shu\\~‘ lnwm. V. P. ShDarment w um! n. m» mid picture.“ Mount“: and makes 120 81W" nx. rm mm 13 a supersensinlul :b» madw at any altitude u the I“ 'all aerial haze. Lug kw gti~'!!1*‘,"ti ll! COH‘Plt’t" paw- hen-m» wl I Camera lshevist la, . SoptO-hl' v...»- \"Ynilillhtal (13'. -11“: 1;}: â€I“ [Hi mlano ~ nf m9 w V short!) “in I'st’s" ‘ In thIS COM. 'w'i m 10mph!» 9W V. 3h Darment hp» .1... ‘ nu m. has 10". Bus- hil.‘ sworn alle- l‘lu- plIUtO show‘l a! m Riga short- :‘o- from! MOSCOW. ml Upon the 30- n. H» succeed- :kushnp Tikha mv-nl cnntrol 0‘ III |1\.~'\i||o'. Pa. ‘ 81 \o-ars of x In! .l'norce. ) longer “P v. And heâ€"â€"- IN HIS H Dk“ l‘ke .l a have there DRS. 11113801! 8 11.1380]! (Mice and residence a short dist- am'e east of the Hahn House on Lambton gtreet, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.1n., 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. Sll'l'l, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. «Mice and residence, corner of muntess and Lambton Strpets, oppo- me nld Post~0flice. Office hours : 9 m n 3.11).. 1.30 to I; p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays and Thursday afternoons excepted) . DR. A. I. BELL Office on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton’s Ofï¬ce). Office hours, 2 to 5 mm, 7 to 9 p.m., except Sunâ€" 2 to a day. DR. BURT. Late Assistant Royal London Up- thalmic Hospital, England, and to Golden Square Throat and Nose Hos- pital. Specialist: Eye, Ear. Throat and Nose. Office: 13 Frost Street, ffiéén Sound. c. a. All) 32331: chlLLIVMY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. 'l’he Science that adds life $0 years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays. Thursdays and a A 1. 09 H Saturdays. -.- ‘G'fï¬nn'ns'r Hunter’s store, J. 1". GRANT, D. U. §., IJ. U. 0. Honor Graduate Universnly of Tor- onlO, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario“ Dentislr m all its branches. Office, over . C. Town‘s Jewellery Store. Bat risters, Solicitors, etc. A mem- ber of the ï¬rm will be in Durham on Tuesday of eac h lweek. Aspointments may be made with the 121‘]: m th 0 office. IIDDLBBBO'. SPBRBIAN IIDDLBB’IO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Ito. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. C. (1. Middlebro’ is permanently located at Durham Oflxce. ’ _.___ Licensed Auctioneer for UOUDIy m Urey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- ~‘0nable terms. Dates of sales made at The. Chronicle Oflice or with him- Wâ€. #M ______________â€"â€"â€" ALBX. IacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Moderate terms. Arrangements for sales. as to dates, etc.. may be made at The Chronicle (m‘ice. Dur- ham. Terms on application. Ad- dress R. R. 1. Durham. ‘2 11:6de Thursday, Sou-hr I, am. dross Advertisements under this heading, t cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the price of four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order it paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for ï¬rst insertion, 25 cents. On all charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word will be made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. Municipality 3193 " ansmitted 0r delivered to the per- mm mentioned in Section 10 of the mitarin Voters’ List Avt“ the copies “mired by said Section to be. .so :z‘msmitted or delivered, of the list made pursuant toLsaid Act, of gill .lllUIV' l'lllflltillv - ‘.w~('~‘an‘ tmw'ariné b‘yflihe last. revis- v-gi 394049111011! Roll of the sand ml;- mmmilty to be entitled to vote In 'hv said municipalit' gt elections L called upon to examine the said I!