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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Mar 1925, p. 10

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PAGE :0. Tnverston (Our own Correspondent.) A quiet wedding was solemnized on \Vednesday. March 18, 1925, at Walmer Road Baptist Church, T or- onto. where Miss Bessie Hortense Smith, only daughter of Mrs. M. Smith of Zion. was united in holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Kenneth Vaughan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan of tilenroadin. The Rev. John MacNeill was the officiating clergyman. 'l'he winsome bride. who was unattended. looked charming in a "awn. of many duchess satin triinmed with radium lare and gold head. also wearing a smart grey coa with hat and shoes to match. Aft r spending a few days in the Que-'11 City, the young rouple ar- riyod on Saturday evening at the home of the bride's mother to spend a few days before leaving for their future home near Arthur. The gl'o- m has been a surcefiful farmer and owns a Vet')’ tine farm in that dish-let. The rommunity extends their best wishes for a pleasant and pl'Osjio-l'nus sojourn through life. Sir-z. 'l‘. E. Blair and son. Norman, of lurham. spent the past week re- newing arquaintances at Zion. .\lr.~'. lien Mays of Guelph arrived on Saint-day to help care for her father. Mr. \Villiam Firth. who is in \ery poor health at. present. Dr. 'l'. )lt'ftae of [)llmlas al'l'iVeoi Saturday at the old home to assist with their utll'tt=’ll mile to “1' held on 'l'lilri'sday of this week. with “N'Il' IIIIIIII II .3110 In [)0 "PM ”'IIIIIIsIIax III’ this “wk. 0"Mr. IamI-e I’IIIIII‘I'MOII II of lion- IIIIII H'I'I'nth \ISIII‘OI with IIIII Cook and Mc.-.\I'IIIIII' Iilnlilit‘s Mr. Ray .\II°IIIIII1\IIII II'I\\"_.~IIW1'i.~' Mr. Ray MHZIIIIIklin nm a Hawk drhim: “UPS" IIIIIIIII chasm] from .\II'..\IIII'1\ Durham. SIIVIIIaI of NI II III-ighlnn's gum-II III SIN-{Ell making. and AhnIIt. “HOW" laIliI-s H)!" at. LhII hnmv IIf Mrs. W. .l. IZIIIIk last Thur<- day and “0"” a VI" '\ iIItI'I'thiIIg III- stitutv MIN-ting. Pawns \wI'I» giwn by Mrs. IZIIIIk aIIIl Minn .‘l. l‘:0l\\al'0"'. Thon ”I0 "N‘mhl‘l'S IIaII I'DllSiIlPl'ilhll" community singing and also ar- rangml for an I'll't‘l".aillnl6‘llt. III III- hwld III ZIIIII IIhIII'ch IIII April 8th whnro HII' yIIIIIIg: [H‘Ol'lt‘ I‘xpm't. to givn a play. “In Int-Ming ”HWY In a flaw by singing ”I“ National An- thI-m. Mrs. IIIIIIk. ilSSiStO‘il by “01' danuhh‘l'. KIItiI'. thI‘II SI‘I'VI‘Il a tasty hillt'ho'fln. sills at. Zion’s ' Mr. and Mr S\\inhm l'mk Nut-um immo- at Zion tlhm't' .‘ll'. .IHN'llh ‘ rum-"Hy arml' tlhl'istiu NI‘N'I \t'ln'l'o! [W has mo-nt. .‘ll’. “HIN'N. I fur DPH'HH. :I hlvasant. mum 3:. .12.... 9â€"... 21.41:: v7.2.3? 2.7. 5.2.7 «Izzfi 2.. 7â€"... 