.\. T. Y. asks: "Is it pussiblv to wm- a Sr! \Vithnut thv uso- of sul- dt'l'?" \ns. â€"«\\ ith must. 3149'. ‘03 How- o-sz a gmnl snldnr joint is just gum! as a suliol \viro- and it. vuahlors yuu tn maku ynur Inmls slmrtm- in must. o'asvs. K. P. D. asks : "My lwighhnr's 5M. which is mom- pmwrful than mim'. sec-ms tn "rub" my wt 0! l'vce-.|»tiun. We both haw nulsiclo- anrials. run- n‘mx almost pun-allvl. What slmuld ’l‘hi- windings aro- niacin on thin rai'illmai'il tulws. 'l‘hi-Si- tubvs. how- mm'. shnulil iw‘ i-at'ofnlly pl'i‘pal’Pd bumm- Him’ zm- “mind. If HIP tubing is lint. tlmi'o’mghly airy in tho- first pluw. it slimlld b0 haikml for an hum- HI‘ sn in a warm im-n. Who-n tllhil‘u. 'l‘ho- lirkivr o-nil is mountml 30 that n rutato-s insiolv of tho- umwr um! hi†thn so't'Hnolal')’. 'l‘ho- Invigh! of tlu- shaft must lw arrangml so that “ho-n lho' tirklvr winding is Thu I'Psults which may be Obtain- wl frnm tho» single tubs» rncvivm' o‘lo-scrilwcl last wm-k. depend to quite an o-xtvnt. upun the carpful con- structinn anol mnunting Hf the tuning mils. turn~ ni' NH. 2‘.’ DUI wiro- wnunil nu :2 i'zu'cilmai'ol lulw. :5 im'hi-s in dizinio-to-i'. 'l‘his winding: is :il'raligi-il as shuwn in HM" diagram. su that thO‘l'v am- 9 turns nu o-ai'h siclv. The Spam- !II ilio' mioMio- shnulil hQ‘ abnut 5/“; ilH'hO'.“ \\'io|i- s0 as In allnw a 1;; Hip“ shaft tn ,2.» Hn'uugh the PAGE 6. V. UV.‘ 'v v ' Mr. Charles Noble of the Queen City spent over the week-end at the Fallaise home. \lrs. John 0. Greenwood and fainily visited Egremont friends early in the week and viewed the scenery of Wilder’s Lake. Miss Amelia Blair left Monday . (Our own correspondent.) . Miss Rebecea Banks of Toronto is at present visiting with her sister, Mrs. M. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Henry .‘lul’l‘at and son. Cecil of Edge Hill renewed acquaintances with their old neigh- bors the first of the week. (vi-.31. Pearl and sum Miss \lar _, ~, . . axH breenwood and Miss MyrtlegMé}. Clocklin. .m....:._._:1. 17.1.2... 7:5 3.7.5:. 2: :75. 2. 737â€"...“ .5 32.27. 957:7. .7. :2... :2: .,.._.., a .21.. “Miss Maymc Haley of Detroit is holidaying gt the pin-ental hon»). v-v‘yâ€"â€" _ Missâ€"Elizabeth Hughes of Hanover suburbs is spending a few days um guest of her friend, Miss Margaret, Greenwood. -. n g D ALV ‘_\--‘A- svmvzlolary. Ilu- primary \unonm; shmm! lu- \wunol unly nu llu- IHWPI' half r â€w swunolm')‘. and tlw turns sbnlml lu- spurml 3H lo‘as‘t. ‘,.- ilu'h apart. I.‘ is lmt Ila-c'o-ssal'y that. â€w primary and so-mmlau'y :w “mum in flw wmn- .liro-c-liun. 'l'l'm lic'klo'l- ruil rnllsisls uf I8 5011);: 0} those who tank in the Hanover Fair were _\I1~. and Mrs_ 'l‘lw swunolary mil. rousisling “1' 50 U .u." m' .\H. 'J.’ ULL “HT. is Q‘Vt’ll" 1y \ .umi em a ranlhuarol t'nl'o'. «’1 incl - in olizum-h-r. .\ thin mat Hf sho-llm' m- m!!- Mom is nnxi appliml tn lmlol Hlo- \Hl'o- in Marv. 'l'h prinrzu'y “Hiding. mmsi-‘ling of «3 turns . i' "lwul .VH. 131M111 \\il'r. is \V 'illlol olil'o'rtljs' nu twp of tho svcuzwlar)‘. 'l'ln- primary winding A Sensitive Single Tube Receiver /wound or†lower ball of “tomb/y- fur/7.5 spec ed 2? 71' apart (Copyright,1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) The Secondary Coil *__ â€W" ONIMIEEc'nEIdIfJM‘ '1'" Sic-melon! core Shaft tic er. 4' f 5rcan¢ary~4ofyrn3 rick/9f core H 4 ’dmm. Mr. Sherrill will be glad to help you solve your radio problems. Write him, care of The Durham Chronicle. I'. :Isk~3 "Is it pussiblo' tn} I II“ In rommly this?" Traverston RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Hlls'ls'ls 0! [2'5 w i 1'" \w rum! :5 im'ho-s in By R. M. SHERRILL Cardboard 7955/79“ {é sï¬d/I/ (Radio Engineer) Part 2. .\n.~'.