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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jan 1925, p. 9

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s C 0 mm red "'.'.f-ppanltyll- _..' A _;;_ (73” m vanitbesefll. " . = an :13ka fl \ flu? in the CI... "7" ' '~‘ "1.”? 400 “h ‘ ' n stafl. 8C ...... :29 for armyai‘q pail All .H m lhil HI'LIc' WIS U". HH‘ DUB- M' I! "8' 3 sil'é‘49m :'.t‘d - ~N‘ tho ('vvivfl, {4 Club Ill ‘ ’2 mile: couthwest of Durham. 00“. M'vmc 86 acres. M0837 clear OM " and state of cultivation. Bflflk - ' ' d sumo \‘ 0‘ ? wa'ered and in good Wit- 1.. » . f, , p: hpr particulars \\ Hnam Smith. R. 3- RO. 3‘ all I ,____â€" A]; Y‘zi‘nhi‘a‘lrifiédufi'l,‘ cistern; x000 ' ur‘ trees. and a lot of \\ ‘ ! an cheap to am ck buyer '3' M Mrs. Jnhn Schun. 0 small fruit. 9â€" A PRO!!!" ’0. an l‘he George Whitman-o ~97“ rm." McGowan’s mill; '0‘ hm :40 ; stablg. Allen-1100.83. .llllt' W ll ‘1“ 5.: at dnor: never failing - ‘ g u 0 .once amok 'arm. Ting properly WI '5. ~ ~ farm. makin RR __.- ...â€"â€"â€"â€"p \* :I‘H PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. :..:rnmnnt. containing 66 acres; {‘5 .1. -~‘ vloared. balance harem-nod '~:u:: m good state of cultivation; “r".mv barn 54x50. stone basement. ‘- rnto stables; drilled well and ‘ '-~nt tank at barn. Also LOU 6 m "t ' mg; Swen rooms. Vi!“ "‘ilfnt‘ woodshed thpth. .' â€"A-- "'Y' I'HH’III. {1- nun-‘11., v.- ~o~~ are a frame barn t2x65 ff. will: «2* .. foundation; concrete stables: ll. h'w 'narn 30x50 with stone base- nw-t; hug: pen 20x40; twelve-room 'M vii lmusc. furnace healed. 3190 frame» wnndshed; drilled well close m homse. with windmill; concrete mm- tanks; 30 acres seeded to hay: in :u-ros to sweet clover; this farm \u'l. fenced and in a good slate of -'t‘. fixation. For information apply h) ‘\\'ul.~'0n‘s Dairy. “.3. 4, Durham. ‘ urifl '02523t' \D\’O‘o "v-vâ€"â€" vv Hum m: 100 acres; 85 acres under m nation. balance hardwood bush; Wu EM ONT. ‘39}?- H H‘ Muderalo terms. Arrangements tm- salve. as to dates. etc... may be mmiw at. The Chronicle Office, Dur- ham. 'l‘m'ms nn applicatiml. Ad- “H‘s“ R. R. 1. Durham. 214(3de DAN. IOLBAN LH'PIIM’II Aucliuneer for County of 1m; Satisfactmn guaranteed. Hea- mnuhlv wrms. Dates of sales made at Thu (Ihrnnu'lc (Mice or with himâ€" «4;. ALEX. IthONALD ucensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. LUCAS BEER! Barristers, Soacilors, etc. A mem- Iwr of the firm will be in Durham on l‘uvsday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the M‘I'Iw'. MIDDLBBRO', 8PM!!!" I IIDDLBBIO' Barristers, Sohciton, Etc. Successors to A. B. Currey. Mr. (I. (2. Middlebro’ is permanently "m’ntmi at Durham Office. IIOImr Graduate University of Tor- ontn. Graduate Royal College Dental Surge-ans of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Blm-k, Mill Street, second door east or MacBeth’s Drug Store. DR. W. C. PICKBIING, DIRT]: m? ice over J. J. Hunters sl quham. Ontario. c. 6. All! 33881! IoGILLIVMY chiropractors, Dunn, Ontario. I’he Science that tdds life to vents and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and saturdays. M423“ cemented) . J. 1.. um, I. "a“, 0mm, m mMW’u 'mntess anon-mu m. ’“" 3'“ Mm: a”? = 9m IJIL. 0 PM” to. . (Sundays and Tim“, ”an”. DIS. JAIIBSOI O um - 011m: and residence 0 short anew mst. smmlhn'r »_ _ umhtm 0f 0"- ham. (Mice hour; 2 to 6 p... 7 9 pJn. (except South”). sis? EUREKA]. SERVICE New lodorn Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 122-125.. Avenue Road TOIonto BATES BURIAL C0. ario FA R318 FOR SALE Licensed fluctioneer Medial mm. Dental Directorv Lem! ‘Dtmrlorv 1m. “no“... n. A, I. um? Barium is tn attractive and Ian. thy town and good momentum: an be obtained at redouble rates J. A. M. ROBB. B. A” Principal. JOHN mam. Chm-ma. Information as to Courses may be obtained from the Princioll. 