West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 2 Apr 1925, p. 10

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PAGE 10. p ' organizer. interests of ”testers Mr. Jnsevh 3mm visiting friends h. couple at months. Immv at__\_'icer0y. é Ilonw at‘_\'iceroy. Sash, laSt Friday; )liss deards. principal of the Conninuatiun School. was seriously iIldlSpOSed with inflammation of the eyvs and was; unable» to attend to her Mutiny: tor a fmv days. )1; s. \Yultw Hon-sluiugh of (ionic snow at "ii-w clays ln'rw rercmitly WIN! Irwnuzs. M m Flux-cum} Ken- M V'arney spew. last Saturday in the Village as 3110.42 of Miss Davidson. Mm. Pvtm- Fldlnr has born 901'- iously n: with pm-umnnia. but under tlw ;1'o-:\tnw[|t. uf hr. Helmâ€"Han and calm nf Sun-3n (Zarmnunt. she is much Imp; 'W’d. - fum' patrons of tlw Bgremtmt Cz'raim-ry Company svnding the hlglrv'~". uumlwr 0! pounds of butter- fat from March 16th to 28th are: “Rum-3' Hulliday 96.68. Brown bro- tho-rs xii-.5, Arthur Irvin 58.27 and -~ '. Ul'mo' Hunt SHJH. * - AI 'v I." [I g“ ‘hia (0', m Earn-Wt.) Swinton Park. ; (Our mam Correspondent.) 1 The fmwral 0f the) latnfllarke Mc- Millan. sun at Mr. and Mrs. J. Mr- Millan of l‘lo-ylnn. was hvlul on Mon- day to Swintnn Park cvmvlm'y anal; was largvly atto'nclml by frimnls aml' neighbors both from haw and Coy- lun. as lm was hnrn lwrv and was wo-llâ€"knnwn. [M'pvst sympathy is cxlvndml to the sol-rowing family. Miss Lynvlla Knox is with her sisto-r. Mrs. J. Ml'Mlll‘dn, of Drnmm-o. assisling to nm'sv liltlw .Ivan wl‘m is swinusly ill with pneumonia. Sorry to hear nl' the svrimis acciâ€" tlo-nl. whirh lwl'vll Mr. .Insvph clamp- hl'” last. \ka. who at limp of writ,- mg. is snmmvhal. lfllpl‘flVt‘l]. -. (”A‘sn.‘ ‘lnll g VDI'V H"\V "nun .... _. Mr. and Mrs. Hm'hm-t. Harrison 0n- tm‘taim‘d a numbvr of tlwil' h'imuls on Friday vwning. Rnuds won-o in a poor condition, but. uvwrtlmlvss. that. didn't st0p tho rnal old sports pm... oninQ- as Hwy took across the a poor condition. In that didn‘t 310p the from going. as ”my fiolds on foot. Glenmont ('Our own Correspondent.) .\lr. Thc‘vmas Lawn-moo and Mrs. J. mark. annntn. havn homn Visiting their fathom. Mr. John Lawrem-o. at Ramsey 0f Chesley, C. 0. r. is in the {Wage in the {h}? I lanadian of Inh' ""Mivés' thlark .-ml with h" \\'allzu_°v. \‘lt‘i‘ Ill nmsu-uu. Ml‘. (lvurg'v Smullmzm has about Illlls‘lll‘d lmilaling his new garage. Miss Clark awful over the week- «mil with hi'r SlSlPr, Mrs. Thomas Wallarv. Mrs. Harry Caldwell and two chil- dren: arr at, promo-til. Visiting with lmr pal'i‘ntfi, Mr. and Mrs. S. Lan- uril. in Hunowr. Mrs. Amlrvw l’icknn had a quilt- ing bee last Wednesday. Twelve lumps \wrc prvsent and spent, an enâ€" jnyahle aflm‘noon. Mr. aml Mrs. John Morlce had a numhvr 0f rplatiws in to spend last Friday owning, it being the 25th an- niwrsary of their wedding. "l‘lwrv has Down quite a lot of sick- nvss mi this lino. Mumps. scarlet fem-r, sorv eyes