West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 1 Jan 1925, p. 6

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lug so-c uwi. It had a lenuexwy w ow..â€" Iar' all or the time. The circuit sham» In tho- diagram is a modifica- tion n‘ 'm- Mira-Audion which re- mmo-e tho- above-mentioned draw- horkvz. It as knuwn as tho- Four Cir- cunt 'l‘um-r or a (‘mekaday's Tuner. A4 shown in "in diagram lmlow, the 'mio-mm H nnw nn II somarfltn cin'mt from Hm main lunm‘. In ad- ditmn Hu-rv H a new mm'uii. 00n- I! will hr ro-mcnmereu wan um! ur- lra-Audmn receiver, . cently mmzussed m thesn comm... had twn so-rious drawbacks] and of olul [mt tum! wry sharp y. 'l mu «uni. it had a tendeng‘y tofioscn - . -‘lxnfil. a condenser am! 3 mail. which is coupled to the secondary nircuit. This new part of llw hunk- up is known as the absorption nir- and it is used to keep the de- - tube from oscillating when the «M. is him-d to a particular wavelength. In addition. it may lu- useol as a mu» (my. ”sting of ’l‘lw primary indurirmce. snow" as -:\) in ”IO! diagram. consists of ‘5 turns M“ 20 gaugi- DU} wirv wound on a 3.5â€"inch OHEHIINN‘. This inâ€" IIui-tanrv should hr taupe-ii at. awry ninth turn, and sliuulol ht! si‘paratud ham and kept. at right angli-s la the miluctanro' (8‘). 1M imiurianco-s B and {C are wound an (hr samv rardlmarii 00"". 3.5 "who's in iiii'lh"h'l'. fl; rug-33‘1- nf 35 turns and 11‘. of m tug-m 4mm 0f '20 gaugi- IH‘A‘, \\'il‘o‘. 'I‘hi'i'w ,ehvii'u‘ kw :l sparv .ir VJ-im-h ham-own H! 'H and (1) \Vmilings. 'I'hn primary i-nnphng mil J) i‘Hll‘ls‘ts‘ Hf 2 turns 0" HH‘ mm” sil' ‘-..I\‘..| WI“ 0\0 <.-lm.vl purposes. i {luv si-hnols closed last. Friday. and m.- tvm-hm-s dvpartod for their hc luvs lu i‘lUn)‘ their holidays. Miss Dennison wont to Newton. Miss Flo-yd to iihvsh‘y. Miss Edwards to mlzm‘a iliul .‘lr. Koch lo Strailord. Thr fullnwing arr home for the Christmas festivities: Miss Eunice ’l‘yndab- from North Bay Normal Srhnul. Ellwl Hum. from Toronto1 Normal and Mix" Rota Roberts. hh'i'lli'l'. SCO‘slllllll. Mr. and Mrs. William Nelson and MN Marjory haw bone to spend a low days with rPlatives in Buffalo. h. l \ns.‘ 4%» turns on a \m Mr. “Mun! Bunsmn of Toronto is spending a while with his grandpar- mts. Mr. and! 811. Jolynjlangry.‘ '\lllc yiQ-f R6; "ic’i‘één" "6?" {6E "13in ot \Inntreal Visited at his homn in Al- h-innlor Christin”. Holstein mull llw Mlssvs Russia and Jessie ‘nf lllwwlamcl urrivml Iwnw 0n \V'od- ,~ ll‘ _ H": ) ’lt.‘ ‘ - w: . H ("r ” n C" “Mud“ luvs-day .mghl lu mend Lhrlslmas m- :mmml Sunday Sl'lu'ul vulvrâ€" l \\'llll llH'll' mnlhm‘. Mrs. J. \V. Smithu ”Wm Hf :h‘ 31..;',...h.t (hm-ch “Mr. and Mrs. 'll‘lmmas Torry of‘ _ l\'l'l'.~3ll w spvnl llu‘istmas will) the .'. r“ s . ' 1 l 3 .‘ " ' “J. ll. l l. ln lln lull ill lull. Lamb mm”).- \ manna. llw \Vc‘ullH'lf “"5 WV} .‘Ilss Bm-llm Hmwss ul' lirawford nm‘ulllv, lull at gnml-smnl mull- Spf‘nl a cuuplv all days last week \\;h m ullmulzuu-v. and tlw pm- \nlh lwr snslrr. Mrs. Hugh Macdon- umnw was pnmonnn'd l‘xm‘llt‘nl. ultl. pl‘m‘-‘o‘cl§ :mmnnlml In about $28 .\ Happy Nrw Ynar to all, ll ‘,||'o' {n llt‘ llSN’l lfll‘ Sunday â€"â€"--.--.