West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 18 Dec 1924, p. 4

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sJAGE 4. Published every Thursday mo at the office, Saran-am Slxjeet, ham, Onlano, by W. lrwm, .1 and Prepnctor. ‘ ‘ AAA-«a an flan: Ell} To in: a Master of a Masonic Lodge '13:) for over three years :11 succession 'l‘li is the rather unusual record of 6. ~ H. Armstrong of Grey . z’ , who last Friday :vening was it . . . . 1 ' t. ol a handsome tnlaicl mahogany dinner-wagon; also a Past Masmr‘s jewel, and, in addi- tion, was made an honorary life member of the lodge, with full privâ€" ' A handsomely hound volume ' the summons of the lodge durin“ the past three years was al- ed to the retiring Mast‘er was. the originator . havmg a lodge for former resndents of the County of Grey and their friends, and who, with W. L. Mc- onsible for Farlaml. was largely resp its formula)". Ever since the incepâ€" tiOn of the lodge. in November, 1921, Mr. Armstrong has guided its des- tinies. amt (luring. last evening, he C was warmly praised for the ad- hurh he has inirahle manner in w . ' mndurtml its affairs durlng lns term of otifee. He has had the corâ€" dial sumuort and coâ€"Oprration of his omeers. and the elections at the previous? meeting. whit: . tlcailv unammousu ‘ Officers Installed The installation and inyesture of officers for 1923 last evening. in the Yonge Slreet Temple, at which there was at very large attendance. took place as follows: \V.M., \V. BrO. H. F. McFarland; I.P..\l.. W. Bro. G. ll. Armstrox g; S.W., Bro. J. F. Van- J. ‘. Ritchie; Every; J.W.. Bro. ilhaplain. Bro. Rev. J. A. Robinson; 'I‘reasurer, Bro. James Craig; Secre- . J. W. Tucker; Assistant my, W. Bro “Mme...“ Bro. n. J. Wither-33001}; S. 'YeaIZé in Office. dairy, w. Bro. J. Secretary2 Bro. Secreuu'y, pm. 1.. u. .. .--___ _ 1)., Bro. Leeson Whitby; J.D.. Bro. Dr. W. G. 'l‘relford; D. of (1., R. W. Bro. Sir William Hearst; L.G., Bro. James H. Craig; 8.8., Bro. W. Irving Hearst; J S Bro. F. E. Sillifant; Or- ganist, Bro. W. M. Evans; Tyler, W. W Dr“. H. J. Pritehard; Auditors, Bros. W-. Turner and H. R. Frost. The ceremonies were conducted by V. W. Bro. John A. Graham, as- sisted by R W. Bro. L. E. Lane, i).D.G.M.; KW. Bro. the Hon. Jus- tice Wright, R.W. Bro. C. G. Ander- son, V.W. Brn. Tim Barber. and other past. and present Grand Lodge of- ficers. ,Handsomc bouquets of roses werel presumrd to R.W. Brn. Lane and V. W. Bro. Graham. for thmr wwrs. in mkrn 0f apprecla rendered to the lodge by thrsc brrth- rcn. and alga. to Mrs. G. F. McFarâ€" land. wife of thr \V...\l.-rlnctr. At the subsequent banquet. at which \V. Br”. McFarland. \VM.“ presiclrd. :he usual loyal and Magnuâ€" “m. toasts wrro hmmrrd. “The Grand Mastrr and thr Grand Lodgr nl' Canâ€" ada” was rrspomlrd to by ILW. Bro. Lane. and the “Incoming m‘tirers" was fittingly replird to hy 1hr wm. Bro. Major Homer A. Jukes and his nssisting artists prrsrnfro'l a splrndid musiral program. _______......â€"â€"â€"- ,awrence, daughter Lawrence of lowe'en concert in that place that of the best local talent ranks as one affairs ever put on in that Northern town Together with Miss Drake, c arse of a similar enter- who had tainlnent here a couple of years ago, ° ' the main force men “ u' can ms over 50 pupils friends heye will jdin The phroniclegn mlailons to this popular young lady -- mmcess m her chosonl pro. f ' de this week 1'01“ for the Bet: Bouquets for the address McFarland, l. Formerly Ladies Final Business of Year Completed Monday Bvening.