West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Sep 1924, p. 6

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.- P. E. K. says: “.Vh 5M homls 'lilu~ the ditrkms \thwwr I tn tn usv my serum! stagv m -.\ In amplifi- cation. \Vhat can I (in tn stnp it?" .â€"\ns.â€"--Y0m' troublv is pmbahly (1110 to somt‘ kiuol Hf fowiback. Sum» timvs it may kw stomwd by mprely rm» l’ollmxing is a desqtiption of an o‘cft'itient but inexpensiw cmstal im e-ixing set. which anyone with a small outlay 0f tools can build in a 01. S. H. Hf Snutll Ho-ml. Ind. asks: "Is it nvcvsszu‘y In "50' “luv 01‘ bakvlitv tllho's fur winding l-aalin coils?" .â€"\11$.â€"~.\ 111111 (ardbuml tulw “[111 I1 is thoroughh 1h 1m! and li"htl_\ 8111 [- laced is just as gund 115 am 1mm Hf tubing [HI 136110 work. It is ”now irlva! :mceiver for the nm'im- to construct as most of the parts nmplnyed may be used over gain if the builder should decide to (runstruct a larger outfit. Also there arr, snw-ral ways. which will he- clPsvrllwcl later. in which a tube amplifim' may be]: added to the ,_n-»._<th crystal set. \Vhilo- t-ho' radio rocoivm‘ using a crystal clvtm'tnr. will not. give very grvat volumv. the quality uf the voicv and m» music x-eceivml cannot b». wxcvllnd by the best tube sets madf'. For this reason the crystal n-cviver is again becoming popular. .\II' She-will will iw glad [u 110“) you snlw yniu' radio problems. Writv him in raw nl' The" Durham Chi-onii-lv‘ The rubbe-r panel may safely beflv I‘vplared by a pivcc of dry card-Isl! bmml tubing fm' Hu- cuil about 31/; inrlws in oliamvtm- and five incl‘ws Inn: and giw it a thin mat. of '5in- Im'. \Viml tlw \\'il’o‘ Wendy on {helm Inlw slapping: :It We sixty-fnm'thau turn. Xc‘xt. give tho.- winding :1. thin i th wvut. nl’ shvllur um! allmv it to «ll'ylm cunt nl’ <hvllur um! allmv It in «Ivy tlmmughlv. <tmting Hum Hw In“ "no! of Hm “inclinu. xaisn- Up “in: a knito- or Sure-w drivm'. u hump in eu'ny right}: turn. Du this fur fifty-six turns. vat start at tlw right and and Mn th sumo thix‘gfnr eight, turns. 'l‘ho-so last night humps should 1w slighth' snaggmw-c'l tn allcm mun- \xnrking mum 'l‘lu- insulatinn mm Hun kw 51' 8|qu 0H m tho-SP humps and min,- leads about six imhws lung snlclmml on. lhc-sn 'clnpyl'iuhi. WT}. by MW Bunllt't- PAGE 811 some. The St. John‘s early Crawâ€" ford's and late Crawfords will be almost a failure this year." The Elbertas make up the bulk of the Niagara peach crop and these will run around the thirtyâ€"five to forty SMALLER PEACH CROP Peaches in the. Niagara district wiil be less than half a cum this year. accurq’iing to the latest esti- mate made. by the Niagara Penin- sula Growers (Io-Operative at Grimshy. “Some time ago," said Manager (3. W. Baxter. “we hoped for a fifty per cent. crOp. but now we consider from thirty-five to forty per cent. a more accurate figure. Last year‘s crop was a fairly heavy one and at blnssom time this Spring, we had cold. windy weather that. kept the_ bees avga‘y ~from thenblos- Aer/HIS . rid '. P’dfp Vdflbb/P Fix Pd mag Condenser T Condenser m "2%" Ground - + f/pcfr/c (IO/l ....._g }_._â€" f... al/Pry *Z'EIPMHI +(6roui cf CPI/5) Fixed R9513 fence Var/awe Res/Bram? Var/01349 Regs/‘00 (a (Rhfif’a’) [Pot 01'."‘.’,nmr.”r.v) , A Simple Crystal Receiver BY R. M. SHERRILL F ix ed Inductance Induc fence var/am? by f3}? '2_ Of 50/. 