West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Sep 1924, p. 2

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PAGE NO REMINISCENCES 0F GLENELG TOWNSHIP AND PRICEVILLE In passing through this world we, meet with all manner of obstacles t0» retard our prog wass in life‘s journey; StJIIIUt-lnlt's we come in contact. as it, were with mountains of difficulty to climb. and by Severe strt ggle we get, to the top, and in doing so, we take 2). \‘ie\\' of the many Objects We met while on life‘s journey thus far. And in taking a View to the forward move we. wonder what sort, ”1' pathway we have to travel the L rest. 01‘ our way before we reach the g«)al el‘ eur exxstence. The aged pioneer takes a retro-i Spective View of his life since he was a boy entering the woods or Ulenclg. or any other place in (m- tario he remembers, when a young: lad, how he drove the oxen with his father guiding them from getting fast in the stumps. or snaps hauling in the first crop of hay on a wooden sleigh to the old log barn, which consisted of one end with a window at the top to put in the hay: prohahly there was never more than one boy and they enjoyed the fun of stowingrr away the. hay. put in by the father. to the far end of the mow. 'l'l11' ll‘dV 1121111151, being ended U113 5.1112111 a1t'11121'v1: 111 “111-211 51mm was 11111'111111111510 slum color that 111 a 11m dens 1111' Old 12151111111011 sickle would haw [1.1 111: 511111111211011 and buys, fathers and 11111111111, wow, out 111 1111: 5111111111 wheat, 111111111 1-'_".111lull\ cutting 11 as 11111 as 11115- siblc. 5.1-1 as to 1111“}. 111011) 111011 101' 1111-1 animal 11111111111, as \\ 1111 as the family. The harvest lwlug cmlccl next. (3011105 llml. fallow U.» be luggml and burned preparing for unollu-r year's L‘I'Op. always trusting in llw Author 01' all 30011 to spare llwm tn 5er an- other llarwsl. but. probaljly [he lx’vun lil-upm' hall llal'wslwl sumo ()l‘ the family lwl'm'c the, 11¢le. harvest. and um- lll‘lU' Inbmlwl' ul' tllv family Ul‘ Ium'o zu'v qulvtly wsling in 5mm) 01' uur m'llu-lo-ric-s nut. l'ul' l'l'nm llu-il' l'nrmo'l' lmmv. Tim hul°\'vst. lwing ,‘J'llllt 1n]. Hm nvxt, In ”New was tlw thu-shing 01‘ (Hr (“nutvnts gat.iu:rmi_snnw tlmv 21:40. 'I'lw flail was the nnly lllm‘llllH} 101' snmv limv. tn scparatv llu- grain t‘rnm tlm straw. but. lam. 11 um: lmrsv tn'udcr was inu'mlumul by the) lulu .\lI'. Purely. 'l'lw quantity tln-oslml in mw «lay was about. l\\'vnl.\'â€"l'i\'v lmshvls. :uul thv cllal'gv was sc-x'vn «lullm's a clay. Aml \vlwat. lil’ it. mmlcl lw Spurml, only l'il'ty cvnts a lmshc-l. ll is an pasty mattvr tn fig- 1m- out. hmv much the guml l'zu'nwx' lhml ul‘ :1 px-nl'il at‘tm' «lmlucting all o-xpvnsvs Hnwvvcx'. later 011 tlw mwu cylin- .101- was intnnlucm‘i. driwn by oxen. Fum- pair \ern at. mm; for an lwur nr 50 and four pair 1mm) \wrv put in tlwir plat-v, showing that night yuke of «mm hm] tn 1w usml tn mukv a day‘s \wu'k. 'I‘lw quantity gmm'ally tht'ushml would 1w about :30 tn 100 huslwls of \vlwat. 'I‘hv nwnvl- ul‘ [11v Humming machinv haul tn stand lun- 1mm Lln- mzu'hiuv. Whilt‘ hving: l'illmi with thv grain 01' sumn uthvl' Inflttvr 3min: tin-Hugh the! machinv. 