West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Dec 1924, p. 9

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.nrsday, December 11 GE ham ur D can‘t Ch‘VPâ€" ’O‘d six talk a s of the continent up. zhe season; but with“ Quebec tho eve-m coufl On the three days 1. everyone who can de- se to the stur-ers' sta‘ nd When the dogs can. uch tho visitor at tho of Qur-b-cc who cheers mum 'k ll 9 Derby is 30990110! over {he continent, and mum“! Doe-Sled Derby m I; Le plaw February yo -. the distance to be h: Rue 0f 4“) mil?!) mm es, winner of last year’l Company's team. vi. {much compvtition. Al rophy in 1922. and It i rm try to regain It {a fifteen or more teams r across the border. ‘- billion which is hell: b. This I: m i! In to victory in three m In! mt. bruarv p kit-Trot than on Entitl- zu battles. winners at In“ «A hit skldnfi enthusiast. with “Moon tie.’ ' “mo. ”Hunk: H a’htll "My are just ni' fry-wk. Miss Taylor’s 'moi h'~ amvrm'y notify her . Muimlvlphial and ac m ‘! unnl'ro- action. 0 : nH~ that ho' WMIM m wmw w mu «m. I" 'iolaters one and Jack had to'n 0 yo 1» ; .'~0P)'. â€" 1118i? M . the public print. . lust fo-w months. Iph gt!" jhu well- 1. Links, I. 3., I. c. P. s. 0. Office and resudence, Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site nld Post Oflice. Office hours: 9 to H 3.111.. 1.30104 p.m..7 to 9 pm. Sundays and 'l‘hursday anoruoons Headed}. __._”_______....._â€".._ _ n3. A. I. 331.1. on ice nu Iammon Sheet (the hue Dr. Hutton’s omce). Office hours, 2 to '3 p.m.. 7 to 9 p.m., except Bun- dav. . M _-_, IV“! *6: G. Ann 323311: IcGlLL Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. Hm Sclf‘ncc that adds fife to years and years to life. Consulutlon free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thureda 6 u '13 U Satm-dmw‘. J. I. “IWvâ€"- IDnur Graduate University of Tor- OM“. llraolualn llnyal College lm'ngus of Ontario. Office 6816» all llr‘ branches. Ilovk. Mill Street, second door west of Iacllvtll's Drug Slnrv. ' Tim, . mnanBn‘o‘,’ swank": IlnanO' Barristers. 301mm”. In. to A. B. Currey. Successors Mr. C. C. llddlebro‘ is_ permancnlly located at Durham Office. ,_ _._ _. WM...â€" ber of the firm w Tuesday of each woo may be made ' I u'ensvu film. Satistac mnuhle Ivrms at The Chrnnu- self. Mmlm‘atu to't'ms. hr salvs. as m datvs. em. 11 manic at, 'l‘lu- thmniclv Ufl'h ham. 'l‘m'ms 4m upphcat'u g pen 2 x house. furnace lrame woodshod; drilled well to house. with windmill; water tanks; 30 acres se «le woct clover; is well fehced andjn a go _ . ‘ 'ilion app y and in BATES MIME“- Dahlal Dareclarv Licensed Legal ‘Dt’rertorv DA“ 0 MCI-Inn" .‘0' .-\uct.i(mvm' His-faction gum :m‘ms. In'nnu'lc‘. OITicv for County of alumni. Ilea- Datos 01' sales made or with hamâ€" n U. vvvvv llu tm-ms Arrangements as m «lalvs. etc}. may be 'l‘lu- uni-mum» ()n‘ice, application. Ad- 2 “(Emmi $3! fluctionw mnwmu AND Blismzss FUR sale. One door north of the Post Of- (ice. A good chance for smmmnv: - l". W. Kelsey, Phowgrapln-r. 1091! M, FOR SALE."â€" NUMBER 0F (3.001) building lots on George street, North or Skating Rink. Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2221 U ter, bath. furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham. “M 5151! i’lyl‘r‘ l"‘l“l’, n"|“lw.lI.-v -â€" b"" '33”. six months old. '|‘(‘l:lfifi dwirod._~~ll. Moflat and Sim. “.11. Durham. H 27 Pl Fill“. BRFJ), ABERDEENâ€"AMA 1S BRITISH ANERICAN COAL on, A’l' Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. l 10 if BOARDFRS 0R [10¢ )MFRS; l“,[‘l‘U1'JI‘LI ‘1'. location and surrdxlefidings; éentrally Iocafled. Apply by mum to Box H. Chronicle office. 2 pd. TH E HIGH- PF ERIE SS GASOLINE __ :_n n. A "nan“ and 1mm bi _..__.._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-_-.