4 CL. 2’ RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Radio Symbols A Good Crystal Receiver ””6: fw- ( 017/; mucus/y ‘ Var/aw? lno’qcfance (Vcrlomofer) 'ight. humps hi tuning tlw lvt’t switch consti- iraggm-mi to lute-s a coarse adjustment. and the mum. 'l‘tn- right. switch a fine adjustment. . St‘l'flpt'tl MT 'I'urniug vithm' ut' the switch knobs «3 leads about nuthml t’rnm Hm vnntm' raises the wt ML'l’hc-sv wave longth. tho- Bniinert-Hl'tM‘li tlol'tmrati011. Chicago: Var/able (cup/my own/em fat/0 wept/(Incas Jack «{ Radio Engineer - Ind/dance var/able by fans c r vs 70/ acreâ€""Nor R. H. L. wmplains that when ho take-s his hands away frum the dials nu his singlv tubv l'cgmwmtivv St“. the signals change: and sometimes stop entirvly. IIIIII fining through tho panel and Should hi' "'1 ounolmi. few hours. Such a receiver, with a fail a11t1_.-1ma willâ€"under faxorable conditinneâ€"giw good reception on stations up ato tifty miles distant. The total costs of the parts should not exceed seven or eight dollars. Parts Needed "l he pa1 ts nee1le1l.and the approxi- mate costs are vixen below: 4Bin1li11g P1 ist: ............. .0 2 S\\ itch l.e\ 1’1. . . . . ......... 16 S\\it1li Points ........ .48.. I (.rvstal D1‘te1'lo1 .......... 125 .-\ns.â€"«’l‘his phenompna is due to thv rapacity effect. which ynur hands haw on the tuning of the! i-vcviwr. 'l‘his ti‘uuble may be I'Pnlm’lif‘d by putting a sheet of brass in back of your panel. The shield ShUUlfl he. cut. away for the parts t’xing txanstnrm or 90 degrees \x‘ill nth-n (luv the howlin". It may be nrrrssary to replace one Hf the ampl'i fy i ug transformers. How To Operate Set In using tho- set for tlw first time. ('Hillh't‘i tlw :wi'ial and gl’nund \vil't‘s :mnl HSU'H in \vhilv slowly moving tiw lo'i‘t switch lever back and forth vwr Hu- hum. Also adjust the thv ('Hlliilt‘i. un thv crystal detector iu-vassionally. As soon as any signals at ail :Ii‘o- livai'd. le'ave} M'el'ything o-Isv :IIHIU' whilv Hu- detector is antiizsiml tn giw thv lomtcst l't'S- gmnsv in tin- head phones. Then go back in tho switch levers for tuning. Io-ads'gu to thv switch points as: shnwn in Um diagram. t111ning 1101111 the tilanwnt 0n the list t1.1l»e~."'l1_11ning thv last ampl_1'- No Church For Him '1 he cnlored chauffeur of a South- ern family “hich attends the Epis- copal church was asked bx his mistress one Sunday morning to come in to the serxice instead of waiting outside. He did SO. "How did you like the service Jim?" she enquired afterward. pm cent. ligure alreadv me: 111011051. Some of tl e earlx white-f; 'leshed \atieties ale maxing to market. but one e these early \arieties are finish- ml there will be a blank until the late peaches come on. “Not much. missus.” replied Jim, "That, ain’t no church toh me. Dey wastes too much time readin’ the minutes 01) the previous meetin’.” 1 Pair Hm‘u] Phones.... .003 MM. liondensexr ..... " Fi xod Phonv Cmulensm'} l Ruhhm' Panvl (7319-. 