â€"â€" Mayor and Reeve Recipients of Flattering En- l"¢‘)llowing tho mamng H1 un; mm- utus. Mayor Smith read a number of vomnmnications. Ono was from tho Fire, l'mlet'writors warning the mum-i1 against allowing; any chom- ival apparatus to freeze during the rum weather to follow. ‘ . V ' ' n from the Rail- way Board showed that, the amounts payable to tho town annually by the ' g to the Thomas Young farm property being withdrawn from tho corporation, ..... mnohh: about $30.00 per year was. up to 10/11. A letter was read from Sheriff J. S. Wilson of Owen Sound re the ore- partition of the preposed history of the County of Grey and requesting that the. Council appoint a commit- tee to write Up the history of Dur- hum from its pioneer days. It was ,l’elt that some one here could do it much better than the committee at Owen Sound. Reeve Calder was ap- pointed ehnimmn, with power lo select the other members of the com- mittrr. 'ééligihy. about $30.00 per yum" - -- ALA Q;n}, ll" 1"‘1‘1'lIULWA vv was of the opinion that in case he did. the town would be practically unanimous in granting him a new loan, and for this reason, would ad- - .L-. um mnnov hp invested in IQ'dII, uuu IUI v--.u -v--~ H .. . use that the money .he invested in such a manner that it could be so- curod with little or no delay. On A motion carried to give Robert, Smith authority to cut down some troos in front of his pronerty in lip- pm' Town. This was to be done on- dm- tho supervision of tho Properly Comm i ttoe. -‘. \I‘J .--â€"- ., 'l‘Iu- Treusurvr‘s Statement was r0- | cnivm‘l and 100 comes ordered printed. 3 This comzludml the regular busiâ€" ness: M’ the tuwn fathers, and the next. h:1}i'-lmur was Spent in shower- nn Mayor Smith and in}; plaudits . RDCVB (lamp? for the very cfflclent manner in whwh they had conduct- m‘! tho hUSinPSS. of [110 year, after which the ununml adJourned. OWEN SOUN D MAN INSTALLS RADIO BROADCASTBR Mr. 9361M win soon be 0n_ulc um. m radio broadcasting statlons 1f $3 broadcastingputfit hemg construe .- nn mL:-A Aunnnn “I'UGUUGDUI I‘D U u vs. v by Mr. A. A. Green, 746 Third Avenue 3 east .is a success as he anticipates it will be. Mr. Green is an exper- ienced radio and wireless man being in charge of the wireless end of the wnrk on the tug “Keenan," and he has been working on the broadcast.- in, outfit for some little time. a government li_- Local Hockey Player lode Game in Forest City Lest In an exhibition 3306 against the fast. St. Mary’s juniors of Toronto. Martin Lauder or this place, playing on this year's London Junior 0.1-1. A. team. scored two of the five goals tallied by the Forest Citv sextette when they heat the Queen City as; ‘gregation 5-4. . Referrinc to his playing, . ‘don Free Press saw L9 .~ a good stick-handler an Ls ~ \earmarks of a good 1100!, 5;: . . - s32, ,QE-f‘if‘ 'r I ; thv reading Hf the min- F Smith read a numbvr of LLions. One was from tlm {'writm‘s warning the “hm! ullnwinu‘ any chem- Sunâ€"Times, We“ be on the l§§tn0f the Sick ). sollcll - and 1119'. Bn- ”"7”" , lors ()yer two tons of live poultry were ' delthBI'Btl to Durham on Tuesday for export shipment, and the supply of ilressml poultry is coming in very ans- offered at present will most likely hold good until Friday of this week anyway, but certainly. no later than Saturday as no shipments can be made to the ”d”. cities alter Saturday. _'l‘hcre is a lot of thin pointry still coming in to ban; market for which a low price nmsl Vt‘fql' “P 1:11ch and which the dealer: would- rather not have at any price minâ€" Uri'sle poultry is the same as rat.- mr ”Hill; hogs. shrcptclc. lhcy canno‘ n U“. ‘ho too lat, l’ml. thin stock never find: the amonc anisous lor it. We are glai hem; to say. however. that there is a con a the siderahle lot ol nice milkhwl ponltr'; '5 ‘ " coming preprrly crate led. Som , pret'lurers have the idea that hecaus Rm!