West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 5 Mar 1925, p. 10

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ll‘i . . . auuut‘SOD'S care. Mr. and Mrs. Nigholas fining WIth Mrs..Banks b8! W001i. 'nuds‘ \‘M'fi’ [wavy again. .\ m-wat many people around here no snfl'vrmg from severe colds. . an, having purchased £10 mill stab!» rom Mr. John Mc- _ , n. is now busy taking 1t apart. Thu blizzard of la the roads wry heavy .â€"\ grvat many poop 3r» snn‘vring {mm s \n- n -- H'N' tin "l‘ IIIIkI- III IIII» (‘IIIIIIII‘V lIntil “0 read of II in “II‘ Ilaih vapors. and IlN‘d- loss In szn. IIIIII Is as 01050 as we “ISII III IIImII III IIIIe unpleasant SIIIIIIIIIIII. IIIII' SII k IIIIk. IIII-aIIv. an» Imprm- IIII: IIIIPH .‘IIS..\II‘X.MPDOI131II. ‘1st “hr IIIIIIIII and ”I“ .‘IIISSI‘S S. am! I. MIKIIIIIIIII. )II'. .\. JIIIII‘S is aIIIIIII IIII‘ SIImI‘ “IIII'II Is IIIII so sat. IstII'IIIm Mr. and Mrs. Ramage are‘ IIIII-IIIHIIIL' IIII’I‘I). KIN. .‘\."S:mlh‘r to new dalug‘htm‘ Knrm. ii In. .lmt. :: l'vw linvs tn lnt ym know that \w survived the storms of last week. “'0 \wrv ' ' think this locality was snowed un- tlvt' it wn didn't send you word to film contrary. “'0 also survived the var'tliquukv. IN) casualitit's whatever tn ro-purt. :ill'lmugh a l‘vw toll. that. “mm was :i strangvr in our midst fur a romp!» Hf minuto-s. Generally slu-zikiiig. \w \wrn not awarv Hf a Slltlko' in ”W (’Iillnh‘v until n-n mm! --- -..‘ .uuv Ill "unusual. MN. «my Sher-k of Detroit is vis- mm: hm' parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mcmrr. Mr. Sam Patterson spent the past vak with his daughter, Mrs. Albert Ko-Ho-I'. I'Iurc'mnnt Q v [III Mr. Arthur Lawrencn has put- chased a six hundrml egg invuhator. Mr. S. McIntyl'v is insisting MP. AIPX. Mclxmald. Miss [.in Ritchin of town was the sue-st of hm‘ frivnd. Miss Eliza Pat- tm'snn. nwr Um wank-end. Miss Marxian-t. McLoan has rpâ€" turnml hump after spending the past {ma \kas wi‘th (l'io'ml‘s in Hamiltnn. “U Darkies’ Corners (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. W. .\. Lindsay was in OWN) Sound tlw he'ginning of the weak, serving on thv jury. Mr. and Mrs. Jnhn McGim‘ attend- ml Um receptinn [mid l'vcontly for ME. and Mrs._R. C. Noble. V- ,_.- 'v .u- a: III- [Nilin a m-ak spell and MI ofl‘ sumo steps at thn door and was pretty well shukon up. We are glad to say he {curls much bottm' now. IUOUIIVII‘ iy mmting in “N‘ schnnl house on Friday night. Th0. ymmg [maple will provim- ihc- program. Mr. John VPSSH.’ met with a nasty acridp'nt a Ave-0k ago whpn hp. wok (Our 0; var Editor MM :1 m Rocky Saugeen ( Our own Correspondent.) Miss Marjury “twin sppnt a week with lwr aunt. Mrs. John McKnchniP, mvnnuulill. MP. Jamc's Lawrpncv is in Owen Snuml on ”w jurv. , 'l'lw y: r. o. wyi hum their month. V__ _ _ _-v ----\ \v‘-.-.w Mr. R. J. Lawrmcn shipped a fine lot. of fat cnltlo to Toronto 8 week 320. We». ha" a ploasaut visit from Mr. and Mrs. William Jacquos on Sun‘ day of last work. dock, Hm scalnr. tells us they in- tum! buying here again next year. The wvathar! “'0”. if we can feel right. ”In past, wrpk has been the “1,151, (of Hm enagnn, W.