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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Dec 1924, p. 9

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0 figure out whem qua Santa himself on the Job '9 of smut “HIP. Obnadian HIU ho ‘ 1“. DRS. JAIIBSOR JAIIBSOI (Mice and residence a short dist- aim east of the Hahn House on umbton Street, Lower Town, Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p ..m, 7 t0 3 pm. (except Sundays). J. 3.. “I'll, I. 3., I. c. P. S. 0. Office and residence. corner of Cpuntess and Lambton Streets. oppo- site Old Post (Nice. Office hours : 9 to H a.m.. filmy) 3; pzmq 7 to 9 pm. W‘s and Thursday urn-moons wepted'. c. B. AND BESSIE chlLLIVRAY _ Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. ‘l’hn Scrence that. adds life go years and years to life. Consultation from. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays: and tlatm'days. 6 H 23 U Advertisements u this headin , 1 cent a word each Insertion CASE WITH ORDER‘gei; consecutive8 insertions gnfen for the pftee of four. Telephone cells treated its-cash with order 1f paid for b3 :01: Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first ruse word % cents. On all charge orders a straighthhal‘sg 0' ”5 9‘3““ ‘ ___:I‘ L _ “a... -_ nnl\.L‘ W “7-H”- on an uuugc urucra u nun-5m: w-w- av â€"- - will be made.each insertion, minimum charge 35 ceniI-S. ' nn.'W. cfpmnnmc, DBIITIST (Mice, over J. 6; J. Hunter’s stor Durham. Ontario. . ‘1 "ll'il unuuuâ€"un, ..._- mt". Graduate Royal College Dental Suru'ons of Ontario. Dentistry in 3" its branches. Office Block, Mill Street, second door east 0! MacBeth‘s Drug Store. Oflicp on Lambton Street (‘ l'. Hutton’s Office). Office 01's,. etc. A Inclu- be 111 Durham on k. Appointments in the liax'l'xsteâ€"rg, Smicil her of the firm will Tuesday of each wee -m, w... unailn “HUI tiw Clerk ofli'crc at ' sel '30 I) 3’ Medial! Directorv. :ggal ‘pzrecton’ luxunsvd Auct‘jnnevr o-v. Sahsfachun gum nzmlc wrms. Classified Advertisements HIDDLEBIO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. U. (1. Middlebro‘ is permanent” M! at. Durham Office. 4-â€" __-q-- J... 'Hm (lhrumule 10 acres .‘ IS well, fenced avd m a g mllivation. For Information apply Durham. m Watson’s Dairy, K“. 6, 1021323” {a ' \Vqtson 0n t arlO- rum-rote stables; ' . 0911mm. tank at barn. Also MB 6 1 fm: ‘, Con. 3, S.D.R.. Glenelg, eon- :' 100 acres alem'cd.‘ Dental Director? 'l' DR. A. I. BELL near Mcuu house; 5"" of land: d‘ fruit "993 W‘m sell C iv to Mrs. FA [ms F O R SALE wininfl in good Stat" J .th 51th gdifllning 3t Thv 'I‘Prmfi JI-IOIII v-- n v- v V 5 naiée). Office hours. 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- The I PROPBRT R 'he George W'hilmnre pmperty, 1r McGowan’s mill; rough-castl 1:6" stable. hon-mouse. Ianh: drmoa wpn. cistern; , ’ a lot 9! smal Its. U“. nucâ€"vv :ctioneer for Co. of Grey.