West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Sep 1924, p. 5

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MS id out -\RKET T100“ mt . Ont. m l 92. p“* M n.’ tlullinngnmi on Saturday. !‘!-.- I'I'ivmls hex'o' nf Mrs. AIPX ;;.-v=:'_\'. wham- hllfimml dim! in r.‘ l'uz'nntu last, week and was buried a? \lzu'kdalo- ”11 Saturday. deeply armnanzv with her in !wr bereave- U Miss Bt-ax'd, 0! Mitchell, Visited over the wevk-vnd with her friends, “le Missva‘ tiasweil. on her way in lake chm-g:- of her new school at Fm crslmm. Ma's. (Pu-V, l). \V. Thom. of Barrie, is xiwting this week with Mrs. JUN-pin Blackburn and ”the!“ Old fi'lt'nt.i~‘ iwrv. Aitw' imlioiaying at their homo-s ;at‘!'<‘ Miss DH! 'l‘hurston and Miss Liihzuz Hunt hau- returned to their «ct; '01s in 'l'ul'onto; Miss Boatrict' Tum: lwmwuitv tn “('1' school near tho PH; CHM: .‘Iifi‘ Rllk}\. .Z:i§\\'“l' ’1‘] (A n.nc- Miss Tuna Hendvrson visited over the week-end with hm- aunt at Dun- (balk and Miss Laura Boyd visited with her grandparents at Proton. M \I \l M \\' \l "999 mu”! 9:19:93 MI. and MN. 9_\ “U99! 9999' St‘U‘lal vours on the 999 999999 ”9”“ \ attcmli‘d the 99.99 99:9. rm 12 how: and were - \99! _\ highh PSIN'IDL‘U. .l..”9‘lllpkill 999 Hamilhm Mr. ~99 99. Hmntt'md. Miss Frances :9 999' “MPH” and 3192:1119! “PS .99 um! 999999999 999 ”l9_9999ntn won? .99 999 .m- 39.999; “99.999999- 99939 .~ :11» to a candy shop, ‘L .229 roughly Ike a bear. -.< my mbs and muss my H 'a Thursday, September 4, i924 ~s flux-an. Mix >7 Dannam and arm-run. high schnoi tvavhcrs u: I inn. and lucatr-ol at the: Palk :mlmvn! gmvd. T119 1) aStOI‘. \ix hum. M mmlu‘ctml the .m and tho- mllu“ mg (00k p: m ‘ .;:;1)'. Mr. B. (.xnss .\ll~‘. ‘21.!“ um! .\li.\~‘s Agnr's He‘ndu‘r- ‘Eushvrtun: “r. (:n} and Mrs :m‘lnr. Maxwvll. Mi» LuE ~ ’mton. tho “3va “PW -.‘z';1 mu! Hu- [luminlk Raul. ~imil mulch bt‘twcc‘n Inistingc l-‘ffzvi trams was wun by Hm \\ :mi Miss Ruby Caswvll to a new *-1 :at (Sm-mlv. in x-ork county. .luhn Pmnur has returned from . to [.0le City. .\'o_ehx'aska. when: ~ifwl his hruthorr whn is ill. H. Mnnrv, Hf NPWDHI')’. afl‘iVm] .m Sunday to Visit, his mother wuHu-x' mm the Tornnto line. {Our own correspondent.) Uh :. ._. 3175: $9.4. .25... 3.2,: 75:2; ’13:; 35:7. 9.2. :._._.’. .123. 1:74: :71._.:.._ :3... _::;:.<. :2. :7. 553., 534: 47.5.; 1:... 2/1”. :1, $457.12: 9:: l3“! .‘Il's mshy M I'S. LIO'l'o‘ (ll-it‘l' S'nildHA. ' t\\'0 \xith t'rivnds at. l’rimwilio' «ml homo at. Swinton Park. 7mm Mahwlis'.‘ «'Hhuuh had s<ful 1111011 pmh‘ hold at I" HI. Ml'a l'hnmus l‘aylm' [ISL H2.- \Ve-athm “as Hun. tlw n-v Ian-gr and thv vats and nmvn! gmui. Tllc pastor. hui'rio-M. wnolu‘ctml the M they Show me they don't me out to a formal hop \\ Hr? {anpany mi! and gasoli :s m: 1t0:‘\ \'. ”Th 2 3 131‘s. ’0 vome Fiwshnrton stat ZéM‘x‘ixs “ill in ~' .‘moughuut {h . 