West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 28 Aug 1924, p. 6

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t? put Na her for the ele' ha: fe» de I“ (L 0‘ ‘ (0 In 9‘ (1 If lo PAGE su Advertise in The Chronicle. New Books In Durham Library The Setons .......................................................................... Douglas My Son ............ . ..................................................................... Harris Poor Miss Finch .................................................................... Collins A Dash for a Throne .................................................... Marchmont Leopard Spots ........................................................................ Dixon The Scarlet Pimpernal .......................................................... Orczy The Hollow of Her Hand ............................................ McGutcheon To Have and To Hold ................................................. . ...... Johnston The Fisher Folks of Peter Head ...................................... Buchan Phanton: Wires .................................................................. Stringer Golf Without Tears ........................................................ Wodehouse LcaVe It To PSmith ...................................................... Wodehouse It Winter Comes .......................................................... Hutchinson Tidal Wave ................................................................................ Dell Touch of Abne Cody Desire of His lIife .................................................................... Dell If Any Man Sin ........................................................................ Cody Middle ot the Road ................................................................ Gibbs House of Helene .................................................................... Harris Michael Evil Deeds ........................................................ Oppenheim Tarzan and the Golden Lion ........................................ Burroughs Heirs Apparent ...................................................................... Gibbs Temptress ............................................................................ I banez Riceyman’s Steps ................................................................ Bennett Wrath To Come ............................................................ Oppenheim Desert Healer ............................................................................ Hull T reve .................................................................................. T erhune Empty Hands .................................................................... Stringer Stretton Street Affair ...................................................... LeQueux In Orchard Glen ...................................................................... Keith Treasure Valley ...................................................................... Keith Wire Tappers .................................................................... Stringer Gun Runner ........................................................................ Stringer The Upas Tree ................................................ Florence L. Barclay The Secret Garden ........................................ Frances H. Burnett The Shuttle .................................................... Frances H. Burnett T. Tembaron ........................... a.“ .................... Frances H. Burnett The Christian ................................................................ Hall Gaine The Long Patrol ............................................................ H. A. Cody Rod of the Lone Patrol ................................................ H. A. Cody The Prospector .......................................................... Ralph Connor Back to God’s Country ............................................ J. 0. Garwood The Danger Trail .................................................... J. 0. Garwood Nomads of the North ............................................ J. 0. Garwood Steele of the Royal Mounted ................................ J. O. Garwood The Kingdom Around the Corner ............ Gorningsby Dawson Bars of Iron ........................................................... Ethel M. Dell The Lamp in the Desert ........................................ Ethel M. Dell The Rocks of Valpre ................................................ Ethel M. Dell The Way of An Eagle ............................................ Ethel M. Dell Tales of Sherlock Holmes .................................... A. Conan Doyle His Last Bow ........................................................ A. Conan Doyle Rupert of Hentzau .................................................. Anthony Hope Luck of the Mounted ................................................ Ralph Kendall The C'ty of Comrades .................................................... Basil King Captain Scragg ........................................................ Peter B. Kyne The Women Haters .......................................... Joseph G. Lincoln The Depot Master .............................................. Joseph G. Lincoln Galusha the Magnificent .................................. Joseph G. Lhncoln Mr. Pratt’s Patients ........................................ Joseph G. Lincoln The Second Chance ................................................ Nellie McGlung Ashton Kirk Special Detective ........................ John T. McIntyre The Road to Understanding ............................ Eleanor H. Porter Sister Sue..................‘ ........................................ Eleanor H. Porter At the Foot of the Rainbow ................................ Gene S. Porter A Daughter of the Land ........................................ Gene S. Porter Her Father's Daughter ........................................ Gene S. Porter Laddie ...................................................................... Gene S. Porter The Spinner in the Sun ............................................ Myrtle Reed The Following of the Star ............................ Florence L. Barclay The Mistress of Shenstone .......................... Florence L. Barclay Red Pepper Burns ............................... . ........... G race S. Richmond Red Pepper’s Patients .................................... Grace S. Richmond Mrs. Red Pepper ............................................ Grace S. Richmond The Court of Inquiry .................................... Grace S. Richmond Brown Study .................................................... Grace S. Richmond The Amazing Interlude ......................................... II I. R. Rinehart Love Stories ............................................................ M. R. Rinehart Rolph in the Woods .............................................. Ernest T. Seton Wild Annuals at Home ........................................ Ernest T. Seton The Calling of Dan Matthews ................................ H. B. Wright The Recreation of Brian Kent ................................ H. B. Wright When a Man’s a Man ................................................ H. B. Wright That Printer of Udell’s H. _B. Wright Twentx Years After ........................................ Alexander Dumas The Friendly Road ................................................ David 67 ayson Betty Zane ............................... ................................... Zane Grey Last of the Great Scouts ............................................ Zane Grey The Mvsterious Rider .................................................. Zane Grey Cleek’s" uOV ernment Cases .......................... Thomas W. Henshaw .......................................................................... Douglas ............................................................................ Harris ‘inch .................................................................... Collins a Throne .................................................... Marchmont ots ........................................................................ Dixon Pimpernal .......................................................... Orczy of Her Hand ............................................ Mchtcheon i To Hold ........................................................ Johnston Folks of Peter Head ...................................... Buchan 'ires .................................................................. Stringer 1t Tears ........................................................ Wodehouse PSmith ...................................................... Wodehouse :GHier .......................................................... Hutchinson ................................................................................. Dell bu». ......................................................................'.. COdy [is hife .................................................................... Dell Sin ........................................................................ Cody he Road ................................................................ Gibbs elene .................................................................... Harris 1 Deeds ........................................................ Oppenheim the Golden Lion ........................................ Burroughs went ...................................................................... Gibbs ............................................................................ Ibanez Steps ................................................................ Bennett Come ............................................................ Oppenheim .ler ............................................................................ Hull .......................................................................... T erhune nds .................................................................... Stringer reet Affair ...................................................... LeQueux Glen ...................................................................... Keith allex ...................................................................... Keith .ers .................................................................... Stringer r ........................................................................ Stringer 'ree ................................................ Florence L. Barclay Garden ........................................ Frances H. Burnett 3 .................................................... Frances H. Burnett n ........................... a.“ .................... Frances H. Burnett ian ................................................................ Hall Caine .0.0.........CCU.U.....C...‘................0...’.........C.0.....O... AD L'L T N0.\"-F I C TI 0N ADULT FICTION J U VE NI LE (Our own correspondent.) [ta :1 long lane that has no turn 30111.8“ here and although we travel- led eV ery lane and turn in Glenelg “e are at a loss wheie to head our budget h om HoweV er. Glenelg finds us here at what is widely known as Edge Hill. We suppose when old Mr. James Edge entered the woods of concession 3. east Garafi-axa mad. some eighty years go. he thnughl that the hill was big 11111111311 \xitliout going farther intu tho “ilds ot the eastm'n part of Hlmwlg. Consequenth he called it Edge Hill. but Ed're Hill is only like a potato hill in comparison \xith the many mountains found in Glcnolg In yvai's gone by “'1‘ headed 0111‘ writings from Pi'icei’illo but cir- cumstancos sown-ed 0111' connecti1‘1ns from that. good old town. If we go to Zion or Traverston thorn \we find the good .old. faithful corrospondonl. who is generally known as “Bob" Edwards. nobody iwod call him “doubting Thomas“ for ho is thorn always and his writ- ings arv always appreciated by tho roadors. H0 is not. only a faithful correspondont but a faithful servant in a higher position in religious maltrrs in t'Ollllt‘L‘llOll with the gOOd HM name gvon to tho worshiping mlil‘irv rallml Zion vhurch. This lwauiiful naniu l‘l‘nlllldib‘ us of tho goml old Psalm: "Mount Zion stands must hrantii'ul. tho joy of all the land. The rity ol' the.) Mighty King. 011 lwr north side doth stand." (luming hack tn Edgi" Hill we find anotlwr faithful writvr in the per- snn 09' Mr. \V. .l. Ritchin and we find that it. wuulil hr impusition on our part. tn lliP'ld our writing from l‘ldg ., Hill. Mr. Ritchie hnh'ls a high and i'osgwnsihlv pusitinn as 'l'ownshép treasure-1‘ nl' Uli-ni-lg. an ol'l'icn which hv fills with ahilil)‘ in successor to his gliml ilo'ioai'toil l‘atlwr-in-law, the latv lamvntwl Mr. Daniel Edge. Mr. ltitchiv‘s gl'illltlfiltllt‘l'. the.- latc Janws llilxv Ul lipii cl lhv positinn l'mr' somo tmnhâ€"liw wars ul' mum“. Going hank again tn l’l'lt‘l‘Vlllt‘ we. find a maid H)l‘ll‘.~‘[H)llilt‘llL l'i‘uni Uli‘l‘i‘ :ilsn. \\'o- «in nut. know who I“) is but lw can gin) all matlm's relating tn the ti'awlling conmmnity tn INT- l‘octiun. Wu haw 1mm 3. [mach-r 01‘ Tho Durham (2111-011in since \V’hitv and .lnhnstnn wmm Mitm's. \Vn also x-vnu-mlwr wading the: Durham Standard mlitml by “10 lulu S. L. Lukv iil 18:37. 'l‘lw prvsvnt Chmnâ€" it'lt‘ o'ditOI' dim“. lt‘ill'll his .-\. H. (J‘s the-n. Mr. Lukv was a good rum- ;uusitm' hut. uxmu'tunatcly lu- hm! his nwn i'uilm-vs. vai'iy svttli‘l's \\'a‘nt ihm'n t0 Hm 0ch svttlvmvnts in thv tilllt' ut‘ hai'wst- ing. .\ )‘ciung lact \wht. down t'i'nm ttw \‘ii'inity nt' Primwillv looking for work. Ho- mum to ttw farm or an HM "Scot.