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Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1925, p. 10

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e bmug made over y {or use at. set. It {a person for several it has a water-tight a rccvptacle {or food puts the pistol m . A New iuox' Apr] 16, 19%. 3' Scout V mt arm scout 3‘9 wt for life ndeed. ro'xu- famous Natives. N! as a . t‘urmer and an I by an chance, rm. and ~‘ sum. IIIQ'I: \\‘ hen '8'A t he as 5 pm. (except Shhâ€"(15y?) J. 1.. Sll’l'l, I. 3., I. c. P. 8. 0. Office and residence. corner of flawless and Lambton Streets. oppo- site old Post Oflice. Ofllce hours : 9 to It a.m.. 1.30 to 4 p.m., 7 to 9 pm. (Sundays excepted). . DIR. A. I. BELL Oflnce on Lambton Street (the late Dr. Hutton’s office). Ofl'ice hours. 3 to 5 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., except Sun- ay. nus. unmet! Jansenâ€" (Mice and residence a short. dist- ance east of the Hahn House on Lambtnn Street, Lower Town, Dur- “W: Qflice pears} to 5 p.m.. 7 to c. G. MD BESSIE IcGILLIVRAY Chiropractors, Durham, Ontario. The Science that adds life to years and years to life. Consultation free. In Durham Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 6 tyb 23 tf awxums,uuuuu Honor Graduate University of Tor- onto, Graduate Royal College Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Dentistry in all its branches. Office Calder Block, MillStreet, second door east of MacBeth's Drug Store. LUCAS I: BERRY Barristers. Solicitors, etc. A mem- be: of the firm will be in Durham on Tuesday of each week. Appointments may be made with the Clerk in the -IV vvuvvâ€" â€"â€"vv-"~'-_ \lmh late tt‘llll3‘. Arrangements for salvs a3 '0 cl: ”93‘. ett'" may be made at. lhv c"'.lnoniL10 Office Durham. 'lvrms nu application. \ddress RR. I. Dmham. Phum- 603 1' l2. Licvnsmt .-\ucti0nevr fur County of Grey. Prompt. attention to sales. Rea- sonable terms and satisfaction guar- antomt. Dan's mmlv at The Durham Chronicle Office 01' with R. C. \Vat- sun. \‘urney. RR. 1. Phone 604 I‘ll. "DR. W: CQPIOKEBIIG, DENTIST ()flice, over J. 6: J. Hunter's store, Durham. Ontario. .â€". __._ .A _._._.â€"--â€"~ wâ€"wâ€"mâ€" IIDDLEBRO’, SPBRBiAN IIDDLBBBO' Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. S‘mtcessors to A. B. Currey. M! 1.. Middlebw is permanently located at DUI ham Uffite. Priceville Branch ”pen every F1 Ida} flom 3.30 (H 9.30 p.m ofli'ce. DAN. IcLBAl Licensed Auctioneer for County of Grey. Satisfaction guaranteed. Rea- sonable terms. Dates of sales made at The Chrnnirle Office or with him- _ PAR! FOR SALE Lot 66. Con. ‘2. \\’.G.R.. Beatinck. ‘21:; miles southwest of Durham. con- taimng 86 acres. Mostly clear and in good state of cultivation. Bank barn with shed adjoining and stone stables. T-roomed brick house with extension kitchen and woodshed. Well watered and in good repair. For further particulars apply to Wlliiam Smith. R. R. No. 3. Durham. self. ALEX. MacDONALD Licensed Auctioneer for Co. of .Grey. LOT 7. CON. 2!. EGREMUN'I‘. um- tainin: “‘0 acres: 82') acres undcr cultivation. balance hardwood bush; convenient to school: on the prom-- ises are a frame burn 12x63 ft. will: stoni- t‘oundation: concrete stables: also lmv barn 30x30 with stone base- ment: hog pen 20x40; twelve-room brick house. furnace heated, also frame \\‘0~‘.