West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 29 Jan 1925, p. 2

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PAGE 2. ./._.:1._.I.._..1. -13“ 2.1;“. 7.3.2 33:2. CIFmeZ >wm wowz 1;: 3.2.. A BOY’S PRAYER ql\'|’._ Ml“. IZ|.E.\N HANDS. CLEAN \\'()RI)S AND CLEAN mm m walk of Christ. It. is interestidg m‘ know that. Mix Hyrnvs“ gramil'atlwr. .‘lichagl Jumps Byrnes. was a convert from lhvnmnlsm tn thv l’rvshytvrlan Church. 'I‘IIII IIIS'I‘INIYI‘IVI‘. I‘IIATI'RII ()F JEWISH HISTORY IS ITS I'wsnllltn I'm-ward glance. 'I‘lwy wvru able at all times to bear tlu- prnsvnt. Iwausv of the px'nmiso in the past and the hope In Hun I'utm‘v. ~_‘__- -- ‘I-vâ€"r â€"" -â€"-v’ v-â€"â€"--v thuughts. Hc'lp nu- In stand fur tho hard right against the easy wrong. Saw mo- t‘rnm habits that harm. 'l'o'm-h Inn in \an'k as hard and play as fair in Thy Sight .nlunv us If all tlw world saw. Fur-um- mu \thn I am unkind. and lwlp me to forgive. those “II” mm unkind tn mv. Romp mo- rvmly tn lwlp ntlwrs at sumo cost to myself. Smut nw rhzmrow‘ to dn 3 littlv gum! every day. and SO grow mom- Ilko' vllrlst. - I ask Hus fur .lvsus' sakv. Amom. 'l‘ili". I'II'LV. .IIIlIN III'NIJAX BYRNES IS THE HOME MISSION lI-uIiI-I- III HII- IZIIIIIIIiian [Il‘UVilH‘I‘ (If NIIW Ontario, HP has I’lfllli‘t’l'i'ii HH“ [Ii'm HH'I' i'l'unl “lid in Phil, and during his super- IIItI-IIIII-III .\ II: Is III IiII' MM "1“!“ than svwnty churches and aided In HII- lIIIIlIiing III .~I_InII- huniy mnnsvs. When a minister at IlIIiIIIlt. M “as IInI II-Ii an initial salary of more than twice his nIIIIIstIIIuI saIIIII) If III~ “Ulliii i‘llii‘l IIII the business life of the plzu'o- with HM mile-gr frivntls in the. mining industries, but. lush-ml nl' zu'vo'ptmg hr and his {lvvntml Wife, a gold medalist in nmtho-nmtn's nl’ Qum-n‘s l‘nivvrsity, only plunged more deeply llll” Hw \mrk ut’ Christ. It is interesting to know that Mr. Bible's «In Slurrmgon Howm tirultiw nf gvtting riuitahle such Bible-s In an mu]. luntl .\ fund has thmmfnre lwvu uf a no-\\' mmmn of 30.000 I’m-3's at. Lanszmnon This transplamml In .\nwrican 1 It is a startling: study to mmpare the money spent in «launch: nu spurt. scwlal functions and luxurws With that spent fur tlu- Kingde of God. THERE IS .\ WUHI) IN THE t6th I’SALM WHICH SAYS: “I haw- ko-pt tho- Lon-d always lwfnn- ma," and I dam to tall you tn oh» that thing. Sat ttw Lm-ct Always lmt‘m‘a you! Decide Hwythnu: yam do in His prvsvncv. Makv ovary (incision you makv as for His glury. flaw that, thunght. that HP is there be- fnro- ynu, amt that you an- gning to do ("Vt't‘ythillg you (to, and say o-wrythmg )‘ntt say. amt plan t-wrything ynu plan, with Hun: ho-t'uro- _\‘ult. m that. yam \Vl“ {In it. as you aw surv He will htnv _\'mt do It. .\ HI‘SIXIVSS .\|.\.\' SAID: “.\IU.\'I~IYâ€"HIVI.\'H IS THE TRI_.'EST Huh-x uf a \‘Hfll human intvrvst. 'l‘vll mu thv things you spend yum- nmnvy fur, and I will to-ll you what. kind of a Christian _\nu urn," . 'l‘ho-ru can kw. no quvstinn that thv use of our money is an malo'x Hf our Into-rest. tice at the present day is the annual report of the British and For- eign Bible Society. Here is one of its many stories, and it hasa special interest for Canadians: At Shanghai a dog entered the compound of Dr. Mary Stone‘s hospital, which stands near the arsenal. and while rummaging in t e yard for scraps, he came upon part of an old book which he carried away in his mouth to a camp of Chinese soldiers nearby. These soldiers were curious to discover what it was that t e dog was carrying and began to read the printed pages. The book proved to be a por- tion of the Old Testament in Chinese. The men grew ver in- terested in the stories which it contained, and when they ound that it. was imperfect. they guessed that it had come from the compound nearby and sent to Dr. Mary Stone asking for a new copy. [)r. Stone provided them with several Bibles, but these were not sufficient to satisfy the soldiers. who sent a second and a third time for more of the books. The result was that. a number of these soldiers attended the Mission services held III the compound and hecame deeply interested in the Gospel. lbr. Stone then imited Dr. Hoforth of the Canadian Presl‘iyterian Mission. who happened to he in Shanghai. to hold a series of t'\;tlll-'t'll~'llt‘ meetings especially fur the soldiers' henelit. As a remit of these meetings. l’itl New 'l'estaments were procured hv the withers. 