West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Feb 1925, p. 2

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PAGE 2. 11qu!) book he recently examined, a pymn book published by a society “which claims to be humanitarian. but not espeonl-ly tion included Dr. Mathe- Christian.” He noted son’s splendid hymn. “0 Love that Wm not let me so,” but the _ _ -...:u..¢ on. ma Mullins. “0 Cross, that “W uruyycu nu v--- - - _ pwposed a ma . “Come judge, play a game wnth cards?” “No, I’m not an old fogey.” "You think cards are wicked, t1 “Not at. all.” “Why won’t ypq pgay, thenflh I “Hfobpet! in‘f "ROI as all. “Why won’t you play, then?” and I’ve seldom seen “Well. I’ve watched you card players, . a bunch of players that could get through a whole game Without losing their tempers. There’s usually somebody complaining of the way somebody else has played. I won’t bother with any- thing that spoils one’s temper so.’ Afterwards the judge explained why he forswore cards: One evening. h son and a young I . "Pretty soon I made some father. that was wretched? “I turned toward the young woman. Her face was white with anger. " ‘Was that such a very bad play?’ I asked. “‘It was inexcusablc!’ she almost hissed. ”‘I laid down my cards. ‘Here,’ I said, ‘is where I quite. If this paltry, good-forâ€"nothing game can raise such a tempest ‘ ‘ kelv to make any time, I’m ”â€"1-” ”mi I’m Ii with anger. " ‘Was that. such a very bad play?” I asked. “It. was inexcusa -"‘I laid down my c If this paltry, good-for ble!’ she almost hissed. ‘Here,’ I said, _‘is where I quite. ards. . Ct‘DNTRIBI'TIONS TO MISSION FINANCE ON THE FIELD Arm more and more frequent. . . Canton, China,” says “Home and Foreign Field,” .“ of . a wealthy native woma lied, she was told that there was no school. When she app ' She then asked how much it would cost to promised the 30d opened the w more than they had or that church is well- ,_ Phapf‘l in Penang.’ They have also started new rubber planta- tions in many outlying distric \Vherovm‘ they locate, they become selfâ€"propagating and self- supporting rhurch communities. A MINISTER ASKED A PG memhvrecjl of the sermon rep] igd :_ _A _-Mnmkn“ ml - anything, because I am a poor 'enl home and burned my measure which was a 'Real religion affects our business principles. If the Word is truly in our hearts, it can not be suppressed. 9/. .w .umifiwma gm. €24me gzdofiu ON \ NEH" [AM this. sign: “We clean everythin' One comme fluid prepared. that will reach down name begins. with purifying effect; Whn has ever devised a machi simple. a fluid than the lnve 0 more potent for the f God in the heart? nting says: “No mac ' O no so intricate and yet so production of a good name T‘HF CHIEF “F .'\.\ .'\lu\§I\."\.\ INIDD Ci‘lll, . "an... -.__ (twain-l was tirst presented to him: "Missionary. I have long lost faith in our old paganism. I made up my mind years ago that this Great Spirit, so kind and so watrhfnl and so loving. did not care for the beating of the conjnrer‘s drum. or the shaking of the rattle‘ of the medicine man. Sn for years I have had no religion. Missionary, what you have said today fills up my heart and satisfies all its longings. It is just. what I have. been expecting to hear about the Great Spirit. Stay as long as you can and when you have to go away, do not forget. us but come again as soon as you can. THE NORTHERNMOST CHRISTIAN J the world is at Point Barrow, Alaska. reached by a Whaler once a year, so word frqm_ home a_nd sees none but. -‘-â€"-â€"-- §O' “at. ‘1 01 power and peace for what v. vv-u of on QVMB 'comfdrt. For The Quiet Hour “Build on and make thy castles Rising and reaching upward to Listnn to vnicps in the upper ai Nor losv thy simple faith in my: "I cannot say, and I will not say That she is (leadâ€"â€" She is just away! With a cheery smile And a wave of the hand She has wandered into an unknown land, And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be, since she ingers there, For the old-time step and the glad return Think of her faring on, as dear In the love of There as the love of Here. Think of her still as the same. I say, She is not dead,â€"8he is just away. OF AN ALASKAN TRIBE SAID, .