1.3“!01110. the Hm his! so! U" l 'h h :hw !tgh school. 'Mrs. and five chlldren. moved .tm and lean. and 120011 and MEN FOLKS the? things I've seen. .\l! M aison. wife and children. fines. visited Istt week s in this place and returned home on Sat- mum by Mrs. Wiison's W. C. Hanley. 12y haif holiday how 2‘. (‘IOSQ‘NI 3st!. week am? he resumed as usual. {he midweek freedom i think the public were ui nor that business \I ndu Sn‘ ’ul‘nntu Hz. ['In .1 \\' '11 :2 $47.5 (7.5.: 51. $72.7. ~: ._...,:.::?.. . 7.. «4. _: $.35: 4.7.22. “'1!“ \\‘ has the 'll s stam'iing: t'l'Op cnm-! -‘\' uvtml by East Greyimm winty thn t'nlimx'ingi innvrs as awnrdv-l by; . Ii. MHM. 01‘ Blyikfi , Klzzx-kdalu: 2nd. ( Him-1- f “=11! a: 3M. Ruiwrt Swan-n M mu Ill :zst. WOPK and hth‘ amhxscn‘s x'esidcnce Carroll. . “Wit and two child- . are visitin: her files Thistiothwaito. msirong and family Cm“ mcmbt‘ ld-hng ”It?! “11‘ St hHOI um {5mmems m 311::th -mjy Dmx‘n Visited ll \'\' \V \\ \1 “It land P3P él‘ vz'mct'iy at w‘incipai. ‘t and Miss cf‘ $13.”. 111115 ,‘Illbt‘l‘ madv thg’ fourth {I'm ns distmct. new prm- lizuny vnat' Sat Ili'dai‘ ' summer \l :5 now students tt‘flt’hlflf-I. m inning: ut' h 5 \' Stvwart. L i’lvshâ€" .x-orhm‘s: bI‘OKt‘ uhlit [10¢ I‘ln- has her {\Vc) at The evident admiration of a strange man mgkes p glrl almost_as indignant. as 1115 failure to notxce her.â€"Ch1cago Ne 's. The devil dig his most effective days when he gx'ented boredom. \\'inr:h:im Advance-Times W. C. Brennan. of the Brennan Paying; Company. had a narrow est-ape from‘ death on Friday after- :nnnn or. the lx'itrhener-EZmirahigh- way. ahnnt. one and a half miles with MT St. Jacobs. during :1 severe ,xtm‘trieal thunderstorm. when a it‘alling pnle crashed through the "rear end of his ear. Brennan and his son were driving towards Kit- rhener. when a severe thunder and wintistorm came up. He drove to the side vii the road. stepping beside a tuiwhene pole. The engine had scarreiy stopped when a powerful gust. of wind leveled six ’telephone pairs in I! TOW. one crashed thlflugh the rear end of his coupe. Luckily Mr. Brennan escaped with «.‘inly a nasty bruise on the head. while his? son escaped injury. Had the car1 been three feet farther back hel would likely have been killed. The e sine of the car was not damaged, and after getting free from the pole the car was driven to a garage under its own power.A i NARROW ESCAPE t ands Hf men are well paid for doing PM more than two hours' work :2 day. “What. are they paid for?“ said one. "For judgment. based Mn t‘XPt‘I‘iPDCt‘." said the other. "They don‘t. increase the profits. but they do keep down losses.“ L and mom- troubles 'I‘hev :no- mm vngagerd m sitting on the lid. 'I‘xxn men “01" db: using this situation at lunch. The} agrcwd that thous- .\ .