01in "the day“ will declare the end of that ~turv the tale of the rummaging: dogmhut who can doubt that :t~ t'lltlllll! will he a happy one? I‘HHH .\'l‘ 'I‘HF. N.\'l‘lH.\.\l. PRESS «ILI'R‘S "HOBBY NIGHT” ENTER- tammo-nt. t’rowutvnt Hartline: mad». thpsp §;atpmentg: "l" “WV“ 1“ Wmvwhm-v a human touch that. awakens dis- :Ippntnhw-nt ""0 “01'". that is thn tinnst hobby in the world. If m my nvw 1-.»spmxsihilitins. I van in Storm devotion to country find tho‘ tutu-h that. transfnrms thv disahhoiutnwnts of Yesterday mm ”W fruition Hf tonwrmw. than I shall have practised the dPal't‘..~'t hubby tn mp in Hm world." .thsv wmm-ks suxgost a way in which statesmen can help u'" ktngdnm ‘” cum». "N'Ouflht their sympathy for the “down- and nuto'rs." . _ .\ chrvctur nf a .lmx'ish so‘ttlnmont came to a Christian minis- tO’I' W" mg {01' a Mall \v‘rkm'. “W‘e don’t care about Your rt‘limnn." he said. “but somehow your men have the sympathy that is necessary in settlement work.” ' It. I'HF. Sl'Rl ‘o'lu'll mun If \w aim tn haw Christian unity. we 11 TM burning quvstinns upon which vrml huu- burnout ihmnsvlws out. l‘nity is not simply sumo- plam. ur sch from! Christ. HIMSP” that thv call to K Wu do not want, "a l't‘ttht‘d Christ: 'it'1it‘r. not pnorvr. in faith in the life They tell me thou art rich, my country; gold In glittering flood has poured into thy chest; Thy flocks and herds increase, they barns are pressed With harvest, and thy stores can hardly hold Their merchandise; unending trains are rolled Along thy network rails of East and West; Thou art enriched in all things bought and sOldl But dost thou prosper? Better news I crave, 0h. dearest country, is it well with thee Indeed. and is thy soul in health? A nobler people. hearts more wisely brave, And thoughts that hit men up and make them free, These are prosperity and vital wealth. ”Ann-v Van nah IS AN .\'I'|'R.\c‘.'l‘l\'F. \\'EI)DI.\'G CI'STOM AMONG l’rntmtunts prvso-ntin: nvwly nml'l'io'd Couples with . \lnrnzluo‘. HHWNVPI'. war (-nnclitinns and the great. dif- ul‘ :n-ng <1}!!qu pawr hth' brought the supply of WW In an wnal. lmth m l-‘mnw and Fronch Switzerland. lib tho-rut'm'v lm-n sulm'rnbmi tn vnahlv the publication .- mm.~n of 3mm” \x-mMing Bibles by tlu- La Concorde For The Quiet Hour nlact OVERHBARD IN THE ORCHARD. Jilimlwth {llwno-V, Said Hw Rubin tn Hm Sparrow “l slmulql wally likw tn klmw \HIy tho->1- anxmus humnn [wings Hus}: (mum. and \wn'r)’ so?" Said tho Sparrow tn thv Rohin: "FI'h-ml. I think that. it. must. 1w 'l'hat thvy haw nu herawnly Father Such as mun-s for you and mv." \ N ' H I M "I'l’. H DR R ELIHIG )l UPLIPTING THOUGHTS shuns mum which Protestant divisions HINHSO‘IW'S out. 'usth is cm». which might. woll be hmstmn t‘annlles. :m unity. we must. be ro'al Christians izm m whomo. m'x ision of ours hr cull tn unitv comPs. M (i-lnistianih. ’ “9 shall a] anity." “'0 shall all of the united church. Elizabeth Cheney. â€"E. A. Burroughs. “R. B. Whittloscy. :iienry Van Dyke. PRI'IJ I ’I)ICE IS 'l‘he resolutimi relative to road and' tourist. mailers ronmumded the (iovernmenl. for its interest, in the 'ause ol’ hetter highways, but, urged at the same time that a system of rebuilding: should he adopted which would eliminale so far as possible long detours and other inconveni- enees so (lisrouraging to tourist traf- lie. It was alSu urgm‘l that the Gov- ernment. should foster tourist. traf- lir by all the. means at its disposal, such as judicious and widesuread publicity, by official as well as pub- lic welcome, by the opening up of new areas and resorts and by the establishment of parks. Such a pol- icy, it was urged, would make 0n- larie‘s scenic, sporting and health attractions a source of revenue, wealth, populationand pleasure. The 001017 I'OSLHlltions opposed the prnposml «ln'm'smn of the waters of the Hudson Bay slope Into Lake Upon tho subject. of raw materials. the trade hoards strongly asked that such measures and omhargoos be enactml as would discourago and prevent tho exportation of raw ma- torials which could be manufactured to advantage within