West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 25 Dec 1924, p. 6

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To Alto: :09 first. to usb. and nthbridgo of death" 32,0? W“ ‘ literally )h'. bark. statement cause 0‘ calm] the ixtv years pmfm' pvital. AI- wtors aver it his relau- cuntinuoul in an ef- might. in- 'c My w hero? .hh Worth? 1c F ADDEN D09 [1 DBATI Patrons» 'acite R SALE Ream armors "Ile Co. my. m an [n Ilfl)’ p21" W ater! INC- and .- hen I by m ”mu, title and used whwwvm' Lhnrv is 3 H0 volt A.‘ 93. lint- avail~ ahlv. An alternatilg current is uno- whinh flmvs first in One directinn and Hwn in ttm other. altering its du-mvténn many tilnns per second. Ba- fcn‘v such a currvnt may be used for charging purposes, it must he recti- flwt. an in other words, made tn flow at “nu direction only. This type of rectitlvr «tonsists nf vvv.'0" rm msily made and “WW is a ”0 V0". A ahlv. .-\n altvruating which flaws first. in ‘H'r’nfs type of reelâ€"mow consists of up” and alumgnun} planes imam-8113‘ n. .._l_._71 m a saturated Its action dope: â€" â€".. _ . ---"-' --uu-.y. ll'Jlll tlu aI‘l'llllllfil‘.’mto the SOIIIUUH hut 0n 9""an?! a high resistance in ”HW- mg m tha opposite direction}. rho nlomlrfndcs consist of two nl wood, as shown in Fig. l. and hung in a glass containm‘ of suitable size. If a contains-r of convenient dim- ensions is not at haml. the Shaun" of tho Plectrmlos may ho changed Hi llt any container. It is only noon-5- iary to haw about tlw samo amount of surface uxposml 3n the solution. Tho ton and bottom of tho woodm strip on whii'h tho- oh'i'tiodos art. mounted should ho covm'wl with paraftlno to provont corrosion and etc-ctrical leakage. Plates In“ Be Formed lh-l‘oro tho parts of tho rectifier Mr. Sherri” will be glad to help you solve your radio problems. Write him, care 0 f The Durham Chronicle ”If it is'suggost Hm tmuhlo. ‘ . .-\ns.-â€"lt Is prnhulylo that yum- who ls lwcommg: Insunsnlivo. 113' light- oulnl‘ho mg tho lilanwnt. with 6 volts but ”pm-atoll all right but tho operation With tho I; hallo-ry disconnwtml. .\f- would not. be! V'N‘y satisfactory ash-:- almm u half-hum" .n‘ um Hm UN‘ tuning 0" one would [w hka Lulw mu." lw {b.k. :tgum. to afl'vcl tho tuning: of tho nthm- . also. 3 I). L. wrm-s: _"l ham- maulu up a - .nINhâ€"llll” :lllmlllio'l'. but it. 1100an R. .\l. U. wants to know: . . pnssihlc to Opera!» two ryeowmg arts from a single untonna'.” Missâ€"«Tho two rmzoiwrs (- I'Z. D. McK. wrilvs: “I am mm; a smglv tulw l'nllvx rmmivm' with .-. t'\'2m.\ tube. This wt has always given gund results until am last. fvw m-nks when {.lu- signals started to 'ly weaker. Tim B but.- abuut 95 volts. Can you Sunday sermons 4 an- lwmmmg wry p cum‘nr. . _- u‘n ll'xl‘AII‘ I.:.l 'Hâ€"I‘ '1- ”N‘ warshippm .w -H‘ I‘PligimIsly w diIIIIgII'. recline ii “ “‘0 ns Olly-.- __ (Vancouvnr Sun‘ Sunday Se‘l'mons uvvr ”10' mm luwummg wry popular in Vamâ€" ruuwr. 'I‘Iw wursllippvr can ' Isly wuth ' flinn in a II "MW 5! HIT him- a good Sunday dinner. “‘1 mntional at- Nude in tho nvm‘cst rmistvrlivld. , ' short. words of praynr . Sunday pianist in thv fiat build himself a nice cigar- abow. smokn haln. turn on the radio and m. thv words. of salvation ml! in a sermon. . But if churt‘h services any worth orth paying for. rs to listen to Mr. “Vest.