‘ot nf hisinossos mm mm iaynn'n \vim haw‘ i'nx'gt‘~ttnii haw to work. Thv pi'mn'ivtm's az'i- indulging: in soil f-rvt ix'mnon t. Thoi r t'nm-t ion consists viziofly in saying "no“ tn all sngxpstitms for Chang». ”fit-n than imsinossvs have been built up from nothnig to something by ttwse sum» prom‘ictms. They have bvhmoi them a reward of honest. service and intvlligont nntvrprisv. Tho nwnm-s have prospered to the DHint \thw ch‘iz' wants are satisfied. They have no appetite fur more dollars and morc troubles. They are now \\'hn is it. thinks that h» van sing. And .i.,-.~.< Hm {wrspiration brim: To all musicians in thn ring? “That‘s Paw. \V-hn sings just. likv snmv old bull- frog. .\-siHin.u an :1 mnknn 102'. And growls :mcl growls tn l‘n‘at. tlw i102, “ho is lhiSHc‘. l‘honmsn ho makne would make" vm \\'.hu HPVPI' M'M' That. PVN‘ is :1 \\'ith “'hiH! Ma: fond? \\'lm “'hu is it. if 1 “1mm run Who's always wry shnrt of cash. And l'vmls his family on hash. 01' any 0th1' kind 01' trash? ~~-'l‘hat's Paw. \\'lm always Romp Mama awakv. Br'vausv Rm has sump tomth that acho. ' And squix'ms and wrigglvs like a snake“? $4.: 7. 2. 7.4.7. :2. :7.:..<: 7.... >3; :7. :2: :25 :3} :x... 3 735.. :74. :7... a 3:743. :57“ *3 3.35.0 tonr. z... .-\ml ahnnst. flip. just. from the- (fI‘USS its track on llw lo-vvl. Private vars will lw in nu way ro-sh'ictcd. ruins bring strirlly nnfnrm-(l for fast “1' slnwvr traclinn. 'l‘lwrl- will kw «lvl'inltc- junctions wlu-m- tlw great malls will makv m-mwctiuns with- uul imlwoling: lx'al'l'il'. \\j£0_|5 It. always is in «is- n Say I!” "101'“. «‘Rout. *â€" T he increasing driven Vehiclps ”- we Increasmg use of motor driven vehicles throughout England as added greatly blems. There are ;n use over a moderate estimate of three persons to each vehicle he allowed, and to these he added the ever-increasing number who travel ehar-a-bancs, it it evident that about two million of the population is nu wheel on an ' given summer day. says an Englis paper. How is it to he remedied? This gives increased interest to a [H'npusal \\ lllch will ('Onl“ hIPl'OI'e Parliament shcn'lly for “10' mm- slrlu'flitm of a n‘ufinr-“ay from Lun- llnn to .‘~lam'lwstm'. the tint. wvlion Hf whieh will be- maoh- from Hir- nzipxllnm in llu- latter t‘ll}'. ll. will .l'u- “mm-1y o-Ilrlnswi 11ml will _;la.~'s over and muler all nllwr x-uacls. rail- ax'nys ux- x-‘znals. Mn that nothing shall :‘I‘INS its“ Yl'ill‘li Mn HI“ lo-X'vl, l‘l'lVl’lll' vars will lw m rm \Hy I‘o'sll'ilflt‘d. :.'1;:." kl."i"_' S:l‘ll't"\l li!‘fl..’uo..1l 92". "n “ M: {kw mom mw \ml nothing: afh-r Vho is it “turn hu lights the fire Just )1115 alumni like) sumo (MIN (Tier. u call tho rust nnti I thm tin-3 ”that? s Pa“ .U “ll THE -XPBRI ENCB OF AGE BRITAIR'S ROAD PROBLBHS till might. morn- hups “(Is he: - «That‘s Paw a I'nush‘l‘ “ka f0 ('I'C'W'E ~ That‘s Paw. l' o'\'o‘l' 3:015 snmo- WOW] -â€"- l'hut‘s Paw ~~~'l‘l:at That -~Thz‘ l‘h lat s a hit 02' 20041. Mama can w'mk thv \ at PAW saw a bra!" hard as ho mum twixt ym Paw. mv mm ti nuwd bi. better. dam WI round him swmt ii” duos get-3 ’1l\\' .1 \V “\V f1\\' <«‘ax'v 210W I‘wo m 0‘ I! H.