‘ tvrms. Arrangements 1 4 to dates. Mu, may be Chroniclv umcc.'Dur- Hn implit'atjon. Adâ€" 2 H 6mm} h" I“! L hur‘l'tmx. §Irâ€"eét (the late etc. A mem- rs" for (luunly 0‘ Toronto Dental M Ma Ldvertisements holding, 1 cent a word each insertion S semive insertions given for the prwe - ash with order if paid (pr befpre E ui’iicuimmn charge for first Insertion. a straight charge, or 1% cents a word I inimum charge 3;) cents. GOOD smnmmxm BRICK HOUSEl ist- 0n Countess Street, all modernpqnâ€"i on \‘Pniem'M. Apply to J. J. Atkinson, l nrâ€" KB. I. Durham. Phone 663-23. Gpdfi' fl...â€" - ”° BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR", l â€" sale. One door north of the Post. ()f-l fl 1‘.-- \ r-nnt‘ nhannn (“r malner“! BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR! sale. One door north of the Post OI-fi face. A good chance for someoner“. F. W. Kelsey, Photographer. £0 9U i L . vv 0 â€"â€"â€"-_ ‘U' ' v _ 1 UC "ICUV. â€"â€" - ________..____.._.â€"â€" mu SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF 600131 sterilized before building 10Ls on George street. Norm drinking purposes be accomplished e: or Skatin Rink, Durh ' ‘ g am. Apply to! water or by the D. ”Wkin-S- 22‘ ”iable disinfectant. FOR Lamfihm street. Hard and so", wa- mr, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham. Ont. CON- BRITISH finale“ COAL 4‘ Smith Bros. It’s 3006. Try it. PEERLESS GASOLINE THE grade gas wit h the “p'ep” 91 mileage. Sold only at Sxmt Garage. FOR I‘Ufl 1'1"!“ lUl‘avawv, -_.. - - bile insurance and guarantee bonds. etc" apply to Lucas a Henry, Duru ham. U CON HOUSE T0 RENT; conveniences. Apply Murrisnn, Durham. NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham H.191). Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham 0n Tuesqluys. Shippers 9w requested to give three days‘ notion James Lawrence, Manager. Phone 601 r 13 Durham. “11. 'l BOABDBRS WANTED Four gentlemen boarders. arconunodation. Apply Mrs. 'l‘m'nbull, George. St... Durban GOOD BRICK RESIDENCE. lely located; Moctric lights; works; good gardnn.--- Apply Ryan, Durham. ARTICLES WANTED â€" SALEâ€"GOOD _3W$IPR§E MISCELLANEOUS FOR M 01‘ CUSTOM SAWING ()N' MILL S’I‘REFII‘ NEAR anw- ”1'4 Mill. (lustmn sawed lumber. 'hitlglos‘. Mr. Hemlock, spruce and 'ndm- shingiu timber lmught.~-R. W .hu't‘imm. Durham. 12 18 H The School is thoroughly equipped to lake up the following courses : {1) Junior Matriculation. (2“ Entrance to Normal School. l'lnc‘n mcmhm' of the Slafl' is t} l‘ni wrsfly Graduate and experiencec Teacher. _ Intending pugils should prepare H ontcr at beginning of term. Information as to Courses may he obtained from the Principal. The School has a creditable recoru in the past which it hopes to main- ln'm in the future. ' _ attractive and heal. l: , _. . l good accommodatim can he obtained at reasonable rates DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL ' His 0111! Manama * Combating Orchard Pests In Winter. ‘ orchards have been kin Hol- 's amaz- 'Ocleared of apples there is time to go by woods and hedges bv virtue of which . and cut the Wild cherry