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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1925, p. 9

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hm”? 3. sing. and Ban-NI to the “I” r stack a” \Ihd’fla. i" inputted and award 8’ t” [I River on the Calgaryâ€"let). ortz‘nce attached ‘0. agficuitm .e Empir? its continuance nu men: to the western Xi : 'ntnre. and a nimulus t0 f Crust” Stock \\ ram-h a! Ilhxh River. Alta. 111100? I ltses us panr 01 g cm a new 0'”?! WQW'C L “W smnke ll be trying has“ carry: to p28, .. 'z 5 v40: th-gTâ€"J ms effected. M ..;.ls from Higi ‘ 2‘5 1 has {a t 323 quality (I s 21.5 for t” 3rf ztions m v.0.thy llly for of San hme T . '3 ‘.v “a . 3 {tom 99‘ gnown I. additlonl uen‘ 1'. .‘20. DRS. Jamal: 11.1880! Office and residence a short. dist.- wce east or the Hahn House on Lambton Street. Lower Town. Dur- ham. Office hours 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 to 8 pm. (except Sundays). J. L. SIRE, I. 1., I. c. P. 8. 0. ounce and residence. corner of Countess sud Lambton Eugen. Oppo- site old Post Oflice. Ofllce hours : 9 to H 3.11).. 130 to} p.m.. 7 to 9 pm. DI. A. I. nu. Oflice on Lumbton Street (the lute Dr. Button‘s office). Office hours, 2 to 5 ma. 7 to 9 pm., except Sun. {Sundais‘ Véxcepted) . Chiropractors, Dunn, Ontario. The Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and nan-nan Sdturdays. J. I. UNI, U. U. 9., u. u. u. lonur Graduate University of Tor- ontn, Graduate Royal 0011030 Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStroet, second door east of Machth’s Drug Store. Emcvéfqâ€"VIe} 11. d: J. Hfinter’s store, Durham. Untario. LUCAS IBflRY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. A mem- bo-r of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appomtments mnv be made with the Clerk in the MIDDLEBRO', SPBREILI IIDDLW Barristers, Solicitors Etc. Sllt'L’RSSOl‘S to A. B. dUI'l'O’. Mr. 1;. 0;. Middlobro’ is permanently lumtml at Durham Ufticv. l’ricnville “mm-h ”pom nwry Friday from 73.30 2H 9.30 p.111. vvvwâ€" -â€" EaBE'Ri'th the Cierk in the DAN. chBAN LH‘L‘IISPd Auctioneer for County of Hwy. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- mnahlt‘ terms. Dates Of sales made at. The Chrunivlo Office or with him- Licvnsml Am-timwvr fur County of any. l’mnwt. attvution to sales. Rea- sonuhln twrms and satisfaction guar- antmul. Datvs made at The Durham Chronicle 0“in 01' with R. C. Wat- sun. \‘zu'lwy. RR. 1, Phone 604 r“. self ALEX. nacnouLn Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of Grey. Moderate terms. Arrangements for salcs. as to dates. etc.. may be made at The Chronicle Office. Dur- ham. Tcrms on application. Ad- drcss R. R. 1. Durham. 2 H 6mpd Lm‘ 7, CON. 2!. EG MONT. GON- taining :00 acxes; 85 acres under cultivation. balance hardwood bush; com-enient_to school; on the, prep- UUIH t'lllcui. LU cu ..... ises are a frame barn 42365 ft. with stone foundation; concrete stables; also hav barn 30x50 with stone base- ment; hog pen 2mm; twelve-room brick house, furnace heated, also frame woodshed; drilled well close to house. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to bay; to acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and_in a good state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson’s Dairy. RR. In. Durham. Ontario. to 25 23 tf ___________________â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"- NORTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8 CON. 2‘2. Egremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance hardwood bush: in good state of cultivation; frame barn 54x50. stone basement. concrete stables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 mt! ‘. {‘1’1l ‘. K‘ouo‘.” Viv-vv'v. taining “0 acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultintion; on the premises are a brick house con- taining sewn rooms. with good frame woodshedrattached: drilled well at door: never failin springs on this farm. making a c mce stock farm. This property will be said right to quick purchaser. For par- tirulars apply at Watson's Dairy. RR. 3. Durham. Ont. 102523“ FAR! FOR SALE Lot 66. Con. ‘2. \\'.G.R.. Beatinck. 