West Grey Digital Newspapers

Durham Chronicle (1867), 16 Apr 1925, p. 11

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1 PAGE 10. We are having a cool spell over the week-end. and it strikes us hard alter the wonderful weather we have been experiencing recently. However, spring in reality will come the sooner with this cold snap ovo-r the Easter holiday, and will, generally speaking. be back to the city on Monday owning. Sam» of the V‘silflrs were: Misses Ethel Watâ€"- CI ‘-_' __.._. “I" \ "Ull'lln ‘V‘_.|I.o .v-..,.,‘_..- -_----V son. Oliw McLoan. Flora B. McLean. Donalda Nichol. Anna M. McLean, Lam-a McKinnon. Margaret Try/'00: and 3139er. Robort McKinnon. R. “'alkvr. Neil Shortrvid and John L. Ir] bonald. - - _ II ‘II I (“-61 . Hurlvachnrs, Missvs B. Jolly and L. \lrFarluw . arn hcirlidaying at tho-1 ” rospvctivv homo-s. 'l'Izo- Dolsnn family arfl spo-mlina lbw hnlidays with frionds locally. Mr. and Mrs. Anuu-x Ko'nnmly ha":- returvwd hump :sftvr Ape-noIim: tin- winh-r with Mrs. Shrapin nf Mimic”. -I I "III‘- I". )lrs. Alex 8. McDonald and daugh- ter. Janet~ continue to improve slowly. also Misses Lydia McKinnon. Alive Belle ' and MTS. Ramage. The sew-m col that is so prevalent in the locality is keeping most house- holds busy. as a great many little folks are quite sick. Mr. Crawford Holman is reported as somewhat improved. Miss C. Stewart. R.N.. is in constant attendance. and we how for his speedy recovery. 'l'lu- local garage improvements are gum: ahead nicely. and will great- ly add to the appearance of the. frontage. ( Our own Correspondent.) Miss Daisy .‘Iathm'. nf Stratfm‘il Normal School. is Visiting: fur t-hP holidays with Mr pamnts. Mr. and MW. Jami-s Mathew. Miss NPttiP Byvra of Hummh'n spent. an aftm'nnwn with hur fr'io-nol. Miss livalyn .‘li-me. Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Grim-sun of Bnfl'ulu mntnrml lip and syn-m. ihp vak-vml with “I“ fm'mo'x'k' fatlwr. Mr. \Villiam (Bi-ivrmn. Sr. Miss "PIP" .‘lilligan. h-uchnr. no'ar' Balihnrtnn. is qwnding ihn Eastrr holiday with hvr pal‘PlltS. MI'. and Mrs. John .‘liHisznn. .‘h'. and Mrs. it“! HIP fm'mm rem-ntl)’. Mr. \Vilfrml Bwll 0f 'l'm'nntn is Vis- itin': fripnds hvrp and at Ebo'nvzr-r. Mr. John Tm'nhnll nf Gunlph vis- itml at. his pm'nntal lmmv hvrf‘. Mr. Thomas: (2%le. whn visitnd with MG mnlht'r' hm'o‘. l'o-tm'nml in Wingham this \wwk. Miés Bo'rssiv .‘lathvr. “WNW? at Camplwll's Cur-now. spo-nt. Hw holiday with Mr paronh. / Our own Corresnondent.) .\ wry nnjnyahlo' owning was She’ll! in tho schnnlhousv on Friday OVO'PHIL' last. at. ihn rvgulm' mnnllily mowiilu.’ M tho» 1'. F. 4). 'l‘ho-rp was 3 cluimtn nn. "Ito-mlvmi that a rlnan cranky wnman is in lw pi-o-fm'n-ol to a gum! nziim'ml. slmu-nly woman.” tho- airfirmaiiw winning by trn pumis. 'l‘hi‘sv taking: part in ”I“ di-lmh- \vo-i'i- .‘lo'.~'~il'.~'. .lnhn Ailkins. and Fun! cm Hw :Ii'iil'nmliw- siolu and Mo-ssiw. Wilfrid .\nclvr.~'nn and Jnhn g gum! lluhll'mi. slmw-nly woman.“ thv affirmaiiw winning by tan putn's. 'l‘hrso- taking part. in tho dvlmh- wo-i'o- .‘lo~.-'~'r.~'. .lnhn Aitkini. and Mm! nn Hn- nffirnmiivv snlfl and Mo-s’sh'. “'ill'l'iol .\n¢lvr.~'nn and .lnhn Whm-fnrd on ”w nngatiw Sid». .