‘ they feed a. little milk with the chm lOUIhS olc...to their poultry and shut th )y the latter up in a box stall that it 1 lo the milkfed stock, but it is far from i b0,”‘g Milkl‘ed chickens, when properly fen .'ation. are commanding a priec of from ‘1' year to 12 cents per lb above the pl‘lt .. ipaid for the ordinary run. u”- I 4nmn-inlcntlrnt Baillcy 0f the Um Over two tons of live poultry were delivered to Durham on Tuesday for export shipment, and the supply of dressed poultry is coming lll very l'reely. Prices offered at present will most likely hold good until Friday of this week anyway, but certainly. no later than Saturday as no shipments can be made to the cities after Saturday. _'l‘here is u lot of thin poultry still coming in to market. for which a low price must he paid and \vl‘iich the dealers would rather not have at any price. Dressed poultry is lhe sumo as cut-- thu hogs sheep,(uc. 'Fhey cannot he too fat, but thin stock never llnds umone anxious for it. We are glad to say, hmvever, that there is a rouâ€" siderahle lot of nice milkfed poultry coining [ll‘Olll‘l‘l)' crate fed. Some producers have. the idea that because ' they feed a little milk with the chop, 3 etc.,.to their poultry and shut the 3 latter up in a box stall that it is 9 milkfeil stock, but it is far from it. g Milkl'cd chickens, -, l» are commanding a p 1' to 12 cents per lh a puhlfor Uu3in1hnary run. 1. Superintemlent Builley ol‘ the. Can-- :ulian National Express was in Dur- rl'ues‘ulav afternoon and reâ€" il' ham on hot ten carlonds o'i' dressed " ported l. western turkeys are rolling to 'l‘orâ€" .--[onto this week and should arrive rm. unmmlav of this week. l " Editor Chronicle. ; boar Sir: ": m I rrroiwd ini‘m'niation today to I] to tho rflrrt that there IS a report ‘ U spread in Urangovnllo l’roshytory “ that l haw changed my VIOWS on l“~ church union, and that I am now on A 5‘- tho bldt) oi lho antiâ€"unionists. l j“ i“ wish horohy to declare that there u 4"" is not a sriniilla of truth in said roâ€" a h” port, and that [believe that the OD- h 11" jort of it is to endeavour to influence. t ‘ " 4â€" -5.- -- Mannniinn In which I Word has been l'vcm Ruhnrt Douglas, a Dur has been at (imvvnhm for Um past, three ye I'umm'nd In Toronto G ml for treatment. VS lvm'n that. his comm all sutisl'uctury and th concvl'n is l'glt for hi l‘â€"l|l" V I I‘ ml for li'natmenl. W0 regret to Il‘ul'll that. his conilitinu is not hi, all sailisl'uctni'y and that tlm g'awsl (301109‘l'll is full, for his recovery. Ali's. Dmsglas and other members of the. family will have the sympathy 01' their old Durham friends in tlmir J hnurs nf anxiety. ...._-J_â€"- Cditur (llironicle. )ear Sir: I rerniVNl inl‘ermatiuu today to Lhe rh'i-rt that there is a report. spread in Urangeville Presbytery that l have changed my views 011 ehureh union, and that. I am new ”11 Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. lht) Sltlt) Of the anti-unionists. l J‘lill‘IlShinY. l0 lh‘. N B. Ul‘ltll'SUI'l, of wish liereliy to declare that there Butl‘alo, Stillflf1‘11‘.‘VilllamUl'lt‘l'b‘t)“. is net 3 sriniilla of truth in said re- amt the 11m. Mrs. Griersen of “up- port, and that [believe that the ODâ€" ham, Ontario. The marriag‘ is to jmrt of it is to endeavour to influence. take place early in January. in. favor of a disruption to which I ‘ . ‘ .‘ am unalterahly opposed, my many MIKRMN‘ H3305 0f Edmoiiton 3? good and true friends in both Dull. mending a eouple of weeks With his ferin and (irey. Wile arid son, and members of the * Grant iamily. Yes, Mr. Editor. I am still in favor. 1" ‘LIIIII‘ \ . . 7 ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “""m l POP/01W-d m) 2 Nurse (..armeunt of Mount ltorest ‘ ‘ ‘°4--- n nnl1nlfl nf Miss Irma. Black’s applicatinii was} accepted as teacher in a srhcml mi l’uslinch 'l‘ewnship, live miles ll'nllir Guelph. 'l‘hure were 21-1 asppliranh. (lhesley l‘llllt‘l‘pl‘iSC. l l l l The t‘ilgilgtlnli‘llt is ai'iiieumrul of; LETTERS TO TflE EDITOR .‘vll - [Ill \llu‘y. . ‘ ‘ .» ‘1“ luau“ la“ luYels‘dIVlr. Editor. 1 am stlll m fawn , ‘ ‘ --. Union. I received myg Nurse t (fit‘lstghfll‘ctslslons in Alberta; where It has Rem}. labored as a pioneer mussmnary fen ‘wee'ks 3f six years and where I succeededI l.