‘(l§ll0d: drilled well close to notice. with windmill; concrete water tanks: 30 acres seeded to hay; to acres to sweet clover; this farm is well fenced and in a g00d state of cultivation. For information apply to Watson‘s Dairy. RR. 4. Durham. Ontario. 1025 23 if NHRTH PART LOTS 7 AND 8. CON. 3'3. Esremont. containing 66 acres; 55 acres cleared. balance Mrdwood bush: in good state of cultivation; frame barn 55x50. stone basement. mnewlestables; drilled well and cement tank at barn. Also Lots 6 and. 7. (1m. 3|. S.D.R.. Glenelg. con- taining HO acres; 100 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation; on the premises are a brick house con- taining seven rooms. with good frame wooilshed attached: drilled well at door: never failing springs on this farm. making a c owe stock farm. This property will he 3 right to quick purchaser. For par- tieulars apnly at \Vatson's i . RR. 5. Durham. Ont. 102%! FUNERAL SERVICE New Modern Funeral Parlors hone Hillcrest 0268 122-124 Avenue Road Toronto John W. Bates R. fladdocks l-‘nvmm-iy Hf I’lvshorton Advertisements under this heading, 1 cent a word each insertion CASH WITH ORDER; six consecutive insertions given for the ‘price or four. Telephone calls treated as cash with order it paid for before Saturday night of week ordered. Minimum charge for first insertion. 25. cents. On ail charge orders a straight charge of 1% cents a word Will be made each insertion, minimum charge 35 cents. BATES BURIAL C0. FARMS FOR SALE “and”. Ann 10. «is. Licensed e/Iuctioneer Medical Directorv. REUBEN C. WATSON Dental Directorv Legal rDirectory Classified Advertisements mus vumn tâ€"ZGREMONT. coxâ€" GOOD SEVEN-ROOM BRICK HOUSE nu Countess Slrvvt. all modern con- wnivncvs. Apply to J. .I. Atkinson. LR. 1. Durham. Plump 603-23. 25” FOR SALE, EXTRA GOOD BUILD- ing lot, 54.1‘eet frontage on Bruce St. Apply to H. D. McIntyre, Countess Street. 1 22 M BUILDING AND BUSINESS FOR sale. One door north of the Post Of- fice. A good chance for someone.â€" F. W. Kelsey, Photographer. 109tf FOR SALEâ€"A NUMBER OF GOOD building lots on George street, North FOR SALEâ€"GOOD TWO-STOREY frame dwelling, well located on Lambton street. Hard and soft wa- ter, bath, furnace, electric lights, etc. Apply W. J. Young, Durham, Ont. . 515 tf PROPERTY FOR SALE 0‘ Skating Rink, Durham. Apply to D. Hopkins. 2 21 U THI". hl'RHAM (ILI'B OF TORONTO [Hm-ts am Monday. April 20th, at. 8 nun. at. Hm 011mm Mal'y Tea Rmuns. 3'3 Kim: Strmt. \Vest, Tor- Hutu. The George Whitmore property, near McGowan’s mill; rough-cast house; stable, hen-house, half acre of land; drilled well, cistern; good fruit trees, and a lot of small fruits. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Ap- Iy to Mrs. John Scholz. 626M WHEAT WANTED. ANY QUANTITY. Highest price. People’s Mills. 31523t glasses in one piece 916..00-_-Prof E. Katz. «Imu-vssinn 2'2. ngmont. 130 acres. -»-~.\. Mulualg. B. R. I. Pl‘lCPVIHO. NEW IMPLEMENT SHOP l HAW". .-\(‘.(".EPTED THE AGENCY for the following lines of Imple- mnnt. rupuirs: International. Wilkin- snn and Tm"lamp-Anderson. Terms strictly vash.â€"â€"Gmrge A. Noble. Dur- ham. Out. 890 me at Nnblos’ Garage. 3 12 3mpd BOARDBRS WANTED TWO GENTLEMAN BOARDERS. AP- ply at Chranicle office. 3 5 6m! BATCHING EGGS FOR SALE BREDâ€"TO-LAY O. A. C. BARRBD Plymouth Rocks. Clark's strain. 75 vents for 15 nggs.