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Durham Chronicle (1867), 15 Jan 1925, p. 5

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’. and out it for Cash ed at the Mill lftel'noon AN tfl‘ January fl, '3’! Year! e Flour 'am. Ont. VON “own I995 (1 House. :lid: “6‘â€" ‘: t'O‘ntrf‘, l Busch- u Msnn; n'idmn; It‘ll and nmlnm- munt. ~r, mvwhal, Put that h ll hnvkcy I )1 u-ham ' Mount IV morning fun. he It F0?- .\'II 0nd I ('lt'iln mm H- hnnld ramvs. team hard- wards vis i l- 7 “‘88 ham’s tum-e. Imn's “OHIO H by m: of lat- week. A pleasing feature was the Mrs. McLean pulled herself alo presentation to Miss Agnes Mac~ the floor and closed the kitch phail. .\l.P.. of a pair of handsome door but was unsuccessful in l book ends and a pretty Dutch silver attempt to attend to the fire in t “m. accompanied by an appropri- stove. She lay there ‘hree hoursl zite address. all in token of appreâ€" fore help came. “3mm of Miss Mcphail‘s sernces Dr. Carr of Priceville had her 1 in the club which she assisted in movedtothe hOSpital there on T111 weanizing and served as secretary- day when an X-ray was taken. S treasurer. Miss Macphail was was taken to her home in Pricevi .1....ply touched with the kindness yesterday afternoon. shown and expressed her'high ap- pro-elation of it in very fitting terms. I I Mr. S. Deliudmore. Frank 'I‘hurs- ' "'""""""" ton and T. \V. Findlay are sending ’ Pm .’w\\'l to the poultry Show at. Owen 86"“ 8 ‘Tik C‘s Smmcl this week. Mr. DeCudmore \Vl” attend the. ShOW. TILE ALWAVS ON HAND Messrs. G. B. Welton. W. Moore Sixes6.8.lo,12,15,16,18,24in. and H. Down purchased a race horse each in Hamilton. and the an- m 33103 ’03 an: imals were delivered on Friday last. ts for ‘Rcal estate is movmg here. Mr. W SIM“ ' \ s 1 , w. ' l'.\t H N Henry has bong!“ from P0!” ‘ pU'p REPAIRING A. Armstro two lots on the north . side of pea? sum. near the Ad- mm M to and an Vance. office. and will erect a black- smith shop on which work was com- 0mm m menced on Inga. by It. '70"- . Mr, mm a; My to W .\lr. R. \V. Paton. Toronto l'niver- sily student. who is supplying Ce- tlill'Vlllt‘ and Esnlin (Ilium-hes. was unable to take the work on Sunday on art-Hunt of the illness of his mo- ther who is in a critical condition. .\I r. Paton was at Dundalk on Satur- day night to go to his charge on Sunday. but was called home here after midnight when death was feared. Slight improvement has come. but the patient is very weak. Her sister. Mrs. Baxter of Bolling- wood. was called and is at her bed- "he monthly meeting of the U‘. “20. club was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geoqgg Cairns lgst side. on Friday afternoon, January 9, the pastor. Rev. A. J. Preston, occupy- ing the chair. After the singing of a hymn and prayer, the minutes of last annual meeting were read and adopted. This was followed by re- ports from the different offices and branches of the church. One of the llt'ltlceable features of the financial report was the increase in the loose collection of upwards of it!) per cent. This in turn weaks for itself or the increased attendance at the rhurch services. The work of a niiminating committee greatly as- sisted in the election of officers for the coming [near. The new Deacon’s Board will Mr. G. Beecroft, Mr. W. Beaten and Mr. G. Warling. A deaconess Board was elected of which Mrs. D. Williams was ap- pointed convenor. The committee of finance will__be comprised of Hm ..I \V valm'son In“ on Sat- mm“ to \ isit hm‘ sistm' at Hanm or. Miss Hazel Inkstm‘ has gono to Toronto to Visit. her sister for a con-- plv of \VN‘kS. (Our own Correspondent.) The annual meeting of the }'1.