2:. v31. ’4. ._. . z... ._::: ._.....:._. : lmmo l t. i Mr. Wilbm't Hronnwoml had a mum hm- thv lattm' part. Hf last \VN‘k and gut a nice» piln of wow! cut. North Vickers (Our own Correspondent.) -\ numiwr ni’ th» nnighlmrs and frwnds Hf Mr. and Mrs. P. vahurn swim a wry o-njnyahlv iimn at tho'ir hHHN' nn Friday vwning last whvn' Hwy i-rvso-nhwl Mr. and Mrs. HPp- hurn with two nim‘ rocking: chairs. “1'. am! Mrs. Huphurn intnnd mm- in: in Din-ham in tho noar future» .\I r. Jnhn Grim-son having purchased tho! farm. Mr. .HPX. Knislny, who has been at tho homo 01' Mr. and Mrs. George Turnhull for somn time. loft last “'N'k and is nngagvd with Mr. .‘lo-arns of Hampden. _- Haley. .\lr. amt .\lI-.~'. Arthur )IeXully a slmrt time aIgu tl‘t‘iltt‘tl tmth )‘IIIIII'; amt old in a must I-njnyuhln party In honnr of Mr. and Mrs. Fl't‘d Lee and twn daughters wtm spent a tan might with them. Last. “ethwsctav night, the \oung talk of the neighhurlmml gathered tugether :llltl gave the. Teeter home :I ~‘lllpl‘tst' party. They \\ ere treated right. rmully amt spent a happy time till the “my small hnurs‘ 0f the nmrn. .\II'. .I. .l. pt‘fll't and MI'. (It‘fil'g'l‘ FIII'III'HIIX \VI'I'O' down In MIIIIIIt. Fur- I-st. Hll FI'IIlzIy IIf last. \VPO'k. WII SO‘O' Mussrs. RIIIII-I't. .laI'km‘III. R. If. Bu. Ins and ..l R. EII 'aI‘Ils :Ill \IIUIUIIUI HP“ (ll'hl'l'b those times. Thu PaylnI' 'DI'HHIO‘I'. hm» be‘n busy this past. \ka Ih'hfll'lling sI-v- I-I'IIl I‘EIHIP fI‘II' Hm no‘ighhm's. .\lI°. .IIIhn 'l‘III'tIII‘ III‘ MaI'kIlalI- stIII. ”In \\‘N‘k-Pnd at “10‘ hmm» of Mr. A I he I". TPI'U'I'. .Vlr. (:Porgo Réay called on friends in our burg the beginning of the \"PPk. Missps P. Wilson, Mary and Beta Bailny and Mr. Harold McKochnie 01‘ Durham were guvsts 01' Mr. and Shae. H. Rnay Sunday aftern‘oogx . Nibssrs. H. Brighain and P. Bluhm slwnt. Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. John Balleg’s. ‘ Priceville. (_ Our own Correspondent.) Tim \watlwr mntimms fine which mmms sugar making: for quit» a few fat-mars. ()ur sick fnlk continue? to impl‘ovn. Mrs. .\IO‘X. R. McDonald and Miss Janet. are. improving nicely. also Mr. Charles White. Mr. Albert. Jones, .‘liss Alien Rviloy. Mrs. William Ramage and Miss L. McKinnmi. Mr. Bosley is busy in town on the spring house decorating. This 10- cality can keep him going for some time. ‘ o a ‘ -‘ ._ .- A “A‘OA 'l I III‘. 0 The cars are beginning to move again. allhnugh it appears rather hpavy going as yet. . . . . Mrs M. J. Buckham ls Vlsnlng friends locally for a while. after spending the winter in the city. mlim: is PPpm'hul sulol how I .6. \\. .l. UMK, 'I‘I'o'h‘l' Hf .‘Inl'kdzllo fo-w days with HR 1' ‘5‘ Olul'm'l‘. \Irs. Philip Hm'risnr -k \‘isih-ol Sunday at. :o' and alto-114ml SN" H 0UP}: l‘o‘ spo-mliux Hnsplt lwvn rm- that )ll mu tn al. UH I'o-turnml lmmc' n: z“. munlh at )itul. 'l‘ornntn. reviving tl'mlt- M .lay at, tlin; Hunts rausu a loss tn ()ntarin ul serit'i' . iliz-mi‘rs of $ti.lt)tl.tlt)t) [H‘l' yi'ar. This Ei~ ldrg‘o'ly priWi'ntahli‘ if ”lt‘ farm- ‘le IIHIW' 1 pr.» wnultt twat tlwir soc-.1 grain for IH'H‘HI utisllllli. with t'nrmtiliii. using the pruâ€" THWHIM. ? pvr mvthmls amt adapting the nec- .i'r-' ll't‘?ll- I t~.~.<:1ry prm'autinns. ‘ 'l‘lwrv are two nit-limits: tl' Sprin- 1 SIllill'dil.