West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 11 Dec 1924, p. 10

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North Vickers (Our own Correspondent.) firs. Atkinson of Durham returned home after spending a few days with fir. and Mrs. Ben Gouttq and fa_m_i_ly PAGE 10. Mr. William Reay of Cambell’s florner visited among his relatives around here last week. . .A number of the young folk in our Village are practising to take part in the Mulock Baptist Church Christmas Tree in the near future. The many friends of Miss Ella Reay. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. May nf‘Campbell’s Corner and for- 7---.) "v- uâ€"vavâ€" v-vv , Mr. Alymer lteay has erected a new chimney on his blacksmith shop. Mr. and Mrs. George Reay and M . and Mrs. Robert Johnston visited Pridny evening last with Mr. and Its. William Brown. Miss Lavina Baker and little Ber- nice Wise spent Sunday afternoon to Purchase Any Number I“; ‘1. mm of the-sew parts will be pleased to leann that. she is recov ea‘ing nice- Iy from her lingering illness. (Our own Correspondent.) The Christmas Tree and Sunday School entertainment. of Swinton Park Church will be held on Wed- nesday, Decqmper l7, and a good .1 i... AL- C program is homg prepared by the school under the care of Miss Mc- flugh. Tho young people of the Church are also assisting. it Mr. H. Reéy’g recovery. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Richardson vis- ited the Butler’s mother at Ay ton. who is confined to her bed; ‘ '"'nis§§"‘ni5h’de" Hawâ€"speiit the first of the week with relatives on the 3nd Concession of Prawn. -- w-v â€"v w‘v' w'.\l1'.lvan Porter, who has been ill for the last week or so is, we are glad to report, on a fair way to _ Mr H. Hamilton of Riverview spppt ghe wgeE-e'gd in 9‘1}: p913:â€" “Mr; Samuel McClure of Brampton has been visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young. A v“â€" Mr. and Mrs. 8. Watson and ram- ilq visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Watson. A very enjoyable evening was had at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Broughton lat week. Traverston. (Our own Correspondent.) tinder the care of Dr. D. B. Jamie- son. Mr. Robert Timmins is recover- i his old vigor. is Monday evening thecrnin is falling in torrents, so there will he no shortage of water henceforth. The fellows behind with their glowing were busy at the job on onday afternoon. Tax bills are far too high for the average farmer’s income. We heard a fellow 33 that it took six porkers seven men hs Old to square his tax account on a hundred aere farrn. ‘ (Our own Correspondemfi This was a bus): corner {or a few days last week while the sleighing was good, as about eighteen teams were drawing logs from the Both- well Swamp to MeWilliam’s Station. This thaw will hold up the teaming for a while. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McDonald, Ir. and Mrs. Alex Calder, Messrs. Neil Calder and W. Reeves were re- Horses Wanted 'v‘vv Mrinjaifibgi' Mclnerny left on Sat- urday morning for Toronto to allow! the funeral of__ hi_s sisgnr. The young folks have heaps of fun practising for the Christmas Con- cert, wading through snow, now, ’tis mud, but them are compensa- tions. It has been Pepm‘iml that Mr. P. J. Hale-v has sold his ISOâ€"acro- farm on Concession 3 for $610). and that “1'. A. Beaten has hc'night thc 50-acrc lot of the late Mr. hum-an McArthur. thus having an vstatc nuw of 400 acres. property. Monday morning; brought gum) fortune to Mr. and M rs. Albert Kluist â€"-a baby girl came to brighten tlmir homEZ Albert will have to secure a wooded; _fa§m__fpl‘__ fuiurq years. ‘ vwvw Mr. M:\Va!lace of Normanhy motored .over the first. of the week and renewed old frgendships. Mr. William Falluisofi says he is :40ng to run for g'HlIm'Illm'. If so he’ll have to acqum- sumo» township We will be in DURHAM of Calder. cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John ‘-v- Mrs. Hal-grave has recovered from her illness and has gone to Durham to spend the winter with her daugh- ter. Mrs. Williamflenry. mlli't‘iié'MafiVWei'r ié spending a few days with her grand ather and grgnquglger, Heagd of_Protpn. Captain Adams an officer in the British Navy and Chaplain of the Navy League. accompanied Rev. Cur- ran to Ebenezer on Sunday and gave an interesting address showing the worthy cause of the Navy League and their need of funds. Miss Miriam Hornsby is home