West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Dec 1924, p. 10

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PAGE 10. Jmntimmd from mm 7.} Very ill, but i" makmg somv im- provoment. Nurse Mame»..- has returned from Toronto in takn care of a patient Mr. George Aikins, a clever student. in thn High School here, has entered upon the printing trade in the Adâ€" vancv office succeeding Mr. R. Pat- ton who purposns going to Toronto. Mrs. H. Mcflauley of Dundalk vis- ited her parents here «.11 Saturday. At the annual election of officers of NIP Fleshm-ton Rink Company lmld recently, “)3: fulhnving were clecu‘d; President, Mr. A. M. Hil- ohrist; Vice-President, Dr. E. (3. Murray; Secrvtaryll‘mamIrvr, Ml‘. S. B. Tl-(iudmm'v; Board of Managers, the I’rvsitlvnt. fine-President. Mr. II. " II-...-. bl"! l'l'l'alurlu, v..u,â€"..‘..,.‘.v---, _ “7,. A. Hawkun. Mr. C. \V. Bellamy and Mr. Ruin-rt Down. Mr. Harry Fulluw was vngaged fur carvtaker this wintvr. 'l‘lm treasurcr’s Import, was wry satisfactory. It. was shown that in tlw past season's operations, Llw rust of drilling tlw wall was rmlucml $150.00, about, $100.00 paid fur pump equipment, em... and a hal- anm» remained on hand of over $13.00. Mr. W. H. Bunl. has bought the neat bungalow erected by Mr. (I. W. Bellamy on Toronto Street. It is of modern design, well finished and has a new furnace installed. Mr. Bunt's brother, John P.. and sisters. Hrs. Howard, who recently lost her hushan’d, and Miss Jennie Hunt, of 'l‘oronto. will move here to occupy the residence with him and will he wry desirable citizens. not strangers here. All are pleased to see Mr. Hunt. who has been a goool citizen l‘nr many years. remain among his ulcl friends here. Mr. F'nnk l‘hinl. cashier in the Hank of Mimtreul. has hue-n trans- l'i'l‘rml lo Drillin mnl his place here has lie-en lulu-n by Mr. Kelly of lil‘iulsworlll. I ‘»- ‘-‘-"4L | ollcllmw Ul la". .\n effm't is [wing "18!!!! to haw Lhr ummty mad frum Singhampwn m Durham and onward tu Kincard- :cw. takt-n mm- as a Provincial high- way. 'I‘u this mu] Hmwv 'l'aylnr “3' ”Spin 3;; AL. r m. .‘du'lm mh of }' wshmu- Lon; vaa MrKo'nzin mu] livgngty Been! Hogarth. nI‘ Artvmvsia. \wlh .. I "---‘â€"---\ llul\ A I ‘VII’ ‘ val..'y,nu-n w'---â€"- mu; “new Mchnziu and Dvgmty Roe“! Hogarth. nl’ Artrmvsia. with rcprc-svutahws I'mm Durham. Ham- over and Bruw (10mm waitmi on the Pruvincial (immrnnwnt. last wnrek. but wv haw nut Ivm'nmi Hw 11:30“. -_ . [‘,_ -_r.l._\l‘ ‘.o|\'l| h g Z'USLII la. Mr. and Mrs. Robm-L (lalmflwll haw moved from Caledon to Mr. M. I’m-â€" msun’s farm m‘al- Ceylun. Mrs. Hamptwll is u niece of Mr. ergumm. and "w Ialtm' gc'ntlo‘man will con- tinue to ro'sidu in tho filo! homv with thn Campbqllsj I ".n‘lllhnl;_" .,.......-‘---_- The Pl‘ofzab)‘t.i‘l'iall and Ml'thmllsl Sunday Schunls‘ all"). pro-paring tm' lhviz- annual onlnrtuinmonts rm Ghristmas and MW Yvar's lava-niugs'. At tlw fm‘mur, there will be :t visit from Santa Claus. a Christmas Two and program without the ten ml” for- mer yvars. At. the lattpr. tin-res will he tho- usual tea _and pmgram. I‘ t“1|.