I' “'8 have ealed apen PYIIOOR .m, Ont. gas: 28, 192‘ rad h MARKET EAD 51H I“ us (i «D '8 05 Hirnrrnss. Reta†Hmm. I‘Ilsio- ..... Hr'o'o-HWmML Clam Hay. (h-nrgo- ..... Lawsnn. John. . . . Mavlhmald. Margt. Hq-lhbnled. John. . lennis. I‘Z‘tlwr†W'Ko-rhmv. lsla W'lmzm. Hamphvll w'lmzm. Kathlvvn Mum. Kathie-(911.. Mnrl'isun. Catharina \‘uMw. ClaronwԠkiln-hi0. Alma. . . . Smith. Emily. . . . {Is The Advance man somewhat under a olelusion in his statement that Sunday fishing is illegal? So far as we can find, there is no regulation in the Game and Fisher- ies Act against fishing on the Sab- bath. While the Lord’s Day Al- liance is authority for the statement ihat fishing on Sunday is illegal, Durham High Sphool Middle School Results Muzz‘. .\mr*lia.... Brunt. m-x'ald†. . izuz'm'H. Eula... inumtu'. \\'a|t0r.. hm :zois. Wm... } i s..-o- Clarence Min-Hwy. Po'al'l . . . RHMo-H. dim-don. . Sharpe». Irvin. . . . Smaii. Robert . . . Stunwuuw. Bvulah X \\'|;::i11~‘. (lccil. . . .1.:..:. 34.: ...... 1.2.221. ._..:::..1 ._.~.:.‘..:.:.. 55:15 4:21;. (#42295 $137.. 3::â€" ..... English ‘1 English I. Bgitish H Amie-m. H Aim-hm . Physivs . Chrmnstry Hum. I‘Imily...\. x Kw“. Flmmncv. x Lmer. Martin.. 1 'min. 3211119.... I: Harm-1.15:1“ x Ale-Lullum. (io'ItI‘Ude 1 Mtrllx‘uo'. Clara... 3: Me-Mrllzm. Kathleen x Mo-h‘uli'l'. Mary.. K Max-Hwy. Prat-1... x Engii‘h Olnmpnsition ...... 34 6 Finghsh Literatm'v ........ 2’ 0 British History ........... 35 0 Ancwnt. History .......... «’13 O Aim-hm. .................. 32 1 4' wumo tn ................ 44 3 Pin Sh S .................. 26 1 ( ‘Iwn1i<tr\ ................ 31 0 Int: I“ .'\llâ€l“l§ ............ 9 3 l M!!! ( HmpOSithll ........ 4 2 PM m h Author's .......... M l Fro-m-h ‘ nmposition ....... 9 0 Grand Total ...... 30:3 1.3 \\'1'nnvr of Middlv School AHIIH'SHH. M‘dl'g. Brawn. “21291.. Hun. Blamho. hrmx'n. Mam 'ï¬zuv Fairmv. Linn; Furtunw. leon uu‘lnuxâ€" “\IVIL w buyv.u. L‘p hurt) in Artemesia the Depart- mvnt. simply confiscates the ladies’ poles when they are found walkmg 31011;: the highway in disputed territnry. AL-l Hr KIM My: l‘lnslwrton Advance) .Xza \u't‘k ago last Sunday an Owen Sound lmly caught. a monster salmon “Ff )lvnt'nx'd lizu‘bm'. The fish weighâ€" ml twonty pounds and one ounce. .-\s it. is illegal to fish on Sunday tho- Game- and Fisheries. Department, would find no difficulty in making 3 corn'ielion there. Probably the Baal); would even be. willing to pay a lumlsome fine for the privilege of making such a. record. .lgvhl'a . vnnwtt'y m‘misll'y satin Ant .atin (Inn rpm?! .-\1 :w‘m'h Cu 1" «iwnntvs 73 per cent or over; u. 72 gn-r cent; "3’ 60 to 65 Total Thursday, August 28, 1924 h 1t FISHING AND FISHING i‘ui'dl 'J 'Ill}'l’~‘llvl'7ll ...... I itmatm v ........ 24 Histor} ........... 35 Histmv .......... 43 .................. 32 v ................ 44 .................. 26 \ ................ 31 1thnl‘.‘ ............ 9 Imposition ........ 4 .\11thm s .......... 14 .nmposition ....... 9 and Total ...... 305 Mani! ........ 193 .1 17 2-1 66 SUMMARY OF BOTH FORMS AS A WHOLE L01 ovm; â€'7 cent; 60 to 6') per failure. ‘ Form 1113. SUMMARY FORM III. B . .112 11 22 18 SUMMARY FORM III. A. Form III. .6999 ~ I (I 0 U THE REGULAR MONTHLY MEET. ing of the Women’s Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. Samuel Patterson on Thursday, September 4. at 2.30 pm. The Zion Branch is expected to be in attendance and furnish part of the program. All members of the Durham Branch are expected to bring lunch. 1 Gum-1 building lots, 011 Mill street. well-watered. Apply on premises to Mrs. John \Vhitmore, Durham. 8288pd we know of no instance when they haw secured a conviction, though several cases have been before the courts in the past few years.