\'lliling am! \2 Dry. 'l‘liv tirst r"- H: a. t'o-wltiuirt's applying; a snlutiun of 0110- “ {*iU’“"I?N3 ; ; int tn t'nrty galluns of water with ;a sprinkling (am. This will hi) suf- li. )lrltam nuipnt l'nr forty huslinls. (Invor tlm ”- JH-‘W't'lllgrain i‘nr thrm- m' t'uur hours with l tlw sacks nr ilry which will he usml MPXNH." aim olraw tlw grain tn thv llt‘ltl. 'J'hi- *“H' .‘"’”“%-'§clry mvthmt runsists nt' applying.r HM“ t'ill'lywvith a hand sprayvr a sniutinn 0f . I’I'M LN? ', mu: part formalin amt 01w part wa- ' Sllt‘llt’ 11 i tor. This is 115ml at. thn ratv ut‘ mw ‘pint. to twi-nty-tix'n lmslwls of smut. ”I“ .VOUDBtSpray all sacks with t'nrmalin anal ~| gatlwrml ‘ mm r thr- lev ut’ grain t'ur tiw. himrs. 'i'h‘l' hilmi‘wlti'nii)\'u tlw vnvvr and saw treated are", troatmllgrain as soon as possihlv. vw swu'lfi ‘ntly pur- H'ham is IU'HU' Ur {N'P 0'"- l'vpm‘l :1 l'isun 0f \' at. Hm “'Hs‘nll ('HH- '11111 spring 111.511 is almost upon 11111 1'131m1111 101131'.11 11111 still be 11111 1111 11111111: 111313115 b11111re actual 11111111 51111115 1111 1111.1 land 11111 during 11131 tim11 111113115 5111111111 1111 n111d11 if 1111111 113111 1101 11111111 1111111111111 during 11111 11'11111111. H1111 abuut sharpening 111111 11311111111 1.111111; tightening 11111 11131115011 the 111.511, 11111111151111; the 11111111 1111 11111 cu11i1111011, replacing the 1111,1111.11iling 1111.1 1131111155 and got- 11111.: 11111 old tugs 11nd 113111115 in con- 111111111 11111 11111 111111111 111111511 111111551111 111111 51111111111 111111111351111ding'.’ Oil up 11111 1111111. .51111 111111 11111 11111115 31111 in 3.1111111 111:111diti1111, and 1:111 5U1111 1111) 1.111355 51111111111 is in 11111 drill in road- 1111-55. \‘1111 11311 131111 your time 1111- 1131111111: 1111w, 31111 1.111111111111111 do 11111 11111 11111111111ghl1. 35511111111; against all 111.55 111 tim11 w111111 51111111111: 01111113110115 111111111111111111. 11: 1111 11111111' in111l11m11111 111111 .1111 1121111111551 in 111151 11111111111111 111155111111. Implements Should Be Overhaulad Egg Circle Work 'l‘wn rvqnvsls haw,- cnnm t0 the. llt‘pal'lml'lll. Hf Agricultnrv. Mark- olnlw. lllls pzls‘l \W‘c‘li. asking fOI‘ as- sistanrc- in tlu- m'gzlnizaliuns ul' vgg ril'c'lo-s. Mr. '1‘. A. Bonsnn, [multry pl'nllmlvl' nl' \Vcslo'l'n ()ntariu, Dom- ininn len Stock Branch, has con- so-ntwl in ac'lolro'ss llwsn meeting so that a Iargv audiencu is lookwl for. Mr. Hunsnn has organizml the egg rirrlvs ni’ Prince} Edward Island s0 nmlnrstancls tlw. fnmlammtal prin- riplvs umlvrlyim,r the work and tho business management necessary to tlwir success. Why 11% other com- mnnities asking for this assistance? 'l‘lw Dvpartment will help. Wllio is next? ' llnllelins on stunts and rnsts run he seenrecl from the Department of .\;:rienlt.ure, Markilale. 