“\l'lli{l|n I" ‘IU‘Iu- “I“ “nov- 3 m: u , - ., Tho. Aludent bOdy nf Floshvrton High School has V'nhni "3)?" on a resolutiun tn snppm't nw Literary Socio‘ty in tho- pmohu-tinn of :1 mm- mlv and musical dam-mg c-ntvrlain- mom. to he giw'n m ”In srlmul anal- rmrium on Mich) mw-ning. January t6 m-xt. Rehearsah fur mm- M' thv «mg: and dune» numlwrs haw hem going on fur snmv timv. and lhv prv- partition of svript“. lyrics and spv- .;..Io;.._- i.‘ \\'o-H muls-r' \s'u)’ ills”. \H III\\II u...‘ n. v--- Mrs. W. Wilcock and Mrs. H. 1»an worn hoth very ill Inst Wt't'k, hut thoil' frionds arc" [uh-33ml to loam tho-y al'o rocovoring. Mr. \Villiam Stewart of tho Bunk nt‘ Monti-mil. Prescott. is homo on hm Works‘ holidays with his par- o-uis. Mr. and Mrs. John Stowzu't. I'hnir son. Frank. who is teaching unzn' North Bay, is also coming to mono! tho holidays at home. Ito-v. H. H. Eaton and Mr. Earl Best, PH‘SMPIH of the Methodist Young I’o'nplv'< Society, attended a convenâ€" tion in 'tni-omo last week. Tllo- Lomv of Mr. Malcolm Forguson "txm .|"II III I‘ |vr|'... ,,_,* 'I‘ln- ' mnv nt‘ Mr. Malmlm Fc‘x'gusnn uhmii :2 miiv and a quarto-r {mm Hush rtun. \Vus tlu- sm-no' of a quiet .‘ hli' hrmpy owvnl om ’l‘uvsday nvening. ('lcfu‘lg,‘slwllt ” “'0"? li- --:-:niwr If». \thn his only dangh- Q“). “'"h M“ 3"“ tz- . Miss Margau'vt ergusun. becamn Smith. _ Hm ln'ioln at Mr. .Iauno-s L. McMullnn. "”9" “MN”: “0"" H .. w-‘l-knnwn magistrate who re- the 1m“ (Wu week wt... .m thv farm adjoining. The fewer. ”w- PPM-"31‘d W‘ the homv of Mr. WM c-M'mnnm' was pm'furnwd by Rev. .lnsvph iliu‘i'nwvr, H.A.. pastor of bf‘ginningof last.w ihi’ QSU'Q'HN‘Q‘ ('flllph“ ilfti‘l' \vhich a MP5. \Vllham thc days the latter part .lainty wedding Sllppur Was SON/(3d. ' . later, Mr. and Mrs. McMullen went Varnov “Wm MPS- F in their own home and are the sub- has not been well. it sis of the best wishes of a largo, County Constable Sound was in this wirclc of friends. The bridy, h '. . t w 05 recently making 81“ u opular and very high] res ec , vo‘img woman, was tho xgcipgm of recent than of we [‘1 I’ll (I I IIIII'II' III \V""I Intends to sin-ml Hm Mr. and Mrs. Wi ‘umc and beautif l ’ Hill school. 1‘1““. u wedding Hrs. Tur A lam commy of oung {om Thin-am w hgr mm the. mace and Ttyn'onto Lino W: ‘ and“! "was last um-.. "."""'"""" . M Smxgeon Junction, and a very enjoy- able timv was had by all. A few evenings pl'tWiOUS, a sleighing party from hm-v visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. .1. Blackburn at, Sauâ€" geon and unjoyml tlmnmelvns imâ€" ‘. menscly. Mrs. Amlrvw (lullvn and son, Fred, M Silvm' Crock, N. Y. are Visiting the farmer's sister. M rs. Boyd Thomp- son, Whn is ill. Nurse Irvin: Wilson. who has been nursing in :1 Hospital in Detroit for same time, is home for a holiday with her pai‘vnts horn. Mrs. Alex McDonald nf Weston nnu'iv a \Vm'kâ€"nlul wait with her par- vnts‘, Mr. and Mrs, I". (lgurgs: hero. Y 9 ;'l a 'III‘I .' lll-‘ I ...-. . . ._..-.