â€"â€". Editor Chrnniclej 39 $2 111 98 Medal. Gertrude McCallum. (Too Late for Classiï¬cation.) (I H CLASSIFIED ADS. 10 0 FOR SALE H H 10 11 i3 13 14 11 1'1 83 13 13 12 H ‘14 17 11 12 12 16 100 67 86‘) I 79 ‘9 3.. 4/1 601/} 75 61 1 00 l 00 92') 3113.11. 1min and famiiv arei spending a week in Guelph and Fe 1-! $115 with relatixes. | 115 311. “71111111111 aml MI. Ellis “1111- badh stung abuut. U111. h1-a1l and l 1111. \\ illiam Ellis faled 111111111 \\i1l1 Huh :1 fen stings. 0110 Oi U11: [111151.15 \\ as 511 badlx injured that it 1li111l shmlly alterw aid. Rev. John Dickson of St. David‘s, formerly of this village. was in the village for a dav last week and call- ed on a number of friends. Mrs. George M‘cColl‘ loftâ€" last. Fri- day for a few days in Toronto mth nor sister. .\11'.(1901'"e Bye. butcher. has mOV- 1i-d to Mrs. H065 shOp. He has 0c- (upied 51121391110115 basement 511109. opening 11p last spring. M1. .1059p11 Ellis. about th1-9n n1i19s 11111111 of th9 \iiia‘“. koeps about 200 liins 1f 119133.011 Friday 111' last. \V1-9k \195515 Robmt \\ 91.11191 and \\ illiam Hlis \V91'9 aSSistim; him in (11111111: :1 119111 111 112115 111131 “119119 1111 1191-5 3119 located. All of 115111111911 “1th WL‘I‘P surrounded 31111 111111111911 bV thousands 01 [1835.11]? 1111111 \\919 nadiy stung. as \V 919 also 1119 111115- ' W. J. Sharpe. wife and daughter, were) the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. Mggz-iggn, neag \’axjne_y,_ on Sunday. Max Biuwn of Detioit is Spending a da) 01' so in the \illa're \isiting the scenes of his childhood. Messrs. Dan Eccles of. Conn. and Adam Eccles of Galt. VlSlted thew mother here recently. w. A. Abbs. Will Sclsqn and wife, and daughter. went t_0 Owen Sound Saglrday, geturnmg Sugday. A Messrs. R. J. Amill. Box-t Ecclos and Gordon Adams. motm'ml to Tor- onto Monddv. Mamarot and Clara Ami†11*(111'11111'1111‘S1Iax Wm) a N1» \kas \isit alumni. [xx 1) links 111 Mount, Forest buwl- Messrs. Stuaxt Scott. Elgin Schenk and (ii-118.1103 McDougall “out \Vest on the harwst cxcuxsion F1iday last. _â€"“_â€" _ -‘-w uwvv' Bertha Bilton is home. fiom Kitch- .1101 011 \acation. El Air. "and Mrs. \Vill Ié‘r‘eoman._amil Exttln Bart. uf 'I‘eoswatm'. are VISItmg Mrs. E. Johnson. «‘l‘s‘ A NEWsBETTER FURNACE a: a Sensational P 09 1560313 LESS TO BUY FT % l s (EUHO‘ up in Hnlswiii and [il‘c‘uod game "luesdax (Welling with the. Gilson’s of Guelph now offer you a per- fected pipeless furnace at a sensational price. The lowest-priced efficient heating system on the market. Pay less for the furnaceâ€"no expense for pipesâ€"installed in any home in less than one day without muss or fuss. COSTS lESS ' TO USE To HeatYour Whole House You can heat every room in your house with the Gilscn Pipeless on less fuel than it takes to run your stoves. And this all cast-iron furnace uses surprisingly little fuel. It pays for itself! All you need is enough cellar-excavation to accommodate the furnace. Every room in the house will be cosy and warm. Cel- lar will be ï¬ne and cool for fruit and vegetables. Learn all the features of this sensationally-priced heating system. We will welcome your enquiry. Catalogue, sketch plan forms, estimates and full information, gladly supplied without obligating you in any way. Act at onceâ€"this is the time to make plans for heating your home properly. We Pay Cash for Produce and Sell for CashEOnly (Our/ own correspondent) Men’s White Shirts. reg- ular $1.80 {01' ...... $1.69 Mom's Fine Zimmerknits, regular 900. fur 79c GUARANTEED VOLLETT’S CASH STORE Fresh Cream and Milk alwayson hand WM. J. VOLLETT HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS Swansdown Cake. Flour, per pkt. 40C 7 bars soap, any kind for . . . 