1/; ID. No. 22 DEC Cnmwr \ViI‘O. . .Dane/ Plan Grid Condenser with 6rid lea/r fleaa’ Phones Wires crossing " bur nor (annerfed Win05 (onnprfm Frequent y Transformer Rad/'0 Frpqumcy Transform Audio FOREIOST LOVE SONG 1M YEARS OLD THIS YEAR “Annie Laurie" Written by William Douglas Over Two Centuries Ago. â€"Pirst Printed in 1824. â€"0riginal “Annie Laurie" Parted From Her Sweetheart. One hundred years ago this sum- mer saw the first publication or what is admittedly the most famous peysonal love song ever written. _ If “Annie Laurie” is not the best known of all songs it is close to it. There must be very few persons in the English-speaking world who have not heard it and loved it. There is something about it that clutches at one's heart. It stirs the blood, too, when a military hand swells into the strains which match “And for bonnie Annie .Laurie "I‘d lay me down and die.” The music is perfectly matched to the sentiment. Composers say that the old Scotch song. "Will Ye No Come Back Again,” is the most. marvellous blending of words to music, the notes matching perfectly the sentiment of the words that we have in English. “Annie Laurie” is close to it_in 1:)_e1_~_l‘ection._ "Annie Laurie" was first printed in July, 1824. As a song it was in existence. long before. It is just. what it purports to beâ€"a tender love song by an ardent main to his sweetheart. Annie Was a Living Person. There was an Annie Laurie in real life. She was born on December 16, 1682. the youngest. daughter of Sir Rnbert. Laurie. baronet, ot' Maxwel- ton. Scntlaml, and was a noted beauty. 'l‘hv sung was writtvn by William Douglas 01' Fiugland. Scotland. about the year 1700, when Annie Laurie was nightm'n and Captain Doug as was tm-nty-vight. Captain Doug- [as was a soldier of t‘nl'tune and had just ('umv back than the Continental wars when he met Annie Laurie. Lady John Scott ran across the. Duuglas verses just, at. tho time she hall composed a mvlmly for an old Scottish ballad. “lx'vmpiv Kaye."slm saw that her mvlmly was perfectly adapted for “Annie Laurie” so sho l'l‘VlSl‘d the Douglas versvs slightly and added a third verse. The work was so well olono that. many good judges think the third wrsv the best of the three. The music of "Annie Laurie" as we know it. was composed by Alicia Anne. Sputtiswi‘vod. afterwards Lady John Scott. a daughter of one of the most. ancient familios of Scotland._ Here is "Annie Laurie“ 115 Lady .Iuhn Scott. l'l‘VVI‘Otf.‘ 1t. and as it really should [w sung today: Annie Laurie "Max“ elton's [”305 are bonnie \\ here 931% [”115 the do“. And 11 then- tl1at Annie Laurie Gin 11 mp her promise t1 11v. (iie'd mp. 1191' pl’Ol‘IfiSP tl‘uv. And ne’er forgot will be. And for bonnie Annie Laurie l’d lay down my head and dee! Sn far as is known (japtuin Doug- las \\'1‘Ot¢‘_ no othtgr sung, ' It wnuld complotv 11111 romantic story if it cnuld 111' [11111 that. bonnie A1111111 Laurie and Captain Douglas n'1aI'1'i1'1i and lived happily ever after 1.7nf1'11't1111ately. h1‘)\\'c\'1_'1', they had a l1)\1_'1"‘ qua1'11'l “INCH parted them. It max haw “0011 out 01 pique. 101' inunmliatolx after the q11111'111l Cap- t11i11 Douglas 111111' 1' i131! E lizaiwlh (1101' k «11' Edinburgh. “She's baekit like 3 peacock. 