--__., V o Miss Holvn Bell of Edmonton, $35k” who was :1 surrrishll and nmrh hvlmml h-autlwr in the public HBIIHOI lwrv 30m:- yuars ago. writes m intvro-stingly of hor Mr and work in Um Wrstrrn (:in whore she has iuuglnt, Hw past. trn years. Miss Boll i< aim :m urtiw Christian worker and dwply intorostml in Church Un- ‘zwn which has lwr sympathy and NIIJpON. We are pleased to again hear from this esteemed young lady whoso homo was formerly at. Owen r . 1 Sound. ‘ I Mrs. G. Mitchell, a teacher in the Methodist. Sunday School. enter- lainml licr Mass of girls at “(T home on Saturday afternoon and evening last. A visit vas made to Mr. Haw- ken’s photograph gallery where a picmrv was lakouof the class Wlllllll‘ will ho a Christmas gift. to ouch one by tho lrarlior. In tho ovmiing, a dainty tea was servm'l. and an 011'- .ioyalilv limo was had by all. ‘ llmlio sets are inrrvasing lioru. Mr. .Inllll Nuhn. Mr. \V. 1.. Wright. and Mrs. W. J. lloyil lining the lalost to haw Wrslingliousv sols [)lill'flll in .lwir liomvs by Mr. H. A- Mit'l‘avisli. ,Mr. W. A. llziwkon has installed a Emilio liimsvll’ in his photo galli'ry. Mr. Edward Magi-v. wifu :inil fam- ily, of Furl. Suskulrlii-xvziii. :ll'i‘ visit.- in; at. tho lllil Magi-w llon‘w on tho l lVlKlllll Lino. . ........ Mr. .\lv.\ (lame-mu, «ex-Deputy [wow 01' Arlmnvsiu. want to Toronto m1 Mummy as a (lulug'am tn the. Pro- \ im'iul l'. l". U. (Imnwntiun. 'l'lw annual mm‘ling Hf tlw Artem- I‘Slzl and {Nngy llnâ€"Upt'l‘alch Shipâ€" ping Astem'iullun was held in the tanH hull. Fll'SlH'l'lHll. at. one n’clock ml Saturday ul'lm'mmn. “(member 13. Mr. T. Slml prusidml and. all other mwmln-rs nl' thv Assm-lalion were m'o'swnl as follows: Messrs. Cam- prnn. l’nnln. Ferris. Mama», Gonna andl ;':-.il:n-. 'l‘lw [ullmlo-s of last. annual Illlol qnarlvrly nwulings wrrc read and slgnml. Mr. Spul'ford. the live stawk sllimn'l', prvsvnlml his report. leI' llw lmsnmss l'nr nlnvnu months. January I to wam‘lln-r 30, which as in purl as l'nlluws: Cars of Slnck <‘:i~,n.ml (3‘). n‘nulo- m» as follows: lint- llv. 5.3.3; Halves 238; Hugs, 2.392; Slump. l.3l7~7 «lulul 1.512, ruprrsvnt- in: u mnnwv \ulm- nl' $8.7M“. 110l- tlr. mm; halves ZJD; mugs, ;..):l.', Slump. l.337'7«1t’>l:tl 1,552, Pt![)P(‘St‘llt,- mg a mono-v \nlnn ol' Mini-’18. tiol- lortod on Sinking: It'lll'ltl, $188.43: hal- zlnro- at last atultt, $119.82: total, <Iltt.’.‘.’3; llalanrr. $82.23. Mr. Spot'- l‘ortl was rr-cngag‘ml as shippor t‘or ltl‘lfl. anal ul'ticors for tho. rolning year worn vloctml as follows: l’rusiâ€" loot. 'l'homaa' Shut; Viro-l’rrshlont. :Mr. Poolv: Sum-rtary-Jl‘rramrrr .\lox Ilitmwron. amt thr romaining mom- 'lzt-rs of tho- rommittnn as directors. .\t. 2.2m. n pulllir mrrlim.r of those lnh-rn-stwt in liw- stock markrting “as llt‘lll with Mr. .