'I'hv first. St‘pill'illnl' tln-vshing marllinv was lmmgllt. intu Hm Vivinity nt' Primwillv. by tlw 1MP Mt'ArtJnn' ix'nthm-s. nl' (lulmlnn. in thc- full my 1860. :m 0M HI-zunpton makon by Huggtirl. .BI'UUH‘I’S. 01' Hi'ulmilnn. It was :1 grunt i'uriusâ€" ity tn ymmg'stvi's tn 5w it at. work. but. nut, Sn in HIP ()lcli'i' huntls. \Vlw: haul tn slumi l_)t‘|li!ldl taking: away Hw‘ 511':in as thmw- \x'm'v nu straw var- i'ivi's iii iisw. Hnwi-x'vi'. an iinpi'nw- mvnt. was Illiltii‘ by ”w .‘Jclhmalil Hi-uihm-s Hi' the south linv. Hlmurl". hi‘iiiging: in an Alilv thrusiwi- HJ' \\'nmihi'iilw'. Hiitzu'in. All right hnl'so' pnwm' i'llt. \\‘mlld d” grunt! \wn'k. In latm- yum-s Hw lilh‘ Hw- tHi- Mi-lmnald. nl' l’i'ici-Villv. inimâ€" dum-ii tlw first strum ilii'vshm: an HM sm'unil lmml mw: t'nllnwml ivy ilnlin lemtm ni‘ l’i'ii-iwillv. bringing: in an inim'nvmni-nt. nn ;\|('i_)nnuld's. and iuivi- «on :i. svi'nnd iliuii'nx'mnmxt by winging 21 svlf-l‘m'ulvr whivh is in usv :it, ”w prvsvni timv. And what will [in in :umthvi- hunch'ml yvzu's. whn van tull! 'l'lw m-xt in m'dm' was potato dig- ging. 'l‘lu'y \\'l‘l'l‘ plantod in hills almut. llw lwginning 01' June: no hugs tlu-n. :uul nut-u piantml ”ll‘l'l‘ was 1m mul'u work till taken up and put. in pus. as in general thv cellars \‘vm'v not, l'rnst. pmul‘. Quite a number of familivs haul t0 liw nn potatmrs during tho mnntlls of September and (ll-tnlwr. as it, was nut, an easy matter tn got a small grist. to Durham mills. mu :1 wumlvn slvigh. as \Vaggl‘ms \wm- wry NW and far lwtwvvn. 'l'lm wtvraus 01' that I'm- away «lam sum» svwnty Hr morn years ago. muvh hm'divr than thvir children and grumlvhildx'ml. for Hwy gonor- ally mmld gm tn tlw hush «m :1 frosty nmrmng with a pair of hhw flurry mum and smtwk t“ matf'h. and HM}- ‘ I ‘1‘ Pl’llllh‘ illlll .‘Illl'l'h t." luau 1|. um: nu... . a thin factory rottnn shirt. and nn' undershirt. tn t. those good old timers. of that far away (late are! Very few in numbers {if any; to he? found in the township. or llnnnti' of! Grey. 'l'lle l'll‘sl mill built at Priceâ€"1 \‘illn was by the late John ‘.\chon-‘ ahl. in the year 1857. and he treated all the Villagers with :1 licking: of flour which was quite a treat to the partakm's. From Pricox'ille to the Toronto line. sixty or seventy years ago. was settled by colored people; and now there are none of that race to be found as residents of the place. In the year 1861 the gravel road was built from all the main roads in the county of Grev. for some ten or fifteen years iprevious to the building of the gravel road travellers had to content themselves by travelling over hills and causeways, or as it was called then “crossways,” going over logs and sometimes the old waggon By An Early Settler THE DURHAM CHRONICLE First Separator POtato Digging wou]d get, faspwhen going over one 102 1n comlng m contact with -an- ‘1.“ c vvvvvv _ -_ O log in coming in contact with an- other. The old oxen had to endure hardship while passing along, for 1 the driver used the blue beech goad to persuade them to get along as qiuckly as possible. -‘ Many Hardships The. early pioneer had to endure hardships which the younger generâ€" ation has no conception of. Their t‘oret’atl'lers had to carry their pro- . visions on their shoulders from . Durham. or any other town where supplies were to be found. It. was . nothing fol- a brave man then to ' carry one lunulrml pounds of flour from Durham mills to the vicinity of l’riceville with other necessaries such as a pound of tea: no sugar. no butter. but a bannoek made on the old fashioned frying pan held to the fireplace and ten. without. eream or sugar. 