1130 School Inge a creditable record in the put whneh it hopes to min- tain in the future. Intending pupils should prepare it enter at beginning of term. The School is thoroughly equippeu to take up the following courses : (1) Junior Matriculation. (2) Entrance to Normal School. Each member of the Staff is a Uni- versity Graduate and experiences Poacher. CATTLE FOR SALE FUI'B HEIFERS. .RISING THREE 3. duo about March: in good condition. Apply Jamo‘s Marsha”. Vm‘ney. M. 1 HONEY POUND Un Saturday night. Loser must prove same and say about, whnro Inst. M. 'l‘ho Chronicle Other. 1 CUSTOM SAWING 0N MILL S'I‘REE'I‘ NEAR McGowâ€" :ui‘s Mill. Custom sawed lumber. shinglvs. ctr. Hnmlpck. spruce and radar shingle timber boughtâ€"R. W. Morrison. Durham 12 18 ll Bognnnns warm) Four gmtllemen boarders. (Emmi accommodation. Apply Mrs. Walter 'l'lzr‘nbull. Goor‘go St, Durham. 1091f NOTICE TO FARMERS The Durham l‘.F.(). Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dun- ham on Tuesdays. Shippan arv roquestnd _t.0 givq three days’ notice. James Laif'evné'; Manager Phone 601 1'1 Durham rm. 4. WHEAT WANTED [ifâ€"Ron nm' MIHS. Highest prices paid. WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- lcle Job Planl is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short nrder. tf WHEAT WANTED} ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People‘s Mills. 31523:. DURHAM HIGH SCHOOL HOUSE TO RENEâ€" conveniences. Apply Morrison, Durham. bile insurance and guar‘antéé'bfidfias. etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Durâ€" ham. 612 U PEERLESS 65391.1an THE 1116131 “‘J- â€"â€"â€"â€" . â€"'Mâ€"--V grade gas with the “ uu "IV 11’ pep” and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros namsn AMERICAN COAL OIL A'l‘ Smith Bros. It‘s good. Try it. 1 m: FOR uuoo mun-.1100]: muck 80083 on Countess Street. all modern con- veniences. Apply to J. J. Atkinson R. R. 1, Durham. Phone «3-23. cm. -_â€" Get your course NOW. if you do not get it you pay for it anyway in smaller earnings and lost opportunities. Enter any day. Write, rail or phone for informatim. All Our Graduates have been placed to date am} dill there are calls for more. Basswood Bolts in the round, 37” or 56” long. 5" and up top. Advise Keenen 8:03., Owen Sound ARTICLES WANTED WANTED WITH A.” to Mr. John “-6-“ 626“ ipd 5i!” 221 t! Save the mangels for the ulna gnd young stock. Nothing In more finished by n all and nothing In het- ter tor Its digestion than (cod. crisp juicy cancels. Slhge In all fight. Would not: or. m. impure drinking water accounts for much sickness among bogs. The first consideration is to supply plenty of pure water (or the hog lots. This 3 as important as good feeding. The scruh cow shivers when sees the scsles and Babcoch tests?. The horse still plays so lmportsnt put. as still furnishes s cheap sage of power for plouzhlng. and 9 most economical to short hauls use {or One to one and a halt teapot):- tuln of baking powder to t cum! of tour for butter: or dough; ' Ono-third as much shortening :- tour for may. One tuspoontnl of bod: to one pint One-third us much liquid as low lor loft dough, u for biscuit. One-fourth as much liquid a flour