the province. The resolution dealing with tho mat- tnr road in part: “This association holiovina’ that without ai‘lvorating any selfish or oxrlusivo policy of ‘(Zanatla for Canadians," it is now the duty of our Government. to encour- am- immigration of tho host. British citizenship to pooplo our vast. and rirh areas and to furnish constant and urmluctiw om-uloymi‘rnl. to our pooplo in tho rrrativo clovolopmont. of our natural rosourcos.” Ask Fewer Detours 'l‘ho resolution rolative to road The suggestions were given atten- tive hearing by Premier Ferguson and members of the Cabinet who gave assurance that careful consid- eration would be given to them. The pronosals for the encouragement of tourist traffic and better manage- ment of road construction led Pre- mier Ferguson to state that the Government hoped to make the pro- vincial road system self-supporting and expected that, by adjustment of taxes and license fees, this aim would be reached within two years. The Premier also agreed with the suggestion that Ontario should maintain more substantial offices in London. Encouragement of tourist traffic, restriction upon the export of such raw materials as can be manufac- tured advantageously within the province and proper quarters for the province’s London offices; were prepositions which the Ontario As~ sociated Boards of Trade urged re- cently upon the Ontario Governâ€" ment, the occasion being their an- nual deputation to the Parliament Buildings with suggestions for legis- lation. Protest was also uttered by the trade boards against the pro- posed diversion of the waters of the Hudson Bay SIOpe into Lake Nipi- gon, the View being taken that a survey of the resources of the Hud- son Bay area should be made before its water resources should be with- drawn from it. Outerio Boards of Trade Suggest Legislation to Province.â€"We.nt Tourist Trade. -â€" Premier States Hope That Road System Will soon Be Self-sustaining. Bad Mia? YOU MUST TAKE FOR THAT STAN DARD BAN K OF CANADA DURHAM BRANCHâ€"John Kelly, Manager Sub-Bunch at Pflcovillc \‘ _:f;13"'/" 111/ ”5'. fi'rl’f/f/I'Il/U .\ § The Profit Lies in the Finish proper degree of finish. A qual- ity product always commands a premium and is readily saleable at a profitable price. If you lime stock which needs a little more time for finishing. and the feed is scarce, see the local manager of the Stan- dard Bank. It is a simple matter to arrange a loan to carry the stock until a favorable market warrants a profitable sale. IT PAYS to market cattle with the Nearly four columns are devoted to tho sporting news of the day. and included in the sport column is the account of a baseball game DIHYPU the (lay hoforo hotwvon 'l‘or- onto and «Hamilton, hut which was played at Hamilton. 'l'hv umpire on that occasion was Mr. R. D. Emslio. who latm' hvcamo tho. best known umpire in tho National Loague, and who is still living at St. Thomas, a pmisionor of tho, National Lvaguo. llt- was Just hrvaking into the um- pil‘t' business at that time, 'l‘l1e edition carrios considerable lmuigu 111>\\s,a11d its mlitmial page is Iillvd \xith liw, milim1ials.'llw local nvws is well covered, but 1101 Among the efl'ects of the late Mrs. Ben Tansley, who died recently in Toronto, there was found a photo- graphic copy of The Toronto Daily Mail, under date of August 30, 1887. It Avas given. to Mr. Harry Tansley, a grandson of the deceased, who will always keep it as one of his trea- sured belongings. It might be of interest to state that at that time, the paper contained but eight pages, and there were two solid columns of advertising on the front page. One in” page was devoted to condensed advertisements, and there was about 26 columns of live reading matter. This was all set. Up by hand compos- itors. as there were no such things as typesetting machines in those iays. also recommended that the Govern- ment secure quarters in London, England, “worthy of the dignity, magnitude and potential rogress of this great province so t at an im- pression of permanence and stabil- ity may be made upon the minds of our British kinsmen and the capital- ists of the world’s centre, so that our resources may be properly dis- played and our progress and pros- perit thoroughly exemplified, and