212 miles southwest. of Durham. con- taining 86 acres. Mostly clear and in gnod state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone SHhh‘S. T-rnomed brick house with extension kitchen and woodshed. We?! watered and in good repair. For further particulars apply to DR. W. EPICK‘BR‘INHG; DB’J‘IS‘I’ PUIBRAL SERVICE New lodern funeral Parlors Phone Hillcreet 0268 122-12‘ Avenue Road I“.It. no» mum luau-eh Formerly of Flesherton BATES BURlAl CO. FARMS FOR SALE Licensed cfluchbneer Medical Director? . KIT!) 32331: gouging“ Dental Directorv Legal ‘Directorv ', toil-Int: 8. I“. Winn, no” mmm m 6H2?“ PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE, EXTRA GOOD BUILD- ing lot, 54 feet frontage on Bruce St. Apply to H. D. McIntyre, Countess Street. 1 22 H BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sue. One door north of the Post Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" l-‘. W. Kelsey, Phomher. 10W FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street. North 0! Shting Rink, Durban. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2221 t! FOR SALE-GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft we- ler, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. 5 15 tt BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. I 10 It hF’l‘ YOI R 1925 MARKERS NOW.â€" I). M. Saunders, Durham. ic- CTTS'I‘OM SAWING. LUMBER AND Shingles. Smith Lawrence, Dur- ham. 6pd WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep" and long mileage. Sold only at Smith Bros' Garage. 626“ FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 tf WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. tf WHEAT WANTED AT ROB ROY Mills. Highest prices paid. 'I‘HE .-\.\';\'l'.-\L “AT HOME” OF THE Wanwn‘s Institutv will 1w hold in NW town hall. on thv Waning of March 5th. All members are corâ€" dially invitml t0 attvml and bring a t‘rivncl. Mvmlwrs :u'n rmnwstod In pl‘nvialv l'o-fl'o-Shmmlls and bring cup and pluto' for thvn'lsolvvs and l‘rio'nd. ic 'I'HI'I LADIES HF TRINITY CHI’RCH Guild will hnld a sale- uf homo-math baking in thv .\. Y. P. A. I'OOmS above Mrlfirhlzm's stnx'v on Saturday. Mul'c'h 7th. .Xt‘tnl‘nmm ton. will 1)» sun-Vow! t'mm 3 o'clock. Rvmvmber Hlo- datv. March 7th. ‘2 36 2 'l‘llF. lul'HHTERS OF THE EMPIRE will hnld Hwir monthly meeting in tho- Library on March 3rd. STOCK YOR SALE THREE HORSES, 2 COWS, 2 TWO- \ear-olds, 4 calves, wagon and other farm imlements.â€"-â€"Apply Thomas Unis Lot 2, Con. 3, N D..R. Glenelg. 2 5 6 pd FOR SALE OR RENT F()I.‘R HOI'SES IN TOWN OF DIIR- ham; good houses in good location; mm with electric lights, water. etc. Apply Thomas Daniels. Durham. 2 19 6pd PAR! FOR SALE LOT 29. CON. 1. BENTINCK, 100 acres: one mile south of Durham on Provincial Highway. Good house. barn and other outbuildings.â€"Apply toJames E.Nichol. Durham. 256pd ALPALPA SEED FOR SALE H1 ).\lE-('iR(’l\W.\'. ONTARIO VARIE- £81m! Alfalfa 900d: ”10 right, kind to lnLv.â€"â€"«\Vilbm't Blyth. Phone 6022 1'22. \‘arnoy. Ontario. 3(- The George Whitmore property, near McGow ans mill; rough- cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. 626 tr AUTO KNITTBR FOR SALE GOOD AS NEW. THIS MACHINE has knit. only one sock. has all at- tachments. and will he sold at a bargain. Can be seen at The Chron- icle office. 18tf WANTED ENERGE‘I‘IC MAN. GOOD RECORD. To spl Life Insurance. \Vill assist to finance and secure business. Apply to Box 51 Owen Sound. Ont. 1?." 69d PAR! POR SALE OR am LOT 7. CON. 3. NORMANBY. 100 acres? log hmlse: first-class hank barn: never-failing spring enema Apply on premises to John Morice. \‘arney P. O. 2 26 2 LOGS WANTED CALL AND SEE R. W. MORRISON hofm‘o selling your logs. Maple. hunch. rack elm. spruce. hemlock. cedar. Highest prices paid. Custom sawing done to order atonce. 