‘lr. Charlvs )lightnn \‘isilml in Gull. Hm t-nol 0! last wo-vk. Surry t0 ro'nnrt Mute. .lnsnnh Rmy undo-r lhn \w-athvr with Hu- mumps. Plvzh'ml to know that. Mr. Aylmvr Romy is hum-r again aflm' his 3H- tark at "In mumps. [PP unto-Ii 0n SIIIIIIm \\iHI \II'. and MIs. .lnsI-IIII LIIIIqu. Mm will (aka 1);» IH'I’ I'I-sidI'III'I- In. III-I- humo- In HIIlstI-in I'uI‘ HII- sIImmI‘I'. .\|I'. \Vilfrid liarlmnr I'ntIII'III-d hnmo- from Carl"! Bay fur ”N' East»? hcjalitluys. \h'. and Mrs. Smallman accompan- iM by Miss [lawns at». Eustm- 029 with Mr. and Mrs. .\. Lawn-non. Our tPavIIo-I'. Miss .‘IPHI‘MO‘. wvnt on' Visiting: ro-lzuix'vs during thv hol- iday. Mumps in lwl' lmmn prvvvntn ed hm' from ’Mzinf.’ " 'gv'ie't rns’, with tho- family. \lr. and Mrs. Jame-s 'l‘uc-ko-r and Mr. and Mrs. .Inwph Hrnwn mutm-Nl m»? to \irinit)’ 0f Brusso'ls lan \lenvsda)’ tn ho- prvso‘nt. at 3 WM!- (In; ro-wptiun Hf Miss Myrllv (Eras- b}. ycmngvst. clmmlnm' at Mr. and .\|: -. .lnhn Hrashy. formo-rly Hf this ‘.~II‘ lhIImas MP .\li.~‘IIII' “as nut this VI .V cm SaIIII'IIm “Will" U» kNIp in am. III M a Mark ‘2-\IIaI‘-0M IIIIIfIII' ‘WIII' IIIII HIP Durham \wigh scales Ill Iho- morning \\iIII ('I‘I'CI‘mOD} That ~em-I. «If thing Is hIIIII‘IIIIIIIIg (1“th nfâ€"_ to-n. and Emu-rs Will hayo1 to get, sumo- lerr way of handhng thpgn. sou-ohm: is pmgrvssing favorably. alz-l [hp land is quitn dry. but, what swms to us a had mum is that, the 1‘3: 1:: haw- announcml u convontion fur Friday. Two years ago whvn tlwy hvld am in smuiing (W911 0n the elnwnth of May it causml a snowfall tn the dopth of swan inchps and puslpom‘gi seeding 1'0!“ 3 week. -L-..‘ DAAA\I‘Q .\ week ago. Mr. Robert Barbour received the sad news of the death at Fort William of his eldest sister. Janet (Mrs. J. J. Rumley), of Silver Water. Manitoulin Island. She had been in failing health for some times and last. fal_l went 'to live with her “ll“ luau I sun. Rev. B. \V. Rumley. of Fort William to see. if the change would benefit her. But the flu (lid its deadly work on March 31st. She was: 73 years of age and is survived by {our children. her husband having died three years ago. She was raised and educated in this section and remained here until her mar- riage upwards of fifty years ago. Robert. on the old homestead, is mm um only surviving member of hofiefl. 0“ t now the only Blue Burr Corner South Bentinck (‘orner Concerns um: run-s )lt‘f‘uelmlol vis- brntlwr Hf 3|"ka with Ml'. and Slw will tukn ho-r humo- In owning was «- nn Friday nlzu' mnnthly 'l'ho-w was what w as one llivs. We are pleased to hear that Mr. John Brown is recovering nicely from his auto accidgnt. He is fast bocoming popular as a stock shipper and will no doubt soon enjoy the disiinction of peing Egremont’s cat- "‘LA- “on" 'n‘ illsuuuuuu u; "Va": ._a_ V tie king which his father was for so many years. Mr. Joseph Lennox has exchanged his 1914 mogiei l-‘og'd car for a tour- J-_-_ u- III! 101‘! IIIWL'I - v-“ - mg Ford of the latest' désign. He still has faith in that make of car. Traverston. (Our own Correspondent.) 'l'hn seed drills have bPen going on many farms for several days: on othm‘s. the) plough‘s have to turn the sod first. The ground is in wonder- ful shape for cultivating. ”-- Mr. .â€"\.VG: Blair spent from Friday gully Tuesday with friends in Dunn- a . I‘Fliilllli. C.“ ~ Mr. and Mrs. Jcrhn McNally of tum: 5pm: Kastor Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McArthur. 'l‘hc- lat,- h1- Inn how-ll sufl‘m'ing from an at- !:u'!