“ in ttw tnwnship 0f Vang'han. mmnty of York, and :lskml him if M wantwl tn hil't‘ a man. "Eh!" is it inoking for work yv aI‘P. m-y luihliv'f' "Yos." was tlw I't.‘[)1}’. "\th'o- ihii yv cum» from?" “I come t‘i-nm ttw county of Grey." was ttw :IHSWN'. “And what. point. 01' the monty 01‘ Hwy _\'t' cam t'i-um‘?" From the tuwnship of (310110 3," was the 11me by ttw boy. Amt in thv 01d highlami tongue he said." Agus an no sin Gimmilg nan clavh," 01' in ovm'y- body‘s languagv 1w said, "ls that stony (élmwlg‘r But. if Glmwlg had shines then. the old Scot's heart was as hard as tho nothvr mill stmw for hv nvwr asked the! poor boy it' he was in the habit ut’ eating as it was thIHH‘l' timv. but “'0 vouch fur the gum! ro-sictvnts of (ilmwlg that. they would nut. allnw :1 pm'snn, old 01‘ yuung. to pass without. inviting: them tn partakv ()I' 110ml at ttlvil' t_t_iS[)0S:_l1. 'i‘i11- ’I'Hwnsiiip 111' (111111111: Spviis (11111.11? havszxmls 111' forward £1111 $111111 “'11); TM 11111150115 giving tiw 11111111) :11, first called it (H1111. As 11101111 11111 many 3111115 and hollows 111 111- l'1111111l in 1511111111111. 11111] 1111111 21111111 111111si1l111'ation “1111.1" was 1111111111 to H111 (£11111. '1‘11 H111 visitnrs and 1'11si1i1111ts it. is 11115in $111111 what. (£11111 111111115 but. W11 1111 not know what H111 "1113.1" 1111.11111s. 'l'ii1- 121111 3111111111111 M1’1Pl111111‘11f Nurmanby said it 111'igii1ai1r1l from H111 Haviic \mi'd "(ilvannsvilg‘ 01' "Hunt- ing (111111". [1111. it [UHkS 111111111 likv :1 lishin,’ 1.5111 11 :15 in days or 3'111‘11 tho 1111i 811111411111 11x111 supplied 21111111- 1111111 quantitx in those 1111;. 1111,1111! in 1111,1li11;.111 H111 112111) histmx 111 11111 t11\\'_n.<hi11s i11 tl1111111111h 0f (Jury in passing: U111 1liff111'11nt. lines in (3111111131 H111 t1'a\'11ll111‘ will s011 snmo 111' H111 11.1111! \1‘11111'ans‘ \\111'k in s0m1.1 11! 111111111! h11w111l lug 1lw11Hinc s which \111111 in ,1111111131 substitntmt bx fine t1ii1k 1'11s1d11n111s111 many instancvs nut! 1111;: but 11111 walls 01‘ tho old buildings 211'11 to 1111 311011: the corners siww th11 handy work 11f th1.1 11111 11111'11111' 1111111. which a1'11 as straight and t'i1m as 11\111' in many instances. 'lh1,'111' 11'11 h:11'1_i|\"111\'tt1b11 found M111 tr111k 11111t11 in 111akingth11 buil1__.t 1111.1 \\111 1111111111111‘11 sixh m' S11x11ntv 311:11's agu. The taithful.ag11d \otor- an. 311'. .I.> . Black. in th1‘1 days, «11' his )‘1'111th wh11n a )‘111111g man's work might I111 sum in s11n111 HF [[1050 011! buildings. was as 111101! at. U111 3x11 38 h11 was at “111 111111 {111' t'111'ty yours a faithful s111'\'ant 11f (51111111111. ' But. “'1‘ Visit, ttm many rrmntorirs in Glenclg and Vicinity and we find most 11f those who hravm‘i the woods on marblv slabs hardly roadablr by being: covormi with muss. 'I‘O thosr 111‘ us who saw thv month of August. twirn forty timrs ruturn it sooms a dream and could the vetrrans nmv past. the mvridian of lifo enumerate the many changes that have intrr- wnnd fmm that far axxay date tn this August2’11924. it would take morn than a pad of printers paper tn cnntain it. [he passing Hi the. mam wars since the aged s bovhond the (.‘Xpl‘PSSiOD is suitable. I was Get the habit of looikng over .our Small Classified Ads. _on. pa e 7. There may be money m 1t. mall Ads. too late for classdication will be found on page 5. It you have any- thing to sell a Small Ad. may bring you a buyer. If you .want. to buy anything, let the public know about it 111 The Cbromcle. An outla or a few cents may save you a at of [trouble and make you a lot of dol- Glenelg and Elsewhere LOOK THE! OVER :41 «1.1 Eu. 43.... : .A. , . THE DURHAM CHRONICLE young, now am old, but never for- saken, for what is man anyway only as a bubble that can be seen on the waters after a severe storm and vanishes away in the twinkling of an eye? How many of our fellow beings are passing away day after day and the living can only give voice to the poet’s composition : The living know that they must die. But all the dead forgotten lie Their memory and then-name arc gone Alike known and unknmxn. Now. Mr. Editor, after a long silence we will give some Hf the passing events. The harvest will be in full swing this week. CrOpS are fairly good. Fall wheat. was never better, turning from thirty to forty bushels to the acx'v. We notice quite a numbm' of acres plowed really fur t0 suw in a \\'00k 01' two. Sir haorge in the election cam~ paign battled these forces gamely, and, in