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Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jan 1925, p. 10

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A? .. :rdveni . “In. Rnhvrt Hopkins ‘ZPcfntrgfew .llnv PAGE 10. dzmuhh In!“ I «m (zoz'nvr \ mu "HS vmunl): UH.“ \Hfililiy iii‘! “'06!“ 6U“! cuI-Uluâ€" pain-«l by Mr lu-ui'gv H. 'l'url‘y. had Ulirisinizis ammo-.- with Mr. and Mrs. Juswph HM}. “'4! an ghicl In repair! Mr. Ben 310th is gum"; ailnnu Mic-My after his 0; ".«.Uw‘. inst \u'ck. Mr. and Mrs. .IHIIII {way of the Gravel limul. and M r. and Mrs. Hugh It'lbniiahi ui' Durham spoeiit illirist- (has with Mr. and Mrs. H. “08). Mr. and Mrs. lhilwrt Mightmi and children nf Egrnnmnt warn Christ- mas visitnrs (if Mr. and Mrs. Gearin- Iighton. Mrs. Frml Bray and Miss Mai-ma Turry of Durham rullml nu Mr. and Irs. H. W'isu on tlio-ii- way to spend Christmas at ”li‘il' hrnthnr's. Mr. Clark 'I'nrry (if Miilrutk. Mr. V. \Visc' is spi'ndim: sum". timv With in. «in. Mr. 13m? \Visw. we m l} \\ llml. Mrs. litwrgu “OHll'lJA'l', 'l‘lw. four palrnns of {9:9 ljgx-nmnnl firmnnm-y Company avmling lhn higho-sl number of puunds of but- wrlal. lmlwm-n Dccvmbm' 1-3 and 27 aw, Wmlwy Ilalliday, 87.59; Arthur lrvm. (SHIN: William Tyndall, M51: Nu‘lmlus Ml'lmugnll. 42.1 i. The”) nnminaléuns l'ur llm 'l‘mvnshm Cuunml :m- as l'ullmx‘s: low-w. 4%. Mm Swinton Park. (Our own Correspondent.) l'ln- past \wnk has lwnn P0311 win- wr \wathwr. and ”10’- snnw is piled m: gum! and hard at. ”W fo-m'c's P-wninrmc h‘m'vllinz vxh'vmvly dif- fiml'. ”H!‘ “”11in mm! man was muiw In nmkw his mutv nn Suturâ€" -h\. and n awn-nu as though In" may nu: :w: Hit-Hugh Wolzly. Hnwmw‘r. [w- ‘ng mmmmhmx My. a: sum! hwnnnt may nmko‘ thv rum! mm-‘n levr. \h‘. Wallaw Kinnv?! ne’ ernit 1s qwmiin: tho lmlidaw :n has hnmv MI \li'. i'lizii'ho' Mai-on of Tm‘Hnto is 'ho- most of his fi‘io‘nd. Mr. C. Mr.- M" an and Mini»: “1'. H. Hamilton of Riwrviow. who 'Azh etormc-d in hero la?! week-end, mahuumi to make the return trip for Cil‘,‘l~.fl1{t$ :md to have his ostoemed aw-«mpamy him homo. Mr. .I. Barrot. of Toronto is the cum! of hi- t‘i‘ionci. Mr. Dolbort Haw. \Ir. \\'. .l. McLeod is sponding the oihmtmas vacation at. his home ham! “IS‘ F. Purslow is homo from her ~r!;- ol to sin-m1 the holidays here. Miss vasin McMillan of the Queen City is at. In-r home for the vacation. Mrs. M. Hardy. James and Richard ”$1th Christmas Day with Mr. and MN. J. “'viliamson. ().D. R. Mr. H. Rivhardson. who is teach- mg on in.) North Show. is visiting ' WIHI hH wart-Ms. Mr. and Mrs. W. \I nu z. .I. and 1:. Bow.» 0f 00310!) “'0“ This \Vo‘t‘k (if MP. (I. 8136168 on. 41.11: his Mammoth clover. W. and 3h". (3-. Conn of Hoathcote an 211. #110315 of Mr. and Mrs. R. .310) :m'h. In. R. R. Kinnell is confined to the A. “:0! ‘ uxw own: to an attack of sciatica. \ good i‘ow-vsvntzition of the rate- ,~ .vm's‘ mot the the hall at. Hopeville m: Monday and discussed the af- ‘;;‘1'S of the Township which were Form-2y at. times. The nominations. were as follows: Reeve. R. D. Fry-l ser. and E. E. Hockridge; Council, R. Cronin. William Jack, A. I - gart. 6. Porter (members of the 6 Council‘. J. D. Ellis. R. Knox. Hugh lclillan. Joseph Black. 