trees and lite 1:981 ggfigflggfig ““335139 5‘32; bushes which are the bivouacs of the 1mm ‘ ' ' f. " ' tent caterpillars that raid the or- careful about your expenditures. - I‘nf'le Hen‘” The vil- chards in the spring. It is a good ' ' time to inspect the trees for borers low, is mg thirftiness, e same operation. Tram- guards at th t the tree base tc I dont recollec that. 1. we the grass flat a His 0111! £1111"ng Coup-u 01d Hen Roddy from Hogskm Holâ€" . Whe: haw been placed w date am) still there are cans fur mm'v. Get. your course NOW. If you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smafler earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write. can or phone for information. CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE HOUSE TO RENT I hounlexs. Good‘. but}? I Apply MX‘S. Walter' ‘ from heat St... Durham. 10 9U ‘ Feeding m Mt. J'Ohh ; availauw uu‘ “4w! Application. E HIGH- and long OIL N! I 10 U )EN , water- Rohm ' 12 H U (Contributed by Data Agriculture. Toronto.) e113 have become polluted When w or damage ' drinking purposes. Sterililation may ' d either by boiling the addition of a suit- iable disinfectant. The disinfectant imost suitable for this purpose is s 3 hypochlorite solution. '.8tock Hypochlorite for Wm Purl- !water or by the fication. This hyp prepared and applied. 1. Mix one-half non of lime (33 per cent. amiable one 88.11011. 5. Mix these two solutions in a k and allow the milky 1 6 Pour on the clear liquid from 2 the white sediment into a jug a 3 into bottles, well stoppered. and keep good in a dark place. This “stock ‘ hypochlorite” will contain approxiâ€" l mately the equivalent of 3 per cent ‘. of chloride of lime or 1 per cent. of 1 available chlorine. baa-e1 or crock and a solution to sejtle over ‘LA A“ ! Bter mixing 31‘0“ = an hour belpre use. Mix one ounce don to Mg 89110 m Causes of ( Cold milk today; marrow. Sour milk toâ€"day: marrow. Sour. dirty teed D marrow. Sour, dirty ieed Dirty pens; flies; from heat or sun. Feeding too much or too little. No drinking water supply. Sour whey and sour skim milk from the factory. Vermin. _ ‘ ' ‘ ‘A ‘nnun fhp pails and troughs. no protection ' Cl ”II”. It is a good practice. to leave the about. calf with its dam for the first two or . worm three days, even though it is planned gmam ‘ \v ,. n ‘."' Flt: Autumn-born calves usually escape. E :hv g . ! .ilv A‘nnflfinn trnllbles. dll‘} to cold wea- ‘ U“ ‘ Autumn-born cal digestion troubles, that being an aid soaring of food. A grass lot ac very useful to months of age- best in a clean. dry stable. 'It the horns are net oesnreu, “w, z with caustic potash before the calf is more than ten days old-«Dept. of iinw while it w: haw less than fl min-ml. and if \V: Extension, 0. A. (3., Guelph. ___..__....- {sluntly «lay and Wheat Spronted Before Harvest [SI \yhml RUIN] U Injured 10’ Seed. \\'inni1wu 'I‘rlhm Winter wheat is less valuable for 1 “Belgium is .1 seed purposes it it becomes sprouted ‘ . ntr , . H 0 before it is harvested. Experiments .