- "" ”a" I .noulg at least hm BORAX ‘ SOLUTION CONI'4EC710N5’ F02 " F0 .Q~n.v” 4LOMINU‘7 PLATES PARA/“NE OIL TO [/0 (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation. Chicago) RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 10 no v. _4.c.u~£ ll (16)")! ”an. Med 801 .‘f n 14 Imrax. “yaw the (not that, .3. ows {reply [mm the iptu tho: solutiun hut. m- pgcticaL rocmirr and - ‘4le s ! 1:1". “misc bath flow may ‘-4‘ ___ _ ELECT. 3!. Y '7; Construction and Operation 3 per second. Bu- may he used for t must, he reacti- dn‘. made tn [lnw “I am nuns: a By R. M. SHERRILL ( Radio Engineer) CHURCH - . It Pa”- 715'- bfibâ€"Uv “‘ ”J ' ( comvzcrzo wrm WIRE) \LEAD ELECTAJOE am: Iinully mounted, the aluminum plum: mu<t he “formed,” as it is a coating: m: the surface which does thu rorlil‘ytm: rather than the alum- inum itself. This forming.r is done by placing the aluminum plates in a Borax snlutiou and conm-cting as shown in Figure 2. _ Aftt-r Uh) snlutiun heats upgto‘ Hie point wlmrv- it slt‘vlmifinsfightly dis- connect, it until "mutal' again. When cuoluco'mrl. again, and repeat the ,plffiuuss sevm‘al times. It is well nature starting the forming. t0 clransw- the aluminum thoroughly by washing: with soap and warm water. When l'nrmrd, mount the plates as Shown in Figure l, connrcting the two aluminum plulrs tugnthrr with a wiru. l'sv a trust: Borax solution hnl‘urc putting tlu- rhargt-r in usr._ With tho. twn 75 watt. lamps in the circuit. the charging: cux'rvnt will be about. mm am‘pvn‘. .\ higlmr charg- ing ratu could he crammed by using 100 watt lamps instrml of tho 75 watt. 'l’his Shmlld not iw done howâ€" M'M'. as it. causes the rvctifler to IIIIIII IIIIII'II "IUI‘I‘. rapidly. The mating 0f the rIIcIiIieI >- III- IIIIII I' INN-s it In wnI‘k IIIss (II'IICII III,- I, . :I..Ii IIII“ II‘iIMHI it is “I‘ll to l!Â¥ii"" IIII l‘I‘IfIIIIIl' ,iIII in II IIIIgIII‘ I»: w pIa-‘II- IIIII'II with \V'ilU‘I', II) (’Ill'l'y ' I..- I. IIIIIII. IIIIIIaIISII of ”III IIIIIII- III}; IIIII <IIm I'iIIIIgiIIgI rate, it is IIIII- II-I IH IIIIWIIgII IIIII bath IV' mIH‘I‘ IIII- IIIIIIIIII} IIIIII II'I «IIIIIIIIII pm iI II~. WIII-II thII I'IICIIIII‘II‘ is (IOII‘IIIIIII‘IId and is working III‘I‘IIIIII'Iy, CIIVIII' IIIII IIIp III' IIIII solution with a ',’â€"IIIch IIIVII‘ III IIIII‘III‘I'IIIII oil. This. IIII “ill IIIIWI III ”III IIIIII'II IVIIIIOI'IIIIIIII OIIhe <IIIIIIIUII. 3T7'ERY CH l). 11. \n'ih's: _"l haw maulv up a pushâ€"pull :unplnlim'. hut. lit doesn‘t Al +__ sum") to gun any mOI‘H VOIIHIN‘. than Hn- 0M au‘nplnio-r «Ind. What is most. hkvl)‘ (H [w HIP 1!‘nlll)l("?" Am. Thv push-pull amplifier is nut. <llplmsml tn giw any louder signals but. to amplify Inud signals with less distm'tion. Just. snppnse they wrote up the hridegreom instead of the bride! Here’s the way the wedding notice, would read: The wedding of Stuart ~\‘tewzu't. nnly sun «if Mr. and Mrs. Suwerhy Stewart. and nephew of the late Selmtm‘ Sm'ipimrtun ot'AI‘kansas. to Miss Ednwntrude La Jones also of this town. was solemnized at the Methodist Church at 8.30 o'clock \Vrednesigtay night. The. regular pas- tm- officiated. Preceding the cere- mnny. Algernon Stewart. a cousin of the. groom. sang “You’re the Kind of a Man that Girls Forget." The, gmnni wore a black swallow tail'l mat of ennventihnal eut, with satin lam-ls. A white vest was cut very low to display a stiff bosom shirt. whieh was white with a dash of Scotch. The studs were of cut glass. .