6. “mice. Robert Harris 3nd Ham m H ‘I Char-Ins lgnwrnnwe l)llu'urzrn ~ lu-v-f nno- day last wo-uk. -. .\. Mc-Ilnrmick is spvnding thc‘ 2mm vacatinn with bar sislnr mamas Milligan. ___ ‘Our own Correspondent.) Arthur Adams «'1' Pinkhann |~‘ hvro' nu :1 Visit. with his North VleCl‘S ’) 'r a-u'n CUFFCSIIUIUZCI»." lust. W‘thun \. ”Ht”. h TH llillIllu HH-il U M ll - rulatm-s :nul fl'iunds. \hâ€" Sandy Campbell and ‘.!..~'~' Ruby, 01' Durham Vlnus' visitor's v. nth Mr. and so. \i«-‘.‘..'dvr. M Ml" lllmvr Hake-r and m hum fm.‘ m mpurl Mr. Ben Him; alone nit-My aftnr Holstein m Iollcms: I’N'w' )uldm' and J. .\h mkv his mun socmi as that mgh hula}: H' [inn day. a {In tho- mad mw 300 Kinan H w hnliclm‘s :n 't” cl‘ .au' nl' .Iamplmll’s many ro-latiws in wo'nk :uul :u'mm- rgn H. 'l'm'l'y, had M”: Mr. and Mrs. l lmvr 21mph. ith M! ‘. Miss Lucille d of W'elbeck at. tho hump. 0f anvr and ”‘3 «turner . and MN. M r .\ rthu . win- x-oim-l it. tho more there will be for .hns'u that ail-cont. Every farmer has , lu-arll tho old so) ing (and many have l'nunwto tlu-ir sorrow the truth Of ilt that tho proper time to sell is iwhon you limo a good buyer. and it ‘muy lw that tho pi'linu‘n‘ time to im- prnw our roads. if wo. wish to d0 5”. is wlu-n wo haw the offer of :issi<taiil-¢‘. For 50ml! time there has how" :I I’l'il'lt‘ i'Ul‘ t'ilVOi and 800d romls. and tho county and Provin- I'ml c‘lm'ornmont how it too at the prosonl timv. Sn luwsihly by the timo llm ’l'ownships who rojoct the ipl‘ltpnsitlon now liml thoii' action‘ mm; wrong and WM: to turn tO‘ i:_li,"_ll;"§ilillg Statute Labor to receive;: itho :i'mil, tho-y may find tho Gov.- Lvi'imi'nl. is going; to slow lip 0n the ,lwriolmg of roads and assis'l sumo Iotlo :' ll'l‘il'l‘lilkllly. 'l‘ho County :l-lll'iw m ”aim: through our Town- "ill” rum ililU‘ nimto ll. almost nocâ€" imsm'y lo ninkn n chango in ordoi‘ t0 ,u‘pwl up tho "Kirk. and possibly it \xomlol lw woll to try tho now may. 'l‘ho rnlopuyors seem anxious ’n know whit-h way would lw Hm. lu-st, anal l'm' kmm'lmlgo of that lvml, "H‘hivvr lmMâ€"x trying; and if it lion's it. .11" ‘ stilisl'wtm'y at tho =‘lld O m, n ‘ 3 ;ii', iifi' nil lllv‘tln" tilkl‘ i of \\ v w. fin)? is host. \! Hu- iimn M' \\'l‘ltill:.". \w. haw :10 .3 tin-tn arrow“. of Uw Pulldithh‘s. Mu- ilzmg “'0 mm. sm-v nf is HIM .lrzmw Mark has qualiiiml for u "pu- <xtinn at, “w Hnulwil board and sol- !mts Um \‘nlv and influemm of the vlvctm's. In ro-tm‘n We promise to tin m:- host. for Hun Township that m- knnw hnW. Ebenezer. low on»: Cor-respondent. l :\l H. William Dawsuu nl' 'l‘m'lmlo will :I flying; Visit in hvr lu'ullza'r, .lnlm \\'wll.~' x'vm‘nlly. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Livingston ul’ llzuuiltnn gnlill :1 slum visit to Mr. and Mrs. William Livinesinu ln-rv and frivmls in Hanover. Mr. and Mrs. llnhert Johnston and lumil)’ spunt Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. William llc-nclo'rmm nl' Norman- M: Mr. :md Mrs. Hmrgv Rvay and daughtm'. Grace, spent. Ihristmas with Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey re- mntly. Mr: and Mrs. T. Wilson of Durham slmnl. Christmas will: Mr. and Mrs. .lnlw \Volls ln'x‘o. llugwx'l .lnhnstnn has been an- :.:;.