addition. had a constitution racked by rheumatism. Towards the close. with an impin-iant speaking engagement to fulfil in Kingston, the rheumatism got the better of him. In the emergency he thought of Hartley Dewart and sent him in- structions to substitute for _him._ history concerns the late Mr. Dewart and the late Sir George Ross, former premier of the province. Like Mr. Dewart he was a staunch party man. He became provincial chieftain just. as the party’s long reign was drawing to a close. The party was not at its strongest. the breath of scandal had" been raised ‘ against it, and there were not wanting among themselves those who would say that it .had become rotten through long power. .... Koung student 1(1d"in" burg went out and bought and? going 1111813115 h. h started to plax upun it. wlliphflhe ha_d not spent. Sir George s conunentary refund has since been pm, We d i his intimates as . one of the mun: significant political 1mmancpq s; the time: u. His landlady, hearing Hw mm soundstappearcd at thv Emu”,- the stalls and glumtvd: “Mr. ' what are ye damn?" “Oh," said the) stpdvnt. "I'm 12' a new-Vlolm Ive Just. bunghi.“ “Great guidnqss!" said tln- m.) “I mocht yv WIS shlftm‘ thu lu- ‘Tha-Qk God!” 110 Silid d £11181“? 18 one member Hf HIP partyiwho IS Still how-st." *_ Thursday, August 28, 1934 “I“ “HUSUaE “ lmtlum 0‘; g m him. ,11 a \iolin: "”5 mum .\l 1' . Tam ““1113! ”We .5. “av-uâ€" â€"_v_ , O‘Tice and rCSidOIHP U (tun-1 ancce east of NW Hahn Hm» Lambton SU‘QOt 1 «MM lung ham, Office hnms ’ 1n .3 ;..;-_ 3 p m. (except Slmch‘n < . ' do u. wâ€"â€"â€"__, Ofl‘icc and residuum; Countess and Lam'mnn 5: site Old Post Hfl‘iw. n; 9 toHa.m..1.3(’_Hnâ€"3 p.111, (Sundays and '1‘hm.~«i:1y DE. A. M. BELL Office on Lamhhm >t;-.-.I DP. HUttOIfS (l'fl'lu'p‘ . H.“ 2 to 5 pm.. 7 in 4.» “,1” day. L319 Assistant H0311 thalmlc Hospital. 1'11}: Golden §qua_ro Tim M : ~--l.'.6 . If... UUl\-\,--- --V_, pital. Specialist: and Nose. (mm Owen Sound. .~~ G. G. MD BESSIE MCGILLIVPM Chu'opractors, Durham, 0 p1 p {,7 , The Scmnce that {bids my. .k' and years to lifu. «1.,wfiwifl “1 Durham T11084iil}'.~‘. 'l‘huaziw Saturdays. .‘ , . . .- AM LUCAS HENRY Barristers. Sam-Hun, m: her of the firm will km 111 I! Tuesday of each \\'04".{. Am. may be made with lhw (ii: Advertisements‘undgr this huzuirziz. t .w-n CASH WITH ORDLR: SIX ('OHSNTHHM- 3.“; {1' of four. Tglephone calls mmwi m uni: g; Saturday night of week mun-rm, \1z11.t1.1‘:;: ,. 25 cents. on an Charge waivx‘; a N. . -, .' 2‘ Will be made (Bath HISQ‘I'HUH. “11:".72‘11 ,| ‘ ‘..’ MIDDLEBRO'. SPBREMAN 8. MIDDLBB'RO‘ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors tn A. 1'». mzz-w}: MP. C. C. Middle'ln'n' ‘.~ pvznmzn located at. Durham Harm. may I; Oflice. DAN. McLBAN Licensed Auciimn-ur 1m- « Grey. Satisfactinn runnmt sonahln terms. Ifiihu .. at The Chrnniflo my“... wz' ' :elf. 5313 Moderate tm‘ms‘. for sales. as in duh». made at The (Zhrmm- ham. 'l‘m'ms “H my: dress R.“.1.I)Hl'hmll Thursday, August 28, 1924 Ontario NORTH PART 1,".s‘111 '7 \.\‘: 22. ngem11l1t.(1o‘111:1111 111.1 1‘1'11 acres cleared 1131111111 '1 bush: in good ~1 1111 «1! frame b11111 ”1x ~.'.1(1 «1111.11 concrete 51211111211111 11-11 ‘ cement tank :11 111111 \‘~ and 7 C011. «’1. 19.1111. 371-1 taining 110 311.1119: 1111 :111:1 and in good state of 1111111. the premises are. :1 11111.; 11 taming Smell 11111111~ \‘1 frame: woodshed 1111:11 well at (1001': never 19111;: ~ this farm making :1 farm. This 111011111 1. right to quick 111111 11 ticulars applx :11 \\'1.1-1 BR. 4. Durham. 1111: 1 I THE GLICNI'ZUR " church will hm sorVico (m Snzniw' 7‘. \\-. \x'Ylie‘ H conduct. svl'\'u°u~ : . m. Splunchd ; prt‘parml fur Mum inc. win-n Mr. \V address. Lunrl: c):- . we and 1TH \m‘lCHn‘w .. SMITH. M. _B., M. Medical Due/Ion; FARMS FOR SALE Classified Adverti Licensed cf} 11/ p ( Iz'mmr' JAMIBSQN JAMIESON All Our Graduates have been placed :n .1:;:.- :1 still there are. calls {Mr 1:. II' V \Hi. Get your course NOW. . do not get it you pay for :1 anyway in smaller enrnzx.» and lost Opportunities. Enter any day. Write, ('11:. or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stmtford and Mount Form: Dental .Diz’ccflv: COMING I;\'1~:.\"I‘.\T Legal ‘Dz'mzion‘ DR. BURT. zontaining 66 a . balanw h“ 1 state of mat 4x50. stem 1.; as; drillnd \V at ham. .\1~'« QI)_.R. (jh‘lh \\'\ at and 1'3 1' Sh (m an new. A nu 11) Durban Appmpnm H AND 3 M Write, 0311 .1! D PROP \lll Au

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