\ silk tie. alsu of white. was tied in a neat how a little. to one. side of ...-- .3 1L- a wing collar. 'l‘lm trnusers. of the Sam» matrrial as thn coal. were dis- tinguished by a vertical stripe of braid and a cream in front and in the bark of each leg. The belt which. was visible only after a deep intaking of broalh. wa_s of black lea- ,sgz-‘l L.-nl-l-‘ ‘llbanlllp III , ther with a silver initial buckle. Patent shoes with black cloth tons and pearl buttons completed the very becoming costume. He wore his hair parted in the middle. drawn tightlv back from the forehead and nomaded close to his scalp. The bride was dressed in the conven- tional white. TT LAMPS A \WOODEN STRIP ‘. ALUMINUM ELECTRODE! JUST SUPPOSE STORAGE BATTERY 95 UMMWW -m- __ - - Provincial Government for help in! saw it from a debenture debt m'l $700,000 nearly half of which is long. I nwrduv. 1n the garish immigraâ€"' tiun days, Battlel'ord spent muni 'iâ€" pal funds on public buildings with Um prodigality of a drunkard. Then came a railway alung the north bank r 0f the l'lV’Pl‘. and a umv town sprung 'up that outrivallnd tho old town in growth and attrartml many 01' its citizens. lls wipumtinn hogan i0 dwindle, and one altar anothor of its institutiom rlusml. and tum-srosc until they became an impossible burden on a pnpulatiun that had be- come less than 1.000. Extravaganco whethrr by rurporaiions 0r individ- uals, always t'xacts its penalty, and the pligh! in which Battlol'ord finds itself slumld serve as a warning to all othm‘ corporations-â€"Canadian l‘lchn, Wiarinn. M Tme‘ifl‘lars Pays Three Acaca’nts. #â€" A Bankrupt Town The Town of Battleford, Saskatch- mum has reached the limit of its I'vsuurces and IS applymg to 11;. LU.- iinllax' bill has ismâ€"n madv to son» several purposes this morning,“ ro- mm'ki‘d the genial Chit‘f as. ho. pock- niml his I'th‘ilit. This illustrates how busim'ss can be kept in a healthy state, by m m'yonu paying his 311st dvbt. thus kimping monny in vit'culzitimi. Monvy is to the busi- iwss world what hlnod is to the body. and ii. ”(3ij to ho kept Pir- v:ilating.-â€"â€"Clintun News-merd. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Heifer Wedged Between Mow»; ()nr- My 171% week while Hiwwizmg tit. thv mm Hf Mr. Frank Muck. 3nd hm, z'li'in iownship, Hi» mm \".'1-':‘(‘ swrxvmwi in find. \xmiuwl INPHH'f-il my” mums “9' grain. at y..-:.u'ling lirii" 1. TM e-ninmi was; the manna“)! ”1' a nun-{Lima 41'. J. lfldwrn-iis‘. TM! 11‘0"" hreviuu. several Hf Mr. Edward 5 cattle strayed to Hacks. and gm. in- in the barn. In driving; them home it was not noticed that, one of them was missing. and later a search for Hm missing animal was mad), but it (timid, not be found. linlh thi- uwner and. Mr. Mark were greatly surprised ax, the find. l'ividentiy the annual hm? gottun in ix.~t.,\vc‘3cn the mnws ten darn previous. and instead of back-- in: nut, imd wm'kcd its way in quite a Histanm'. The. animal had iaiilud in :iush but will "mum-r from the. it‘d days” faint widmui \xutm' and 9m the dry ends at sheaf n:1t3.