West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 9 Apr 1925, p. 6

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Mrs. Thomas Greenwood left. us in an egg this \wok, laid by 3 Ply- mouth Rock hm, measuring 6%x7'fé inches and wvighing 4 ounces. This is a hmwiei- ng than the one left in a couple of weeks ago by Captain J. F. Wrigth. which was 655x894 inches and weighqd 3% ounces. This latter egg was laid by 8 Rhode Is~1 land Red hen. Cross-Word puzzles are said to be educative. Sure! The man whose wife is an addict must learn to cookâ€"or go hungry. Famous last liesâ€"of single bless- edness. “I do.” Telling lies is not a failing with some people. Rather, it is one of their outstanding successes. Some Durham merchants might well follow the lead of one in a neighboring town who posted the sign on his counter: “The party who has been helping himself to crackers from the open box will find toothpicks on the counter.” Foreign Ambassadors to Turkey must in future reside in Angora, according to a recent ruling of the Turkish Government. A n g o r a goats as it were. According to scientists, Niagara Falls is 38,000 years old. Will some of our oldest residents kindly verify this? An Edinburgh, Scotland, woman who died recently, at the age of 90 years, was an inmate of a men. tal hospital for over 65 years. Though originally incarcerated for melancholia. she is said to have been perfectly happy and content- ed. Evidently she used the wo~ man's privilege and “changed her mind.” Bogus $100 Imperial Bank notes :re in virculation, but don’t worry us. Any $100 note looks suspicious so the editor of this paper. Canada exported to Australia during the last fiscal year corsets to the value of $160,000, thus con- tributing her quota in binding the Empire closer together. There are some in town, though very few, who try to belittle the oiling system for laying dust, point- ing to Durham’s streets last year as an example. Last Spring was a backward one. The oil was put on during a spell of very cool wea- ther and, we are told, was not heated enough in the tank before being applied. This in itself would. spell disaster for this system of dust laying, but on top of this was another important one. The Coun- cil contracted for oil sufficient for Garafraxa Street from the foot of the hill to the Ford Garage. Those in charge of the oiling spread it over at least 20 per cent more road than it was intended for. Is it any wonder the oil system was not sat- isfactory last summerâ€"to some. Even at that, we think the major- ity are agreed that it is about the ‘nest thing: we have ever tried, and there are. very few along the front street who are not favorable to the adoption of the system this sumâ€" 1 mer. Even though a pavement 1 were being built, something would have to be done about the dust nui~ sauce in the meantime. In the meantime, the fact that a paving program may be adopted this year is no excuse for forget- ting that the dust nuisance is up- on us right now. The oil for the streets should have been contract- ed for long ago. not giving concessions without de- manding others. I‘here is no doubt that paving is the proper program in the con- struction of permanent roads, but we see little chance of any being done in Durham this year. Pav- ing is an expenswe business, and while paving advocates in town say that the Government will pay 100 per cent of the cost of the 20- foot strip on Lambton Street, the citizens of the town will want to know what they have to pay for the balance. The Government is AROTIBR EGG RECORD OIL OR PAVEMENT? There is, as is usually the case at this time of the year, some talk in town about paving Garafraxa and Lambton Streets. Though no definite program has been spoken of, we take it that the intention would be to pave both County and Provincial connecting links theiri entire length. What is worth do- inc: at all is worth doing well. NOTES AND COMMENTS Wham" is afraid of submit- "”9 any question, civil or religious, to the test of free discussion, is more in love with his own opinion than with the truth. -â€"WA TSON. Member (hogan!) Weekly News- Dfipors Association. PAGE 6. nanny, April 0, i035. . _- .. . x .. vv ulnt'l urn uuu Owen Sound by way of Saugeen Junction, replacing the Walkerton- .Saugeen Junction service. This ser- vice will