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Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1925, p. 11

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‘dler in Cairo cet Easter 3! '3 photographed on Canadian Pam wnrld tour Which conclndcl M” 8 I.” trip via San Funcisco. 1‘3"" x3 1:“:th May 23. A non. wr j etnp. ” ming Thursday, April 9, I .m Easter morn, In uhv'n they W0!“ .0 man pn'tul‘ed 8b0V9â€" I? \xnnlol 7599"] illko U pa um vim] by Ml”? 'numlm‘ tint h Hm happy w I l h I ll)- ml- two Honm ontt D. 511th H “by“. muv-v--"â€"_ Lmensed Auctioneer for Go. of Grey. \Imlvmtv ton-ms. Arrangements for «Hm. :rs tn duh's. Mu. may he made ’ ’l‘ho- Glhruniclv Office, Durham. Il‘ Iv: m~ n11 application. Address RR. 1. IHx-htun. Hum» 603 1‘ 1’2. sonublu ‘ anteml. l Chronicle sun, Yum mlrda)‘ n Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. vance that adds hfe go years .t \'war~‘ tn life. Consultation free. hin'ham Tuesdays, Thursdays and nnonnAD DR. W. C. PICKBRING, DENTIST u, .. um J. J. Hunters store. zillnx ‘)HtflllO. DRS J. P. GRANT, D. D. 3., L. D. S. »[;:~l' m-miuate University of Tor- m-mluutc Royal Gallege Dental mums or nutario. Dentistry in 1!: branches. Office Calder wk. )lillStt-e-ct, second dogr east .\|1u'1;wtll's Drug Store. ____,_______.__._.â€"â€"â€"â€" 1‘7. CNN. 21. i'IGREMONT. CON- WM '1: NH"! :H‘I'PSI 85 acres UHdPI’ ' *rxrii inn. balance hardwood bush; .~«.‘\-=:1ivn.t in SChHOI: on the premâ€" ~ .- mm a framv ham .iéxt‘i) ft. with .. runndntion: concrete stables; u» h'lV hal‘n 30x50 with stone base- *- hm: pcn 20x!i0; twelve-room ‘ hnnw furnace heated, also aim“ \x'nndshed: .. hnuso‘. with windmill; concrete ritur tanks: 30 acres seede W acre: to Sweet clover; this ~ xx v11 fenced and in a good state of ""fxviHim. For information apply ' f wagons Dairy. RJ‘» 4. Durham. ‘ 1025 23 If _-_______________.â€"â€"â€"r mm mm LOTS 7 AND 8. COM Furnmnnt. containing 66 acres; 55‘ v"»-~' oloarpd. balance hardwood '13:: m good state of cultivation; 1m» barn “x50. stone baseman . ' . wt.) stables; drilled we vmv-nt tank at barn. Also -' 7 (Ton. 5. S.D.R.. Glenelg. can- “1 en}; “0 acres, 100 acyes cleared f gulhvatlon: on "it ~ farm. making 'at'm. This property will be so!!! rum to quick porch . . twflars apply at Watson’s DIII'Y. RR 3. Durham. Ont. H.‘ f H '3‘» mx‘m: eouthwes't of Durham. con- lilhlf Th? :tl‘t'l‘tt'l'a'. Solicitors, etc. A mem. at :m firm will be in Durham 0n 'wtlt)’ of men week. Appointments \ kw madv with the Clerk in the APPLY CLAI Durham, Ont. L. SMITH, I. 3., I. C. P. S. O. .- ‘ and residence. corner of v. .. and Lambton Streets. Oppo- wt PM! Office. Office hours: ' 71111.. 1.30 {U 4 p.m., 7 to 9 1).“). mm vxcepted). FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors Phone Hillcrest 0268 Tatonto 122â€"121; Avenue Road John W. Bates R. Haddocks Furvnvt'iy nt’ I’lesherlon 4.52:1! ‘Direciorv MIDDLEBRO’, SPERBIAN MIDDLEBRO’ Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Suc't‘o‘SSUI'S [0 A. B. Currey. «L. «1. Mleu'm-n‘ is permanently mi at Durham Office. .E’riceville 1.7--“ luH BATES BURIAL c0. Thursday, A)!!! O, I“. s. JAMIBSOI JAIIBSON .. um residence a short dist- m nf the Hahn House on H! Street. Lower Town. Dur- Hmce heurs 2 to 5 p.m.. 7 t0 ~~:cept Sundays, . Medical Directory. AN D BESSJE ‘IIcGIL‘LIVRAY "CU . ) us FOR SALE h nwd Auctioneer for uomuy m Satisfaction guaranteed. Ilea- w wrms. Dates of sales made | cihl‘nnii'lt‘ Office 0!