25!! ARTICLES WANTED Advorh’u in no Maniac, it pays MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS PROPERTY FOR SALE That some strains of turnips are resistant to club root is borne out by tests conducted by the Experimental Stntipm at_ Igentville,_fi. S, Gila;- lottetown, P. E. I. and Nappan, N..S., according to W. W. Baird, Superm- tendent of the Experimental Farm at Nappan, N. S. At Nappan, in 1922, six acres were sown with Monarch seed (home- grown) and two acres with Bans- holi club root resistant seed, (ob-x tanned from the Charlottetown Sta- tion) on a field infected with club‘ root. 'nie six acres of Monarch Yielded 2195.5 bushels or 365.9 bush- els per acre. 0! these, 295.6 bushels or £93 bushels per acre were not fit for use. Owing to club root, 10 to is per cent of the plants never developed. The total loss on this field was more than 50 per cent.i The two acres of Bangholm club! root resistant yielded 694.5 bushels‘ per acre and showed less than 2 per cent unfit for use. In 1923, four acres were again seeded with Mon- arch and two with Bangholm club root resistant seed, but on a newer field not so badly infected with club root as the field used the previous year. The four acres of Monarch yielded 3357.6 bushels or 838.4 bush- els per acre, while the two acres of Bangholm club root resistant yield- ed 1845 bushels or 922.5 bushels per acre. Fifty per cent of the Monarch roots were afl‘ected more or less Twith club root, while the Bangholrn club root resistant were 2 per cent ’afl'ected. In 1924, this test was re- peated but on new land, and, as the ' season was unfavorable for club root development. all roots were free from infection. lln the variety test. made in 1923, on infected soil, the following re- sults were. obtained: Bangholf Slu- desgaard D. L. F. and Shepherd Swede No. 2056 (Denmark) no infec- tion evident. Bangholf club root re- sistant Charlottetown 1.4 per cent, while the other 16 varieties ranged from 3.2 per cent. to 46.7 per cent infection. If. by careful selection. its resist- ant. qualities are retained. this strain of club root. resistant. turnips should prove of great value to the farmers of Eastern Canada. In Nova Scotia alone. some 12.000 acres were seeded to roots in 1923. It is conservative- 1y estimated that one-half that. area is infected with club root. If seed of the club root. restistant. strain had been used. and the same increased yields secured as above recorded, there wound have been an increased return to the farmers 0f Nova Scotin of over 8189.000 or $31.65 per acre for 6.000 acres' infected. if the roots were Valued at 15 cents per bushel. In 1923, oneâ€"half acre was planted out. with disease-free roots for seed prmluctimi which yielded at the rate of 800 pounds of seed per acre. Tho most. of this seed was sold to farmers. 01' the farmers receiving the sow]. only nno or two reported infected roots. During 1924. about 350 pounds of this sum] \\ as producod at Nappan. N. S. It will ho for $310 in limitmi quantities of ‘2 pounds [101‘ farmm' at. $1 por pound. It. is dosirod that farmers rocoix'ing this somi should save sufficient. roots from which to grow thoil‘ own 90011 and [wrhaps a surplus for sale. “Man aliVP!" said tho astonishm‘l mlitm'. glancmg at. tlw povm. “why your fortunn's made.” ' “Thanks," said the poet much grufijfied. 11-- \ Yos." continued thn mlilor. “If V011 \V rote all that in thrnp minutes, mu can earn a good Wing at ad- dressing om olopos on piece terms.’ THOI'O.“ said tho pout. "is a little Hung: I wrote 111 throw minutes." HOUSE FOR SALE THE DR. HUI'I‘ON RESIDENCE; RE- eently thoroughly renovated with new maple and oak floors. etc; mo- dem residence in every way; half- acro land; possession April ist.-' Apply to George E. Harron, Phone 113. Durham. '2 ‘26 tf FUR COAT POUND OWNER MAY HAVE SAME BY DE- scribing property and giving par- ticulars.â€"-Wl. E. Bourne. Durham. ipd FRESH HBRRING STRICTLY FRESH HERRING CAN hp had the first. of each week. Thir- ty cents a dozen. Call at m) resi- denctâ€"Miles \“ilson, Durham. Coal Oil Caught Fire Attempting to light his cigar while returning from the town in his cut- tor, Robert Richards, 52, a promin- ent farmer near Perth, accidentally set fire to a can of coal oil. and was enveloped in flames. He. is in the hospital at Perth in a critical con- dition. SETTING EGGS FOR SALE RHODE ISLAND RED. C 71. EGGS fm' setting. 