‘ "A word. A simple word. But carrind true To one whose need By it was met. So little thought (law he who spoke That. when thn word returned-â€" Its errand done, He was amazed That fi‘uitage such Should be the yield Of word 50 simply said.” wibked. then. cumsnms mgmyon IRID I “In h.Vuu.n . u" w- __ ow, Alaska. This island on only be i a year. so the missionary bears no 5 none but. natives during that time. : “I find that God makes up to one a notice {or what. we lose in the way castles high and fair, ard to the skies; mar air, in mvsteries. 19 do you ‘2” THE FIELD ABE THERE APPEARED , 3,: ‘yqi' N knum 0 fine outfit installed. We are becom- ingflquige g £in centre. , -_. ___L 5-8...An‘1 a} Vvuvâ€" '- Iu “1W G lwav in; B. Jelly sgent Saturday at her home near 8 elburne and re- turned Saturqay niglL1t_.._ ‘A“-- an}. vus “U“ ~wvâ€"- wâ€"J “‘v A progressive euehre party and dance was given at the home of Mr. Donald McMillan last week- for the eon and femily who were return- morning. .Mrs. \M. Ramage is doing very nicely again, as well as Mr. W. Ram- }age who i§ able. to be out again with Corner Concerns (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. James Barbour has rented a farm west of Mount Forest and will: take possession shortly. Although he has been on the fire department since he returned home from the war, he had lots of experience on the farm in former years. Mr. Robert Mighton is the latest on this line to have the phone in- stalled, although we believe there are a number a little farther down the line who would have it in if :they could have central at Durham, where they transact most of their business. U “U I‘LL! Mr. Thomas Tucker has rented his farm to Messrs. James Eden and John Queen and will hold an auction sale on the eleventh. after which he will vacate and remove to Durham. Mr. Joseph Lennox has replaced the team he sold a week ago and has now one of the finest teams in [the township._ _ - ICU vv'v A merry sleigh load from this line. attended the reception given to Mr. and Mrs. Noble at the home of the bride’s father, Mr. Albert Marshall. on Wednesday night. We all join in wishing the young couple much happiness. Mrs. John Queen entertained a sleigh load on Friday night at a Leuc re party. 7‘ 2_ News is scarce this week. It is a slow job gathering it in the rain and slush. Even mail couriers find it a difficult, job delivering it. Traverston. (Our own Correspondent.) . (Too late for last week.) We were four days without mail last week, but Friday brought a llamperful and Valentine Day some posies. Mr. Clarence 'Robinson purchased a splendid type of black Percheron coltufrpmAyournscripe last Saturday. - -l- --- J 2.. While Oren Peart was engaged in helpinng. A. G. Blair to fell some big maples on Friday last, a limb flew back, striking him on the cheek making an ugly gash and rendering him unconscious for some time. However, it. is healing nicel . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArt ur vis- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McNaliy, of town onHSunday. ___ -1 ___-.I £-I‘- .V-V-'w--J, " vv W' have a quartette of aged folk in our vicinity, who are remark- ably bright and active for their years; namely, Mrs. Paul Nelson, aged 81; Mr. WL-illiam Firth, in his 86th year, eyes bright as a child‘s and memory wonderfully bright; Mr. J. S. Black, in his 89th year, has discarded the use of glasses and is guite boyish inspirit; Mrs. Hill, Mrs. olin McArthur’s mother, in her 92nd year and smarter than many a Imodern schoolgirl. I‘IUUUI I Uvuuvv After spendifi’éue pleasant week with kindred in town, Miss Gladys Firth returned home or; Saturdgy. ‘ suns luv“- .- -â€"â€"_â€". ‘Mrs. Winié'rfi 6ampben and bab'y, Charlie, of Welheck, spent a few days of last week at the parental home on the 4th. Mrs. H. Beaten returned to her Miss Katie May Firth a humorous one given in her dmllest manner, Miss . J. Allen a splendid life sketch of the Indian poete'ss, Pauline John- ston, your scribe, a pithy sketch of S. 8. No. 3’s pioneer days, by In- : spector John Ritchie of Port Arthur. : However, the subject that aroused the keenest interest was a debate entitled, “Resolved that the farmer‘s wife has fewer op rtunities to en- ’joy life than the armer.” The af- firmative was upheld by Miss Mina Edwards (her partner, Miss M'erron McArthur, was unable to be pres- ent); the negative was strongly maintained by Mrs. W. J. Greenwood and Miss Hazel Firth. To equalize matters, the speeches of the leaders, only, were allowed in the contest. The judges were Misses