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Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jan 1925, p. 9

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’uaint Railway 't ht £9 ing \\' ’ January 29. am Corners ll am they ex- ..r luxurious MW 0! Ron- -than sixty "lo "lel‘S "I “Mild we if 1’ ‘-\..t~ tilt) Bi" - " ' 1 thth‘. .1; Mun as w. _- " . w'tl)’ requird ‘-' "\i'v’l‘lt‘nCG O“ \\~:s:htsâ€"-â€"tl|n$ bo- k “er; un- nus. Jamal 31.1380! Office and residence a short diet- once east of the Helm Home on Lambton Street, Lower Town. Dur- ham. Oflwe hours 2 to 5 pJIL. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays) . (303339 :35 GEEâ€"66 S'troe oppo- site old Post Oflice. Oflico ours. ' Mon am" 1.30 tofipwm 7 toOpm. DI. A. I. nu. Oflico on Lambton Sine} (the lute Dr. Hutton’s oflice). ounce hours, 2 to 5 pan, 7 to 9 pm., except Sun- day. 31%;:an maria: him... The Science that adds life .to yours and years to life. Consultauon free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and antenna! Baturdays. l§6n5a§§__éxcepted) . “Ulllrl \lluuuuv nto, ('iuraduate Royal 0011880 Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block. MillStroet, second door cast of Mac-Beth‘s Drug Store. (mice over J. a: J. Hunters store, Durham. Ontario. ”-0â€"“ LUCAS HENRY :zu-rxsu-rs. Soncitors, etc. A mem- tn-r of Hw firm will be in Durham on Tuvsday of each week. Appointments m") be made with the Clerk in the ”WIMP. ’ 1m. w. c. pmxnmg'hmgng " "Minimum? sptnnnua HIDDLBBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors Etc. Surccssol‘s to A. 'B. Currey. M 1'. 1:. c1. Muhllcbrn‘ IS permanently Imam-.1 at. Durham Oifice. ’0” â€"__i DAN. chBAN Lm-nsvd Auctioneer for County of mm; Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- umuhle- wrms. Dams or sales made at The {lhrnmt‘le Office or with him- ‘0”. “Buns-v u. v-___.‘ LH'o‘llSNI Auctinnm'r fur County uf Hwy. Prompt {Input-inn to sales. Roa- mnublu trims and satisfaction guar- :mlo-ml. hatps mad» at Tho Durham HIM-uniclc oflit'v Hr with R. C. Wat~ sun. \‘zu'noy. RR. 1. Phone! 60!: 1‘“. -â€"-4.â€"â€"- ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey \lmim'ate terms. Arrangements fur sales. as in dates. etc., may be mm.- at The Chronicle Office, Dur- ham. 'l‘erms on application. Ad- dress 1:. R. 1, Durham. 2 146mm] LOT 7, CON 2! EGREMONT taming 100 acres; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school; on the prom- ism are a frame barn 42x65 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; also hay barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 20x40: twelve-room time" home. furnace heated, also frame wondshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill: concrete water tanks' 30 acres seeded to hay; to acres to sweet clover; this farm is wei‘. fenced and in a gOOd state, of cuitnxttion. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy. RR. 3. Durham, we...“ 102523“ Ontario ___-____________..._â€"â€"â€"â€":-â€"â€" NIIIIIII PART IO’I‘S" 4 AND 8. CON. 3 3. I .Iemont. containing 66 acres; 55 RI' ..s IIlIIaIIId. balance hurdvood t::<‘II: In good state of cultivation; I‘zIIImII II-I II “3:50. slone basmnent -r~ItII~II stables; drilled well and 'YlI‘T‘.‘. tank a: barn. Also Lots 6 T, I"..IIII II. S.D..R. Glenelg.oim "I III; MD am III.a £00 acres clotted ‘I' I 1:: good suit? of cultivation; - ' a brick house eon- ' Y‘_'..' SIIUIII rooms. W‘I {h 300 'IIIIII “no '~lI(II1 attached; 0”] died IIII‘ aIIIIIzox IIIIIer failin springs on "Is Iarm making a c oice "to m. lhis property will be 501d I :M to quick purchaser. For par- liIIIIim'samle at \Vatsons Dairy. RR. .DIIrham. Ont 102523 U dfli‘c'e' and fesidelicg, Jun... _-_, Lo: 66. C012. '3. \\'-G.R.. Bflntinck. '2‘: mites sauthwest of Durham. con- taining Sfi GCTPS. 