t'rin-nds on Manitoulin Island. Miss Hussiv Mather has been w- r-ngngml us svhool teacher at, Camp- ln'll‘s Cornvrs for anothm' .Vt'al'. ..\ll'. .\]o'.\’. I\'lli~‘lt‘_\ smut Sundav WI”! Mr. .ammnn )IL‘Nalxghton. .\ girl 1'111111111 be 1111) 1111'1'l'ul about 111'1'1'11111'111'11'1'.1111.111111 11 snowV 111V, 1111- 111:1st 1111111141 tarnislies its 111-11111;~'. Some :.'i11s 1111 not really 111111111 1111V 11111111. 11111 11101 seen) 111 111111 11 111'111'1111' sense 111 1'11111111'1'1V 111111 11111111111th i11Vit1_- 1'11111' ism 111 an 11111111111 1111tui1'.1s13 s 1111 \\ 1111'111n1111- \\'1‘111'l1'1.1111'V 11111211 i11111llV. 11111111" 111111111111tan111s 11111 frequenilV. and 1'1111si1l1'1 reticenee best suited for 11111 3:1111111mothers 1111}. The girl who is slow to make acquaintances is.1:1'neiallv speaking. the best sort 111' 1:111 \\ hen Vou get to know her. \‘011 feel 111-11 worth and place he;- on 11111 list of mm friends with' a feel- ing of pleasure. A little dignitV is an excellent thing. It checks the lamiliaritV of others and affords the superior attitude of mind. The girl who is truly up- -t0-date in her ideas follows the dictates of good form. Thus she 1°11'01es herself to he w ell bred and smart, shielding herself from the unpleasantness that is sure to come from careless 11emeanour. At this season the letters P. S. usuallv introduce a warning to feed the bird. South Bentinck (Our own correspondent.) Mr. and .\l vs. John Clitl'kt‘. also the t'mnwr‘s sister. Miss Lily Clarke). 01‘ 'l’nx'nntn. \‘isitml with Mr. and Mrs. .Iuhn Milligan. v2.1.1. 7:715 $211. 3.2.2:... 3 ._..;....::: .1...._..1.=.._:::r_. ; __::._r: 2:: :...._::....E.1.. :~..m:;:_..1..._._.1. 12.7.. Miss Hoatriw Thistlotlm'aitc. of thn Tux-«mm tum-hing staff. spent. the wwkâ€"vml I'vnnwing 01d avquainlanâ€" (ms in those pal‘ts:__ _ Z... 2:; :7... 5. ..w. 77.5... .142... 3.:325. 2:25 .51. :2 r35...“ .125. .... ..H_....:.<..._.. 5.1.2:; .5 3.2::n 2.1 ....::.< 2:: 3%.:91. 3 75:2. fizz? Elm. :7 2:; .17.. .E::..m 222.2. 45:2. 2:. 22.7-2... 54:. 2..., $53.... :7 ::_.< _: _.H..:...=E=r Mr. and Mrs. William Derby and Mr. Arthur “Why rumored to Guelph mini 0th1' points last, wwk. whvx'c Hwy spout a very enjoyabltf lu;)liday. .\l (Our own correspondent.) Southeast Bentinck Maudt- «lufl' ha< rvtumml I'mm BE CAREFUL Traverston ((Our own correspondent.) (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Owens and daughter, Gretta. and son Ernie, of Detroit, Mr. Robert Cook and Miss Millie of Ceylon. and Miss Gladys Cushnie 0f“ l‘oinnto \\ ere \ isitors the first. of the xx eek \\ ith the Cook famil\.__ M15. \\ 11113111 Timmons, Mrs. R. T. Edwards, M1. Ab. Teetex, Mrs. T. E. Blair and familx enjoxed a. motor trip to (Men Sound and Balmy Beach u11'l‘hu1sday 01' last, \xeek. Missjes Hazel and Gladys Firth are Spendmga {my days near Shelburne “'1”! their frmnd, Mrs. Dave Sherâ€" man. Miss Illzu-a Greenwood, accumâ€" panimi by [WP cousin, Miss Mabel Robertson. returns to her home this \Vpdnesday after Spending an enjoyâ€" able holiday with Molosworth and Hon-iv relatives. Mr. R. Mavl’ux-lane of Durham, Mr. Daw Macfarlaue and daughter, Marjorie of Hamilton Visited with thv Edwards family one day last week. V Mr. Harry Holmes and family spvnt a day early in the week with Mr. and Mrs. \Villizlm Firth. Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. E. Blair and Miss Hannah Smith spent, a day the) first. 01‘ lhv work with Mr. and Mrs. Louis ank. of Primwillv. (This week's news " I The harvest is cropping in slowly. Bright, sunny days are badly puedpd. Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay W'lhit-e of Arthur called on friends in the lu__~_iglnbyrl_190([ I'Lfcently. __ Master Irvin \Vebber 01' Southeast Bcntinvk. is this week visitng at the hnmo Hf his grandmother. Mrs. M. J. Davis. Mr. Dmi Biodio has the contracr, nt‘ ie-shim, ling Mr. I”). Bryan's home. HP is busy on the jib bo- twoou slunvcrs. Z? 2:; :7». ._. i..7.......::.... Z? 2:; 5...! as: ....3:::..: BE 75:. 9:; :7 3.8% .._.$.m::..v.. a: 2. 2.132.? 7.22:. :2. EFL. E. 2:. $4.57 2:: 2:. 7:..-E-;.r:: 85:3 Mrs. John H. (ireenwoml and lirmily iiltt‘llllt‘ll L‘lllll't'll seryiee at. lhinessan en Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Archie Benton and family. Zion‘s garden party at the ensy. nlcl home ol‘ Mr. and Mrs. W. J. HPCOlanml on 'l‘hnrsday evening of last. week rapped eyerything held, heretnl'ul'e. lmtll in attendance f-I‘dil‘ reeeipts- and in variety of program. From Durham to Mark- tlale. Dnrnoeh to Priceyille. Chesley to ”range \‘alley and points between ernwds came.â€"~goml-nattired, goodâ€" lnoking. well-behaved folk. Gate receipts were $133. The program was well handled by the pastor, Rev. .l. E. Peters. The music was sh full et‘ melody that it. made the mminheams dance and was supplied by Mr. and Mrs. Earl McDonald of Durham. Miss Ada Brown of Bunes- an and the Aleox orchestra of ”range Valley. The songs ~were in keeping with the. music. Solos were sung by Misses Elsie Boyce. Elsie Mays. Gladys McFadden. Mrs. John 0. (‘h‘eenwood \V’ilma Smith, Frederica Staples and Miss Irene Wilson of Flesherton. Duetts well render-ml by Mrs. J. E. W‘alker of Markdale and Mr. W. J. McFadden of Orange Valley. Mrs. \V. 1. Henry and Miss Agnes Henderson 01’ Flesherton. But the reciters! That Mr. Padfield of town won the hearts and applause of all. Editor Irwin was born with dramatic talents and h’as kept improving his gifts with the years. Mrs. Ed Beirnes of Orange Valley never fails to rouse the crowd. Elsie and Isobel Mays. Miss Katie May Firth. Miss Marv Beaten did splendidly. ' A lig lilning liolt struck \11. Joe Halls gianuiy :1 “wk ag o Alondn) evening and in a ten minutes “as a mass of flames, as eight or nine tons of hay were stored in the loft. He lost one hundred bushels of grain as well. The building was about twenty feet from the barn and the timely arrival of neighbors saved it. Joe has purchased :1 frame building from Mr. W. J. Cook and is busy this week removing it. Mr. S. L. McClurv. Room: of Pais- lm. paid :I t'tivndh call in the: mi hhnulhnml un Mnndm. Mrs. .Im-ksnn and sun Rob also Miss Hazcl Firth c-njuycd :1 motor trip to \\'asaga Watch the first of the week. Mrs. “"111 Ho'ughan and family, of Milwx'tnn. 311'. and Mrs. \Vill Kcn~ nmly and sun of Slu-Hmme, Mrs. T. [van Edwards of 'l‘m'nnto, and Mrs. M. M. Marshall of Durham, were I'm'cnt. l'ZIHPPS at. “w Edwards home. L. Mr. \‘imwnt Morrison spent. a few days last \wck at. the parental home Imfnn- taking up tvaching ‘lutivs at. Regina“ Mr. and Mrs Greenwood were hospitality and thoughtfulness com- bined and gave a hearty'welcome to all. The womeq folk had big sup- plies of goodllnngs to eat and the M1s.l"'1:111k Mc. \550} and two buys. “ho haw spent some months :It '.\11'. 311111111111 Blacks, loit 101'1101' linmo- in Parry 811111111 last. week. Her sisto-i. Miss Lilx accompanied her hagk and \\'_1\ll 11.jr_m1i11 a _101.'t11i:._.ht Mr. and 317's. \V. L. Falkgnghvam. 0f dillt‘lpy'cl callml on tlm git-ecuwood famIIu-s unv day last. week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Edgar and sun Han-01d of (ionic were guests 01‘ Mr. and .