- « and mu- sympathy to Mrs. H. lick? ' Pt“. whu mnurns the loss of lwr Tu-lmwl human who passed away 3: (ho. hum" of his son, WiIâ€", hum. ywu' Prim-vino. on Monday.‘ His m'nuuns al'P [wing laid away to- day “Vulnvsalay in Prim’villo com- R. J. Lawrence. Mr. Robert Wilson has out several piles for the people south of us. Hr. Burrell 0! Hanover. who has been doing a rushing business in the log tradn here this wink-r. ex- pects to was» operations shuttly. They haw hem paying good prices and giving good satisfaction genera. lily. Thuy have already shipped over eighty var loads in ihpir mill! at Hanan-r, win-re. we are informed. Hwy haw in Um neighborhnoqj of ¢_W0 millinn {wt in $100k. Mr. Mur- 3P0 \‘ PAGE 10. Mr. C. Moore is min on his rounds filling, his ilion as asses- tor for Glenelg ownship. Mr. Allan Brown is having the telephone installed in his home. Mr. H. Eckhardt visited friends in Toronto recently. Mr. C. Dunsmoor out big piles of Y'Mfd‘fOf Mossrs. Jamos Brown and :‘v wry sorry to hear of the M Mr. Clark McMillan. son McMillan nvar lh‘ylon. and 3' “mm for good news very :k w “‘0‘“ known in this «Ilsa 1.! m- will all be anxious is .m lhe road to recovery H'o- umlvy and HIP Miss \IvKinnon. MI; .\. .lmn w sump wl_u_v_h IS not. so l'lm‘vmunt. Glenroad m. um Correspondent.) k. lm-ally. am impmv- Mrs. AIM. McDonald. 110V and ”w .‘lisso‘s S. x 011M and childrm s of Mrs. James Elli- D. C. McKechnie last yd. Sn, is quite sick Jamneson‘s care. 3. Nicholas Melmh lll paying a visit, Chicago. Mrs. “- ....u\.umACl'. anq “'9‘: :.â€"\._ Huthorland was the officnatmg minister. Deep in: clovér at Mr. S. Batchelor‘s ele- vator at Proton Station Mr. H. H. Hamilton ofJessopville 216mm the week-end with his friends . "n“; u" Jucoutty CVen‘ mg. l’rllrnm‘y 24th. at the home of lwr clmlghtrr. Mr. J. Knox 0f Ceylon. Mrs. llirhardsun had passed the four sruro- wars and was qunte well all wimnr until a couple of weeks prior ln hvrdrath, when she Had an attack m’ rnngvsunn of the lungs. She lc'lanS tn mourn two (laughter; ' ,‘ ylon; and Mrs. J. (transform. Lucknow" and two '71“)fo H. and W. A. of this place. N‘ ' ‘ Swinton Park. (Our own Correspondent.) MN. .\I. Richzu'dspr}, whom we lml'tmi last week critically 11], pa wacvtully away on Tuesdav e‘ in“ l‘ ‘ ~ - "‘T m" “’t a 16W' (Jay MISS Susnc Tucker has been hunting the millimry openings ’l'm'nntn. Mrs, J. E. Wells spent a few d last. WPPk with MP8. \V, Hes l’l'ntnn. Mr. John Lawrence “HP” ‘0 [HS hnd fnr Our own Correspondent.) ('Jongramkltinns are" dun Miss Rory! Rvnniv. whn was mum'i V. runny in Mans» Jaw. Sash to Mr. Thomas P‘m-gusnn of Lnadnr. Sask. Miss Rt'llllit' had just complvtvd her training as nurse in Moos» Jaw Gen~ Pr?! Hospita! urm'y uycn 0f Hillman. Mit'higan. At. Nu» llnmmlmity Circle last, week, $21!) was you»! to assist in defray-'- ing Um ('xponsos of Rm: L. E. West’s trip H) Um Prohibitinn Convention in 'l‘nl't'mtn I'm‘vntly. Mr. \V'fPSt also Law» a talk on South Americaâ€"- touching nn vcnnnmical. social, eduâ€" rational and moral sidm M ”m question. .- .uxu; U'lu.’ o Mm. Jnhn Brown I‘vcoivvd nvws of tho dogthpf her nim vav [Men of Hulman. Mir ‘1 Al . _._.