‘ With himâ€" DR. A. I. BELL un Lambton Street (the late tnn‘s Office). Office Ahgurs. HS! ”pm! 9.30 p I )enlal Directorv XLEX. MacDQNA}.D we! Aurtmm‘vr fur bounty m 0mm. :utmtion to sales. Rea- firms and satisfaction guar- lmtm mmlv at The Durham {0' Hfl'u'n Hr with R. C. Wat- -vnr\' IL“. L P‘IOHO 60'} P11. LUCAS HENRY D O? _\' 7 169' b.m., except Sun- PAR! DAN. MangN PVQ‘ 'uuu-v 901' for County of Friday from 6i423tr County 01' Bentinck. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE, EXTRA GOOD BUILD- mg lot, 54 feet frontage on Bruce St. Apply to H. D. McIntyre, Countess Street. 1 22 U BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post, Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 10 9t! FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North 0: Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to I). Hopkins. 221 U FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter,bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. 515 H The George Whllmore preperty, near McGowan’s mill; rough-cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees, and a lot. of small fruits. \V‘ill sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- ly to Mrs. John Schulz. 626 t! SHUR'I‘HHRN 1'10“”. 7 YEARS OLD, (hw April 1.3m. I‘lc'gistmwl Ym'k- shiro sow. six months nld. 'I‘lmmas (inwmvuml. Durham. R. N 603115. FIRST QI'ALI't‘Y CONCRETE GRA- wl. (It-Inward 0n the ,j0h.â€"-â€"\V. J. Mc- Huldvu. Durham. 4 2 20 BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL A'I‘ Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. 1 10 If PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- uradc gas with the “pep” and long milvagc. Sold only at Smith Bros’ AAl-l. (Iarafiv mn- FIRE. TORNADO. AUTOMO- hile insurance and guarantee bonds, otc., apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 612 U WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 3 15231. wnnx WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- ivln Jnh Piant is well equipped for turning out the finvst work on short rmlm'. tf {mun WANTED AT. ROB ROY Mills. Highest prices paid. «mu: in TM: on) msnymm 1 MOI) SEVEN on Count! vvnlvnces pa mm‘lin )lmrrh 4m Mn‘il 13th. COAL FOR SALE CHICSTNI'T. STOVE AND EGG COAL. lwst. quality. $14.00 per tun.â€"â€"â€"-\\'. {talclmn 3 19 tf I HAVE AfitTEP'l‘EI) THE AGENCY for the following lines 01' Imple- mnnt. x'vpnirs: International. \Vitkin- son and Tndhope-Andorsnn. Terms strictly rashâ€"George A. Noble. Dur- ham, Ont. Sm me at Noblns’ Garage. 3 12 3mpd BOARDBRS WANTED TWO GENTLEMAN BOARDERS. AP- ply at Chronicle office. 3 5 69d NOTICE TO PARIBRS The Durham U.F.O. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on 'l‘uesplays. Shippers are requested to give three days’ notice. James Lawrence, Hunger. Phone 601 r 13 cehts for 15 eggs.â€"â€"â€"S. J. Wilson, Queen Street, Durham. ARTICLES WANTED nts -â€"â€"â€" Diner_ (to waiter who _ A--.“ MISCELLANEOUS FARM FOR SALE OR RENT urchins 2663 Ion COMING EVENTS MN lml NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP 119-55 Sh‘uvt. :Ill modem vs. Apply to J. J. At} Durham. I’hmw 603-"3 FOR SALE tn 1w “PM Has-Mr Mo Admisswn IONUIERTS R4 )0)! BRICK R hr‘hl in Monday R. ull mndm'n con- Durham, RR. 1. I'H Varnoy night. and 13') 4 ‘3 20 Plume HOIKQIC 6 26 if "\‘HH‘. 