again after spending a few weeks in Owen Sound. Mrs. Robert Renwick, Jr, Dromore, spent part of Sunday with her mother,_ Mrs._ W. L. Dixgg). Al- _ "$3.10"thth vineeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. James Miller with a good attendance. Several excelem papers were read by diflerent members. Miss Mary Miller spent a few days with her brother James. I. v-OV-n -â€"- --' v v The annual Chriainiaé'fiee will be held in this Church on Friday, Dec- ernhcr 26. A pleasing program is being prepared. Mrs. John Vessie is staying with Mr. Walter Clarke and children while Mrs. Clarke is in the hospi- tal. We are glad to be able to ye- port that. Mrs. Clarke is improvmg niggly. - _- nnnnnnn ' _‘_ __..‘ IIIVVI Mr? 'aml Mrs. William Legate and family have come back to reside on their farm at the 110033;. DRESSED POULTRY FOR CHRISTMAS Guess the Correct Weight of the Block of Soap in the Window. With every purchase of $1.00 worth of goods, you will get a guess in the Soap Contest. Money paid on accounts will get the same privilege. is: Prize, Your Choice of Goods, Value $7.00 2nd Prize, Your Choice of Goods Value $5.00 3111 Prize, The Large Block of Soap We are trying to make 1924 Chsistmas trade better than ever. Drop in and look at the real bargains we have to offer you. Once a customer. always a customer. Special prices from now until Christmas. Gent’s Furnish" Contest Closes Wed. night, 000- 24 at 10 p. m. “i333 Sefiitirltaken in Durham next Tuesday forenoon. This Will be the last shipment during December ow- ing to the holiday. Roht. Burnett 8: 60., J. h 1. Hunter, 6. B. Harro‘n. thé gifting): {4:5 theiyicustomefs. - ____:II L- '-.V "V“-v- All scalae'd Edditi-y’ will be paid for at. about five cents per pound below the market price of the dry pigked pouflry‘. -‘ 3â€"- “n--L--‘ ‘Aâ€"‘ the followinngqek t9 dispose of Women’s. Institute. fleeting. Last Week Dealt With leny and Ver- ied 'l'qpics.-â€"Sop_iety to Give Play COOKING COURSE WILL BE HELD NEXT MONTH â€"" ’U Anger the usual preliminaries, the business 9! the; day was dealth wigh, The committee appointed to see the play, “Dust of the Earth,” pre- sented m Holstein on November 28 by the Dramatic Club of that place, reported_ yep: fayorably on it, so it ‘LA -‘.-k ‘-A The December meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. W. Vollett, Queen St., on Thursday afternoon with over [if ty present. IV VDVV“ 7“. was decided to have the club pre- sent the play in Durham on Januarv 16 under Institute auspices if ar- mngements could be made for that The Institute also decided to hold a cooking course the last two weeks of January with Miss Duncan as demonstrator. This course is sup- plementary to the one given a few years ago. . The work of the First Aiders, or- ganized a few weeks ago by Miss Harcourt was discussed and assist- ant aides and guides appointed for this month. _ An_. A. C A date. lore January 16. DURHAM CHRONICLE Then Mrs. Graham, who v‘vas dele- gate to the Provincial Convention, gave an interesting report dealing with many difl'erent subjects, par- ticularly mentioning the addresses on Music, Child Welfare and the Judging of Institute Programs. Miss M. McGirr, District delegate, was also asked to speak, but time did not permit her giying any_de_tail§'. ,10__.-! Next came the roll call which was answered by suggestions for inex- pensive _(_}hris_un_ss presents. _ - J-I- WAT-{é} "tfievéifiéfn'gmbfv the National Anthem, everybody enjoyed the dainty lunch sexjved_by Mrs. Vollctt. SERIOUS AUTO ACCIDENT NARROW’LY AVBR'I‘BD What might. have resulted inn serious accident occurred about four o‘clock Monday afternoon on Cork- town bill, a half-mile south of the coggortaion [imigs.u- --.n A -I ,A ,#_4-- Miss Winnie Blyth of Varney was coming to town in her Gray-Dart car, and when about the centre of the hill, met Mr. and Mrs. Miles Wilson who were going south driv- ing horse and buggy. Miss Bl th was not driving very fast, but e- fore meeting the rig put on the brake with the result that the car skidded and the radiator and hood struck the horse with considerable force. Had the car hit the rig, more serious consequences might have followed. Gar Shielded on Icy Roadway and Ran Into Horse-Drawn Vehicle. Following the collision with the horse, the car ran into the fence and damaged a couple of posts. This is one instance in which the fences placed by the department of high- ways have saved considerable