--. -uuuu ”pull “I UUU on Tuesday morning of this week. Shn resided with 1101‘ brother and roth'ml in hor usual hnalth Monday v-x'vning. Tho fmwral took place to Wishing pn :l‘hm'sday. luv 0 uaLJUUUI. Mrs. Gibédfi'. Banunt Forest. and furmorly of this village. and sister 01‘ Mrs. J. S. Horsburgh and Mrs. McPhadc-lvn. was found dead in bed 0" 'l‘lmsdav mnrninu a! 9mg ...,...2. Mr. Waits. 'é-tuuwdgo‘iuknox College, Toronto. proachbd in the Presby- to-rian Church hgrf‘ last Sabbath. ‘1...“ fv1L7 ,wun MISS M. Ei'iwards of the Con- tinuation School here. ‘ Stops have been taken to quash” Hm hy-iaw passed some time ago to prnviilo funds for the erection of a Continuation SchOOI here. The‘ raw was trim! in Toronto on Mon- day of this wank resulting in an adjnurnnmntâ€"mo debentures to be ISSUPd in the meantime. Mrs. Doylv, who has spent tho past few wwks with Mrs. A. J. Bum-r. mturnmi to her home in Avonlva. 833k“ last \wuk. Mrs. Jessie Thfiy of fiVoodstock is sgmnding a few days wnth Mrs..ljamcs [qusburgh At a recent meeting 0! me- Agri- cultural Society, it. was dpcided to hold a conivsi to secure new mom- hm'sâ€"the winning sioln to be en» irriainpd by tho other side. On Sat- iurdaiy Inst. IIIIOthPl‘ mooting wax hi-M. and the i'Psuii Hf tht' contes‘ was announced 'hy which 105 no“ mnmho'rs “'er added in the list, Mint William McDougall spcuring thv mwaivsi numbm'. The four patrons of the Egremont Creamary Company sending the hizzhns’. number of pounds of butter fat hvtwcwn February 16th and 28th arm \Vnslpy Holliday 87.92. Robert Aitkvn 76.12, Joseph Switzut‘ 56.17, men Bros. 44.68. M (Our itors at Mr. John McKechnie’s Sun..- it? With Mr. ;nd Ira. W 1. Derby. day. Koo: :53". naiJohlalirshall of -â€"â€"-â€"â€"-.-â€"â€"â€" : week ’th M Mr. and Mrs. .1913: Hillinn. w: (0“,- m CMW) "r. ”(I M“. Willi“ Hither ViS- . 'ted the tatter’s arena, M (1 Miss Rose What went to Strlt- I e - p r- an ford last week to stand her examin- Mrs. F‘ WWW“ Hampden. ation on intermediate piano work in “’3‘ “ '"mm Derby , 311d little connection with the Toronto Con- Magnet “"3““ week "“31 her 853- s'ei'uiim'y of Mask, and we are ter,.Mrs. ihomas (Iowan, 8‘" Marys- Miami to report that she has been , M133 Daisy Mather, 0f Stratford ain'cessfui. She and her teacher, Norma], 3'80 Miss Bessie Mather,‘ Mm mm Sharpe. are to be con- teacher at Campbell’s Corners. spent gratuiatmi on their success, as this the Week-end With their parents is our of the most difficult exam- here. mations in the whole course. Several 0‘ the farmers in this 10- The four patrons of the Egremont cellty am having their wood cut Creamery Company sending the “1th the buzz-saw this week. ' .L;.-.\ts .‘ n--”l . a: he must have put in a wen-y hour or more. It was too bad to send him home alone. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vesaie were visâ€" (ijtors at Mr. John McKechnie’s Sun. i ay. _.‘_-\.a coat.) ULI‘I‘ ‘7‘] ) hi§ bnd fnr a few days Susm Tucker has been ‘ 1 IL, v v vaUll Ul undertaker, and Rev. was the officiating PD sympathy is ex- [bereaved ones. Glenmont Brown it"(ytcoiwd the sad :nnnmlcalt social, edu~ moral SHIPS Of the 1591}, wnom we re- wtncally 1“, passed on Tuqsday evenâ€" hag been con- 1' 1)] WEB. Mrs. days m : mom- ' Owen _Sonn_d AWQman on L- n_ jw- v.