82 for 15.â€"â€"App1y to Seth Tz'at'fnrd. Durham. 2 26 GM SHEEP FOR SALE ‘20 E\\'ES AND REGISTERED RAM ()xfords. . Apply Lorne Allan. RR. 1. Yarney. ipd. TOWNSHIP OF BENTINCK APPLICATIONS FOR THE POSITION nt‘ Road Superintendent for the annshin of Bentinck will be re- ceived by the undersigned until noon Saturday. March 7th. The re- muneration of the said official shall be at the rate of $4.00 per day while performing the duties pertaining to said office.â€"â€"J. H. Chit/tick. Clerk. Hanover. R. R. 3. 2 19 3c Juries Lamcoflm. Phone 601 r 13 Durham, RR. 1. NOTICE 1'0 PARIBRS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuesgiays. Shippers gee requested _to gm: three dug: notice. A Real Job THE DURHAM CHRONICLE HOUSEHOLD mm To Wash Egg Dishes Always soak or rinse dishes that. have contained egg in cold water before washing. Wicker furniture can be scrubbed with hot. water and soap. This real- ly renews some of its freshness. How To Clean Braid 0n Wool Iiddies Sponge with white soap and wa- ter. Then press. Moiddy will look like new. Make a solution of l toaspom of ammonia to 1 quart of watm'. Soak stained garment in this solution for one hour. Then sponge stains with lemon juive. Rinse in warm wa- ter and wash in usual way. Tasty Ways For Left Over Meats Heat Chopped 0n Toast Meat. Toast. Chop fine the. “left over" meat. Heat. with water. butter and seasoning. Make nice but buttered tnast. (London Frcc. l’rcss} Evcn The Detroit 'l‘imvs. a Hoarst publication, which is not notml for its friendliness to Canada, rcscnts tho attack which was made by Dr. Samuel S. lecr in tho pamphlet issued by tho. Smithsonian lnstitutc against. the Hydroâ€"Electric Commis- sion. The Timcs says: Sir Adam Bcck of Canada has a right to bc indignant because the Smithsonian Institution. a branch of thc l'nitml States (lmm'nmcnt, publishnd a parti- san attack npon tho vrmlit and financial sound-nvss of Canada's greatest. pnhlic cntcrprisc, the Ontario Hydro-Elvcti'ic PoWor Commission. It is much worse than that. It is paid-for prepaganda against the principle of public owner- ship. issued in the disguise of an unbiased report to an official Government agency. The direc- tor of the Smithsonian should explain how it happened. The people of Ontario. despite any attacks from the l'nited States or from Canada. have the utmost con- fidence in Sir Adam Beck and the commission. They know what has been accomplished in a period of less than two decades. and they have the tangible evidence of the. enor- mous saving which it has meant to the peOple of Ontario. If it were not for possibility of the effect upon the money market of such attacks. they are not even worth a reply on the part of Sir Adam. The Smithsonian pamphlvt. ('aI‘I'ivs tho psvudn-sciuntilic t1~ tle. "Niagara Falls. Its l’OWPI' Pussihilities and l’i'vsm'vation." It is \\'I‘it-L(}Il by a mnsulting Miginom'. Dr. Samuvl \Vyvi'. whn maki-s his living working for tho pl‘inaf‘ gas and electric companies in tho l'nitad Stains. Sir Adam charges that those in- terosts inspirod thc- Wye-i- attack. to circulate falsehoods such as Sir Adam Beck proves upon the author of the Niagara Falls pagmhlet. It is (119121 acofnl for the Smith- sonian Institution to 3110“ iLs namv and its funds t_0 be psed This document broadcast over the country. under Government frank, Sir Adam says. “contains misrepresentations designed to be injurious to the general wel- fare of a friendly nation." It is a direct attack upon public confidence in the $200,000,000 bonds issued to raise money for the commission’s plants. Mil- lions of these bonds are in the hands of Americana investors, To Remove Perspiration Stains To Clean Wicker Furniture IcPADDEI'S DRUG 81'0“ AN AMERICAN DEFENSE COOKING HINTS By BETTY WEBSTER Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to col: Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Win ts for b each piece of toast. Garnish