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Durham Chronicle (1867), 4 Sep 1924, p. 8

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ifi‘iâ€"sfiMIaf‘iion Boyd hits returned to teach m Toronto where she has been act'fied on_§hn qty ‘staff. " Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hormr and Mrs. Johns \isitod hivnds in St. (1001mm KiIC'IH'IH'I and ¢ .Hllin'_'\\'_.nmi late‘lv. .\ couplo' wt var lnmls ut the Lullio s Aid om imit'mon atto‘ndml th» Ladivs’ AM picnic in \‘al'm-y last \\'m_hu_~.~'o!a,v. v -__,V Bornâ€"t0 'Mr. and Mrs. Janws Vaughap_. a_ son.: Congratulations. “\\ Mrand Mrs. Hugh Vaughan. Jr. Spent Sunday with friends in River- dale. Congratulations to Miss Nellie McKenzie and Mr. C. Shilltrough who are being married this \Vednes- day . A reception in their honour is to be held in the eyening. Miss Delight, Radio has l'i‘f‘dt‘?"‘:i Glenroadin. (Our own correspondent.) Mvssrs. Kenth and Alex. Vaugh- an spent a day at .\:'l‘nm' I'mm‘ntly. Mrs. Haley and children) \vlm havn 1mm slwm'ling thmr Vavatinn with Mrs. Kenny haw- returnml tn thrir hump in Owon Suuml. 7 Mr. Klintjx‘ has e‘mgagwi with MR Jamvs Hesllp_ gor Hw hag-yest. Missvs Fulton and 'l'hnrnv won prizes at the Scotch doubles m Mt. Fun-wt. cm Labor Day. MP. and Mrs. Arnill haw gum: to 1'0an fur 9. NW days. Miss Ruby ”0‘51"” spvnt a day last \Vm‘k with t'riwnois in ”\wn Somnol. Miss lsaho‘l Nit-Quarriv spvnt thv holiday at. 1101' paro‘nts‘ hump ho-rv. Aberdeen. (Our own correspondent.) Miss Mary Lamb lvl‘t on Monday fur hm- svhuni in Nestlutnn. Mrs. 'l‘humns Collier and [WM daughto-x's nl' {cm‘n spvnt the hnhola)‘ with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mamlmmld. Mr. Buy Lamb and Miss Mary Spent. Sunday m‘nning‘at .\l r. 'l‘hunlgs Larry‘s. Riversioio‘. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh )lz‘u-ah’mtllcl and son Kenneth spunt. thv first Hf tho \ank with Mr. and Mrs. \Villiam Hmwss and family of Crawford. Mr. John Hum” 51. spent a {0“ dens rm nth in Hm) x'gowtmul Visiting; hey daughtnr. Mrs . H. Allingham. .5; 2:: $3.. 9:... 57. -535... .571. €54.25. 7.7.27 i. $.97. 33.. fizz... i. ”(Sum wracszx. Urul'go‘ Hnsiuth'l' spun: Hu- Nari): part. Hf {hr wm-k m 'I'HX'mltn. .\i1.~' Inmcs Swawton Hf Mann! Laws! and \15. me5 In PM [Sim .lfh \wxo- Hw guosts n‘ rclatius in Um :1. NE; :7. 7.17:: Zaczz... 3.: :2.,..=.::n :2. 31:32:: 2:7. 5.2%. Miss Bvrtha Stvphonsnn m \‘aska- mom is \isiting her brother, Jacub hero. 7:11.}. 5:3 2:; :15 $33.]. 9:... :7]. Ext: 3. 7.13:: 1.2: 7.5:..3. ..,...,_~__~m B. Zn. :sm: :2...::£;.u.. Miss Elsie RM! 01‘ qulpfi ViSitmI Miss Mary Bye x-";-¢f11t.ly. \‘ill \lelm‘ last Hulzu'. 311'. 1111.! Mrs. 1;. 1’1. Mui‘cllan ul’ Rnyal Halk. )Iirhiguu 511.9111. 11 day law-nth “1111 D1. ’ Md 0113112 .\l1-. and 311s \\ gnaw anol daUghtvr 2111113115.!) BUHQ'I and clungmlcl'. 3311 111.1 1»! U1 trnil Spé'llt- Un- \kavnd with .\!1'. and Mrs. .-\. Bullm'. Mr. 1). 8111111 whn has l‘wvn 11mm fur H111 past mnnlh I'vturnml with me In his homo- in “NW”. his humo- xwar 'l'iVm'tnn. Hum in Mr. and Mrs. Huhm'f, Kirby. 