9 51H! .In looking over the principal re- ligions in Canada, according to the Sixth Census, we find that in the decade from 1911 to 1921 only one denomination went back numerical- ly, and that is the Congregational- ist which had a membership of 34,- 054 in 1911 and 30,730 in 1921. The Anglican Church in the same ten years made the largest increase of any Protestant sect. increasing from 1,043,017 10 1,407.994.\ The Presby- terians come next in numerical strength to the Anglicans, and in the same period of time show an in- !erease from 1,115,321 to 1.409.407 fol- [lowed closely by the Methodists with an increase from 1.079.892 in 1911 in 1.159.458 in 1921. In the same time. the Baptists inereasml from 382.666 to «121.731. There are 3.389.636 110-. ,man thitholies in Canada. a gain 01’ lover half a million in ten years. A ‘little oVet‘ two million of the Roman Catholic population of Canada is in Quebec. in ten years. the Jews in Harlem inereasetl from 71.364 to 125.!St7. and more than one-quarter. m- .‘i't2377 ot' the Jews in this country lore in. the titty of 'l'oi'ontn. There are 23.67? Jews in the City of Moi!- {il‘t'itfl Mr. .la('t'itS. a Jew. sits in the tian‘: tinn Parliament. as the t'em'e- sentzitive ot' a Montreal constitu- 3t'llt'}'.-~â€"-1liltlslt‘ty I‘lntertiirise. tf mfiWfl Snowplough on Toronto Line 'l‘lIo Ontario Dopzutmont of Pub- “0 HiglIVV IVS has all immonso SIIIIVV- plongh VVlIiclI it Iisos for tho pur- poso ol‘ oponing up tho lIighan's VVIII to tho Ilril'ts 31 o had. It is tho. oan ono oVV nod IIV' tho Ilopartmont and has boon in nso in Iortain sor- lions of Ontario. notably hotwoon Hamilton and (illt'lpll. and on tho IIIInIlas highway, tllll’llll." tho grout- or part of tho VV'intoI'. with tho roâ€" sultr that motor trafliI' has boon fair- 13' good. will) only an ocrasional fon IIIIV's \\'Il(‘ll thoy ooIIlIl not got through. This snoVV'plouglI is now on its way to (Mon SounIl, having maIIo tl start on Monday from Shol- IIIIrno. Just. how long it. will take to roaI'lI hero is unknown, but it' is llltlpt'tl that. it. will not IIII-ot. with any grout Ilil’liI'IiltV' in gottingnr through the III'il'lS. 'l'llo. plough is quit-o , massivo IIiI-oo om n‘IaIrlIinory. and is attracting; quito a lot. of atlontion in its [H'Hg‘l‘oss through tIIo I'ountry. It. is ”w only Illtlt‘llllll‘ ol' ils kind in “all“(Itlswtth‘ll Sound Sun-Timon. What Our Exchanges Say Township Accident Insurance A I‘nm'vsnniativo 0f tho (ilnhv In- clvmnity Company intmwimwd the «lam-ink Cmmcil on anlny and Hfâ€" fm'ml in insurn the- township against loss by avviclvnts (HI roads within thn nmnhripnlity fm' 3M?) pc-i' your. If thus insnrmi. Hm (lumpany guar- antors pavmvni (if all claims and wists. up to $11,000 pm- zuwidvni. for which thn tnwnshili wuuld uthvrâ€" wisv ho liahlv. 'I‘hv (ZaI'i'ick Council is svt‘imisly (,‘l’HlSiih‘l'ng Hm advisâ€" nhiliiy nl' taking: tlw [i«v|i('}'.â€"-â€"â€".\Ii|:i~ may Gazette. Shooting Afiray at Deemerton .\ rathm' clisquivting stm'y cumvs I'mm I'M-mvl'tnn this \chk. «m Sunâ€" Jan o'\'t‘lli|l;_'. \Vht‘n (Evm‘gv Sc'lnwiclm' rutnrnwd hum." l'mm a. Visit. in rela- ahwut. the t\\'eiity-fnurth «lay of January. A. 1‘). 1925. at the Village Hf Holstein. are required «m or before the llth day of April, 1925. to send by post. prepaid. or deliver to SHI- iritur fur the acilministratrix of the estate and effects of the said de- reasm'l: their Christian names. and Siiiiiames their addresses and (leâ€" 3riptinns. the full particulars in “ritimr of their claims. a statement of their accounts and the nature 0! the security, if any, held by them. NOTICE TO CREDITORS .\.