Principal Allan is round again af-l tor a rather tough siege of sickness! during the past couple of weeks. We are sm'ry to learn that the Rm; Mr. Aiteheson of Dornoch has been laid Up for the past week with an attack nl' la grippe. Owing to his illness. he had tn get. Mr. Far- qullarson in lake llw wedding at ‘ ‘ I I‘ I 6', ..}\~o-l.. .- ‘-A‘I._ ..‘ u" -.V'.O---y bu Tm-sday last. Mrs. Anthuny Tucnnr. lwr suns. Nurman. Ross and Kr ‘m-th. and danghhuw. Lottie and Br trier. lrft for luwrmay. in mi) Nosthwo-st . .\ lurgr rrnwd was at Lhw “Minn to start tho-m ofl‘ on their IOI'-' juurnvy arrnss ' .. .‘Msrs. Archiv Litllv. J. Marshall um .I. \lrlnnis shippvd Umir house- ho ! o-n‘o-rta \w-s‘l un 'I‘uusalay last.‘ 311.; Hwy HH-msc-lw-s lvl’t, un HIM w. .m-«lay morning train tn try! oh. 1' furhml'" in tho- [and M tho PAGE 6. TWENTY YEARS AGO 303Wâ€; ~un. ‘ Nu Mummy mm'nm: lasi. tlw «HI-l itm- . i' this papm' l'N'vile wnrd by wiru that his sisto-r. Miss Ann'w Ir- wm wt‘ tilnrkshurg. who had hmm ailing“ for ammo- Haw. haul suchlvnly talc-n a turn for the. worsen and was not o-xpmttecl to waiver. HP and hid claughtpr. Rita, loft immediately f or cllariksbprg. ‘ ‘-â€" AAAAn‘AA . .- 'l' a couple of weeks in Qalt. 39%|?)ng Laidlaw returned Fnday from a business_t_rip ahrgad. -:n-\11‘I ‘0“. ton. Mr. BN1. Moore and 1‘ Davin». fnrmm‘ly with the Conwany. In", {01- Drama wwk. _ “Y‘Y'l‘. .‘lr. .lnhn Ehrharat has ro'hu'm-d‘ aflrr a twn \wnks' Visit with frirnds in GIIPVPIIIIHI. .Vlr. Jumps Russell and daughter. Mrs. Lorkiv. loft. Friday for Fergus. Messrs. Nicholas [*‘Pllman and Mark Ludlow of Michigan, former employrrs 0f the» Commit works, re- 4 “HPV thPmm'th-s m-«iay morning :' fnrtmws in U! m; sun. The ichroniclo Pile of April 6, 1905. 'ul 5. 1.3411ng {n has ‘accepted a “N? turned Satureg ï¬g 1\ °. vamt Ledingham. brother-é in-knv (3! M1. John Clark, and a A - “A “Al-n \IIQI'DI‘ IaUtUI ’0 Mr. Robert Ledingham. brotherJ. in-Iaw of Mr. John Clark, and a graduate of Knox College. visited rm-r Sunday at the home Of the lutio'l'. ....... n '21.- n“ nf- hnnmni‘n Mrs. William \\ "son on urumum mm.» Nollie McFadden; was in town Friday last, and looks just. as happy as lwforp she was married. Mrs. J. McCrarken of Edge Hill m'rvmi intn tnwn last, wmrk, and is nuw cnmfm-tahlv svttlml in her new Immo- nn Brurn Street. ,9 I h.“ ,lnll- ‘u‘al. Lllluu v . IhzwkiI-s' IIHI'IIIII's (‘0!‘1‘0-IIOIIdI‘HI'Pâ€"- Hm I IIIIIIy. IIIn 31st. InsI.. a Ilanghtm‘ E‘szxar Iv III III .“l'. and Mr HwiII. IMF. .IHSI‘II'I \Ikinsnn is Iiusih I'll- ;gngml in digging IIII- foundation III' IIII< III~\\ IIIIIIs'I- “II IInIImsIIIIIII .IIII II .\II'. HIIgII MCDIInIIIIl has SI‘PUH‘II \IIII- I-IinIract. )II'.HIIWIIPI1 McGiII' IIII‘ DakIIIII is at. plI‘SI'nt \isiling I fl'iI‘ndS here. I “NHL-a“ 'I‘IIIIswnII-I' on March 9134. In Mr. and Mrs. JamIIs Hark- ll.’Ill.. "l| 1’1 ll\-‘_v M'DIVVVI Mrs. Rolwrt. tiamrron of Dundalk, fnrmrrly 01' this placn. and Winn has hrrn with the Bell Trlnphnne Com- pany for thr past, rnuplr of yrars, was in tnwu a fvw days last. \wrk. M iss Jrse‘ir Hvatcm of 'I'nrnnlfl. who sgu-m. Hun past. rnuplr Hf works with Mr parrnts. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hrattm. ro-turnml tn the Qucrn City Saturday. .â€". -. .‘l 1"\ 1-11 , Ho'l‘fl.â€"â€".\I 21st. m MP. â€058, a 8011. â€0'35. a nun. Mai'i-iml.â€"â€"Un W‘mtnosclay, March' 29th. at tlw rosidoncv of tho bridn’s l'attwr. by tho Row. William Far;- qullarsnn. John \Vilkiv. to Sa '11 Ann} ilzinghtm' nl' Rnhm't. Hemlip of GPlnPlg. l'lc‘lgv Hill cnri'osl‘mmloncerâ€"Miss 'l'c‘ua Firth guns to town this Wt‘t‘k to learn tho drnssmaking. Rii‘hard ’llzu'kor's salv last wm‘k was fairly wvll attmulml. and [wit-vs warn (and. Dick lvaws this wm‘k l‘m' tlm North- wast. ' "Ann "0“! “I 0.. 'l’rawrston corrosponclonco.â€"~Hav- ing [mrrhasml a cosy reside or in town. Mr. and Mrs. John Mc. rthnr movm‘l to town last work. Hugh has rontml tho I‘lomrstoad. A honnio woo girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Banks of Spring Lako. Albrrta. on March 10th. S. F. Morlock's and Miss Dick's millinm'y displays are? contros of at- trartion thoso days. Tho small hat, ‘ is much in favor. but many of tho dross hats aro still shown. The pop- ular Shaun‘s arr Rvsoda and bronze grm'ns. luwnclvr. Union browns, hhwt. Mun. mulhvrry. burnt. onion William Wilson of' Dromore A-_.‘ resume dutics_. and navy. One of the leading styles is the Napoleog, [pad'gkin wood violet A k¢:m {a nn_ point in front and a decided point on the sides. The back turns up sharply 011‘ the hair, giving a short line. at the back of the head with mthes 01‘ quills. A 21-Day ll'ndor tho poi-511mm supervision of a1 Profosm'ir Sinclair Laird, Dean of tho 1“ School for Tvarhors, MacDonald COIâ€" P‘ logo. P.().. Quebec. 3 special train ft will leave 'l‘oronto l'nion Station at 1“ 2.15 p.1n.. Monday, July 20. 1925. on “ routo to Victoria. via Canadian Pa- t ritlr through Port. Arthur. FortWilâ€" ‘ liam. Winnil‘wg. Rrgina. Mooeraw. ,f Calgary. llanti’. Lako Louisa andVan- rouwr and thonro by stramor across I l’ugvt Sound to Victoria. tho tamous tlanadian rosorl. 'l'ho rolurn trip will ho Via the Hkauagan Valli-y. Nelson. Kootonay Lako'. \Vindormort- Bungalow Camp. by motor from Windormoro to Banll‘ o\'t'1' tho l04â€"milo nowly complotod Banlf-Vt'inclormorr Highway with stops at Radium Hot SpringspVer- milion llivrr and Storm Mountain Bungalow (lamps. with a full day at Ban-ti. Edmonton. Saskatoon and Devil’s (tap Bungalow Camp. Konora. From Fort William to Port MCNicoll l by tho (1. P. R. (treat. Lakos steamers i and by ‘ail to Toronto will complote - this intm'osting and varied trip. While. appraling primarily to trachors. the tour is open to anyone if dosirini,r to go. 'l‘ho train will con- ‘ sist of tho most modern equipment. K The cost is for one person only oc- 5 cupying a lowor berth. Proliortion- 1' atr tarps from all points in Eastorn ' Canada. 