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" WE HAVE ()I’ENI‘II) Ul’ mm NURSE Liwry I'm- thv winurr munths. Immâ€" IH‘SH‘ or plvasm'v mums at Immun- ahlu prions. (Innmwrciul dmmg a spm'ially. lwon and l.:|\\'wm'o. l’rnpl'ivmrs. I’hmu‘s MM 1‘ H W 1W: 1'.’ 51’ WHEAT WANTED. AN' Highost price. Peonlc‘s W.â€" WORK WANTEDâ€"1|" iclo Juh Plant is well turning out the finest ‘ urdcr. ._.....:>.:_ 1.23.. E :51. 75%.. :3 .3; :a:< ”.rzzz mixâ€"5.1.2:: NOTICE TO FARMERS Tho Durham “FD. Live Stock As- snciatiun will ship stock frum hurâ€" ham 0n 'l‘uusdays. Shippers at‘t' :‘vquvslml to give three (lays’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. saxâ€"4:000 'rwi)-31'0m:\' .I.‘.-nll'lnfl no" lmaled 0“ PHOTOGRAPHS Chuismms rates now on t a dozen-«F. W. Kelsey. 11'th 11-6 ____- (mo/of the big railways. ‘ n . up one m mm in... .u....--, - Rm-s such sums as “(1. P R. 'I‘nbacct Sim-e,” “G.'I‘. 1’. Boarding House,” etc. The Canadian Pacific recently too‘ official notice of these acts nl‘ nir lacy and sent out. notifications tha thoriaed use of the railway nnmn was illegal. Ono notice scr -- - "an“ thn- rallrUuua, auu‘...__ . beet land, and the time, but l «mu no as you own the hole alfabdt. 'I‘b d for m‘ letters on my. sine stan . mother‘s name In old Ireland-4mm? tine Patricin Reardnn, and what want to no 18 what you are goin‘ 1; do about it. ,argne that the balans o my sin what. refers to opt rates has in anything to do" wnth yure railroa' ' any out. rah There mn’t been parts that I no.c FOR SALE ________.__....â€"â€"â€"â€" WAS 'l‘lll‘ll‘l I‘IN'I'I'IR'I‘MN- Allan l’ul'k Svlwol. hm'vm- vxmellunt. pl'ng'am. mums- (mum and 15 cvuts. All :m- 1?. ’1 2|ch m West small busi- try m lend prostim shments by .afnxim' name the Initials n railways. 0m: 0m" u“ Hva p- R. Tflbacgt SALE 10 9M éme the 1 6001) guise ‘5 North or rectt ".V t” ”$93331; 2231” year show ‘ , wheat and d 0“ This is big {Q W3" prevented lights, acid phosx urharmo on which 01" if some case _â€"â€"-â€" the soil is occurs liu phorus is it is the st N'mS if whe‘at pi: an. i “mate ‘ H 27 3 spring m ANGIE (Contributed by Ontario Depart-at 0! Agriculture. Toronto.) Did your clover hill out in 00 spring? I! it did. you had bettl' t of Chemist”. write the Departmen Ontario Agricultural College, for directions for taking a sump your soil to discover the reason. Reports from some districts thh year show a good deal of vintcr ‘ wheat and clover killed out, states the Department of Chemistry, O.A.C. This is highly undesirable, and call be prevented by the use of lime and acid phosphate. applied with the 6'0? ‘ on which the clover is seeded. In some. cases lime is not necessary. for the soil is not acid; but where acidity occurs lime is very essential. phorus is a great root farmer. it is the. strong deepâ€"rooted clover wheat plant that withstands the al- ternate treesing and thawing of Guelph. is o! In answer to a circular sent out iast spring to the twenty-five 00- operative experimenters handling our Limo Phosphate Experiment, the ma- jority report that the clover on the half acre wpich receiVed crushed . a _I_ ___L-On .“ .hfl fall of 1922 is in perfect shape. in many cases t did not winter nearly as well and in one or two cases will have to he ploughed up. It seeding is done. with spring min it is good business to use acid phosphate at the rate of at least 300 pounds per acre, and preferably 400. the first winter, the most critical per- iod of the lite of the plant. In SUCH B BC“D‘I|§ w... v.. last year. cold and wet, the greatest - - need of the plant is for nitrates, says (. Copyright, 192" by The Bonnet-Brown ‘ the Department of Chemistry. Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. The so cold and wet that LIGHTWG SYSTEM ‘3 “ls this the Itll'gt‘s‘l :tmth' INSTALLED AT AYTON in St. Paul?" time to warm up, and as a result bacterial activity is at a ”'- Rteeve Bonn of Normanby May Be â€"--â€"_""â€""“""'â€"' low ebb. As a result no nitrates are . formed in the soil, and plants can- Warden 0‘ Grey “0le Year. not make vegetative growth. ,, . , nd enable the lite Aston llllllllt‘lptil lighting s‘) s- To correct this a tent was started on Sunday. Mllt‘il plant to get away to a good start. apply nitrate Of SOdfl one hundred firm!” lllllFi hi“ ““1.“ h. “li‘ Alfill'il ‘ pounds to one hundred and fifty “Wu“. (‘m m y t‘ | i . pounds per acre at once. It bought .' . ‘ Ill ‘ ||.\ ” . ‘_“"‘ “" “h” in lots of several hundred pounds it installed the l0\\‘ll \Vn'tntr system nnti aim the Cross and Sutherland can be obtained at a reasonable price, and its benefit is almost certain. Do tinntpun} ut' ”mum-r. who "mt-mm.“ not. however, {199W if heavy.rain 1 Min |m\\t'i' plant. for “li‘ owner and threatens, as it is soluble and will be . mnnngvr. .lnnnis litmth ut AMnn. Election talk is hvtnnnint: in start 1 lost by washing. ‘ Another benefit which will be deâ€" . ‘ Nurtnnnh) 'l‘nwnship. linnmrs rived is this that the nitrate of soda s::\' ”w l‘i't'\i‘. ilhztrlt's Hulill. will ht‘ ‘ dissolves in the soil water and soaks . down into the soil. The roots go "'N'h'tl again i'm' tlw third time hy :lt't'ltllltililtlll. :tnti his-nnlnt- is llli‘il-t Armstd‘iw’d Thimi after it, and hence the result is a ‘ i i deeper rooted plant more able to .Innw I'm- tn- wartlvnsluti ut' (in-Nu t 8 SERIAI \ School Lite. Storic withstand the period of drouth which X“. t'. -- iluhn has in-vn im' some six, . ‘ .... ”It QDEFII "um: Hmn HN‘U‘ . lllk.l" r): ,, \ p.563! 0 go rotten follows a "viii-eâ€" best tonics you can gtve yo stock are fresh air. oxvrcise and variety of fppdg. . L_-d nn“l\\! .n kg vanety UL l uvuv. It is usually the best policy to keep the hens shut up on cold, rainy days. They are better inside than out during such weather. “Bad luck” is nothing more than a penalty for mismanagement. Before you begin to complain, it would be better to investigate. care and breeding only from the strongest and most vigorous speciâ€" mens each year. The poultry building should not be so wide that the rays of the sun can of poultry which (owls are shipped. Poultry raising is similar to farm- is not so much the niolt. 3 should be encour- { aged to start in the poultry business. It requires little money to invest. and I _._-...au.u-n mnv be re- o .1"? W ' of [Ame Phosphhm $ Icquo-vâ€" â€"_-_ the current expenditure may be re. by utilizing farm and (Need in part It the project begins home wastes. in the return begins with a laying noc early, especially by supplementing the food supply of the home. ___________._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" Egg Production at O. A. 0. . The average egg production of the one thousand pullets that were trap- nested for the year was 168 eggs each. We are trying to improve the strain in size of body, size of eggs and color, rather than increasing the us of ten number of eggs. Five pe placed in laying pallets each were competitions. The fifty birds averag- ed slightly above 190 eggs each. The high bird of those in the contests was 26:; eggs, and the high bird of those on the plant W. 8. Graham. . . of Soda news in Poultry Pointers. la rd and kerosene give ypur of A Shoe Protection 'l‘liis applivs particularly to rliil- ilrmi as it is almost impossilo to we that iliry have rulilwrs on vwry ("“0 it is iwcossairy. Yuu will lliid that by nwlting sumo mutton fat together with again as much boosâ€"wax and painting it on rliildrmi‘s shoes wliiln hot, that their shoes are practically walorprm’if. l‘lspvrizilly. with two coats. ....n... ., How to Test Canned Goods I. Nu sure can shuws lim‘ of rvsin :mmnd it; should 1w the same as sewn on scam at. side of can. :2. Press bottom of can. if guuds urn pm'fm't. thou-o" will lw nu rattlu 1.0 the tin. ‘% Du not usv. :my gumls win-n- mu mu svu rust. aruund lhv mm nu thu insidv head at can. COOKING HINTS A Pretty Christmas Salad Apples. l0 (Puts “mm M timmnum « K; «up sumx. I run wan-r. (h‘lt‘l‘y. Nuts. Malyunuansv. Imttucv. MMNMI Mum and [u-vl u Ih‘vh' Hull“ “1 (H' SMI‘H \‘i'vllq :llNl Hm- I Isl, l\\u ('Izmmhnn. Uv |‘I'. llm-w Hulm has ho-vn I'm' snuw SIX m' svwn ymu's. I‘N'Vc' M’ Nurnmnlby :11ch HH' Inst. hub yours vlvt'lml by :w- vlumuhun. Ilv was Inst 3031' Immâ€" ilmlml I'ul' Lllv wmwh'nsllip but. I'Pâ€" slum-«I m fan'ur uf \Vardvn Mc'l‘avisll. Mimwzumlis will m-wr haw unyâ€" thim: nu St. ’zml. .