E. J. Allen and Edith Teeter and your scribe. The spinsters were too much for him and declared the affirmative the victor by a close margin. We had a “minority” report. Truth to; tell, these fair ones are getting ra- ther too highly “eddicated in argu- ment” for us poor fellows. After the closing, lunch was served, and a bright afternoon’s session passed into local history. Relatives of Mrs. Peter McArthur of Owen Sound received a phone . message from there, yesterday, stat- ' ing that she had passed away at 3 4 o’clock on Monday afternoon and l was to be buried on W‘ednesday at o’clock. She was the youngest daughter of the late Thomas Blair and is the last of the original fam- ily. We‘ll try to get particulars for next week. N (Our own Correspondent.) With the milder weather and the snow so quickly disappearing, it. luokes like the approach of Spring. We are extremely sorry to lose our gogd flagging.“ O O _ 11-11-..-“ A“ Mr.‘ and Mrs. Thomas Milligan en- tertained a number of Ebenezer fmends one e\'emp_g_l_ast vyeelg. ILIU. “-4 v--\_- Mr. and Mrs William Noble are visiting rcla_t_ives ‘in 'Muqkpka. ~-A -~-L '"MI and M.is A. Hopkins spent an m oniug last week at Mr. William Manta s. ‘ I‘VV at We are very sorry to report, Mrs. Armstrong, Sn, quite ill at present. We hope it nothing serious and that, we can report, her fully recuperated in our next budget; _ mM‘II-Z" end" Mfg? Robert Johnston spent an afternoon last week at Mr. Alex. Hopkins. _ ‘ -- n 1 I? mill. Hutton Hill r smithy 1167565} évening. We are pleased to re ort Masters Lawrence and Lloyd cCuaig are recovering after their recent illness. Mr. Ray and Miss Myrtle McClock- lin were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell. Arthur Adlam. youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. William Adlam is un- der the doctor's care. Nervous trou- ble is the cause. We hope this bright, little laddie will soon be well agsin and_ algle to go back to ‘school. I's_ _ ___A â€"U""' â€"--_ __'___ Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hastie and Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie, spent Friday of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan McLean, Aberdeen, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stevenson be- fore they leave for their home in the West on Thursday ‘0_f_this_we~eg. Miss Nora Walker of Mulock, 8.8. No. 6 Bentinck, who took part in Miss Agnes Macphail's public speak- ing contest, received a letter recent- ly from the winner, Miss Maxine Lyons of Markdale, giving her de- lightful experiences during her trip to Ottawa to view the opening of Parliament. The material of this letter was similar to Maxine’s diary that appeared in last week‘s Chronicle. Miss Edno McDougall is in Dur- ham this week helping to wait on her little niece, Marie, who has been I seriously _ill_ _witl_1_ pneumonia. ”U- DV“w-v Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ledingham of Welbeck were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McDonald ovqr Sunday. Sorry to report that Mrs. H. Mc- Donald was confined to her bed the past week with heart trouble. The many friends of this aged lady will be pleased to hear of her being able to be up and argund again. (Our own Correspondent.) The Presbyterian Guild enter- tained the Methodist. Young Poople’s Society at a social owning in the church last week. With Mr. Earl Best presiding, the visitors gave a short, ppogilam cons'i'sti'r‘ig in part, of - J---‘ llv‘ vc- v.--- v , a solo by Rev. H. H. Eaton, a duet by Miss Blanche Patton and Miss Helen Walton and a paper on the life of Edgerton Rym'son by Miss Elizabeth Bentham. A cross-word puzzle with games and rofroshments made altogotl'ier a pleasant eve-ning. â€" Wh- - 1'" ..... "“"High School girl; "fl Dun-hm I: and Floahemm . ggigim 12:. A: Picket: the mm won by 3" 320‘:- DUP- . m M FleSherton lg School bush. I. ed a match the same Geddes. new town. b9?! mo 9 y . - . 9“,"..“2 “up... Earl Mud of .85- nyl}! -m3.;'£°’.'i,.3?f‘“‘ 33:3..1‘333225 Flesherton gt the home .-“'. vâ€" â€" â€" v l-U '- (by ' t. the this here. went to I but lost to the girls there who made one goal, the only Score of the match. The teuns were; Boys: Albert Buclunnn. Gmrge Akins. Cecil lc'l‘avnsh, Rog Boyd, Hurray W Ted McDonald. John Nuhn. . Girl ads Wilson, Thel- Potion, Lulu BO d, liointrice Bushell, Elsie flexes, velyn Ferris. i A good cattle dog belonging to Mr. Alfred Thistlethwmte was miss- ins pu‘t of last Week. and when found, was fat by the paw In a trap set in a nearby bush. Sounds com- 103 from the bush led Mr. R. Ferris ' ' nd found the poor “Slavo- -"'_ The Methodist Yqung Pepple's So- ciety hgg a_veryg Eggeresung moot- â€"-.