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Durham Chronicle (1867), 26 Mar 1925, p. 5

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lhvho'r'. )It'KO'all. Turonto, w Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Lhilo-m-o'. Mr. McKe-an is a hman in summvr with the. n Sh-nmshm Linps and in win- 1mm c-nllvm‘ in Toronto. p Nvlho- )lt'Ko'chnio‘, dau up and MN. lknmald MCKec nie, p o-mpluym- Hf (luv 01. N, R. u -;||. Is. om :m o'xh'mh’d vacation Lmi. Hnridrn, [Mm-.- rMum- .- into-nah \‘h‘iting Palm Beach, tmfil». \\‘;|:~'hmgt0fi and New tho! rmiotmwe of Mr. Gem-ii 'ron. Lotti» [Mm had returned to L0. aflo'l‘ Sprnding the past IWO s with how pawnts, Mr. and Iiram Dram. 'and MW. H. E. Harrpn left Iv mun-nip: for their new in 3’!erme â€" I‘Mq’il “Til!" Hf Toronto was a mu visitur in town. Edwards ut' Hoistvin visited FIR IR. L. Saunders, Prop “Phi“ L' with H. .\l. Voilo's. president of 'okm' Radios. Limited. has lEEDS m: a fuw “'6'!ka With her m6; Mrs. L. Elvmge. Edwards of Holstein visited HS Oll'vssz-H of the local High <tan' nwr Hw \vvvk-eml. oim-ss ut‘ ”Mama, and sister, .\. mm ul’ 'l‘horndale. ac- tion] by Mrs. l’t‘tl‘iP 0f Bol- \\‘o'l'o‘ :llwx‘ts‘ 0" MP. and MP3. The Variety Store AL AND PERSONAL 19 3 75C Iridescent Berry SIMMERS’ OWN order *‘M-O-O-OO-fi-‘O-‘MW ed Seeds nsome Toilet Soap FREE! l. H. Kniso-t' :‘o-turnml tn hol- H St. 'Hmmas am Saturday Un-m- Wuvks' visit. with her . “[5. L. I'IIVMng. Rnhfil't Ham” othng-unto i8 W*°fi*-O-M'me0.~’ are ‘30., Limited 'r2 Sc. lursday, larch 28, ”38. ’tur ent .r Cream sp‘ Two Days only, [DAY AND SATURDAY MERV CO. ”\VII .-\nn io mar this week we will give FREE er y and Saturday 3 CAKES ll h )nu with il'o wm'k. mham is teaching mun-1' for a few 'M'MOOD-O-OOMODWM' Ontario :he best but you r cream ve THE up Freer uf Toronto is aunt. Mrs. W. 1 mm of rakes 0f _\ ~v\o‘!"‘ mirihquakc was recorded on Hio- insirumnnts at Gonzales Hi'izhh ulm‘rvatm'y. Victoria. 8.0» m th» mu-iy iwurs of Sunday morn- HIL’. Tho' viral. waw was recorded at 12.27» a.m.. and the rccnrd lasted wwr four hours. indicating a quake nf :i svwrc naturp. The dishnce Wm 3.870 miles from Victoria. MM? in the vicinity of the [SKIN] (If Gillan). .\l'm' nnw nl’ lhn wnrsl "hlizzai‘cl .luys" nl' llw winlm'. “'l'llllllpvg and \luniinlia districts l'vpm'tvd all imam-fill last night. thn storm hav- ing "diml nut." Drifts ranging from ii in lo l'm-i. high. gi'm-tml llw work- o-rs nn thvir way hnmv in the sub- lll‘lh'. with :iulumnhilns stalled and i'nzhlways and siclmvalks practically impassable. Hm «Inlw ’III‘.’ \Il'o Hear)" Suckling. treasurer of the Dalmatian Pacific Railway since 1908. \th died suddenly in Atlantic City on Saturday. was for 47 years con- nected with the company. having juillmt tlw sul'ViCt" in 1878. MP. SUCK- ling was in his 75th year. Hais‘iull, .\l:is.~‘.. part. nt'ticials don't. klhm' just, what tn lit) with the fro-fighter llanrulian Winner which has arrival with 5.000.000 shingles amt ltiths from Canada. A ruling of the treasury itcpartnicnt. just. I'v- cciwct. qwcitics that. where- it, can be «Inno- \vitlmut. injury tn the arti- t'li‘s. :lll lllllml'lmi glimls‘ must, b0. stamped with the name- (if the chunâ€" ti')‘ nt' wrigin. .\ ruling alsu spccitics that shingles am he sn stamped \\'liilnlll injury. .