-shcrt_(»n_ljgptist Chyrch was held Messrs. G. Warling, Li‘fietts, C. Betts. J. Sewell, H. Allen, A. M'cKech- nie and also Mrs. D. Williams and Miss M. Warling. The clerk of the church, Mr. W. Beaten, was re-el- ected. The trustee board and build- ing committee will he, Messrs. L. Betts. C. Stafford, R. Allen, J. Jewell and W. Beaten. In a brief address following the election of officers, the pastor touched on some of the achievements of the past. year. Eight new members were received by baptism intn the church. Regret was felt at the less of two highly esteemed memhers in Deacon Mar- tin Phillips. Whn passed away in April. amt Mrs. L. Betts. who en- tered her eternal rest in June. This lean-s the ehureh with a net. gain Ht' six in nienlliel‘stlip fur the past year. After the lmsiuess the tallies ut' the rtmrrh servecl light refresh- ments. amt an enjoyable serial linur til-nurtit a Very tlttpliy gathering: in :1 «'ltN'. .‘Iiss Agnvs Hmnh‘rson is spond- mg ”HS work With friends 111 Tor- unto. Mr. Donald .‘lt'LPOd wont to Tur- nntn to visit his daughters over the holiday 5933011 and. svizml with ill- nvss. had to undergo an operation in thv hnspital last week which we lnarn was successful. and the pa- mm is imm'oving. \ good hockm match was played at tho rink hore on Wodnosday night last Iiotwoon tho Dundalk and Flash- oiton junior toams. 'lhos scoro was 8-i in tmor of tho lattor. (I. A. Mr- 'l‘zn ish “as rcforoo. .\I. :I mooting horo ot‘ representa- Iiws from tho Methodist and Presâ€" IntoI ian Young Pooplc‘s Societies in this noighlmrhoott. a Young PQOplPS Il°hmch IIIiIIn I'allv was oI‘ganIzcd with ot"IiIoIs oloctocl as tnllow: PI-osiitont. Mr. Earl P‘st; Vico-Pro... iIIont.. Mr. John Duncan; Secrotary- 'l'I-oasIII-or. Mr, 'l'. “l. Findlay. A public mootini.r of which notice will “0‘ gIVI'lI is In llt‘ “0'” in UN“ l’l'L‘S- liytci'izin Church in Fohruary when two sponkors from Toronto will giVo aIlIh'ossI-s. Mr. John 'l‘histlothwaito lost a tine cow with iIIIligI-stion a tow days ago. 'l‘iio lllllkt'l' was worth $60. 'I'lio young laIlios of Mrs. 'l‘. \V. FiIIIILay‘s class in tho Prosbylcrian Sunday School organizI-Il last. work with tho following nt‘ticors: Presi- IloIIt. Mrs. 'l'. \V. Findlay; Vicc-Pl‘os- iIchIt. Miss Mary Paton: Sccl'clal‘y- 'I‘I'I’Iasuror. Miss Edna Forris. So- cial ovonings will he held monthly. III-x. I". II, Fowlor. 8.1).. of Pulaski. Indiana. a I'ormor holowII pastor in tho Proshytorian Church here. has l't't't'th'tl a call from an important I-Iitirgo In tho town. of Watcrt‘ord. l’onnsyhania. in which ho rxpocts to ho sottloII noxt month. 'l‘ho IIhuI-I-II nionihorshio is 2'25. and in tho Sun- Iiay School about 230. Tho salary otI’oI-oil is 92.000 with a two mansc. .\|I'. Fowlor was snccosst‘ul in his work how. and ho is to ho congratâ€" Iilatool npon tho oViIIonI-o ot‘ contin- III II Slit I I'ss I‘lscw III ['0 III IIIII r ‘pnll, last “I'I‘k of mun- iIipal niatIoIs. “o morlooknd tho \‘oto in .\rtomosia on abolishing statuto labor. 'l‘ho vnto was strong- ly gainst. hoing I97 for and 590 against. Thursday, Jung-y is, ”an. 9-1..