‘:-l; :m- sum“ dim" in helping Mr. William andersou Hf Nm'manhy t0 mt. wood and logs. (Inum'alnlatinm‘ to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wiw nu thn arrival Of a mu last week. ' .\ nnmhm' from around here are attnnding the" nomination at Lamlash tndm~ I; anlay‘. MiSS Mabel Tucker. R. N.. is.leav- ingthis work for Detroit to take a l‘"_~<‘l!i0n“ in. a__hospital there. _ -vr-w- Ira-vs V. I Miss Essie Harrison frOm Toronto is sponding the holidays at her home 'IPI'P and with her sister. Mrs. W'es- lay Hoard. Proton. Mr. John Weir received a radio as a Cl’iristmas present. Misses Sarah Tucker from Toronto and Susie from Southampton are holiday visitors at the home of Mr. Alfred Tucker. Mr. Wesley Heard has been ehOp- ping for Thomas Harrison. Six. and Thomas Tucker. Miss Belle Weir of Toronto is at home for the holiggys. fi-_ _ -1 n- __' ‘-‘-"J “I Some of the neighbors are attend- ing the nomination in Holstein today. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harrison, Sr”. entertained the members of their family and other friends on Christ- mas Day. The December meeting of the La- dies‘ Aid and W. M. S. was held at :the home of Mrs. Thomas Tucker Iand was very well attended. . We wish The (nu-oniole, staff and ME.“ 3 happy end promerous f3; 33,133.?“ m S" m“ Miss Esther, Pquy, mug:- .at . . Wu, fitmendmg but Chustngnu We haVé Glenmont. been 80‘“!!! some. very fl many chickens being pickod around thn mrners: they had 110 room for Hm feathers at home and had to pilo them out on the mad. “’0 have hem wondering since if if. W'Nn‘t feathers, and not. snow that Jimmy Pickun got. lost. in while returning homv Sunday owning. (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. John Park of Detroit and his sister Miss Ella Park of Toronto spent Christmas week with their payouts, My. and Mrs._J§1mcs “Payk. I Misses Margaret and Jean Derby of Stratford and Tworonto respective- ly. visited with M1. and Mrs. Wil- liam Derby. A__ ._ ._ n C A MP. and M13. W. I. Derby and fam- ily visited with Mr. and Mrs. An- mew Meyers Allan Park. «Mr. anH'Mi‘s. George annbull of Ebenezer entertained a number_of young {0%ks of Bentmck one evening last wen i. A lmmlmr‘ of young folks gathm‘o‘d hL tho: homo of Mr. and Mrs. T.Brvn- Mean of Hampden when they 3};m.:.~x~.«ui Miss Beatrice_ Brentigan wrh lurchez‘ utensils. The evmijing mm x- my pin-wanly want In dam'mg. (Our own Correspondent.) \ very 111111 death is that of the beloved Wife 0f Ml‘. Thomas J. Sled 11%» died at her late lmme near this 11514;», early on Sunday mnrning, l'1111's1111her 2R. afte' 11 pretreated ill- lily-1.1% during which all that. rould 3.111 13111111. Mr hu' incaily and in the ilmpiial was 1101111 in save ho! ‘ life. $1111 i1'11111. l11zafili1ti0n we}: rrent patience and 1'1esign ”ion. The 1ieccz‘.lsed who was born on the i:11111 1111 whhh she diml. \\ as 11 .111113 ever ’19 years of age. She was the munger daughteia Annie, of the late \11'. and Mrs. George Dinvmedie and 11 bright and popular girl. About' twenty-five years age at Cellini:â€" wned, she was married to Mr. Sled and lived {111 a few years in that \ieinily belone coming