â€"-â€"-â€" Misses Isabel and Mary McQuarrie of Toronto are spending the Christ- mns holidays with their [intents Specifications mu! m paralu \hlo‘ rundonser I . _ sts of 3 turns m‘ ”an ~u wound directly uwr th. \\ s‘hlo‘M Shomhl ud ur hdt u: us.:h1thrly1 Id we usuauy Copyright. 19 H €38 Catherine Smith of Toronto k. wants to know the. follow- ‘In making a \\'a\'vmvtm' to tho- lm‘am'asnng: mug» of nuths. huw many turns should d In parallel with a 23-plate H M r. She problems. whirh l ll‘A‘. wm'. Hr ‘Agfillr' W 1nd I ngs 11mm right m COWWRIJ '. 19.34, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicc RADIO QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Sherrill will be glad to help you solve your radio *ms. Write him, care of The Durham Chronicle. llllt'Ulan" \VIN'HI U "HI of FOUR CIRCUIT TUNER inrh diam- r in shield- 'X' antrnnu. lmm‘h'd in shown |~|§1§ “f w \\ nund Hm m~ HUG' SI!" 'IL. 4 .\ {"t'llh'l giu' \Q'l l\ ABSMPYIM 6/060” To get the best results from this circuit. high grade variable con- densers should be used. and the lui‘m in the (B) and (C) windings should he spaced bv the Width of tlw wire melt. The two variable rondvnsers used should have. 23 plates vat-h or a capacity of 500 mmfds. Tuning The Circuit In tuning this circuit. th oinduc- harm» switch for the coil (A) may i .u nlm-ml on any point as a trial nisition whils- the condenser (C') is I luxriwl until a signal is brought in. 1119‘ ”w 'l'hv signal shuulu nuw uu unuuauv w its maximum strength by a read- ,iustmnnt. of tho». inductance switch, tlw mndnnso'r (CW and the variable grid lnak. \Vlmn tlu' tuhn starts to oscillate and distort. turn tlw condenser (0”) until tflu- oscillation ceases. This sh: uld leave a clvar signal in the phunvs. .-\ l‘nml claw adjustment may iw nmdv by a var-M‘nl readjustment of tiw tilamnnt and the variable grid lvuk. .\ litllv pruvtico will prnve Itho- mum: tn lw lvss l'mnplicatfld {than it Sulllltis‘.‘ ‘ 4__‘.. l\.. ‘:vnA 'l‘hn grid mminnsm- snomu m- mum and should haw a capacity of 250 mml'ds. Thu variable grid leak» shmtld be connected from the grid In thv nwgatiw side of the filanwut ruthvr than in its usual position .. ~ .3‘ - gm] munh'nsm'. I; it ‘- do‘s'n'ml in mm a Siagc- 0P ~- m Bin fl‘o‘dlh‘m'y unmlit‘lculiun, *‘u- max’ 130 dnnv thz' samv as with 'n‘» Mir 1' ('il'l'llH. \‘(in-n ('1 I'Pl'ully built. and mwl'atâ€" at. n z'vm'iwr using: ihis circuit will 'no' \1'!‘\' wnsitn'c' and selectiw. nogath v H‘l‘). t Mrssrs. tllarrncr and Norman t’l‘hnmpson are spending a few days |\\'ilh thr‘ir parentS. . Th» teacher and pupils held 31 wry successful school concert last Thursday. The children performed their parts real well. and at the . close. the ladies served a dainty s hgpch that was much enjoyed by «Our own Correspondent.) \liss Me mum McArthm' is spending HH‘ holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Dnuiol McArthur. shuuld now be brought to A ._ - _ ...A I. hcv 0 ”bud- signal M1351». Edna. Corn and Man ther 15111111 “ith Mr. and M15 James Vo‘sa‘iP. all. It gives us great pleasure to be able to report that Mrs. Whlter Clay}: isnigpproyjng nicely. Miss Esther McLean is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents. Mrs. Lachie McLean left on Tues- day to spend a couple of weeks in' Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Barclay Thompson, of Inglewood are visiting with the [ggmer’s parents. Mr. and It's. A. .