3105in clear and in gnnd state of cultivation. Bank ham with shed adjoining and smne st-‘iu'me. 7-rmmerl brick house with Mieneion kitchen and woodshed. WP} watered and in good repair. PROBATIOHBRS WANTED Fe m D! ’ REA.“ HOSPITALâ€" Apply to Miss Fettes. Matron. 1 fit! “'0 I v atervd mm m h» fwthm‘ particulars apply to “Hiiam Smith R. R. N. 1.1.. SIN", I. _.I.,I 6.2.8. 0. _... _- FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Billcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto Hitachi; Juan 3., 1m. FARMS FOR SALE Lirmsed u‘luctioneer Med Ital Director?) Mu w. um I. ma: Formerly of F lesherton Denial Directorv Legal ‘Dtractorv FARM FOR SALE of FOR SALE, EXTRA GOOD_BUILI_)_- PROPERTY FOR SAM ins lot, 54 feet frontage on Bruce St. Apply to H. D. McIntyre, Countess Street. 1 22 t1 GOOD SEVEN- ROOM, OONGRETE house; electric li shts; hard. and no“ water in kitchen; furnace; good, roomy cable with cement founda- tnon and floor; four acres land. Ap- ply Ernest Ashley, Durham. 18 6 pd. GOOD SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE on Countess Street, all modern cons veniences. Apply to J. J. Atkinson R. R. 1, Durham. Phone (MB-23. Opd. BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Photognpher. 10w FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOLD building lots on George street, North of Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 221 if FOR SALEâ€"GOOD Tm-S’I‘ORIY frame dwelling, well located on Lambwn street. Bard md soft wa- ter,bath, furnace, electric lighu, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. 515 tf BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 1011' PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- ~Trade gas with the “pop” and long mneage. Sold only at Smith Broo’ Garage. 6%“ 1'11: S’I‘OM SAWING. LUMBER AND Shingles. Smith Lawrence, Dur- ham. 6nd FOR FIRE, TORNADO. AUTOMO- bilc insurance and guarantee bonds, etc" apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 tf WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mill‘s. 31521“ HOUSE TO RENT; WII'I‘H ALL conveniences. Apply to Mr. John .Vl.¢‘v1'z'i501\. Durham. 1176-” WORK WANPED.â€"THE annou- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. t! WHEAT WANTED AT "ROB ROY Mills. Highest prices Md. A HUMOROI’S PLAY ENTITLED. "'l‘hn Dnamm‘s Svcond Wife,” will be given in Vat-my Orange Hall un- dvr the auspices of the U.F.Y.P.O., Friday. January 30. Admission, 35 and 20 cents. i 15 3c. NOTICE TO PARIBRS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Durâ€" ham on Tuesdays. Shippers pro requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Ianagor. Turnbull, Georée sn, Durham. 10 m Phone 601 r 13 GUSTO. SA'IIG 0N MILL STREET NEAR McGOWâ€" an's Mill. Custom sawed lumber. shingles. etc. Hemlock. spruce and radar shingle timber boughtâ€"R. W. Morrison. Durham 12 18 tf HORSBS FOR HIRE RYAN'S HORSE LIVERY.â€"â€"FIRST- Mass equipment at reasonable rates. Rnhm‘t Ryan. Proprietor. Corner Lamhtun and Countess Streets, I???" LIVE POULTRY WANTED LIVE pnmrrm' WILL BE. ROI'GHT PBATBBRS WANTED .\'F.\\' GEESE AND DI'CK FEATHfiEBS ham. R'Kfiinfi.uufiiucgfigstf firices paidâ€"Rob- ert Burnett and Company. 11 tf \\'mhwsdu_\' fnwnoon. February 4. Get rid of your surplus poultrv now. Phone “3. Durham. Geo. . Hax'rnn. H tf AUTO KNITTBR FOR SALE GOOD A9 NEW. THIS MACHINE ha: knit. only am sock. has all at- tachmnnis. and will be sold at. a bargain. Can be seen at. The Chron- icle office. l8tf POSTS WANTED LIMITED NI’MBER CEDAR POSTS and Cedar pole“. do‘livored at C.N.R. tracks. Durham. For prices and nartirulars. apply to J. N. Murdock. Durham. 