tot; um dough. u for bread. Ole-third i0 one-halt as $312!: but ta}: mm for :11 butter aha. One-hilt a much liquid as flour for mumn and cute batten. There an a number of and no- portions used in all recipes, and the knowing we mam: in: out its destructive work.v;i;. Stevenson, O. A. College, Guelph. Measures shoqld be taken to pre- vent horses becoming infested with the larvae of bot files by protecting them from the egg laying attack of the parent fly. The clipping of the long hairs from the region of the head, breast, shoulders and legs af- fords some protection in that it re- duces the probability of the fly being able to attach its eggs. The areas where the egg laying fly usually de- posits her eggs should be frequently soaked with oil or grease. This pre- vents the eggs from adhering to the hair. Pieces of cotton or cheesecloth fastened to the bridle and harness in such a manner as to cover the under surface of the jaws, the breast and forearms affords some protection and reduces greatly the possibility of the horse wintering a stomach full of hot larvae and suffering in consequence of such. A little attention to what may seem trivial to many makes the difference between the horses being thrifty and in good condition or un- thrifty and hidebound. Swat the bot ily or at least prevent it from carry- The above treatment is the cheap- eat the writer knows. and much more eflective than any spray that can be given, because it remains active as long as left on the floor, whereas the sprays are only effective at the time of application, and only if they hit the insectsâ€"J. L. Caesar, O. A. Col- lege. Guelph. Sweep up again and make another application. This may have to he re- peated several times, and each time care should be taken to discover, it possible, overlooked areas and treat them. Usually two or three dustings will destroy almost all the cock- roaches, even in a large institution, but sometimes it is so difllcult to find all the hiding places that several applications will be necessary. All that is required, however, to eradi- cate the pest is care and persevm- ence. That the powder does kill the cockroaches will be shown plainly after the first treatment; for in a day’s time numerous cockroaches will be found dead here and there over the floor. Before each treatment sweep the room well, and then leave the pow- der undisturbed for several days. to apply the powder with, and is much superior to the dusting can. as it enables a person to blow the substance lnto cracks and crevices where the insects may be hiding and where they could not be reached by A small dustâ€"gun or bellows, cost- ln; abopt {1.60, la 9:: excellent thing Sodium Fluoride mm 'l‘wo Won. The substance kills both by con- tact and by being taken into the mouth. it apparently gets into the month by the roaches cleaning their feet and body to remove the powder when they happen to run over it. sinks, on the window sills, in' the back part or the shelves of cupboards, and any other place frequented by the oockronehee. The method of ”plying In to put the mixture lnto t can wlth a per- forated lld, or lnto : cult-cell”, and then duct lt moderately heavily along the floor heneaththe water pipes and ln unit.