{ «If “w NH. fnl' St‘mv days. It. take-s a chbzo'n bags of potatoes in [my a hug: nf flnm‘ HN'SO days; 80 Hw'o- 'will kw mm-h smaller potato putt'hc-s‘ this mmiug so'asnn. Mr. J. H. Rnhsun I'N't'ntly Dur- rhuwol a Hun ln'm‘wl maro frnm MP. Jam-'5 Hairy. -' “--- Mrs. 'fih'vo-iiiwth Vaughan left on Saturday to begin homemaking noar .\rthur. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McClocklin of town spent a happy time on Eas- 204' Sunday at the Mctllorklin home. Hit the ’nth Concession. i Mr. lid. Wok of t). N. ll.. Palmer-ii stun. spont the holiday at tho par- t \1 l l'. - __â€"._._.â€"_ o-ntal home. Mr. \Villiam l‘ldwards of River- dah- Collegiate Institute Toronto. is holidaying at the old home. and 'tis slil'lol'lSlllL' how many tasks the hnusrlmld is tinding for him to do. Hey. .I. ll. Peters had a si‘dendid l message for Zionites on Sunday af- ternoon. 'l'he (.‘lllll't'll had a real liastrr appearance from its motto .aud hright array of flowers. The {Sunday School and the Epworth Leaguw are to he rv-organizml next, Sunday, Mrs. George Mrllae has proyod a wonderfully helpful and ohliginfz neighbor during her many years spent on the 4th tlomression. sh, prior to her moving: to Dundas, tho Invighhors invaded the home and ’pl'i'Si'lllPd her with a handsome irhina tea set and a kindly address. I Miss Hazel Firth is spending a {\ym'k with Mr. and Mrs. Robert. tweldwr at. llutton Hill. L Nurse I'Idwards Hl' -‘.\larl{dale spent. ‘the lath-r part of last. week the ;'_'uwst. oi the Edwards hwnw. l Miss lidna Allen of tlhvsloy (lol- dngiate lIi~'Tiliit:-. spent. a day with ghvr SlSlt‘l' lu-l'ore srliool rlosod. and Hip-y M”? on 'l’hursday owning: for itheir hum“ near tllu-sley. I The sad _mrssaf.r:- rame to the ‘llltlll' t'anulu-slastwm-knf thedeath l I i :nt' their aunt. Mrs. John Blark (nee Miss Mary Kerney. at. her home in .\\'orthinr.'ton. .‘linnesota. on Marrh giilith. Less than a year ago. she and IMr. lllark spent some weeks visits in; here and helping: to nurse her sirk sister. Mrs. George Blair. lioâ€" ii'wrn her death. At that, time. she was in rohust lit-alth. Deceased was lhorn in (irono ahout 65 years ago. and in early girlhood. the family mow-d to this neighborhood. Forty- t'our years ago. she was wedded to i Mr. Black. and to them were born a family of six children. five or whom survive. For some years. . they lived on Lot 2. Concession 8. . later moving West. They have vis- ited the old neighborhood several : times. She is the lasL of the orig- - inal Kerney family. three having - passwd away within a year. .\l1 .\ mm? gehcvoss'fn! sm-Eal evening: was spent in old Zion nu \Vvdnosday mvning of last week. A bright. proâ€" gram was giwn first. in which songs. c-lmrusvs. rovitaliuns. rmulings :md instrunwntal music blended. ful- lnwml by a bountiful suppm' of gum! things. Procvods worn over 321.0”. Swinton Park. (Our own Correspondent.) 'I'lw maplo syrup spasm] is ovnr hm'v for anothm' war, and although a slum spam". 3 gum! (1931 was made and of a wry high quality. 'l'his wook will son a good many on tho land. as it is wry dry and the ground is becoming in good shape to cultivato. A good doal has been ploughod already. . Mr. J. Moods is engaged with Mr. .I. Cor-bolt, for the summer months. Mrs. S. Phillips has moved back hero to the placo vacated by George Plastm'. and L. Frooke of Priceville is farming it this summer. He has two teqmgon the_ plqugh. Mrs. R. Knox, whb ha?) been under the doctor’s care for a few days, is,â€" wp _are glad to sa_.y 1mm ovmg Mr. J.” Campbell“ of Walkei’ton is gauging the holidays with Mr. G. ac . Mr. and Mrs. R..Lane have moved into the vacant house of Mr. J. L. Ferguson until they get their own fitted up. This one is convenient to them. and they will‘occupy it for the_spring work. _ -- .