‘Huuun. rid mmivnsvr should bv fixed -l nan sim- nf thn filament hat- Rocky Saugeen m1 llllllllll '{ésifl'té ijqm this , Chicago) holdi. his own the past few days. I Mis‘a‘ Mamie Haley is gradually re- of Guelph were at Mr. William Firth’s; Mrs. John 0. Greenwood and , family at Mr. A“ Beaton’s; Mr. and _ Mrs. Hy Br-aton and Miss Blanche of . Bunessan and Mr. and Mrs. George I Furneaux of town at Mr. George E. - Peart’s;'l\'lr. and Mrs. T. Ivan Ed- wards and \V. H. of Toronto with I Spenser and Keith of Detroit. at the Edwards homestead, the latter three remaining until Saturday of this week, Miss E. J. Allan is holidaying at her [mum net“: Chesley, and Miss A. McGarry of N0. 5 is at her home near (‘iodericn Miss Rebecca Banks of Toronto is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. M. Smith and her brother, Mr. James Banks. Mossrs. Frank and Philip Dunbar of Detroit were over to the old home on the 4th Concession for Christmas and remained for a few days. _ ”I‘ IS always understood that Zion will have a good program and a big A' turnout to her Christmas concert. so true to her reputation, on Tuesday [- evening of last week. there was a ‘ full house and an entertainment up to the. best. The “Little Folk" usu- ally take a big part, and fourteen of them had bright recitations as fol- lows: Catherine Timmins. Charles Timmins, Elvie Hastie, Mary McNab, ,Ewen McNab, Isabel Mays, Isabel Kleist. Ada Banks, Violet Banks. Clara Jack, Iola Noble, Mar?1 Ander- son. George Blair and Vio a Neely. Besides a group of seven had a very pleasing “candle” drill, a larger group a most unique and amusing “stocking" drill and the entire school group rendered two appropriate choruses. ‘ Violin selections by 1 Messrs. Arthur McNallv and James [’11 wt with Mrs A. \lcNally a11111m- panVing w 1111 well received. The pantomime. “Silent Nigh, HolV Niglii." by four fair ones robed in white. was a taking number, and a "Star" drill by nine maidens was . 11111't.11111l11113;1' 1111t.1-1rtai11i11g. The adults had th11111 bright dialogues, well- a11ted and full 111 pep. Miss Katherine l1irth as usual winning warm ap- plause. They also contributed two 11h111us11s. Rex J. E. Peters was in '1 111:1.4t affable mood and handled the 111:1; program with dispatch. Santa t'la114' had gifts galore. and ”111 big M1111 14 and Church \V111111 beautifully 1i1111'1lai1'1i.'ih11 1111001111113 amounted 11 z1i10llt ‘20 though sideieads V11-111 pil11l full, 1-11111H\ 1'1'11\\1t 1"1th111 ed at the: l 141.1..‘4‘hi11 h: 111 1111 Mondzn to attend “11 nominations some l1 umg sever- al miles to trudge. Councillor 'l‘. lhodie “allied 1,1\111 four miles on 4111111 shoes ”the Council of 192’ had 1,:1'10d b1idr1e- building 111111111111 to ‘iilt‘il 111111dit. having eonstructed tvm tine steel and concrete arched l11'11l1,.1'e.4 . at Mr. I. Anderson's 1"1'1111111 and the other at St. John’s ti1111'1'h at 1 111:1'3' 1'ea41111able cost. too: 411111t- 1111.4 111'grax'1lling haVe 1111 .11 1111111111.1d at an aV'111a1111 111st “1 1d a little 1111111 111t1Hara 1'.111i \\ hilt1 11"!'11 best 11: good i11il11\\.