\'I) take notice that after such lnâ€"‘t. n1m1tii‘1nml. the said Admin- isti'nti'ix will proceed to distri- iltlit' tlw assvts of tho said deceased among: the patties entitled thereto liming: 111mm onlw to the claims 0f “hit“ .~l1o shall then haw notice. and that the said administratrix will not. be liable for am of the said assnts 01 am part thereof to any person or persons of “hose claim notice shall not time been received by her at the time of distribution. MiddlebrO’, Sperema‘n 8: Iiddlebro', Solicitors for the Administratrix. Dated at Durham, this 2ist day of March, A. D. 1925. 3 26 3 In The Exchequer Court of Canada In the matter of the petition of National Cement Company. NOTICE is hereby given that by Statement of Claim filed in this cause on the 9th day of January, 1925. the Petitioner prayed that the entrv in the Register of Trade Marks at Folio 8713 of Trade Mark Register N9. 36. made in the name of The National Portland Cement. Company Limited. of Durham, Ontario; said trademark consisting of a flag and the word NATIONAL and the name of the said Company, should be ex- punged. Anyone desiring to oppose the said Petition should file a statement of objection, answer or defence within fourteen days from the last app pearance of thisy advertisement. which will be on the 23rd day of April. 192:). ELLIOTT and DAVID. 1“ St. James St, Iontroal. Que Solicitors for Petitioner. 3 193 One Church Goes Back NOTICE THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Simple Prize Suggestions For Easter Parties Rabbits. Yullow Chickens. Pret- ty huttm'flivs to stick on flnwm- hnwls. lelnw fluwvrr‘ or plant. I‘Igg-slmpml lmx Hf Handy. A toy yvlluw chicken 01' nest. Haw )‘c-llow. lax‘mulm- tor purple riblu‘ms loading to vat-h place and small favm's cmwvalml in m-st at utlwr 0nd. Spring tlowvrs with buttm‘flivs. (Inlnrml pugs at. much plaCu with name at gglest on each. ‘wâ€"v 'Baslwt 0f daffodils drawn by two pretty white Imnnic-s. m° hm yvllnw chickens or ducks IS a wry prntty contl'opiecc. Dolmndahlu dye! may [m at any drug stow. Fnllmv MM“): and ynm' vggs sxlm‘wss. If «mu (‘lt'Sil't‘S ('UIUI'N] «‘gg‘s that children can eat with nu fvar ol' dyo Spui‘iling ilw nggs, wry prvtty hmwn and yi-lhiw eggs can hn mash! h} ranking: with nniun windings. Alsn. coifnv. Eggs cunkwl with spinm-h mo :1 prutty {aw-n. while thnse (‘00de in hwt juivv aw aiii‘m'iix'r- rm] shadvs. . - A tivos in Militmay. tw nutiiwt that his snwki-hi‘msv (tour was open. and upon invostigation, he. discovorod that a sidv Hf park had bvvn 1'0- mm'mt. l’i-m'm'ding tuward ttw barn he found thr- moat twsiitn the fence and took it, to ttw hunsv and lm'kwt ”It‘ snmkvhnnso. A littln lati'r ho hoax-ct sumo mmmntimn ahunt. the- siahhu and lighting: his lantm‘n. mint. tn thi- harn tn si-i- what was tho mattm“. H0 noticmt several of his rattlv in Hip tnn-nyai-d. and as llt‘ was atmut tn anti-1' thv statih‘. tmn‘ I‘t‘\'ttl\'t'l‘ shuts \wrv tit‘t‘tt at. ihim at. \‘t‘l'y t'lUSt‘ l'angv. 't'wu Hf |ttm hntlvts wussml through thn iwak but his cap. within nnv inch ut' tttil é'ni'whvait. and ttw ('lnth sm'i'i‘iunit- ing an ut' ttw hqut. huh-s was hmtl)‘ hin'nt. tlttttt'ilttlit-I that. ”It‘ tii'i-at‘m‘ must. haw ttt't'll «tis‘i'hai‘gwt within a. t'vw fw't it Mr. Srhnv-iih'r. Thur- nnghly t'rightunmt hy this unvxpm't- mt attai‘k. Si'hnt‘ii‘ti'!‘ Sim‘iml “it in? ”It‘ tmllSt' nn ttw run. and tm'tnn- atvly i-si-apml injury. ”u was una- hlv In iiti'ntif)‘ his assailant. 