“- pauty a gatlfering together Into the chmc 1e: Vallett. I had there, represegtatlves of seven‘ MISS J: din‘erent denominatmns, and “.herh home 1.” pervailed the utmost harrnon') ‘an some up real interest in the Masters “01k. asick fr" - .‘ ,._J Ann:n(‘ n ‘nQ_I--o n:‘n REMOVED TO TORONTO m. 3011 rvcoivmi hero that is, a Durham bay who mvvnhurst sanitarium three: years, has been omum (Immoral Hospi- nent. We regret to LS conditinn 15 not m V and that thu gravest J.‘ A. Matheson. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL WM} V l’IIl'll-o Miss Jane Ritchie returned to her home here Monday after spending some time in Toronto attending :1 sick friend. On her return trip. Miss Ritchie visited with Mrs. George Firth at Grand Valley and also with Holstein friends. pa, .Miss Catherine Wil resulout. here, was. amo trams at. tho '_l‘0uy15t Accm‘ding to a card f mm the Flor- ida \Vpst Coast, News Service, Tam- pa, Miss Catherine Wilkie, a former resident. horn, was among the regis- hmnm at. the Tourist Information 'l‘lm .sccond edition Pactomal IS on the [AW Hugs .............. . -- W h( at .................. 1.35 @ 1 In! 031% .................... .117 @ '30 Halley ................. .70 @ 75 BmLmhcat .............. .70 @ 80 Pens .................... 1.25 @ 1.40 Hay ............. . ..... 10.00 12.00 Eggs .................... .40 @ 5C Butter ................. . .30 @ 3E Potatoes, per bag. . .......... 5( Hides ..... ..... .0! [Sheepskins . 1.51 ’ek: Turkeys DupHAM MARKET TWO SHOWS :8 and 9A5 Pl. HOCKEY PIGTORIAL Second Edition .ition 0f the Hockey the market. mom.- also rumplolc :md npâ€"to-llalu Luau .m‘ nrigln‘al «edition, which was receivedi with such acclaim lny followers 0! the grvat. winter sport. Must, favorâ€"x nhll}, vommvnls have lumen passed upon the publication by spur; \\'l‘ll-‘ “1‘9 Um continent mm: and the gen-‘ vx-al Opinion as expressed by players and scribes is that. no mums comproâ€" hmlsivc or handsonw book in the sporting line was. l-wr printed. A feature that. should possess a marked appeal n01. only to puck-Chasers of ”In nrnsunL but 1” Old ”"1813, are e-ral Opinion as cch and scribes is that. n hensiva w handsom sporting line was. ‘- t'natum that should 1 appeal n01. only to Um prusunL but In .17 provided in! Every- Day Is Bargain Day Sovereign Flour Eclipse rlou ‘ White-Lily Pastry Flour Iâ€"to-datu than ilw which was received im by followers 0! Sport. Most favor- have been passed .nnn hv snort writâ€" worn out. or lorgouen. Wm. appreciated but soon spent. 0d bought and perhaps ill-chosen. Suppose this year you give them eacha Bun’ x j --..â€"A .‘anfi-n fl 1‘ a Total Assets $560,000,000. OD “ Ml Bank Pass MS of Christmas GU“- Thursday. Dace-bar u, the many groin) mcuu'cr . pion teams, daisy; mil; in 1.12:: history of horkr‘y. 'l‘ho m-w (‘ not. only rmmmr this bust; hockey in Canada. but cow: history of the arm in Hw i States also, with 300 handson gruvings of Canadian and Am Loan .4. and is right up to the n in every respect. Any {unis , formation pertaining m the ho be obtained by writing to this i Pictorial, 84 Victoria Sim-1.. ’l‘« Ont. A Gift I/zat I ”crew's-25 in Value Eclipse Flour SeTrf-R? 38:0“ Are they remembew .1 Q aonm-‘onuw :"wyoutliu. mature gm the HOLM Short. 'l‘orcul and h‘|‘| sin I. to“ H‘iu gn \\ H Thursday. Dece Mr. and ‘ daughh'l'. M lav-'1 with “ Mr. “W”! anmurml fur loay'. (Oar mm 0 wish 'I‘II (Ed-u "0" t1 ll Q! ba\ Sh Darkies’ U ht I”. U. . “In H M vihii familit “'0 wish l waders a “' “mm: and F Mrs. [him on“) as dole also Mr. club. and \1 the junior ¢ W515. and 0f Crag-{mu with UN' N Thor was ’l‘hursda." n tho (“'th No serifil his! Sundm pvt _'.dovm H \\ duo-n ”'9“ “ 1‘ \\ IS mu :0:an sch" Hap M H m thev W Iq-Ic'u‘dfl Inh. M 3H mt 8W

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