\uthm-itics here do Hut. relish the- task «if stamping cach lllctlHotllzlt shingle. It is pnssihlc that the math-r may he takvn tn 'l‘lm 192?) navigation snason be- twwn eruit and Cleveland Opened yeah-rainy when Hm frnighter Sulâ€" tana sailml with automobiles for tha ()hiu t'il)‘. .-\ po-lition in which residents of Km-r Lakv “ask amt domaml a sor- VlCl‘ that WI“ he of some use for all parlio-s rnnrm'nml" has hm‘n for- warclml tn Prvmim' Farguson in con- m'rticm with the drastic cut in thv npvratiuns of tho. Nipissing Cantral Railway cm llw hranrh hetwoml (10- llalt :llul Kt'l'l' Lakl'. _ Justin Ho'nnett. formm‘ tellm‘ in Hu- «Harv Bay branch of the Royal Hunk nf Canada. for whnm the pn- 1m nf tlw continvnt haw been swim-hing aim-v his disappoaranm‘ January 20th last. ('nincidvnt with Hm disappearancn 0f Upwm‘ds of 32.0.4“) 0! My» bank funds, was found yvsh-I'nlay mnrning hidden) in a SP- rrvt vhamhm' in an upper room in Hm [widvncv 01' his parents at D0- mininn. N. S. Pouitentiary terms of two years .-.-..-h on two charges, the sentences in run concurrently, was the pun- uhmont meted out by Stipendiary «:ulny in the Police Court at Halifax }'0'iil'l'0_i3}' morning to Elwin Lucas, ;. )oillllt.’ American travelling sales- man. who pleaded guilty to obtain- m: mom-y under false pretences and ”Ho-rim: forged documents. Lucas was said to he wanted by the Glou- w-slvl'. Mass. authorities on a simi- lar rharge. In ro-rognition of his services to tho m-der during the 30 years he “as in office. an illuminated ad- .lnw was yesterday presented to F. \l, «Ilark. of Belloville. t')nt.. who re- lil'ml last year from the post of Hrancl Sec-rotary of the Orange Lodm- of Ontario East. The presen- lal ion was made at the morning sea. ~‘lnll of the Eastern Ontario Orange- mo-n's meeting at Ultawa. ‘ 'l‘lw llovvrnment measure for in- oll'llllllnt'atilfll 0f HomeBank deposi- lmw will probably not be presented l.» mu House of Commons until af- m- Haste-r. This was stated by the l'mmo- Minister yesterdgy. .p- o~¢-o-O- ”MW Mrs. Sarah Willis, widow of Hon. |v1.1\\-;u-.l Willis, died yesterday at hwr daughter’s home at St. John. N. 1'... allow a brief illness, in her 86th \1'31' l'lw pruduvtion 0f pigiron in Can- vnul'ts wanl'v Hiv stamping is Thursday, Inch x, 1m, Tuesday Monday Siâ€"W‘e raised some flapper corn last fall. Zekeâ€"What do you mean, flapper com? Siâ€"We couldn’t see any ears. Wood and asphalt are slippery under conditions of moisture and frost. and rubber is not; horses ob- tain a good foothold on rubber. and rubber tires neither skid nor side- slip. Wood and asphalt are less noisy than granite or concrete; rub- ber is entireless noiseless. Wood and asphalt transmit vibrations to the concrete base and to adjacent build- ings: rubber suppresses vibration. Whether the rubber pavement costs as much or more than the other smooth pavements. it is worth more. :I Huston engine eI. savs that lubber walls IIIIIlIalIlv will be accepted III \nIeI iIa as the ideal tvpe of paving. l‘he) are no“ in the experimental stage and ate IonsideIably more ex- pen.