provide adequate facilities for passengers on both lines. P. M. P. M. 10.55 Arrive Walkerton Leave 2.45 10.42 Maple Hill 2.57 10.33 Hanover 3.07 10.22 Allan Park 316‘ 10.08 Durham 3.30 9.57 McWilliams 3.40 9.52 Glen 3.45 9.42 Priceville 3.56 9.30 Leave Sangeen Jct. Arrive 4.10 918 Arrive Sangeen Jct. Leave 4.30 9.00 Flesherton 4.38 8.46 Markdale 4.50 8.34 Berkeley 5.00 825 Holland Centre 518 8.1 1 Chatsworth 5.22 8.00 ~ Rockford 5.31 Effective M Pacific Railw ay unifile Canadian ay will inaugurate a new passenger tram service making all steps between Walkerton and NEW CANADIAN PACIFIC WALKBRTOR-OWEN SOUND TRAIN SERVICE lttt’l'. Clayton Hi-clm'itli. that. tht‘ll‘ lllulln-t'. Mrs. Lonisv Fairman was M‘I‘lntlsl)’ ill in 'l‘oxas, where she has lwt'll Visiting owr the Winter months. Hn Monday. unotlwr mos~ sage» mum to hand from “01' grand- Isun. Sliviwx'omt Rowe, who accom- ipaniml nor on lH‘I‘ southern trip, that slu- was wry low, and the 9nd amwarwl to in) only a few hours i|\'\‘a.\‘. .\.- no particulars were given, and us no t'urthor message has been in- «viva! sim-u Monday, Durham rol- uliws are naturally very anxiom uml )‘PSlPl'tltly dispatched a telegram: asking for further information. Mrs. Fairman is a woman in the noighborhood of 75 years of age "ma quite smart for her years. It is to be hoped better news of her con- «lition will be forthcoming 8000. On Saturday nl' lust. wwk. Mrs. I'I. .\. BMW and Mrs. A. Bell re- w-ix‘ml a tvlvgmm from their hr“- Hm'. Clayton chkwith. that. their Disquieting Telegrams Received Daughters Here Who A‘nxim MRS. LOUISE FAIRMAN SERIOUSLY ILL IN TEXAS The baby elk. born a year ago last. fall at. Dr. Jamieson's park at Wim- er's Lake, had to he killed on Mon-- (lay owing h) injuries it. recently I'e- man-.1. presumably from the Oh! mahn Fur sume time past, it. has not. been very active, and was cut around the hell}: An examination showed th tuits meek was also broken, and it, am'm'dingly was sent. to the eh; happy hunting ground Monday. “HM was rem-Wed hem yester- day morning that, a shipmmt of mallard (MICK eggs will arrive shcgwtly. and when hatched. the ynlmg birds will he turned loose in the park in an endzlvm' to popu- late the Wilder's Lake park with this simeies 01' wild bird life. So Badly Injured That It’s Dispatch Was Most Humane Treatment. BABY ELK AT LAKE . - _ --~. v- v-IV ‘11th IIUUL‘JU. We welmbmc him in his now ca- pacity as uwnvr and proyriotm' and trust that Mr. and Mrs. A. (1. Lloyd may have a successful futuro ahead at them in Ontario’s prnmivr city. Vâ€"â€"‘ ‘- Vvl. I'll. he regretted by many; The new proprietor, however, is no stranger in the theatrical ganm, having been identified with the managerial end «luring the past three years or more, and the change of ownership will have no effect on the class of pictures exhibited or therpogiu'larily of the playhouse. Await Further News The Votrrans’ Star Theatre was sold last week. Mr. Anson (.1. Lloyd having disposed of it to his brother, Mr. J. A. Lloyd, who took over the husinoss on the first of the month. Mr. Lloyd, who with Mrs. Lloyd, left for their new homo in Toronto on Tuosday. has been intorestml in Durham‘s only movie theatre sumo returning from «worsras five years ago. and as he has always conduct- ed a first-class theatre with good picture‘s, his romoval from town will ho I'l'l-{l't'Hl‘lJ bv manv- VETERANS’ STAR THEATRE HAS CHANGED HANDS Mayor Murdock occupied. the chair. B. Jamieson; President, H. W. Wil- son; Secretary-'I‘reasurev. A. Clem- ents; Exocutim, P. Gagnun, J. H. Harding, 6. S. Kearney and J. N. Murdock. Following is the listâ€"of officers Elected; ‘I_ionqg~ary Presigenjl Dr. D O I-“- To provide a fund for the associa- tion, a euchre is being held in the Town Hall next. Wednesday oven- ing, and in addition, a grant will be asked from the Town Council for the furtherance of the sport. The meeting was probably one of the best held in Durham in a good many years, and the businesslike manner in which the meeting was conducted shows the hogs all in earnest and will put the est they have into the game. A week ago it looked as though Durham wouid have no lgcroese organization . meeting in the Helm House last. night, there will be two, inveni'le ‘ apd intermediate, both . C. LIOyd Disposed of Interests Here to Brother, Mr. J. A. Lloyd, Who Is Now in Possession. TWO LACROSSE THIS F0! DUKE“ THIS YEAR Lug. and Mannie” Inning loll in Inn lanai-u: I! It.