0. S. It. nn Angust. 31. a daughtvl'. 'l'lw t.\\'n patrons of tho E‘jrvn’lnnt «Iz-vanu-ry tlumpzmy svnding .thv higho-st munln-r m‘ pnunols of huttvr- fat during May. .huw. July and August 2m: \\'c~.~‘lo~}‘ Hnlliciay 1088.3 pnunds and i’vto-r MrQuown 78.3.61 pounds. .\ ”pm-m1 mo-vting ni‘ tho- tnwnship: cvunri! was mm mm Saturday. Hm? ('hio'f ito-ms of businvss twin: tn; cunsidvx' ihv appuintmvnt. Hf an tx'vasm'o-r :moi assvssm'. Smw-x'al um'licu‘tmns \\’6'l'0' l'vm'h'l'tl t'm' vavh ot'I‘iw and resulted in tlu- amminl- I‘m-m “1' Mr. Walter Hasliv us Iro'asurvr and Hm 1-w-ummintmvnt, 01'. Mr. Walth' Knows as assessor. : Mrs. W. 'l'. Pvtx'ior spvnt the wowk-i Clifford lingvrs Hf Detroit. is spe'ndlng :1 vmwlo) nl' “1'ka at. his homo: lwrv. 'l'ho- sympathy Hf tlw cummunity was simwn by the large number who atn-mw thv fmwrul and the. pro. fusmnmf l'lmwrs that, wen.- placml on Man mt't’in and conveyed to thv gnaw. mea will be missed by how playmutvs hut, nle will miss iwr mun- Huan thv mo‘mho-l's nt’ hwr family. Mrs. H. mm and family ro-tumml homo: Sunday after speudmg a wad: m Uuerlph and .k'm'gus. The hand of -0‘38301 has again Visited our Village and has taken one of the little ones in the pox-son of Leona Marie Ellis. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. P. liliis. agml five years and thirteen clays. She had not been feeling well for a couph» of days and on “Vulnesday of last. week the doctor was callml and was un- deeitlml as to the nature of the disease. Drs. Sneath and Reynolds were called and lb was considered that appendicitis was the cause of the ll't'l‘lblc. Dr. Groves of Fergus was called and an operation was performed. Hood hopes were enter- tained of her recovery but on Satur- day she gradually sank and she ltaSSWl away on the evening of that day. The funeral service was held on Monday afternoon. Elder-Shields of Toronto officiated, assisted by 1M. l.. K. \\7e.~:t. The remains Were taken to the Latter Day Saints’ cellleto'r)‘. Proton. in (‘lial'gv of undertaker. t1. McMillan. 'l'he pull- bearers \Vt‘l'e MlSSPS B. Smith. L. Alctlalt. la. Gibson and M. me’hray. (Our own correspondent.) Mrs. Herb Keith left here Satur- day morning on her rotqrn trip to her hum» mar Lumsden. Sask. The teachers of the Continuation and Public schools have returned and are again at. work. Miss Ed- wards and Mr. Koch in the contin- uation schnnl and Missps Davidson anfl Floyd in the pub“; schuul. Mrs. \\ PAGE EIGHT H’M: \hhs slwnt- SHIN! high-“mu! ”,1th in Silly {l _\' Sun {If :71 33:25. 2:; ”:11: 3. 31m: mm: .531. :7.» 22.x 2:: .r.:: 2:21... Mrs. Robert. \\'éhih-1'orol of Toronto who has been visiting friends at Hampden, spent a few days in this vicinity renewing old acquaintances. .57.. ’5: :...:..<. _.::._:::. 1.2; m 2),. 23.7. 2:: :2. 5....32u :3. :3.m_.vf.. 2:: 7. :2 «Ed. $5: .77.». 3:2. :7 9:. 7.71.. 2.... :63... E. matâ€"z. 5.2... 27.25% (5:. Ed. vs; 7â€"7.. _.. w. $52. 