\lox llamoron in tho chain. ’l'hrro- was a fair sizod atulirnrr. hut many \Vt'l't' kopt away by thc- sworn storm. Mr. tillarlos ‘llrtlurlly. hrall of ”It“ Livr Stock llvpat‘tnh‘rnt. of tho l7. l".tl. lion'lpal‘ly, 'l‘m-onto. Lith‘. a wry intrrostjng ad- hlrews. Hr slate-cl that as. 70 par rent t inf our pork products \V’Ol't' rxportod amt sohl in t‘nnltwtitihn with otlwl‘ trountrh-s whlrh spraializml in ox- tpurts similar to ours, it was nurowary that \w shouhl c-xtunt only a high t'luss artirls'. no élh-rrl'oro “a" a strong mth-ato of hog grading antl roâ€"opr'nthr nmrko'ting'. Spralxtng ol' rutlln. ha- statmt munv \‘mrr Shllilwtl to Toronto and sold twain to lw wnt to tho rountl'y to he- tin- ishml. 'I'hry Wt'l't‘ thl‘m l't’tlll'llt'tl to tthr markvt untailing an unnrros- lrzm'} rxprnsr. somrtinlos as murh as iSIJJtl lwt' l'\\'t. Tim many cattht of tumor quality always clnprossod tho l markvt. Mr. Mrflurcly aclvisml farm- rrs to koop all tho rattlr off tho . murkrt «luring: tlctohor and Novem- szlwr a~' tlw Wosh-rn rattlr monopoâ€" I l lizml tlw tratlv «luring: thoso months. lllr. Spoft'ortl hriol'ly arldross‘ml tho Hun-Ming. rc-Virwlng tho yrar‘s husb‘ 1', nrss in the egg pool and advocated r ostahlishing‘ a monthly storkrr and r. l'rmlor sale for tho fall months of! n l925. Miss Agnos Macohail. M.l’.. r was tho noxt. Spoakor and stressed UH' 110011 of morn loyal. moral and l. tinanrial support to the central or- <. ganization. Shv again brought to n tho attontion of her audionco in her :lhlr and forcoful mannor, tlw. ro- lk slmnsihility of raoh ono with the: hum! of thi- truly cnâ€"npi-I‘utiw and N'Untflliit'. pl'nhlc‘ms confronting tht‘. citizenship «if mn' cmnnii'y tc’nlay. 'l‘hv mooting ('lnsml with tiw Na- tinnal Anthem. (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. Clifford Ritt'hin wont. to Dv- l.r0it. a mmplp nf weeks ago whom 111‘. intends to spnncl Hm‘wintel‘. Mr. and Mrs. William “Hair of (“WWW siwnt a week ago last Sun- day with Mr. aml Mrs. William Smith. ‘ After liming helm quarantiuml for tho past tivn weeks with scarlet fever. Hm placard was removed from the homo. of Mr. William Pickett the 'thiflDing of last week. Mrs. William Ritchie spent a few days the latter part. of last week at V’arnev with Mrs. Ritchie. Sl‘., who has not been qull. 1"“ .l.‘ 1" ‘L‘rnn Southeast Bentinck unstable Jonqs of Owen in this lopajlty one day king enqmrms regarding t of wood from Hutton 'l‘urnbull spent last. her mother, Mrs. A. Chronicle. It Pm. \vw- vw" v---._ _ Rev. Mr. Rice of Ridgeville, who has been in the village and vicinity since the death of his sister, Mrs. J. R. Philp, returned to his home on 'I'uesday. _ Mr. Koch went to his hpmc in Straight-q on Saturdgy morning. 1‘0- turnmg m the evening. - , ‘-“‘;\.. b‘ll ‘I‘II D lllllll MM. John Maxim-y is homo after a Visit of a month in Toronto with relatives. I tilt-U v M 1‘. Arthur Abbs attended the wed- ding of his sister in Underwood last Wmlncsday. llLIOou o VVIJI Mr. James Myers received a mes-! sage last, Friday of the death of his“ sister. Mrs. McMulL-n of Toronto. The remains were brought in Holâ€" Stein and thence to Amos cemetery. Rev. Mr. Burnett mmhlciml Hu- scr- \'icc at the grave. Many new books have lwun added to the Public Library here. Miss 'l‘illic Stevenson has returned from Toronto after a smmewliai ex- tended stay in the city. Ml‘. Archie Gillies. student of Knox College, 'l‘m'onto, was the preacher in the Presbyterian) Church last i Sabbath. n .I IniLI..