'l‘hi- ‘mattm' has ht't‘ll rviuirti-it t0 Hm path-u, amt an invvstigatiim is living Imadv this \xw'k.â€"â€"â€"+l\tihitmay Gazette. t 3 Scene of Much Hilarity .\ halt-way lmlls'n on thi- Durhami rmhl lwtwwn \\'alkrrton and Hun-i owr has hm'n the ro-nierous of so’ many youths from hath timns on Sunday :il'tm'mmns. and has been thoi srrno of. so murh hilarity on ”I“ clay of rest. that ”I" [dare- might» as thrustiam Lincoln said of the rat-t holv, lw worth hmkillf: into. A t'i-w Saiihaths ago, some \Valki-rton- izuis. who migrated to the place on foot. \\'t‘l't‘- si‘flmingly quite unable to return in the same manner. as one of their number sent to town for a ronwyanm- to come out and hring them in. A week ago Sun- day. some. local youths. after fro- quentini.r this joint. staged son'wtl‘iim.r that so nearly resemblml a noisy scrap on the way home, that a farm: er. who seemingly thought that. an- other war was Opening. phoned into town for the police. Last Sunday two earloads of youths from out Hanover way unloaded at. the. Brant 1domicile: a few from Walkerton tare also said to have gone out, with the result that the hilarity of a beer garden is reported as having had lit- tle or nothing on this alleged cider dispensary as a Sabbath disturber. That a place of this kind has a rathâ€" er sinister influence on the com- munity. there can be no doubt. and the sooner the Sabbath stufl is curbed, and sounds of less hilarity and more of sanctity emanate from that spot~ the pleasanter it will be for the _region about it.â€"Walkerton Table Decorations For Easter Herald-Times. A Devoted Sport Two chtsmen met and exchanged the small talk appmpriate to the hour. As they were parting to go suppeqward, 81qu said to Jock: -‘__.I A.- wurrv- -_ “Jock, 315$ i‘ll 'go ye a round on the links in the Atpprnqfifl "The momnn’?" Jock repeated doubtfully. “Aye, man the mornn‘,” said San- dy, “I’ll go ye a round on the links 111 the momn’.” . “A e, wee’l,” mid Sunday, “I‘ll so ya. t I hid intended to get mur- ried in the wolf.” Tasty Dishes for Le'nt Mushroom Woodcock tuhlospnuns uf flour. lzll'flvspm'n (If huth'l'. pint. nf milk ('2 Hum". hard lmilml eggs. mm muslmmms (l'rusln mush- mums can be usml can [Ilnllvllt(_N'S. grvon pvmwr. HOUSEHOLD HINTS COOKING HINTS To ColOr Eggs Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) purvhasud «ln'vc hours “'1“ be a Small bottle of slufl'od oliws. Clim‘so. Mothml: First. makv a crvam mum". \lvlt lmttvr. Add "our and then milk. Stir until thick. tlut up or (“hop up i-ggs. tint mushmums in (AW. Acltl mw can of (-lmmiml pimivntm-s. pt'm‘n [H‘pllt‘l' tout, uni and tho ('lmmwtl stullml nliVi-s. Mix \wll. Put. in a baking dish. Sm'w. t.” tnast. 01' pattiv 'tlSt‘S. (luml with or without ('lwusv. fiI-UIIIII: Hui] ilII- avgfirlâ€"‘lâ€"lâ€"llllln‘h'f OI' «Igg»â€"--IIIIIII.12III, 0mm in hm. Stalin :I 1mm! ( I'I'zml 521110“ with IIII'II- iv of butter. Mix \xiHI pugs. I’IIIII into hllHPl'N] baking: dish. hut. hm \\illI IIIIHII. i'mIt, III HU'I! whvn I‘U‘ldV tn smu- What Do W‘e Know About Taxes <"l'm'untn Saturday Night; tln View Of tho fact that. oxcvssivm taxatiun is proving: such a handi 'ap tn British industry, and aim» taking intn at't'nunt. that ht-ru'y tz‘m's haVv much la «in with mar lay nu "Willis itivalisiit' mlutitimis. «mu may iN' pai'dnnmt t'ni' making t'urt ilt‘l‘ ohm-H'- :tiitHlS till this Milijm'L 'l‘ako- t'ni' instanw :1 marer man with twn «tugwnttvnt t‘hihll'trll I'o-sici- mg: in (Si-«rat. Britain. haViI :: an in- mmw of $2.3ch tic-r :mnnm. In