1 15 3 WANTED FNERGETIC MAN. GOOD RECORD. Tn cpl Life Insurance. Will assist to finance and 3901er business. Apnly to Box 5!. Owen Sound. Ont. i 22 Gpd " ‘Raéuiéfiâ€"Q‘IA ”larm clock wid a bust- pfl. buzzer.” â€"- American Legion Weekly. ‘ ' ' Io 1'09 Vimâ€"31f m‘ wad Nth. what would «0‘ Wm! most of all?” ARTICLES WANTED MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS Durham, RR. 1. u; Htf On the day after Christmas, I saw on a suburban train a little girl with a new purse; she fondled it for a long 'time; then she opened it. She turned it inside out; it was lined with unspotted white kid. She examined it, admired for five min- utes or more, and then she turned to her mother in dismay. “Mother,” she cried, “this purse is no good! I can’t put money in it, for the dirty stuff will soil this lovely white lining. I don’t really know whether to keep the purse and be poor or to take the money and buy what I want." She looked inside seriously, closed the walletâ€"and opened it. again.‘ “Why not use clean money in your new purse ?” returned the thought- ful parentâ€"and she watched her lit- tle daughter eagerly for the efl'ect of the query. .. “There isn’t enough of it, and Dad- dy says it’s hard to get!”â€"-was the quick rejoiner. I wonder! There is no more important. pro- blem facing you this.year of 1925 thgn the inside of your pocketbook: Important. of course, because it reflects your ability to meet the re.- quirements of necessity, to provide fowl and shelter, and as well the measure 01‘ luxuries to which every human being is entitled in the pro- portion of his capacity to make use of them decently. W'liat. worrivs-vmost peeple is the fact. that Um lining of the wallet is Visible at all. (me of the great. leaders of inâ€" dustry and finance said in him one a. day when the stock-market was taking misigns 0f booming activity: "Sun, how nun-h money have yen?“ “l have a total of $2,000,“ the )«riing Westerner answered. I know a young man who came from the \Nest a few years ago, fuli of Vigor and clean ideas. He soon \\ as thrown into (ontacl with men of big affairs who quickh under- stood his \alue. His usefulness was apparent. But morn important. is the char- zth' of the contents. . "\Voll, you lot mo buy for you on margin. $10,000 worth of A. B. C. (But he mnntionml a! particular stock which he knew all about.) Its hook Value is nearly threw timvs today’s quotation on tho tickvr, and it is due for a big ride to high price-s. You ought to makeA onough out. of th S[_)P('l.llatinll to finance” all your ungjgrtaklngs.” 'l‘lw cross roads had come much Smmvi- than this Young man had an- tiripatml. Ho talliml it, chr with his wit'i'. who was fared with the [DPUS- [met of motherhood;â€"and even a man can gupss that this royal func- tion of lifn is: tha more easily por- l‘ni'mnd in the comfortable surround- ings of a wall-financed hnmn than it. is wlivn tho thought. is hurrlvnnd with costs and hills. 'l‘hp advice was positive: “You «in it. H0 likos you and wants to tin St mething for ynu.” H" lmmlm'ad tho snhjnct dovply that night. 'I‘hv next, day. mind made up. the youth appoarod at. his frinnd's office. 'l‘hn morning papers told him that the stock had already begun to soar in a wry active market. D.