“ u. u. nUlCK, ”year-Old medical student. of the University of Chicago. startéd last week on a fast- mp; diet that, will last for two yegrs. . , FY mnal schedules and W111 eat very ht. t1». measuring and weighing every ML taken. This is Humane Education. STUDENT STARTS ON TWO-YEAR PASTING DIET linvn that animals haw rights, but think they ' ,uuu- uurselves in the ranks of those who merit a square deal. To help in the cause of humane educa- tion is to lift by so much the weight of injustice and suffering upon their defenseless heads. Te neglect the silent appeal of an injured creature, and decline to get help for it is passive cruelty. and we deserve that such treatment shall be measured to us again. mals. t0 the extent of knowing What muses pain to them: shouldnet be permitted to keep them. know but do not care to the extent _ . , -v---.«‘:avub\.,0 U1 utilby. Animals have a place in the uni-- verse. They are our little brothers, and the measure we mete out to they have so little chance to defend ’themselves. To abuse them is on par with hitting someone smaller and weaker than lect them is like neglecting a child. 'l‘n give them a square deal 18 to place ourselves ”'05". Who merit 3 Square deal. To hf‘lp 111 um CHUSO nf' humonn “4...... Harold G. This For horses: well-fitting careful grooming, intelligei ment and consideration fi feelings; kind words and a m they cannot work without 2 -thesc constitute humaneni Opposite constitutes‘ crue‘lty. A'1im0la ‘ \\\\\\ A new idea has dawned upon the world in the last century. It is that animals have a right to physncel and tion of unnecessary suffering upon them is selfish, cowardly and im- moral. this: to subJect any animal to treat- ment that we would resent to the hilt 'for ourselves were we in the animal’s )laoe. Their needs are; simple; plenty of good food and wa- ter, and a comfortable bed to sleep on at high}, cool in the summer, warm 1.“ Winter. , g The spring sittings of the Supreme !Court of Ontario for Grey County blnpened at the county courthouse at I Owen Sound Monday afternoon, with 'Justice Rose on the bench. ! There were just two cases down' for trial, the principal one being {that of a charge of manslaughter .against Mrs. William Douglass of {Owen Sound. in connection with the idealih of Miss Erma Nethercott of ;Wnodstock. on September 17th of last year. in an auto accident, Mrs. Douglass being in charge of the car. The grand jury, after considering the case for nearlv two hours, cused and the trial Tuesday morning. . . V. A. S. Sinclair, K. (1., of Tillson- ‘ burg. is the crown prosecutor, being associated with Crown Attorney T, H- van \vhiln D D 11.11., .. -_ A East year. in 31 Douglass being Th0 grand jut the case for JI‘. lll.â€"--â€"‘ Old Glenhol Elliott. Velr ~Edna Sr. ILâ€"A- md . consideration for their 3; kmd words and alrest when unnn} "'A ’- WHAT IS CRUELTY? UUDVU m including {name- and typewriting ac- showéd .-, -vuu uuulllDUU. Sr. I.