“ or that mm on- tnoi in not dilcult. Sodium luau-lilo. I white powder. will tlll on: that moinoontnetwithit. Thom. however. proton to use n mixturo of cum] put. of sodium Iuondo nud oomntnreh, on being nuporlor to tho fluoride alone. This mixturo costs only nhout 50c n pound. nnd n pound will trent once n very lnrco kitchen nnd ununlly would be nuflclent for all the treatments for an ordinary privnto house. Hangman. ,V v“ “V â€"v'-- Mm site they In m ask-Ion If you can’t dance, you can say what you are doing is the latesz, KEEPING I'l‘ DARK Walking down a street in Belfast one day a gentleman saw an. old [rish woman begging. As he was passing her she stopped him and said: “Could ye spare a copper for an ould woman, sorr?” Taking pity on her, he gave her Sixpence. “God bless you, sorr!” said the old woman “and may every hair of yer head he 1 candle to light. you to glory." r'aking off his hat and showing a ald head, the gentleman said dryly. It won‘t. be much of a torchlight rocession.” Priceville (Our own Correspondent.) My! Bm we are vnjuying grand :mcl gloriuus woatlmr. \Nc- :u’v. ml thv peak of ”w \vcallwr hm'o. It. 'tlurisnl mattvr whom White River is. . It‘s grvut wvzzihm- fur nur local nom- iinatiml meetings. A person has to June a qum'rvl lm'wing In work 111» ;a notion tn attvnd. W9 extend our best wishes for thv coming year to The Chronicle, staff and readers. - Mr. John M pTaggart hast {goâ€"ti? fitnd Forum” for wmter months. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Sim on the arrival of a daughâ€" ter 0n Deccmber 15. Master Donald Reily cohtinues to improve. although still under quar- :mtine. .\ unml number of our young [wu- plv had Christmas at home. In fact. wry fmv \vm'o missing, and it is good to see them again although most. of them haul tn rolurn on Sat- unlay or Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. 4;. \Vtiytc. 0.1).R. East. spnnt Christmas with friends town country. Mr. F. (i. Kai‘stodt has installed 1 radio outfit. We are now fairly .mll equipped as a village, as quit» :1 (cw h_ave become radio enthusiasts. Mrs. Alex ll. Monaâ€"malt! is improv- ing slowly. We hope that she will mqn he in purl'vcl. health again. 'l’IIIIsdaV'. DocemhIII'zm JU. is ”In IlaIII sIIt for IIIII annual mIIIIIIng (If the PI'WI'SbytIIIiIII (1"hmIlI IOCIIHV'. \VI‘I, lIIIpII that “In VVIIaIlIIII‘ mm min ~milII :1 “Min “II that IlaIII aIIVVVaV. llIII IIIIIIIII quIIsliIIII will lIII pru- SIIIIIIIII III “III paI'islIiIIIIIIIIs «In that IIIIIII \VII lIIIliIIV I3. COOKING HINTS Pineapple Salad Dressing wonderful for Fruit Salad. A good way to use up juice. 1% tableSpoons butter. 11/; cup sugar. 1 tablespoon flour. 2 eggs. Juice 1 large can pineapple. Method: Cream the butter and sugar; add the flour; add‘ the eggs, well beaten. Then heat the pineap- ple juice and add gradually to the mixture. Cook altogether until thick. Takes about 3 minutes over flame. Stir constantly. Cook longer an a double boiler. When cool add 1,9 pint bottle cream (whipped). This makes enough salad for 12. Lay a heaVy turkish towel in bot- tom 01‘ dish pan, also one on drying sink, then with rubber tips on the faucets, all danger of nicking is pre- vented. New Year‘s Day Menu. A relief After so Much Turkey. Here it is: Half a grapefruit apiece. Baked Hum. Creamed Potatoes au gratin. Asparagus Tip Salad. - Favorite Dessert. IcPADDBI'S DRUG 81'0" romantâ€" To Wash Best China'or Glass TIIBLY mm (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation. Mo) If yuu liw. ind'iors most, of the 1 time» and do not take [)I’flpé‘? precau- tions as to the conditions of tho air thnrnin. your hnme may ht‘ (twig- nated as a miniature “Dmth Valley." In the averagc- home which is twat- eil artificially, the-rc- is a great. ah- 01111.11 of mliisturv. “Men is absulutv- iV necessarv for hnalth and a grvat (UIISOI VPI‘ at 0021].