“ and if any omissions or othgr errots are found therein. to take WM" Mo proceedtlgs to have the sand orâ€" I . September, FARMS FOR SAEE Med [cal Directory . Classified Advertisements Legal ‘Directorv LUCAS a; nun? DAN. chBAN for Count} 0‘ PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE.â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0: Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkiï¬s. 221 U FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. . 5 15 tf W‘ESTERN FEED OATS AT 650. PER bushel at. the Rob Roy Mills. 4 3 tt BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. i 10 M KARSTEDT BROS, PRICEVILLE have become associated with the Superior Storesâ€"a co-oporativc or- ganization handling groceries, fruits and meats, etc. They will be able to giw the consumer much hotter values. Watch for dodgers and Thursday night’s odition of the Toronto Daily Star for list of Spec- ial’s for tho weekâ€"0nd. ' PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep†_and long mileage. Sold only at, Smlth Bros’ anal! Garag'e. I VI. A 55-“, a. vâ€"'_.___ _ I bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 tf MEN’S TAILORING.â€"GENT’S SUITS hand tailored. I am prepared to make your suit and guarantee first- class workmanship. My prices are right. Leave your orders with D.M. Saunders, Gent’s Furnisher, Durham. â€"~W. J. Heuning, Tailor. i 17 if WHEAT WAï¬TED. ANY QUANTlTY. Highest price. People’s Mills.3 i5 23t WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the ï¬nest work on ShOl“: GRAIN WANTEDâ€"HARLEY. BUCK- wheat. Peas. Oats and Mixed Gram wanted. Highest prices paidâ€"Rob Roy Mills Limited, Durham. 112m order. 'l'Hl“. I \I)II‘S‘ (EITII I) OF TRINITY (lhmch “ill hold a; w. ten in the Publn Lihr'aty on inday, Septvm- lwr‘ '36. from 3 to 6 u‘vlm'k. 'I‘HI'Z MISSION HAND ()F T} 3-1 .‘lvtlnulist «'Iml'vh will hold a bazaar and sale ul' hump-made baking abm'o )chachlun‘s grocery store on Satur- day. Svptmnhm' 27. Tea served. NOTICE TO FARIBRS The Durham IT.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers are requested to give three dpys‘ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. FOR SALE Hood building lots, on Mill street. well-watered. Apply on premises to Mrs. John Whitmore, Durham. non 0 .MI thw 601 1' 13 FOR SALE OR RENT Sewn roamed frame house Chester street. Apply Mrs. EVPI‘QFU. 2 FOR SALE A used piano. good as m-w; torms.â€"-Jamos Murphy. R. Markolalo. Phonn 7-: 1‘ 35. CARD OF MARKS [wish to convey my sincere thanks to friends and neighbours for tho prompt and Officiant sorvico rendered rocently when my barn and contents were destroyed by fire. \V‘ithout this, there is no doubt. whatovm'. that tho house. too. would have been consumed. I (iooply approciato tho assistâ€"anew given. and tondnr my' Sincere thanks. Lorne Allan. ARTICLES WANTED The man who has on knickers in a hick town wishes to know how far it is to the next city. MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS have been placed to date and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write, call or phone for information. mun. 80811888 GOLLBGB Station! and Mount Forest. FOR Durham, RB. c) b 88pd 626 tf 918i c) pd. l‘ilSV l pd. i‘mess nu Puma 0n How They Compare With the Spring Planted Trees Pmmmudsmmbo («Plantingâ€"ThoAppulottho Tmâ€"MtwundPotatoBotuâ€" The Great .0“ Crop. (Contributodctâ€˜ï¬ Ontario mï¬rtnunt ot Agri taro. Tel-on ) Experiments to determine.