â€"-Ruby Lawrence, Davey Al- joe, Clarence MoNally, Lillian Col- linson, Gordon Greenwood, Olive Jr. I.-â€"-Allie McGirr', Melville Harrison, Elmer Dunsmoor. Sr. Primerâ€"Margaret. Brown. Jr. Primerâ€"Cecil Brown, Douglas Dunsmoor, Harry Lawrence. (’J Present each day. A‘Ynflnnn -11 *â€" L II.â€"-â€"-Ra§rnondv Hopkins. Clarence Ritchie, Arnetta Manto, James Arm- strong. Allie Honkins. Jr. I.~â€"-Minnie Manto. Sr. I.~â€"-Fred Rosehorough, Dawson Vollett. Primerâ€"~Daniel Armstrong. -â€"Erben Schlitz, teacher. 8. 8. No. 9 E‘s-holy. lV.-~Reg McFadden‘, Mary Hop-1 kins'. LouisoJacques. Annie Arnett. lOrval Hopkins’, Dorothy Arnett, Roy ,Hargrave. Sr. III.â€"-â€"May Collinson', Grace Hopkins', Bertha McNaHy. Jr. III.â€"4 Irene Collinson', Eddie Lawrence, John McDonald. Sr. II.â€"-Clarence Hargrave', Mar- garet Dunsmoor, Roderich Duns- moor. ' Jr. II.â€"â€"Clara Jacques', Freddie Arnett, Susw Greenwood, Doris Lawrence, John Collinson. uby Lawrence. Davev Al. :nA “I- ‘â€" 1%- J r‘ . IV.â€"â€"â€"Beatrice Grasbytwéatharine Jr. III.â€"-1Myrtle McLean 82%. Sr. II.~â€"-Fero’l Legato 68%. Sr. I.â€"4Herhio Miller. Jr. I.-â€"â€"'Muriel Brown, Rena Clark, Chester Miller. Sr. Primerâ€"John Vessie, Archie McLean. Jr. Primer~Campbell Ewen, Fer- netta Legatte, Ewen Ritchie, Howard Legatte. ' -â€"-Kathleen L. Firth, teacher. 3. s. No. 11 Sgt-11in]: IV.â€"â€"Allan .Picken, Carmen Rose- horough, Maple Armstrong, Law- Vollet, Violet Armstrong, Maudie ‘ Pig'ken',‘ Elvin Vollett. --v- v vuvll u AVerage atiendance W Sr. II.~â€"-Aâ€"â€"Helen Young, Gene- vieve Saunders, Annie Campbell, for Norma Allan, Ruth Clark. Ac- Sr. [Irâ€"B-«Allce Nicholson, Orval McDonald, Gerald Falconer, Annie Whlker Louise Jamieson. me “Annie Macdonald, teacher. 1W Jr.. II.â€"â€"A~â€"Georgo Ashley, Elsie .at Pinkerton. Percy Greenwood, Agnes ““1 ngker, Mgrgaret Sibbald. i Sr. IV.-â€"~,Hazel Mountain, Florence iMarshall. Sr. III.-â€"-Mabel Sharp, Jack Small- man. Melville Watson, Myrtle Mar- shall, Edgar Morice, Wlilbert Petty (absent). Jr. III.â€"-0tto Birr, Claire Moriee. Jr. II.â€"â€"!I‘om1n‘y Watson, Wallace Marshall, Jessie Marshall, Howara Marshall (absent), Irene Potty (ab- sent), Susie Marshall (absent). Jr. I.-â€"Wilfred Marshall. Primerâ€"Murray Morioe. Sr. Primer Bâ€"Bert Trafl‘ord, Kath- leen McDonald, Arthur Nicholson, ,W-innifred Osborne, Jean McLean. ' â€"1Iessie B. Witthun, teacher. Jr. Primer A~â€"+Mary Firth, James McAulifl‘e, Bobbie Gray, Norman Greenwood, Dorothy McDonald. Jr. Primer Bâ€"Jack Lloyd, Thorn- ton Snell, Alex. W'lells, Clark Saun- ders, Eddie Wlells and Robert Noble equal Jr. Primer Câ€"James Storrey, El-, mer Glenholme, Dorothy Ashley“ Velma LaxaLreneeUVerd Collinson. l Jr. I.â€"Joh_n Greenwood, Gordon McGirr, Eldon W‘hitmore, Nora Baird, Margaret. Erwin. â€"-1Donalda McEachern, teacher. Sr. Primer Aâ€"â€"Essel McArthur, Victor Goodchild, Jean Rowe, Olieda thn,_ Ethel Erwin. l Jr. II.â€"-â€"Bâ€"- Percy Montgomery, Bessie Atkinson, Hazel Moore, Ver- non Col'linson, Eddie Hunt and Wil- liam Neaves, equal. ~â€"â€"Mai‘y E. Morton, teacher, 81‘. I.-â€" Susie Bell, Arthur Koch, Shirley McIntyre, Alex. Tobin, Flor- enco Havens. Jr. III.