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Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Dec 1924, p. 2

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iii) an ef- his will. 'ulgn the might in- itv when? gs Bat.- Mics acite EAT] 1! Worth? IAN!) (83m c F ADDEN Store Ill SALE for vour e that we mo confi- W ater! W IN A ltllljliN'l‘ Nl'xllml’i HI" 'l‘llll (JillilS'l‘lAN ENDEAVOR World , a valuable pt :n.‘ was mzule in referring to a letter written by a. doctor to in" editor of The Saturday Evening Post protesting against what he regarded as the practice of their Story-writers in their [~i‘l'h‘l5tl‘nt reference to the. use of cigarets by the heroines, with the evident purpose of popularizing the practice by women. He received a reply signed by the editor in which was this statement: “It may interest you to know that The Post has just dis- continued entirely, as a cost of some $300,000 a year, the adver- tising of eigzirets, and that while we may not feel as strongly against. them as you (lo, we are always careful. wherever posâ€" ‘ililv. in Mil them out of both pictures and reading matter." ”’l‘hmihrl'hzmt :1 si-iontitic mind and :i universnty degree I“ sm'iology and philosophy. and though I am an expert in Stwial survive and :in authority on Browning, and though I use tho languzlgn of tho- suivntitir laboratory so as to deceive the very elect into thinking I am a scholar. and have not :1 message of salVation :intl i'm‘iomption for the man without how, I am :i misfit. in tho pulpit and no [)I‘titlt'ht’l‘ ot‘ the (’iospol." It is saiil that. a grunt proarhor was more speaking to a. ~'tuoh.‘nt on this {xi-rat thvmv, and romarkml: “You will always [incl rrrtuin fui‘ittumt-ntal nerds in owry audit-nee. One is a ro'mmiy for sin. and another is a holp in trouhlo. Preach help- fully on ttwso thvmvs. ilfltl you will nvvm' lack an audionco. PRI MI HERS “II I. B] [N'I‘ERES'I‘ED IN THIS EXTRACT UN ‘bufi of washing: ’l‘lmu ml hm. :z N ivntific mind and :1 uu‘nmsitx dogma ['1‘ IS REPUB’I‘ED 'I‘HA'I' 'I‘HI'ZRE WERE (llIuHELATED ON A. flat." uniwrsity cammm during: Hm war some» cards with this printing mum than): ”n" (-nmn'uinting said: "(101] pity “IO mism'ablu, self-seeking mpak who my.“ that. as an :u'gumvnt. for following. 01" refusing I,“ fullow. any mursv in lifv. Sux'vly studvnls with such selfâ€" :u-anY‘nrim mntiws must 1m WI')’ I‘m-n} Haw, ynu vwl' mvt Christians who wvm apparently dodging thv ism» or sc-rvivn in thvix- churvh and cummunitv for thv «mm reason. so-lf-aL-any-priw2’ Am! what did you say to them? If rt-al rvliginn mvans anything. it. nwans sacrificial servicv. ‘ ‘l"ll‘ ’I‘la I, l I'llol‘ Ila-1' - ildhll‘IN“ un “SalVaIiun ls F-W“ III‘IIIIIIIIIcml that a collection would mm bv tnkvn IIp luv the “MM!!! and familV'. Up Jumped .I hruthm' bm k in Hm I'IIIII'v h. saving: ‘1 00k :l-\.P,H‘ palIsnIL If salvation am fI'I‘;I-, what‘s de USI- III pining for It”? I :III‘I'I gnIII‘ III .211» yQ’ IIIIH‘IIII‘ U” I kind (mt. \‘IIVV-â€"~ "Patimurv, bruddvr, [mm-mm." said thv p data. S’posv yuu was thirsty 311‘ came to a kneel right. «lmvn an’ drink yn' till. t'nuldn’t )0 rust, yn’ nothin’. would it?" >332: .::.