and influvnza are quite priwalent. - n -Ll..n nnnfl;\.'of| frnm Mrs. lll‘lll" ‘III'Vttl‘451v. . In a letter received. from Mrs. Edward lley (nee Lome Fee), she tells us that Mr. Iley had to have one of his eyes removed in the Regina Hospital. A piece 0f steel 1n the .1 z A .. “Amnunl nu-sp I Dal v)- 0 [1006‘ All are glad to see. the nice wea- tlwr approarhing. The disappear- ance of the snow and the songs of the birds make (me think spring is near at. hand. “1‘. Alvin Caswell of Aberdeen is t n the line with his buzz-saw,- saw- ing \mml fur a few of the neighbors. Mr. Earl Noble is assisting his hrethvr George. who is laid up with the mumps at. present. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. Hopkins spent ‘umlay with kindred at Ebenezer. l l \ Snrry tn hear Mr. Jack Petty and plaster 'I‘ommie Milligan are laud up i ivith the mumps. . Mr. and Mrs. James Langrlll, y and Earl Nehle and . L‘Ikl|'\* 11"“ p‘"‘l‘i“g I")- V‘ I‘ll “-â€"\.I Mr. and Mrs. James Langrlu, Mussrs. Ww'slvy and Earl Nnhln and Miss Paulina spvnt mw evening: 1'0â€" wntly with M 1-. and Mrs. L. Hmukins. Mrs. David DUIHH‘HX \‘isitml hor sistmn Mrs. Henry )lwmslin 0f hur- ham. wlm is not. enjoying gum] ‘IXWIIHI at._ prosmlt. ,1 u 11:" ann M I".IIIQ hvulth at. pl'csvnt. .\ numlwr muoyml :1 lug hmo at, Hw hnmv Of Mr. and Mrs. Rt‘ubon Noblv on Friday owning last. Mr. Earl Fishm' of Durham spent. 5m mvning the first Hf Hm wm'k «In )II'. Earl an owning this lmv. A‘v‘ v-- (Our mm: Correspondent.) l’lttuuhing is Hm omlvr of tho (lay in our Inn'sâ€"n «laws are“ running on our :aMw-roads. which reminds us that spring is born onco mow. .\ numhm' of NW noighlwrs of Mr. ’mn Courts hm! :1 cross-cut, sawing how for him on 'l‘lmrsulay last... We nndm'staml ho had :1 mm." p110 of wood rut. \\'u are sorry Mr. Contts i~' not. us won as his friends would wish. Sorry to l'O‘lHH't Mrs. undo-r th woatllm- wit. Bon (1011115 .11 an attack of tho grippv. Mr. Erir \V‘isv roturnod to Toron- to last. week. . Mr. Jumps Atkinson of Toronto 18 :1 mwst. at. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Coutts. Mr. and Mrs. Gporgo Turnbull \‘isih‘d Sumlay at. the formm'é par- outs. Mr. and Mrs. James 'l‘umbulsl .~\ numbm‘ from here l’mwral «of tlw latp Mrs. $12. on Monday. Hutton Hill North Vicker§ Mrs. rem Mr. and Mrs. Braun, Dornocn, spent Sunday with the latter’s bro- ther, Ernie Baxter, and mother, Mrs. Baxter. Mrs. N. Whitmorc and son, Nas- sau, attended the funeral of her nephew at Woodbridge Sunday. ‘ Miss M. McLean spent a week-end recentlyflyyith‘ Priceville friends. __‘A‘ (”I-‘1‘“. n fn“? l-UUCII‘I|J vv sun. ; a. .v‘. --_ Miss Eliza Patterson spent a few days recently with her sister, Mrs. A. G. Keller. Mr. I). and Miss M. Campbell spent a day this week with their brother, Sunday, at Orchard. / V Mr. C. Dunsmoor and family are. mrrving this week to their new home in town, and Mr. S. McDonald will move to the place which MT. Duns- mnor