â€"â€"Wilfrid Middleton, Har- old Glenholme, Doris Taylor, Irene Elliott, Velma Noble. . Sr. [ILâ€"Bâ€" Norman McIntYre, Gertrude Glass, Lawrence Whitmore, Evelyn Baird, Clara Traynor. â€"â€"-Sadie F. MacDOnald, teacher. Sr. III.â€"â€"Câ€"Jean Collinson, George Noble, James Henderson, Marjorie Noble, Nelson Lowe. J r. [VIâ€"Vernon sniwdér, George Hahn, Leonard McComb, Orvil e Saunders, Harold Wilson. -â€"John A. Graham, Princip‘a'i. Sr. III.â€"-A-â€"Dorothy Pickering, Glen Rowe, Gordon McCrae, George Haj, Audrey Bell. .___. Sr. IV.â€"George Fulconen, Helen McAuliIYe, Thomas L. Brown, Roy Mammals. Ellen Marshall. SCHOOL HONOR ROLLS FOR PAST MONTH -. No. 2, Bentinck and Glenelg‘ vEdna A Browning, teacher. Dulu- rune School “v V... ”UV ‘0 Lizzie Schaefer, teacher - Park, teacher. . Thuell, teacher. ', ”Davey _A1-- Elgi’n Congregation for his safpfv; The wife or a man who had enlist- ed in the navy of a church the f handed the pastor ollowing note: “Peter Bowers having gone to sea, When Pete‘s clothes are too small for him to get on, My wife makes ’em over and gives ’em to John; ' Wlhen for John, who is ten, they have grown out of date, . She just-makes ’em over for .1111), who 18 eight. ‘ . When for Jim they become too rag- ed to fix. ; She just_mal<es ’em over for Joe, who IS Six; And when little Joseph can wear ’em no more. ‘ She ,iust‘makes ”em over for Bill, who 18 four. And when for young Bill they no longer will do, She just makes ‘em over for Ned, who is two. So you see, if I get oncogh clothing ‘ for Pete. The family is furnished with cloth- ing complete. And when Ned has got through with the clothing, and when He has thrown it aside, what do you do with it then? Why, once more we go round the Circle complete And begin to use it for patches for Pete. cvvu, plal‘l victuéls to {Eat-:â€" ‘- But clothingâ€"I only buy clothing for Pete. They tell me you word; for a dollar a day, How is it you clothe your six boys nn crank nan-'9 I.â€"-George Bailey. Herbert Wells, Clamn Reay, [Mr-othy Bailey, Clif- ford Brown. Primer.â€"~Myrtle Bartman. Grace» Reay. Albert Reay, Pearl Bartman. Attendance, 34. II.â€"â€"-Russoll Barimzm. Joseph Mc- Culloch. Emin Hartman, Lillian Park, Joan Coulis, Charles Mighbon, qurgg M ig1ngn._ Loo! Johnston. J1. IIIâ€"4;!adw Alexander, James McRonald, Gladys Mighwn, John McLean. Jr. IV.â€"â€" Lenore Reay, Myrtle Charlton. Sr. III.-â€"- John Coutts, Gordon Coutts, Wilbur Mighton, Archie Turnhull. Milton Hartman, Borden Brown. .«\lgxander. Melville Johnston FAMILY FINANCING Trifling Mistake CARROT 105‘ m warm “'4‘“ we prayers of tlié his safety.” it hur- Ve‘etnble and Flower ‘ Seeds from your Local Merchant M’o load Annualâ€"the not: comm: Claudia Ind Cat-Muqree on mac». rm. RENNIE 3mm, (ht. mun and JARVIS 8m With a horse that was as fad as the wind and a gun that \V.‘i~ quick as lightning. he» llmm dered over hill and plain. I'var- ing no one. He had him“ :1 cowboyâ€"circumstances mail» him a sheepmanâ€"â€"and \thn they tried to scare him ull‘ the range. thinirs hogan in happen. You‘ve never soon dashing .larl; Hoxie in a more appealing 1m.