- “Inna n‘. Dauuuul. ‘ The memlwrs of tlm lhbln class of the Presbyterian Sunday Suluml met at the home of MP. and Mrs. William Aitken last, Wmlnesday mulling, and an vnjoyabln time was 141mm. Miss Christi", thn teacher. was prvsentml with a lwuuquul _Hihlc. '7» ‘ '- A“. :‘n- WlI-ll (I Inn-H1.“- -â€"--_.-‘. '1‘th snow plough was Opcl'atcdm: thl' HIdHWflIkS last. Monday morning and mad». a vast. “Improvement. to traffic. Mrs. (Mm-gov !_‘.z_1mplw||__uf Arthur was Hm guest wall ro-mnHy. l’aof. Mdlwzm ul' thu (LAJL. Gm Iph :uidrmsod Hm. Hnmmumty Cirv h- [ISL Wednesday «fwning. __l tun u.- uuvu vv V..." ”WW" 7 ., 'l'hn four murmur) of theé Egrvnmnt (lm-mnury Humrpzmy sending the? higlmst number of pounds of hut- tm‘i'al, from lwcmnlwr 1 t0 1:} urn as folluws: “’vsluy Hulliday, 99.90 1le.; Artur Irvin, 81.09 Hm; Wzillium 'l‘yn- $1143 135.237 Hm; (Iliutv-u Main, 54.07 S. Nclsou Irvin. a former Holstein boy but. now of Saskatchewan, is have (m :1 visit and has called on several old friends. He: returned from Hm war mmmvhut, disabled. He (Our own Correspondent.) With every dollar purchase you get a guess 1n the Soap Contest. It costs you nothing, as you are al- ways assured of real value for your money here. Cus- tomers paying money on account have the same priv- ilege. You Choose your own prize. we force no old stock on to you. MCKECHNIE’S GIFT SUGGESTIONS Contest Closes Wed. night, Finn Assnrmwnt. of Fancy Towels, each ............ 85c Ladies”, Cosy Felt Slippers, in Black, Rod and Grey with Leather Sales and Rubber ,chls, pair ............ $1.85 Gauntlets to Match any Color Hf Overcoat. pair ........ 95c Just 5 More Shopping Days Until Christmas Choice Creams, II» ........ 250 Gum prs, ll» ............ 19c Pcrrin’s (mixod candy) lb 250 Humhugs lb ............... 350 Jutrock, lb ................ 250 Buttormntch. lb .......... 350 Kowpio Jelly Candy, If) . . . .35c ”incoanines, w i th Cream Centres, lb .............. 390 ORANGES THE 'i'th Every pair of Boyfs’ Huckoy Shoe‘s bopght this week. we wnll glve payay aw (imminn Regulatioh Hockey Puck worth ..350 Wc solicit your patmnagc. oflering Special Prices on all m now until Christmas. Christmas Candy s Furnisher SOAP CONTEST ist Prize, Your Choice of Goods, Value $7.00 2nd Prize, Your Choice of Goods Value $5.00 3rd Prize, The Large Block of Soap For Ladies FREE! FREE!_ JOHN MCKECHNIE . M. SAUNDERS Christmas Greetings I‘m Fancy . . .850 I‘I‘S, in with {ubbm‘ Mom‘s Hockey Boots in.Bro§vn Kip Leather, Elk Tnmmmg per pair .............. $4.50 Men’s Silk and Wool Halfâ€" Hosu in the new _Colors_9f intends to. remain E his home no Toronto. AA William Alunumru. Mr. and Mrs. Earl anl wool to ”I‘m-onto on Saturday to Vicil l‘rinnds and not. us (ll-xlogalo {It llw. U. 1".0. and If. I". W. 0. comentions. l'O-Spm’l ivoly, holll lhvro this wvok. Our school teacher and scholars am preparing a nil-,0 program to be givon in the school on Friday aftorâ€" 