to the Diu- wmdie l1011111~111111 1 She “as very lug'hly 11.111113111111111 in this community and in the Methodist. Church where she was a member. The funeral will take place 1111 Tuesday. :1nd service Lvnll be held in the. Church. Mrs. ‘Slml is survived by her sorrowiug husband and three boys, Melvin, George and Burton. Another sen died in 1908. One brother, Fred. and :1 sister, Mrs. Albert. Beerrni‘t in British (.olumbia SUI-11°11- the d11- «1.1111301! Deep sympathy is felt for line" bereaved famil) in their loss. The funeral of the late Mr. Rus- soxH, Whose death was rvported last W! Mk, took place to Flnshmfon oom- ti“‘V on Wednesday afternoon, Doc- nm'mr 25. and was large!) attended. vaioe was hold at the hnme near 9H South Bentinck Flesherton. 2m To Our Many Friends and Customers We Tender Our Sincere Good Wishes for A Prosperous New Year D. M. SAUNDERS $3: The will?“ nson, 51me With. 000‘ entertained one day last week at the seized home of the Superintendent. Mrs. and t f Dr.) Murray. The llttle toll; had when a very enjoyable tune gleeoratmg a Dra.'] Christmas Tree wnth mnssnonary of- the p ferings of over 87 to help spread the tioal Gospel in heathen lands. porte VVVrvâ€" â€"â€"v 7 A number of young people here ' Mrs. Albert WWI formed a sleighing party and spent sham visiting her. an evening pleasantly at the home Perigo who is very: of Mr. and Mrs. G» E. Welding-Ven- , Mr. C. N. Richarq deleur. The young couple were mother and sister I married recentl , and the bride was Sundny. He was ncc formerly Miss dna Stewart, Flesh- city by Mrs. Richard 011-011. . , to visit her mother Mrs. G. Mitchell‘s class of girls lreen at Detroit. in the Methodist Sunday School pre- Misses Rene and sented her a few days ago with' a. have. gone to Delru beautiful sandwich plate as a token positions, of their love and esteem for her. Dr. and Mrs. 1‘: Mr. J. G. Griffiths of Owen Sound, week-end visit with the only surviving charter member tm'horo. T e l): of Prince Arthur A. F. and A.M. werecarod rlw I‘ here, has still a warm spol. in his ville who gave HS 1‘: hum-l fnr hie nh'l lmlzze as Shown by while in town, GIL IV V U usau vvvvvvvvvv l bl! , Mr. J. C. Griffiths of Owen Sound, the only surviving charter member of Prince Arthur A. F. and A.M. here, has still a warm spot in his heart for his old lodge as shown by a nice Christmas remembrance to the lodge and token of good-will ex- pressed in a generous cheque for- warded to the secretary last week. Mr. Griffiths was a highly reSpectcd resident of Flesllerton over forty years ago when he and his brother- in-law, the late Solomon Damude, conducted an extensive business here. We congratulate him upon his long, active life and wish him many more years to come. Reeve McKenzie presided over a ,fair sized audience in the Town halli «in Tuesday of last week to hear Mr. Squire, Provincial Deputy Minister of Highways, speak on the abolition of Statute Labor. His lucid address ,on the new system of keeping up Emuntry roads was listened to with deep interest, and any questions at- terwards asked were courteously answered. The speaker said a very large preportion of the townships of the Province have already abolished Statute Labor and had found a marked improvement for the money spent. He made it clear that a town- ship may continue the old system, but, if so, no Goverment grant would be recived by those so doing. _ U .Jv -‘rvâ€"vvv.