-~l".rin Ail- English Courtesy i [1. is somewhat. of a shock to learn! that at a reeeni. ’l‘eacher‘s Instiintef meeting in ileelarie one of the weak- ers who had ‘ isited England recently Said: “Indeed. the reurtesy ene meels l‘X'i“‘\\\'lli!l‘i‘ in Enzland is a. joy. I meld not hs-ng realizing that. English people who "Hum mil here mus! lind n.~ wry crude. VHF) ignorant. in illill respect." 'i'he picture is probably: more ()Verdi‘nwn, but the lesson the speaker sought. to convey will bear consideration. In the hurry and worry of evieryday life, too many of us are prone to forgebor neglect the little emiriesies that. mean so much in life. lourtesy costs little and brings a rich reward. The courteous .ronsidernte man or woman carries ’3 paissiport that goes far to secure the good opinion )f their l'ell0\\‘s.- 'l‘ara Leader. “imam. Interesting News of Nearby Towns Clipped From Local Probably Some Other Austin “'0 haw» had sent to us by Miss Gladys. Byr from Toledo. Ohio, {1 rlipping containing a dislmtch from‘ Memphis, 'l‘rnn.. telling of tho mp- turn than" M twu dnsnnrate bunk rubbers. Hart Austin and Percy Brown. Mm former is ruferrml to as murderer and «ax-convict. wanted for tlm mhlwry of the Royal Bank in {Mount Fm'cs't. Ontario. (:11 Deprmper 22, two years ago, whcn the bandits u-scapccl with $35,750 in Canadian Victory Bonds, and $7,000 in cur- rcncy." 'l‘hcrc arc scvc‘al inac- cm-acics home. It, was Floyd Austin that was brought to (lamada and ac- quittcc'l. 'l‘hc picturc accompanying ‘ tho dispatch docs not look like Floyd ‘Austin. Mrs. W. J. Buchanan, who assistcd in tho capture by following Exchanges. Ballard Hockey Tube Skates Starr Hockey Tube Skates C. c. I. Automobile Skates Wilson Expert Hockey Shoe WilsOn Invincible Hockey Shoe Wilson Kangaroo Hockey Shoe Wilson Arena Hockey Shoe famous Lightning Hitch and many others. Horse Clippers, Tools and SKATES SBARPENBD For Winter Sports P. W. I003, - HAGHINIST Durham Macln'ne Shop ORDER N 0“" THE DURHAM CHRONICLE up information heard on a radio, re- ceived a cheque of $500 for her pert in the capture. She held an Austin, wim entered her dwelling, at the puint or a shotgunâ€"Mount Forest Llcmfoderale. Shot Silver P0: William, son of Mr. John Duncan. Concession i, Arran. is the possessor of a beautiful silver gray fox pelt. as the result of his hunting expedi- tion last Monday. The fox was shot by him in the bush nmu‘ his hor‘nc. A local dealer in raw 111:3 says the 1.50” is the finest, he ever saw and valuvs it at around 8600. This. is the .irst. knnwn instance in this locality of a silver fox being shot. Usually when this kind of fox is shot or can- tured in Southern Unlm-in. if is gen: orally discovered that. in :s owned by some fox breeder in thv uuigh- borhnod. So far no one has claimed Mr. Duncan’s rich prim. and it. may be [fissiblw that, he has hugged 1.0x‘wnh no strmgs attachml m It.- Cl'msluy Enterprise. Farmer’s Hydro Biscuised Abou; a dozen {aruwrs .Iiviug nu Hw 23ml muccssiun 01' East. Luther near Grand Vallvy and mmw on Un- Uarafraxu LOWn line the. (DH-HT (W011- mg heard Mr. Purcell. rural vnginocr and Mr. Flunuery, district. stun-rin- “Malt, discuss hydro elcl'd'ic as it. M‘l‘vcts farmers. 'l‘hpse pmsmxri. at ,his meeting had b68n considering gustulling hydro in tlwir premises and Hm informationgiwn was high- -v Mucatioual. Basing the average l‘zzrmm' on a 3 h.p. sumply. Mr. Purâ€" cnll stated the annual s.