'l‘hr charge includes rail, stoamor and slooping car fares. ho- " tel and bungalow. ramp accommoda- _.-- .. ‘n‘ll‘li‘ and i l \ a i I t l i 1 ponses. [til (‘1' u IJKIIIhul‘ '1' L“- tinn,m meals, sight- seeing tours and all gratuities. "II Clw‘,“â€" A «inscriptiw booklet giving deâ€" tails of the trip will he gladly mailed upon request to Dean Laird or any Canadian Pacific Agent. As the par- ty is limitvd to 150, it is advisable to make Fascinations early. 4 2 5 If yuu don't, work. i to imperfect glands. . tux-er stau‘d recently laziness should in mar gardod as a disease. 'Igur Including All work. it may be due 1nds. A London lec- bcently that, chronic in many cases be reâ€" 'â€"_ (Our :10†CMWt VV I lbllv, ..-...--- ._ “I Whmvoll. Griffin, Sanâ€. After a lung and trying, illness borne with great courage, Mr. Clark McMillan, tho oldvr son of Mr. and Mrs. John S. McMillan. nuar Ceylon, passed away on Friday night, aged 26 years. The decnased was a ï¬ne type of young manhood, well- knnwn and highly respocted in the community. Ho. served his country «worsnas in the rvcnnt war, but af- is that, Of :iu the end, his _ Hat/Bl. Deep sympathy 18 f . . ‘ ' ‘ - nd family In grief-stricken pareuw u...- ....w_ , . _ their loss. One brother, Duncan, IS I teaching .in Toronto, and a snow, I Kate, is teaching in Woodbmdge. The funeral to . . n Monday. The family land of Price- tomesia, who Thursday night l-.., 'l'hn wholo communil‘y is moved in sincrro sympathy With the sorely lwrol't. parvnts. The home will be sad and lowly without, this young lil'r. 'l‘lw funvral took place to _ l’riroville crnwtvry on Monday. Rev. 1 J. llarrowcr of this placv. conduct- - mg: the service. - Word was rocvix'mi by us on Sal- 3 urda)’ of tho «loath ol' :1 l‘ormvr rosiâ€" i~‘ dam, of this \‘illagv in tho [H'l'SUll of .~’ Mrs. Eliza [{m'r. widow of tho late ‘ Mr. John Kerr. who died on Friday I" last, March 27th. at. Winnipeg whore. ‘. 5hr had iH'Pll living with her son. - 'I‘hu rvmains arr bring brought to 1' 'l‘oroiiln for intvrnmul. in Norway l1 ('vmc'tm'y. 'l'hu decvasml, whose a maidrn nanw was Eliza .lanv White, I A 1". cylnl’ll‘d 90'“ l‘par .ympa‘ â€J ""1: ' - The home. wm ma part-nus. d lonely wiihout. Unis young ‘lw funm'al took place to He ccnwtrry «m Monday. Rev. m...“ ..r Hm â€lace. cmuluct- tle of Ve etable Compound 4-1.;- amflv_ I soon _g_an U3 DOUG. u The expectant ders ‘carefu' 001181 The DOWM‘TU! mqtnx' Slum used on Provmmal Highways. \ passed through horn. last. \\'m~ (Commuod nn l’agc- 9 E; was if†“ .11 ‘ ,u 1 hgyg found motor smnvplmv which \ '. m.- hmm kllh Whvn tin was \u'm h'rday Th0 Lu ll [Mum day awm' “lli‘lvl H husband. an‘l' CHI cmmhw r 1mm. Ln Duly Events as Told by Cd @010an for Busy Chronh Readerx lam y 0mm.“ mva-‘t “Iv .l slight tacks val ml H World News See At A Glance IVI‘ “I day nu Saturn 160mm hind-y. April 2. 1925. H \\ H ham !\\ \\ 13mm; 1m Muhamn n 1m ll 2‘) H \\ Thursday ha: ll "1|