- â€"â€"0ne that will give you murv thrills and exciting entertain- mentâ€"than in this rugged ru- mance of the West. ‘Jâ€"yw Dill “K‘s I. ‘l'lli‘ a web quite a yard acmss. 'Hm strands of this huge web Sllfi'jwnd- ed between two trees are su shun)" and tough that if a small him tin-s into them, it is unable to esrapv bu- fore the arrival of the Spidm‘. \th'h makes short work of it. There is another spider that makes a trapdoor on ”w ul'unnd, beautifully camouflaged. {Hid SH lwr- {ectly balanced that it shuts by m own weight. Beneath it. are tunnwk or nits. in whit-h Hm mum. muuy nuanced mm it. shuts by il< own weight. Beneath it. al‘v tunmh‘ or pits, in which the mnnstvr der watches for its prey. SIM- There is a spider g'n thv Allin/nu country that cats blrds. It spms‘ a web quite. ayard acmss. 'Hm aim-“A- -’ ‘L ’ A UNIVERSAL PICTURE Directmi by Rnbt. Bradbm') Century coined: “EAT AND RUN” AT â€"7â€"â€" ----râ€" nun “I! a man dO'Wll around \VilldScH'. haw been eliminated in tlw spring hm- aiding contest. A \Valmsh «mummy. takes the fur-trimmed lming: mus, He called us up rec-ontly and an. nounced that in passing Ull‘ullgh Welland this week, he. pipvd a farm- er wear a. straw hat. (St. Thomas Times-Journal That robin that laid an om: m \M- calfe Stroet the other day; Ilium frogs that cmakod up in (mm Sound, and that. .lunv hm: Hm: My 3 man down ‘arpund _\\‘indsm'. haw I‘nn-n 4':_.-_._, fill! all Sunday HERE'S A REAL HARBINGERY THE “A208 SPIDER INSTITUTE “AT Papal: Annual Even 0‘ all Good Prom toyed. cumminmvnls uf HI This yvm' mslvad concert and lulu-h. tlu an Oldâ€"linu- pmm'. H the Inflimh' hm'mg‘ ! inviting tlwir t‘rwncl: a lmskm. In anvnd 1| quiromq-Ms \thn hm rivM. It was an mun Lad 'l‘hursday m; “At Homo“ Hf Hm \Vu ‘1! “Mil in “In 'l‘n“ usual. g‘m's dawn as 4 enleflanmwuh‘ of H Mrs. John A. «; him“. was in Ilh- .- owr tho program quark-H.» h)“ .\lr~ Miss JQ‘RSic‘ “UH :1 and “vow!" Br”. :4 Esther Firth. :I m..- Smilh and listhwr so!" by Miss \\'nu Possibly Hn' ln-ch Uwr flhnir" \\:.~ 1 number. \thn. m t an Old fawn-m. Hm H‘spnnd {H :m mm and numhm- \\;l~‘ ‘W thv Ilyv." and ”Ir pram-cl Hu- HIMHHI; svdaiv HM "gmlmw tn mullam 'lc‘l‘N‘H I IIICHG‘IIN‘ :m "\N‘H‘i mu- uf Hlv HM in!" “w lung. Inn: mm Fnlhmnm H!" in; I’l‘nfl‘l‘alll. :m o'\(‘c‘Hc admn “'nmvn ..r \n Miss .lulm \\'.~u'. Hf sum. Martin; \\ IHI piflllm'l" Hf I‘luvhv don“ \\IHI ”w m llanmhan “mum: u dmu- muvh fur Hu- upllfhm: uf (Lawn! In Hmsc- \xhu muvh in litvan-u VOL. 58.-~N0. M. Hus pvrmd program. a who" unjuyml. Hw pm‘ was a plgntn gun: this mntvsl. a lllllll institulc- mmnlwrs. must M ”w Imlws ! yuullgo-r. \wru GIN“ 'I‘hv I‘vmllm.’ Hf grams t'mm svw lw‘ahlc‘h‘. and a h" "Mable-s “as “In Smith. and I“ In" of Hm wuh- mllm Imrlmm branch 1 “'mw-II'~ IIMHM fullu“ I I This SUM oneâ€"if we ' and if W9 V our own chi lhiSI'H'IIIIII-I. h of plmhmraphs IIWII uf Nulv" H in NW Art Hall: M \\ ”w kiln how h lu'murht Hnmv" t "I \‘m d3 bio Mum“! outsidv H have nun» curriculm Any mvmlw Sil'illu shal'vs brim: build. a land. l'arlizun l I'vm-ut my kil Hn SMI'I‘X \\ ("ll \m fut ll “'3 um cm mi ”I H'H

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