‘ An (I Inno.“ UIUIIJ uni-\- . vâ€" 0 ing on Moi-day night when a large number of lantern slides were shown illustrating life and customs in China. “I I 55'- The quarterly Communion in the Methodist Church, which had been postponed owing to the absence of the pastor on the first Sunday of the month, was observed on Sunday morning. The official board will meet this Tuesday evening. Com- munion will be. observed in Chal- ‘mers Church on March 8th. The W‘omen‘s Missionary Societies in the churches here will join in ob- serving the annual day of prayer at a joint. meeting in the Presbyterian Church on Friday afternoon next. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Harrison, Tor- onto Line. entertained a number of friends at a fowl supper on Friday evening last. Mrs. W. J. Stewart, Mr. James Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. A]- fred Down and the Misses Gilchrist went from town and spent a pleas- ant evening. Mr. C. H. Jones, who has been in the West for some time. is now in a good position at The Pas. Man. (in Mondav, we received a fire. treat from Charley. being a box of beauti- ful Specimens of fish from tho wa- ters of the North. “II” \J u-v The-rev aréwtvnvgl'ly ill in this cum- munity with thn epidemic of grippa colds, and the doctors are busy. DUIKID, unu‘ v-uu ‘-uv-‘,--, _--, - . Mr. S. Sample’s young son, Roy, was very ill with pneumonia. but is recovering. Mr. Donald McLeod, who under- went an operation in Toronto, has made good recovery and is return- ing hme. Mrs. (Dr.) R. H. Henderson of Tor- onto, sister of Mrs. Joseph Black- burn of this place, was quite, ill last week with pleurisy and threat- xened pneumonia, but her friends are pleased to learn the crisis is passed. Mr. G. A. McTavish spent part of oat here last “mgmt between Durham (Gontinued on Page 3‘;- and relaxatlon, the h culation is increased deeply. If the 9x011 you perspire. The musvlvs “hurl: :n into play during I'\I‘l'l'."l energy whirl: is maululvll I8 {at and in UN“ lurln 1‘ called Klyvug'vll. 'l'lu-I'v rapid I'vmnval nf “am. as llw l‘vsull. nf llu- mvl culalion ul' hluml. “ll brings lu llw qusvlm a all ply of food and uxwvn. cles Irv lwllvr Imul'lslu-«l ('XI‘I‘ClSP is I'c-gular. lh firmer, s rouge-r :uul nun-rel Lids loan 1'01 Allllougll llw musvlvs at beneficiaries uf c-M'rmsu not the only ones. 'l‘ll stre-nwwnml. 'l‘lm invw imtion 0f waslv llmlc'l'l the skin. klclnvys :uul ml the Incrl‘asml Inlulw 01‘ l eliminaliun ul' (‘zn'lum .ll duce I l’flVurahlv t‘llt‘c'l (I (Copyright, 19.34. b HEALTH 8M.“ 80 Cumin“! Mrs. A. I’. wriu's: xiv» you my dauglm-r' that yuu may adnsv lm for hvr. Sht' is 18 )c-ar. last Winn-r swine-cl qun has. a small g‘uih'r. :mc fur somv Univ. “H“PV large and clm-s Imt. shnw is liming: flush. Is \vl'} has a [mul' awn-“hm vasily. I’m'ls Ill'ml. SI 100. Has takvn Hn-m lemd's imn pills and us for WW Hfli‘l‘l'. Slu- I‘ and is taking ulm- ui boon taking Smul 1m- « A for which this IIIII slu fully vxamIIu-d. Unc- I‘OIIIISm and ”In uIIwI Insis. 'I‘III- mus! «MINI “av I0 lIIId UIII “III‘IIIj Is sufl'vrim.’ hum I|\| Is In haw IIasul IIIc-II Me. If IIIIS I°IIIIIIIIIII “I0 reamII'lII, (‘IIIIsIsIs «I cine if III'I'I-ssan dlIII anfraIipII. 'I‘III‘I‘I‘ aI‘I' III II'IIsI Ix? ‘ 'â€"--| .-.A (lawful pllysiml «'Xl tha lungs; a room! «of 1mm takvn at. I'm-(u inu'rvtls tln'uuxlumt Ill oxunination Hf n.» In: of the sputum; and. pm culin tosls. shmlld slum not more Is any ac-Iim As tho ntlwr q-nndifiic mention is imprnvinc. thing about. it?" Q. Mrs. It. 1;. wrilc-s: six-rilc- gauzv. hand! and iodin in “w hum! able 1,0 prnlwrly val-n cuts and injurn-s M H: find. llowvw-l'. HIM. HM cht in my “Sim! imim tle wounds lu-vauw i1 (Jun 0U it‘ll lnc- any 1 tic It I may um- t less objcwuunahlv in ‘ Walkm'fnu 'l'vll An unusual situzuml at tlw prowl“. Hum 15 "IP00 Churclws wit! Knnx Churt‘h pulpit. lu sine? Hm first. Hf “w 1 Um Comiuuum Pm gut/ting ready in call a same cundit ion [om-vaii What Ex runes PULPITS Try This 0‘ wlm'h Reply

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