“. h: is low on tic-m- onstratvd that thing moms hvatmi in steam tn a tt-mpmature- «fit 7‘.â€" degu-ns cuntains a M] tiw humid. H as hm as :23 degrees \\ hit h is as m x as Death Valley Thur-v if< a innit": CV to nVorhnat as \w 190] (fhiilv when therv is a lack of humidity 'lhis is due to tht! fact that «try atmosphere causns rapid (1\ 311011: itinn How to lake Lid Secure for Freezing 'ljaku a narrow strip of clean, white cloth, melt. sumo grqasv. Dun cloth m grease, place this amum. place where mwm- joins. Pross dmx'n tight. Chocolate. pineapple, peach, rasp- berry, vanilla, strawlwrry or straw- berry jam. maple, and marshmallow arr a fvw nl’ tlu- simplvsl. and bust flavors. wvâ€"w_ \This is the euiest‘and nicest (lee. cert one can have during the free:- ing months. Chocolate Mousse for 3 party: 4 bottles of whipping cream _ (whipped stiff). 3 egg whites (beaten stiff). 1 cup confectioners sugar. 1% cyips sugar. I. clip water. 1 square of chocolate. - Method: Whip cream stiff. Whip eggs stiff. Add sugar to stiff egg whites. Then add to cream. Haw ready a syrup of sugar, water and chocolate which has been cooled, add to cream and beaten eggs. Pack and freeze as mousse. Easy Ions“ Fine for a small number of people. 1/; pint bottle whipping rream. Flavoring. Method: “'hip cream sl.iff..all(l sugar and flavoring. Put. in mold. Jack in snow or place pan outside on a shady window sill. By BETTY For January Caleb Pganlec " HOW TO SAVE COAL ”8. $ERIAL STORIES OFFER No. School Lift; All for ’3 C ape C ad PIu’Iocnoluy-le But cum '0 Pan- 7h¢ Boy: ' Pm- Thc Girb' Paco- smnr A YEAR roan! REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Advertise in no Chronicle. l1 Payt. upon the surface of our bodies and has a cooling effect. We may thereâ€" fore feel as though we require more heat while the temperature of the room may he ever 70. The hum body Is therefore a Very unreliable instrument to depend upon fur judg- ing such suhtle things as the tem- perature ef moms. and a reliable thermnmeter slmuld he in every home. It is the house fuel-118mg guide MM is tn the «eat runserver \\ hat the silowlnmetc f is m the auto- ist If \\e u an m ”Innate enough waâ€" ter I‘mlqu‘; tu Iaise the humidity tn 50 “l 7» We: rent. We can hum much hws coal and Imluu: the temâ€" perature t0 65.1‘his \s mild not only he more comfortable hut more healthful. Vanilla. Mctlmd. Mix tlm cocoa and sum \wll. Mukv :1 paste of cocoa, sugar and little (if tho. milk. When smock. add remainder of milk. Heat. Whm warm, add comstzirch dissolved in a little water. 'l‘hi-n add eggs or yolks slightly beaten. Add this slow- ly. ll" cooked over llamv. stir eonâ€" slanlly. 000k until thick nnuug‘h I. hold shape. take. it” Ill‘l‘. Add VIII- illa‘i; mix wall. Pour mm a bum pastry shell. \thn read) to serve. top with rrvam hmitien stiff and swnalunml in ladlv. v 'l‘hv cream I: wally Mather H‘Wl With this pic Hum mvrimmv. Immmmm 1 pound of dried lim beam 39 teaspoon of musurd. 2 ablespoons of mom. 1 onion. 10:: Worth of salt pork. Salt. Method: Soak the buns over night. il until almost. tender. (Pour on‘ Ii id and boil again.) Add all. gustayd, molasses, oniqn _ Channel! fine, brbwn sugar" if dcsiredfilii water if dry, add pork and bake In aour. Have well browned. .3 heaping tablespoons of mm. 2 heaping tablespoons of mm- starch. A). cup sugar. 2 eggs or you“ of 2 eggs. Little salt. f; cnps milk.

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