\I vs. \\'. .l. (‘u'veuwnud for a. day 01' two at tlw close of the week. Mr. and-Mrs. J. Graham of Toronto won» guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Black 135! \\'mv'k. ' Mrs. 'l'llomas Flinn. Miss Ma 'gzuot and Mastox‘s liddiv and John, owho havo boon holidaying: with volativos. l'o'tm'nml to their homo in Toronto. on Monday. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE big crowd did full justice to evei‘y- thmg provided. The booth sold all its supplies and grade qgrofiit ' of ‘k‘ 1W Uuyylluu “.5“ “-‘V'v w Kâ€" - $22. The baseball match in the earlv part of the evening between Markdale and the Rocky was keenly contested and gave no small interest. to the big circle, Markdale won 8-2. Thus another success is added to past ones and the old spot feels pleased with itself. (iOur own correspondent.) Mrs. J. A. Jamieson received the sad news on Monday of the death at Montcliair. N.J.. of her brother, Mr. Edward Rutledge. who passed away on Sunday. August 17, after a lengthy illness borne with great courage. The deceased, who was 51 years or age, was born and brought up near this village and was an in- dustrious and highly respected man. He conducted a furniture business at Montclair. where he had been liv- ing for a number of years. About 28 years ago he married Miss Annie McGruther, daughter of Mrs. R. Mc- Gruther of Markdale. formerly of Flesherton. She survives him with two sons and a daughter. Elseworth, Alfred and Irene, all at home. Be- sides his aged mother, who has the deep sympathy of her old friends here, he leaves five brothers and f our sisters. Mrs. W. Sharp has returned from \isiting in 3113310111 accompanied by hersnn- iii-la“. 311'. I Sinclaii W'ilo and daugi1tc‘1'.., to hnliduy here this week. A number of men and teams were J‘mployed on Friday and Saturday delivering a car load of coal at the Moore gravel pit on the Pi-Uvincial mad where the big stone crusher is at, work. ‘ There was a good entertainment. at the Baptist church one evening last. week when with lantern slides "The Life of Christ." was splendidly illus- trated by M 1'. J. Skidmm'e nl‘ 'l‘l’n'mito. It was regretted that rain intm‘l‘ered with the attendance. M 1'. Frank V'anDusen, wife and daughter Grace, of Toronto, made a week-end Visit with his mother here and cm Monday he had a fishing holi- da_y. Dr. Fred Murray and little sun of 'I‘omnto holidaycd for :1 week with his brcnlxer. Dr. Murray, here, and roturmwl home on Monday. Mossrs. Frank (than! and Charles Stewart. \\‘m'¢- at .Mclntyx-e on Sun- day owning supplying the Presby- terian pulpit for the pastor on his holiday. In the High 5111001 1111111 “111 re- sults ot the Iecent Middle scyhool ex- aminations are very gratii'x ing to all conceined. A high peuontagc was reached and the stall and students 21111 to he congiatulated 11111111 the 11xâ€" ccllent work done the past year. Rev. A.J.P1'cs011a11d l‘amilV l1aVc been holidaVing a Vchk at Hamil- 10111111101011“) .\l1°. P11351011 11193011- ..1 at $1011th illv 011 81111113}. \ mis- sinnary medical studvnt, 51.11.1111101‘1 his pulpit. Rev. B. Drinnan of Cefiarville gave thoughtful sermons in the Methodist ch_u_rch_9n Synggiy._ Miss Maud Riclmrdsnn ul‘ Toronto visited the, past fvw days among 1101‘ 0141 friends hero and was thv gncqt, of Mrs. Hickling. Miss Richardson I'vun'nml rucmltly l'mm an nxtondm Visit. in England and 1"1'ancv. She. h-t't. on Munday to Visit hvr sister at (Hand Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith of Se- bl'ingville were bereft of their six- months’ 01d child last week after a SllOI'L illness. The little one, a grand child