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Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Dec 1924, p. 9

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ran ford. 18‘ xDUO wee, W h i‘. t0 s. .m- cific .50 A‘il “mid. 'mnmo. DRS. JAIIZSOII JAIIBSON nan-c and residence a short dist- anew east of the Hahn House on Lambtnn Street. Lower Town. Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 3 pm. (except Sundays... J. L. SUITE. ll. 3., M. G. P. S. 0. Office and residence. corner of Countess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site Old Post Ofl‘ice. ()n‘ice hours. : 9 to H a.m.. 130 m 3. p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays and Thursday afternoons- exec'med 2m .) p.m.. 7 to 9 p. 111., except Sun- da\ Office on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton’s office). Office hours. wfinâ€"i'rowprictori finin'ham, Ontario. “w Science that adds life m years and years to life. .Consultatton free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 M 23 U J. r. unnn‘l, u. u. 9., u. u. u. Honmr Graduulu l'niwrsily Of-Tor- out”, Gradual? Royal (10”ng Dental SUI-wens of Unlario. Dentistry in all its brambles. Hffil‘v laldcr Blm-k, Mill Strum, wcoml dnor Past M Mavllvlh‘s Drug Slm'n. Durham. Ontario Barristers, Sodcilors, ctr. A mem- ber of the firm will be. in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may he made with “W Clerk in the MIDDLBBRO', SPERBMAN MIDDLEBBO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. {2. C. MItMltebl'U’ is pvrmanently Incrnml at Durham Office. ofl'ii'e .Iâ€" â€"_ DAN. flcLEAN 1.:mmsml Auctioneer for County of HI'o-y. Satisfactiun gumantecd. Hea- sonnhlv it‘l‘ms. Dates of sales made at 'i'lu- Iihrnnivle Office 01‘ with him- self. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ALEx. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Go. of Grey. Moderate terms. Arrangements for sales. as to dates, etc, may be 1113.10 at The Chronicle Ult‘ice, Dur- ham. Terms on application. Ad- dress It. It. 1. Durham. 21!: 6mpd C. 6. AND BESSIE MCGILLIVRAY J «M LOT 7. RUN. 21. 'ZGREMUN’I’, CUN- mining 100 acres; 8?) acres nm‘lvx- cullivalinn. balance hardwood hush; ponvenienl l0 srlwol: 0n the prem- lses are a frame barn -'r2x65 ft. with stone l'nunrlatinnz concrete stables: also lmv barn 30x30 with stone base- ment; img pen L’llelll; twelve-mum brick hnuse. furnace healed, 3190 frame wondshed; drilled well clase to house, with windmill; concrete walm' tanks; 30 acres seeded in llav; 10 acres lo sweet clover; this farm" is well fenced and in a good stale of culllvation. For information apply to Watson’s Dairy, {U}. 3}. Durham. "Maria. M) 23 23 if M NGRTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 2‘2. Egrcmnnt. containing 66 acres; {.5 acres cleared, balance lrli-«lwnod bush; in good Sililie Ol‘ culiwalmn; frame barn MxfiO. stone basement, mmcfele stables; drilled well and cement tank a: barn. Also Lats 6 7. Con. i, S.D.R.. Glenelg. enn- taiwng no acres; 100 acres geared aniluin good stale ol‘ enliivatmn; on Il‘l‘lujx , or landz‘armod x: fruit trees. and a wm sell cyo‘ap t. musing sex Pll lUUluo flame wnodshed attache} ‘u‘dI'IHed wvli at door; never failin springs on this farm. maki mg oice stock falm. Hlis prOpPrly will be $0"! right to quick purchaser. For par- ticuiars apply at Walsons Dairy. R!‘ I .Dnrham. Ont. 1025523” PROPERTY The George \VI near McGowan’s house; strjhlf. ‘hm FARM POB SA Lot. 66. Con. 2. W.G.R.. 2”.- miles southwest. of Du ' 0 86 acres. Mostly tamm. in good sta‘o of cnlhvah barn with shed adjoining Shhlm. 7-rnrmnd brick “H, 8“” Cllt'a}! u [v to Mrs. Jnhn Sc DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST, (Hm-u, over J. J. Hunter‘s store. Advertise in The GhrOniclo. Thursday. mm a 1m. FUNERAL SERVICE New modern Funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest. 