- for the Niagara. Peninsula. the relative nor- its of tall and spring planting 0f peers. plums and sweet cherries were started at the Horticultural Expert. ment Station, Vineland. in 1914 and 1915. Complete recordl 0! growth and trultfulneu have been kept for each season so that the evidence we now have is fairly concluuve. Do Well. Severally speaking for pears. plums and sweet cherries tall plant-1 ing has resulted in the least number oi deaths, and has given a somewhat greater growth of tree. both during the ï¬rst season and therealter. At no time, however. have the (liter- ences been very great. though they have been sufï¬ciently marked to war- rant tall planting, providing well ma- tured trees can be secured from the nurseries. Trees dug too early and with unripened wood are apt to sut- ier from winter injury. in some seasons, owing to weather conditions which stimulate late growth, it is practically impossible to secure well- matured nursery stock. After such seasons spring planting would prob- ably be preferable. ml prohable reason for the fewer number of deaths In tall planted than in apring planted trees ts that the roots of the tall planted trees are not subjected to drying out as are the roots of trees held over until spring. Dug vs. Dynamited Holes for Plsnt- In conjunction with the tall vs. spring planting, experiment trees were also planted in ordinary dug holesand in dynamited holes. This experiment was carried on. oi course. in heavy soil. The general size, health and vigor of the trees in the various plantings seemed to indicate that the trees set in holes immediate- ly alter dynamiting were for some cause weakened and delayed in growth. This was attributed to the rapid drying out of the soil immedi- ately following dynamiting, which delayed the starting of the trees. To overcome this difliculty the experi- ment was continued with the addi- tion of trees planted in holes dyna- mited in the tall and allowed to ï¬ll with water and settle over winter.â€" Hort. Exp. Station, Vineland Station. Travellers in Portugal report that in many places where timber trees are to be foundâ€"in woods, parks, and gardensâ€"one sees the following inscription, headed “To the Way- farer": Ye who pass by and would raise your hand against me, harken ere you harm me. I am the heat of your hearth on the cold winter night, the friendly Ihade screening you from the sum- mer sun, and my fruits are refresh- ing draughts, quenching your thirst as you journey on. i am' the beam that holds your house, the board of your table, the bed on which you lie, and the timber that builds your boat. 1 am the handle of your hoe, the door or your homestead, the wood of your cradle, and the shell or your comn. I am the bread of kindness and the flower or beauty. Ye who pass by, listen to my pray- er; harm me not. Very careiul records of the rain- fall at the College have been kept by the Department of Agricultural Phy- sics in each oi the past sixteen years. in comparing the amount of rainfall during the months of July, August and September with the amount of rot in the potato crop in each 01 the past sixteen years some interesting information has been obtained. The annual amount of rainfall tor the three months relerred to tor the eight years in which there was no rot was 7.1 inches, for the four years when there was a moderate amount of rot 9.8 inches, and for the four years in which the rou. was abundant 11.7 inches. The amount of rainfall. theretore. appears to have a very marked influence in making condi- tions iavorabie or unfavorable tor the development of rat.â€"Dept. oi Exten- sion, 0. A. 0., Guelph. , Ontario’s Greatest Grain Crop. In 1923 oats were grown more extensnvely in Ontario than all other grains comblhed. lt ls proouoly sate to say that threeoquarters of the oats which are now grown lu thls Provxnce are of the U. A. u. no. '12 and the Banner varieties. According to ex- tensive experiments tulu accumulated records at the Cellese at Guelph and in Western. Eastern and Northern Ontario, the O. A. C. No. 72 has sur- passed the Banner in 00th quuuty at grain and yield of gram per acre. The dlflerences DetWeen these two varieties. it applied to the out lands 01 Ontario, would mean mllllons or dollnrs unduly flu favor o! the .A. .A. C. No. 7 3 -Dept.. of Extension. 