~:-\'icc charge wwuhi be $51.09, inclgding the bonus liuwml by stauute. The first. ('nergy «harm- would he 8 cvnts per k.w. and above that 2 cents. This loan \.\'mll(.l permit the use of a 3 h.p. mutm' for chopping grain and cut- firm wumi; a rang«-, but. those two mww nut to hv used at the same iinw: light-x in lhv house, yard and ham; and H10 usv nf toaster. wash- im: mm-lmw. iron, Vacuum sxwupm', Mix. in 1th hnusv. Hl' c‘stvimulwl tht‘ msl nl' Itistallaxiinn tn the building: only :11, '7 l'l‘lllS u funl. fnl' 21 2â€"wi1‘o system with tmnsl'cu'nwr at, the buildings: or 12. mmts a foot for a .‘Lwirv syslmn with ix'ansfm'n'mr at. ‘hn mud. The. further has this adâ€" mntngn that pnwvr for lhrvshing would 1w available rightat the ham ishould. this nm'd arise. It. is just, a qrwstion if any of the farmers will takn up lln- project just now, as Hu- cost wnuhl lm mmsidnrablo. Yet, ll. must ho burnt." in mind that the ser- \'i('0 chm-xv quoLlul is (me of the must r:wm'ahlc in. am' part, of tho prmâ€" lll““.--Gl‘im(l Valley Star and Vim-Hm Wiarton To Have Hockey '? ‘22 2. 12222.: 222' \\’ia2212222 222222 225.522 2222.2l 222' 1222i22 <l222222 2 221 122222k22V' HHS y222222 22112 22222232 (2222 22 limo it lOUkPIl lil222 "2-22.E2i221.2: 2l22i222..2’ in l22222key (2222 12.22.") . . i' «222 2l2222i2_lii22.: that 2222ith922 (322291223; 22.2222 \K'iui‘tmi l2222l within tliemsle'm s2ai'li22i2222t 2.22mi timber for a first-- 22:22.“ l2222222, through their joint rep- 222-222222l2il.iV22.. Mr. A. L. S. Corrigan. llii'v 222222l22 2222pli22221i2222 for entry of a 2'2"2222l2i-2222ti022 t2‘2am. but were refused t|222 privilege. Hmv22V'2222. Mr. Corri- 22222 223222222229 22s that with the entry of M2222kdal22 into H222 122222222222 at 11222 last mi2222t22, tl222 lixocntiw l222V'22. 2l22- Cidml to allow (llmslov in 22nl222 22$ :2. rumpusitn 22222222 222221 to play th22 Wi2222t2'222 hunch 22s. part 221' “Mr team. 'l‘l222222‘2 will 2222 22 2222222li22g 221‘ Mm I2222a|s shm'llV f22ll22\\222l by 22 i22i22t m2222ting i22 Cl222sl22V'. 2222222225 Will [222 pldVPcl 211 hmh towns. and this \\ ill 2255222222 H222 li22222222i222: 222 ”222. l2222m n22222l2 2222542222 tl22222 22t122222VV'iS22. ’I‘lu- lm'al contrilmlinn In thmmw (‘luh will likvly be drawn from Smith. Hildnc-r. MPDmmM and Svâ€" mon. Talking Turkey 'l'lru vhmzapnm turkey of this dis- ‘rit'! swam in MW. Dunn lnru'kntnd on '!'un~<d:t,\'. “'in Mr. Dun McGilli- \‘ms'. m‘ l2”! “rm-u. d(‘]i\'¢f’l‘“d a 38- :mundm' at. Sic-193112211075 stm'o'. This bird is about m1) f.'v.al‘s 0M and \\‘¢‘if.:hml '17: {‘HUH'IS :nli\'u-.r-«l’:lisley Advovzun. Rqeve by accumation.â€"Flesmrton Fire. which for a time looked as though it might wipe out a consider- able portion of Gookstown‘s business section. broke out in Harry Fisher‘s general store on Sunday afternoon last at 5 o'clock. With a ill-mile! gala blowing, it was with tremen-i dous difficulty that the flames were’ confined to the Fisher building, solid brick walls being of great assistance. Hs-tivy damage was done to the stock, the loss being estimated at from $611!) to $7,000 covered by insur- ance. Damage to the building is over $1,000. The. fire is supposed to have been caused by overheated lf'm'nam‘ pipes-«S‘lmllmriw Free ’i-nss. The local paper is the small town‘s greatest asset. Nu town should fail to appreciate its local papvx' lu th extent of a liberal patrnnugu.