'She‘s hreastit like a swan. She‘s jinn) about the middle, Her waist ye weill may span; Her waist ye weill may span; And she has a rolling eye. And for bonnie Annie Laurie I’d lay down my head and die." To what tune "Annie. Laurie" in the original version wassung is a mystery. The tune seems not to have. been handed down with the words. Four yoaxs latm- Annie Lam-in 11’1a1'1'imji Alvx audvr Fvl'gusnn uf (ll'aigc‘la1'1'1le Svntlami. She clind in '71 (1’1 at tllv a;_‘_ v 01 1‘i"‘|lt_\'-l\_\'.n Prubahly Anniv Lauriu dim! Witlh uul «won :I dream that hm- namo. urntur'ivs atl‘lmz mm'lcl 1w sung from 01w. 0nd M ([10 \wn'ld tn tlw othvr low stc’n'y quickvu thn lwal'ts Hf lovers v\'01'}-‘\\’hm'v. Captain Doug as nva published tlw snug: and it. was handed (lawn by word of mnuth. In its original form it was unly twu \‘PI‘SPS as fullnws: “Like 11er on the gowan lying Is the fa‘ 0‘ her fairy feet, Andlike winds in summer signing, Her voice is low and sweet. Her voice is low and sweet, And she‘s a‘ the world to me. And for bonnie Annie Laurie I'd lay down my head and dee!” The one striking difference be- meen the LadV Scott Veision and the one sung today is the last line of each Verse. The modern version has it. “‘ld lav me donn and die,” instead of as both Douglas and Lady Scott had it. ‘Id lay down mV head and die." This change occurred in a pirated edition of Lady Scott's songs in 1829, "Maxwvltcm banks are bmmin. \Vharv early l'a's tllo‘ dew: What-o mv and Anniv lgaurin Mac‘lv Up Hm promise truo: Marlv up the promisv truv. Am‘l newr target will I. Aml for bmmiv Anniv Laurie» I'll lay down my lwad and div. "Her brow is. like the snawdt‘ift, Her threat. is like the swan. Her face it is the bonniest That e‘er the. sun shone on. That e‘er the sun shone on, And dark blue is her e'e, And for bonnie Annie Laurie. I'd lay down my head and (183! Alicia Spottiswood’s Tune Adopted by the Soldiers .\.\'.\'l Ii LAI'RIE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE five years after she published “An- nie Laurie.” Curiously enough the pirated version gained greater cur- rency than her own. and though she protested v-igourously against the change in the last line it passed into common use. “Annie Laurie“ was first widely sung during the Crimean War, when it was adopted as the song of the soldiers. From that time to this it has held its place as one of the greatsoqgs of the wqi‘lq. ' Lady JBhn_Sc0tt died as late as 1900. in her ninetieth year. Met' in the Township Hall, on August 2. Members all present. Minutes of last. meeting read and. approved. Ward '1. $96.50; Ward 2, $165.40; Ward 3, $272.95; Ward 4. .29535. The report was adepted and payment gracfired on motion of Aljoeâ€"Mc- ‘ra 1. Aljoeâ€"‘McGrath: That commission on expenditure be paid as follows: Ward 1. A. A. Aljoe. $8.00; Ward 2, J. McGrath. 20.00; Ward 3. M. Black. $32.00; W’ard 4, "T. J. Brodie. $24.00. Carried. Aljoeâ€"Black: That gravel ac- counts be paid as folloxxs: M les Daicy 40 yards, $4.:00 F. Meag er. 101 yards $10.10: .las Laurrnco. 35 yards. $3.50; \V. R. Watson 46 yards. $4.60; Robert McFadden. 113 yards. $4.30; Bert Coffey. :33 yards, 32.30; Charles Weppler, $3.30; R. B. English. $1.60; Thomas Laughlin. $10.40; Mrs. Baines; 2.30; W m. Pay- lor. $6.60; James Crutchloy. $2.60: George Scheurman. $11.50: Robert \Vilson. $5.00; John Mrlsleclmie. J.20; A. Anderson. $10.90: M. V11!- son. $4.;00 N. N1111is.$.330: “111mm Jzuk. $3. 50: N. Mtlntvre. $6.100 \\. H. Patterson. $9.70: .I. M: 1ct 1'81 [in $11.:70 (. l1a1los \\ (111111012 $.5. 