\ fc-lluw frum Mimwnlmlis umu- (M St. Paul the Minor «lay just in lunk around and liml fault. llu :Ippl'mu'hvd a fruit,- slaml. pickml Up a lawn molun and {what with a rumor: HOUSEHOLD HINTS A swxr'r Acomnngcx IOPADDEI'S MUG STORE have been placed to dale and still there are calls for more. Get your course NOW If you do not get it. you pay anyway in smaller earnings and lost onportunitiu. Enter any day. Write. call or phone for informtion. CENTRAL BUSINESS GOLIIBGB smlford and Mount Forest nl’ rinmmmn amps. Readers, Note If you We any muons mum Babes. and other Household Hits“ you would like to ask Both Wob- WO 0! The Durham Chronic“. starâ€"address her in A .md 1»va surplus. (Copyright, 1925, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, :i‘ - “ smiled mm and sum um i we Both arr tootiisunm mldiiiuus in a (m Christmas (Randy liux ur a iliil‘isinias dinner. Mi‘ilwd fur [MU‘SZ . 1. Make a fondant uf mni‘i-ciiun- i'r‘s sugar. ('l‘Nlnl. huth‘l' and at little Vanilla. livmuw pit and till vanity with this fondant. Ail mw in a pursun. hunk m 33”“: nuulu uf cmuuuum Ih'upS. sugar and water; basin and nmk only until \wllculorml. Chill. Fill (unity with chopped colvl‘)‘ and nuts. Sun'v mld un lvuuco leaves wulh lum'mumsv. 'l IIMt- pl‘t‘ViOUSl)’ giwu at www- for n rval homv mmlo lumulu mm”; but. till such big days as (lhrislnms :lmlx New \‘val"s, u guml soup vasily im'ulv is the main romiirouwul. leliml: Elmil)‘ any vmnwd turna- tu suup into a pun; stir lmy pinch of baking smla into this. l‘su can as mvasurv. mkv lwicv llu- amuuul. of milk as can leds. This \\'I“ ho a dvliciuus crvam 5mm. nwuts. Mothud for Alummls ul‘ l’wuus: If suiting alumnus. always Munch first. l’um' any guml nil lulu :l fryâ€" ing pan; haw it wry hut. Pour in mink-stir 1!.(mst.:mt.ly until lmmnml. Haw a brawn [Izuwr sprmul mu. «m Simple Tomato Soup lh'muw- pits and 3. The 1926 Companion Ham “and” (Soda-n“) so 'SFEEIAL ARTICLES 3132321373337» 200 SHORT STORIES Rv$m:dmulu writcnot Caleb Pea-(cc'a Cape Cod Philmpbyâ€"Thc Ben C Mldm'n Pan- 7“ F“ P Girlo' Pogcâ€" The Dodo". W ”r to the I’Ullljlflllflll 0' IN ‘9‘" elem I“ and "III coupon wuh yuur "magnum “I. Puma (to THE YOUTH' S COMPANION.M ____-_ 3 55W“- STORIES Etaii°§sfm~m§:32:zeam School Life. Stories tliat will delight you lot works upon weeks. Hunk in syl‘lll' L.” ' iuod Thimfor 1925 dike Widest Variety and ”that W :lmulv yuu haw sum" A YEAR roan Iusvrt nut a "at surface; pnur mus ull an, Hu'n m“. h Inn for Renovate Cake “mun“: nako‘ nu in a pwm' uf «Mod pawm- m' Llssuv puma If mku aha! Us Hus, a IHHv “arm \xutvr wfll ens-Hy I‘vmovu pauwr. Nvad: "N“. c and salt, (In-u mm uvxt dissulvv soda I .0 UUIN‘ ilm‘nwhvul: Int-Hm! butlvr. Pm: and haiku. 3 “mat. 9.. cup sugar. I mm sour milk. 1-3 «up lmlh'r. Pinch Salt. 1 cup corn maul. I may flour. 1 (.03sz baking mm WT “In-y," lwllmwl uw uwnvr 0f the I‘nmsuuul, “put that. grauw duwu“ Ch Sonya) Rulu for Dating Custards IM nut. IN'M vggs tun IighL lh-at milk and mm gradually. (flmmrds :u'u much ln-le' When stl‘ai nod. Strain lwl‘uro- mukmg. SM. in a pan nf wah'l‘ whale- Sour It‘ll: Cornbread lmk'uu: BAKING HINTS . I‘IIIII IIIIIaIl and flour; sud}! III milk, add um «III I“: and lust of all. I'IIIII' III m‘vasod pull A“ for $30” H PAC. t

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