-“I ‘. ‘â€" \\‘.alk111gin hurriedly, he said: “I haVe decided not to accept your kind 11ile1‘.I haVe nm or gambled in mV' life. and Ill not begin no“. (11' (20111311 V'ou think I am a fool; but I ("1111t help that. The moneV I have belongs to mV VVife and bah), and Im not going to embezzle it; nor am I going to make mine at thc1 ex- pense of somebody else. Besides. success in such a venture for me VVoulrl be dangerous. I‘Ve inter- \lt*\\(‘ll a lot of weeks along the Sheet and some in the peniten- tiaries. 1111.1 I_ like mV um 11th ” "All right." drawlpd the man \\ ho had boon making a test to sne whe- thvr this now-comer was worth his salt. 01' nut. whether he was to ho trustml or not. "Perhaps you know best." And he did know best. for in U10 waIs “hich haw followed. this inalh big man has stood by him Sipadfasth. has trusted him im; ilic- itly and has made. it possible for his life» to «ixmnss tho finest usefulness “-311.11 .h‘e A 11113 prospered. I told this fruo‘stoi'i" to a young man not long ago. Hp replied: "I‘hat‘s a fancy tale! I likn to roll my own. Givé me the mazumia‘. and I‘ll do Hm rust. I’ll buy a house on Easy Street.” -- v» That is natural. Confidence is creditable. Desire for woalth is not. unnatural. though no truer word was aver spoken than the often-mis- quntml: “Thfilnve of money is the mat of all owl." The Inside Of Your Pocketbook Road the front page of am dailv now apapm‘ analvze tlm stories anll (onclusions will be all alike. In many cases the newspaper itself in its spread of the details reflects the root or evil behind its publication. You are entitled to a house on Easy Street if you can earn it and. at the same time keep the lining of 30m mallet clean ;â€"-and it. can be done. is being done daily. Oh" yes there are people on “Easy Street." 33 ho 1133 out eaxned their places and whose pocketbooks 330nt bear in- speetion. but that is a different Easy Streetâ€"noisy with as many vans moving people out, as there are of the bright and shiny vehicles bring- PROPERTY FOR SALE The Gem-29 W'hitmnre propertv. near McGowan‘s mill: Much-ms? honsn: shhlo. hon-house. half arr-p of land: drillpd won. cistern: rand fruit trees. and a In! of «mall Irvin. “'1'! so" chmn to quick bnypr. An- ly to Mrs. Jnhn Schutz. ‘ 626 t! (By Walter lot 8001!, in "3uccou”) oTHE DURHAM CHRONICLE ‘ Tl IIGS WORTH KIOWIIG A Glue Hunt. Are you going to have a party? Do you want something new? If so try a clue hunt. The object is to find a hidden prize, one for a lady and one for a man. [Intil the very last clue. the clues are the same for both men and women. At the start of the game. the hostess names the rooms the clues are to be found in, eliminating inside bureau and desk drawers and bookcases. She thvn gives the first clue say- ing, for exzunph-, that it’s on a light. By much looking and surveying, the guests will finally find )inncil sump- whm'n inside a lamp siiadn a plL'Ct' of paper on which tho next chm is written. It. is fun to have each clue. in a ilill'crc.‘nt mom. On the lust clue, it. tells tho men and women tn go to diffm‘ont pizlcos. When the final placn is reached, the winners will find a clever prim awaiting ”mm. This game mum-s much pep and movcmvnt. as vwry 0110 trips to get there first. To Prevent Gaoking Odor 'l‘ie up a criisi 0!“ bread in :i vlmui View” of muslin. l’lzicu this in kel- tlv while cooking cabliago m- cauli- llowm'. and “IP mlm‘ will HUI vscnm- all through “in lmuse. ing nmwmnm‘s. The gcrnuinv Easy Street is a wry dim'i‘vn: Hmmmrh- fare. Aim to achieve it. don‘t awr- lmk it; but. b0 suru ynu don‘t, «lisâ€" possoss some wurthy tenant. to mzlkv placn for you. Easy Street is open at both ends and withunt limit Hf length. Don‘t, mistake Easy Street for Lazy Street either. Easy Street is Activity Street. The buslest men in the country are the men whu line both sides at this popular avenue. The assess- ments are constant; the pavements must. be renewed nt‘ten. fur they are worn by the multitudes who come for relief; pui‘ilic-serviee and the human appeal are \‘ery exerting. And Mr. Lazv Man is seen dispossessed. it by chance or inheritance. he makes it. 