1013110113111 Burke. $7.40. Carrie-1d. Commissioners of the various wards presented reports of expen~ datum on roads as follows: WWWMMWWW .1. Phone 52 i Blackâ€"Brodie): 'l‘hal wirv fence bonus bi,‘ paid as l‘nlluws: hm Ryan. 40 rods. lot. 13. mncnssinn 9. $10.00; James Murphy, Int. 13. com-vssiml 8: 40 rods. $10.00; Gem-gr Binnin. 78 rmls. lots 19 and 20. (ian’USSiUn 2. N. D. R. 319.50. Cal'l'iml. BI‘OUiPâ€"Blilckl That tho C. 1". B. Company be paid freight. on steel bars for bridge. (12970 pounds) amounting to_$47.§_4_. Carrigd. GLBNELG COUNCIL Brodieâ€"Black: That the new and treasurer be given authority to borrow $2000.00 to pay for new bridge; Cgtiried. .. ml__l AL- ‘Aâ€"m "AleQ vwâ€"-vvw Brodieâ€"McGréth: Thap the townâ€" ship rate for 1924 be 6 .mllls on the dollar. Carriéd. ' _. . .‘ “VOAA in“... vwnvnvvâ€" Blackâ€"McGrath: That the Price- ville Police Trustees be pald $48.43 for work performed on road 1n village. "ga:rri‘ed.m.. be allowed to refund to the treasurer $1.40 being in account for W‘lnter work performed by Hector McLach- ern. Carried. _ -‘I A. VI... .- . vu- Aljoeâ€"Black: That, Thomas Glenâ€" cross be paid $70.00 for seven sheep killed by dogs and that Colin McAr- thur be paid $3.00 for two inspec- tions. Carried._ It'sall work and no play with lots of would-be dramatists.â€"â€"Atlanta Journal. - Aljoeâ€"McGrath: That the clerk be paid as follows, on salary, $50.00; for making report to government re expenditure on twonship roads in 1923, $15.00. Carried. . The council decided to accept Mr. Keyes‘ offer to build a cement arched bridge at lot 17. concession 5. Contract price $2000.00, the townâ€" ship to furnieh the steel. n-1__-AIA-- Uillll UV Counc} i‘" Eajbfigfiea' _ i0 Saturday, September 6. H. H. McDonald, Clerk. And the. g‘loomiest grquclygenerâ€" ally keeps right on livmg 1n the [flaw he knocks. Water!) Water! __ Wgtq! RH. No. 4, Durham. Phone 98-12 W3 600:1];le With? Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT uni-seq, September 4. me â€"‘_____, Many d well-matched beam is divided by the tongue. “AEBfiién makes a capital .listeney when her husband talks :11 ms sleep. Some of these da light sav‘ squander theizj nig t hours. Get the habit. of looikng over Small Classified Ads. on pa ‘ There may‘quongng it. g: __12-_ LIIVlv sun-J â€"â€" .._.. _____ ds. too late for classification will be found on page 5. It you have my- thing to sell a Small Ad. may bring youna. buyer. If you want. to bu i,‘ LL- ‘--k':n Ivanâ€"v ARA-1. éfififiiflgj‘lé’t' the fiublic know abou't it. m The Chromele. An outlay or a. few cents may save you a lot of trouble and make you a lot of dol- lars. FIRST \II) .\.\‘1» ‘ COlRSr:._~./,1u1» \Vc Willhold :1 |*H'~€ Nursing CulH's’t' :1, t M. J. DaVis. ('nnmzwr. Septcmhnr 1.3, 1+ \ that. all slmuM :Hthu mg. Miss Hm; D have champ of HIV H LOT 7, CON. 21. l‘GRl:1\111.\"1‘ 111A- taining 100 acres; 8.3 110119 1.:111 cultixatim1.halax1ce 11111111111111 12M. {'30111101110111 10 80111101; 1111 1111 111111- 1ses are a frame 1111-11 112.113.”. 11. \1 1% stone foundation: c1111c1111- 91111.; < also hay barn 30x 10 vs 1111 >11111w l1z1~1- ment;l10g pen 2Ox40;1\\1>l\1--1111111 brick house 11.11‘113113 1111111011, :1» frame woodslwd; drilled well 11:11-1 to house with “indmill: 111111111 1-11 water tanks; 30 acres 50111011 111 11:11 10 acres to sxxeet 010101‘: this {1111; is well fenced and in a 1:111111 slz1111 11 cultivation. 1501‘ infurmulinn 1111;.) to Watson's Dairy. 11.11. 4. 