â€"'S. J. \Vilson, Queen Street. Durham. 5 17 6pd Professor Katz. the. noted eye spe- cialist. is coming: again to test. your eyes and relieve your eye sight trouble on Thursday. April 23rd. at the Hahn House. Durham. If you feel dizzy. pain in the temples or nervous. you should have your eyes tested. as eyes are connected with the nervous system. By proper atâ€" tention to your eyes, this strain is removed. and the trouble vanishes. Let me help you. Conic to see me. Don’t forget the date. Thursday April 23rd. See the two-sighted glasses in one piece, 010.11), worth BRITISH AMERICAN COAL OIL AT Smith Bros. It’s good. Try it. I 10 tt PEERLESS GASOLINE, THE HIGH- grade gas with the “pep” and lens mileage. Sold only at. Smith Bros’ Garage. 626 tf FOR FIRE, TORNADO, AUTOMO- bile insurance and guarantee bonds, etch apply to Lucas Henry, Dur- ham. 6 12 U WORK WANTEDâ€"THE CHRON- icle Job Plant is well equipped for turning out the finest work on short order. t! NUR'I‘H HALF I.(")'FS '21 AND ‘22, MAN WITH CAR WANTED HVl-l \X‘YF‘I". S.\I.l’.>‘.\l.\.\' \VI'I'H CAR: national Harwstm'. 'I‘udhmw-.~\ndpr- «m. Wilkinson Farm. Machinm'y, Pl‘iml‘nsv Cl't'anl Separators and Rain Ruguivs. Sun me at. Noble's COAL FOR SALE ‘ HHES'I‘NI’T, STOVE AND EGG COAL. huct quality. $13.00 [H‘I‘ {HIV-4V. Haldvr. 3 19 H gmnl soiling The Durham I'.F.0. Live Stock As- sociation will ship stock from Dur- ham on Tuem'lays. Shippers are requested to givp three days' notice. James Lawrence, Hunger. Phone 601 r 13 IMPLEMENT AGENCY I .\.\l “NHL“! .\4‘EI’..\"I‘ FUR INTER- fim‘agn. ‘mn' nuwhinory is m m'wv. .\mv IS thn hmo to .l. H. .\nhlo‘. Durham. 319- \ppl)’ in \V FOR SALE OR RENT ARTICLES WANTED AGENTS WANTED MISCELLANEOUS COMING EVENTS PROF. E. KAT! COIING NOTICE TO FARMERS FOR SALE linv: cmmflry tm-rihwy H. Hallow. Durham. 4 16‘; Durham. RR. 1. 9 5W1 «IUWD buyâ€"â€" 3 mpd Division Court was held here in the town hall on Thursday last and was largely attended, the sitting being longer than usual. His Honor Judge Klein of Walkerton presided and was pleased with the neat appear- ance of the court room newlsr dec- orated. Among the cases heard were Hawken vs. Duckett, who live near Eugenia. Action on account for $120 was brought. The defendant made, counter claim for $205: Judgment or plaintitl‘ was given for $38.47 and costs. Judgment for defendant on counter claim was given for $26 without costs. McLean vs. Hillock, who lixe in Osprey. Action was brought 1‘01 821 for wages, but the case was dismissed. Kerton vs. See- lev. the latte1 a 1esid111nt of ()spIey. action “as b1011ght for $10 for threshing. but this was also dis- missed. Two garnishee cases-were settled bef01e court; three other eases we111. adjourned, and some judgment summons cases” \\ e10 dealt with. The annual 'l‘hankoffering meet.- ing of the W. M. S. of the Methodist Church was held on Thursday after- noon last with a good attendance of the members. and also a goon representatiim of the Presbyterian \V. M. S. and the Baptist Mission Circle. from‘ which greetings were conveyed by Mrs. (Rim) Harrower and Mrs. D. Williams. Mrs. W. H. Thurston presided and conducted the demtional exercises with Mrs. (Jar- goe leading in the I'PSpOllSin‘ Scrip- l111e reading. Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Best gave inter- esting readings. and Mrs. \V. Henry and Miss Agnes Henderson sang a pleasing duet. arronmanieil by Mrs. Eaton. who was also pianist for the hymns sung. The meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. H. Down. Re- freshments were servei'l, and a pleasant soeial time was spent. ,‘Hydro linemen have been em- ployed in the village for several days putting up new transformers and changing others, which, when completed, 'we. learn, will give bet- ter__|igl_1ting seryice. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Thurston “as the scene. of a happy family reunion mer Easter when about twenty of the sons and daugh- ters and grandchildren were pres- ent as follows: Mr. and MIPS. A. S. Thurston and children, Meaford; Mrs. Durant and children, Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Shaw and chil- dren, Lions Head; Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Thurston and babe, Flesherton; and Miss Dell Thurston, teacher. Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Taylor of Sherrill, N. Y., announce the mar- iiage "of their niece, Elizabeth Ger- don \ckland, to Mr. Clarence R. Flo“ ers, on Saturday, April 4,1925. The esteemed young bride is a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon of Brooklyn, N. Y..1'0rme:rly highly respected residents of this place. Mrs. B. (i). Ferris. of the Park House. is nursing an injured wrist in which a bone was fracturmi a few days ag0.while cranking the family car. Mr. Percy England. baker. whn has hm‘ll assisting Mr. F. Pinder in the hakm'y hon» for snnw limo. is mov- ing from Markilalv this work in on why Mr. William Rvid's residence in which inwmwmvnts haw lwvn mailo i'evvnlly. .\ \wlonmi- is «ix- tl‘lll'll‘t] In Mr. and Mrs. England. 311‘. Ulla illippm‘lnn. languago inachm‘. 'l'm'untn. is hnliilaying this \‘x‘m‘k with his wife and little son at. Mr. (liw‘n'gu Miti'hi'll's. MP. C. (3. Anlph ul' 'l‘ni'nntu is also holidaying: at Mr. Mitrhi'll's this wimk. )li'. (hini'gn )liti'hvll is hnmi- from 'l‘ni-nnln l'nix'm'sity l‘m' Enslui' huli- Howl vungrrgations attomo‘lmi the services in the churches on Sunday. and the thoughtful sermons and spe- cial music were appropriate to Eas- ter Day. At the Mvthodist Church in the morning. baptism was admin- islered to the infantsons of Frank Thurston and Roy Thistlethwaite. five new members were received and communion was dispensed. In the evening. the sermon was the first of a series to be given five nights this week on the last seven words of Jesus on the cross. After the ser- mon. lantern slides of the Crucifixion were shown. Messrs. 6m and ' Mr. and Mrs. Allwrt \V'ilkinsnn haw muvml frum Sm‘ing‘hill tn the Russc-ll farm at, Rm'k Mills. Mrs. \\'..\\’ilcock is visiting her daiighters in Toronto this week. Master Gordon Stuart: is holidav mg \\ ith his uncle at Kimberley this week. Dr. Burt. of Owen Sonnd was called burn la<t. week for consulta- tion with Dr. Turnbull in two cases of eye trouble. Mr. and Mrs. UI‘OSS visited over fhn “T'Pk-l‘lll‘ :it. Chosley. ' MI'. .â€"\. V. l'i‘l'y Visited his home at Bal‘l‘it' over the holiday. M r. and M rs. William Henry visited in 'l‘ul'unhii tho end (if last. week. Miss Mariv Patton is visiting hm- sistm'. Mrs. M. \Vilson. at Durham. Miss 'l’nna Honderson spent-‘tho huliday with her aunt. Mrs. John- ston. in Dundalk. Mrs. T. \\'. Hodgsun and daughter. Hf Islingtnn. :lI't‘ visiting the farmer's eistm‘. Mrs. I). N. Richardson, and ['ia_r_ents. MP. and Mrs. W3. Trimblp. Mrs. W. J. Bellamy was called to the home of her brother near Col- lingwod last week by the illness of hpr sister, Nurse Osborne. who was 5::izerl with a stroke and is very ill. Mrs. Dr. 