‘~ .2372. .L....:Z...7.._,_<m _.._.._ :7 ._. z. .3217 2:. 3.32:5 cm: _ :::E::.:_ 2:; 2:53. aegisâ€"53:: "H“ \\'.\>‘ .\ llIYl’ DAY." SAID 'I’Hl'l 'l‘m'lllS’l‘. "THE CAR was crowded. hut. not munimfm'tnhly. Two young ladies, handâ€" some-1y oli'owsml. atlruriiw in :im‘ioai'anco, oi-eupieil seats near the front ilnui: 'l‘lwy spoke so loudly as to be heard by one for from tlwin. 'I‘hvir C(‘iIlV‘i‘I‘Sathll was kindly. and upon religious matters. "A woman with a baby came into the ear, but. though she came;- to the soot nrcupied by these two young and seemingly Christian ladies. they made no movement to find her ”a place; so she remaini-il standing. with her pale. tired face, her peevish. frelful child. and her whole hearing indicative of much trouble and responsibility. These young ladies contented themselves by giving her a look. partly of curiosity and indifl'erence, then resumed their conversation on religious matters.”_ . It is an Open qution as to how much real religion these young ladies possessed. (ZULURHD I'RI‘IACFII‘IR. HAVING} 42()Nlll.l'l}l‘l!,_) \ l’()\V‘I:‘,Rl‘TUL 'l'ht-n Dr. .lmwtt fullnws will: lhv minimum. that the L numt'd has us int.” ”10‘ hwawniius m Christ Jesus and «.5 us ”N. mind of Christ. vaausv Hu- smzl that. follows the mi-likw" is shudnwml h)’ HIP slt‘t‘l‘l“55 f-I'l'3l"" “n“ 10"“ ”f Gad“ For The Quiet Hour Not to the mighty, to the wise or great Did God unroll the starry scroll of fate; . But simple shepherds. kooping watch by night. Behold the glory break on mortal sight; And humble mrs. attumrd to lofty word, T be gracious "l‘var nox!“ rapturously hoard. Angoliro- prelude: to tho carol high That. S\\'Ppt with harmony the earth and sky. Once. only “new. that song to mortals camem Divinesl spark nf music’s heavenly flame; But, Min-mun- llu- ilwpo-ning echoes Hill In lunch-r cailmwn through vach humble soul; And simple folk. while: keeping watch by night M. diily‘s lnwly shrinw. With glorious light Arc- llumlml :i-i ul' old from Bethlehem's light And knnw Hm: llln‘isl, thi- Lurd, is drawing nigh ~«l‘1lla Gilvort Ives H Mastm'. share with us Thy prosmw 'l‘hy changvless low our PVOI'Y 110ml v: H. t‘Umt'. and over in our hual‘ts abide .\nd hp to us our "Light. at Eventide ()nmo‘. and abidn with us. 0 HMV'N." “W‘s” 'l‘hvn shall our liws indo-H‘l be richly hlvst: PM with 'l'hv prom-um- o'lnrknvss turns to light \ml at Thy mmin: all nur Iifv :n'mVS bright. I V l. I va law‘s, ..-..-,_ I‘m" v augelcsa Gill-isi.Â¥â€"tl1r011gll all Hum. :15 for us narlh‘s shadoms .Ih-v uwu)§_ . And on our vision brvaks Hmwgns perfect «.13). 'l‘In‘ prnsvncc, Mastm‘. shll our Joy shall [JDâ€"â€" 11 ..".-,..I. n.‘ .Jnnnift' 0 not. Dut‘s ,ilh't, her would bu fun» was to huh «lat, \x'm THE SONG OF THE ANGELS. mod is dM'iI-Iikv and Is man-Ilkv: Smilliv. 'lhu prvsidvnt of Um Minn tlw I’m-v Ollmrvh of Scutland. hunt. 'l’hw. \w- faint and g0 astray vannut, rlimh thw hvawmvami way '1'. if with 'l'hov m.- jmn‘nvy rm. are jnyuus. and um- hearts au'v stru THE CHANGELESS CHRIST 1H. LABUR ”CADRE AND SlitJlli'l‘AliY 01’ .lvrutiun. :1 lucid and alylv speakvr and '51. training in am English t‘rm- church. 