~«-'l’ry ro-arranging your ant-ial sn that it, will nut 1w parrallvl with that M‘ ymu' nvighbor. .-\. R. 'l‘. asks: "My svt «luvs not work wvll at, homc- but. on El frinnd’s m-rialâ€"using tho. samv batteriesâ€" it, funvtinns pvrfm'tly. What can I an In makv it. \Vurk right. at. home?" .\ gcmd way of doing this is to first niake- tiw “chew and its mount- in::. allnwing tlw vow of ttm soc- nndary tn furnish tim bearings for tlw shaft. "J‘hvn start the svcondary winding at tlm proper distance l'i'nm iht‘ tup. \Vhon tlw windings aro- m'i-zingo-d in â€It‘il‘ final position turned parallel with the secondary windingâ€"the lowor turns of the ticklcr will ho. on the same level with thv Upper turns «if the second- arv. 11am» slmuld h». takvn in tuning with this circuit In keep it fmm nscillaling. W‘lwn oscillating. it will inturfwrv withyourncighbor’s i'm'o-pliun. .\ns.--"l’ry I'm-unstrucling your ant-rial. Alsn, try dit’fervnt grtmnds. .-\.~' ymu- svt. scwms to 110 all right, [his slmuM rummly Um tt'uuble. Use Flexible Leads in nrzet'ttuhs tn the th'lder shnuhl he mmte with flexible lemls which may mm; lomse â€Vo‘l' the [Up â€f lhe SW'chhtI')‘. timut Lexihh' lemts (â€1' tin.» 3 hrpuse mu) he made hy twist- In; lovut'ihel' hmsei)‘ almut. 6 pieces â€1' Nu. :m In): \th't‘. Sernpe the in- sulutmn l'rnm the ends amt twist. tho-m tngetht'l‘ aunt snhh'l' tht'm. 'l‘he Variable mmlensel' is the mum tuning; adjustment and the tiekler is: usml tn bring the signal up t.» its maximum strength. It will he llntml, when signals are helm: l'etfeiVet‘l. that turning the tiekler in «me directiun will grad- ually make the signals louder until the tube starts tn oscillate and dis- tm-ts the signal. The proper adjust- ment is l’t'al'ht‘tl when the. tickler is in the positinn just before that [mint at whieh the «listnrtinn starts. fur 'l‘umnto whom: she will attend Normal school for the cuming year. Mrs. '1‘. E. Blair and Miss Edith 'I'm-tm' accompanied l'wr t0 the city. iwhiml a [ballt‘l tlw licklm' coil may lu- rash-11ml to â€w shaft with slwllac Hr svuling wax. Humvmade washers nr Inc-my ('ax'ollmal'ql may DP 1150.] nu Hun shaft tn kmp tlu- mtm' from â€WNW: 9".†<i ’H M Hrw Se'I'aniai'y Miss Myrtle McClocklin spent the latlm' part. at thv week at \VPlbeck with her sister, Mrs. Will Campbell. Missnlessie Macfarlanv of Hamil- ton was a rem-mt visitor in the lWigthl‘hOOd. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cook and Miss Ewlma of Detroit motored over on Saturday to the Cook homo, Miss: .lvnniv of 'l‘m'unto has also been at tho. parental homo the past week. tubing Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beaton, Master Raymond Wilson, and Mr. Fred Cook spent. Sunday at Mr. G. E. Peart’s. 1110 Class at the home of M18. M. J. Dmis undm the supervision of Miss Ruth Pirt, R. N. is progiessing wry faxmabl) with an average attendance of fourteen. We congratulate Mr. James Elli- son on winning three first prizes on his fine team at the Hanover Fair. 590/150 wax or she/lac P0097 (Our own correspondent.) In driving tlimugli the country these days one is forced to realize that winter is not far distant as leaves are. taking on the golden tints and fall ploughing and stubble fields are evident everywhere. Mr. Colin McLean is out with the threshing outfit again, and the souml 0f whistles is evident in dif- fm-vnt directions from here. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Archie MrArthur, Ttm'nline, on the arrival of a little son this 23rd of SPptvmbvr. Fall fair season is on in earnest.