'I‘ux'nhull Visited in TOP- onjp partof last. week. ll‘ 8 X (Our own Correspondent.) series t0 be Riven five nights follov'ving amount! reek on the last seven words of timber on r011 18 on the cross. After the ser- Schienert 86; R. - antom slides of the Crucifixion Deitz $8; 3‘. L0?" shown. Messrs. George and Imamâ€"Grier THE DURHAM CHRONICLE To prevent moths t‘rqm getting in- to rugs during summer months, rub a thin layer of camphor intu the [1001 under your VVnol rugs. and the months \Vill not bother your lugs. For landing Tablecloths Save threads that, are pulled when straightening edges. Wrap around an empty SpOOl. Then, whu la- blecloth wears. use saved threads to dam, and the dam will hardly Show. Mrs. Rohm't BPS! and Mrs. A. M. Gilchrist attended tho W. F. Club at Mrs. \V. Moad’s. Durham Road Thursday last. COOKING HINTS ‘ Orange Pudding This is a refreshing dessert after a heavy meal. 2 tablespoons of gelatin. 1 full cup of cold water. 1 full cup of boiling water. Juice of two oranges. Juiced 1/2 lemon. 1 cup of sugar. Method: Dissolve. gelatin in cold water. Add boiling water, fruit juices and sugar. Mix well. When this starts to cool and gelatin begins to stiffen, stir in 1 lmttlc Hf whimwd Mr. Leonard Liltle 0f Mai‘kdah~ has taken a positicm with J. ’l‘. Fishm- in his harber slmp. ‘1‘. UV. Ul uâ€"---< Baileyâ€"Turnbull: That Charles Bailey pay over to treasurer tho following amounts 3-993in for sa'l'e IUIIU" Illa wavy-"W - v of timber on road allowancp; . Schienert 86; R. anington 88; L. Albert, Buchanan and the pastor as- sisted the choir in the music for the dav. Eastvr lilies decorated the puipits of the churches. The infant classvs in the Sunday schools \wi'i: giwn prvtty mvmentoos. \ Mrs W‘. .Inkstm' is \isitim: hm- daiightm' in [‘prqntu_ Mr. and Mrs. F. Cairns. whn \ isit- ed the past. “1111- munths with thvir daughter. Mrs. Mclhmulcl at. Wrstun. are roturning this \vvuk tn tlu-ir lmmv lit-1'0, Editor Frank Irwin and wifo 01‘ Durham. visutml tho family pint in tho cemetery horn. on [Castor accom‘ paniml by the lattm"s mother, sis- tor-in-law and nim'v. Wv worn. [ileum-cl tn i'vvviw a call from HIPSG t'I'imHls. Dr. and Mrs. Murray ,mntm'nd to Xvwmal'kvt. and memtn nn Mummy to Visit. I'vlutiws part Hf tlw \W'Pk. Mrs. 8. Buy is Visiting hvr «hmglk BENTINCK COUNCIL Pursuant to adjrmrnmont. Cmmcil mot. April 6. 19233. Members all pros- Pnt. Minntps at last. meoting w'rc read and adopted. Mazwcmdâ€"Griorson: That account of winter work to data be passed and paid. Carried. Magwoodâ€"Baileyz That we pur- chase twn No. 4 Sawyer-Massey graders for the township at 8150 each to be dqlivereq atEImmgod. uuvp- Griersonâ€"Magwood: That Twas- urer be authorized to pay (much! on graders and notify agent on re- ceimpf same. ‘ n “-1 nL-_I-_ leikely of Proton \‘isitml Mrs. Joseph Rlzikely. Miss Marjorie Sandilanil. teacher. lli’illingwund. was the guest of Mrs. W. .