‘ p a U U ! l I I I I I I _ - ____...-».. IIImIM !:I~‘I I'I‘II' n1“-I‘1}‘ Hwy IIIII II III II III! f'IIIII and IIIIIII It IIIIt. ‘ II: I:III\ {II IIII Wurkml I'IIEIII'S and ntIIIIII IhiII > "ISHIII'II III II: Ii.~‘ “ax 'IIII IIIIst IIIIIIIIIII III- lII"'|!' In H'H‘I'. {UNI th I‘ \szI'IIs aIIII "swam: \I. II IIIIII IIIII \\II:II 11 III II III Li IIUII mum-v for. his “UV“: II-II IIdIIIg I, u Izmn mm- IIIIIIIIIx .IIIIIII 1! Is IIIII on: ...:I.I tho- IIIIII.IIIII+IIII haw IIIIII. 5.. much i-T ' - ;.II.~IIEIIII III III IIIIII I‘HI :III IIIII farm of raw jI;II.~‘iII-II IIIII rIf IIIII nth H' :II‘IIIIIIIII. \\"hat \\I. I'I‘chh't. mavhinus e scrjap heap: OI l H' s‘Hlls o" 'hn air rnrnitm'o' pilin 3w w farm k nmx‘ :.If .s ' own I" i '1‘ r d” ‘H :Hl“M‘ . ‘ ll Here. have Pete Vandermeer, an American cowboy, pictured on the dock at Wembley, England. with a special bronchoâ€"a splendid specimen of horseflesh, which he later presented to His Royal Highness, the Prim-e of" Wales. Pete was a member of the American Rodeo squad which contended for honors in the recent International Rodeo held at the \‘z'emhley Exhibition. v \‘cmn. oimxhi. Hwy 11 We Pay Cash for Produce and Sell for Cash Only I3" “'8 1'“ lo u: H mm. \'\'¢‘."0' Hm \nuvst Hf H. \w ht mumw it. But thn sann id tmnsit has mme into tho \‘m [t- Iimw 02 n“ 21!].qu mm‘o ti m» hink win-21}. as we «mght tn nm E: H Z27. $.33 2:me Eur. 1%: 2:. ...... VOLLETT’S CASH STORE 111st. 1'111'1111111'11. 8111111 11111 jnfna“ 1 1111.111111.111111111111111111.’ mt11111n 11';-.~' 111111 "swasnn 1'1'111'ks" 111111 1111 11111 \\'11:11 21 1111111'j11h \‘1'1: haw 111:1 1111111111 101'. is 1111 \1 1-1-11111111: l1111'1'\ ;..11115 11111 11111 11111111111111} 3111! 1115511115 11’. 1. l! is 11111 111111. 11.111 [111'11 “11 fi111 VJHAT'S YOUR HURRY? \\ ul'ix :ls Q‘- Mwn‘s rm.» Zimmerknits. sulaz- We. fur 790 “‘2: ! I; 2!!!! Ha! u m! tn svnsnn Iumhm- In if 11:» and lmuing: it tholz'v tn mm! and «In M! h\' tiw 1335 m Nnim- and tho' kindlv tmuh m Hm: it “as gum! to m Ikv m- n" thw t'inoNt. kind. thus !:l~'? f‘nl' Ir'r‘m' yvm's. .\'H\\' m :l m n. kiln. hunt it with \\'? that. \'\"‘!'0‘ tho “'0! ‘miux'o 12. But ).- Fresh Cream and Milk always on hand \\ -:'; ul' thvflzly '1“ Va‘ liL ht HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS mm'mnvry :md lcssnns iis is nut Inns: l‘wfm'n wv find mplvms-nt fur which w:- sn rum-h good munvy was at nm mui nf thw factory m u!‘ raw matcx'ial and E 3'? lhv nth“;- as I! finished “'11le \\'Hn'it'l' if thuse won Int-ah and go tn the- WM. J . VOLLETT H i'lclxm‘ 1.. Vinm'ni «My l hmml a dcwtnr v2: [3w prvsmzl. go"’llt'l‘zlff()i! smmxty ymzrs HM. if it it \‘qnn't lw walking rmmd ,'.. Emu! hw-n sywakin: of gum wwnty whn was 3 :tm! sm‘y in doing his 315 any yuung man \w ll2?