11100“. It will, no doubt, ho a pleasâ€" ant and profitable :lftol‘noon for both parmlts and ohildron. and all who can should try to attend. A pleasant evening was spout. al the home of Mr. John C. Lumen on Fridav last by a large circle of friends, games and dancing being the pastime. Music was suppliml by a number of good musicians. The heavy fall of snow on Sunday almost blocked the roads in many |places. Thero is now good sloighinu‘ and the cars are put off lhl- roads for :1 time. They were holng looked on as a menace to safe trawl ,iusl, lwl'oro tho snow came. ‘||.. I‘Ahl\lll.* I“‘ heml‘e um .51qu mm“... In nur last budget. the report of! the Sunday Sehenl. entertainment should have mentitmml an excellent reading: by Re\'. Mr. \Vheulen; and in our repm'i. 01' the l’nwl supper and concert :1 fermight previous, we failed to meutmn seme gem! club swinging" by the Lawrence twins, both excellent. numbers. It is no inâ€" tentinn of a slight. lml. seems in he 2-. habit. with us. Monday was the lust, Ueuucil meetâ€" ing of the year. After the general hllSineSs was finished. the members Ivill-‘.._ - 'I‘n||_*§1u\h‘ llllnlurnm nun u“... ...... - Of the Council and Village 'I‘I'ustws cxprvssnd tlwir faith and gum! wishes of each other, and evm'yhmly wishml (-vnrymm nlsu happiness and tmnagc. as we are an all our stock from Blue and Gold, pair ....850 A Large Assortment of Men‘s Ties to Arrive This Week. Children’s Handkerchiefs. 4 for .................... 25c Ladies' Handkerchiefs in.asâ€" sorted Colors With Dainty Embroidered Designs in Corner, for 150, 19c and 290 Ladies‘ Irish Linen Handker- chiefs in Assorted Cnlors at. .............. 256 and 39c Men’s White Linen Handker- ehiefs. Special, each ....250 Men’s Excelda, Handkerchiefs with Fancy Borders. 200. 253 Boys’ and Girls‘ 'l‘oqucs in Black and Orange. Brown and Camel, priced at 750 N¢ Dec. 24, at 10 p.111. For Men 1‘” .v- _Cy_ 7 pl nu Frulu)’ after- douht, 1w :1 plansâ€" aftnrnoun fur both and make prosperity, but never a word was said of what they mean to do. or where they mean to be in the com- ing contest; therefore, we cannot re- port until after the nominations. There will be a vote taken on Sta- tute labor. The Provincial Government has commenced a forward movement in connection with roads and will supâ€" plement all money expended in the imprmmment of roads with a. 30 per cent grant and half Hm salary and half Hm. expenses of Um superin- IIIIII Ill tendenl. employed to expend the money where the council directs, if the Statute labor is entirely alml- shed. For these- townships that do not abolish it. lml. continue in the old way, won We 20 per cent that. they have been reeeiving will be taken awav and given to the more m‘ogresswe munieipalities. 'l‘he bal- lot, will read, “Are you in favor of abolishing Statute Labor?” and those who are will nun-L their “X" in the Yes column. 'l'lmsn who 'wish the law to remain as at, present will l"It ilheir “X" in the Ne column. ‘t-â€""V-â€"- v .