1cm! by MW \Vvlsh “Wind of 1906, and min in the Primitiw Mvthmiist congrega- innm of Mt’vnmmllhshiw. whom) he was h ,ilh’t what I IS flow but it“ (It) haVAH' it piped tn Pass (In. hat doacun. ' In in: ”w kingdom of (u‘md into 0m k is :1 ms! (liftiwglt tz1<k for somP. nothing tn and went with them . . [Hwy con- nth us‘. MM lw mm H1 10 tarry M‘il fur t'Vll is [wast-like 20ml l'm- o-VH IS (mil-like; mntinm-d the purson. “But. pun-d tn yu' housv. yn’d haw ’l‘hy prosqlm- swv "'llll vtm'nity fill'SUl) l'l Vt‘l'. North Vickers (Our own Correspondent.) -\ slnighing partV from this Vicin-‘ m a Mldml llw Ulnistmas Tree at. 0111 school 1111 I~1idaV afternuon. A goml 1mm .1m \\ as presented by the truclwx'. Miss \\ ilson and pupils Mustwr Mi IVillv .Iolmstun occupying H11» «hai1.Mi~‘s Wilson has prowd 11 \"Pl\ llW'l' [Michel since coming in 11111 sr l11_ml.:md is certainly much alll'[_ll"tlili11l 111 hm “111k, both b} pupils and [1:11'1‘11'15. “'1‘ Wish he? owl-11V 80ml wish for lhv NPW Year and only how. she'- 1-1‘m21i11s with us for snmv limo'. Mr. Alex Knislcy m“ Huttun Hill has hum spending 3 WW «lays at his sister’s, Mr. and Mrs. George 'I‘ux'n- bull‘s. M12 John lmimns 11f moldeon acâ€" companivd by his l11111th11' , 311211011- 12'1t Bu11ns,11'11m the \\ 081.. spout Thursday owning last at, Mr. and Mrs. Gem'gv Mighfionis.‘ Mr. :md‘Mrs. John \Vvlls (if Eben- ezcr visited at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roay‘s ”)0 beginning of thv week. Aberdeen. (Our own Correspondca M. A VeiV enjoyable owning was spent :it the home of Mi. Jack Mc- Dimulri nu ll‘lda). December 19. when over titty neighbors and friends were entertained. The even- ing was spent. in games and dancing. \ti Sandie McDmialit «if Durham hilpeit to entertain with the bag- pipes. \ll tie; taltftd ft)! home feel- ing the} 11 id at teal good time Mr. u'nd M 1's. 'l‘lmmas Milligzm and Master Tummy Hf Hutton Hill spent. an mwrninu last. wwk with Mr. um! MN. 1). Lamb. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McDonald and son. Kmmvlln, sgwni. 'l‘lwsalay owning with Mr. and Mrs. William lioness and family of Crawford. Miss Mfuv Lamb of Nc'stblvtml spending: tho (Jhlistmas lmlidms h( 1' home how. “"0 wish 'l'hv ('Ihrnniulv. its staff and rundm‘s :1 wry Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prospm'mls New Yt'ur. Mr. and Mrs. F‘IMCJM- Mchm Hf Holstvin am spmu'ling snmv tinw at, tho fm'mvr‘s hnmv with Mr. and M rs. Hugh Mclman. Edge Hill. (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. H. \Villiams is nndvr Shh 41m:â€" 1m".~' vat-u this wouk. Asthma is the tmnhh‘. Mrs. Williams. who was visiting hm- dnughh‘r. Mrs. Mnrllvy. at, Arthur. H hnmn. 'l‘lw 10ml] 1'. VJ). ('luh nnlnmlvd a (':n‘lmul nl' flnn ° and fund last. WN'k. «)nr tnnclwr. Miss McKechme, IS 5! THE DURHAM CHRONICLE '0" \V \H/ l5 YOIT cozili_‘lnplatv an auction sale. lilw closing out Of your years (if offm'L in building 11p a complete l'm'm oquiinwnl. the Standanl Bank is SDli'lldlllly vquippml t0 valor l0 ymir ilDilliCl‘ll nomls. 