- - ‘ ‘ A. r"'â€"o wMiss McHug h teacher, here, left for her homeg in Markdale to spend the holidays. A ~;A__â€" Adverts“ in n. Maniac, it of the piuncer fam- 3%? Mr. Gilbert McEachern, eat-Reeve ut the Township of Egremont, passed away on the 10th inst. at the home of his brothel; Neil1 -at_. tl‘leLagc Qt 67 years, 29 days. He had been ill for about a month. His death was caused by apoplexy followed by ex- haustion. The deceased was born in Islay. Scotland. on March 2. 1858, and came with his parents'to Can- ada 52 years ago. Mr. McEachern taught school for over 30 years, and 14 years ago. he retired from school work and engaged in farming. The funeral took place on Monday. the 13th inst, to Woodland cemetery. Mrs. W. T. Brown came to the village last Saturday to spend a few days with friends. Mrs. D. P. Coleridge returned home last. Friday evening after spending a few days with her sis- ter in Hulbert, Mich. Mr. C. Cross, manager of the Bank of Montreal here, spent the Easter vacation in Haliburton and other points. ' Billie Thorne of the Bank of Mont. real, Woodstock, was home for Easter. Mrs. W. 'I‘. Petrie spent the week- end in Arthur with Rev. F. H. Ibbott who goes to Welland in the near future. An interesting service took place in the Methodist Church Sabbath morning last when seven young peo- ple received the right hand of fel- lowship and were received into full membership. The service through- out was Easter in its caractcr. The choir renderc‘wi suitable music._ Arthur Abbs went to his home may 'l‘ivm-ton to Spend Easter. Ml“. .Iulm Ul'vhal'd and \vifc‘. R. J. Aruill and family visited over Easter in 'l‘nrunto this year. Miss Huzvl (jurbctt of Tara, and fnrmm- tc'aclwr at. S. S. No. 10, Eg- rcmont. spent. part of her Eastm- wuuk at. UM) home of Mr. and Mrs. Fenton. Mrs l’11leski 11f “10101110 is 511111111~ ing a 11-33 days 33itl1 iwr 11111111 and m5tl11.>1'..\l1'.3111'i Mrs.Jam1»s 111103311. 11111! [1111 51511.11. Ml'a. Geoi'gv McCall. 311's. \\'illi11ml'31‘1lall loft. last, I‘m- 11113 {11111111111111 1111- North Bay, as her dailighhi' 1111111'1_'.3Vas (5911011513 ill 33it|1 ~1.11|1-' 11131.11 liunim is at- 111111iing.\'11111ial 801111111 at, North Bay, 11111] it is 11111.51 11111111'1111111112 that her 111111155 should 1'11'111' at this timv. Mr. 14441444311 of Ghatham, student nt Klun 41.4)H4rgv [4119144114941 ill the I’I'vslnivx iau Munch lust. Sabbath. ‘Zi~s .‘ulny )lcxxhrav 441 \lma “as nonu- 101' Jlastur. Mrs. Isaiav Hoover of North Egre- mont spvn: a vouple of days recum- ly with her pzu'nnts, Mr. and Mrs. C. McMillan. H 11'5”“ S . Sc Hit and familV of I on- \xick spvnt 21 (nuplv 01 (law in the \il_l_zi_gv lilSt “oak. ‘1 ' II_- Missvs .lmn Haas and Marie H01- wig: of Hannvvl' :ll'u the Easter guests 0f fl‘it'nds hm'u. Mrs. Jamvs Brucv. who has Spam, .lm must of Um winter in 'J'OI‘HnLU, mtm‘nml to how home- luwu 0n 'l‘uus- clay. -..11- (inurgv Hc‘1sh'th'1' \th has 111.111 lmmv 1111' 21 couple 01 11101111125, 11:15 In” 