1! was generally summsed that. a bag of flour and a pound of tea would do for one man a. month. tllmpping and logging was hard. healthy work. and as housekeepers were not, Very plentiful the laborer himself had to do the domestic work: smuetimes after his day‘s work outside, in the dark of night. by the fliekering light, from the? fireplaee of the contents of the best. of maple. whieh was plentiful and \\'ort|tless at that time. Whiskey Was Cheap l 1 ln olden times when a few would ‘be gathered together at. logging bees 5 or log raising. they would have to get. whiskey. for it, was only twenty- fix'e to fifty eeuts a. gallon and said to be better quality than they get. today for four to five dollars a gallon: but, as time passed the old manner was abandtmed by having whiskey at. any kind of work. In olden times the person that. hadn‘t whiskey at. his wife‘s funeral was counted as mean and stingy. and at. " ‘ ‘ " .i ...-_..-.:,.,| :v â€"-.' ,_. \U '. l t) 1' cnuntwl as mc-zln and sung}. uuu m. vlwlinns ttw candidate that. carrimi 21 km; nl’ \Vhiskvy in his ('anvyanCP, while guthm'ing \‘Hle. was 5mm tn 1w (-lvrtml. Whvthm‘ 1w was fit, fm‘ llw nl't'iw ur nut. I’l'nm thv town of Durham tn l’l‘iCPVilll‘. sownty HP mnn- yvzu's 211;”. 111mm \wrv nu 105s than right. \VlliSkl‘y slums and tho. HM x'vsidv'nts whilv guing: «m font. h) Ulll'hillll kught. it. :1 duty My tlwm 1H pulrrmizv them all. as trvais calm- in turns. and tlw partakvr through: it. vxtrux'agam In spvnd a quartor I'm' 1!. dimwr. Hwy Umk a «Min 01' snmv kind nl’ a llllH'll in their wwkot. l BIG MIRACLE OF NATURE SEEN IN “THE CRIMSON CHALLENGE” .-\n inivrvsling slmiy in animal instinct. simwing HIP pi'i’itm'tii‘m i'va‘isml by :1 mnlhm‘ (lug: l)\'(‘i' its yminir. cmm- in light. during the filming: of "Tina Crimson (lhallvngvf‘ :i l’al'ilnlflilllt. picturv starring Dor-1 nthy Daifnn. \\’hi(‘h will 1w shown at. thw \‘vti-i'ans‘ Star 'l‘hvati‘n this wovk. Paul l’nm-Il. tho director. wantmi a liltm- ui‘ puppivs to ho soon as atmnsphmm in curtain sconos 01' the 'piclln'l‘. But, whim it came to swarming: HH‘ mother frnm lll'I' puppius. difi‘ivnltivs \x'm‘v onwmntvr- mi. .\-i. first Hwy ti'imi tying: hm‘ iwm'iiy with a WWW. But she. quickly «flu-mid this in twn and \Valkmi inin 'iiw sw‘nv just. as they wow about in lstzu't llw i-z‘imm'11._ 'l‘hvn a slagv hand hvlcl 1101' «lislzlm'e- away. but slw hmku his grasp hv mnmvnt. H10 hogan tn “'11in and madv a dash My 1110 SM. Sn it. was found nm'vsszu-y to take lwr far vnnugrh away sn that. .‘hv couldn‘t gvt, mm ”In svmw. hhv was plavml in :1 ("ago so that shv "011ch SN‘ 1101' nt'l’spring and 1'00} :1s.