â€"-~llvnry Ford. Th1l 1111111011611 .11‘ 1110 mm” 'l‘nwn' newspapvr upon Hlv (““11 and 1.5 business 111011.1- 11111111 1111111111511- 111atvd by husim-w mvn HlnlnSght‘a. The newspaper is 3401111: In represent the town t0 tho 4111:51111- \vm-ld fairly or unfairly. Nu mm: 5111111115 bcttm' fur a town than :1 . 110“ snapm' that, is \11-llâ€"R11111mlod la} Llw Imsim 53 man, and 11411111111: Spvks 111 1011111 1‘ lurms against H11 111.111 than 11 newspaper {what is struggling: 1m- nxistvnm- and \\ h1v§1 has Ii (In 111' 110 :uh‘m‘iising Coohtown [awed by H THE HOME PAPER Every farmerâ€"every manberof his family-«very man who works out doors in all kinds of weatherâ€"needs the dry, foot- oomfort given by RHINO boots. For use on the farm, RHINO Rubber Boots are easy to wear because they’re ounces lighter This footwear is made from RHINO Rubber-~tbe toughest For Mud and Slush You Need These Rubber Boots “ Compare The Wear ” Wm. Brigham "---v-â€" every business concern in WI would advertise. With us regulll'fli. that fact would not. make us rt. by any means. There is no such thing on the globe as riches for the country newspaper man. Lots or men and some. businea men do not appreciate their loci paper as a thing of value except to the. owner of the paper. and thing u where their vision needs docmrizihg‘ The newspaper travels, and ig 3 town‘s. only represenuiive that is ‘- lwziys working at. the Job. A. judgmnnt dolivorvd by Justin- Riddul at Usgoodv Hall last wed may haw :t swvvmng effect in (h. matter of 511105 at farm stock. pro- .tuw and chattels. Should his deci- sinn he upheld, farmers who have t'rmhtnrs cannut. makv hulk salm without appointing a trustee and protecting creditors against wane" m' mervhanls who sold out, tn cvndo paymmll. lml. JUstic-P Riddul think. 31w law «'xtcnds (,0 farmers alsn. LAW MAY AFFECT PARKE” and most wear-resisting that Science has yet discovered-â€" which will wear up to twiu- as long as ordinary rubber. RHINO Rubber Footwear in built for long wear. otherwise the iron-clad guarantee couldn‘t be given with each pair. We stand behind it because it means full value for your money. The next time you need rubbers ask us for a pair of RHINO. ‘ home busine- In! submitted 01 cl ' school Ib- Ostenoo'a m M. (timed and ban in 1926. 'l and “The Pan“ with the farmer W and pom d one WbObc an N the black 10 “sequences. lore than 1,504 “flied. Thc‘ If. 08(0an \q am no other sun A brief sketch Mmsmces V ml. as roiam “flows : “Where the la 0! Norway. the lived in the to“ name since the I rvsuluh "alum“ 'I .l 'lte num- menu can assumed on! fiventumus fort: unending his mountain: and tl ‘ Sweden east shores of the BI mans never a name recalls it 4 Man of land-ho -brokon; the p; borders the low pssession. hand: m w (“”0“ 50' roman-s I .I. “am H. Huffman \‘N '5 mad day“ sumo 3 comes n N “Iy father. a ' b indulge his 11 hi years after ”her he deck America. “My mother's up in the mom: he softening in! M'ns. Al (hot \\ Ml Owns. Al "mil fie limo Villas» 1 was born. '1‘?! null towns in I ho“: to me u .I’ when I was" me to Amon'va l.‘.( “The stow of Ila of SW?!) Ht uta and Somh hum \1 a EGREIO \1 \\ Sm

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