9: 34.8.4 3.15:? Miss Anna Cathcart of Toronto is Visiting; hm‘ fl'iPndS. Missvs Jan»: and Margaret McRonnId. Mr. Igoinnoth K011 of Michigan. I'. S. is \isiting his cousins. the Uprbx tamilies. Mr: JamPs Milligan. also sisters. Effie and Helvn motored to Toronto to take in tlw exhibition. and also to Visit their cousins. Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke. Mrs. .i'zmo-s Mcfiirl- and son Dalv :u'o- Visiting in this nvighlmrhood. Dr. .luscph Ii. Pattersnn and Mrs. D‘I'. Patterson and family of Listmwl spun! at day rowntly with the: fnrâ€" mm’s pul'vnts. Mr. and Mrs. S. Patter- 5"”. Glenmont. {Our own correspondent.) Mr. amt Mrs. tli'awt'urtt Hzii'i'isnn aunt Allit- i-vturnmt lust \\'t't'k t'mm a trip tn 'l‘ni-untu when? they visitml trio-nits aunt attcmtm‘i the Exhibitinn. Mrs. .lunvs Harrison. who wvnt with ttwm. I’t‘nltltltt‘tt in Tux-unto for a Visit. with twr daughter, Miss Essie), amt titht‘l' rvlativus. Mr. Perry Harrison and Miss Myrtle. “"0115 www- alsu \‘isiturs at the exhibition. Mrs. W. L. hivm is \isitin" her dzmghtm Mrs. \\ ill “Mr. neat r:Dur- ham. (Our own correspondent.) I)! X B (ur'imsnn. .\.l 1).”! But- ialn mutnrul m» hum that citx Hm first. n! “In “cu-k In spmlol a hnlidm v. ith hi< tat hm. .‘.ll. \\ illam (21101- .‘Hll. SI“. Mr. and Mrs. B. Smith uf Durham \‘isitml with t'rwnds nu tlu- iim- K'e'mfutly. Mrs. “"il} Derby and babe visited I'vcently thh hpr_515ter. Mrs. Lorne Among the (liSillllSiOl'led Canadian exodustprs whn are returning to their native Evnd is to be included Ml; Mathews. formerl Deputy pro- vincial Treasurer.â€"â€" rder Cities Star. “0 RIP glad In l'[_¢*bHI't Mrs. J. E. \\ “'11s sumv“ hat impmwd in lwnlth. Mrs. ".l \,-t: husnn is \xaiting on hm. t... 8:. $7.. ’4. ..â€" 58:7... 9:; :77. :;_.CS.:. 7.73: 1.22.5 3.25:? i 5.. ._ fi...:...:.. .57 2:557. _..~$.~..._:... i. €2.21: 17.17.; :7. 7.742.. 72.7.. .2553"; ::_._..7::. .16. 2:; ”1 Z... 3323.1.-. 2:17:97. ____ - .v-‘ -5‘ A " IL‘LLI Smith of Mount anst. Miss Eliza Pam'rsnn’ mutm'mi to 'l'nl'nzltu nn 'l’nusda.\' 3'4 :l mombor Ol' Hu- judgin; loam fur (ilvm-z. in ,iudgv mkv, hx'o'ml. svlmnl lunches, L'tC. ' .\!r'. and Mrs. lid. Pratt and M 15. A. \\'at.~rnn spvnt a few days rvcnntly in 'l'nrnntn and atte-mlml the Ex- hthion. .\liss Ail-i Ali-[man i'niiirnod in TM- Hntn lust. \wwk al'tvl’ Spending some iimi- with Mrs. N. McCannvl. Miss Aimiv Watson is Visiting hi‘r gi‘uiiilpm'uiits. Mr. and Mrs. \V. R. \\':it_snn. Srliiml Q'UIIHIH‘IH'O‘d nu 'l‘uosduy with Miss M. ’m'k :is tvachm'. Mrs. it. HP“ is SIH'Htullf-I n l'mv .iuys in 'l‘m'nniu and with her daugh- ivi'. Mrs. \\'ii;iums nt' Mimicn. Miss {via am! Harry ro-tui'nmi humi- with MT. 1’. PM; r:~w~r.tl_\' :a \\'hit:nm'v An instiiutv mm'ting is [wing hvicl at Hm hump of Mrs. S. Pnttmxnn this 'l‘hm'sday al'tm'mum. .\ll laclis-s im'ilml tn :lttl'nd. (Our Own C4vz'nrs;~.:_nuicnt.) Mr. ‘1. Dunsmum- has purchasml a. m-w strum vngino- and will now be x'vasiy fur thrvshing. r 3:12 \Valtl'l' NiVlilDl 113.] t-ll“ Illi“_ m' llilo‘ tn [05v mm of hi; n 5“ “Wk. . halaulast Who-n I'o'tm'ning tn Slratl'nro'l on his nmtmwgs'vlv. Monday ('Vl'nim.’ :u'ivr spvnchng {ho- \x'm-k-vnd with t'z'xmaols hvrv. Mr. \\'ill Knislcy had “In {HFUH'UHH' tn hr struck by a mulnx' var nvzu- Um'hzu'd. and have his 1"; brake-n. .\ var passing latnr hz-nugm hinptu Durham \vherv he rum-ix'ml mmlival :1anti.;»h and was tleu-n tn {hc- Durham Huspitzti. Mrs. Jumps Mrfiirr and limp son: ”1' Duh-nit. am- sgwnding :1 (“w wm-ks with hm- parvnls. Mr. and Mrs. tlharlvs Lmvn-m'v. Huthm Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Eur! \'o-.~'<i.' worm Sunday at. thv Mountain humv. Miss Mam! Pivkc-n :‘nis't'mint'd a numbm' ut’ hvr svhmimafvs 11M \\"mhwsda.\' on ”w m-rasiun «.f lwr birthday. to Torontn after spending a very happy vacation with lwr grand- mother. Mrs. R. H. Banks. Mr. Harold Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. «lo-cl] Mnuntaiu and tlw latter's .‘iSU‘l‘ motored frnm Hamiltum and sw-nt UH“ “TOR-9nd at Mr. T. Mum:- tain's. Mrs. James Mon-ice of Lancer. Sask" wlm came) cast for tho. i'llnm'fll ut’ ho-x' brothur. thv later Jump): Moore) is x'vmaining a {my \\'s't’l{% with ln-l- sistvr. 312's. (I. Pva and UHH-I' fl'imni>. - Mr. \\'ilfred Eadie is spending a woeks with his grandmother. Mrs. Banks. _.\lx-.~‘. .iuhn Armstrnng nf ~â€"â€"--- szmm.’ at Mr. E. Armstmngs (bur own correspondent.) Mr. Arthur “'9th of Swift Cur- i-wut. Sasha. is visiting with his t'i°i_o:mi._~'_ in _thi_.~:_ locality. __ Miss Agst Petty I'o-tuz'w'cl t0 'l‘m-(mtn on Monday tn I'c's'llmcf t:_-:u'h|ng duties. Southeast Bentinck i’r'igh ni' Palm-rattan - \isitvd 15' :Il tlu- lmmo- of 3115 .\. Darkies’ Corners South Bentinck '8M”~;oob‘ Master Dan spent a fejw thmr wusm. “Anythihg vise?" asked the fair but haughty waltress. l‘ng‘mwl to (‘I'iminnls. for if “'0 do we“ will sm-nly follow in the footsteps ol‘om- i-nnsins across the border. and duplicatn in proportion to our popu- lation HIP crimi- \vaw‘ in which they now find tln-nmsh'es. Everything lining oqual thugs are no more res- pvctm's of international boundaries {hall they 31‘!“ of persons or property. Crushing Retort "lelo. dam-iv.“ said the. fresh young man with a “toothbrush" mustaclw and dressed to the minute, a glass of meet milk and a piece at“ 19mm} pi.e It is woll known to police officers and others with a wide knowledge or crimes and criminals that the. awe-rag» I'nitml States thug gives Canada :1 \vidv bm'th on account of tho sovoro pnnishmonts inflicted and Hw small opportunities prosontod for "logging tho “howls of justice with tlw valmicalitivs so common in his own country. \\ 0 \\ill uin \u-il nnt to mr on the Sick nf slomn svntimnntalism in “A little spéed and a smile. if you dont mind.” "You‘ve got. all the speed you need. and as for a smile.-look at yourself in one of them mirrors along the wall. If they don’t give you a laugh. you ain’t got no sense of humor." H11\\'11\'111'. \\'1- 11111 hood with the fact that thv “11111111118115 111' the l'11it1-1lSt11t1-s justico 111-11 u111'11111sli011- 11hl)’ 11» 1111111111 fur a gmnlly part. 111' ”11- crimv \\'11\'1-. 