“ T v. sm'tt-i’mt'm 0360f "DDMIY‘I' ”b? oping some WOI‘K anon: Inc pi ennses and \s hen she entered the kitchen. the snow w hich had gathered on her shoes. caused hei to slip with the result that one leg was fractured between the knee and the ankle. Mrs McLean pulled herself along the floor and closed the kitchen door but was unsuccessful in bet attempt to attend to the fire in the stove She lay there ‘hree hours be- fore help came. Dr. Carr of Priceville had her re- moved to the hospital there on Tues- day when an X-ray vsas taken. She was taken to her home in Pricesille yesterday afternoon. l Sch-ti: I’m Tile Co. TILE ALWAYS ON HAND Sizes 6, 8. 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 24 in. mm Ill" '0‘ £11.. v-u uuu ygvyvs I: V" J) “- enham Street recently occupied by Mr. John Runstadler. It. is a good business stand with store, office and residence apartments above. Mr. and Mrs. Boss of Chatsworth gigiteq ove_r_ the_week-end with their __- -â€"â€"v '- luOI' - vsv Mr. George Brackerbury is on a visit with friends at Dundalk. He is recovering well from his recent ac- cidenl in which he was severely To lie alone on the. floor of her home for three hours before help arrived was the experience of Mrs. Colin McLean of Priceville who was admitted to Durham Hospital Tues- ;lay night. suffering from a broken eg. Mrs. McLean had been outside doing some work about the premises. and 8when she entered the kitchen. the snowwhich had gathered on her shoes. caused her to slip with the result. that one leg was fractured between the knee and the ankle. daughter, Mrs. George Liâ€"uiejohii'sT" MISS Florence Welton is visiting her. grandmother at- Mount Forest. The date of {tie HE'S School enter- tamment. here has been changed gain the 16th to Monday, January Mr. G. Carter of Toronto paid his sister, Mrs. R. Down, a short visit last week. . .Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Clarke are vis- lung 3‘ Brampton and Toronto. . Mrs. F. H. W. Hickling is visiting m___Torenw this week Mr. T. R. McKenzie, Reeve of Ar- temesia, is an aspirant for the office of Warden and is worthy of the honor. Mr. McKenzie’s long service of 17 years in the County Council tits him well for the responsible position and the duties of the office. Mr. (llilt'orijt (Look put, Up a big pilo 0f stHVl' and fm‘nilco wood for your srrihi' with his buzz saw outfit on \\'mlno.~‘ilay of last \\'('0k. Miss Hazo'l Firth i~‘ swmling this work in town with kini‘lrrd. Mr, William l’aylnr and sons are gottin: out matvrial for a big inuvlrnivnt. shml to ho orrctml this snmnwr: amt Wilhort (iroonwond is inquiring to put in now stahling unilvr (ho hig harn. Improwments ul this natuu- ho'lp tn1aisn tho Valnv o! tho taims and also hri __htens 513V- rrnl line's ot' trad". Quito 11 group of fair ones met at tho hum“ of Mr. \\'-. J. Greenwmxi on 'l‘tinrsilay attornoon of last. \Vook at tho rngnhir monthly Illb‘t‘timl' of tho \\'nn1vn‘s Institnto and spent a Vin-V lalnaeant. anil protitablo limo Mrs. W. .l, «look had a good paper on. "Premor Forum In Public Places." Mrs..lnhn 1,1leril'Zoalanilia. who is slunnling tho Winter at tho parental homo in Markilalo but. at. present. is \‘lSiiill‘.’ in the Old neighborhood \th-n shn grow up to young woman- himil. sang Vi'rV swootly a couple of hill t'a\n1 itvs Miss Maigaret Hroon- \Voml (llllhiblltt‘d a bright solo. A tast) lnni-hmm rlosml that part of tho ilaV‘s prncomlings. but after twi- light it It about ti score vonng poo- 1110 gathnrml and made merry tho night the host. hustoss anil two bonnie ilanghlors making mononv Mr. and Mrs. R. Down are enjoy- ing a new radio set installed in their home. The news on Sunday of the sud- den death at Mr. George A. W‘atson of Priceville was a shock to this vil- lago. Mr. \Vfatson was a resident hm-v for several years and was very highly rosprctvd. Zidn's aftm'nunn SO‘I‘ViCP on Sun- day was hrightpnml by Mrs. Law's wry {inn ro-ndoring of. ‘1) Low. That Will Not. Lot. Theo GO." Messrs, A. Marshall and Thnmas \Vallacv 11,-.01‘ NOI-manhy spout part of Thurs day last. in this neighbor- 110m! and \isited an hour 01' two at your scribe‘s home. LAY THREE HOURS WITH BROKEN LEG Mrs. Colin McLean, Priceville, in Durham Hospital as Result of Accident. happyz Mrs. George). Fm'noaux is quite ill at H)» home of how bmthmz Mr. (hmrgv H. Ponrt. Hf‘l‘ sister. Mrs. E. MiHImm and her lliPl’P. Mrs. Henry Bealnn. are hvlping Mrs. Peart to nun-so hm'. Traverston. (Our own Cor-respondent.) \l11..[11h11"limmins 11:11! an 011] fa- shionml \\11111;l- 111111 011 Saturdm at- 111111111111. 21111! 11111111113. 111111111 tho cross- 1112.11 with 11111:. \ftm' spmu'giin :1 month “1th his hwtlwr-in- lam :1t “olbock Mr. Ra} MM} lucklin Intux'nml home Hm first Hi ”In \\l‘(‘k. Thu township Fathom mot. (m. Munday and tuok the oath of office. \Vv sincvrvly how they pledged tlwmsvlws to rmlncv tlw municipal taxvs in Hrs?) and do all in their mm'm' In makv the" County officials (l0 llkmx'isv. I. Down his pquperty or; ,$y_d- ‘ CQA___A isfiél DEPAR'I'ING PRESIDENT GIVEN FAREWELL At the regular meeting of the Red Cross Society, held in the Armories on Tuesday, a pleasant part of the afternoon’s program was the inform- al farewell tendered the President, Mrs. D. Jamieson, before her depart- ure this Thursday for Toronto where, with Hon. Dr. Jamieson, M.P.P., she will spend the remain- der of the winter. In. D. Junioson WE]! Spend Ro- mainer of Winter in Tax-on”.â€" “Anld Lula 33in." Closed Haunt looting. . The ladies to the number of about twenty-five had met. for regular sewing in which they engaged un- til half-past four when a delicious lunch was served. Rev. W. H. Smith was then called on, and in a short address, congratu- lated the President and ladies upon their good work and the interest they are taking in the cause of the Red Cross. He referred in euIOgistic terms to the hospital Matron, Miss Fettes, and her staff of workers, and to the fact that while the Red Cross ladies themselves were deserving of great praise for their eil‘orts, and the success of the hospital, this same success was in no small manner due to the efficient management of.Miss Fettes and her helpers. Lang Sync." Mr. Mnnrn is. a brother 01' Mrs. “.harlps Pettx of \‘nrmanbv. Mrs. .lamns Muriro. Lancrr. Sask" Mr. \\ illiam Monro of Fleshortnn. :md Mossr . John and Thumas Mnorp of .\'v\\' York State. Mrs. Charles Petty Received Word of Death of Sister-in- Law .â€"Fam- :‘ly Formeily Resided in Alberta. 'I‘hv sad nvws oanw to Mrs. Charlvs Pvtty of Nurmanhy in a letter frum 3201‘ brother. Mr, James Mnul'v. Imlio. Llulit‘m'nia. that his \Vifv had divd nn Dvcnmhnr 3 in Riwrsitlv Hospital following: an Operataion. .‘vlrs. .