mone- tary loss and possibly serious in- Jury, as there is quite a deep drop at this point, and there is no telling the consequences had the car plungedover the embankment. Costâ€"When You leave Your Jobâ€" No Guess We Tell You Exactly The FARIBRS' "STRUT” POUND!!! ' D311) 11' OTTAWA One of the outstanding figures in the educational and agricultural fields of Ontario died at his resi- dence at Ottawa on Thursday of last week in the person of Dr. James Mills. L. L. D. He was 84 years of Dr. Mills was born near Bondliead, Simcoe County. in 18“, was of Irish parentage and received little educa- tion until 21 years of age. He gradâ€" uated from Victoria University and was later headmaster of the Brant- ford Collegiate Institute. He was for 25 years president of the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelph._ _ Dr. Mills was the founder of the Farmers’ Institutes of Ontario, which rapidly develolned into a force for the advancement of agri- cultural science, and have later 813pr my; every provincu. Dr. James mus, Former Preei dent of the 0.1.6.?eeeed Away Lest Week At Advanced Age. Under his presidency. the O. A. (I.1 developed and grew until it gained an international reputation. Dr. Mills undoubtedly laid at Guelph the foundation of agricultural devel- Opment and progress throughout the Dominion. Nearly every Agricul- tural school principal or dean in: the Dominion has at one time been a student of the late Dr. Mills. Interment was made Saturday at Guelph. Meekness may be a virtue but no man can feel that way just after a bath and shave. - It is almost time to let Dad catch you knitting his slipper for Christ»- Merely ship your motor to us. or advise your own “at man to ship your motor to us, giving details on tag a e and name and address. Your completed job will be ahipp: A.H.HARKER,Wed " “Maximum Ford Service" OnodeONDMSOrflooWi-Wmom. $25.00 Adams. in Tho Chronicle. It Pays Water! Water! Water! Jr. IV.â€"Chnrles Timmins. 8r. [ILâ€"Catherine Timmins. N ‘8; [Ir-«George Bltir. Ewen Mn. Jr. ILâ€"Niolet Banks. Sr. l.-â€"Mary McNab, Willie l’um Isabella Kliest. Jr. Lâ€"Gordon Noble; Ada Banks Sr. Pr.â€"Elvie Hustle. RB. No. L Durham. Phone 98-12 Schtz’s Pulp 'lile Co. lidkfidllufl'oni? TILE ALWAYS ON HAN!) Sizes 6, 8. 10, 12, £5. 16, 18. 2‘ in 08.le Illa POI SALE PUMPS PUHP REPAIRING Promptly Attended to and all work Guamted. Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We hnhdle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. ”aim h for launch OPPOSITE IIBI SCIOOL Satisfaction Gunnuod ED. J. PRATT $30.00 lo. 6. Glenda Allan, teacher it. I VOL. 57,â€"N0 3"“ 73. $1 0.00 AND COST FOR RECKLESS .Iilmm tme Imposed mu Laidllw in Rese: neat Announced loud Vook. r91... ‘13» 5... 22.1... ‘ ‘fi. :21. :1.Z.... 2. :1 an E. 73...... 3321:.” g c: IC:â€"...m;s.’ .L, » IOSPâ€"fia :n 2.1:..11. .7... 9 £5, .....1...../..... .Z 25:: i 2:. 3,2,: '93....» 3:121?! _: i... a clmrm‘ H at war 9 man“ w I“'\u- Mel‘s Unmwrs, m M: I.” Grant was sn svz‘u Id W1“) is M mum-m Wham Husmzal mm ”Iv broke-n log. [p manning judmnvu [Aldlaw intimatmi Hm! m- 80 «1mm: was in NH with Maglsh'azv tin! _ . In finding 4;le ISIMNU‘S. aflm' uni didenco, lmsml thmr ml pane m Mir ‘2 dtéfnndum and h 1‘. Arthur Mjnu nf h In th!‘ “1"" ‘i‘s.|"". ‘ it“ right uf \x'ux'. 'l‘h . Um Unhuwu Mun "H ”In; il 300“‘l‘\”"‘:’l1 my partu'uhn‘ Sidv w did a wadush'mx: UH ammxlws. II Ammrdflw ‘ fondant, hr 9: .39, hmuh‘o‘d ML mmm‘rv ‘wm 110 M his hm‘n m‘ muted mm: The cusp . ~ ~. “In hrm.."».t m (“14'va net-son :md J :1 .0 llllmmhzsl. 101160 that A... “vellum cm 1 the road. 'I‘h. Gilliam! m ”w" 'hlfit‘fllly ”In! on the cvntrc- 0 “Med that \1 on Um mutant.- tlllt wlwn M W («at frum m from M N. “Mfr 1M" 51:11 .8 court 'ln‘h‘ possihln tn: jumped h'nn. “In I‘mm‘ss :n. Waive fawn. v. “0011. had ”r plate COIHY'H‘, “1‘6? ‘.“'I".\H side mm mm m _t“rHW‘ “01h"? Hus! 3‘"; ”iii”. «if H1 ‘muxn hm! fenm‘. to - been am downa! ‘ mg of My mad and In finch! magistrat‘n In had m scmw 0| ‘ um victim . fine 0" 5 Illllll lwl‘n maximum which mm HIP rmn'i ATTENDED EU Frimu o! Hm ¢ «f Mount whn pa.“ his! “1'44 an»; n . ~ ' thich 1h ' Immhm 1 funeral M flaunt}. 1 Rm of NI: ducmd U1 husinvss rinsed du 6. Ireland of M favorablj Circle of Frie The cask my hl‘al! Ireland wu- mkvn an a Thosc' “I!” from Dull! m1 .OH‘ISUH l‘ 4 Wheahm :mal chant h Toronm LAST LYCE kw has H in: MI H IN "I.

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