â€" Jnnnllo m‘d human“ can: To B. but“. HAD TO BE KILLED 'ceived by A'nxiously The b'rfidé was neatly attired m a navy blue suit, with grey and blue HOPPATâ€"DAVIS A quiet wedding took place on Saturday evening. April 4th, when Ida M.. eldest daughter of Mr. and “Mrs. Thomas Davis of Glenoig. was united in marriage to Charlies ll. Mofl‘at, son of Mr. John Mofl‘at. The ceremony was performed by Roy. J. H; Whealen, and the coupi-a were unattended. . i v â€"v v v.-- V-.- VThe Regefiâ€"t“ Hrs. Kearney, was elected delegate to the annual meet- ing of the I. O. D. E. at Hamilton on the 2m, 22nd and 23rd of this month. For the month of April. the so- ciety is raising funds by the “talent” money principle in lieu of social lgatherizn. s of various kinds. Fol- ‘lowing t e decision of the Town Council to forego repairs to the Town Hall at. present. the society pledged to help along certain lines. has also given up the idea until1 again broached by the council. Regent. Mrs. G. S. Kearney; Vice- Regent, Miss J. A. Weir; 2nd Vice- Regent. Mrs. A. W. H. Lauder; Sec- rotary, Miss A. Ramage; Echo Sec- retary, Mrs. M. Knight; Educational Secretary, Miss A. Kearney; Treas- urer, Mrs. R. Burnett; Standard Begrer.nMrs. J.‘_M. Burgess. __ Following arp the officers of the local chapter. I. O. D. E. as elected at. a meeting held last Tuesday night aththe boxy-n offlMgs._G. S. Keaypey: Mrs. G. S. Kearney Elected Regent at Good Meeting Tuesday Night. Aftm' an, wry appvtizing lunch servvd by thv hostnss. a most sur- vnssful mvoting was brought to a close by the singing of Hm National Anthem. NEW OFFICERS CHOSEN FOR I. O. D. E. OFFICES . , V “a... u...__l.u uu Iul' u: L. A qumtinn (Irmx'm' was mmnod whirh pmvml quite instructivn. vam'al (“Instinm \wru askmi and an vxchzmg‘n nf Moms giwm. 'l‘imn (bid not. pm'mit. thv giving: (If two splvndid papm's [)I't‘q’bal'vd by Miss Margaret, Mfliirr and Mrs. Rnbm't Isarw. which will liknly ho givnn at. spmn futuro movting. Mrs. Rnhm‘t. Bunwtt, um 21 gm). dwmunstmhmn «m “hing 3 Cake and [mum-l quitv adept, at Hm art. 'I‘tm chief I'mhn-c- nf Hm prngl'am, perhaps. was am mum-ms by Mrs. (Re-v.3 Pvtm's. whu L’RW' a most. in- torvsting pzuwr on hm- Vacation trip last. July. through Iiw provim‘ns. \vlwn shv and Mr. Pvtnrs \‘isitm’i thm’r HM. homo in Ne-wfnundlzm‘d. Mrs. I’MN‘S is a lawn uhse'wvm' and um Pvlutu most. intm'vstingly tn hm- hvm'vrs what. shv has sewn. Mrs. Pvtvrs’ papm- will 1m men in an- othvr column. “24% main Damn! 17 \h-HH m I‘Mmhmlt (‘;”t1;,‘“_ “m'eral KHHH'H;|\ I‘m“. “ their nlilhlc'l‘. “fig-~- .1; W .l S"'SHII. l‘i.1.._ I13: \4 mod 72. Burn :1! kuum .0 went. (0 Kéllllw-qm ,g to Nelson m 18')! W“ H3!’K'L~‘u|L “Wall. “'35 In” rug mum.- 1h. Mist Chum-h. My mum. m. . heml'l‘lmu'v, Th “8 h‘ [M'leq- 1'. church. “f \Hth II. was slalml that i in Humillon. Hm. livid HUM». L Meliflimlvr. 9m. ., the court M kw; nipeg. (m a dump- IB 8 PPSUH Hf How (berm. 0f [Mm ;, fall. Was :u'qnti. verdict. «if hut :mh by “W jury u h-xx nnl I'Mll‘mi :if‘h-P 3' Mr. .l‘l‘l.!l't' IH~ flnd Hw :H‘Vllu‘ci I" .‘ln\'v.-‘Hg.':ctmn :r‘f- PN’I‘X. 'l'l'umu-vx, \ fuund hm; m. 91w milc's llHI'HHM-sf .. ing. Man. w. H slum“! that My u ind suivulv. Ix di('31!ln.’l‘mt'\ -,.~ alu'vd l‘nt' SHHI' =' v in “I“ 'H‘INY ‘ A fun! Mm. i" - hvsiclv lmn. Ii“’ “'85 Hllt' Haw? samv “Hm-w 'l‘hv W's Baum] in! (‘Ulldnvh‘d Imumnml was 82H “mum «of I “’PI‘ "0 :g {008 and Wilnvssm prm‘vmhn miHm', must. lu- prmlmu- thmuulm Slim'c'sd'lz yi‘al‘p‘. :‘4' \T‘l'liwcl l HPHIHI. vlauw 1» (.iflfllh' f1 insHu'vN m. dead Spar! and : [flarh for i 0n (‘tml lwrm 4!: was SUM yoslm'd: qmwhm W39 torn and raw! flight. (of from HI OUMNH' house. Kama! Dunn earth. mild \w 0“" m Falls- HI drug 1-023:wa facturvrs mtu .-. Itinn '0 t‘HIIW prion-muting. \ ruining: ”I“ nh'l: is now umim- \ will onmv tn .1 .* “rival {rum I“ lilm Glyn-Jun... pharmacnm Hf. Iddrms mm-im this city «m .M tum-mm. (Inna 'l he PM Work f”: mom: yuéio R. J. Mann PIN-stun 85.555 {30 ciliatinn “flights .HS\\'¢‘I‘ tn llloyvam-v p0_rgnd \m - Th" ('ung fonndlanal norm! am “In Nmmm 15.M:' llw Viking. in H Oh!" Hlit “N“ “I '4 or Thursday ’, April 0, \\ l. Anch- uud ly llc‘ 5h \\ ma

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