‘ Ivo than any other paving ma- teIIal. The test, as DUI‘I sees It, will come when the cost. Is computed for a lens.' term. Rubber seems to show less wear than aSphalt, con- crete or wooden blocks. A rubber pavement was laid In London In 1870, and there were no renewals until about a year ago. Practicahy the only experimental paving of the kind on this continent. was in Guy- ahoga Falls, Ohio. Rubber paving, laid on one of the busiest streets of the town. 2Jter eleven years. was taken up in sections for exam. ination. Measurements showed that it had worn down on] one-eighth of an Inch. Enumera Ins: the ad- vantages of rubber roads, Dorr says: as raolin Upo*l'{llln‘.~' in ships films: tlw llag of llw Fl'l'l' Staten Holdms of similar Irish From State cmtili- rah-s will lw :lm'vplml by ”ID Fowl- vral {lnvm'nmvnt as qualiliml to wan-k as 'aolin npvralm's in Canadian ships. 'l'liis i'm-im'ocal z'n'rangs‘nimil will mmv into HTML on April 1st. nowt :uwmlim: in an annnnnmmvnt in lln- 1' ulm ln'amli De-paitmi ! = of Man mu and l ishm ins RUBBER PAVING Str'atlmd B1'a1'1_111-Hc1al1l> l\11lo-11t.\ 11111111 1111' wing to be 111111'1- 111x1-s11g11ti1111s of H113 193511)“- My 111 making pining 111110115 from 11111 auhunubih's “1'05 and nthm' 1"111n1s11f “11510 rubber. EdgaI'S D1)1"1 'I‘Iu‘ Irish I’l'm' Statfi has nntifiml Hm Canadian (imm'nmnnt. that hold- o- rs nl tinnaulian lilst- «lass mmmor- vial cmtifimtvs of [WW ivnty in m- .lmto-lvgraphy will 1w vligihln tn art. Satisllml that. Hwy had mm a vic- tory in tlwir light, for rewcognitinn ul' single" mom in mwmployment re- lief. Boultm'k "army" of 125 mm rvmmwd from Edmonton tn Calgary yo-slm-c‘lay murning. Leaders of the pilgrimagv. that. mulml in :1 gmwral :ll'l'nsl nl‘ tho "army" and their 3111»- qum-n.‘ lmnspm'lutinn tn Calgary lvy passvnge-I' train. stat-ml that. tlwy lwliww-«l tlw anm‘nmvnt. had won:- nizml llH‘ll' vluims fur rcliol’. Count Yangagisan. mor'nbm' (if tho .lapanvsi- Huusn of l’wrs. arrivml at Victoria. Monday, on the liner Em- press nt' Asia. an route to Italy as Hm nl'lit'ial ilvlvgzltfi of Japan to “w liilm'national Commm'cial «Inuit-r- mum in mwn in Home, April 16th. "lllw lluunt, will i'mss Canada. to Mon- trnal and takv passage to Lonilun from which paint, ho will procaml to Italy. 'l‘anty- tiw. wars in the peniten- liar) “as the untvncu impusml yes- u rd: 1y by Judge met in the Court of Svssiuns. Mnntroal. Upon Jim Lung. 11 chinaman, and John Flem- ing. alias Slatm', llt'gl‘u, upon con- V'irtinn of holding up with violence Chin Kvi, ('ashim‘ of a Chinosc cafe, Hf Lamuu'hvtvrrv Strm't, Wust 011 Mm warning of thrum'y_'lzthhlugt. 1921 $5 .39. The average eXpenSI-s per freight train mile on the 11...’ R. System VI as in 1923 $’ .44, and in 1921 $4.33. ()t‘ the dit'terent seetiims er the Canadian National System, the IJentral regien :neiaged the highest rereipts IIer height train mile yield- ing 55,92 in 192: and $.90 in 192’. 'lhis inlmmatien was given yester- day in answer to a questionlin the [lease (If Communs. Wednesday ()ne hundred and I_'iglIt.y-OIIe del- egates, representing eighty ditl‘erent assI‘IriatiIIns and Surieties, met at. Victoria. 