101' H111 “('91 lm' his sum- 1114-1"s \u'nk 21s tr'ummvu'ial 11'11\'x-.vl|1_- Mr. hrm'nl} i» still \1-1') 11m and 110 hopes al'n «11h 1' 11111101] 101' his I'c ("W 1"). THE DURHAM CHRONICLE Tuesday and Friday evenings, com- mencing 9n the 5311 01 May. _--. Q “A __ A__ mufififjo'hwn'Wiâ€"ll'iéthson bf Palmer- ston was the week-end visitor at D. Allan’s. (Our own Correspondent.) The Women‘s Missionary Society meets this “Wednesday at. the home of M15. Donald McIlVride. Mrs. D. Allan is visiting for a cou- ple of weeks with her brother, Mr. William Carson. ‘ 'vfi'iewsm'l‘fiuellnié spending her holi- days at her home near Brussels. Miss gargaret Petty accompanied her ome. _ _- .CVCOCVU Miss Mabel Sharp is holidaying \Vith Hampdpn friengs. James Picken, we hear, is laid up with an attack of the mumps. On April 2nd. 8 daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins Powell at, Lancer. Sask. Mrs. Powell is a daughter of Mrs. James Morice or Lancer, _Sz_isk. _ -- h -. _ L-.. Mrs.'John and Mrs. D. Marshal! of Knox Corners spent over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. McNal- ly_r_mar Mgtjlgdale. tv 1" n _.- -_AZ_.._ ---nn The monthly U. F. 0. meeting was held in Varney hall last Friday evening. A short prOgram was giv- en consisting of speeches by Dr. Leeson, Messrs. Cooper and Nelson of Markdaie, and solos by Miss Flor- ence Kerr and Earl Mead, recitations by Misses Esther Petty and Hazel Mountain. Miss W'innie Barber read the Gazette. Messrs. Bower and Nelson treated the people to moving pictures on “Lumbering and Min- ing." “Treating Grrain for Smut" and "Hug Raising.” which were enjoyed by all. The ladies gave a fine. lunch at the elosm leS. Ex';4i'§1tt Hay and Helvnn of \\'c’-llam_l aI‘v spending: thvir l'laslnl' holiday at. ”16 McAlister home. _ Miss Esther Mclmzm and sislmn ()alhm'mo. an") Visiting frlunds m 'l‘m'nnl 0. Rocky Saugeen (0 ur own Correspondent.) Miss Mnrrnn B‘chrtlnu- is. sponding the linstm' holidays with lwr par- vnts. Mr. and Mrs. Dan. )chrtllur. Miss Armctta McKnchniq is in 'l'm'nnm this work attondmg tho 'l‘muflwrs’ dem‘ntlon. M 1'. and Mrs. Davis of Owen Sound and Miss JPmima La\\'rmim~ nl‘ Wiaik tun smut. Sunday with their unvle. Mr. \Valinr Clarke and family. M 1's. Rniwri. \Vi‘l'bi’im' is visiting for :l \ank or so with 1101‘ duughtmu Mrs. Jack (laswcll. 7-}.“1'1'; "anâ€"(l Mrs. Jth Buyd Spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Millm‘. Miss Sadie Lawrvnw of Town“. smut a fmv lmlulays \\'1t.h 1101' par- unts. Mr. and Mrs. .lumns I;3\3’1‘_0|_1(Â¥0_. Mr. Chutjlvs vapler finished burning: a big: _k_1_lI_1__0f_ llmu last \\'v_vk. M iss ‘ on‘wé .4“ iddmmn is Spending ”HS \vm‘wk '\\.'lt.h the McLean and ()larko famlhvs. 'l‘lw concvrt which was hold in thi- schnnl last Friday night was a big surcvss. 'l‘lw [iii-ngrum was good and Hm door receipts amounted in about, 3428.00. 'l‘lin next mimling of the l‘. l". \\'. U. will lw lwlil at tho homo nf Mrs. 'l‘. Turnlmll on Friday. April Hill. A Northeast Normanby (Continuml f mm page 5) the little steamer Iceland, fur Liven pool, from which port the start is H)lnilnadn. WWHélhnfl dash hithe pokaistn beinadein a yuan aha ship Of11H31Hiflnit§1Hh and AJgars- son is taking with him thirty tons (if cylinders containing 50.000 cubic foot of gas for inflating thv craft. Wednesday (ivrharl. Sunmln'lsum. tho (‘mrmanl pom. has just ('t-mplvtml the l‘vstivaH pl 5' which xvii! lw giwu in Hunk-11.; Bavaria. on May 6th and 7th at thni owning of Uw m'rman musnum. Thu music for (hp play has. hum:- wx’ittnu by Ht-rmuu Zilcluu', a pro-l l'vssor at Llu- Munich Musical (Jul-i 1 large. 