‘vii‘mrv haul hrrn in pour health fur sump timr. and thinking :1 Will'mt‘l' climate might improvr hor rnmlitiun. Hwy snltl thri‘r farm at Swalwrll. Alhrrtn. nntl mowd to California last spring. Mrs. Moore srvmml tn grain fur a timr. hut. abunt thu rnt'l of Nm't'rnibor. she took a turn fur thv wnrsr and had to ho tnkrn to Hit) hosiiitnl. Tho mwrn- tinn was tlmnght tn haw horn sur- t-usst‘nl. but she livml only four hours al‘tnrmiril. Mrs. Munro was nttvndml by hrr sistnr. Mrs. Price. a trained nurse. lint, apparently Water! Water! Water! Bl. No. 4. Durham. Phone ”-12 Mr. J. A. Graham. TI Paquror 0f thn Hospital Board. congratulated tho President and ladios on their grand work and said that. while Mrs. Jamie‘snn \wmht he ahsrnt. in body. hr know her heart. would be with the \mIk. Mr. Graham thought the hrst compliment that (ouht he paid Mrs .zllmivson in lmr absvnco \wuld hr tn \\ ork hard. MRS. JAMES MOORE DIED IN CALIFORNIA Mrs. Moon“ was formm'ly a Miss Hm'riv of Blonhvim annship. and l'vsidvd mar \vr. Sim wont \V’nsrt sump \vaxs ago and in 1914 «ms married to Mr. Iamos Momma a for- mm' “011- knmxn Nm‘manbs‘ man. a sun of tho latn Mr. and Mrs. George Home. Besides Mr, Monro. two chil- «h‘t‘n. Muylwll :lgml 8 and Frmlclio :xgml -'I. survive. Shc- “as about ’5 years nf ago. The (tnmpzmy then joined hands. and with Dr. and Mrs. Jamioson in lhv contra a circlv was formed. and all joinml in tho Singing of “Allld a trained inurso. but nothing muld b0 410114.". Hon. Dr. Jamieson. on behalf of tho Society, thanked Rev. Mr. Smith- for his kindly references. He said the Durham Red Cross Memorial Hospital was one of the best small lmspiials in this part of the coun- trv. Campbell’s Grocery and Restamnt “a Is Good Health Worth? Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use. when Pure Water can be had I) having a well drilled. e handle Pump. and Pump Re- pairs. to the customer making the largest purchase during January and February, 1925. Sale begins Sat, Jan. 10 and at]: Sat, Feb. 28 Phone 115 North of Post Office Durham FREE! F REE!! F REE!!! Satidaotion Gnu-anuod ED. 1 . PRATT Tkfloudfrdfimbflcm THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Don’t Miss This Opportunity Patched Quilt in Star Pattern We are giving Absolutely Free a OUR STOCK IS ALWAYS FRESH WON LEAGUE HATCH FROM HANOVER TEAM Hanover and Durham N .H.L. teams played the “curtain raiser” game in the 1925 season of league hockey in the rink here on Tuesday night, and the opening clash was greeted with a capacity crowd. About forty fans from Hanover were present. The game was fast and clean and one of the best first of the season contests seen here in some time. Though the locals ran away with the score 4-0, the Hanover lads were dangerous at all times, and the Durham sextette were kept on their toes all night, with the result that the contest was a slap-bang aflair at all times with both teams Jairly evenly matched in centre ice. Loads Win First Homo Guns of ggrthern League Ghmpionship ries The opening period was pretty nearly all Durham, and while only one goal was scored, McDonald, the local goaler, was not called upon to stop a singe shot during the initial twenty minutes of play. Rpfvrnuâ€"«D, QI, McNamara. Mount. Forest. In the second session. Durham again scored the only goal on a lif‘: from centre ice by Elvidge, which 3 Hanover defense man tried to step but guided into his own net. In the final period, the locals scored two gnaw, making the full-time score Tho line-ups: Durhamâ€"Goal. Mr- Donald: dofnnso. Saundvrs and Svhutz: contI-o. McGix'r; wings. ‘l'llâ€" Vido and Buschlon: subs" Kl'vss V”!