8.11. Monday night. and discussed the Oriental problem in British Columbia and means fur its salutien. Speakers declared that. Uriental laher had been a great in- tluenre in retarding prosperity in the l’revince. . The Royal Society of Canada at its last meeting was the recipient of an endowment for a gold medal to he warded by the Society for out- standing achievement in literature or science. The committee a pointâ€" ed to make nominations for t e first award of the medal, has recommend- ed, unanimously. that this award he made to Charles Saunders for his discovery and development of “Mar- quis" wheat. Presentation of the medal. which is the gift of Sir. Joseph Flavelle, will be made at the next annual meeting of the Society to he held in Ottawa May l9tl_1 next. ada was 29,506 long tons in Febru- ary, an increase of 4 per cent over the 28,302 tons made in January. The February output included 20,: 671 tons of basic pigiron,‘4432 tons of foundry iron and 4,403 tons of malleable iron. 0! the total produc- tion, 220,598 tons, or 70 per cent was made for the further use of the re- porting firms and the balance of 8,99 tons was intended for sale. "" ' V 5 vulva Eight men were yesterday morn- ing at'Montreal sentenced to life imprisonment by Mr. Justice WYiL son in the Court of King's Bench. The were Sydney Harrison, for- mer y of New Westminister, B. 0.. and Alfred Deschambault, implicat- ed in the murder of F. X. Beauvais, Verdun shapkeeper; and six men convicted in connection with the hold-up and robbery of one of His MajPSty’s mail wagons on St. James Street last August. 'ljhn averagn recéipls :per frf‘igllt tram mlle on the Ganadmn National Railways In 1923 was $5.18. and m 7“} vâ€" vâ€"Uv-v A gas explosion in the liome of J. A. Slratforrl of Mount. Hamilton had- ly wrecked the house. Ionday The residence of M138. Peter Orme. in the village of Arkell, was com- plPtPly destroyed Saturday. when RH. No. 4. Durham. Phone ”-1! Robbers at Galt worked for two hours in an attempt to open the door of a safe in the office of the Lunonfoldt. Bag and Metal Company. which had horn left unlocked as it contained nothing of value. As thn rnsnlt of a collision on ”I9 new canal cnnstruotion hotwoen two trains. Engineer Walter Breen and Fireman W. Ross are in St. Cathar- ines Hospital. It. is not thought the man fif‘riously injured. -- --. .... â€"..,_ ..... an |Il| u. JV. 1|. VIIIIIB. An nnvxpm'tm firm alarm; tried as an expenmont. at 'l‘illsonhurg Pub- ll('. sclmnl yostm'day ('mptiml the bmlding‘uf‘fim pupils in 55 spcomls. "V “’mnlslnck I'vtailm's yostprday d0- cidwi to ask the Council to (Inform) the hy-law compelling: fruit, stores to close at sm'vn n‘clock. A mm'ting will hi‘ V'ziâ€"Ii‘ilanged bo- iwvvn miprnsentntiws 0f Brantfm'd and adjoining townships to settle the pmblf'm of thn city’s assistanco at fix-vs in the county. H. (LMistnlv of \Viiim'lmi was yi'sii'i'day PIPNWI pi'vsidvni. of tho Watvilnu Iluunh Canadian Club. "llw ('luh this war “in mmmi'agv Hm Sillih ui ilaiiaiiiain hisim'v and hingi :ipln 1w gixing mile-s for vs- says and [mums in Public Sihnol and Cnllvgiatu pupils. Hugh lllmmth “as <IIIiIIIISlI iIIâ€" iIIIIIIi IIM. I'\I‘llill§-’ :.It [’III'I IZOIIIOIIIII IIIth III a fIIIIighI. train struck his auto Pin'riIIIl ii :I iIIIIIIiI’IIIi \III‘ds and iIIIIlIId it. min a ditch. His 102' “as hquIIn. and [III suffered internal in- Jlll'lPS. .Iamvs Jordan Hf St. Thumas. a switvhmun. sulfnrvd three.- hrokvn ribs and vollal'bnnu when he fell fmm an onginu in tho ('1. N. R. yards. 'l'lw prion Hf vxlmrl lwvr has 1mm) iméroasml by 75 cnnts pm‘ 24 pints. it. was lvarnml y¢‘-.