11111113111 Ontario. 111 3:1 1 NORTH PART LOTS ’ AVID ‘. MIN 22. Egremont. containing 0b 3c 1w: If acres cleared. balamo hfimixan bush: in good state ()f (UHH um frame barn 44x50 stone. tum-211:: - concrete Stables; drilled m»! :m cement tank at barn. Also Lats ~ A- -- h vâ€"â€"â€" v __ aqd 7. Con. Ii, S.D.R.. (Hem-1:. ("v taming 110 acres: 100 aCI‘vs slvmw and in good state of ("ultix'atiunz . the premises are a brick hmxs‘o- m: taimng Seven rooms. with _.. frame WOOdshed altarhml: ch'zlh well at dnor: never mum: spréngw this farm. making: :1 (‘hmww sm farm. This pl‘oymx‘ty \\'i.1 iu- ... right to quick {mm-haunt 15m- m1 ticulars apply :11. \Vntsnxa's‘ Hun.“ BB. 4, Durham. Out. in :5- ~31: LUCAS 8: HENRY Barristers. Snlicitm‘s, Mr. A mem- ber of the firm “ill 1w m Durham In; Tuesday of 0:1(11 \\11 A; [II)_‘I)1_XHI Ms may be made \xith thv III-x1; m we oflice. Licensed Auctioncm‘ for (mety of Grey. Satisfactmn :zuammcwi. Hua- so'nahle terms. Datos Hf salvs mzuh' at The Chronicle Onion or with him- self. Moderate terms. Ara-:1 for sales. as tn datus. Mu. made at, The Chrmnclw Hfi' ham. TOI‘ms (m amfiirmi dress R. R. 1, Durham ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for C0. of Grey DRS. JAMIESON 8: JAMIESON Office and I‘DSidt‘nrv a mum «in ancc east of Hm Hahn Humu , Lambton SIXTH. lmwm- 'l‘u\\‘:1. 1m ham. ()Him‘ hours L’ tn 3. p.111” ‘ 8 p.m. (excvpl Sundms . 0 9 to '3 g . . lam day. Late Assistant Royat Landau Up- t‘halmic Hospital, England. amt tn GMden Squaw 'l‘hx'uat. and Nusu Hw- pital. Specialist? 153'“. liat‘. 't‘hr'nzt? and Nose. Office: 13 Fmst Strut-z. Owen Sound. C. G. AND BESSIE McGILLIV‘RAY Chiropractors Durham Ontario. The Science ”1818 mm ill M 3.1:“ and years to IMP. Unusultatiuzx mm In Durham T11(;‘S('ia_\'.~‘. 'I‘lmwim ~ :2! l Saturdays. «2 1 i 2:: t Honor (it"adumv l'anc-rsity w! i onto, Graduate 1mm! (Zunugu In” Surgeons 0f (mtmlu l)~nzi~tz'\ an its b.rancho.< mm... mm [5. Towns Je\\ellm\ <Me. Office and 105% mm mm Countess and Lambton SM n. ts site old Post ()fl‘iw. Hm... 9 to“ a.m.. 1.301n4p.m..71u (Sundays and Thursday arm exceptedl. MIDDLEBRO'. SPEREMAN 8: MIDDLBBRO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. C. Middlvln'n‘ z< pvmnunvnfly located at Durham (Mia). DR. A. M. BELL OITico «m Lamhtnn MPH-1 Dr. Hutmn‘s un'irv . HIT: DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST Ofi'ice our rl..i. H 19-? ~: . Durham Untaxm | Or DhOne' for iDTOI‘imltinp { WLBUSINESS COLLEGE .AMOI‘d and Mount Forest gle. SMITH, M‘. _B., Advertisements under tins head: CASH WITH ORDER: six .msccum of four. Telephone 03118 m-utml as 0 Saturday night of week onhwmi. Mi 25 cents. On 21“ Charge whims '1 H.121 It will be made 0301] l!!.~‘vr11<‘.1\ mimm'. All Our Graduates 3.?QGRANT.D.D.SnL.D.S 0 have been plavmi u still there are cam Stin there are L8H~ 1 Get your course NH“ '. 3. do “Ct get It 3'01] p3} fm- ‘ myway in smallm‘ vin'HiEu‘ and lost Opportunilivs. filter any day. Write. rail Thursday, September 4, 1924 FARMS FOR SALE Licensed c/luctzbna’r Medical Direrlorr. Dental Dz'raclarz' Legal ‘Dz'redorv Classified Ad On This P398- DAN. MCLEAN DR. BURT. to 9 30d 10 «int H! NI m m (“Tim _. ('XCN It Pays. ma _\' .1 hnili's : to 9 p.m. 101110011: 1h h Ill 0n (“st- ”UI' Sm Du MK) la if 3H n ll n

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