vacated. - ~- ____ _ Rocky Saugeen (Our own Correspondent.) The monthly meeting of the U. F. W. U. will he held at the home of Mrs. George Noble on April 9th. A good program is in preparation for a concert to be given in the school on Good Friday night, admis- sin 25 cents for adults and 10 cent-S for children, ‘ â€"-‘ 11 ---n.. IUl Ll A: aumeueting at the school, it was decided to send Mr. Jack Grasby as delegate to the convention in Torâ€" onto. - Mr. and Mrs. John McKechnie and daughter, Armettag of near town, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. i McLean. ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ - J ---L t... Miss Millie f1 mud: in Hal In H v WV" Most. Of _ ploughing fairly gOOd Mr. R. J. Lawrence. w; , _ under the weather from a compli- cated trouble which required the doctor’s attendance, is. we are pleased to announce, improving. Mr. C. W. Arnett had the misfor- tune to lose a valuable. cow recently. Mr. John Hilts is engaged with Mr. Henr Eckhardt for the sum- scribe. mg McWilliams. . . _ ban train on Monday mght. The dug ' ' ' ‘ of t . c .9 -. \Vthh was um ‘ ‘ a gigszztm’s history, .occum ed about mile from the) capltal. _ | .1n-b\ril'DQ \YPPQ Impressive luuerai DUNVW held yesterday, for Gen. Lord Raw- yestera 1 linson. commander-in-chief of the cuts ahe ' ' ' ' he died in which tl The judicial committee Privy Council yesterday ranted . attorneyâ€"general 0f Britis COlumbia enter il leave tn appeal against the decision ' of the Sumeme Court of Canada. which reduced the amount. of assess- ment by the British Columbia Gov-lance of J . in India. Mm died in India. last l‘ridgy. tA m ‘uy‘ ,3 (13.15118 th P, fourth son 0f Km: 2911 Mary: loft. Lnndun thé pral yacht. m *9 cruismg tho Mm- ring “I King's (‘HH- 2. ms. {\ndffl‘s‘m ! 1.1m: m thv at flu" ynsh 3rd“? mun-131$ or 3mm nosmALs my ' Since “In I} m mcmHIs ‘ “d Assm'mlu “("1 ‘0 “in“ would makv i “O“ “f lump” towns and HI “rub. HI"“' hmv tlw ranuun Dr. Jamiosnn plan on] as whnll} up high-hand!“ nu every omwrtumt cause of m- mm‘ the host. thing.- 1 rural mum-m 'm The legislahm NUI‘SPS. Assm' every husmtn pound to hm. mum“. and cedod in. \\'m clusod HIP tlt as [loud and ‘ many Hf thu l; thn closml 1'. that. HIP lmrsw and framc-d H would [flaw that. \th'h lu FnHume-g what. In: .lam latm'e» Ins! \ qu¢-§‘_|U|\ in his 5 sm Mn April Ilc’l(1 quilts ml. 3! H gmcc' \\ 0!‘ fan “I0 5 ‘Hmcli 1).. us! an maulP ‘ ludivh‘ lug-1"" .“° mill". l“ IN HI unwind alumm kitl'lwd in tho Many culls \V and shut in nu and flnwvl's a! uHm illh'l «hm: “ I‘lw W‘" , art fists \\ ‘I Jam 1191' III M Iv oak ms “0 l -roum. ”Iv 1““ M NH HI l‘lu N0. 3016 'I I|¢‘ II with NI Ir. Albert M Georoe “c" H "d HUN wuuM H [meeting He‘ll fur m‘ll '| ‘1' vâ€"' . bus and d“ found in any HM ll mm." smalh HI r04 Ofll.‘ Hm \val III' IDI|" H ll mlm hm‘l m MN H 1H Legisll}w M \\ I\ M nwml .H \\ \\ \\' 1T \\ HI

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