~'lvx'clay a! Hu- \\'indsm‘ hm‘dm'. Centralizatinn of rural schn'hls and extension of mntinuziiinn HMOOIS was adumatml yvstnrdav [w J. P. anig Hf London. former inspector of mutinnaiion svhnnls. at a Invoking ni tlw 'lrustmzs and Ratcgmavnrs As- smwiitinn nf Brant Count). 'l‘mi'liv Hfflrvr Whittnn Hf Humil- tontnn had a narrow (W‘mw )‘vstm'- day when: lw ,iumpmi just. in limu In vsmuw a SIN-“cling: :mtumnhilv at. Main and Juhn Sin-m'ts. HP g0! Hm first. tin-m» numhm's 01' Hm markvr. \n explosion occurlml yvstm‘dav in the kitchen of the hump, of Mrs. R. McDonald 01‘ Trafalgar whm thv stow blow 11p “rocking a portion Of the mom. MI‘S. McDonald was unimprml, Kickvd in tlw face» by a pony, William Hrnon. i‘vsiding nom' Lun- don. is in the hospital with a hmknn juwbgmo and 0thm' injurins. Av'wmding to tiguros submiltml. it “ill take 1’.6 mills this war to 1m- zmvo thv \\ atorlno schools Although the grant. of the Provin- rial (flovernment towards the Winâ€" ter Fair at Chatham is assure1 in a message from Hon. J.bMa1t1n Min- ister of Agriculture. recei3e1l this afternoon while the Peninsular Winter Fair Association was in an- nual session. was not as large as honed for and while some disap- pointment was expressed, the meet- ing indiratml no intention of aban- doning plans already started to establish the Winter Pair perman- ently in Chatham. 'l‘he afternoons meeting was \ery enthusiastie and “as the mest largely attended an- nual session ever held by the organ- ization. As an 00110 of the recont imesti- gation into the city relief depart- ment and the subsoquont findings (if Judge Spottnn. informations wore swmn out man) by 'lrmvn Attormw J. M. Koarns agaitist Jumps Cassidv. vhzirging the formm‘ 11‘1in officer with_thol‘_t {and forgery.” Lakes Superior and Michigan are reported today as still icebound, Lakes St. Clair and Erie are gradu- ally breaking up, and Lake Ontario is reported free of ice. George M. Fox, treasurer for Wel- lington County, received a cheque from the Provincial Treasurer to- day for $94,272.50 in payment of the province’s share of the work done on provincial, county and stburban roads in the county during the year 1926. The total amount which was paid in by the county for this work was $197,933.85. The amount is slightly less than that received last year which amounted to $101.983.02. while in 1922. the sum was‘slightly less than that received this year. being $88.325.73. Burnett and McQueen, contractors, Fort William, have been awarded the contract for Owen Sound’s new million-bushel elevator. The tender price is believed well within the $450,000 voted by the city for its construction. Work will commence almost immediately. WESTERN ONTARIO NEWS IN BRIEF Life in Western Portion of Canado's Banner Province Told in a column. What Is Good Health Wont? Why take a chance and use water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use, when Pure Water can be had by having a well drilled. We handle Pumps and Pump Re- pairs. Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT Saturday Thursday Friday THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Frank l'ttle-y. u Zurich farmc-r. was badly lwatvn by a gang Hf m'gl'ocs at. Londnn yostvrday. up also complains that, ho was whim! of $210. 