- lvt.t. Hannvvrâ€"Gnal. Lamunt: du- fonso. Huhm' :md MN‘Im'tnny: (mnh'l'. Harnlcl Bnottmw; wings. S, Bnnttgvr and P. Bluhm: sulL. Linnieslrmc. While not so fast, on tlwir skatvs as the locals. tho Hanmmians \xmv always dangm nus but could not of- tongot inside the Durham dnfons‘. The. "game throughout, was good, and while two of the Durham mum,- ors were of the “lucky” variety, there were many almost sure goals turned aside by the clover Hanuwr not guardian. Danni. â€"fn Domoch on haunt" 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Daraxe a. daughter. flankingâ€"«In Bentinck. January 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rankine, a daughter. Dnnsmoor.â€"In Glenelg, January 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Duns- Iowanâ€"In Durham, January 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Howell, a daughter. Human Lamnoo-lonryâ€"At the rectory. Mount Forest~ on Mondny, January 5, by the Rev. P. W. Richardson, Mary Ellen Viola, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W Henry, formerly of Dromore, _but now of Durhamto Mr. Frank Emerson Lawrence. son of Mr. and M13. Georg e 8. Lawrence of Egremont. Imhall-Swollandor.â€"â€" At Prince Albert, Sash. January 7, Miss Mary Swellander of Haley, Alberta, to Mr. Walter W'illiam Marshall, oldest sun of Mr. and Mrs. John Marshall of Durham, Ontario. Nu 0m.- knows the lwm‘mclws. mu- ”101'; Only those that. haw Inst. can h-ll. mt the unly onus that miss yuu most Arv tho ones that. Im N] van best Sadh missed in Husband and l‘amih. chochnio-Gnsby.â€"ln Durham. on January 13, at the rosidruce of the br1des sister Mrs. McMovken. by Rev J. H. WYhoalen Elizabeth Grasby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. \Vailliam Grastn, Bnntiuck. m Mr. Malcolm McKechnio. of (ilmwlg. McAnulty.â€"â€"ln loving: mvmury nf uur dear momma Sarah Ellm Mr- Anulty who chm! January 13.192.'_. DIED loDonald.â€"â€"In_ Durham Rod Cross Mvmorial Hospital. «m January 9. 1923'). John McDonald. S13, in his 70th _\'(.‘$ll'. IN MBMORIAM [I anon“ Wilmaâ€"In loving memory of Charles Caldwell, who passed away January l8, l92l. â€"-Sadly mined by Wife tad Fum'ly. Slightly Kind The telephone girl in an hotel answered a queer cell over the house exchange the other morning about 11 o’clock. When she “plugged in” a man‘s voice mid: “Hello, is that. the Soâ€"and-So hotel ?" where I m’Câ€"Piuaburg Sun. “Why. no." answered the girl, “this is the Such-and-Such hotel." “Oh, :11 right.” add the mun. “Just woke up and didn‘t know THE DURHAM CLUB OF 'I‘ORONN will meet Monday evening, January w, 1925, atrbthe Qunon Mnry Tea A___Hm_{_oaovs PLAY_ wrer, Rooms, 32 King Sf. West. 'Nronw. “The Deacon‘s Second 9 ife." will be given in \‘ariioy Orange Hall un- mrr the auspices of the U.F.Y.P.O.. Friday, January 30. Admission, 35 and 20 cents. i 15 3(3 PROBATION BRS WANTED Hi“ In ! H \M HUSI’I'IX\I.. «A in Mzss 11H: 5 Matron. i POSTS WANTED LIMITED NI'MBER CEDAR I’US'I‘S and (lvdar pulc-s. dulivvrml at. C.N.R. tracks. Durham. Fur prices and particulars, apply to J. N. Murdm-k. Durham. 1 1?; 3 PURSE LOST IN DI'RlHM DURING THE HULI- «lay m-ason. u lmlio-s' \Vllilv mull-o, silk pmw «'«mlzlining small sum 01' mum-y. Finclvr plvaso lvaw- al The (Zlm‘mivln ol‘livv. i IN IN Whilv lead the 0100!!!!“ “a. on P... 'l. (N La. M Mouth” DIAMOND RING LOST 'RHAM UN SA'I‘I'IUMY NIGHT purchasing in stores. Reward. at (Ihl'mm'lv “flier. Ind PM! I. Apply ‘15“

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