‘_”{”1 fir-11”?" l‘ were conducted in the Field Husâ€" Ifffi‘hur‘ innahfilj :bgndry Department at the Ontario ,tlw ('lel'l trade. Agricultural College in which differ- . _‘ 1' ll 1 . f winter wheat which trunnion. 'Hl ma 'Hl l'illSt‘ tll‘ ()\\'t‘ i had been more or less sprouted in 't ) othm' vmmtri the fields were tested for germina- fimn Wm", star tion. The comparative injuries caus- l’wlgi't'n: ('ut .tl'v ed by sprouting before harvest is in- discount from threshed wheat: Skin over germ. un¢ g " , _ . . . H broken, 94; skin over germ, broken, “3325 “my; I“ 76; sprouts one-quarter inch long, 3 _'. F‘fi‘" "Hf" ‘1 30; and sprouts one inch long, 18. ’1. "In other w” The sprouted seed not only gave iow- ~' ) -t . ~< out 111 'er germination, but the plants pro- "M U" ‘ ’ ' ‘ G- G o (b D: d (D n m C b (D 4 (b a “I U "5 1 n U ,is done subsequent to milking, the ‘volnule silage odors will have been ' thrown 01! before the next milking ‘. hour. Bruuau nun-v â€"---, ' ild cherry trees and ind cut the w bushes which are the hivouacs of the ' ' t raid the or- It is a good time to inspect the trees for borers and to put down mice and rabbit guards at the same operation. Tram- ple the grass flat at the tree base to ‘e inspection for sawdust train the borer's operations, and then paper guard to be 5 water after it has been COOKING HINTS Apple Rings 1 ! Apples. _ '3 H) 01' 13 a'f‘n‘w‘ worth of rmnunmn; tII'UpS. i {.13 cup 03' sugar. ‘. 1 cup (if water. ! MMhOd: Cow and peel :tpplvs. wt in 91-inch sham. Mukv 2L syrup n the fryil‘mpan of cinnamon drfips. sugar and water. (100k thv upplv mm in this syrup; bastv {hum H'Lun; cook until rings :u‘v rod and «under. but. 11% too soft. 'l‘hcso makv :ytasty :md prvtty flqu-P trim; they may l‘w wrwd . . 'iihvr hut. HI' 0011]. LUV“. lot adjoining the stable is ml to calves over ' three age. Young calves thrive :iean, well ventilated, cool. DURHAM CHRONICLE 53' in preventing not desiregl, treat Troubles. rm milk toâ€" mall '33,]: been 0 [:1 may flu l;‘ Lection f lll‘l\.ll lJILLy.\_. -______ v And this is what I would suggi-sl for winter window boxes. (h'uon in the box against. a whim imckg'rmmd of snow. Little 0V0!" groan trace. are adorable. and an: :hardy grows which arv nhtainahl 'I‘lw. \Viunipog 'l‘rihum- tells [his victory)" Lluurr. rtm'y 0" an lnt‘l'SU‘.“ m Hamilton: ‘ Intelligent uhiizmmn ul' a (1mm- “1: IS umhinkahlv1.h:u.(‘.anadaWIH “Down at. Hamilfnn. ()ni’m'ithm'u’(“3" tariff would haw provmtvd mmmit m'unqmio suicidc. Every 5 a modern, th!’»1'c»ugllly efficient HHS Imlnstnal casualty. says the (Mu-rgmmlrymth'o‘wwujld.1sar‘mlnF autm'y, Ohm-eighth of a mile long. Ottawa .hmrlmy.‘ By mmmxhng cut,- nsulf mdustl‘mlly. Ihv Lmtvd amps :itll its tires (Ifmvn and its windnws ”WON {'“mW-H‘OW 1" would. have 1“” mum an mrc-‘m'hvlmmt: yerdlct. 2081'an(1 up. What hill’l-H‘m‘d to it sawq (.mmda 2m Indus‘h'y which. If tn thv Prutm'hmm'1part}; hngland nnkvs an interesting Sinl'y. HE"? Mots “WWW h.