0.. Guelph. The ummte success or my eo- operauve marketing extort. depend. on the will of we runner to 00-0901!- ate; on a span 0! mutual conï¬dence and on trust in one another. Uncle Ah ml: One of the not ms to get men to work huder to: you is to work harder than they do. Rainfall Meeting Potato Rot. The Appeal of the Tree. Plums and Sweet 'PRESBRVIIG HINTS Grape Jelly Wash and stem grams. (100k grapes down. Then strain. Tu every cup of juice add 1 cup of sugar. Bring to the boiling [mint and than boil exactly 20 minutes. Put. in glasses and sealaftor it has set. 1 1 pound of grapes 1/; pound of sugar 1 cup of chopped raisins 1 cup of chopped mus Bring the grapes and sugar to a boil. Then boil ten minutvsâ€"-add nuts and raisins and mmk anotlmr ten minutes. Put all in a [.ll'i‘St‘I‘Vlllg kvtllo. Stir until sugar is «lissnlwd. (200k slowly until thick. This takvs about two hours. small pieces 4 seedless oranges 3 pounds of sugar 1 tahlcslmml of lomnn juivc '1 tablospunn uf gl'altml nx'angn rind Put all in a prvsmwing kotllo. Stir until sugar is dissnlwd. (Junk Stl'mvhm'l'ivs. sugar and rhubarb. cnokod togvthm' this way, makos a wonderful jam. a .5522: uEmmic 72% :23 .55.: €37. .S xiii 5...»: .3295 3:: In the matter of tlw vstatv “1‘ John Hutton. late? of thv Town uf Durham. in the eluunty 01‘ Hwy. Physician, «lvcvascd. Notice is hornhy giwn, pursuanï¬ to R. S. 0. 19M. (Shaptm‘ 12L Svctinn‘ 56. and ammuling Acts. that ail Inn'suns having claims against. tlw Estate of John Hutton. lato ur tlw Town of Durham in tlw (Innnly nf Hwy. Physirian. «lo-(mason. \th «hm! on 01' about thv first, «lay uf th- ruzn'y A. 1). 192's. an) I'vqnirml tn «It-liver Hr sic-ml by post prvpnicl to Lucas anl‘y. Snlivitnrs fur Hu- .\clministratm- M“ the listatv. un ul' lwfm'L' Um 16th day Hf Ut'tulwr 1923. lhvir name-s and achh-vssns. a full uh-scriptiun of thvir claims. in writ- ing uml thn nature nf tlu- svcnrity. if any. hold loy thvm. And 1310- notion that at'tvr snrh last mrntinni-d datr. thc- Admini- stratur shall prmmrd tn distribute thr aswts of Hip said drrvasrd among thr partirs entitled tlirrvtn. having rrgard only to the claims of which hr shall tlwn have notirr. and tho said Administratur will nnt hr liablr for thr said assats. Ht" any part thereof tn any lwrsun nr pvr- sons of whosr claim nutirr shall not have born l't‘tfeth'tl by him at the time of such distribution. 1 quart of raw rhubarb out. in Dawt'éa- 3". Durham this 19th day 01' Soptvmbm' A. l). 1924. VOTERS’ LISTS, 1924. Municipality of the Township of Glenolg, County of Grey. Notice is hereby given that I have. complied with Section 10 of the Vot- ers†Lists Act and that I have posted up in my oti’ ice at RR. 1, Durham, on the 13th day of September, l924, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Municipal Elections and for Members of the Le.- gislative Assembly, being Parts I. and II. of the V'Mers’ List for 1924. and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all VOIQI‘S to examine said list and it any er- rors or omissions be perceived therein, to take immediate proceed- ings to have the same corrected ac- cording to law. Dated, September 15, 1924. H. H. MCDONALD, . Clerk, Township of Glenelg, 9 £82 RR. 1, Durham, Ont. PROPERTY 70! am The George Whitmore PW near McGowan? mill; Iglj nay-o "'v' .. house; Miaâ€"ï¬enâ€"hodse, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit troeg and 9 lot 9:39:11 truth. -A‘A- ‘- fruit than. and a lot of 3mm Irma. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to In. John Selma. 