‘4‘hip pm; 1,- \ '1il11d. t't11111 \Vas 1"11 ti1'i.4'm 11111111;.1.1 .11 11 keep 11111111's1'ai1lV li\ely. Mr. 11 .\1'11hi11 .‘lrtluaiv was nominated to 1111. 111111114111. .Reme Weir but wasn't pres- P1 fl) ”â€" w 1‘111 :11 11111 n1111111m. 13115111135 1h11. four nuncillors 1:11 11111 past \111311, Messrs 31311101111 Mack. 'l‘homns Brodie, John “1111111111 and \lex Alj011 the fOll(.-1\Y 11;; mm men \\ 111111 [1111 on 11111 list as 12111111113109: 11111551561111113111 F. P113111 .1 Black and M1. Juhn McKechnin 111'J111111ham R0311. 1111. John ONeil, 2111111 :1 911111111111 3111111011, had his 11311111 \111111111211111.\111111 501111311 was in 11111 1111311 but his 111111113 were light. M1. 12111111211 811111111 being present, 11 .1» 113111111 upon and spoke to the 1.1111111 on $011111. 01' 11111. vilal items af- uvuâ€"uuw I'vrting the townships. ‘ szas a plan- syrn to have Mr. Pvtel' Ramago of Hm vamw at. Um meeting. 'l‘lu-m- Mammal men got five yoars 034511 in penitflntiary for flimâ€"flam- ming a merchant of Haileybury disâ€" trict out. 0ffl$‘3,509. Se_t,tell got three yt-aii's fur flim-flamming Sir Adam Buck and Mr. Pope out of thirty thousand dollars of public money. Th» administration of our Canadian laws should be a matter of pride to every Canadianâ€"but. is it?â€"Flesh- im'lon Advance. .- CANADIAN JUSTICE From sea ,to sea, our native land, where beavers build their home, fi I seal these words with wisdom’s pen, the Maple Land, my poem; Though leaves do fall on staiesmen’s h . graves who rest in peace asleep, For honor of your Country, come a flll their noble seat. ' Fear not the narrowing lusts of hell f‘ and men who walk in pride And trample o'er the souls of men 1‘ to gain a narrow side. Let old traditions have their sway and prophecy fulfill; 9 Rest on your ears, Ye Maple Land; there‘s peace on judgment’s hill. - o l'nlock the seals, ye north men bold, 1 but guard the tree of life. There’s more to man than dust to beast; . . . . The ev1l Spirit is in man, so let your envy. cease. ' 1 Sound loud decrees-o’er all our land; let wisdom’s voice proclaim. We see the Jews all moving home. I wonder who’s to blame! Watch for His coming in this land, a shepherd once was He, ’l‘e guide a nation by the hand and rule humanity. {fall for your Prince. His herds and _ flocks are Manna for our race; Set up a kingdom o’er this land, no famine days to face. \‘e statesmen bold, from sea to sea. . lei. health your motto be n 'lhat God may smile upon our land, F" the little Maple Tree. La ~N. Irvine. Grenfell. Sask. QI‘DI 74(1me W V'WV V" "" ' "' surprise, instead of the plow sure she had expected ‘0 fl“ wife, how can he expect to find customers for them. It is said that the Family Herald and Weeklysgar‘pf‘ Mogtg‘cal works 1 __n n--- all“ '1 ‘I‘J"|J “‘4‘. v- _._ on the principle that nothing but the host will do for its rradors. Tho soundness of this policy is amply domonstratod in the rapidly growing, subscription list of this great weak-1‘ 1y. The public have boon tempted? by trashy wooklios at give-away prions, huL whrn it comps down to valuo for your money and a genuine Canadian flavor to your reading, the Family Herald and Weekly Star has no romgmtitor. This year wv see that tho puhlishors are giving each sub- scrihor \Vlinso subscription is rrceiv- ml in timn a Ian-go» ualondar for 1925 Mill: a beautiful picturo ontillod ' “'l'ho Salo- of Old Dobbin", and a free rnlry lo a ronhul, in which ton thou- sand dollars will in: awardvd. The subscription prion of 'l‘lu- Family Harald and \Vpokly Star is only 'l‘wo Dollar‘s :9. war. Water in the Melon “Hnw du you get the water in the wator-nu-lnns1’" 35km] thv small buy. “011. 