of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Smith. of Rock Mills, was brought here for interment and Rev. Mr. Preston 0fâ€" ficiated. ~ Rm. \V. A. Sincluii isxeturning to his hume at Pontyuool aftei spend- ing t\\ 0_ weeks \\ ith his parents here. M 1‘. S. \V. Blackburn nl' tlw Mount Furosl. Iicpx'escnlutiw, and Wife, and Mr. James Blackburn, wife and daughter, of Crecmore, were recent Visitors with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. (icowc Patton or 0mm Sound holidayed at the for- mo-r‘s uld home. here last. week. Rev. H. H. Eaton. president of the Owen Sound District Young Peeple‘s Society. attended a meeting of the sucivty at Massie on Thursday night. On Friday he was at Toronto attend- ing a meeting in the interests of Summer schools, and on Sunday he conductnd anniversary services at Cedarville. Mrs. ;\.__S. VanDuscn paid 91}! l'rwnds at. Ch-atsworth a short VISIt. last. wvok. Flesherton. -v----‘U v “Misses Agnes and Susie Nichol are visiting_a_t the Nobel hgtqe. "' ' _,'I j“--- A! ‘O‘-’ IV..- V..- Mrs. James RIC/Girl} Jr., {and sop, of Deyrply. are wsntmg frlends 1n this Vlcmlty. -~ 0 ‘Qoq_“__ .5. v- '0 --â€". v __ Mr. John McGi11 has erected an implemqnt shed. n- An- 'I'. _-..J ‘A‘ 'IUL All “‘0 v--v MEsfiohn MciLééB' ini‘d' children of Shelburne spent a day recently with her brother, Mr. JghfinuMcGirfr. '1 (OEPHOWD correspondent.) Some have commenced threshing in this_ neighborhood. -‘ “" -l__l -â€" 3 Large Stock Pure Plymouth Rope Binder Twine “VVV- wv-cv ' Mr. and Mrs.E\\i11g Nichol haw ieturnod home after spending thexr ho_1iday__s at the: Ni‘ci‘Ipl hogne_ i101e_ wMists "‘jééitjv‘ Weir, Toronto, is Spending her vacation with her SiS- ter. Mrs. John Nowell. "er; vitéifeébhv Of Ottawa is visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Patterson. v-v-v‘vd' “Mr. Feiéuéou of New Jersey is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Hamilton. A lcttm' has WW" to the Canadian Forestry ASSQCI‘AUOII from a fire z'angm' m wlnch he says: W111 cant sav 1011 often that the chivt business 111 all five rangers is not to \xatch the lorests, but to but. tn watch the. [10011th - I; % Veteran Star Theatre $5.944.+4“!-*+v++++++++++++w++++++++ v+++°r~g~ 'l‘hc forests aim ‘ almose fire- FRIDAY» SATURDAY i‘W'O SHOWS :8 and 9.15 PM. A FIRE RANGBR’S LETTER “BIG BROTHER” CREONOID Fly Spray Lice Destroyer? Tom Moore Darkies’ Corners August 22-23 Creonoid is an excellent Fly Oil, Cattle Spray, and Lice Destroyer. Use it and. your cows and horses will not be annoyed by flies or mosquitoes. Spray your henhouses with Creonoid and your poultry will yield more profit. Per Gallon Have You Tried ._jn_ $1.00 proof as long as human beings out. But we don’t want to keg} out. Every man has a right to Camp and fish; and hunt, but no man has a right to leave a blackened wilder- ness behind him. I’ve always not- iced that the veteran Sportsman. the keep D them man with the true womisman'q instincts, never takes any chance; with fire. He builds a Hwy mm} campfire because it cooks better and is easier to extinguisln He, seldom smokes cigarettes Whll!‘ m, t}... trail and if‘hc has to light :1 matoh "‘utbu he snuffs it out before tlii'mx'inu n away. He knows by him-r “13's,; ience and observation that all bi;- conflagarations in tho furost stall: with a wisp of fire that a fi\’t'-\‘ear\‘ old could stamp out. 110 takiss “n chances for the chain-us an. all against him. _He is. rim-or Hm] (.7 telling his friends that it 13k“ Nature half a century ”1' Him-u 3‘, repair the damag0_tli:tt a I't‘t'kivsg fisherman can do in thrw mmm‘. of forgetfulness.” NOBLE’S GARAGE ‘ SERVICE Chevrolet Thursday, August 21, 1924" A. NOBLE, Prop. Oils GUARANTEED REPAIR [NH Greases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KIN DS Bring your own cans. Sales and Service Headquarters for Gas VOL. 57.