6†Rhubarb Marmalade Grape Conserve COOKING HINTS By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) f inc sandmch paste. Whore tomato sauce is called for, it is wry much quicker to use canned tomato soup. Save canned pineapple juicvs in flavor corn starch pudding. Black walnuts giw tu dishvs a deliciously different flavor that any hostess lows tn obtain. Black walnuts add inum-nsvly when sorwd with fruit salad. Salted Black Walnuts and Pecans make an agrovable change My tho nut dish. Wlmn graVy. crvam saucn ul' custards lump, lwat viguruusly with egg heater for a mumvnt and hump; will disappear. ' two Mix in order \Vrillvn. Bakn uhnut 1/; thr in much-rat» awn. Sou-V.- with \Vllimwd cream. 'l‘his mvat Inaf is gum] vithvr hot 01' cold. 'l‘akoâ€" l puund of uncooked ham. gl‘uuncl l puund Hf frost! pork, gruuncl 1 vup of soft broad vrumbs OWEN SOUND PRO LAYS OUT COURSE FOR HANOVER CLUB Hanover and Walkerton Have Joint Golf Course Situated Midway Be- tween Them. Mr. James Huntm'. pi'nt'i-ssinnal ml“ the Owen Sound Hull and tlnunti'y Club. has just. mmpli-lml laying: «out tlw now Halltht'r (lull tlluh cuut‘sv. which nrcupiml \\'mlnvs«la_\' and Thursday at this wm-k. says Satur- iluy‘s Uwo-n Sound Sun-'l‘imos. 'l’lw course» is situatml midway hvtwvnn tho tnwns «if llannwi' and» \Valkvrtnn and thus is fl('('t'.~‘.“llll" tn mvmlwrs Hf both (If flit-s0 lilai'vs. H is a nine-hulo murm- mill is 2300 yards in lungth. and is wry ('ltlSt' lu thv Hanowr-Walkvi'tnn i'uzul. .\ it'at'm of 50 acres was puri'husml l'Ht‘ thi- [im'pnsv (if thv ("uln‘si' and l'\'l‘l‘}' available pinn- nf manual is lwlllL' utilizm‘l. Thu ground is said In lw more suitahlo in will vuursv purâ€" posns than tho. (rm-n Suunil t'illll‘s‘v but. it. is not as long as the hunt Fer September 2 eggs I mm of sugar I Inaslmun â€1' baking pnwdvr I «up (If walnuts qual-Ivn-«I I cup of «Iatvs svmlml and cut in 1 cup of milk 101‘ two vggs \Vc'll beaten. A New Meat Loaf Lump Saver Date Souffle little onion and some pepper (no salt- Bakn in slow «mm for one hour. TIINGS WORTH KIOWIIG To Sum Volvo: As tlw willh'l' muulhs approach “'0 aw all :hinkmg nI’ ('luums. Sumv uf UHI‘ 0M \‘c‘ln't dresses Hr goods ('nuld lw wmmmivally put to us:- if \n- unly knvw lmw to steam tlu-m. Hvrv is u llll'HlmIZâ€" Hv‘lt an iron and Maw it on its Sid". Fulcl sc-u'ral ihivkm-ssos 0f “'03. mm nwr “an inn: and as soon as â€In sh'am I‘M-gins tn I'isv, draw the \‘c-lwl slnwl)’ bark and furlllacross thc- mlgc- hf llw irun. right Sidv up. As sun" as “In mark mused by vrushing «lisumwars placv tlu- wl- wt. «m a smmotll sun-fam- 10 dry. Sluinml glassc-s arr \m'y lwal'iy as umlvsirahlc- as nivkvd rhina. 'l‘lw nirkml china can not he mach- righl. hut tlu- stainod classes can. ’l'akv villu-r a mixtun- uf \‘ilwg'w and salt nr 10"“!!! and salt and ml: “'0†(WW tlu- stain. 'l‘hon \Vusln tlmmughly and glass will rvsun‘m its clt-aI'm-ss. l'se pinch ('lotlws pins for pinning: bed mum vurtains back. The- clotlws pins (-an’ b0, mad? to hlmzal with colors in tho mum, links. The new golf club will ilkoly he called the Hammer Golf and (1mm- try Club, but it will draw nvarly half of its nwmlu-rs f rum Walkvrtmx. It is PXlJPCUPd that thvro will lw sixty membvrs from Walkortnn and one uundrud from Hanover. and Hm course will he ro-aoly for "SP no-xt May. Tho uriginatm's of the schumo‘ are tho Messrs. Brunt Bros" u! Hanan-r who purchasod thv farm and have Iuwn promoting Ihv pru- position. The m-w gulf vluh will he- a «lo-- (‘iclnd advantagv tn Hm Um-n Suumi Gulf and «launlry Huh as imam-ml: man-luvs “I“ lw sta 0d quite: c-as'ih FOR SALE Property in I'ppm- Town cun- sistiug of 1/; acre of land on which is chmhlv home, gum] â€refund of 28 h'm-s‘. hvn lmusv 16x50, stable lï¬xib. All in gum! sum of repair. Apply to Mrs. J. 42. Harm-r5011. 9 1811'. Use for Clothes Pins Stained Glasses PAGE 0.