'l’oday. tho mvn who haw liwd longvst on 153% Short and who orâ€" cupv its llnost housvs find it llH'vs- sum to spam] and ho spout. 'l‘hoso “ho hau‘ t1 iml to isolaln thvmsohos and liw on idle gold in an exclu- sivennss which loaws outsidv of their consideration mm who live on other tl‘u‘n'oughfarvs. have found life in its realities a failure, Thev haw discovm ml that the Vill- uo of a dollar is not (*xprossml in the units of cnppor cuins m- sihcr (limos. but in its purchasing pnwcr measured by tho standards of sor- viCP: and the dollar must. haw- the sump valuv to the man of little moans. of moderate mvans as it has to the man of millions. l‘his is a season when men are ex- umining closely the insides «if their wallets. Pnnsideration must. be given and is heing devoted to influences which have not counted in the tu- mults uf industry. These influences have grown in importance and power. until they have. stirred an- xieties. NegligenCe and thoughtless- ness may he eharged; but in this rountry. we are not. given greatly to analyses of eauses: we look for remediee. The ford-most problcm in thc last campaign and the prflblcm which fixes our concvm today. and will contimu- to do so until it. is mct. is that which concerns thc farmcrâ€"othi- producm'. Your pocketbook and his are much morc clo=ciy related than you think. l. U.-.II ‘Vhat fiulmpvlcss world this wrmM The action of Nature’s Rpmeéyflfl Tho tune m-in one-third do... candy-coated. For children sod M s) is more natural and thor The effects will be a revela- tionâ€"you will feel so good. Make the test. You will appredatcthisdifietence. Una! For Over By Bl‘l'l'Y MT“ Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, flWHMHht’onm-ldflbbnbm Wab- stonâ€"ddnuhrinmo! ThDUHQCbn-ido. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) “Hints for b Toast. Tomato. Onion. Cottage Cheese. Method: Cut the required number of pieces of toast, cut them round. 0n tap of each piece, place sliced fresh tomato. 0n tap of tomato. place sliced mild onion. Spread over top 5' vhfâ€"(1.1: bf homage ch'eesn. Sprinkl'e paprika on top of this. 11/; cups cabbagv. 1 CUP pineupplv. , 1,4; cup celery. 1,4; cup almonds m' peanuts. Method: Grain tln- filllhag‘l‘. (-hup tho pinmtpplo. chap tho cvlvry.. (tut Up tho nuts. Mix all togvthor wvll. Stir in salad «lrvssing. Mayonnaiw is gmnl. AIS“ lllt' fl‘ull. salad dross- ing is ('xcvllvnt with it. Farm pmdum- must. find its mar- hv if ail tlm ugrivullurisls mum to turn artisans and capitalists and :1” to tho citic-s to live. A busim-ss man tnld m0 rvvvnily that he saw no roason fur cum-wru- ing oursvlws with ”In anxivlivs uf thv farmnr. that. tln- furmvr has a perfectly good sot of brains and Mn- ahility tn dvvvlup his. nwn fm'tunv as tlw man in businvss and industry has done. That is‘ llllt‘. hnt it i~ not aIcIn I.ItI' B\' the VI-I'y natInI- at his IIIcIIpa- tiIIn. II-qniring cluscst application in the planting and gum ing svasun anIt stiict altt'ntltlll tII harm-sh. tII sull- in:.r and in lth' stuck lII-th-vn sva- SOIIS. tllt' farmcl‘ is tlt‘lll'th'tt IIl' hi~' chances to III) “III intn thv wIII'lIl (‘t’llll't‘S t'III' any IIInIrth IIt' tlmt' tn Slllll'pt‘ll his trading wits against