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto I.» VI. 8am II. Haddocks Fnrmerly 0f Flosherton Exam FOR SALE Licensed ex‘luctzkmeer Medical Direttorv. Dental Dtrm‘orr .4 2a! ‘Dzrecmrv DR. L M. BELL LU CAS 8: HENRY DPBRTY FOR SALE “‘99. \thmnre prnperty, ' ° mill; rough-cast southwest. of Durham, 5 acres. Mostly clmr ta‘o of cultivation. . .1 Schiflz. 'fii'fio. 3. Durhfim. 1f Durham, con- osfly clmr and rivation. .Bnnk vining and stvne rivk homp with and woodshed. in good repair. nlars ODNY ’0 . It Pays. PROPERTY FOR SALE BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post. Of- Iico. A good chance for somooxm~ - F. W. chsey. Photographer. 1091! FOR SALI"..-â€"-â€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink. Durham, Apply to D. Hoxrkins. 221 ll FOR SALI'Lâ€"f-GOOD TWO-STOREY frame (lwelhng, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath. furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham. Ont. 5 15 H BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. I IO If HIFI'S “:IHVI‘ MEN \PPREUIA’I'F I). M. Saundvrs, («m .s’ Furnishvr. PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “Pen" and long: mileage. Sold only at, Smith Bros‘ Garage. 6 26 t! FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMOâ€" bile insurance and guarantee bonds, em. apply to 1.11035 Henry, Dur- ham. 612 if COMING TO TE. 1‘ YUI'R FYE.‘ X'l‘ ”In N 11111 Hcmss' Ilu'sdaV'. hm ¢ who] 23, l’mtvssm‘Kalzwlm imwâ€"ll knmxn fm his gl'vat Skill in roliwing Dye-â€" sight 01mm“, hmul uchv. pain n- tho- tvmph's and fm-vlmad. 'l'h:< is yum' last, chance this ,wzn‘ t,“ swun- a $12.00 pair uf glasm-s fur $77.50. and a $16.00 pair 01' two-sight.â€" com'mnonces. A] MOI‘I‘ISOH. Durham “OISE TU lil‘IN'l‘; VVII'I‘H AH. HIV!‘ ml WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People‘s Mills. 31523! Hunt WORK \\";\N'[‘BZD.eâ€"THE CHRONâ€" iclv an Plant is well equipped for ulrjning out the finest work on shor“: order. M I'I‘HODIS'I' SIINIMY SUHUOL Cmm‘rt in Town Hall, Thursday evening, Docvmbm' 18. Good program. Ac‘lmission, adults 250; children 150. l THE HIGH SCHOOL (10M MENGE- mcnt will he held Friday, Decembel 19, in the Town Hall. Good program. Come and hear the Alabama War- blers. The Flame}: drama, “011 hi Park! Ilaucais,” will surprise you. Admission .5)0. All seats reserved. 2 NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham U .F.0. Live Stock ASâ€" sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesdays. Shippers arr requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 BOARDBRS WANTED Four gentlemen boarders. Good accommodation. Apply Mrs. Walter 'l‘m'nbull, George St., Durham: 109” VALI’A 8le GOLD BROOCH. OWNER may have same by proving pmpnrty and paying PXDPHSOS. Applv at. Tho. Chronicle office. 1 PHOTOGRAPBS’ Christmas mtns now on fifteen fox 3 dozen-19. W. Kelsey. 11-6â€"7pd. VVAJPYBID 100 LADIES 0R MEN TO PURCHASE Gift; from D. M. Saunders, Gents‘ Furnisher. GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE, CEN- fmlly located; electric lights: water- works: good gaMcn.~â€"-Applv . B oherg Ryan. I’mqham. Force of Habit Absent-minded harbor (looking in a mirror shaving himself}: “I sen ,vo'n' hair’s a little thin, sir. You should try some of our hair re- stnrcr." . The School is thoroughly eanipper‘ lo lake no the followmc courses : in Junior Matriculation. (2‘ Entrance lo Nnrmal School lineh member of the Slan‘ is a 17m. x-m-eily Graduate and experienced Tunelmr. lnlendinz onoils should prepare to enter al beginning of term. hfnrmatinn as In {humps may by nhtained from the Prrncipal. ’l‘hn Svhml M9 aprmmah‘e‘ rnrnrr‘ m Hm pas! whmh It, hopes to main- !ain in the future. Durham ie an attractiw and hm!» 'hy lawn apt! 20ml arcnmmmlavim ran ha-ohhmpd a! réasmahlp ram: .1. A. M. “ORR. B. A.. Principal. JOHN MRRISON, Chairman. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL A RTIC LES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS LOST OR FOUND HIM A '1‘”); â€"â€"h. M R‘mmem Furnishm'. s in'mu: pim'v fOI'SIOJIL [pd FOR SALE HOUSE TO RENT Apply in MP. JOhla m. H- 6-H Durham, RR o 11 t' ANIMAL SUPPORT GUST What It Takes to Carry Sheep. Swine and Cattle (Contflbuted by Ontario Department Of Agriculture. 'l‘uronto.) he Value of (he Manure Must l! Groanedâ€"Cost of Milk and Butter --Fat Pmductlouâ€"-Sa1t and WM Maintenance of Sheep. Investigational work with sheen. conducted by the Department of An!- mal Husbandry .at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, gave for cost of maintenance of the farm flock the fol- lowing figures: Winter ewe lambs. $4.49 each; winter breeding ewes. $5.50 each. Investigational work in fattening lambs was continued, and the results showed for last year that it would have paid better to market the lambs in the autumn than to finish them in the pens. the lambs all showing a loss when strict account of feed was kept Maintenance of Swine. In investigational work with swine it was found that in wintering brood sows on a narrow, nutritive ratio produced largely from concentrated feeds. the cost was fifteen cents per day for mature sows, whereas with groups using more roughage the cost was reduced to eight and nine cents per day. An extensive experiment with com- mercial ho'g feeds versus homeâ€"grown feeds showed that under average farm conditions none of the commer- cial hog feeds used was as economical as a well-balanced mixture produced on the farm. Maintenance of Beef Cattle. Cost investigations conducted with beef cattle gave the following inter- esting figures: The average cost of feeding breeding beef cows in the College herd was 15.9 cents per day. The cost of labor per cow per day was 7 cents. The value of the manure per cow per day was 5.8 cents, and the cost of bedding per cow per day was 1.9 cents. The total feed and labor cost per cow per year, after deducting the value of manure, was $69.35. The average weight of beef calves born during the year 1922 was 77.33 pounds. Cost of Maintenance of Herd Sire. In the cost of mainteance investi- gations conducted with the herd sires, the following figures were obtained: For the Shorthorn herd sire, $129.60 per year was required; for the Hereâ€" ford, $101.76; for the Angus, $107.88; and for the Jersey, $86.26. The bulls were of different ages and of different weights, so no breed com- parison can be drawn. The figures indicate that it really costs something to maintain a herd sire, and that the man who maintains such an animal for the use of various cow owners is entitled to a larger fee than he us- ually demands. Cost of Maintenance of Dairy Cattle. The cost of maintenance for dry cows and heifers was shown to be 88.60 per month. Some work was also done in an attempt to discover a satisfactory method of handling veal calves from dairy cows. The results show that dairy calves for veal should be marketed at the ear- liest possible age at which the market will accept them. It was also found that to make satisfactory veal while milk was necessary. Cost of Milk and Butter Fat Pro- duction. In investigationai work with dairy cattle conducted at the. Ontario Agri- cultural College to show the com- parative economy or milk production and butter-fat production with the different breeds, it was found that the Holsteins produced milk at twenty- three cents less per hundredweight than did the Ayrshires, but in pro- ducing a pound of butter-fat there was only .03 cent difference. It was found that there was very little dif- ference in the cost of production oi Ayrshires and Holsteins, and that on milk production it cost more with Jerseys, but they (the Jerseys) pro- duced butter-fat a little cheaper than did the other two breedsâ€"Dept. of Extension, 0. A. College, Guelph. During the winter when the snow is available, and especially where a liberal supply of roots is being ted, the flock will not suffer a great deal if water is not given, says