â€" L)1-. Carr managed to get two first prizes on his team at Hanover fair and is showing today at 'l‘hornbnry and tomorrow at Walters Falls. ()ur fair promises to be a bumper one as our secretary is busy these days recording entries. ete. Every- body keep October 2 and 3 dates open and come to a good fair. (i. A. Watson Sens have the mill clam repaired and are getting a good head of water now. The dam is in better shape now than at any time. sinee it was built. The Memm'ial Committee has made a start on the erectimi of the steel fence around our memorial. The work will likely he completed this week and will be a marked im- pi'uwment tn the site. W. G. \Vatson is raising a fine garage today on the home proprrty un Kinmss street. W 0 am giad that, 3" nm station Imusc. has alriwd at Allan Park on a flat. car. It will b0 put to place at an vzn'ly date and the other one removed. Congratulations nlsn to Mr. and M rs. John Hartman, a sun being born tho-r0 Monday morning. We are tolcl that this makes a total of thir- tcwn in the Hartman family. Eleven living. Farmrrs report t'nll granarirs. Mrs. Kerr, Sr. is still hedt‘ast but is holding: hrr own wnnllm'fnlly. TEN DAYS FOR DRIVING CAR WHILE INTOXICATED Norman Brnilor. a Guelph motor- ist. was sentenced to it) «lays in the county jail by Magistrate Watt when convicted of driving a car while in- toxicated. The charge was laid following an accident at the inter- section of Victoria and Woolwich streets. when the car in which Bru- iler was driving struck a horse and buggy driven by Norton Harrison, of Guelph township, wrecking it and throwing Harrison out on to the pavement. Both vehicles were travelling north on Woolwich street when Rruder’s automobile crashed into the rear ot‘ the horse-drawn vehicle. Mr. H. Flaming is visiting with his sistur. Mrs. F. U. Karsledt Hf thi- vlllzlgv. (Our own correspondent.) Miss Rheum. Charlton 1qu last \W‘t'k fm' 'l‘nrnnto where slu- will smul a l'mv months. Miss Agnew McLean is spomling a t'eV-w lmlitluys with friends in Han- “\‘l'l'. Why is Andrew Park wearing such a smih'? This is a qunstion that romos lwl‘orn us daily. Some say on account. of the good road which will soon he going past his gain. Utlwrs say he was trading,' horsvs. but we know why. A young son arrived Sunday morning. Con- gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Park. Mr. John 'l‘urnbull has roturnml tummlph whm'c he is attemling High school. Z... 2:; 27.. .553 73... i. 48.: :94. E..25:..::..é 3 Z... 9:... 72.7.. ’5 7.2... i. :25: $2.3m. 15?... 3,252.4 2:: :7 SE 271.. $555.. 53.3.. .: Miss l_’)ai.~'y Mather went to Strat- l'nrcl on Munday to enter tlw Nnrmal sclmol tlu'l'v. 'l‘hv x-(md-making undm' manage- mun! Ur .lusvph Whitoman is pmâ€" grvssing- finv. 'l‘lwy are now cutting the hill ummsitv Muses l’mIIIlolly’s gulp. Winn: that, mile and a quarter is finislwd it will no Iongvp he the, Allan Park hills but just, more grades. Now that. hairpins arr ubsnlote how does a woman fix her watch? Water! Water! Water! Wht ls Gama“ Worth?- MP. and Mrs. .Iulul Milligam spout am M'vning rum-ntly with thn for- nwr‘s sister, Mrs. Uuurge Hendm'sun ul' llnnlpdml. Z... 2:; 7.7.. .533. £15957r 5...: E... Z:..nz...._ 1.1.2....â€" «3:. _._.:._:T. E 52:; 12.9.9 7% 2.6.x. ="u’mx' uwn cnx'rcspondcnt.) 'l‘lw \‘illugu was wry quiet last, 'l'hursday and Friday as almost ¢_-\'m'y01w was away to thu Hanover vxhihitinn. .\ gum! timv was 1'9.- purtml. [1.8. No. 4, Durham. Phone 96-12 Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unï¬t for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranmd ED. J. PRATT South Bentinck Allah Park THE DURHAM CHRONICLE NEW TWO-DOLLAR-BILLS HAS PICTURE OF'PRINCB Have you seen the new two-dollar Dominion of Canada note? Although thedate of issue is given as June 23. 