'l'hey are. free. Write for one and hang it. in your granary. Pormalinâ€"What Is It? Formnlin is n elear liquid disin- t'eetnnt. It. is :i it) per eent solution «if l'orni:ilcleli._\'ile gas in water. It 'nn he purchased from any drnggist. It is sold under the name- of forma- lin and formaldehyde. It. is impor- tant that. the purchaser. \\'linte\'er name he buys it, nncler, secures a guaranteed solution of full strength ~30 per eent formaldehyde. The steek solution shunhl always he kept in a well eorkeil bottle away from the sunlight. Formalin. when diluted with water for treating the grain, is not. at «tai’igerons poison, although the strum.r t‘nmes will make the eyes smart. and n strom.r solution will harden the skin temporarily. South Bentinck ‘ (Our own Correspondent.) My. John Cuopm' and sister. .lnanw. of Hampden. spent an even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Derby rngpntly. Mr. (kn-don Hopkins 01' South .Al- Ian Park is assistmg Mr. W‘Illlam (h'mrson for a number of months. Mrs. Tm]. Widmeyer and sons, \lnx. and Nathan, of Hampden. spent 21 f0“ daxs “ith her patents, Mr. and 3113. \lex. Grim'son. Mr. John Derby is visiting in (hiijlpii___t.his wepk._ ME. Thomas Cox‘bvtt of \anharn is _\:isiti_ng hi§ Md neighbors hero. _ Mrs. Jean Corbett 0f Biggar. Sask., roturnml to her Old home here, on Friday. “’0 31‘" plcasml to see 1191' looking 90 well. Miss Mar) Mathm' is \ isiting a few “11ka with the Hunter families in llg‘cmoni. x.\lrs. AIPX. Gi'im'snn ontortainod a numbm of ladips on this line to a quilting last. Friga_y__ afternppn. ' Mr. *William Liftle of Hampden purchased a I‘mn general purpose horse from M1:William Derby. Exactly 80! She: “Can you tell me why a black cow gives white milk that. mgyes yellow [)utter?" He: “For the same reason that blackberries are red when they are green.” Problems of the Farm Contnhuted by Gray County Department of Agriculture Formalin for Smut. Cleaning Seed ‘JJ-uu, "I "-v ..-...-_ ~â€" ~ . . . Mr. nd Mp3. Jack Boyd Vlsned Mrs. Boyd's sxster, Mrs. Marsales of Acton. over the week-end. --- n _ _‘ (Our own Correspondent.) All hail to our Canadian maple sypup, is _t.h_e_ 0rdqr 9f the day. n~~â€"â€"‘ -.:n:‘r\l" A I. Vvv. ‘--V 011 March 18th, in Walmer Road Baptist Church, Toronto. Kenneth Vaughan and Elizabeth (Bessie? Smith were united in marriage by Rev. John McNeil]. They will reside. near Arthur Village. We all unite in wishing them a happy and pros- perous-voyagenthrough life. M14. Jose; )1] Dmisofi has been onâ€" gaged In Mr. John \IcKechnie for the season. M‘tm' an nhsvnce of some time, Mr. Sillzu‘s was able. to preach last Sunday and lmlws hv will b0 able tn fulfil his clutivs from new on. Thu mnnthly "mating 01' the W. M. S. will lw lwld at the home Hf Mrs. (E. Boyd. - Mr. Juhn Boyd Sin. is progress- ing fax orablv and will soon be out. again. All" nahm» is awakeoning to new- nvss of hf e. and preparmg to (1011 her I‘Ohos Hf boauty. (Our own Correspondent.) Mr. and. Mrs. Bert VV'illiS spent Sunday wnth the Simpsonfamllx. Mrs. Neil McLean and daughter, Margaret. spent. a day recently wnth' Mrs. Lamb of Aberdeen. Mrs. ‘ Hugh Vaughan-”sited a day rncvnlh “in: her parents, Mr. and 311s \. Svmnns. \11‘5.l\'iugsiou is very much bette lately A SCHOOL GROUNDS COMPETITION .