0111’ local BANKING‘ manager and his staff will gladly l makn all arrangemvnis for the col- FIFTY g low-lion aml discounting (if all salv l mites and for furnishing; an nxlnn- YEAR‘S: l sion Hf credit when! nwvssm‘y. A ; U l suvcnssl‘ul sale is entirely «'lupviiil- " "" writ upnn sound financial arrangeâ€"- nwnls. STAN DAR D BAN K OF CANADA. DURHAM BRANCH- 'onn Kelly, Manager The Reward of Years of Toil Sub-Brant h a ‘r’riceville at chtion ifi Toronto. spending gart of her Christmas vao J v. "--'v- ”‘iiEi‘ 61381105 Cotton has reQurned from his trip to England and 15 em- [1lech“111L311: Ernest. firgenwood. _ _ :_l--I WW“. m--- , Mr. J. G. Firth met with a painful and serious accident. on Saturday owning. He was repairing his radio outfit and had occasion to use a part. of a small shell. While pick- ing it. to pieces. it suddenlv ex- plodod. blowing off the greater por- tion ut' the thumb and first linger of tho lol‘t hand. Drs. Bell and Jamie- >011 worn called in and found that amputation was nocossary and had tlw thumb and finger removed. This will he a sorioUs handicap to Mr. Firth in his work. His daughter, (ilonny. who was in tho room at tho timo ni' tho uxplosinn. was slightly mm 1' men: Hii Friday afternoon an Gnu-rimmâ€" mmif. was giwn in the school by the leaclm- and pupils. Ml'. David llnbâ€" msmi was Chairman. and :i very in- im'vsliiig pmgram was prnsvnlvd. TOZlClll‘l‘ and piipils aw in lw mm- ;ri'alulzitml mi lhv vxcollnni'i- ul' tlm ;_ii'0gi‘:in1. Mr. V'ii'lm- Williams made a i'cziliszic Santa Claus and distribut- ed “in gifts from the pI‘t'llllV «loom-- atod two to the pupils. My first impression ui‘ her “as: negative. She was snatml on an up- turned hnx, manimiring. with minuti- mlm'. a well-shaped. pail'icizm hand --~-â€"smnvwhafnat. variance with the mthvr broad-{vainI'm] face. which suggvstmi African nrigin. Hm' mat of smoke-gray hp- was slyuhlac Hun 111 places, rmcalmg “.10 plnk {lush l)(fnv_atl_1,_ Now _a11d_agz}1n THE PERSONALITY OF PEGGY ’l‘lw mvnm' of Hm voice diw'd into :1 bag, moducml a: handful Hf mind pram“. ”va Innknd as hard as hil- liaml lballr. hut I’vgrgry strotchml Hut hm littlv hands tn grab the spoil. Slu- shomwl signs of disappointment, and mflnmptl} shmed the llnappu- MC ‘I in the {um by a flying frag- 4By Eric St. John" 'la'diu using: morsels somewhere in her mouth for later discussion. A small boy squeezed under my elbow and thrust. an inquisitive nose through the bars. Peggy's fist shot out. like a flash and tweaked the ofl'ending member. The lady of the strident. voice clutched the buy by the shoulders. "'l‘reae herous Hi i ngs monk-keys !" she remarked se’wex-ely. with an acid glance at me. as if I were a party to the misdemeanor. "Hard peas are rather indigestiblo " I began; but. she was already ---. nnn'nn l The“, somehow. She made me llllâ€"l lderstand how she hated the sense- less taunts. tribes. pokes and inane, laughter at. her unusual appearance and helplessness. revealing something let her heart‘s longing for love and l :the. roimjianionship of her kind, the tlont‘iliness of isolation behind bars. ; Suddenly she released my hand. 1 Her fare were a detached, far-away look. She leaped off the hog and: started a restless pacing round and round the limited area, with soft“ padding, rhythmic