thI- sth-l of business, which is canstantL l)‘ kcpt, highly ’IcnIpIII‘IIIl. Furtlwl'mt’n'o. Hm wry mvmzs which has madc- lmsinc-ss his: and sinhlv is I'vquired for tlw surcvss at UN- “armor, and withuut farm pm- «lum- pmpm'ly distributml. our huge- innss cummnnwealth must crumhlv. ‘jt will take thv grunt cumhinutinns nf hrains and ability which chiminâ€" at(- tho world of industry and tin- anoo to uchiow sncvuss in agricul- turo. Th0 farmvr has thoso vlvmvnts but. needs oxporienco. _ Give the agricultural industry the experienced leadership of any of the great organizersâ€" Rockefeller. tiar- negie, Schwah, Vail, Morgan. Hill. Baker. Mellon, Atterhury. Kahn.â€"m- the hundreds of others who haw attained equal greatness in the ob- scurity of their own modestyâ€"{ou- ple this with honest and efficient co-Operation with the farmer. and there will he no farm problem. Lump of butter. 2 or three large onions. 1,5 cup lluur. 1 pint. boiling wntm' :2 runs}. 11/; pints hot milk (3 vups). For January COOKING IIITS A Nice Appdtiw A French Soup (Wonderful) Cabbage Salad Method: Melt lump of butmr h icttle. W hon hot. Md unions flied thin. Stir and cook until red. Then add slowly the flour. stir well all add gradually, stirring the wzzlar constantly. Boil l minute, set an. at back of slow. 000k 3 large pnlatm-s. Mash well. Add 11,9 pints hot milk. Mix we. with rest of soul», stir and summit a few minutes. O .3 caps flour. 2 lumping II-aepunns uI baking pII\\dcl°. Little mleI-d llIIll.¢'I|‘, lIIIlu salt. MCUIIOd llaw a lIuI «M II le IIak. IIII: pan \xIIh lIIIlc IIIIIIII III II or on It. ”,llII‘ll milk. Mi x wll. IIko pan from «mm. Add Invllod butter. Mix \w-ll. (in-as“ pan with I'vmam- mg buIII'I'. l’UIII' IIIIIII-I' III) who. Sprillklo In“ “IN. “MI layer of granulatvd sugm, llll'll with ground ('Innanmn and lasI, almllwr lIght lay er of sugar. Bakv, sol-VI: Immed- iately when done. kl'l as llw hm ilulusll'uw‘ hau- clone; and it is a slmrlâ€"sighlml policy la lump on paying «lm'lm"5 hills in «EV» m'y campaign to rc-mmly llu- illfi M radicalism. wlwn a mnmaralnwly minor Operation will prc-snnt Uli- gigantic member of our g, on econ. omic family in glowinu. Knoll Inc-all): and a happy frame of mind. Your pmketbook and tho farmer‘s Will both be better linml who" the farm- or who providvs llu- fund for your mm.» is alllv to lmy what. you manâ€" ufacturo war in and your out. Ilu-npvraliun is an ullv phrase I! it lw lllltlvl'slmul lllvl‘vly us the up- ‘m'ulnm HI' a lot of ltn'llld'l" grasping lhmuls and Singing: "HIM! lw the Lit “but binds." «Zn-unvl'atix'a- Sc'lliln.’ must include in this human vim-Iv great, strung links of mun whn haw had the vhanm- in gain vxpvl‘imwv. This will p1 rfmi a chain of (10-05101 dtinn not sinwh fur Hm hc-leit M ”10 farmer, but fur the safvuuanhng of III imlush'y. (loâ€"(mvrutitm is 1:“? a «mm-sided tuwratiun. 'l‘lw “Cu" whirl! florvu as a prvlix is just as. mmorllut II “11' "Cu." \Vhit'h thmx-a Standard Oil, I'llilml Slau's Sh‘vl, Pennsyl- vania Railruud. fivnvral Elvctric ml Anwrivan 'l'vlc-plmuv and 'l'ulcegraph. Giw that (kn-ulwratum to (he farmc-I'. tnkv him nut Hf Hm grip ‘ tlu- pawnâ€"mmkm- and HH- luau shaft. and hv will play m0 ualm: luylfly. nationally. and forgvt tlwru ever was suvh a thing as a blur. ‘34 cup sugar. w um milk. Navy Blm- Surcv. 36 inch»: “MU, “01'3“ch ..... . . ‘1.“ “'00! erws, 38 nuzhc-s wide. lwr yard .. ........ ”.31.“ Hvay'y Him-k Salim. 36 ”minus \ndv. pvr yard ....... ‘06 potatoes (mashed) . BAKING HINTS Delim’ous Coflee Cake UNDERWEAR FOR mmonv PAGS I.

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