-\ I'IIIIIIH'IIIIIII‘. in IIIII (Il'llflnll‘llIal planting III' IIIIal SI'IIIHII gIIIIIIIIls is “I‘ll”! iIIz-IIIgIIIaII-Il In tlIIII IlaIIaIliaII IIIIItiI' IIIIIII' al IIIIIIIII iI. 'IIIII IIIIIImSII UI IIII‘ IUHIIH‘IIIIIHI I4 III I‘IIIHIHIIII‘W‘ IIII‘ planting III SIIIfII IIIIIanII-IIIal anIl hardy slII'IIIIs as will IIIII. SHITI‘I' I'OI‘ lavk III’ aItI-IIIIIIII IIlll'Ill‘; “II‘ va- ('IIIIOII III‘I'IIIII. 'l‘lIII :IlIIIIIIlaIII'II I‘II' ration pvriml. 'l‘lw :Ilmmlzmru nl' nzntix'o- shrnery availahlc- . Ineally in many parts of (In: lmminiun and Um linur things. equally as hardy. uhtninnhlv frum rm nurswynmn, giw vnmmrng'vnwnt tn tlwllmm- cil and MW prmnisv of a rharming t 'ansl'm'nmliun in tln- srhnul grounds Hf tlu- country. 'J'he- mmpvtitiun. tlmugh homin- ion-widv, is dividml m'n\'inri:|ll;~'. Xilm silwr runs haVn lnwn sm'urrcl I'Hr award. «mu in c-urll prm‘ilu'v. f0 Hw rural srllwvl :u'rmnplishing Hm , -fi---‘ ,..-“. vv Iululll" ‘Illtull‘ l l" I. .\. H. Muclmllan. Untariu Agricul- tural dlnllngn. Gnnlph: Now Bruns- wick. .-\. (‘1. 'I‘m‘nc-y. Provincial Hor- im‘uiim'isi. Fi'mimictmi: Nma SCO- tia. Prof. Shaw. Collogo of \gricul- turn. 'l‘rurn; Prince ludx\a1‘d Island gi'mili'isl. lii‘le'l'l‘ ul' lwaulilii'alinn in ils g'i'nuan illu'in: lbw yi'al'. 'l‘bo rub \\'l|i bi-i'nniu tliu prune-Hy ul‘ llm svliunl “inning: it “Wow limbs. nnl. in'vs'ssai'ily in suvvvssinn. Willi val'l: l‘llll lbi- llnuni'il \\'l” alsu givi- an award nl' nwril, ('l‘l’ilill'ilil‘. which may lw l'i'animl anal kl'pi. by tho srlnml as a [H‘l'millll'llt l'l'l'lH‘li. 'l‘u l'llil'l' llu- cunumtilinn. tho. svlmnls «'H'l' l'l'llllll‘l‘ll in submit. a pliulnui'apb Iil' lln- buililing‘ and grounds and an appli *alion Hl’ wintry tn iill‘ vliaii‘man (il’ HH‘ prnVini-ial mnunilb-v ur in Mr. L. I". Hill’l‘lJWS. Si'wi'vlal'y nl' tbv Canadian llni'lil‘lll- tui'al llnum'il at. Ullawa. lMails of HM ('nmlwtitiun. which will bu vnn- iluvlwl lllllll‘l' llu- immmliatv charge of tho [ii‘uvincial Unparlmvnl. nl' Eli- uvalinn. {ll'l‘ availablc- from tlw Soc- i-vlai'y of llm Canadian HortimlturM linunvil at, llllawa. ”1' from any of tln- l‘nllnwing ("bail-awn nl' [ll'OVlll- vial i'nmmilivns: British Columbia. Prof. l“.E.Buck. l'nivm‘sity 0f Bri- tlSII Columbia. Vancouwr: Alberta. Prnl‘. ”purl-'0 Harcourt. lTniwrsity 0f .\llwrla. Edmontnn: Saskatchuwan, Dr. F. C. Pattm'smi. l'niwrsity 0f Saskatchmvan'.’ (“askatnnnz Manitoba.‘ Pml’. F. W. Brndm'ick. l'nivm'sily of Manitoba. Winnipog: Ontarin. Prof. J. A. Clark. Dominion Experimental Farm. «llmrlottctown. ((Z¢,)11t.inuml from pagv 7.? ‘_ too high. General mtronchmonts wm-v hcim: PITPCH‘d hm slowly. and thv taxation was tun grvat. The London bzmkm's cmmsvllml tho Na- tional Bank to oxm'cisn its influence to change these). conditions. The heroism of Miss Dora Simon. telephone «)[mratmn who remained at. her post in a burning building to summon assistance from three near- by towns. saved the business section and probably the entire town of Mapletnn, Minnesota. from destruc- tion by fire which caused a loss es- tingeted at $100,000.