'l‘ln'm- mvn and two wonwn 0110 white“. wm'u arrvstml. l'ttlny is in tbp hogspital. _ Twu Sarnia hays rc-cvivm injur- ins yvstprday al‘tm'noon. mm in thv fingvr and the other in tho leg. when a rifln in the hands of anothm' lad was discharged in Hm shooting {:31- lery 0f thn Collvgiate. N0 Sl'l‘iOUS ofl'ovts arn nxpm'tml. SEPARATE TENDERS WILL BE rocvivml until April 4th for a I'M-at.- ing systvm for the Town Hall, also the decoration of the interior. Spe- cifications can be had at the Clerk’s office. ' A 1in of $1.000 and ten days in jail was impnsml ynstvrday Mn Imm- inick Casink in \Viindsor com-t fur sailing four drinks of whitv whisky to a nmn. which laid him nut. Galt police are trying to salvo tho mystm'y of a \wnnan‘s vomplvu- out- fit. from stuckings to hmulnir cap, found on thv hunk of the Grand Riw'l'. Fruit. growers in the St. (Lat ines district. arv not. optimistic Harding the sizv 0f the [much t this yvar. ’I‘lw buds 311- not, plvntiflll as usual. Whilv wilting “wall «In his farm. two miles from Glauwnrth. yuslcr- day. James McLaghlan was instant- ly killed by a falling: limb. Brzmtfoml‘s tax rate was lim-«l by the City Council last night. at. 381/; mills on tho «lullar. tlm samv as last year. 'l‘ho drug storo ot‘ (irovor Honry at Niagara. Falls. Ontario. was on- term by lnirglars some time during Sunday night, and tho romhination blown 00' the safe. 'l‘olophono op- orators hoard the noise and notified tho poliro. but the mon had disapâ€" peared. Nothing was taken. Wednesday Union growvrs on the Brioau mnrshos haw niado a rvrorct for early nlgmting‘this year. At the moeting of Landon Presbv- th' Vestmdav. III'. John MPN IIiI'. «Ix- svcrotarV. IIgIond if thl- mutimI for his dismissal was rescinded to re- sign and nut ('nIItiIIIIv his IIIIpI-III. The matter “as adjustI-It in that may. Woodstock (lnum'il last. night, «In- oiilod in fan' (if [wtitinning tho Government, to amend the; Highways Act, making tlw crvaling nf subur- ban mails uptinnal with Chips and to rvducv tho. citios‘ prosont sham- 0f the upkevp. An unknown man sum-ring frum amnesia is cuntinml in tlw jail .at St. Tl‘hnmas. 'l'hv unly moans uf identitiicalion 'is a. lvttvr from the clerk of thv Hm'un County ()nuncil. wlm will be mmmunivntml with. Hamilton Property and Livvnsv Committee yestvrday ammintod R. THIOISOI], a. \‘vtvran, to thv position of marlin-t. lmukkm'pm' and mllnctmz Thom were four nnminamms. M15.Gl1a1l1_1s Williams 111‘ (ll1all1am had :1 1111111)“ 118031111. y11st111‘1lay \\ l11111 l1111' clothing ignited f10n1 H111 111211.1- H111' son extinguishvd “111 11311111»: hut. hulli “111:0 painfully bu1'n111l. Robert Holloway of Windsor walkod in front. of a street car and was so badly injured that. ho. diod. a fow_h_ours 1:1th in tho hosyital. Improvements are under way at Vim-y Ridge Farm. three miles south of Guelph which is being conducted under the Soldier‘s Aid Committee and everything is being put in read- iness for the reception for the first detachment of soldier‘s orphans, wards of the commission, who are expected in the course of a few weeks. Hon. Hugh Guthrie of Guelph, for- mer Minister or Militia, who has been suffering from a severe bron- chial afiection for some weeks, has been ordered by his physician to take a sea trip for his health and will leave next week on a visit to the south of France, where he WI” spend a