~‘ was ”In {NH-40195 “:3." 31‘.” Hw [hl't'M'Ht grewwx‘aiinu '3' 2hr ptsl. In his upiz‘aim; in; su fast. Hm it. win {IE-rt mum tho- man and nt' thv days In mum. and Swansdown Cake Flour. per pkt. 40C ; bars soap. any kind for . . . 50C Good 5-string Brooms from 65c - $1.00 THE HOME OF QUALITY GOODS m'ny yo-ars. .\'0\\' I :z kiln. Inc-at it with t nut in a short. timu ”1-le intn mhlvs and '1' things. Hut. lmnlwr is‘ way «luvs not. make- THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Special in Dry Goods Special in Groceries Gift for Prince I“! 51.69 PHONE 7 0 Hvl'man)’ is pit‘tlll'm‘l as a \‘con'wn. Hut uni :Is thv \Vnman who pays and pays and pays.~â€"~.\'u\v an'k Humid» 'l'réhunv. :12: :...:...<_ :5. ’12.: fl... 5;; z. 5.... 5:7... _::.J. A: 1.2:. 2. Z :2; .7. 1.3. :27. m.::..*. .55 z. 7. :3: ?. 3.1.7 25.7.2721. :fi..::..:. .425. 3:44;»: 3:. t. 13,. .75.: z :2. F.::.... i... E; 2:2... fl... 3:... Lo? .35.... 2:. 5:1 1:: :..:..:::.m .32: 3 ;...,.:.:..:2: $457. :5 :zzwtw II, um s \\ hit“ ‘ uIIaIs. high and l!_'|\\.6‘1’('h ........ 25¢ .. __-_. yuan, our;nu_ln.bn 13. MN. J. H Hutton. Win» 18 heaving: fume shoz'liy in residu in 'l‘nrnuu). :nmumlcvs a sulv of her [mum-hum vfl'vcts on Saturday. Suptvml'wr 13. A “I“ “St \W” amwm' in rlnvf mums. .m l'0'l. nuum. and Mrs. Bogus Sun‘s SMW, R Mack lcuther [:m'su mumm- im: a txvmflv-dollal' hill and :1 ram! with lnsm-‘s namv «m it. Rmvm'd 0n I'vtln'ning to The Chmmiclv ()fl'ico. ChmmH-Iv (m Saturday night. lwtv strwt. South. and Mrs. Bu stm‘v, R Mack lcuther mu: in: a taniy-ch’fllar hill ; With It‘)S('I“.~‘. namv (m if THE LADIES AID OF THE METHO- dist church has entered into an agreemmt. with the White Enter~ taining Bureau of Boston. 31355.. for a series of high class entertainments to be given in thv town hall on October 30, November 25. and Decvm- 1‘01- 11. " LOST In Durham. on Wodm‘sciiay. Sept. 3. botwovn Reentry and Rink. :1 heart shapml Invkvt. with "HM.” on one sirlu and 'F" on the nun-r. livward on leaving: at, The. (jhumicle ()tTivv. -1 “a" ‘u“ ‘ 'Hw Missvs Fux'sman “ill rosumv tlwir mnsiv class in Umbam. Sq:â€" tvmlwr 5. and 6.1’upi1> \\'.i hing. tn takn lvssuns kindh plume Allah l’txk In: pa; H'titulzus. The (T06 Late for Classification.) CLASSIFIED ADS. x muumny. Svptvml‘wr 13. A W!” amwm' m Ill‘Xt \vm-k's LOST l)(_'t\\' 0m) ()mwn 13 . -~.Vu|\ LIGP§ except, thE mun \vhnsc Wife takes 111 boarders. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Chevrolet Oils (H ’ A RAN'I‘EICD I} ICI’AIRING Greases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS \illage has. no leisure class .\‘> 4km -- Sales and Service . NOBLE. Prop. Headquarters for PAGE Fm Gas

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