‘ V. V____ The Presbyterian Sunday School passed another milestone on Christ- mas night at its 49th anniversary entertainment, holding an entertain- ment and Christmas Tree without the tea of former years. The severe cold and stormy weather kept many away, so that the. audience was much smaller than usual on this occasion. 'l'lw pastor, Rev. J. Harrower. pI‘P- sided and conducted a varied pro- ,‘-’l'.:lll consisting of exercises and i‘e-ritations bv the little tots who are always cute and amusing. Dialogues were rendered by some of the inter- mediate scholars, and a playlet en-i titled “Uncle Joe‘s Will” was proâ€"1 sentml by some of the seniors. A song; in Gaelic by Masters Leverne land Milfred Piper was very pleasing and received a. hearty encore. Miss Marion Stuart gave a recitation in a very effective manner. A song by Mrs. McCallum was very sweetly rendered, and choruses by the school children were very pleasing. An interesting and entertaining feature was a visit from Santa Claus and the. distribution of gifts from the Christmas Tree to each scholar in the school. The evening closed with the National Anthem. Walter McMaster, a young man of about sixteen who lives on the Third Lino, had an unpleasant experience and narrow escape from losing a loam of horses on Friday night last. Driving home from here an attempt WEN made to cross the little lake on the Fourth Lino. but the ice was not sztronjz enough. and the team broke through leaving the sleigh on the ice. After a heroic effort, the horses were released from their per- ilous position and taken to a neigh- bors where all were cared for till morning. Sunday was anniversary day in the Methodist. Sunday School. Tho morning sorvico was devoted to the children who took the place of the choir. and tho. pastor’s address was appronriato to the occasion. At the. evening service. a splendid male ins 30037010311188 WW W'gt'i'r vuu. um «"â€" son - I!" minis and 0mm..." ’03.;‘1lufi-ikleurclwd as on, W M (ob 0 ‘n 0‘ h. _ a, 8P0. on a g' M u, M I‘. an d \11‘13. mixed with Wig‘fi'g nmiul' ”in.” I a l u lwuav unav- Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross of George- town are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stewart and other relatives. Mrs. Gross, Stu, of Chesle is visit,- ing_her~son and_l_1_§s wife . ere, Aâ€"‘A -- --:-:‘:nn "firs”sBFnc‘éW 'i‘arbiiié is viéiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Beat and Miss Rhoda East was home from Toronto over Christ mas: . Mys. John Cathcart of Carrol. Mam, IS Visiting her aged father,’Mr. An- drew Carr and sister, Mrs. 'l‘. R. McKenzie at Portlaw. Friends here DURHAM £9.41. YARD NO ORDER TOO SMALL----NONE TOO Bl(.