with something pretty Onibh. Method: Chop or grind Veal, pork or both. Mix with rice. egg. onion. salt and pepper. Form in balls ul‘ flat cakes. Fry in skillet or (199p fat. Makn your favorito nmolot. Bo. sure and add beaten whitvs of eggs last. Cook. Fold warm (‘humwd moat. into umvlot whvn sc-rving. THE 0. T. A. AMENDIBNT t'l‘orontn Mail and Empire“ In this tissue, we puhlish a letter from Mr. George H. Nicholson. ex- memher of Parliament for Algoma East. on the Ferguson Government‘s proposal to amend the Ontario 'l‘em- pe1ance Att so as to change. the proof spirit content of beer from- ". ' per rent to 4. 4 per cent. The rausel nt‘ temperance has no stronger adâ€"l he1ent than the \\1iter of this let- ter. While personally he would pre- fer that. the Act remain as it is, he giVes the (im’ernn‘ient. credit. for conscientious dealing with the quesâ€" tion “having regard to the desira- hitity of permanently maintaining as far as possible the prinriples of the Untarin 'l‘en1peranre Art." lle advises other prnlliliitiuliists to have similar faith in the good Judgment. until they see how the new plan “oi-ks nut. As he and most nthnr reasnnahle men see it. the great t'\'l| that. temperanre t‘nrees have now to grapple with is the hnntleguing husâ€" iuess. If the sale of 4.4 per cent liner lends tn I'mim'e that. M'il. lie is certain that good will result. Mr. Nicholson recognizes that. a diftieult situation has lN‘t‘ll [il'tttlllt'ml hy the outcome of the plebiscite. the. total \ott‘ ill faxor of the (l. 'l. A. t'\'t endâ€" ing that for (toxernment (-nntrnl ln Ionlv a narrow margin. and he he- lieves that t‘airâ€" minded men will consider that situation and give the Government support in its efforts to carry out the law. As her further points out. the enforcement of the O. T. A. is made man» difficult hv the unsympathetic attitude of the Customs Department at Ottawa. Cranberry a‘nd Date larmalndo 1 quart. cranlwrrios. 1 pound of dates. :3 cups of 'watm'. 2 cups of brown sugar. Method: Wash cranlwrrivs. Stunv dutPS. Add water. ('mbk slmvly In- gothm' fur twenty minuh-s. Pruss through a sivw-râ€"thvn :1ch 2 mu»: brown sugar and rank almm. 15 min- utus mom". Place healgd chopped meat on 1 cup veal or pork. 2 cups boiled rice. Applvs. For February BAKING HINTS Delicious Apples Whipped Cream. Nuts and cherries. Method: Core apples. Fill hold with brown sugar. Bake until no“. Cool. Put on ice. Just before supper. whip tho creamâ€"sweetened to \our into- and return to the ice box. Wh. sening. garnish with nuts all cherries. Privk appks _\\'Hh furk hefom baking. This WI” prevent an“ frum hl'd‘akillfl whilo (-Ook'mg. 1 cup bum-r. 2 cups sugar. 4 ngs. I run flour. 1 squarvs uf nwlimi Baker" ('Ilm'nlaii‘. 2 Clips clumped nuts. Motlimi: Iii-«am tho hullm’ Inl sugar. limp in eggs and 1 cup flour. Add ilw ('hm'ulaltv and nuts. Bake for 1.1;: hour in u slaw mm]. Rvmovo whilv lml. 'l‘livsu ma3 amwar nude-Mane In 3011 “In-n 3m: taki- ilwm «but, but 31m will "ml HIP3 aiv donv m are [iL‘trfvctly delicious. lh'um- Umuly Umncil oil'vrml l. ('(mll'ilmlv $15 luward llm expel!” of any mvmlwr nf llw Council who would pm in llm Highways Convenâ€" tiUn in Tuvalu” noxt week, provid- ing the lllllllll'lpilliiy represented “chipped in" a likn amounl. lolalilg $30 in all. No loss than 30 of the reeves and officials will mimic In the big roads pow-wow. which will cost the ratepayers of Bruce tho tidy sum of $900. ' ‘â€" , __ HORSE OWER FIRED (HaImw-r Post? Rnhmi Hnliinson. :I wollâ€"kIIuwn Bruco 'lnvsnsliip faImPI'. appeared hvfm'n IlnIIIItx Mauisiratp McNah on 'l‘uvsdax aHPI‘INIHlI «In a charge of cmoltv and “as iinml $10 and costs. Rnhinsun \\ as (-‘lIIIIgI-d with loaning his lmrsv standing in an «Npomd stain willmut fund in HM l'ndnr- \HNNI Huh-l sin-Ii fur a vunsulm'ablc lvngth «If tiIIIc-. 'I‘lw Elmira Ilmmvil rocoiwd no loss than [\W'll'y-SGWI'II applimuom for ”In uflicc- nf (‘llivf Hf policv for that townâ€"Arthur Enterprise. BRUCE WELL REPRESENTED To Bnko Apples Cookies PAGE O.

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