1923, there are few who have seen the bill in circulation. A teller of one of the London. Ontario institu- tons recalls having handled the new issue as far back as three or four months ago. but they were by no means common. The appearance of the new bill is such as to compel immediate attention. A clean-cut picture of the PrinCe of Wales occupies a central p«_1sitiei1.l'ormer- lx allocated to a large “'2.†“hile the figure denoting the denomina- tion at the top of the hill is much enlarged. For the first time the maple leaf is included in the scheme of decoration. and the seal of the department of finance appears on the face. Altogether it is quite different from the old issue. (George Belcher in the 'l'atler.‘z First Gentleman (to entire stran- ger): “Surely I’ve met yuu before.†Second Gentleman: “When?" First Gentleman: “Didn‘t we meet in Quebec '2" Second Gentleman: “Never been there." First. Gentleman: “Funny: [wither have I. Must have been two other Q men. Drs. C. G. Bessie MacGillivray, Durham, Ont. the “power within" you to restore you to health After all other methods have failed to assist this “power". Chiropractic stands foremost as the greatest science, viz. The Key To Health. CHIROPRACTIC and ITS SCOPE A BIT MIXED Health Is Our Greatest Asset In a joint account For Me c/zt'ldren, too The wife deposit: l. Slight subluxations at this point will cause so-called headaches, eye diseases, deaf- ness, epilepsy, ve1tigo, 1115011111i3\v';'1\ neck, facial par 11) sis, locomotor ataxia, etc Durham Branch }. A, Rowland, Manager 4..fo F!- A Joint Account in the name of husband and w if e allows the wife to deposit or withdraw money during her husband's absence or when he cannot get to the bank during business hours. A Savings Account for the children will teach them the value of keeping their money, thus helping them to form the habit of saving. Thursday. Sum-1hr 25. an. 20 CONTROL OF CORN Slll’LE AND lNEXl M Mandy Bad m u I“ slain This Year.-- â€I!!! Protect Them selx‘e luv-sea of m. borer hue l‘varhu m In dangvr M 00†crops “ll.~ \o-jg licularly hard I. : ities the W'I'Pr Mr- per cent of “w man Growers 2m- :m mimcnt HAHN :. ‘ Bumrilvd ;1\ low, emailing y. g ;.. ble und('[' (19“th ‘. sure that :u‘l room, _ 38 early as gummy idea of tht-m 1t 1~ 1m 1‘5mtt')‘ in mind that â€I. .‘mx'o-rs over and I'd-mum until Hm lay in all) part ..1 mu m above gmumi xargu nunugh cell (hum: hwum- Hwy “1“ in the stalks. stulohlo'. ('uhs remnants HI' “I“ ('I‘HP IPH field 01' (‘lSG?\\‘|H'I‘c’. Thu} be t“ sump vxtvm m stun growing ammn.‘ Hu- mum. msuros. Hlo'H-IHI‘O. ('HH‘I‘ in 80 tl'c'atlm: llu-w that 'I will be dosh‘uymi. l1 1 this is (fa-'5'. 1M" all Hm‘ ex : then is (u rut Hlo- 1~;.;~ go. it. plough the. ~1mm1- 2111-! plehely and “HY â€he; .7 I when (fUHlvahna. Hm knives and ft'l'mPMqu-v- .11 Mel's that gu n.1- H!" ‘.. ploughing mun-my. :11 1 field, DI‘OVMWI 1-\v-v‘\1!.1.; beneath lhv surlzu'w. The mothm inexpens: \ .- good farm w If tl‘wrv ls will nut hub! is somvtimvs such casew H: be thnmuuhly l' crop has hvvn run some mt‘thmi mzz disposing «of NW CODE. Thu In“! them (lu'uugh . shredder. fanâ€! â€2' 9"... “IN.“ MI" manure and h plough It HIM“! May. If IHI' 21M are fed \thir H should 1m! 1w H; manure. but shun and burnmi. It i' remnants Hum 1. der, bewauw 1! them complvtc-ix The grvat 1mm: “I“. no stalks ; even cum. Aim Smu'nd. in lho' T or in “In haw anyu'hfll‘v “Is.- in 01‘ [â€01];le by the 0nd “1' M: New will rhzu around and Im 2 Ploughm; .1 and OUH‘I' rnz' Erect part In borers. but 1« ploughed muh up again \th bUt MUS! [w i fluidly. September 25. are drawn! ‘ We dvsh'ur 0‘ the {Mid MM 3 toothed um Cite 25c boxv» « ' '3 cataracts who I 10" caused bir I" Rheumatism. Icthods of Control ht}... order to om sh Luci. Juniors. T d, onto a person M on: full but Plays Great Pa depcgd 8| ault M 3| Mlt