“ Eleven more bodies were today removed from the Bethlehem Mines Corporation's mine at Barrackville, near Fairmont. W. Va. To date twenty-two bodies have been brought out following an explosion World News Rocky Saugeen Glenroadin. THE DURHAM CHRONICLE entombed 33 men. The question of naval defense probably will be one of the main subjects of discussion at the ap- proaching session of the South Af- rican Parliament. Considerable pres- sure is being brought, especially by the Navy League, to provide coastal defense. for South Africa. “GOSSlD rates” for users of the telephone- are suggested by the Mayor of Hampstead as a means of stimulating interest in wire com- munication, in which England lags behind other countries. in the minglast Tuesday night. that. Tuesday Pmporis from Lima say severe damage was caused in Peru by re- wnt tlomls. It is declared that rail- way traffic to the interior will be interrmitmi for a month. Five Soviet Government officials warp killml. says a lleutur dispatch, when a military airplane, flying from 'l’itlis t0 Suchum caught fire in mid-air and crashmltu earth. The aged formvr Empress Char- lutto of Maxim, who has been suf- fering from the gi‘ippc in Brussels, was (hwhuwl yvstm'ilziy In haw passod a satisfactory night. Shu Sllll coughs slightly. but mntimu-s tn tzikv sush-mincv. Thu anm' House of tho Japam-so Divt yvstm'day passed the alien land ownm‘ship bill, which the House of I’m-rs adopted nu March 16th. The new law will lutvr 1w mutated by Imperial edict. llmds ago-lit ivpmls Um British stuaniship Mawilia 01 3. 281 tons from Bnmha)’ l'nl' Livv‘l'lnml. ashmv m1 \Vingzitu lhwi‘ nunr I’m'l. Sudan, .-\ng:ln-|".gyptizin Sudan. 'l‘ugs have pl'nL‘t'vUNI in Him 51'va In Lake? nll' lhv pz_iss_mig‘vrs if livccssary. Paris lixvulsim' gives a pml‘niucnt «murmur in Hm m-rvai markvt, as zmtlmrity I'm' ”14» state-1110111. Hm Um [H'im' Hf broad in Fl‘alnm‘. which HUW is at. Hm I'vmml peak thnug‘h slill lmwr Hum in any uthm' (mumry, isAalmut tn drop and drupvt‘ast. Thu annual I'vpol't 0f tlw Ruivhs- hunk for 192’: shuws 0 gross ln-utit «0‘ 307.0000“) marks and a not. pro- m. m‘ 122,000.00!) marks. in which Hm l’mlvml (hwvrnuu-nt sham-s t0 the vxtvnt. 0f 50,000.0(N) murks'. It is pm- [msod to pay a «lividvnt 01' 10 [MW (,‘(PIIL II. is SIBII'I] iII “I‘HHSL IInIIfficiaIIy II.IIII IIII- (‘UIIH‘IIIIIHI III XIIIIIIIII‘IIisIs \\III(‘ II IIII‘I. HII SIIIIIIIIIix in II svssinn IIIinIII: six IIUIIIS IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIII. iI I‘IL‘I'tOIj, ”II‘ NIIIIIIIIIIIisIs sIIIIIIIII IIIIII UH‘II' SI'IIIs iII HIP no“ I’IIIIIIIIIII III. l’ravtimlly all English SIP!!!“ lmwlvrs using: Hw lmm'ushiw “um. 01' Flvvtwuocl mm mm icllv lwvausa tlw vnginvm's mu] lirvnmn. with the artim apprmnl 01' many skippers. clm-linn tn usv ihv lmrt. until Hu- Im- «lvrmking is giwn that. nu lish will lw lauded there from German huals. It is roportml in Loaguo of Na- tions rirclvs that Gui-man and Aus- trian agonts ziro nogotiating for a rhatonu on tho lakr front of Gmn-wa for tho 1130 of n romhinod (iorman and Austrian Embassy to the Lragur. 