the De- partmeht of Animal Husbandry, Ontario Agricultural College. At the same time sheep will drink more or less water if it is to be had, and it at all convenient it will pay to proâ€" vide it even in the winter. After the ewes have lambed in the spring, and during the summer while on grass, an abundant supply of clean, fresh water should be at hand. Especially during the long, hot days of summer the sheep will drink freely, and the health and comfort of the flock de mands that it be available. ' Salt should be before the flock at all times during the year. A box or trough set up in the pen during the winter, or in the field while on pas- ture, in which there is always a sup- ply, will assure the owner that his flock is always well provided with for It potatoes are grown only for home use the crOp is usually stored in the cellars of the houses or of the barns. Occasionally potatoes are stored in plts. When the crop is grown commercially, however, it is generally placed in a potato storage cellar erected for the purpose. In all oases"lt is important to store only well sorted, sound, clean. dry potatoes and to keep them constantly in a dry, cool... dark and well ventilaz- edeucc. The {cmpgruiurc usually recommended for the best results In (tom 33 degrees I". to 35 degrees F. Salt and Water for Sheep. Storing Potatoes. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE HOUSEHOLD HINTS Christmas Dinner What, in svm'e "and how to gut. it and haw. the household run smooth- ly nn Chris'tmus Day is uppm'must. in .im mind of every housewife. '_ Tu he sum). one alwa3s thinks 411' lmkey duxing the Holidays. But .3113 it tmkvys are dreadfulh high, and if tho. pocket thook funds are .033'. why haw turkey on Cl'n'istmzls‘ Day? Fruit. Cncktail (can be fixed almad uf {imp}. Roast, chicken (can he stutfed ahnad of time). (Wavy. M ushwd potatoes. Baked onions Canned tiny peas .lvlliml \(‘gotablc Salad. [00 croam and cake. at pic. Placn (h'is‘d cummis in a collunâ€" 101‘ with a heaping teaspoon of flour. Set mllzmdm' On a newspaâ€" wr rub the cumauts lightly. 'l‘lm Inur and stems “ill go through thu sollandmn and tlw mutants “ill In} 0ft. perfectly clean. Care of Silk Stockings Wash Silk stockings 111 3. 1111111 warm suds aftm' (1:11:11 wearing. [11115.11 «“11. In this way (hm “ill last mmh 1111113112118 11. is [1112141111111 311111 11:11 1019 them. GREY COUNTY MOTORIST KILLED AT MARKDALE Heavy Snow Responsible for Death of A. C. Rae of Harkaway. An arciilont fraught. with fatal roâ€" mils occurred in Markdalo on l‘lmrsday- 0f last! week when the. C. 1’. ll. aftm'noon train arriving at Markdalo at 4.14 o’clock struck an automobile owned and driven by C. Rae of Harkaway. Mr. Rae, accom- panied by his son. was driving west on Main Sti‘ovt, going into Glonvlg 'l’mvnship on buyiness. Owing to a rather heavy snowfall iii. the time, nnillior ovcnpanl of the car saw the {mproacliing train 01‘ hem-«l the whistle or the. vloctric boll which is insiallml ill. the crossing until they were so (-loso that, it was impossiblv to stop llw L'al‘ bi‘i'aUSP of ”11‘ slip- iwi'y (fulllllllflll of tlw mail. Knowing: that, an impart was in- M'itablv. Mr. Rae swing tho oar tn the. left. l'anm'tunatoiy. the war (ind skidded [on far. resulting in the last. coach of tho train catching the hack of H10 our, driving it nuaiiilsi the. fence and platform, i'i‘mnpiing‘ it. 1in matchwood. 'l‘hv (iriwn and his sun \\'(‘l'i‘. hurt. 'l‘lwy wow Yukon 10 Jnseph Donniwn’s, where Mi'. Ha!) «iizrii fi'nm shock shortly after his arrival. The late Mr. Haw farmml my the 'l'uwn lim- nf Holland and Euphrasia. During late years ho assisst‘cd in tho co-olmrativg sum; _in Marlgjulfé. Coroner Dl'. Bibby of Flmlwrtou was notified of tho (10.1”) of Mr. R30 immmJiatolx 3110011011811, passed amw, and on his arrixal in Mark- dalv. oulm'ml an inquest to he hold, which takes place tomorrow. the 10th inst, at. Markdale. A Quick Way to Clean Currants i All Our Graduates -\ simple menu is: have been placnd (0 date and still there are cans far more. Get. your course NOW. if you do not get it you pay fur it anyway in smaller earnings and lust oppnrmnities. Enter any day. Write, call or phune {c-r infnrmntion. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratfnrd and M mm! Pores: MCPADDEN’S DRUG STORE Christmas Sherbet cup sugar. Readers, Note If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty W (b- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1921;, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) '9 u 36101de 34,, ('Up watvr. 1 tablespoungelutiu. :3 cupslogunbm'ry jun-v .‘l rzm‘. y; Clip (cold) watt-1'. 1 tablespoon lomun juicv. 1 cup orange juice. Method: (100k Hm sugar and 5;» cup water logothm' for ten minuws aftex: ‘it begins to lmil. Thou. mid loganluh'l‘y: lmnon and (want-Tc! Jmcv. Froozv. Soak i {ablesmmu gelatin in tho 1/.» cup of cold water. \thn dis- solved. add to the syl‘ulb._ :5 large tabloslmons rashorry jam. '3 large tablespoons Currant ,ivlly. :3 egg whites be‘atvn stiff. 2 tablespoons of sugar. Method: Boat. tho ngg whims stHT. Add jam, jelly and sugar. Mix \wll. Chill. Servo with lady l‘mgm's in pretty glasses. New Gelatin Salad 6 small sweet. picklvs. sliced thin. 1/; can of sliced pmommh'. l packagv of 101mm jvlln. 1‘3 blunchc-d almonds. Method: Add lrmtm ,ivllu in 1 pint (2 Guys hoiling watvr. When this umls and vnnnm-ucos to thicken. add othm- ingrmliunls. Pour into a maid or individualnu‘sldsnndput.in ice box. “Them stiff and chilled. sm'w on 1011mm lvaws with mner~ maisv ch'msimr. 'l‘hv Shul't.0~'=t day in tho year is thv one before a not." falls duo. For December The city of Sault SL0. Max-iv has By BETTY WEBSTER COME Cottage Pudding Whit-slum” bllttm‘. 1. The Youth'o Companion- 52 issues for 1925 2. All remaining! Weekly 1924- issues; also 3.1110 1925 Companion Home Cdendar (Se-tumuat} Chock tour choice and send‘lhu muzmn u “l‘.3'_°"!’_[".'!‘.’.'1‘_9°9_ to_ the EITBIJSIIAP‘IRS 0' I.“ “Ah-\h â€"--n - -x-....--.. Caleb Prank-e s Cc m Cm! PHIoswhy~Th¢ Best CLEIJPI-n' 8 Pm- “FM chcâ€" The guys rage- I' 1.0 Cirlc' Page- The Doctor' 0 CO!” 5:0 :aPECIAL ARTICLES $3231.me 200 3mm 3mm 55 mmmw" m... of Raspberry Whip A [1413: (f Good Things/hr 1925 ofthe Widest Variety “411W W BAKING HINTS .OFFER No. l 3 3 ERIAL STORIES gammaazawszsgx Selma: Lac. Szoriai that will delight you for weeks upon weeks. .113 PAPER. 01 to THE 3 01. “is fCUXi’AhION. mu. Bi er and Better Than Ever A}! for $2.50 START A YEAR TODAY b... mm small. l "[1“: (\VP“ lowllc‘n', 14,, cup milk. 1 mm "0111'. l tmspoon Imklm.’ pnwdc-r. 1 teaspoon Vanilla. Pinch Hf 88H. Mvthocl: Plam- butter in cake pan and put an oven to melt. Beat. egg wad sugarâ€"won the flour in which baking powder has been sifted. Then the milk and last. of all. the melted butter. ‘ Mix well and bake. This makes 8 muffin tins 0.“ one big square. Our-half this recum- is “HQTOI‘ 1W0. I'VSal'lco. 2 squares of rhnvulalo, q cup 01: sugar. Small mace of huuor, about vze of whinut. 1 Clip of milk. {soup hailing watvr. “BUN“. Dissuht (‘huvuiail‘ in bolfing mater, add mg. ar. milk 3M buttm‘. SN'HP hut um takv. Cranberry Muffins .3 cups flnur. . 2 iahlvspoons sugar. 1,4; U‘EISpUOH salt. i teaspoons baking: pmnie-i‘. 1 egg 'i talilwspuuns shmii-ning. 29; cup milk ‘53 mm uranlu-I'ry sauvv. Mvtlmd: Boat. Hm 01.11:. add sugar; sift. baking powder and salt in flour. Then add flour and milk ailturnately; Hwn tlw moltml simrinning. Last. of :‘H. add lhn cranbm‘i'ivs vary slowly. put in grnasm muffin tins and bake. “will, WOIHI of \auun pmperly on its hands hum “hid: it cannot collect taxes. Home Calendar (“z-m) 4. McCall’s Magazine 31.00 A“ for $3.00 ____ â€"-"v-- ' â€" A‘ r 1928 Q o o o .m 2. All Remaining 1924 luau.- C . 2 "be 1925_ Companfion 1. The Youth’u OFFER A PAGE i.

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