that. mmntl'y, hv wuuht [my a tax of $90. in “It' lfnitml Stan-s amt Canada liliitit‘l' “In saniv mnviitinns. ho. \wuh: {pay nothing at. all. By BETTY WEBSTER mun. In film l'nilvd Status, he would: pay $37.50. and in Canada. ML “'ch an incumv Hf 810.000 pm- annum, Hm, British cilizvn \muM pay 31.575; in! (1:0 l'nitml State-s. 9:167). and in Can- ligu's. (ll-«yam saucv llacl; in 19”. Hip immmv tax in ”PM”. Britain was Ullt' shillih; l\\'n peni'n t'm- vac-h puuml ut' mxahlr ‘-- com". Today it is alnmst. t'nui' tim. :is much, that. is ruur shillings Jr [H'ni'm t0 Hm [HHHNL ' Dining: Hip ilit' «if ”I“ lhitish Lu- hm- GOthllmi‘lll. thv (hamvllur 0f thn EXi lwqm-r. l'hiliii Snuwh'n. having; a small suiplus. and think- ing to POUUN' ”I“ cast at “\lltt! int. dnwn tho clutivs mi ii-a. sugar and nthm' foods. Mmuvntai'ily this hail Strlnlt'V/t‘lrt‘t‘l. hut lati-i' writ-vs \wnt, hack tn tlwir Ulil lM'vls. If is said that, \Vihstou Churchill. the pic-smut. ('hancullor. “ill itmntv am surplus hl' mav haw to tho WNW at tlu- in- cnmn tax pay-rs. Lalflmr would pm- hzihly hail ihis {N a. iich mans bud- get, but something must lw dmw to ula Scrambled Egg: and Tomato tahlvspnuns of IHIHM'. luhlvspnnn uf ('hnmwcl {muI pnmwr. luhlvslmun of ('Immwd union. H cup mmkml tumalu. BAKING HINTS Baked Hominy With Cheese cups uf lmminy. tnhlvsgnum Hf lmflc-I'. IHhIc-spmvn ni' llmll‘. Little salt. Little pepper. cup of milk. For April )M Creamed Eggs grvm: Method: (tank Hm hnminy in hail- ing salt wan-r until dmw. Makv t whitv $11le of lmitvr. llnm'. milk and svasmling. ”val! 4-1.:Rynlks. Mix with amtml Mums». Mix wvll with mmkml Imminy. 'l‘lu-n fnld in tho stiffly bvutvu \th-s. l-iakv in . mush-min uwn about 20 minulns. Sm'w with 01‘ witlmut tnnlam same. R inlvh'spunns Hf 1: film! Mummy. 1 tahlospmn of hullm' m- fat Motlmd: Mix likc- drup Baking l‘uwdvr Misc-nits. Baku 12 minutes in hot. «mm. This rm'um nmkvs 12 largv biscuits HP 20 small HIM-s. Mutlmcl: (Irmh salnn‘m and mix with mm. salt and lwaiml 0m. Add milk and walm'. M ix \wll. l'nur in hum-rm! baking dish. hot. the (up with hun. Baku until brown. Filling. \\'liimwil rrvanl. Hrmml i-m'naiiul. (lllrililwil almonds. Slraiwlwrry. Mulliodz Makv a rich puff paste. (21ml lwfflrv Illling. Fill with whipped ('rvam. ()vvr lap [out grated c.0003- nut and clmmwil almonds. For trimming. svrw :i lill'm' luscinm strmvlwrry. relic-w the hurdon. whivh is react.- imz 0n inclush'y, and is «wry day making ihn poor mam pmu‘vr through lark ni' wnrk and taking from tho country much nm-dml capital with- «mt. which British irmiv and mm- "N'H'd' «'alzlmi, lil'nslwx'. ° Sm-akinu Hf puzzlvs. hm'n's a rid- dlo (hat amwurvd rm'vntly Ill an English palm-z \Vhat do“? :I man'lnw mm'n than life, Hah- mum man IINIHI m- mortal strikv; That which mntnntml nwn dvsiro Thu [Mar haw :mcl I'it‘h l'oquil'u; A mism' slwnds. Hu- spvmflhrifl emu-s And all nwn ram-y in ”Mr umws Athm 3 lnxinn is 14» 1/» Thu answc-r. >13th in tm'ms «of the urrvnt had. is a Ward M sm'l-n IN- *x's'. m-prvsvming \\'h:H thv hay said rhvn :iskm! what ”In Svnh-hmun had iwn him for holding his horse. mm 0" grilled «IN-02w. A Real Delicacy ('va «sf llnur. lo" spoon 0f 53“. 0le ul’ \s'alm'. tmspmms nl' lmkim: pnmlc-r can «of mm". mm uf salmnn. tahlnspnml Hf lmtlm' (“Up of milk. mm of \x'ulrr. tmslumn nf salt. «1: Corn and Salmon Loaf Easter Tarts gum! ”aim! fur ”w m lvaw‘ it :llmw. WHAT? PAGE I]. ("1n-

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