steps . . .The call of the jungle had laid its Spell on her senses through the race heritage of her forebears. She was tasting the joy of freedom, the delight of danger amongst. the waving trees of a forest home. . . . Her little monkey heart was responding to the erv of its mate. . . Into her eyes erept the soft gleam of mother instinet. Help- less little ones taking: shape. . . I left her to her Visions. . . . Mereit‘nlly-«t‘or a period --iron liars -\\’t'l'ti non-existant. l‘or Peggy. l I Visit. her as often as time permits. She «lips into my hag: tom the utter- mg she knows is there. Apples. oranges. bananas. nntsâ€"â€" all are welâ€" ronie. But I think she likes, hest of all, it rotlple “1' hot potatoes in llleil‘ jackets. Then she proeeetls to warm 1 her toes round one. whilst linsy rel- ' lSlling the. other. Bill. lint a bite will she take until she has «lrawn nu '~ hand to her and lmrieil her fare in l the palm. with those soft little Inninâ€" liling' sounds \\'lllt'll tii‘:r.t, .«talilishetl l ('t'mmmiion liel\\'eeii us. This is he;- I rite. of thanksgiving. rarely onii.tetl. moving 2 olfpr'mg and [. Putting at h‘nlaiivo hand thraugh, I touched her with a light. caress. The sad eyes hold mum for a few Si'i'uuds: shi‘ scnsvd my ()fl'm' of friendship with quick understand- ing. and l‘H‘ld my hand tightly. “nuz- zling" her face into thv palm with sundry low mumbling mumis 0f satâ€" isfaction. “Poor liltlv girl." I whispered; f snptlwty docsnt lvaw Wu a sport- mg cl1anvc-â€"-ul1 ‘2" _-- ’l‘lw IIN‘I'I'V :rihvs nt' ofton shared lmtweon 1 (“59‘ utly we wcrc -.l10ne--chgy peas 31% rather indigostible hogan; but sln- was alreqdy away WI”! 1191‘ whimpering soft liltlo‘ mumâ€" first, I“thli.~'h¢‘(l m. This is how mt'vly Omiih‘d. )1' «mlnnkm's :H‘O :n us now. For HOW 1'0 TELL WILLOW PLlea I fancy that. somehow, I am helping Peggy to and her soul. They say It 18 a“ “cupbond lime“ and “monkey cunning"â€"-but I know' Real old genuine Willow paw-r. ware dates back to 17%. I haw ”fun had to point out. to collvclnw the different. brands of this old china . differ-«mops which escapn ObSo'r\3- tion. . Minwn was the (magma! mnlm- or the plate on which the China. romance is so prettily mm. «mm ‘ 1 1-- --.~.. 55.... ,_,_ "‘1‘! Il" [I "a. w- .. that, they coulti be diétinguwishm (11.. his own original warn. Look at. your Willow pattern plate wit you have our. If the tom-u 39 wry elaborate» and more are 3‘: {“1- plus an the tl'tws, that china “LI! mudv by Strodv. fun": I I ‘11 pottery men wanted tn use Um Imp- ular design. so Minwn sum mm copper plans to print. the put mug but he tonk_go_.rc to so alt»? um 13.; :---_...n|....5 l Illtl\l| u “4“ - .v â€" On another plah- the tree»- an mnro m‘nlitlc. If thrn am 34 app!” Hwn tlw plat-0 was made by \Vvdg- Wnud. a wry famous putter, and "w mlm' is likely to be very guml. Yet. another make of the Whlluw plate. If there arc unly 24 apple: â€"--lhen the potter was I)8V‘¢‘|mu|--; who in his day turned out. vase-plum: pottery. Chevrolet GUARANTEED KEPAHUM. Sales and Service .. NOBLE. Prop. Headquarlvrs t} w “mac ll 4N M' M Jill. I

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