50C Good 5-string Brooms from 65c - $1.00 Get Full Facts To-day THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Special in Dry Goods Special in Groceries PHONE 70 [101111 for Canada. while Mr. MacNicol declared that 11111 11111.1 spirit 111" (1011- seinltiw actixitx \V 11111 111,1 had found in and around Eugenia Fails \V as 1111111111111 ail 0V111' {1111 \\ est. It peI'V aded U111 Dominiun to 11111 Paciï¬c Feast. 1111 declared fur the 11111111113 \1 11111 sick and (111111 Oi the H‘SUILS of H111 King (i11V11I'11n1111it maladminis- {ration \\ 1111511 theV 111111111 011 chry Side 1)! them. EIGHT THOUSAND The 10111 patwns 01‘ the Egremont Creameu Company sendiic 1' the highest number 01‘ pounds 111‘ buttex- fat hem een the dates August 11 to 23 am: \\ esléy Hallidax. 107 6.7 1115.: Hugh McEachmm 98. 81 1113.: George Alcxander (Conn‘,1.281bs'.,\\illiam Hunte.1 82.11 lbs. In pri‘ésenting a general sketch oi“ progress during the past year since the election of the Conservative Gov- ernment in Ontario, Hon. Geo 'ge S. Henry, Ontario minister of public. works and highways, pointed out that Hon. Howard Ferguson is a prime minister. who. contrary to his predecessor, is not afraid to assume the responsibility for the actions of all his ministers. Timching on the ().T.A. plebiscite, the speaker recallâ€" ed that in his [ire-election speeches the. premier had promismi a Vote when the time seemed ripe and now, that the time. appears ripe the Gov- ernment is ready to accept. full res- ponsibility. It will trust. the people and it realizes that. the pettiple have. confidence in themselves to («mess what they desire. The kit'n‘e'l'lm'leni. he added. will carry out. to the ut- termost the Views of the majority. The monthly meeting of the W0- men’s Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. McMillan on Thursday afternoon of last week. Miss Flor- ence Main’s paper'on “What the Community Needs for the Young People." was the chief feature. locals. Mount Forest won the round. Men‘s White Collars, high and low, each ........ 25c Men’s Cashmere Socks, per pair ..... , ....... 25c (Continued from page 1) Mr. Henry. HEARD MEIGHEN Referring to his own department. the minister told of the cutting down of the staff on the highways, which has resulted in considerable saving. In the solicitor‘s end of the highway department, as he put it. one woman now does the work which was for: merly carried on by eight legal gen- tlemen. Another economy was to be found in the fact that stone from the quarries is now being purchased at from 65 to 80 cents. where the for- mer price was $1.11here are many such economies which will be 211)â€" parent when the next Inwvincial budget is brought down. Hon. Mr. Henry pointed to Hon. Mr. Ferguson’s personal interest in the affairs of the department of educa- tion. He is studying the problem with a view to extending greater as- sistance where it is most needed. He is also developing a farm for the correction of boys who have. slipped, with the idea of giving them a chance to get back into more normal conditions and become better citi- zens. With that in \‘ie\\' he is pro- \‘iding for an advisory committee from among the philanthropic or- ganizations. and Mr. Henry was con- ï¬tdellt that the expense. would justify 1 se f. MI’RDOCK.â€"In Bontiuck. on Aug- ust. 26. tn MI'. and Mrs. Franklin Murdock. a daughter. WEBBâ€"In Durham. on August. 21 to Mr. and Mrs. George Webb. a daughter. kPearl) . :Hfl-M'I'd‘i“ BORN Everybody wonders what the’ world is coming to except those who have hay fever and they don’t care.â€" Montreal Herald. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERViCE Chevrolet Oils A. NOBLE, Prop. GUARANTEED REPAIRING Greases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Sales and Service Headquarters for PAGE Fm Gas