1111111-111'11111-1111*1l in \‘i11l1'n1-11. that. is now taking: 11111111- in that part 111' the county? For inâ€" stancv \11- llflil‘ that in Chicn'rn l'111m thv t"i1st 11f thv 1'11111' until midâ€"July “10111 had Mm 177 killings in Chiâ€" 1°11;.'11.".lhat is 177 killings in 196 1l11_\'s in 111111 largo. l'nitml States 1:1-11t111. \xl’1il1- in .111111- them were inst 11s mam' killings in Chivago as th1111- 111'11 dam in tho month. III ”III :s'oIaI‘ 192 3 no loss than ton tlmusand mIIIIIiI-III. \VIIIIII committed in tho I'nitml Statvs. which is fifty timoIs as mun as in the l'nitml Kingdom in “In sump [)Pl'iOd. w here :h‘ MI'. RIiShaIIII ays “nu man is a”()\\¢‘¢l to do that Nice.” The amount of it. is caused by the fact that. the instruments of justice and law enforcement in that noun- try are tied hand and foot by a pee- pesterous system of judicial juris- diction that. gives crime every ad- vantage OW'I‘ justice. Peggy Joyce and DeWolfe Hopper might bring their numerous mat- rimonial experiments to a successful conclusion by marrying each other. â€"Border Cities St'ar. ""l‘III'IIIIiII SalLII'IlzIy Night, HIII- I'IIIIIIII SIIIIN l‘I iI-nds 111w had {I :IIIIII IIIIIII {II 5m. IMF and 11;. Must HIII 1"‘I'U III II.\III IItiIIII III \‘.:IltIII'.\1uiI', :I )‘IIIIII; III-sIIIIIIIt III‘ ”II {{IIpIIlIliv. ill. VallIIyl'IIIlIl, P. Q. .‘IlIIII'. while ““110 mm I) than II 1I0\'.\\':Is cunnectcd with “In l)‘)I)HI‘:..';..'ill{:.' tI'IIl'I'iIf. HO went III-mo .I In \ElllI'}f..iI'l(l got mm a III)“ III an IIIItIII iII HIM placII. shut and killIIII IIIIII HIIIIH l.a\iI)lcttII ”(3 VI as lIIIIIl. II_III\ILIIIIi IIIIII in SIIitII of his I'I'iIIIIIIs and I‘I'IIIHVPS was lIaIIgIIII. \‘.:l.~‘ Hm :‘I‘SHH HI' :1 WHY rather than III'vIIIi-c'liizitmi nllll’Ili‘l'. and thv pm!)- ability that he was drunk. The izitivi mav HI man not haw hm ll “10 l‘ilSt‘ SIIIIII- haw Cliiicizcii hall”ill" as a ghasm misv Z‘ll'li‘dgi‘ m justice; “hilv .\IHHII BIisbaIIv iII tlw New \fuI-k "Ava-ican.“ sums it, 11p thus: "British and Canadian .iusticn is SPVPI'O‘. int. it. discourages crime.) and pays liillc- {IHI‘IIHHH in vaIti- mvntal plvaiiing. 'l'hv young man for whum 30 many :lMH‘aIS \W‘N‘ maiiu DH) mumm' a man. l'm'tvp English law nu man is :Illnwmt to (In that, twit‘c." 'l'hm'v is a gum! drill in Mr. Bris- tnl's argumvut. thungh I \WHIM lit-Hitzlto- ltl‘ntt'l' tlw t'il't'tllllstnnccs tn say that. ttw hanging: ul' ymmg Muir. mmsictm'in: :1!l thv vil‘vumslauwvs. \wmld mm‘l. with ttw \‘ic-ws 0f the n‘lajnrity nl' timsv wlm tIHllt that Hm way in cum- m'inw is tn hung: wim- inals. Rocky Saugeen (Our own correspondent.) M 1'. and Mrs. Burt 'l‘aylm- and son .I)nuglas of 'l‘nronto spent twel- the holiday with thoir parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.'l'|n_)n1p.