'l‘his roport is Grouting great intorost in View 0f the rmwnt statrmcnts rmirosrnting Gnrmany as morn favorably inrlinmi toward joining tho Imagur. Wednesday Formrr Empross Charlotte, who has hrrn suffering from inflnrnza in Brussels, [HISSt‘d a good night. Her cough has diminishod. and her appo- tito returned. 'I‘Iw inwstigutitm at the boundary quvstinn lwtm-vn Tl'ln'kvy and tlm Kingdom nt' tlw lmh hy tho Imagin- nt‘ Nations (lummission is proceed- ing satisfactnrily. it is stzitml m m}- Vii-vs tn tlw Lunguv. 'l‘lw Cummin- siun will I'L‘aPII Aloxanch'ia «m April Htth. on its rvtm'n. and its l‘t'tlttl’l will lw i-vatly for thv Juno session «it' thv tlnum'il hvrv. Askml in thv British llmisn nf tlnnmmns ,wstm'tlay “'le tlw “YEP- natiun nt' [111k by British trump»- would take" placn. \V. G. A. (lt‘mshy- (turn. thinnial l'mlvr-Svcrvt:ugv. statml that. tlnhmial Sm'i'vtzu'y Am- vry and Air Ministm' Sir Samuvl Huat‘v haw just. lt'ft for Bagilad with ttm intvntinn of studying the evacu- atinn Hf li'ak and amp? quvstiims. Albert H. \Vashburn has tnnderod his resignation as l'nitvd Stains Min- ister to Austria, he made known in Vienna yesterday. Mr. W‘ashhurn “as appointed in 19:22 by the latex Pr vsidrnt Hauling. Conditional ratification of the Vt ashington eight-hour convention will be recommended b\ the. com- mission of the French Chambm of Deputies dealing with the Labor ag1eement. Ratification, the com- mittee voted. should be effective on- ly when the agreement is adopted by Germany, Great B1itain and Bel- gigm. _ Reply to a question in the British House of Commons yesterday after- noon, Premier Stanley Baldwin said the Canadian Government had in- formed the Secretar -General of the League of Nations t at is was ready to consider methods of supplement- ing the provisions of the covenant for the? setthmcnt, 0f non-justiciahlu nssm-s. A proposal to levy a municipal tax of :30 fram's a pvrsnn on all fur- vign i'vsidmils in Paris in addition In the (inVi-rniiu-nt. i'w» fur identity Minis. hm IH‘t‘ll him-WI lwi'm'o I’m'is City Cumwil. Its spnnsm's claim thv city's nxgwndiiure- fur [MHPP sulwr- Vision of i'ui'vigiwrs :iml HHH'I' svr- vices amounts in 2?».4NNHNM I‘ranvs annually. 'J'lu-i-o- :m- mm alum! 1.30.- 000 ford-mu l't'sidl'Hh‘ m_l’:n'i.~'. The cnnccssion of the Island of Sakhaliun. u‘rantu-«l Ha» Sinclair nil intervals by tlw Smivl. anHman-s. was yestvrday annulled by Um Suv- ivt, court. whirl: has lwvn ln-aring the (h‘n'vrnn'n-nt‘s annullmunt. plvz. 'l‘ln' cuurt (HH'CUNI Hu- (imrrnnn-ni In rvturn In ”I“ l'nitwl Stains rumâ€" pany the 200.000 rnhlc-s guaranty it. had dvpnsitmi. Tin. \‘ariviy Artists" I’mtm'atinn is pi'ntvstini: auainst tln- awn-aranm- at tho Londnn Coliseum on Monday night 01' invmiwrs u!’ tlw Cumin-Mun l'nivm‘sity Madrigal Society, who, attiiwl in plus. t'nni's. i'o-nctui'mi a nnmtwr Hf svlmrtinns. 