\. Armstrong: Master Ross Wilson. Durham. Visited his grandparent. J. 0. Patton: Dr. (I. F. (")ttewell. anonto. Visited his par- ents: Miss Kate Findlay. (Men Sound. and little Miss Norma \Vhit- taker. Toronto. visited at Mrs. Me- Calium's; Mrs. P. Thibadeau and daughter. Markdale. Visited Mrs. A. M. Gilrhrist: Mr. C. C. Jennett. and Mr. \V. [.eask of Guelph Visited Mr. and Mrs. \V. Hawken; Miss Rena Cargoe. Toronto. visited her mother: Mr. and Mrs. A. MeAuley of Dnndalk visited their parents; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hogg and son. Robert. 0! Chatsworth visited over Sunday at. the. home of G._W. Littlejohn. Tor- Mrs. 8. Buy is Visiting 1101' clnugh- (91' at. Fc-wrsham. \Vord has [won rowivml IH‘I'P to- day (Mummy 0f Hm (lmlHI at. \Vhit- by «of Mrs. Sim'lail'. vsiduw of UM latv Isaac Silwlnil'. who die-d six wonks ago. Thu I-vmains will In- hmught. hm'v I'm- luu‘ial. and an obi- tuary will 1w giwn nvxt. \Vm-k. Miss ('iux'trmh- var. assistant. in thn [inst nl'fit't'. has purchased a now Ford (mum fnx' hvr plc-asurq. l‘mnntn. atmmpaniml by Miss Ruth Brvw and littln nivmn “m" \isitms at Dr. Mun-rm s: Miss H010!) Millm‘, (:uz'lph. “as thv gnmt Hf Mrs. D0- lemm'n: Mr. N. Lomlvr and Miss Mal Fishm'. Landon, \‘isitml at Jamos and 'l‘. J. l"ishm"s: Mrs. Gnnrgu Blzxko'ly M thm visitwl Mrs. Jnso‘ipl} Rm: and Mrs. H. H. Eaton visilmi in 'l'm‘onto thv one! of last work. imto Linn. north. V Dr. 'l‘ul'nlmll. hr. ch-wvll. Mr. L. T. Batty and M 1‘. \V. J. Stmvm-t. have mmh- o‘vxchangvs and cut no-w cars. Amung thv (mud Friday and Hasâ€" tnl' \‘isitnrs ht'I'P \wrn: Mr. Hfim'gn MM'szn. 'l‘nmmln. Visitm his sistm‘. Mrs. {RM} Harrmvm': Mr. J. F. Van- Duson. with and dz'nmhtvrs. \'i~‘ilml his mnthvr: Mis< Shirloy Murray. HOUSEHOLD HINTS (Copyright, 1924, by The Bonnet-Brown Corporation, Chicago) Readers, Note: If you have any questions concerning Recipes, and other Household Hints you would like to ask Betty Web- sterâ€"address her in care of The Durham Chronicle. cream. Pour in mold and set, awav to cool. Serve with s“ cetened \\ hipped cream. A French Soup 1 small lump of butter. 2 nr 3 large onions. 1/; cup of flour. 1 pin of boiling “atrr (2 (llllsl 11,2 pints of hot. milk. 2 0r 3 mashed putatocs. Method: Molt. butter r. When hot. add unions sliced thin. Stir and cook until red. Add water. Dissolve flour and add. Then add hot. milk and mashed potatoes. Mix well. Stir and simmer a few minulvs. Mr. William Iiuttlo of HannVc-r and Mr. Hedwig, roprcscming the Nur- wich Accidvut. lusurancc- Company, intervimwd lhv cuumil rn taking out a. policy for tho (Hwnship. The cuuncil m'umisvd tn runs-idvr tho lwnpositiun. Cabbage) and pineapple togt-tlwl‘ make» a dvlicious salad. N0. :3 M amended by adding: The hvight of wirn fvncvs along i-nudway b0 48 inchvs. built. «if (3 in 9 strands of wire, in iw prmwrly suppurlvd with stays 0r uprights. 'l‘lw gram. Of 25 cvnis p01“ rod to he paid upon the Immimmundatinn of “men Vic-w- 01's of tllvir I'oslwctivv divisinns. Carried. The following accounts were paid for \Vth work un roads: E. (101d- smith $1.65; Jamvs Walsh and others $9.05; 1). A. Campbell $3.38; H. H. Riddell $8.10; Jamvs Crutchlvy 81.35; Charles Mm'tlvy $3.30; A. McLean $1.80; Sam Hailvy $1.92; I). S. “0].. kins :55; H. Mighlnn $3.45: 11. Mc- Caslin 60 cvnts; 11. 'l‘wnmlvy $7.05; F. Hum: 33: W. Hivman 81.35: E. Boy-u $1.80; W. Fultnn 60 00111.9; R. Hrivr- snn $5.50: Jamvs Park 821.30; A. Mr- lman $8.63: II. Putty :10 m-nls; H. Xuâ€" hln 45 cunts; 13. Hwy $2.41): .I. Brown 83.25; \V. Hazlitt. $3.15; 11. ”Hum-Hy 88.70; E. Reign :m cvnts: (é. 