‘ “H“ \Vnnnm‘”; by ““9 grv:l}‘u nmmrny. has m7 “It. is :1 glass farmrv the WOW“ lnhunu bu 1‘12111..nw:mt a grown. «Iva! donml 3mm Iradv. .“Hh' tnduy cables ‘l-\7 01' thv (Lanaman thibbyâ€"Uwvns tn ”HS t'mngtm‘.‘ . . frnm lauyruuj h.” M :1. WWW“ Might: ‘Shvvt. Glass Company Limited. It And lIw‘N. (,zgthag'nuw Nalukgm mung u_i hu'nfl'.’ How lam: l5 ”mad-x Most, mow than 32006300 tu m-ct. 53-“ "".‘ m." ”‘ ””9 "“""""” "“w‘“ """mm' ”m” ?v'.‘”‘""”“-' “"1“.” ‘aud is, 0110 01' ”w 'm.0.~‘t (‘mnwloté and (justry l5 lu-nn: (hlph‘vx‘u'd vwry (in), *pum} mu); bu} £wa mom :1 >14le mchi'n in ”w iwrld l'l. ("mplnvc‘éd m snmv part ”.f. (,zmada. ‘ It. has sewhmm.) group? ‘ 1‘ l H .H g“ .. . r" “()0 .. 3' '1 lwvu dupllcatvd 300 tum-s sum: the """‘"" '." ‘3 mu. ”H" MM“ ““0‘ " u" ‘1 am last hudgot. Canadian workmen are .-\ mt watrhim! ii "WIS" i9 NW" “W‘â€" womon; COHSUEIIISJ’))(l“_,:i‘))1:1%()11$1£5”38 if»? thrown out Hf ('mploymvnt and has ('..lil.sul‘|‘«l with It \ nllagv \Vutrhâ€" - H ' “ dmwn to 1hr Stan's: Canadian pur- l Hug a \x‘ulmwr. gmatvrials and. _ inf mass, pl'm'ulmg- 69.001) tnnnago fur Um? l'uihvuys, usmi ’ 7 .iuily. and annually used 500 kegs of r ‘ nulls. 201) tons. of straw and 3,000,000 Tun - A II ALA wuxlnuifl‘é: t ’ u: muss. “mun”... W ‘ "' ‘ "â€" -»--,, lino railways. uswl Ml tons of voal‘ ' ' Lilly. and annually used 500 kegs ol’ * n:1il~‘. 200 tons of straw and 3.000.000l H314. Hl' lumlwr. All lllo nmtorluls ' __ bought. in Canada. Its capacity I was l3.(l()(l,()(l(,l squuro fool. of glass" ;;wr nmmm. and while it. was operat- ' it. rc-ducml our importation of ’ “Ego lolgium glass from 24.500900 squaro t fool. to “£500,"th squnro foot. At. no t .t lmvo less than four mtmlhs“ orders nhuad. and it. was kept going con.- slzmtly day and night." ls What. killm‘l the industry? 'l‘ho \\"innipog' 'I‘ribuno goes on: ‘ d . is the grout, exporting in Country m tho way of glass. Thu 5_ mmmfac'lurers there are handed lo- 10 lgutllol‘ m a ‘Mutuahte’ to control p _ .un: export. trade. Through thus 35- ;sociatlon. the manufacturers are ablr llo ruiso or lower at. will the price: to other (atmntr’lcs.1 When the Ham: nr\nfln‘;nne 'h‘ l l l l \limo whilo it. was own-rating did it >r "Bulgium ch in "HSVUIHH Vll‘llll u... -- \thn the Hamilton plant, after a year and a half 01' this disastrous ('nmw-titim. ceased Operating, the Ht‘lgizm prion 1‘08!" in 171/; per (mm prm'nillm nvor tho slandax‘d list. "In nthm' worth. tlw Belgian vxâ€" cm 110 pm' m'nt. WHY PROTECTION? [\y stays green mum in {st weather. 'l‘lw violvt. a New :‘uidimm. as their win gnu-0n all during the m is the grval, exporting“ n tho way of glass. 'l‘hv HI‘CI'S there am banded [0" 1 a ‘Mutuahte‘ to control t. trade. Through this asâ€" tho manufacturers are able ,)1' luwvr at. will the prices nmmtr'ios. When the Hamp at started operations, the cut. their prices 40 per cunt. from the standal‘g list. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnetâ€" Brown Cmfiw. Chicago ,) Brown Sugar fudge 3 Hum hruwn sugar. ‘ l cm; milk. - Butler, SlZl' ul‘ an 051:. l 1mm salt. lllvlhod: Hunk all tugvlluer until lll forms a sun. ball in culd water. leat until lhivk :uul cn-amy; if nuls tor vnmanul aw (llllll’tl. put. them in ljus‘l. lwl'm'n lurning out. «m platter. ll’uul' Mn lllllll‘l'l‘d [llallvr and cut in squares To Keep Fudge From Boiling Over (ireasv [up M ke-Hh- m which fmlgv is ruukwl. and It will nut. huil m-‘r-r. pm. thv Canadian plan ‘ moss, and with compel ‘. made Llw (lanmhzm hu annity :ts Hu- pr Chocolate Opera Fudge BAKING HINTS Winter Cake ('ups ul' sugar. cup shul‘tmung. tt‘ulsmu‘m baking [nmdvr Caleb P‘I"""" “ .. 563 $3} ECBAL ARTICLES 20L Sin-L “RT STORIESM b” an plant nut of bus. « nmpvtil IOII rvmuvo “an inn.” nu) an in- hv mim‘ (II thflil‘ f 4 , .o "0 '7" I ’. ‘Lf- .'. REAL Stomp-:5 OFFER No. I'li|‘0‘ ma owra'r /.' YEAR TUBA! UK a"- ’1‘}: Jugs for .V6' 1" ’0 (1 Bauer Than Ever fagsfor 19.25 of flu? Widat Variety and ”W W MI. STORIES mymu: {Juries that ml! delight you for weeks upon '04:. a (lanu- It!~ untlnnkalylv Lhaylfigtlauaxg 'm'vntod mmmit wunqmm sglltilit; arjm'lnt éavs the nlhvr cuunll'y m thaw": « 1:.“ ‘5 . ,ifig cut- itsulf industrially. Hw Jul ' v$mrdiot Jld .. have has given an uvo_r\'wholl{l‘1m1““?de . ' ‘ '. i-ohu'UOlH“ par. . . \lnch. If to the In . . .. ‘ _ Vinl‘lihfll by as; m'va't‘a [HMUI'ILZ‘Otty‘qutz'm rvat. «Iva! cl011«\tll‘“""" it??? I‘(-:"§r3nor';l'Ilvig‘hl- from Eurruw 0 U .. . ' - - ‘ n ' ' -‘ nw lam: l> HUME! standard ‘ "mu" ”‘ Lu£‘I:.;NHH..1m-nuv nu ”I“, fi s- “NEH“: *d, diam ra n... flc; (1:11 \II‘ :1 hme Litmus: m- “It ‘8 .vd mmmii Jug n‘hc-rc JL- itself i1 1 tuwpmm «'mnamnu. 14; tompmm nllspn'v. V; lraspnun ('luws. i Waspunn mac». 1;) ('le rnfl'm'. 2 cups flour \Siflmli, 5 eggs ---unlumtmn. 2 cups raisins. V. cup dridl apricots. y. cup candied cherries. 1 cup candied piiwapplv. 1 cm) currants. % oup candied Citron. 3‘ only candied orange peel. 'A .cup candied lemon pccl. Monica: (Dream the butter 3 . sugar higcihm'; add cm, then fruit and 600'va add fluur and Other dry ingredients. Brat wcll. pan withmruwn paper and b31103 hours. Hw draining t hours, it is good usm!’ as a pin» 3 1 _. 1 cm» water. i L'lblespmm coinsurch. 1/; cup gratml cocnanut. Method: (100k ('I'allbm‘rios. sugar and ’93 cup water lugothor for {9 minutes. hismlvn cornstarch in reâ€" maining watvr, 1/. cup; add tn cran- lu‘rrios and cook all tum'thm' until it. is cluar. Add grain! mcoanut. rstir wvll and take from flrt‘. Line ‘1 a pie- pan with pastry. Pum- m mix- Baku m slaw own about. 56 “mm. . . ‘ hour. 'I hm hm WIUI meringue- ‘mauh- M 2 rm: “hm-s and :3 table- ‘spuuns sugar and hakv in a slnw ~th‘!‘ frl' zumihvr lmlhhmu'. (filming pn\\'(' than railways fic; (lullaunun Uuu- 1 :1 hump! markv Litmus: A ml watching a mnnsv is car» lvss Ci'lnpal’ml With a \‘Illnuv watch is“; a. widnwvr. 3 Th Yew-thaw {051925 . . . «so H'm‘lu'rl‘il‘S vnmamml PAGE O.

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