'l‘hu nthy 01001041 I'lstvr "‘arha-t input. mi't yi‘stm'day amt Hi'gam'u-«t‘ xx ith tlw i‘t*-i'll‘t"ii"ll m‘ R. W. Hume's (YNt‘iii as Slit‘akt‘l' :ti'tvi' lhi- Illl'fll- hers had takvn the math ut‘ nt'iam'. The Nationalists and UN" Rnpuiili- vans did not. atfvnd. A dispatch to tho I’I‘P~S .-\~5.~'nci:i- that in London from tiliatham saw that, an nftivm‘ and five I'IH‘H \H‘i'u’ i'il’flWIlmi whun a launch “whinging tn the Bam'ihus. an auxiliary \msvl nt' thv British float. mltuimi with a bargv last night. and awm'tm-itm‘t. Emilv Vandorwhhn ill“ Bnlgiau Socialist inadm' and t'm'mi-i‘ \Iinisti'i- nt’ Justii'v. was summnnmt by him: Alhm't this mnrninir and i«-i:i1r~.=lml in farm a Ministry to sucvmiwl the tlahim-f. Hf i’i'vmivi' ’I'hmmw. \\'i|i(’il i'i'siunmt on April 5th. M. Valuinr- wldv agi‘m-«l tn midni'taiw tho- task. World News ' Two of Lvndnn's hm! housesâ€"Nos. m and H Stroet, rvslm'liwly tlu- ”Hit of tho Primv Mimsto-r and Im‘ Hf tho EXPIIN;\Io-l'â€"-â€"aro' such a slate of ducay that c-mmont is mnsidoring \x‘l Us «lvsimhlo to [ml] than} . Tom Mix, movie actor. with wife and daughter, arriymi in 5...: amnion. England, irony-Nu“- Y. and were \yelcomod by in:- I'm. Mayor nf Brighton. Mix pic-aw! largo crowd by riding 1m in Tony. down the gang-nay frwin ship to tho quay. The condition of 2!:' la Devnnshire. {armor (-mva'lte era! of Canada. who sum-mi stroke of paralysis at. his Ir Late. Lismom Castlv. Waturt'u land. on Sunday. cumimuu t anxiety. although no ?.~‘ MM. “I? was inmmliate-ly ai‘tur izv 1 . I'Mmjld insU-ad of repairs. Water! Water! Water! [LIL No. 4. Durham. “.1111! , ‘9’“ 169 i925 Why take a chance and my water that is polluted and unfit for domestic use. when Pure Water can he had by having a well drillm‘. \\'«~ handle Pumps and Pump llu- pairs Satisfaction Guaranteed ED. J. PRATT thom «10“ making: 11 ”1" “UR“ Hf (mwrnm-J ivy... sufl‘vml :1 Slight. it. his Irish «m- Waterford. h..- Liming m mum is l‘var man 1““? ilc‘ h'an' Phone 98-12 haw HI\\V ’Il‘k ow GLENELG amasi DIED IN Mlt VOL. 58.â€"N(). 11018. .11. William Burnett Paw 'l‘idly at Engadmo I; .ldo YCStCrday m Hmme oury. Mr. .\H; Liflt'. (”0" day that liam Hum away 1h.» M rvnm III~ 'l‘uvsdzu 'amv :h and mi sh! (IN “ll ll lmmv m'vlu III in hl'l‘v. \\ lh'l'o and \\ \HI and an mmn'n «laugh LIVIDHI Mr uml HM BEGGS’ STORE C01 CLOSED LAST SA Announcement Made Winners ;n 819 EvenL (hi rm DICK McCABE M [N WINDSOR H‘ Was In Serious Pneumonia But Improving. (II 'n \\ val ‘ with Cali“ “Dirk. has In a l‘ofrim'l'atm' inn vmll. \\'.‘ that "In Iah-sl is um of «Ian In cumv lmm rm-upc-rato, V LEFT SATURDAY FOR POSITION AT Sidney Standen Has: tion With IcLagan W Mr. S. SMIMML a I'vs‘lt ham unm- l‘ML'. o-xm-nt ind In- \\':|-' uxe-rwas, l aftvrnnnn fur Sth'uH has lakvn u low-Hum \‘l men llnnumm. hmnl facturc-rs Hf Hm! my Mr. Standvn |m~ low'll l the Durham l-nrmhu' During his PPSH'NN'P ha den has madc- many h" M smong Ills fc-lln who, while rom‘vmu um, wish him luck i \\ \\’ ill 8| \I M Ill II b\\' II \V H Ill l‘. In \\ M “I H III-I .\I mat M .\| M \\ N01

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