~‘nn. Littlv (iwu‘gina Millt‘i'. (V'vlnbl'alml hm- fifth birthday by having a party (”1 Friday ai'tm'nnun. and all the i'hilch'vu vn‘jnyml themsvlws \‘(PI‘)’ much. Mr. L. A. lemzm lu-l't Mnnday fUI‘ 'l'ullis. Susliaivlu'wulv whm-v he is going in slwncl tlu- summer months wiih his um'iv. Mr. Al'rhiu McLean. DEALING WITH CRIME Misses Reta (ileum-ass, Glenny Firth. (llu'istene Anderson, Alma Robinson. Margaret Anderson. Mar- jorie and Duruthy Ritchie leave this week (u attend Durham High school. Mr. and ‘vlrs. l). Lc-ilh and Miss Marshal! nl‘ I'n\\'n.<1wni. Sunday with Mr. and .\l:-.~. .\. 'l‘hnmpsnn. Miss I-IsHu-I' Mrlmzm lvi't. Mummy fur hm' m~\\' svhnul ilt“l;° [himmrcn llw mitigaliw- ( in ( umstzmcvS were hix‘ \'.nuHI Hu- izut that Hm killlng Misses MXI'U'B Robinson and Beta Glencrpss are m 'l‘or011§0_t}nls week and “'1” attend the exhxbmon. School I'v-Hpuncd on '.l'ue.‘day with Miss Armvtta Mcchhnic in charge This is Miss Mclslcclmic‘s third year in No. :5. A number of the {armors are doing stouk threshing this week. \Vith favorable weather it should be quite satisfactory and will save considerâ€" able work. Edge Hill. (Our own correspondent.) Mr. and Mrs. Marshall of Tees- water were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Robinson on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kester and Miss Roster of Detroit and Mrs. Whit- moro and two children of Ayton were visiting the Robinson family last, week. M r. H. Williams is spending a few days with friends in Torunto. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE AND CRIMINALS ++++++++++++++++$+$++++$+H$+++++ 3°+++++~b++++++++++v+++++++ '2‘: 3112mm Mrs. W. (i. Una-n and daughter Doris, of Fvl'gns. spent a wnvk with Mrs. Brvvn‘s parvnts, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc(_io\\':m. Messrs. Walter and Kunneth G. err of Van'nvy {USU Mr. Kunnnm R. Kr-rl'nf Grand Rapids. Midi" aw attending the ’l‘m-onh, Exhibition this week. Mrs. Dan Mcleahzl and three (filildl'vll returned in thrir [101110 at Mr. and Mrs. (ienrgo Campbell and the fm'mer’s mother. Mrs. P. Camp- lwll of Gait, and Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don Fisher and little duuglxtvr. Pcarl ul’ Hulstein spent Sumglay with their parrnts. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘homas H. Brigl'nam at Louisv. Mr.pnd Mrs. Willjam ansnn mm spmu'hng ths week 111 Toronto. MP. and Mrs. J. L. Stmlmun and son lmsliv and Mr. and Mrs. E'Utm- Hay mutm'vd tn 'l‘orun‘io and spent over llw holiday with frionds there. Miss N. F ursmfin. tbachm‘. was tho guest of Mrs. Gordon FlShlPI' m Hol- stmn for a week. Mr. John (I. Kvm‘ ul' thmii, attend- ml the 'J.‘01“0nt0 l'lxl’xihilion and spent nwr the Vs oak-mud \\ it}: his parents, Mr. and N‘lxs Jamsw K( ran Yummy. Mr. Kenneth Ii. Kun- u!‘ «hand Rapids, Mi(!1.. spvnt. :1 \w-nk \ isiiing his uuclvs. )ivssrs. Jnim and .lzlmus Kerr. at. Varnvy. and his ('mlsin. MP. \VIiHiam Derby. .h-., Snul‘] Line, ivntinck. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Catton, Mrs. S. Ritchie and Mrs. Pctvr McLean motored to Toronto las; week and [00k in the Exhibithm. annm wturuing home they mjoymji an ex- tonsivn tour through tho fruit dis- t1~i_c_§ 0n__the Niagara Peninsula. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Miss Max‘jm'ie B1 own \\ lm has been attvnding ‘hv \\ intm' millinmw Open- ings in "lmontu.’ has z’xccephrd a posit ion as trimmm- in Mt. Forest. Mr. and (iwymw and two sons, \V ill and Allen motored from Thron- tu and pent the week-0m! with Mr. an}! Mrs.‘.~§1_1thony_ Holmes. -- 'u Rev. W. H. Smith and family returned on Friday last from their holiday. Part of the time was spent visiting old friends in 'l‘horold and vicinity and then Mr. Smith attended a Summer School in 'i‘hcology at Knox (Joilvgv. Toronto for two weeks. ' M 1'. and Mrs._ Dafid Allan 0f Torâ€" onto \‘lSlt-Od mlh Mr. and Mrs. An- thgny Hoimos an‘r the. _wcck-end. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Pearce also Mrs. W'ilxiam Pearce of Hamilton and MacLaren Pearce of Detroit, spent the holiday with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Arnett. Misses Margaret Bly and Gladys Wilson of Toronto visited over the holiday with their friend, Miss Ella McFadden. W'ord has bmm receix'ml that. MP. John Ledingham, a former resident 01' Bonlinck. and brother of Mr. R.H. Ledngham and Mrs. A. C. McDonald. dim] I'N'PHH)’ zzi‘iwr an upc-I'alion for :Imuumjiuilis. at Luthhx'idgv Hospital. A brother. \Villiam. msidvs 31. Bus- SCH. Manitnlm. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Turner. their daug ter, Burnetia, and son, Law- rence. :u'n wturning by motor to Dotrnit. on Saturday morning. Sep- tomhm' 6. Miss Anna Mitchell returnml to her home in chn‘onto after spending: a wwrl; with how uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. imcu 'l‘m-nor. ‘ Miss Holvn Cl'll‘iStiO and Miss Isa- lwll Burgnss 01“ Port Elgin were guvsts this week at, the home of Mr. Julm Burgnss. Mr. and Mrs. C. Ram-age and son. Potm' nmtored to 'l‘nronto and spent nwr thv veek-mm at the home of MI". Jumps (.lnloricjlgo and other friends. Miss Ijaulino Lo“ is of St. Thomas is \isiting her friend. Mrs. Kearns. Shu loax es tor her home Friday after a pleasant two \1 (39113 \isit. P-iissns'Mario and Gertrude Colo 1-,3‘ I‘Iimira aro visiting friends in 5mm in? a few days. .‘fiss lrmw Whittaker of Toronto :xi uwr tlw \\ oPk- end in town. . Martin Lauder lott Tuesday for ; :.;~.:iun. whvro ho will attrnd High t‘iivssrs. Alf. Redford. Bern Sharpe, -Xll'rwi Shnrg'w. and wiws. acoom-pan- ied by Irvino Sharpe. Mrs. \Villiam 1111:1111 and son l'lton. motnrvd to Kim. ara mm. tho \\ 001‘ «1nd and at- tvmimi tlw t xhihit mm on Labor 1)a_\. .\h. and MIS McKnight and the Missvs \lclx'nitrht. ot W‘elland county mm 'wmi to the humu of Mr. and Mrs. .ARamag‘c 911 Sgnday. Mn Hamiltbn after spending two weeks’ vnsning her brother here, Mr. George Montgomery, and also friends at Lamlash. Mrs. A. E. Iliff and daughter returned to her home in British Columbia the first of the week after visiting her sister. Mrs. J. W.Arâ€" nett. in Glenelg, and relatives and friends in Durham and vicinity. _ Mr. Bert Barber of Detroit, motor- ed up 'and has been visiting for a month with his parents at Varney. He returned home Iastwyek. LLL LL LIILIILI‘ [JUL vvvvvvv The Misses Laura and Ella McKinâ€" 11011 of Toronto “ho spent part of 1111 11‘ holidaYS in Durham and Price- \illn \isiting their 1elatixes and friends left. Tuesday 101' To_1:qnto. 