-_ As the season I‘m- grmetings is hm-u again, we uxtmul nur gum! wishus in The Chroniclv. Us staff and mad- Pl's for UN! has! szwm-ss and oval'j;« thing best. dosimhln and a Merry Christmas and l'rnspm'mm and "ap- py Now Yuma (Our own Correspondent.) Mrs. B. Williams is visiting hm' dzmghtm'. Mrs. .lnlm Mus-Hay 01' Arthur. Messrs W. Ii. and H. ngu were in Ghnsluy all business last. \uwk. Misses Rita (ill-.m'mss and Mar- gawt Anderson Visited nwr Hm \ka-c-nd with ~(.I|nnl|1|:n.vs at l‘mvmwh. Mr. [Inward Hitc'lm- is spm'tiug a brand new cultm'. Sum: nice young lady Will vnjny Iuis‘ nf ch‘iW‘s Ihis w in tor. MI'. WT. <5. Firth in in 'l'm'ullln this vmok uttundlm: thn :mmml IKE”. ('nnwntum. '\.Vk'-,ow‘dmm vunm'utulntmm to Miss Edge Hill. Mytrlc Ecwr, daughter at Mr. a“ Mrs. Arch Ector, Elbow. 835k. fur- merly of Edge “I” who mu "im- hily wedged-ya Decemlgtn- 5,. l l I‘\ (flat-k H. H. McDonald and T“. surer W. J. Ritchin an, “1".ng overtime this week, Hw I‘m-mm- With hy-IBWB. reports, Mr... and Hu- M. £0? \Vi“! "N3 blllky [inflow «If H... “II- anciul statement, 1h» Iargust 1:; W hismry of tho. township. “You‘re always law,“ shu said m- digrnantly. “You were 1814* at the church the day we were married." Hyps.“ he answered. hitlvrly. “hm I wasn't. late enough."- «\Vnman‘g Companion. Water! ‘ Water! Water! Thursday. December 18. 1924 ILH. N0 Schultz’s Pump Tale Co. TILE ALWAYS UN HAN!) Sizes 6, 8. 10, 12. 15, 16, 18. 24 in ORIENT BRICK FOR SALE Agents for Bantu-aw Cream Separators PUMPS PITMP REPAIRIN; Promptly Attended (H and :11! work Guarnnwd. What Is Good Health Worth? Why take a chance and men water that. is polluted :md unfit for domestic use. when Pure Water can be hm by having a well drilled. W.- handlc Pumps and Pump 330- pairs. OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL NOT LATE ENOUGH SatistCtion Guaranteed ED. J . P R A'I‘T Durham II $10.00 AND cos m ucmss “an. an impoxcu' w Laidlaw m Rest! "It Announced Mom :2 512.: 3?. G: (€391.17: ’ 8.8.». Ca 1117...}: g: £31. 3.1...1fi Câ€"P 3â€" 2.... T. "-59.1. 3.3.27. _: I“ Grant was su N'TH a who is at prvwm . W Hnsmiul sufh; wt brokvn 109:. [n msmwuu: Judmuwr “id'8“' mhmalmi HUM (or so chum: “a- in LA with Maxim-um Ln Â¥uud In finding (him IKiflU‘ah-s. HHM‘ uni Widuucv, Imwd thvw . vars! mum.» m 1h.- 0. dl‘fc'ndunl and III '1'. Arthur MM 'll ”W “I"! y} .0. right Hf \\u_\ . UH! mum... .)'.~ Hm 'I‘Itc‘ 31mm ml‘y (H hymn denm' f' tram-“u tho mm witness plmtical an Llw 1' testified an ”In ¢ that. wl "I p058!!! 31"“; the! M h"! uujv Mm!) Anni '1'. ii' MI urigislmt I». had I! l m. Imm luau H ATTENDED rum; 'Im‘h 1?! mvmhm min-m! Gaunt}: Rae M H duck-d 1 Deputy conduct bu s l nos nlnGG‘d ' 'l'lw many lrnlam Oak”: and II mg fl “v is suns. H a month THOR“ from In: “HYPE”! "I'll" verdict .w'lldc film‘sduy I‘ .3991: (pf Mu Thompson B2 0 miner of H (I Was Small. phan For” LAST LYCEUM 'I'humpsun Eilt its pmmmnrl-zl Han. and for m I). singlud-hauc ”Puma and m h" in a lona S. Ireland of M and favorably Circle of Friend IIIHH M nl IV UNI “(‘1 held H ll of lb \\ in win MUN It"

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