~'1_m~cl that Hwy wvrv not. 130ng injm'ml. \\‘hvn l'inully I'vloasvd sho I'usllwl t'm' tlu- pups. Inokml H‘â€" px-M'ingly at. thv assvnxhlml ('nmpany and pivkm‘l tlw small and yvlping ('zminvs Hm“ I»): ”no by the name (if Hw nook. placml Hn‘m all in thv ('ngn slu- hm! I'mmntly Vumh-d and thou \wnt. in and jninml thvm in lwrfm't. (-nnt onl mont. “my mum silting «m the piazza nf a summer 110101 sxvmming stories. Ever hear this our said thv dark young mm. A «ing was tivd to a rupo I'mn'tm‘n fm-t. long. Twenty I'nvt away was a fat. juicy 1mm". HOW «lid “)0 dog gvt 10 UH' hum}? ()l1.tl1at‘sa 111d gcg.sai(1 hiscom- [12111i1111.Y1111 “ant mv tn am I gho it 11p and tho you ll sax thats “hat tho ntlwr (111‘ did. N11. ynu‘ro wrmug. fur the dog got. H111 11111111 \\ 011,110“ did he got it? \\ in tho nthm (1nd Hl the 10110 \\118 not. timi. Silver r Black Foxes SIMPLE WHEN YOU KNOW IT Priceville, Ont. at $100. Par, Value All registered pure bred stock. Low capitaliza- tion. All comon stock. Absolutely no watered stock. , Ten- years ex- perience breeding. Stock from P.E.I. PRICEVILLE FOX CUM-.1.“ . pmcevnue, om: Priceville Fox C0 Write for further particulars to A limited number of shares for sale in Limited $01110 I'X‘nll] pups W i M '9 The followâ€"mg is a partial list of the dates of fall fairs issued by the Agricultural Societies’ branch of the Department of Agriculture, J. Lockie Wilson, secretary. Acton .............. Sept. 23 and 24. Alliston ............ October 2 and 3. Arthur ............ Sept. 23 and 24. Ayton .............. Sept. 12 and 13. I Barrio ................ Sept24â€"26. ’Beeton ................ Oct. 7 and 8. Blyth ................ Sept. 25 and 26. Bradford ........ . ...... Oct. 9 and 10. Chesley ............ Sept. 25 and 26 Drayton ............ Sept. 30, OCH Dundalk .......... Sept. 25 and 26 Durham .......... Sept. 3f)z Oct. 1 Ilfi Acton .............. Sept. 23 and 24. Alliston ............ October 2 and 3. Arthur ............ Sept. 23 and 24. Ayton .............. Sept. 12 and 13. Barrie ................ Sept24â€"26. Beeton ................ Oct. 7 and 8. Blyth ................ Sept. 25 and 26. Bradford ........ . ...... Oct. 9 and 10. Chesley ............ Sept. 25 and 26. Drayton ............ Sept. 30, Oct.1. Dundalk .......... Sept. 25 and 26. Durham .......... Sept. 30. Oct. 1. Elmira .............. Sept. 12 and 13. Erin .................. Oct. 9 and 10. Fergus ............ Sept. '25 and 26. Flesl‘lerton .......... Sept. 26 and :27. Fordwich .................. Oct. 4. Grand Valley .......... Oct. 2 and 3.3 Harriston .......... Sept. 25 and ‘26- Hanover .............. Sept. 17â€"19. Holstein ............ Sept. 23 and 24. lx'inczlrdine . ....... Sept. 18 and 19. lListowol ............ Sept. 18 and 19. jLondon (Western Fair) Sept. 6â€"-13. Lucknow ............ Sept. 25 and 26 Mildmny ............ Sept. 15 and 16 Markdale .............. Oct. 7 and 8 Mount Forest ...... Sept. 17 and 18 Orangeville ........ Sept. 16 and 17 Owen Sound .............. Sept. 9â€"12 The Western Fair Tho 192-4 Prize List is extensive and the classification will pvuve at- tractm: to Exlubltors 111 all Departments DATES 0P FALL PAIRS JOHNNY JONES SHOWS UNEXCELLED VAUDEVILLE in frontof the GRAND STAND “Where City and Country Meet” W‘rite for Prize List-aEntries close August. 30th J. 11. SAUNDERS, President, W. D. JACKSON, Secretary Over $30,000 in Cash Prizes Sept. 6th to 13th, 1924 Dog Show, Automobile Show, Pure Food Show MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS New Manufacturers Building Featuring Canada’s Industrial Achievements London, Canada Paisley ............. Sept. 23 and M Palmerston ............ Oct. 7 and 8 Port Elgin ............ Oct. 3 and 1}. Rockwood .......... Sept. 30, Oct. 1: Shelburne .......... Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Stratford ................ Sept. 16â€"20 Streetsville ................ Oct. 11 Tara ................ Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Teeswater .......... Sept. 30 Oct. 1 \anham .......... Sept. at?) and :50 CAT“ and -):'. vv '1 Henlu ............ _ W .iarton ............ Sept. 23 and 24. ‘ You never realize how sordid and smlcd the world IS unhl you man- wlnto trousers. The School is thoroughly equipped to take up the following courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Stall is a Uni- versity Graduate and experienced Teacher. Intending pupils should prepare to enter at beginning offiterm. -- __--__ l,_- Information as to Courses may he "obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable record in the past which it hopes to main- tain in the future. Durham is an attractive and heal- thy town and good accommodation can be obtained at reasonable rates. J. A. M. ROBB, B. A., Principal. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ’s‘hursday, September 4, 1924 JOHN MDRRISON, Chairman. M. 01' ”'1‘! form Hf a ('ontvr has fully dt‘VO' ring-simu- nlmatmi. parasitiv humus phytnn fungm'. scalp. Hu- Ibo-HM surfavo. “1- Mn- H1 playing 1 'l‘lnn'sday lhmdulk zatinn :It Sir .lnhn 'l'hunu ()(‘hvhvl' 1895'}. lwg NH!“ 2 IM‘. Srlmhw \ hvalih mum'tiuns in as will [W M inlm'v: wa'missahlv m puhi snnaI quvsiiuns will nnly \\'ll¢'ll :mmnu»: aoldrnssmi :mcl stzu Address Dr. W. .I. Sr 'l‘hu Durham Kin-«mil \Vurm am] what I~‘ it. ('Hntagimw.’ thvria 1 fun-arm flight I" at {luv l Hmsv an- amnng ‘.‘I ”IV Hit blc'flls ”HI. «“1110 \\ H h firm-d: ilw (Awning: Hf Hu- N‘h'°ul~. Vary in Precaution «N‘t‘lll‘l'i'lH‘P amnng Hu- rvsull. is th \‘c-mahh- :11 “w pupilw ltnnsidvrald‘ Asidv fl'ul 01' hygivlh‘ m' luss \\ M 035‘“. [H'HM bvvn illshl Thc‘fiv mm» l'c'ncivl‘ill;-' t nmnv m m fan' Hm dr ‘Ibilsthvrm that m-ru Sq'lu‘m! t'll‘; dvaths I‘m ”lat. it rm {H'PVl'lliilia vflflthod according in tln- was” .1110. weathm'. Habits that. aw likvly 1n I'vs 'eitlwr spr'oading Hr wmtr: dwells“ shHUM lw cul'l‘m'h‘d. I] respect it. is nmnn'tant tn rvxne that mm'h disvasv gains nutrm the system Hn'nugh thv mnmh The' prmvntimn ul' «hm-m». ; as pussihlv. and [hr awn-mu, H-mUVal uf all sm'h «MM-h ::~ handivzlp Hu- (‘llild m Its Min! Ivarn. and late-r tn \\'HI‘1\. :Il'v‘ inmortant mallvrs dorm-2w m: m CUHSidUI'atHDH at, H)“ .‘('thl; diplhvriu hu :‘llsn lwssihlv' iihilily by m a harmlvss x'mun\'vni«‘~m° THU Sc‘llit'l‘ _lm‘1'm°vn suivtfahly (-antmn HI .\ lualtln .lnld “ill u mullx plvnty Ht v\'or!(i.~‘v and hav- :1 awn-lite}. It is Up in stv “I“ responsiblv for thv child‘s w.- to 590 that. it gvts plvntly nt‘ -h.as_a pamper diet. and Is sml MIN Ringan‘n . transmit! 3”,, d-ngwnrm ('UH; MI! Thursday‘ VETERAN BANDSMEN Protect the SI Agains BY DR, W1 XII HEALTH QUEST! 2! that All v‘ \Vlth in HI M is 1: Ill ' mm m1 \H LV Ringworm In THE FAMHJ m- uw cmms \wl ,gvts plvntly n!‘ 1 diet. and is suit: “ding in ”w svusnn aw likvly In l'vsnl ding Hr vuntx'ac d bu currm-tvd. In inumrtant. tn I'vme-n 'llllll ', September 4. 1924 \\ H \tht ”H nail I] um \V ll H 1| mtract 11‘ i. In HI :‘vme-mln \wlfa tab 1 at

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