â€"NO. 2984. BEES 0N RAMPAGE STING HORSE TO DEATH Joseph Ellis and Famiiv. ngemont Have Exciung Bxpen’ence Last F1iday Morning. Ml! bv mud“ until :wmxa.‘ m nilwg. last run \Ia How"; and Ilmglat shnrtmlt. tn \\’1:. Fave tn “innixwg. $13 and tax. GDPâ€"half CO!” :1 rmlu 1 point {Ul‘thvr \‘CPM. Travel \‘ia CIVIL. yum' mm For furthm' infnrmatinn m, Calder. Town Agent. anv 2.". information and ti("k"ts at Mu tral Drug Store. [Mn-ham. angry [WM and vndvmux- 1H unhm'l: thwo plunging. t'x'lghtmml hursm from a swif-hnnicr. ls nu! tho- must pleasant. vxpvx'n'nm- imagnmhlv. [out this is what hamwnmi to Mr. .lusuph Ellis. his sun-in-law. Robert. “'0er and his grandson. William lilhs. ilbOUt 10 (’fclut'k last Frxday mun-ning. Mr. “'vhbm' was assisting Mx‘. Ellis cut a tit-Id ot' oats on his farm on the base h'nv. Egrc'munt. a stmrt distance $011”! 01' “10 hr‘ummv wad “hen the hamwntng tttMtltllt'd the field was close. to tho tmusv. and m the yard in “hich the hem. atmut OHQ’ hundred and fifty t-uhmws. :n-n kept. Thon- \\'a..~‘ a suuth wuut hlmx â€" int: and it is thuught thc- swut ut‘ tha- hursos :mtt ttw uuts‘v uf tht- tvlltttc't‘ I‘Utts‘od tltmt‘ tt‘t'. \Vltil tht- t'e-suit that. they tvt‘t their htVt'h‘ and M- tacked tho' bursts and :tttc-ntt:tzt:~ forthwith. will luaw l nusduy nr‘xt car will an statitm 1m ' a: Mr. Ellis l'a no the hm'scs‘ 311d caught the bridlvs. huldm paniv-stx'ickvn animals unhl had been unhitclwd and takwn Iit'l'Hss thv livlcls to Hw hush. third animal was :mm-hmi L hmdo'l‘ h} a 110'«'1{}‘«§k«'t'Il£I;II.‘Hz. Markdalv. Hwn pom Tho: ('1'! I'mrarlo huyt. aandt' and sin Mrs. I) NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEATH WHEN TRAIN HITS AUTO C. P. R. Toronto-Owen Sound Tram Struck Auto At Berkeley. lillls Wok :I hand III a alrn'v lhv animal :may s“. cmzml was 11. \\ lllu ll ("HIM Ilu Imlllmg. :mcl I'HI'CWJ l0 I’Flll‘c lH llw :lw lu-us much: :m 31le wars and «‘1'le 01' (hr ll ('riluul as surly-thin: a M'islvnlly «llcl Iml; haw :nllt'v lu l'vll'o-Ill. \\ ill: ll wlwn llw parly rc-lm'w .41le it, was lying nn llu tlw l'vncw in an uxhuusl {'nmlitl'm. mph-in: a 1 all“? lllo'll' al‘riVal. Mr. Ellis 5335 Hunt lH't‘S lIaU' hm’mnv sunl“ hamllo- Hll Hlllc-I‘ ”(was llnv Wurst. slum' nl lvnuc yo-l vxllihilml aml It“ Is a lus‘s lu :n'cnunl Mr H. Jams (”UK :1 uh‘lw' 1.110 ani su cruzmi \m: ("'Hld d” In" fnrcvd m I'M Hu- lwvs mad hours and mm (’l'ihwl a» su a-Viulvntly «“41 unllt'v In x‘vh'o lc'nm' up tum-yum. Hwy cum \V mg mo Hnnv. HH' hcll'swr. .5 11cm apalvi \‘ he’ll S“ «'H I waulay “as HR fat v still ”I"? but ”H" a «uuplo- ul hll'm'd \¢‘I'}' su‘k :md hm! an to linlstvin fur Inc-«11ml He. 10”. \\v :m- mvusmi rv('m'vrin;.'. \\‘inii.- Hw 1mm \\ a~ :‘d‘tlim: Ml'.\\c°hhvl'1i.\‘d 1h“ hm'svs iakvll hv ”to l loos", camv hark 1H 1hr “\Mvmly trim! in m-vak 1 l'vxu'v ummsilu Hn- lano- BC} “w iast l'! 311'. \\ (MUM finally a“uyj ntmnp: plm “mi as o HARVEST EXCU RSION "Y'HSF I am'iw- at, burl. on 'l'Uvsday M'vn: wt your hvt'th and in ”w HIMST ms and c‘lldc ll («rm->1: m Durham at 1. Svptl‘mlw HU h Iakvn tn lho- 1m - hark tn Him In :‘iml in lu-vak 1m mite. tho- hum l‘ln's alum-rm! thv nut, again. and \\ :1 hand III :III a! H l'l TH “Hy w o_\' Tl: shnws HI U 1h lh of a warm ”1' .wr tn unlutvl: rhtrnvd llflt's’c'x h ll h |( \\ ll ll H \\ M H: .w lHu‘ ipa: R04 ('U M la a_ \x' H m: m

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