1 plant {110 somls in the Spring." answered the gardener. - .2 Many a self-made man started by picking a. prosperous wife. BIG VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY “The Maple Land” DUO "w. 'Oâ€"' "www.â€" If a minister ukes one step into the world, his hearers take two.â€" Cecil. ‘ 4.--... flaps and happiness are so chum»- my that, when one dies the other committs suicide. to the end.â€"â€"Quaries.' 80 live that. when your summons comes you won‘t. have to bu books. mule J‘AA‘ I luvv-uuo. Soft words aâ€"rc frequently more cf- fcctive than hard facts._ _ V v v---â€"â€"_ The watchtiil sentinel is happier! than the sleeping soldier. Maternal level thou word that sums all bliss.â€"â€"â€"Pollok. Sensuality is the grave of the soul. â€"â€"Channing. . Simple duty ham no place for leanâ€"Whittier. .- Imimiibh ‘is the sincerest flatten. â€"Cotton. None but a fool is always right.â€" U.l‘.U. [up u .... operated by it this year bandied 3,000,000 eggs, and that the price paid to the producers was on an average ten cents a ,dozen higher than the market. price for farm eggs. “The U. F. O. has accomplished something in an experiment of this Al U.F.O. repogjts 31m the egg pool LEARNING 1'0 881.]. EGGS Sault Ste. Marie Star) nature. 3640 ertive marketing mm W y.â€" reso utions urging the Government to assist in the work. but one suc~ ' ' 'edon by the coastal experiment carry ment and a rout on the undertak- ing. Once thorough! realizes that n. om do its own more wins, it. Will see bet tar days. trunk or bag, rub a cold potato over the back of the aper label. and it will stick as firm y as if glued. Martin in flu Bunnie“. !t Pay: 088 FOR GOLD POTATO Fupe peaksintho (‘, red for 1h (1": km Students v‘ “(18. The thmxw “in 'hPf’d ‘nnr' ‘ \ crick Firm were led 1») 1». , . Edward buy. 2}. ( O‘D‘di'rlh Ttn 5,. have boon Lawn-(f M after the 12m A I IMPORTANCE 4 PROTECT! CANADIA The party ma unconqurrod M limes ()ulrur‘. find the 1mm». 1" thl< HWY ('1 arm A. but: anl"O"‘ '1. 2 desimh-oi " and. h. ~ " In sum 3. msuu !-' ' ‘ :turm' fm- ' for surf: :: ‘ as mum. ' the Iarzt‘.‘ H (filer «H'NH': sider this ~ the farmrh bee and pm" vicinity H? -‘ villa Pent“. :ZJVN) ”Mm-1- "' mains in ’9: cons-limo «i I" exports-0‘ '1 {mm flu {'1 the “vi"! c H in 010 ("W rnnsunu'ti u “me; about u is ('M'tzm pot-Linn Hf med (m H u [kiteâ€"Barnum bloc-t Palm v..l sequentlfi' "" 1‘»- :‘fi‘duc.§g 0‘. Hi" f Pijflfi. "I“IL‘ 11” waveform 13"? m 5"“th nf fllt'.‘ um LIN-N "W“ m.ng putfllkt‘f] a" mp fartnrlfl m citing. -?n\\fm Quebec “hat xx :1! union 0{ U""" l M wht-n 3 f1“? WV- ., 1 ”halfâ€"DWI“. w ’ ' n po'mluinn \H:h ‘_ ‘ '1‘ n.. filler ale“. Th" an. no not. 4-~(‘8!" ti” c'og- du\\1|. ad ‘1) ‘h‘. pm“ mmwv ”1 "* "'1'er haVo- [3"1 buv fruit. Mm" and 0mm- farm x week and "‘1 I!“ M [more 5' now-t mam M

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