a satis ying sense of security and con- fidence be established.” The Dom- inion Building was recommended as a suitable site. . INTERESTING PAPER LEI'T T0 GRANDSON Photographic copy of the Duly tail of _Augnst 30, 1887, 13 Interesting CHRONICLE Pity the Salesman who cannotâ€" Relic. The salesman who is not free to use Long Distance without being criticized is probably .not covering his territory in the most eco- nomical manner. He is competing with sales- men who call up their cus- tomers between Visits ; se- cure repeat orders; or sell additional items; -â€"With Sales M an a gers who encourage salesmen to use Long Distance, because it saves money and time , â€"with salesmen who, when travelling, telephone to customers in small towns from some central point. Of two salesmen who both pre- serve a prOper prOportion be- tween e ease and sales, the one whouses ng Distancethemost is usually the most efiective. EachNew Subscriber-Adds lathe Value of Your Telephone THEY ALL WANT TO KNOW (Mnunt. Fun-st ()(mfme'ah-r (Illivl‘ Hilstwl'f has I'm'vntly I'v- m-ivmi lc'ttvrs i'erA Hm sisivl' and with of vais (Hart; Austin. asking 1'01: inl'm'nmiiun Mm his \Vlwrv- abouts. Apparvnth Auflin has thmmanut, uf sight. sn far :15 thus:- nvarvst. in him mm ('(‘mcvrnmt Ap- mn‘vntly Hwy had sum “1050 1'02:- turn al'ticlvs in {he l’nitml Slutvs papers and tlmught that the Mann“ At the instance of the Wellington Historical Society, the old Priory building of Guelph, Ontario, erected nearly a century ago by John Galt, the founder of that city is to be re- stored. The various trades unions in Guelph have offered to contribute to the restoration, and an energetic campaign is now being carried on among the citizens to raise the bal- ance of the money required to re- build, in replica, the building as it stood on completion ninety-seven years ago. The old building was removed from its original site many years ago, and some of the original logs were replaced with new ones. but still there are many of the tint- bers remaining that were placed in position by the Canada Company‘s axemen in 1827. For some years, the old Priory building was utilized as a passenger station by the (lanaâ€" dian l’acitic. but it. was abandoned as a station when the town of Guelph initgrew it. 'i'radition has it. that Gall, taking an axe from one of the axemen, struck the first lilow against the first tree to he toiled, alter which he and his party dram to the prosperity of (luelph. to the same extent as nowadays. In order to read the contents of this photographic edition, a magnifying glass is necessagio get good results. GUBLPH’S mas: -nggsg 1- M h *5: “w“!!!ét MA Mo “in?! ”o 1.35. TO BE RESTORE!) Limbo Lawyerâ€"Better plead guilty. The judge will give you only two yvars at the outside. Culpritâ€"Yaas. But how many ears on dc inside. he gwine gimme? t. what I want to km-w.â€"«IM'0. Advertise in The Chronicle. It Pays. W“. 011le Gilsmrf “'I‘Oti‘ I'prrring {hem (0.1116 Provincial Pnlivv for mformatnon. NOBLE’S GARAGE SERVICE Chevrolet upon A. NOBLE. Prop. (3reases ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS Oils GUARANTEED REPAIR l .\'<; Sales and Service AMT“ Headquarters for Gas Pneumonia eral infection d About one-foul die. The larg winter and the Pnounwuia a~ a is “ICIN‘fUI‘P tuft-1' whivh vausc- H znw person in :nmtlwl‘ sputum and H... nose. 'l'hv} u coughing: and have ln-mu'lnt certain kind- plwunum m germs and :n infm'linn m U‘lll‘ 0f [’0le {mm an aHav flow To Sn almnt Hw l lm-onmu: Inn-Mm plp who arc- mm Slimming. 01' “In illnvssvs nu'nhun Sumv M lllv the I‘d-sislanrv tn (Mus :m- PXIMMI WM. and rhillml: amm- vxa tlw cinch that nn' said ”I: N that. l u: now m u 801'"! "0 lhm'v hmu'i \\\\“HI// 1' , §\\\>/;.J/12 phiml Iwm-i. wlm'h ”w m Silv uf HIV bm'ausv “w l wurk, 'I’lu' wurk II in Hu- \‘alw. wlwrv ditiuna I'llml lil'lu‘lnl' Hun :n 'EIIIF IS mm- 1hv Inna as HIP FYIIII Falls puss“. fur a w it In SPLENDID CC FOR SASKATO‘ BY THE VA! H It nu 11.1! l‘Lxm'c-s~' Includm Note: Dr. Sc; columns a a public print: am H ll ( Copyright, Ml Enlargemen Ill ,, N. “rm-s oxalmnahul RI“. \'|'| “HIS xh l\ mm mm , or “he! nwnhun 0f ”Iv ll in." - \wln hval'i ll III '. Jan May “0:” 0H! “'1 ha \\

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