'Mrs. “George Montgomery hes returned from visiting friends in :Igeronto, and taking in the Exhib- 1 ion. DIED IN THE WEST “See here. Brother Jtmvs." 11.. asked the worthy who mm mm- ducting the. test. “What, basis ..‘....‘ yo’ base yo‘ answers on “P" “One' hundred per cent." mum-:1 the minister. “But how come this man h. 3,. marked 101 per cont?" “Oh, yo‘ éce, suh." answm-ml .‘i darkey, “he Odom: auswm-mi u; questlon we dldn’t ask!" This happened at a (tOlH'm'vnc'v ., colored preachers. A Visiting hism was looking at the various uxum nation papers, and came mm“ H“ marked 101 per cent. Perry.â€"At Lewvan, Sash, August 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry, 3 daughter. Redfordâ€"Walkenâ€"AL the M 0|. 1 u v- dist parsonage, Durham. '1‘llefiday‘ September 2, by the Rev. J. L‘. P«_:ter.~. Miss Mamie Walker, daughter 05 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Butt, of Bentim-i;~ to Mr. John Henry Redford. 01‘ 1mg". faln. N. Y. SOD. Lindsay.-In Durham, Auguse 31, to Mr. and Mrs. Rgbert Lindsay, a daughter. - Vaughanâ€"In Glenelg, August 28, to Mr. and Mrs. James Vaughan. :1 F RIDAY-- SATURDAY September 5-6 Veteran Star Theatre T\V(‘) SHOWS :8 and 9.1.3 I’.,"~.‘-. Thursday; September 4, 1924 Dorothy Dalton “The Crimson Challenge” A SUPERMAN MARRIED CHEMICAL MOTOR TRUCI HERE NEXT MONT Council Decided at Thulsda} Meg-1 ing, and Appointed Purchasm Committee. Which Placed 0rd< With Bick‘e Com? am of Wood StOCk."â€""'l“:sl- 30$!» Twit} :Auv- 1J< livered. The. tanks. are 01' iHâ€"gul DIUUUSNI HI: and 111 add”; 12'le ('HIHIMv mmi mm to LOW 1'11'0' PH; mom. :1 ”Iv I‘ll!" Tho' alt]! purchasmg m we 1510511: in: mmdv HH‘ .1 Cuuncmur Um inc iuuk a.» n! lwulmus but .\I Caldvr Inn-1mm mud ”1’ mum“. mu: m “211M With good >21! Um day. ‘ZHUHVH mPthOd Io'ndvrs Chasm; Mayur mum-11 t .vnm'm linings. Hint soda and water l: mu: my Uu- tank. mm \\ Mammal «lu' >||ljioitfi~l win'c' I back (U \al'l"U> 'LL‘HUt‘l' l I‘UVIHI' 5159.1). 1'. 1U 'Hw mlltm "Haw I'vznlzw luum'il was -\'.~nin;.:. hm I he mimmw :n )I‘avhvall)‘ HI io,*'\‘ul¢‘ci in tin mrchasin: u truck :29 an Fighting: app: I‘hat, HIP Cull] ho- ampl'mnl widcm-mi Iijs' fimliy any n]! "‘o-ptmn n!’ .‘ add! Smilin‘ Cha1‘7EC: ff M 983 art I‘l \ “A1 Owens says he .had. t‘ quit workin' ; at home evenir 13 HHS L'lll" HI M ‘lllii 11h wie'l'll sy drums. ‘ [Mint Ill ’ ’cause it wuz if): tiresome f'r his - Wife t' keep quiet ’flut long - - -" l|( El II at. was in! HM l“ g“ I win of h ll VOL. 57.â€"-NO. 298 H H lllc .ml I! TH m h. Ill d a hc' 055 ”Iii 0”“ tllc‘ \\ “lit. mm \m ll \\ Ill \\ H \\ UNUIH \\ Id with l\ i“ \V

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