'l‘hvir amwar- ancn was sandwiirliml Iii-twm-n sni'li t'avm'itos as Bi'anshy \\'illiam.~' and lhn'nthy \\'~:n'il. Althnngh Great Britain is supposm t0 ('nnti'ni tlail'o's furi'iirn pnlivy. in- dnpondvnt. actinn liy tlw l-Zgyptian (iowrnnn-nt, dt'Vt‘lOIH‘cl yustm-day. It fm-wamtmi to “in Lvagnv ut' Nations the ratification. Siam-d by King Faint. ut' thv Luann.» of Nations' cun- antinn for HIP simplification Hf ('nstnms l'ni'malitivs. This is tlw first, case Hf an Egyptian ratification tilml itidt'pt.‘lld(‘llt|}' by Egypt with Hm [wiltâ€"TU“. [ho Stlllh'lllS in t' to MPIIS liain- in: I ollogo in .loi Us: loni stinck 34‘s- toi4la3 morning: in 4onnoction 33ith tho inmonding 3i.~il of tho 11ml of Balfour. who is to upon tho Hohro“ l'ni3'4-rsit3'. 4A gonoral striko mo3'o- monl. among: tho Arabs has boon do- 4°i4lo4l npon in protost against tho apnoaranoo of Lord Balfour, author of tho Balfour Doclaration soiling forth tho British policy to oncour- ago dovolomnont Hf tho .lowish honioland in l’alostino}. 'l‘ho now oloctions to tho Egyptian l’ailiamont. 33hi4h bod3' as dis- sol3od on Mon4la3 aftor the National- iSt. loador. Zaglonl Pasha. had hoon oloctod l’rosidont. of tho Chamber by a (locisivo majority. may not. be hold at. as early a Halo as was indicatod by tho dissolution docroo of last owning. This tixod M413 23rd for tho olt‘clions and lune lst 10F tho opening of (Ian nvw I’m'liznm-I is undvl'sflmnl Hn- (hn'c-muu-m tnmplatvs illh't’nilwin: :| Mr“ tul'al law lwfcm- tlu- nwxl lmH Thursday. latch 26. 1925. How small the cost! Cutsafanu’lvlgudgazmofm The Value to you of YOUR telephone in- creases as rapidly as the value of a corner store in the busy sution of a big city and for the same reasonâ€"â€"if you make the most of it . Each year more than 50,000 new telephones in Ontario and Quebec are added to the army of those you can do business with. Your telephone also en- ables you to talk with upwards of 125,000 telephones on rural lines in these two provinces. VOKER BODIES, LH COMMENCED '1" VOL. 58.-â€"N0. ::m law firm Alreadv E Yen’s Output N.- Boing Installed new ilullxst Limitl‘d. m cial an?“ 1» {ions (m T! from ncm ‘ ually as I; placed am! prgogiuctlngg Mr. ( . . the Ijuunm the past \\w UT lllc'll :It “Uh HI: I 'l [10de in sum. «luv! unhl tho I "HI 0| Hollu HEN STARTS EA AT BREAKING Durham Biddy Out pionship. il\ M an GREY COUNTY POU.‘ ARE SBCURWG H nouns RURAL Mu. CHANGES HAN Five (Ere-y cm ' I flm'I-ntls' aahuw I; ‘ Oppralimu in o:‘ ' this IN‘I‘I‘W‘H I'Ii ' - fnlIOW'InK 1|! I‘I‘ ‘Iio I“ ' :ll‘v haVim: HI. m-I MG‘SSI‘S. .I k‘ in ; HI‘ p.‘nl|)u.h "(C(k" ‘H II Harkdalo. Imglmx zw; Harkdalv. Lngluwn~; V Infard. Barred le Fisher. Aylfln. Leglmr Wymdottes. (lomnnmt Sandy 11m: be ch' fimtv «out having [om Livingstmr Sim-0 m Livnmsh'n and ”Mimi gonnrally tirv. Hm“; bell in his (il'o'y hvim: 1" partmc-x \‘iflw In judging: of pvrfc- mg :11 Janna ‘I II h \Vl allllml ll

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