‘ 'Havin'g just completed a modem and up-m-dut. coal storage with a complete stock of I am prepared to cater to the requirements 01 .u' needing coal and can deliver any quantity to :my par! of town on short notice. J. N. MURDOCK, DURHAM Tr? Doctor‘s patients 1' In hr. Carr of Price- mvn us :1 «all on Sunday Lackawanna D. H. Anthracite in all sizes Georgia Creek Smithing Elk Steam Immediate Delivery To All Parts of Town In Large or Small Quantities No charge for we '8 hing over ton lot S returned 1 n flocnnn Of T n ‘1'- m with his 818mm uh . M I 9'. “an we «Wm Cln “1?. _ 31““. Brown 01' 'l‘orouto .. “.0 m .1” g viumr eraim d m , 06300. entm‘tailwy and -- amnion. Tul'hmh) \Ntua ”fig, a“; Christmaa “ '1“- Hugh Mom . Hf Ibo- uv-v -- â€" Toronto Linc. Among the” wiEGorduu Long Is on a frieds at Honeywond this Mr. James Staffprd is' I Dé'l‘ltoiz 73:3 Invalidfi 008'; in thla n5iéhborhood of Swim: The building will be 90 by 1840 ..... 1‘ and the whole structurt- will l~- 1 steel. 'mrâ€"ln Beatâ€""10k. 1m th'o-nm 24. to Ilr. and Mrs. Allan (I. \\':~- inghlm will hue a no“ 2 2.222 -L“‘“""I k-Mla -v-w ' Elle old'fiome; Miss Ship: 0‘ T0000“. Qt her Imme; a. Kym Thls‘ilvtp-“mtn‘ W and WM m3 “9881‘s. F.1‘Hus1 My Kelly} hen o w sympauy . I“ of her presqfi i” ll minted ankle I Went m the 3 visit “'1”! week. homo frun' 17," Reovn MP1! ' 3H 3 W90". of MS st. \xm'ol " 1. year, and rum .008 asked by ”I" 1 nelalim: In IH\\H ‘ P8. H0 I‘o'h-y'w am Is tlw {bounty wt 10 monm- sywn on comm-1m: thv vamvm ion of ”w v u: now moth: ' - DNDOWd In ”H ; cit schomu 1... 1 “ ta Laluw Mr. M by voting: m "I9 inwnslm ‘ ’M “A“ . mer in ad: 0 Stafuh- Lat. d “It‘ll juln;~ ~. .8 au“l.'0'”l"" '2 I the {)0le t E- owed that :r. ' hum M 5".) c173 ' . (30“ in 9:15 .' w “Io‘ ”9 ""' ' n “50 KPH!“ he ’_ Ina Md 3 ~\ . “luv SPY‘H ' ' ' and the mam“ r s: Ghll‘il)’ ¢':l~w~ ?’: “NATION Q PASSED 0; lulu Council Ge Mons To Be 1 Nominatim h ‘. passed Hf! .ount of mu) .0 four («Mm In Durham H held In the 1H»- ”d short admu mtiring Maxw 23 nommw ~ 3 towns nmr referred in and cxprvssu W“ ‘ 8‘00 1 H for the high: m 0f :1an'. I mmnolmlm 3 ”Short add: J, N. Murmur. Allan. “x .1 H. Hunter. Mr. 5-" W88 mvvn !‘ .M ”:31. u would hv 1. clean Up :1 i mdim: dvh? “ mills. ”w ‘ only 13.9 ma'l “a [,0 hr In pmvcmmst: :I t. and mm would han- h. “togethm‘. H izens wnuM . The only lirvu WIS betwwn 12 Iocvo Calder km him that Kt'llt'l be 0f no hmwlil 'Vo incnnvmm-I in quarm‘s. Councillor Hm gave Um :ulclrou with sound at“! citizens -.:o-Iu a! help out mm ”H. “In"? "H“ ; ." building :qu g. the “MVP. \\ ~-~ nominahw=~. Hi the Cmmm'. l-ll. Kay and M. drew Uli‘ll‘ ".m; cm: six “3. - when! \ullz " x m by am'lmn .‘ , Th0 ”I‘lllltmu. r lash arc- r : therv will ln- - Remus I), .l. \lv I“ year. «up.- {here Hu- par: lat-non. M!- WHOMI‘IH t Mucil "HI"? 'I m or tht‘ :1 mod. This I: '75 for not! : salary u: t .L (iru-mvn. . Tm'nlml! Wave. In ngwmn. ”Inkt‘d ”H I011. in ”)0 elief in ”1 ion of (mu us his uh! More thv n titted Mr. 1 this ”0"“. H OI Nous husn. u ml The sneak. fh°Yl m that mm! H and: that h.- hm! ~1 “fled to tvw Is-rnu three man :1: ”Ir a hid hear-1 tum Ill. hc' WM!” . contest. -‘\.~ ”I!“ Inn certin. .I in m I mdidacx for ”I M the nominatm Mt ind Nnrma I‘d these passem (nu-an; out of NI Italy Cmm. .2 m lion entirle um MM had In . n Whimso H "I favor of me ~ mt 62.00!» H Bill's 30 [‘1'!‘ Short. AéMr wen llnan 58.â€"-N0. ‘1 H W ll 'nu

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