month. Officials of the Department of Ag- Iicultum at Chatham I‘Ppfilt that the much cum in KPllt (lmmh “ill be a light, mm this year. lire originating in the chimney spread with such rapidity that neighbors were unable to check the progress of the flames, which soon gutted the building. Most of the furniture and valuables were re- moved from the lower flow of the house, but everything on the upper floor was consumed, and the loss will be heavy. . ROWE’S Bakery Provision Store William Macdonald. Chairman. Property Committee. TENDERS WANTED Flour Tuooday in the St..(_lqtlnal'- not. ()pl.lmlSH(‘ 1'“- _0f Um [much ('l'np {IS v \r'" She said goodbye to none; The heavenly gates were. opened wide. A loving \oiee said come. Worthy of ewrlnsting love. From those she left behind; A better mother never |i\ed Nor one so true and kind. MAN WITH CAR WANTED LIVE W'IIHS SALE SM \N \\ l' l H 12 \ll: mm! svllim: lime; wuntn h-iiiiun. \mlh liv IPHM' UIIIV In Hm I». (I-hmiiiilc- oi'iicc- 3 26 - chonud.--In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Charios Mc- Donald, who passed away March 21. 192i. Sho_ bgdo _no oqe a past farewell, Wiser-In Inving memory 0f Mrs. Frank Wfist, who died one your ago, March 27, 1924. What_ would we giw, her hand to Vaughanâ€"Smithaâ€" A t W a l m e r Road Baptist Church, Toronto, on Wednesday March 18,1925.hv Rm. John MaCNoill, Bessiv Hortense Smith, oulv daughter of Mrs. M. Smith, Glrnelg. to Mr. Kmuwih Va ughan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Vaughan of (ilenolg. ‘ v ,' -_.___-‘ -u clasp, Hvr pativnt ram tn see, '10 lmar hor vuicv, to 300 lwr smilv As in “In dms that usmi t0 1w. But. sumo sxwt-t day we 'll Inn-v1 agaiu. ' Beyond tlw (ml and strife, And clasp vach'utlwrs haml unm- Wattâ€"«1n loving mvmury of mv (Ivar sistvr, Mrs. .lnlm “a“ Mm dim! M: uvh 30. 1911. Humvmln'anm- is a guldvn chain. Unatll trim in ln'vak. but all in min. 'l‘n haw. tn low and Hum to part. 15 the grvalvst. sorrow 0f mw’s lwal't. â€"â€"-Mrs. M. Sturrvy. Durham. mow. . In hoavon, that happy llfv. . Sadly mISSPd by husband and family. ll IBIORIAI MARRIED â€"!I‘he family. THE MONTHLY MEETING OF THE W‘iomons Institut9 will ho held on Tliursdm. A; iIil 2nd. at 2.30 p. m. at. the lltlmt: olt' “v.6 .A. McLaclIluI. Mrs. (Rim) P9t9rs “ill give an ad- drvss. Miss Margan't MoGirr a paper on “Dang/«or ut' Luxury in Modern Lit‘o," Mrs. ll. Hurnott. a d9mnnstra- lion 0n icing a cako and Mrs. R. 18830. on “Currmt. Evouts." Tllt‘l‘c will also h9 a Ounstiuu Drawn: All ladios aro cordially invitod to attend. to Plymouth Rocks. Clark's strain. 75 cents for £5 oggsrâ€"«SuJ. Wilsnn. Queen Strm-t. Durham. 5 17 6pc! GOOD AGDMMUDATION. GENTLE- nwn plefmred \pph to Chronich office. 3 i7 29d KEYS POUND A Bl'NCH U!“ KEYS 0N DURHAM Road m-ur Primwillc- nu 'l‘uctsday. Ownvr may haw- same by mwing [M'Oporty and paying for t is ad. Apply Chronivlv office. i BLTCIIIG EGGS POI! BALI BREDâ€"TU-LAY U. A. (2. BARRED Saturday, IIUM vll't't'is ..I.:_.â€" 3:1 ..â€".v.~::.â€"~ K..â€"(. .J.v:â€".v.: «an ‘3 .â€"â€".â€":-~ o~...v.â€".~7‘ 7:74..â€" ('l'oo Lm (or mastication.) AUCTION SALE REGISTER BOARDS” WANTED Iarch 28th.â€" "Mum'- uf (Sc-urm- Hugill; 0mm- lml‘lll ul' (1. I’. IL “1qu _.‘\_lo\. Mzu'limmld. Auc- PAGE 5.

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