'l‘umlmll $4.80; S. (I. Vicko-rs 83.77;: J. 'l‘urn- hull $3.35; \V. J. “(Why $1.61}: S. Ham- .kin's and cht'l's $12.18: 11. Fursman $1.20; J. CHIN”! 2.33: 13.. Napkins $2.25; '1'. LiHII' 32.2.); \\'. vans $2,113: (2. Martin 31.33: H. Mvtvalt'u 83.1.3: \'. lint $1.50; .1. Hudsmr $1.30: 1:. Rowland $2.70: H. Magwmd $3.61!: 1’. Svhmicit 31.80: H. tilzittirk $1.7M: .1. (Haw $1.33: 11. Mminxhon and utlwrs $7.67): N. Hadiu and ””1119 $11.53: I". Schrivm'rt. and “Hm-s 86.1341. H. St'hl'ivno'l't and Hihvl's 33.1%: H. Mcilas'lin and ””114" $2.03: H. Muyur'e‘. :mnl utlwl's $8.87); .I. Suh-lifl'v and nlhnrs $3.75: If. Mnuk and “Hm-s 36.6”: H. Swim and Min-rs $7.33; W. “Tight and nllwrs $8.32: H. San-11.4 $1.51);G. nym's 60 «mute; .I. Suh‘lzfl'u tuwnlinv "335. 'I‘m'nhulIhâ€"Bailc-y. ° ThaI *xw ad- jmn'n tn mm'.’ 011 IIIcIlcha\..IIII1wIsI. aI 9 nclnck ar. 3 II'umI nI Rmisinn of the \ssvssmc'nt lull. "Hv's a \wnulc-rl'ul clnctur." 0x- (‘laimml a hl'ntlwr mvmhm' 0f tho- fm'ulty. "He“ has savml mum" pouoplu from dying of and age) than any mm!- ical man who has onr hm-atluml!" For April By BETTY WEBSTER 1/; ‘7‘: Left-Handed Compliment cup of sugar. cup at buttm'. squares of melted choculatv. eggs. cup of “our. teaspoon baking powder. toasgnmns of vanilla. BAKING HINTS Chocolate Nut Cookies rs $12.28; . m :25: F. .32, 2.3; \\'. (N i7)‘ H. “Mr: 'J. Hudscm H. Max‘wu (lhiH Ch‘l‘k l cup of vlmmwd nuls. Method: (In-am butter and sugar. Add Hm mullml cllnl'olzlu'. Add 2 eggs woll lu-alvn. 'l‘lwn flour and baking pomlor. Last of all. vanilla and nuts. Drop small (flaflmnnflfl‘ 0n hullvrml baking sluwl. Hake- until lu‘vwn. Rl-mnvv fmm tins before ('uokivs gut WM. A vaptimting I‘nur-wm-k (mm of \\'vstvI'II IlzIIIzIda and the Pacific (hash “I“! 3 II in “IIOIIHII the HI“.- mi sum-s on Ilw I‘MUI‘II jnumm is I-wim: [Ilalllll'd for ILaIIadIaII teacher. and thh fI‘Ivmh this summPr. a trip to S3" Lake City and three days at. Rocky Mountain National Park, 0010mm. '1‘ hon it's Denver. Clear Crook Canyon. Idaho Springs and LOokHui. Mountain hvfoi‘o homi- ing for Chicago and Toronto. Those who take advantage of thin trip will see the greatest. scenery u- ilm routim-nt.â€"â€"-tlw hutl‘aln herd El. \Vainwright: Jasper National Park; with is uttsurpuml mountain seen. «wry: Mount Rubsnn. the highest. peak in the Canadian Itorkivs: the mm- poles of Kitwanmi and the» mystic beauty «if the Sktyiia ltiwr. sAt Prince Rupert. the party trans- furs t'runi train tn lmat fur the glar- inus wator trip «if 750 miles through the shultvrml srvnir was of the North l’ncitlr thiast. tn \‘nnrnuvo-r. Virtoria and Seattle. 011 the return trip, flu- “onderful davs will ho. sIII-IIt touring \vlluwâ€" stone Aationul l'aIk In mntor. mu: Flank steak. Liltlv fluur. P0131005. Unions. Can of tomatcms. Method: Pound flour in shat Maw in button) 01‘ cassvmlv. Se» son. Slivv [mtalnms (m (up (if this. Season. am my a ft-w-uniuns. Add 1 can tumahws uvvr all of this. Bakv sluwly fur 2 huhrs. LOW-COST TRIP TO PACIFIC COAST 1 ('up of chopped pie plant. i (flip of sugar. Ynlks of 2 eggs (hunt. i tahlvsponn Hf nwlhnl butter. I tablvspnun 01' "mm Method: Mix W0“. Beak» In single crust... flank Steak and Potatoes Rhubarb Pie PAGE 3.

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